#brynhildr lfrp
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darkenedsteppemoon-blog · 6 years ago
Run Himurano [Crystal] LFRP
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The Basics ––– –
Age:  Early to Mid 20′s (Between 20 to 25, depending on Time antics.)
Birthday: 18th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon
Race: Au Ra/Xala (Raen Appearance [has to do with Backstory])
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Unmarried
Server: Brynhildr (Crystal DC)
Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair:  Pale blonde hair with white highlights, usually kept shoulder length.  White highlights are interspersed throughout.  She prefers it in a half-up style so it stays out of her face.
Eyes: Golden amber toned, with bright blue limbal rings.
Height: 5’6″
Build: Lithe and toned, all muscle. Think something akin to a martial artist, or dancer.
Distinguishing Marks: Body is covered in scars all over, though she has white scars all up her hands and arms that seem almost like cracks or lightning, stopping at her elbows.  
Common Accessories: Almost never seen without a choker of some sort, even in her most casual wear, and gloves or wraps on her hands.  She has a fondness for the color red, and wears either that, or the color black.
Personal ––– –
Profession:  Adventurer, Scion, DRK, DNC, MNK, Goldsmith, Weaver
Hobbies: Singing where she thinks no one can hear, swimming, Fighting with whoever’s still willing to spar with her.
Languages: Eorzean, the Xaela tongue, and conversational Garlean, and while she can write in Common, she’s abysmal at reading and writing in any foreign tongue and seems almost embarrassed when someone tries to teach her.  If you ask, she might tell you why...
Residence: Ala Mhigan Quarter, an Inn Room she keeps on hold
Birthplace: The Kagon tribe on the Steppe
Religion: None.  
Patron Deity: Rhalgr, the Destroyer
Fears: Hero-worship, Being seen as weak, Going home, Isolation, Complete darkness, Fuzzy caterpillars (no, seriously.), ever seeing her brother again.
Personality: Aggressive. abrasive, and rude, Himurano Run is not the sort of person you’d expect to be any kind of good with people, and yet when she finds someone she empathizes with?  She is capable of great gentleness and becomes fiercely loyal and protective.  A warrior at heart, and a lion, this woman will forever stand by those she loves.  She has a lot of fear in her past, and a lot of things she’s unsure about, and with a lack of a guiding hand, she tends to spiral.  Guiding herself is easy enough, though she tends to throw herself recklessly in to adventures in order to avoid things...it’s how she became involved with the Scions.
Relationships ––– -
Spouse: None, single.
Children: None, ew.
Parents: Erden Kagon (Father, Deceased) x Badma Kagon (Mother, Deceased),  Himurano Akane  (Adopted Mother, Alive, Thaum [BRYN])
Siblings: Yul Kagon (Alive, Twin brother, and she is TERRIFIED of seeing him)
Other Relatives:  The Kagon tribe
Pets: An otter named Chow
Traits ––– -
* Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––– –
Smoking Habit: No. Drugs: No. Alcohol: Oh gods yes, VERY heavily.
Possible Hooks ––– –
The Scion and Traveler: A daughter of the Steppe long come to Limsa, she was raised to fight.  She fell kind of accidentally in to the Scions’ laps and took up work with them as a Dark Knight. Run is fierce, headstrong, reckless, and loud.  It’s not hard for you to have come across her in your travels, in some dungeon or another, deep in a ruin, or in contact with the Scions themselves!  It’s not unheard of for her to frequent Ishgard as well.  It helps her get out her aggression, and she uses it as a way to vent.
The Dancer: To escape, and to pay honor to who she used to be, Run moonlights as a dancer.  Her performances happen all over Eorzea, and usually she finds a way to veil herself if she can.  She enjoys simply letting her body trace, turn, and pattern, so that she can show off...and maybe, if there’s any way, she’ll take someone home, get drunk, and fuck.  Dancing is her way to find release.
The Crafter and the Friend: What can she say?  She loves the rhythm of Goldsmithing and Weaving, both are a pattern, symmetry that life has often denied her.  It’s something she follows happily, and often loves to teach others!   However, when it comes to other people, she seeks out those that she knows need her.  She will sit by them, and make sure they’re well taken care her.  She can be doting, caring, and very much the mom-friend.
Other: Anything.  Any combo, a former lover?  Former family member?  From the Steppe or the Kagon tribe?   Someone who knew her before the day her parents died?   It really could be anything!  I’m always down to plot, and even open to new-ideas.
