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All That Is Left Of You Is The Snapchat Memory💔
...:::Mayo Chix:::....
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A bandeira do Planeta Terra
O projeto intitulado A Bandeira Internacional do Planeta Terra foi criado pelo designer Oskar Pernefeldt, da Beckmans College of Design em Estocolmo, na Suécia. A ideia da bandeira, tal como o próprio escreveu no site da iniciativa, é a de recordar as pessoas de que todos partilhamos o planeta azul, independentemente das muitas nações e suas fronteiras. Mas também ter um símbolo que tenha…
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#cancer signocancer ♋️ tatuagemfeminina girlstattoo tattoogirls art momotattoostudio momotattoo momoartetattoo tattoolovers tatto#Bandeira Internacional do Planeta Terra#Beckmans College of Design em Estocolmo#Cristina Marques#designer Oskar Pernefeldt#empresas como a LG e a BSmart#meios de comunicação#NASA#observador#Planeta Azul#representatividade universal#Suécia#TATTOO
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Glean, Glow, Glam – Denise Treizman at Coral Springs Museum (Art Spiel)
Unboxing the Origins of Civilization (Hyperallergic)
Periwinkle Bubble Wrap: Denise Treizman and the Art of the Disposable (The Interior Review)
The Textile Anthropology of Supernaturae (SUSTAIN the Mag)
Creativity in Crisis (AGAATI Artisan Fashion Foundation) Summer Dream is Finally Here! (AGAATI Blog)
Fashion Companies Need to Encourage Customers to Recycle (Medium)
New Yorkers Anne Whiting & Allison Vicenzi Talk About Sustainability & The City (ReFash Magazine)
Ode to Autumn: or, on falling leaves and failing friendships (bSmart Media) If The Shoe Fits: Dating As E-Commerce artTECA: Celebrating Your Individuality through Art and Fashion Artists in Action: Fostering Community, Bridging Divides with IThou Art On the Importance of ‘Me Too’ (bSmart, selected by Medium as top story for Women’s History Month)
Cuban art opens up to the world (The Global Post/The World)
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Virginie Delalande (1980 - )
Ou celle qui a décidé de dire merde à la surdité !
Virginie Delalande est née le 18 août 1980. Dès la naissance, on lui diagnostique une surdité profonde et on annonce à ses parents que leur petite fille va avoir une vie plus limitée et surtout que jamais elle n’entendra et jamais elle ne parlera.
Les Delalande n’en croient pas un mot et c’est ainsi que Virginie suivra, tout au long de son enfance et de son adolescence, des cours d’orthophonie. Elle apprend également à lire sur les lèvres.
Oui, Virginie est une badass.
L’adolescente a également la chance de bénéficier d’un codeur pour suivre ses cours : cette personne code ce que disent les professeurs en Langue Française Parlée Complétée. La LFPC se basant sur le code manuel autour du visage et de la lecture labiale, cela semble parfaitement adapté pour la jeune fille.
A 18 ans, elle sait également parler la langue des signes.
18 ans, majorité… et tentative d’une pose d’un implant pour essayer de lui permettre d’entendre un peu. Vont s’en suivre quatre ans de tentative de réglages, de migraines, qui vont se solder par la perte définitive d’une des oreilles. Désormais, elle n’a plus qu’un implant qui lui permet de déterminer son environnement.
Après ses années lycées, Virginie entre en droit à l'Université Panthéon-Assas et malgré les difficultés liées à son handicap, elle valide chaque année, passe l’examen du Barreau…
Et devient la première femme sourde de France à devenir avocate.
Oui, je vous l’avais dit, Virginie est une badass !
Cependant, la jeune femme décide de ne pas se tourner vers les plaidoiries dans les tribunaux ou les cours et devient juriste avant de développer son activité et de devenir également coach en 2019.
L’histoire de Virginie est terriblement inspirante, au point qu’avant qu’elle ne développe son activité de coaching, elle est approchée par la réalisatrice Laëtitia Moreaux. Ainsi naît le documentaire L’Eloquence des Sourds dans lequel l’avocate explique son parcours, ses difficultés, et aussi les préjugés qu’elle a à subir au quotidien.
Rien n’arrête notre Virginie nationale puisqu’en 2019, elle participe au concours d’éloquence organisé par Laurent Ruquier : Le Grand Oral, où elle arrive deuxième derrière Bill François !
