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webdiggerxxx · 1 year ago
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ghousttm · 5 months ago
Hmjjhj help
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stargatelov3r · 8 months ago
encouraged by @1989nihil i will from now on start to ramble about my thesis here. posts concerning the topic will be tagged with "asile's thesis journey" although i could probably also tag it as "asile's slow descend into madness," but just in case you want to flag that tag :) but i swear there is some madly interesting stuff that i'm reading about!!
for example, it's so fun to read stuff like "‘Woman? Is there such a thing even as a woman sensed from the inside?’, she had demanded in the New Freewoman in 1913, ‘Never in the course of a long life have we felt “There, I felt that as a woman.” Always things have been felt as individual and unique, as much related to other women as to other men.’" (Dora Mardsen) or "I wish I was (born) a boy," "I wish I could do [thing] like a boy" (Bryher, freely quoted) because I cannot help but think "oh, buddy, i have news for you"
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violettesiren · 1 year ago
If I bring my loneliness To your arms,— This is not love. If I bend my head, Heavy with life, to meet your strength, forgive me,— (Would you hold me for a moment without speaking) This is not love. It is rest. A truth in dream, To slip aside our solitude at meeting, It is an hour we give to one another,— Not love.
Episode by Bryer (Annie Winifred Ellerman)
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mercymornsimpathizer · 3 months ago
a non-exhaustive list of butch literature
a (very ad-hoc) list of butch reading and writing, (mostly) by butch authors. books I've read myself in bold; take the rest with a grain of salt. additions, addendums, and commentary welcome :)
(you can find my list of femme literature here)
general/literary fiction:
mrs s by k patrick
stone butch blues by leslie feinberg
boulder by eva baltasar
running fiercely towards a thin high sounds by judith katz
tipping the velvet by sarah waters
a crystal diary by frankie hucklenbroich
godspeed by lynn breedlove
cha-ching! by ali liebegott
the ihop papers by ali liebegott
greasepaint by hannah levene
lucy and mickey by red jordan arobateau
the bull-jean stories by sharon bridgforth
development by bryher
notes of a crocodile by qiu miaojin
america is not the heart by elaine castillo
the slow fix by ivan coyote
the swashbuckler by lee lynch
old dyke tales by lee lynch
sci-fi, fantasy, and horror:
gideon the ninth by tamsyn muir
the unspoken name by ak larkwood
vermilion by molly tanzer
metal from heaven by august clarke
scapegracers by ha clarke
the unbroken by cl clarke
fire logic by laurie marks
the seep by chana porter
these burning stars by bethany jacobs
feast while you can by mikaella clements and onjuli datta
non-fiction, memoir, and autobiography:
hijab butch blues by lamya h
gender failure by ivan coyote and rae spoon
fun home by allison bechdel
butch is a noun by h bear bergman
female masculinity by jack halberstam
burning butch by rb murtz
when we were outlaws by jeanne cordova
leaving isn't the hardest thing by lauren hough
odd girls and twilight lovers by lillian faderman
another mother tongue by judy grahn
boots of leather, slippers of gold by elizabeth lapovsky and madeline davis
the persistent desire ed joan nestle
persistence: all way butch and femme ed ivan coyote and zena sharman
dagger: on butch women ed lily burana
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jaspoodlesypp · 10 months ago
I got FIVE LEAGUE POINTS in a single run!!!
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mannytoodope · 1 year ago
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city-of-ladies · 1 year ago
"Dr Sarah Stark, a human skeletal biologist at Historic England, said the findings provided “evidence of a leading role for a woman in warfare on iron age Scilly.”
“Although we can never know completely about the symbolism of objects found in graves, the combination of a sword and a mirror suggests this woman had high status within her community and may have played a commanding role in local warfare, organising or leading raids on rival groups.”
Stark added: “This could suggest that female involvement in raiding and other types of violence was more common in iron age society than we’ve previously thought, and it could have laid the foundations from which leaders like Boudicca would later emerge.”"
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ladyniniane · 2 years ago
"For decades archaeologists have puzzled over whether the stone-lined burial chamber, which was discovered in 1999 on Bryher, contained the remains of a man or a woman.
Excavations revealed a sword in a copper alloy scabbard and a shield alongside the remains of the sole individual, objects commonly associated with men. But a brooch and a bronze mirror, adorned with what appears to be a sun disc motif and usually associated with women, were also found. The grave is unique in iron age western Europe for containing both mirror and sword.
Now a scientific study led by Historic England has determined the remains are that of a woman, a discovery that could shed light on the role of female warriors during a period in which violence between communities is thought to have been a fact of life."
“Although we can never know completely about the symbolism of objects found in graves, the combination of a sword and a mirror suggests this woman had high status within her community and may have played a commanding role in local warfare, organising or leading raids on rival groups.”
Stark added: “This could suggest that female involvement in raiding and other types of violence was more common in iron age society than we’ve previously thought, and it could have laid the foundations from which leaders like Boudicca would later emerge.”"
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actual-changeling · 8 months ago
Still in London (and stuck in the heat rip me) and there is a bookstore called Gay's The Word that is filled to the brim with all kinds of queer books and queer books ONLY.