What I’m Looking For ––– –
Contacts and Friends!: So, SO new to in-game RP, so I need time and patience, but I would love some new friends and RP contacts.
SHIPS:  Run is Poly and Pansexual, and has yet to have an actual ship aside from an FWB ship, and a few canon-ships that I do with one regular partner.  I would love to branch out and try some new stuff, maybe find some new people, play in her new ‘verses.
Friendships: ....She is SO BAD AT MAKING FRIENDS -PUNTS HER-
Shenanigans: Any kind of adventure. or mishaps.
Slice of Life/Random Interactions: Random and crazy stuff is GREAT.
OOC and Roleplaying Preferences ––– –
I am a Graphic Communications student, who has serious health issues, so my time’s sporadic in-game, but I’m on Tumblr and Discord all the time.  We can definitely chat, and try to coordinate things, and I’m always willing to try out new stuff <3
I’m in CST, so I’m usually able to accommodate MOST stuff?  But my sleep schedule’s a bit weird, so we have to talk through that.
I’m on Discord a lot, so it’s often the easiest way to get a hold of me.
I’m still very new to in-game RP, and use the PS4 and a Chat Pad, and have super poor eyesight thanks to my health condition, so PLEASE BE PATIENT <3 I’m trying ;3;
OOC TALKING IS MY JAM.  I love plotting, and random IC chat, and just...Talking with my partners is so wonderful and amazing and perfect.  It makes me happy ;w;.  
My home world is Bryn for this character.
Regarding M/ERP: I am more than happy to write it, HOWEVER, YOU MUST BE 18+.  I WILL NOT RISK JAIL TIME FOR YOU.  I enjoy smut.  So much.  Like I will write it all day and night if you let me.  It is not my be-all, end-all though. I love general interactions~
Contact Information  ––– –
Discord - Ask me <3
In Game - Run Himurano
Tumblr -  @darkenedsteppemoon
Items in this post subject to change if/when the need arises (regarding roleplay).
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ex-atomos2 · 6 years ago
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Looking for the LFRP posts? RP events? FFXIV art? Community resources?
I’ve (finally) got the master post for you!
Looking for RP
lfrp Crystal
lfrp Balmung
lfrp Brynhildr
lfrp Coeurl
lfrp Diabolos
lfrp Goblin
lfrp Malboro
lfrp Mateus
lfrp Zalera
RP Events
Crystal RP events
RP event calendar (This blog is NOT run by me but is an excellent resource for RP event listings! The name is still Balmung RP Calendar but the listings are now Crystal DC wide.)
Community Blogs
(If you have a Crystal DC community blog and would like to be listed here, please message me with a link!)
Other Fun Stuff
FFXIV housing
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latnemele · 6 years ago
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The Far Light Fair ––– –   ➸
Hosted by The Far Light: Viera Diaspora RP Linkshell will be a delightful fair for those both lost and found. Join us for a linkshell get together that includes: performances, booths, a potluck, “Duty Roulette: LFRP,” and more!
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Save The Date ––– –   ➸
Saturday, August 3rd!
Starting: 5PM PST // 8PM EST.
Located: Lavender Beds, Ward 1, Mateus.
Participants Needed ––– –   ➸
Performers :: Do you enjoy performing? Are you talented with the in game instruments? Do you type beautiful dance and song performances? Is your character talented with magic or sleight-of-hand? Please sign up for our Talent Showcase by filling out this form! 
Booths :: Do you want to host a fun booth? Does your free company do something special for events? Maybe you like vending? Please fill out this form to sign up with a booth! 
Duty Roulette: LFRP :: Duty Roulette: LFRP is a randomized RP experience. If you're someone who is shy, has difficulties with walk up, or is just looking to build some new connections this might be the experience for you! Duty Roulette: LFRP sorts you with one or two random partners who have also signed up for the program. Fill out this form if you would like to participate! 
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Final Notes ––– –   ➸
Click here for the official event post! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Saga Thlag (Galaxsea#5703) or Isey Lightmother (emberfall#6896).