En juillet 2020, elle est sélectionnée parmi les 40 femmes inspirantes en France selon Forbes11 et en novembre, parmi les 25 Linkedin Top Voices 2020 France D’ailleurs, elle fera la une de Forbes en 2022.
Virginie écrit aussi un livre dont le titre la définit si bien : Abandonner ? Jamais ! Cette biographie retrace son parcours et donne des pistes de développement personnel.
Elle anime une émission de télévision depuis 2022 : B-Inspired, sur la chaîne Bsmart, un talk show où elle reçoit des personnes au parcours aussi inspirant que le sien.
Enfin, toujours en 2022, elle est faire Chevalière de l’Ordre National du Mérite.
A côté de ça, Virginie a aussi sa vie de femme : elle est la mère de deux enfants, sourds eux aussi et gageons qu’avec une mère comme elle, eux non plus ne se sentiront jamais limités par leur handicap !
Quelques citations de Virginie :
Sourde profonde de naissance, je me plais à dépasser les barrières que la société dresse régulièrement devant moi.
Mon credo : Différents ou non, nous avons tous en nous des trésors que nous pouvons mettre au service de chacun.
Arrêtez de me mettre des barrières que je ne me mets pas moi-même !
Virginie Delalande est une véritable battante et à elle, rien ne lui semble impossible ! Quel dommage qu’elle ne soit pas plus connue, que ce soit dans notre hexagone comme à l’étranger !
- Marina Ka-Fai
Si toi aussi tu veux en lire plus sur Virginie, tu peux aller regarder ces sources :
Le site internet de Virginie : https://www.handicapower.com/
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Looking For The Best IT Security Services in Lake Worth FL
https://floridamanageditservice.com/it-security-services/ - BSmart Services LLC offers IT security services in Lake Worth, FL, to help protect businesses from cybersecurity threats. They offer customized IT security solutions tailored to each customer's needs, including network security, vulnerability assessments, and compliance audits. They use advanced tools and technologies to ensure systems are secure and protected against any possible security breaches. Visit their website for more information at https://floridamanageditservice.com/it-security-services/.
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Affordable Battery Bikes For Sale: Where To Find The Best Deals?
Electric bikes, or e-bikes, have become increasingly popular in recent years because of their affordability, convenience, and eco-friendliness. With the rising demand for e-bikes, finding affordable battery bikes for sale can be challenging without compromising on quality. Purchasing a battery bike can be a great investment for your health, wallet, and the environment. With a little research and patience, finding an affordable and high-quality e-bike that meets your needs is possible. Read More : https://www.quora.com/profile/Bsmart-5/Affordable-Battery-Bikes-For-Sale-Where-To-Find-The-Best-Deals
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Franchise Gone Wrong!
A dilemma in the franchise business in the area of Bukidnon has given the owner a headache.
In this day and age, many people dive into the path of making additional income by starting their own business. One method that an aspiring business owner did was to franchise an already existing business in their area. But what does franchising mean?
Franchising is a type of license that allows a franchisee to sell a product or service under the brand name of the franchisor by giving them access to the franchisor's unique business expertise, procedures, and trademarks. In exchange for obtaining a franchise, the franchisee typically pays the franchisor an initial start-up fee as well as annual licensing fees. This type of business can assist an entrepreneur in getting started. It is easier to start a business using this method, BUT you must invest and try to earn as much money as possible.
Now you might think that starting a business through this is as easy as writing your name backwards, but remove that thought! Franchising is a business that can also have problems. Of course, if you start a business, you want to make much more money than you put in, but what if the products you franchise are the ones you least expected?
Let's take a look at the situation.
Food is one of the many things that we require in the Philippines and around the world. We seek food at all times and in all circumstances! Much more if these are snack foods.
In times like these (a.k.a. pandemic), the most convenient way to view the products that are offered is through a video presentation. Snacks such as burgers, lemonade, siomai, siopao, and a few others were featured in the video, which included a total of eight products. In addition, the franchisee can easily order the burger patties, siomai and siopao from the franchisor and everything seems to be in a good condition. So, what exactly is the issue here?
The main problem here is the burger patties. They're tasty, which is great, but the franchisee found that the patties were too thin even when they were raw. As a result, when cooked, it became even thinner, much smaller than in the franchising company's advertisement and promotional video.
This image is from the franchisor's promotional video, and notice the small margin between the patty and the bun.
This was of the franchisee's, and you can see that there is a much larger margin between the patty and the bun.
So, let’s ask ourselves:
How will the franchisee sell those burgers when its buns are twice the size of its patties?