@mooglemeet @balmungrpcalendar @balmungroleplayers @balmungrp @ffxiv-crystal-rp @mateusrpcalendar
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sieghartchase · 5 years ago
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“I’m just doing my best to pretend like I know what the fuck I’m doing”
Sieghart Chase - Final Fantasy XIV - Brynhildr, Crystal 
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realms-above · 4 years ago
LFRP - Crystal
Nirzhi Baskal  |  Brynhildr  |  Keeper of the Moon |  Bio
An amnesiac adventurer, Nirzhi travels around Gridania playing her instruments while trying to learn more about both herself and the Calamity that nearly destroyed the world. She loves music, reading, and astronomy, and, while introverted, enjoys talking with others about those topics.
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Sylveret Terrechant  |  Mateus  |  Duskwight  |  Bio
Sylveret is a troubled individual with a less-than-stellar past, but in Limsa Lominsa, he is somehow surviving. Though he works odd jobs, his real interest lies in culinary and gardening, a stark contrast to his explosive temperament. Though fiercely loyal, it takes more than a miracle to earn it.
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Sonja Tswarra  |  Balmung  |  Veena  |  Bio
Sonja is kind, motherly, and a teaser. Though she loves her friends, she will put them through the wringer for a laugh. She is a level-headed individual doing freelance work for the Immortal Flames and considers Ul’dah her home, despite not hailing from Eorzea. She is easy to get along with, but difficult to know.
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                                                     - OOC -
Hello, I am Golden. I’m coming back after a two-year hiatus because of school. Since I graduated, I’ll have much more time to play in-game and rp on tumblr. I am also available on discord if in-game and tumblr doesn’t quite work out for you. I will rp basically any subject, though ERP is rather iffy. I look forward to anyone else who wants to rp with my characters! Send me an ask or like this post and I’ll get back to you asap.
Check out my tumblr for more info, and thanks for checking my post out!
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wolkamui · 5 years ago
Kamui Gaeric | LFRP
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The Basics ––– –
Age: 30 (ARR starting age) | 42 (ShB ending age)
Birthday: 5th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon
Race: Raen Au Ra
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: Long brown hair that fades into blond. Almost always tied back into a tight plait.
Eyes: Salmon pink irises with vibrant red limbal rings
Height: 7 fulms, 1 ilm.
Build: Toned but not overly muscular, he honestly only keeps in shape for the sake and safety of others.
Distinguishing Marks: Freckles cover his entire body, but he covers up so much that you can only see the ones on his face and hands.
Scars: None (yet).
Common Accessories: His glasses and special reading gloves are never far from him. 
Personal ––– –
Profession: Librarian and Historian. Oh, and a Warrior of Light.
Hobbies: Reading, teaching youths how to read/write.
Languages: Eorzean Common, however his Echo allows him to understand other languages.
Residence: A small but cozy apartment located directly above the library he works at in Limsa Lominsa
Birthplace: Ul’dah
Religion: Non-religious, in a sense that he’s uncertain of his own beliefs.
Patron Deity: Thaliak
Fears: Losing his memories, or ability to read and write. (Also fires, but he tries to keep that one a secret)
Relationships ––– -
Spouse: N/A.
Children: N/A.
Parents: Mother is decease, but his father, Akagi, still lives in Ul’dah.
Siblings: N/A.
Other Relatives: None that he speaks to/knows of.
Pets: If you count carbuncles...
Traits ––– -
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open-Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
RP Hooks ––– –
Can I help you with anything?: Perhaps your character is looking for a specific book, or did they stumble into the library not knowing what it was? Either way Kamui will be more than happy to lend a hand. 
I suppose... so long as you don’t tell anyone...: If you’re looking for information on some supposed ‘hidden treasures’ or perhaps on a missing person, then Kamui may be of more use than he lets on. After all, books aren’t the only way to learn things; sometimes people are worth even more than the books they’re taking out.
Duty Calls!: Has your WoL/adventurer character run into some trouble and needs some emergency backup? Kamui may be a bookworm, but he’s not against using them as weapons when necessary - although he would much rather summon a carbuncle of egi where possible, of course.
Contact & OOC Information  ––– –
While I have versions of Kamui on both Twintania (Light) and Brynhildr (Crystal), and I know the full story of Shb... neither of them have even hit HW yet cos I’m constantly putting off playing qwq So if you want to RP in-game it’ll have to limited to ARR locations.
I’m most active on Discord so feel free to DM me for my handle so we can discuss RP plans in depth! I’m very new to RPing in general, so I apologise in advance and ask you to be patient with me.
I’m open to almost any sort of scene! The RP hooks I have listed are just random ideas I came up with while making this post ^^; I just ask that if you want to go into an extreme theme such as gore, or heavy topics such as death, that you ask ahead. Also please no spiders I’m a big arachnophobe so I will likely cease responding if you bring them up without warning.
Also please note that Kamui is far smarter than I am so if we go into an intellectual RP scene I may take longer to respond cos I’m trying to find the correct phrasing of correct information without sounding like a wikipedia article. Also I put in his ARR start age and ShB ending age so you can pick at what point in the expansions you’d like to RP with him! If you don’t care I’ll just default to his base 30 age.
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glynder · 5 years ago
♦ LFRP - Agaiht’a Lhemha
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♦ The Basics ––– 
Age: 29
Race: Miqo’te Keeper of the Moon
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Marital Status: Single
Server: Crystal (Brynhildr) + Chaos (Omega)
♦ Physical Appearance ––– 
Hair: Whiteish silver
Eyes: A periwinkle-esk blue/purple
Height: 5′7″
Build: Lean but not very muscular
Distinguishing Marks: If his collection of tattoos on his left shoulder aren’t a dead giveaway, his short bobtail immediately will.
Common Accessories: A silver ring on his right hand
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♦ Personal ––– 
Profession: Chocobo Racing, Thievery
Hobbies: Pretend reading, Leatherwork, Singing
Languages: Common
Residence: Who knows? Not him!
Birthplace: The Shroud
Religion: The Twelve
Patron Deity: Menphina
Fears: Why would he tell you?
♦ Traits ––– 
* Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open-Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
♦ RP Hooks ––– 
CHOCOBOS - Agaiht’a’s biggest passion is the raising and care of chocobos. He owns one, named Teba, and frequently takes her places with him. Agaiht’a also has no problem working for others who want some decent care for their birds, and will offer his assistance in exchange for some gil. He adores talking about chocobos with others, especially if one is present.
RACING - Speaking of chocobos, Agaiht’a races his own for a living. He loves bragging about himself and Teba to other people, particularly other racers. He doesn’t know many others outside the field, so Agaiht’a is always looking for more connections within and around the profession.
AETHER STUDIES - Agaiht’a’s second-largest hobby is his studying of aether. Born weak to aether, he gets severe aether sickness even from short aetheryte trips, and he one day hopes to remedy this. Between races, Agaiht’a travels to libraries and museums in search of information on the topic and possible cures to his ailment. He’s been trying to make more connections with those who understand aether, especially magic users.
THIEVERY - Simply put, chocobo racing isn’t the most profitable career, especially for a mid-tier racer. Agaiht’a tends to end up needing to steal most of his meals and clothes. He tries to keep this as secret as possible, but sometimes it can be difficult to sneak away with an armful of gysahl greens undetected.
MOON KEEPERS - Even though he was born and raised in the shroud, Agaiht’a knows very little about his peoples’ culture for reasons he refuses to talk about. There’s a small part of him that wants to connect more with others, but he doesn’t want to make a fool of himself by being ignorant. When asked anything related to Keeper culture, he just lies with what he thinks is the best answer- a trick that’s gotten him humiliated on more than one occasion.
♦ Contact Information  –––
The best way to contact me would have to be through Tumblr or on Discord ( Bakugoes#0878 ), though you can sometimes find me online as well!
♦  OOC Info –––
I’m a super anxious person, but I’ve been RPing for years, and I love meeting new people! It might take me time to warm up to RPing with you, but I promise the anxious stage doesn’t last long.^^’
For Agaiht’a, I’m looking for anything! He’s quite the flexible character, and I don’t have a specific plan in mind for his story to go- he’s basically a blank canvas. I am looking for an FC for him, too, so if you have any suggestions, feel free to tell me them!
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company-of-fools · 3 years ago
FFXIV LFRP – Dzukhyuk Tumet
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Be sure to read this dude’s rules and detailed about too! I rp in multi-para/novella style on Tumblr and on Discord, not in-game.
This is a sideblog to amissa-fide.
Name: Dzukhyuk “Dzudzu” Tumet
Age: 24
Nameday: 15th Sun of the 2nd Astral Moon
Race: Au Ra, Xaela
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual, biromantic
Marital Status: Single
Server: Brynhildr, Crystal DC
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black, white limbal rings
Height: 207.9 cm
Build: Toned but not exceedingly muscular. Hourglass figure.