Is the price reasonable in relation to the product's content?
To solve the situation, below are some options:
1. Buy the burger patties elsewhere.
Since the size of the burger patty is the problem, this option will emphasize more on the size of the patty. The franchisee could reach out to other suppliers that provide a much thicker patty. However, it must be kept in mind that this option will require additional cost. Another to issue to look out for is that will the taste of this patty pass the customers’ taste?
Thus, when purchasing the burger patties, they may come in twos. It could be big enough for the bun and taste good, or it could be big but not tasty.
2. Lower the planned price.
Although lowering the planned price may appear to be a good option from the consumer's perspective, it may be the opposite for the franchisee because it may not make a profit on the money invested.
3. Innovate the food product.
Adding some twists to your product through the addition of other ingredients may come in handy to hide the fact that you have a thin burger patty. This may increase the franchisee's expenses, but it may also increase its selling price. Taking care of two birds with one stone!
4. Ask the franchising company about the burger patties.
Despite the fact that this appears to be the most logical response to the current situation. This may also be a hassle for the franchisee, as they have already agreed on the franchise. Furthermore, the process may take a long time and cause harm to both parties.
What is the best solution?
Innovate the food product!
Instead of leaving the burger as it was, the franchisee could add some more fillings. For example, top it with an egg, cheese, or even bacon, and other burger toppings such as tomatoes and lettuce, then sauce it with your local mayo and ketchup, and voila! With this option, the planned price will not have to be reduced; instead, the price will be reasonable and sufficient to satisfy the customer's hunger.
The addition of several fillings make the burger look more plumpy and tastier, fitting in with the price range and increasing the rate of acquired customers.
What do we say to this solution?
Choosing the best option for a new business is critical to its success. And the first step toward success is acquiring more customers and converting them into regulars, because customers generate your income. However, these all depend to your products’ quality. As a result of the franchisee's decision to simply innovate the product, many more customers became aware of it and took an interest in it.
In a nutshell, business is a trial and error, it is always a learning process.
The upgraded versions of the burger.
What did we learn?
Having a good business is essential for success. Budget, quality, and customer feedback should all be taken into account. We cannot expect a successful business unless we think outside the box. The worst-case scenarios that could occur are essential for us to progress in developing solutions to specific problems in every business. And keeping in mind that every business will face problems, being prepared to solve them is the best solution.
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Facebook on Thursday morning announced its long-awaited launch of smart glasses into space, launching Ray-Ban Storie’s smart glasses in partnership with glasses giant EssilorLuxottica. Voluntary frames are one of the few profiles still available for consumers and will allow users to snap photos and videos with two embedded 5MP cameras, listen to music and make phone calls with in-frame speakers. The glasses need to be connected to an iOS or Android device for full functionality, although users can save and store hundreds of photos or dozens of videos in the glasses before transferring media to their phone via Facebook's new View app. The Twin Camera will allow users to add 3D effects to their photos and videos after uploading to the app. These glasses can hold more than 500 pictures. I can make videos, take pictures while walking. I can receive calls. I can use Facebook. Again can be used like ordinary glasses. The funny thing is we can't secretly take videos or pictures with these glasses. This is a good aspect of these glasses. The current market price is 299.00 USD
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“Do what you love and you will never work a day in your life “ #bepic #bstrong #bsmart https://www.instagram.com/p/B9DoE-ZpSH7/?igshid=19621x8iqlsxj
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Haze Tomika...
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Norwegian pop singer, Astrid S, explains to her Boston audience why she write her hit single, ‘Such a Boy!’
Growing up she realized that girls are often portrayed in relationships as the unstable and dramatic ones: “I remember being really confused when I was a little girl because I thought, a girl is the best thing to be!”
We rise when we empower each other - and ourselves! - to be the best that we can be, despite the roles the media puts us in. Join the bSmart community today to find a mentor and to grow your professional goals!
#bSmart#bSmart Guide#female empowerment#feminism#astrid s#mentorship#community#singer#wisdom#wise words#wise women
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So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #department56 #bsmart: https://posh.mk/eab41WuAx1
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So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp from @immortalprincezz #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #katespade #bsmart: https://posh.mk/VcgFV89k4Y
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So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #tobi #bsmart #justdesserts: https://posh.mk/GUdhSXy6QX
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So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #eloquii #bsmart: https://posh.mk/8ApoFC1HP1
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So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp from @just-another-girl13 #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #bsmart: https://posh.mk/WixrOT2IRX
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