Distinguishing Marks: Markings around his eyes giving him the look of always wearing eyeliner. Dark freckles on his face.
Common Accessories: Nothing in particular
Profession: Adventurer
Hobbies: Painting, making a nuisance of himself
Languages: Speaks common for everyone’s benefit
Birthplace: Azim Steppe, the Tumet tribe
Residence: Limsa Lominsa, the Topmast
Religion: Thinks highly of Nhaama, but doesn’t practice religion
Patron Deity: If asked by Eorzeans, will say Byregot, the Builder
Fears: Loneliness, becoming stuck as an outsider, losing his ability to move and wander as he pleases. Someone finding out his real name and asking him to spell it.
Spouse: None
Children: None
Parents: Yeteqghem Tumet (father), Kohta Tumet (mother)
Siblings: One older brother (presumed dead), Iziyaliya Tumet (younger sister)
Other relatives: A bunch
Pets: Not a pet exactly, but he has a personal chocobo creatively named Kweh.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Smoking Habit: None
Drugs: Every now and then
Alcohol: Yes
Ever Temporary Employee: Adventurers have been called a “liberty-loving breed”, and that description for sure fits Dzudzu. Pay him well enough and he’ll work for you for a time, yes, but expect him to bugger off the moment the coin stops flowing or the situation turns too boring for even gil to motivate him to stick around. He’s not a greedy person, anyway; having enough to his name to get by is all he asks.
Steppe-Dwellers: He has been away from the Azim Steppe for several years and doesn’t really plan to go back for good, but that doesn’t make Dzudzu any less proud of his heritage—Xaelic in general, and that which he has as a Tumet more specifically. He’s not likely to start talking about it with someone entirely unfamiliar with the Xaela and Xaela cultures, but should you share his origins or otherwise display knowledge of the place he comes from, he’ll probably love you.
Free Spirit: While Dzudzu has a (much neglected) apartment in the Mist, he has a permanent hankering for being on the road, exploring and experiencing everything he can. The wilder and more dangerous, the better! He most often travels with his two companions, but every now and then he’s on the move on his own as well. 
Drunken Antics: Be it in the Drowning Wench or whatever other tavern he found, Dzudzu is not picky about what he drinks as long as he can get inebriated with it. Taste, texture, and healthiness are entirely secondary. And no, he doesn’t hold his liquor well. He gets drunk fast and hard and suffers hellish hangovers that never seem to discourage him from there being a next time. His stupidity goes through the roof while at it, so... There’s a lot of room for things to go wrong in any number of ways. Mostly for himself.
Reluctant Hero Person: He’ll claim up and down every street that he’s not trying to make the world a better place, but nevertheless, Dzudzu is likely to step up to help with anything erroneous—and not demand a reward afterwards, against his better judgement. So, if you’re in trouble, it’s not too bad to hope he’d happen by, as long as you don’t mind him complaining about it for hours afterwards.
Mun is located in Northern Europe.
Discord is available if we’re planning to rp together.
As a general rule there’s nothing I'm entirely unwilling to write, but let’s discuss everything and make sure we’re on the same page. I’m also cognizant of in-character consequences and might refuse to rp something as a result.
I’m open to shipping, but I can’t promise fidelity on the muse’s part. Muse is also into flings and one night stands, what have you, but I’m not looking for my only interaction with someone to be ERP.
I mostly write in a single timeline, but I’m not completely opposed to canon-compliant AUs.
0 notes
sieghartchase · 5 years ago
LFRP - Sieghart Chase
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Basics –– ❤
AGE: 21
RACE: Hyur
GENDER: Cis Male (He/him)
SEXUALITY: "Very very gay"
SERVER: Brynhildr - Crystal Data Center
Physical Appearance -- ❤
Hair: Pink
Eyes: Yellow
Height: 1m 60 (5' 3'' or something, what even is a foot)
Build: smol twink, lil creatcher
Distinguishing Marks: Little pink heart tattoo on left cheek
Common Accessories: Earrings, especially big shiny ones.
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Personal ---❤
Profession: Former white mage retainer, turned bard by trade, occasionally selling clothes he sews.
Jobs: Bard and White Mage
Hobbies: Singing, song writing, playing the lute. Enjoys sewing, designing clothes in general.
Languages: Common Eorzean
Voice and Speech: Way too loud, especially when excited.
Residence: Usually he sleeps at inns or taverns where he performs, occasionally crashing at friends homes, or finding his way into some lucky gentleman's bed for the night.
Birthplace: A small settlement in East Shroud
Religion: Used to sing in church choir, still occasionally prays to The Twelve.
Patron Deity: Byregot, the Builder
Fears: Ghosts and commitment
Relationships ---❤
Spouse: none
Children: none
Parents: TBD
Siblings: TBD
Other Relatives: TBD
Pets: Rescued and befriended a wounded unicorn in Fallgourd, named him Mashmallow and travels with him.
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Traits ---❤
Extroverted / In-between / Introverted
Disorganized / In-between / Organized
Close-minded / In-between / Open-minded
Calm / In-between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In-between / Agreeable
Cautious / In-between / Reckless
Patient / In-between / Impatient
Outspoken / In-between / Reserved
Leader / In-between / Follower
Empathetic / In-between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In-between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In-between / Modern
Hard-working / In-between / Lazy
Cultured / In-between / Uncultured
Loyal / In-between / Disloyal
Faithful / In-between / Unfaithful
Additional Information ---❤
Smoking Habit: Never
Drugs: Never
Alcohol: "Yes, please"
Themes: I’m up for anything, though battles are not my strong suit, nor really fits Sieg’s narrative, I can make it work. A/M/E/RP whatever letter of the alphabet really.
What I’m Looking For: I adore Sieghart and want to share him around. It’s my first time roleplaying in FFXIV though. I want him to live a little, listen to stories, tell his own, create bonds, have fun, but also be real a little bit. Sieghart is very troubled too, he’s a tough cookie, so we can go deep and dark with him as well.
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RP Hooks ---❤
Your Friendly Neighborhood Bard - Sieghart is always somewhere playing his lute, he's a performer and adores attention. He could be performing in your local tavern, maybe grab a drink together after his songs? He could be practicing next to big cities aetherites and you were the only one in the audience?
Damn it Jim I’m a doctor not a retainer - Sieg used to be a white mage retainer, constantly leaving for different exploration ventures, so he is very experienced with healing magic. Maybe you’re an adventurer in need of support? Maybe your wolf pup got injured? Sieg has a soft heart and will go out of his way to cast some healing spells and strike up a conversation.
Contact Information/About the player ––– –❤
Just hit me up on tumblr or Discord (ask me for it).  I’m Metz, not a native english speaker, sorry. 21 years old, enby, I use she/her pronouns.   I’m not an expert on Final Fantasy lore, XIV is my first. My RP experience is very Homestuck based lmao, even then I didn’t use paragraphs, not sure what y’all go for around here.  Oh, I’m also writing him a collection in ao3 if anyone’s interested (tho it’s very explicit because sieg is a slut sorry) @ffxiv-crystal-rp​ @mooglemeet​ @crystalxivrp​
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realms-above · 6 years ago
LFRP - Crystal
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Nirzhi Baskal  |  Brynhildr  |  Keeper of the Moon |  Bio
An amnesiac adventurer, Nirzhi travels around Gridania playing her instruments while trying to learn more about both herself and the Calamity that nearly destroyed the world. She loves music, reading, and astronomy, and, while introverted, enjoys talking with others about those topics.
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Sylveret Terrechant  |  Mateus  |  Duskwight  |  Bio
Sylveret is a troubled individual with a less-than-stellar past, but in Limsa Lominsa, he is somehow surviving. Though he works odd jobs, his real interest lies in culinary and gardening, a stark contrast to his explosive temperament. Though fiercely loyal, it takes more than a miracle to earn it.
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Sonja Tswarra  |  Balmung  |  Veena  |  Bio
Sonja is kind, motherly, and a teaser. Though she loves her friends, she will put them through the wringer for a laugh, but always for both parties. She is a level-headed individual doing freelance work for the Immortal Flames and considers Ul’dah her home, despite not hailing from Eorzea. She is easy to get along with, but difficult to know.
- OOC -
Hello, I am Golden, and a newcomer to FFxiv, only been playing for a month. I have RP’d before with OC and Canon characters in a variety of fandoms, honestly for longer than I can really remember. I also write original stories. I am a university student with a job, so I won’t be terribly active during the semester online, but I am always available for tumblr RP (not time sensitive) and if I’m comfortable enough, we can try discord. My characters are new, and I’m still learning the game, but I would love to interact with other characters, whether here or in-game. I will RP anything but smut.
Thank you for taking the time to read!
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