As one does, I had to put myself on a leash on only buy 5 new books I am incredibily excited about. So in case anyone is looking for new reading material, here's the list:
The Story of Silence by Alex Myers about a nonbinary knight "finding the courage to be who they are"
The Butch Monologues by Laura Bridgeman which is a collection of contemporary real-life stories exploring, well, butch and gender experiences
No Modernism without Lesbians by Diana Souhami, a collective biography about Sylvia Beach, Natalie Barney, Bryher, and Gertrude Stein and the Modernist movement
This Is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar & Max Gladstone, which I think many people already know–time travelling, science fiction, queer love, and existential crises
It Came From the Closet is a collection of twenty-six essays under the theme of queer reflections on horror, and I think that really tells you everything you need to know about it; critical, humorous, historical, and defined by personal experiences
They also have a website where you can browse and buy said books, pins, and more! It's a great way of buying queer books from queer people.
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matriarchy-au · 2 months ago
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Annie Ellerman (pen name Bryher) and her partner Hilda Doolittle, with Hilda’s daughter Perdita in Carmel, California, 1921. Bryher would adopt Perdita in 1926 and help raise her. She and Hilda were lifelong partners until Hilda's death in 1961. [X]
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edrurysz · 6 months ago
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Helaena Targaryen, Aegon’s doomed, haunted queen and mother to his children...a weaving // with much credit and love to @gedwimora for inspo + a playlist
Lord Byron, Childe Harold's Pilgrimage Canto IV (1818) / Esteben and the Witch, "When that Head Splits" (2013) / H.D., "For Bryher and Perdita" (1921) / Dacia Maraini, Dreams of Clytemnestra (tr. Tim Vode) (1989) / Gertrud Kolmar, “Allenburg,” Dark Soliloquy: The Selected Poems (1975) / M83 & Susanne Sundfør "Oblivion" (2013) / sculpture by Antoni Parera i Saurina (1906) / Andromeda, Arthur Rackham / detail of The Unicorn in Captivity (1495) / illustration by Helen Stratton from Fairy Tales of Hans Andersen (1908)
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cor-ardens-archive · 2 years ago
I am more and more grateful, really deeply touched by books, flowers, fruits and all the rest, dear Fido. But I want to be a sort of caterpillar, as I said, for a year or so, or later weave myself up in threads and wait for myself to hatch.
H.D. to Bryher, Nov. 13, 1935
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violettesiren · 1 year ago
Light, Very welcoming, The trees bend forward To meet Adventure, Its mulberry blossoms lifted To a March-blue sky.
A sharp rustle of wind Slips the ivy From its stem of wrinkled silver, Slaps the ivy-veins (Flat as a summer field Of parched green-yellow) Softly against the moss, Harshly against the boughs.
Handfuls of green blossoms Blow into mulberry, Almost touch The scilla-blue clouds. The tree strains In an air full of eagerness Struggles, and is held.
Adventure Presses the strong curves hollowed with cloud. But the green and mulberry blossoms, And the silver stem, Dare not answer.
March Adventure by Winifred Bryher
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coochiequeens · 2 years ago
Women’s history just got richer
Iron Age remains found on the Isles of Scilly belonged to a female warrior, according to the authors of a new study that challenges long-held assumptions about the historical role of women in warfare.
Ever since the burial site was discovered in 1999 at a farm on the British island of Bryher, scientists have been at odds as to whether it belonged to a man or a woman. But thanks to a modern technique that involves analyzing the proteins found in tooth enamel, archeologists say they finally have an answer. 
"We found that this 2,000-year-old burial — one of the richest burials in the southwest of Britain — was a female, or a woman," human skeletal biologist Sarah Stark told As It Happens guest host Aarti Pole.
"It really is opening the door to this hidden female warrior."
Stark works for Historic England, a public agency dedicated to the preservation of historical sites, which led the study into the Iron Age remains. The findings were published in the Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports.
The sword and the mirror 
Iron Age graves with swords usually belong to men, while those with mirrors tend to belong to women, says Stark. But the Bryher burial site contains both. 
"This is something that really sets the Bryher burial apart," Stark said. "This kind of tipped us off into knowing that this person — this woman — was of significance."
She and her colleagues suspect she was "someone that was organizing, commanding or leading in warfare at this time."
Stark says there's a lot we don't know about Iron Age Britain before the arrival of Romans — but one thing we know for sure is that violence and warfare was common.
"We see that men and women were engaging in kind of violent activities based on the trauma that we've seen in other bones in surrounding areas," she said. "So it's not out of the ordinary to think that both men and women should be able to defend themselves."
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This presence of both a sword and a mirror in the grave confounded researchers for the last two decades. (Historic England Archive)
It's not just the sword that's connected to war, she says, but potentially the mirror too. 
"To be able to signal to others through beams of light would be a huge advantage, both in either warning … others your in party of a potential attack, or co-ordinating an attack," she said.
Archeologist Bettina Arnold, who was not involved with the study, cautioned against assuming the presence of a sword means the person was a warrior.
Arnold, a University of Wisconsin Milwaukee professor who studies the Iron Age, says it's not uncommon to find weapons buried with women or various types of leaders. They symbolize that "you are protecting your community," she said.
"It's probably more likely a symbol of authority, and of a particular kind of leadership role," Arnold said. "That doesn't necessarily mean they were actually riding into battle."
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These Iron Age human remains from Bryher were too fragmented and deteriorated to obtain DNA. (Historic England Archive)
Mirrors, she said, have also been associated with religious or spiritual roles, including fortune telling.
Arnold says she doesn't doubt the existence of female warriors in history, and that, in fact, men may have also been wrongly assumed to be soldiers because of the weapons found in their graves.
To be certain about any individual case, she says you would require multiple lines of evidence, such as markings on the remains that indicate an individual had been in combat.
Tooth technique a real 'game changer'
The human remains found at Bryher, however, are badly fragmented and poorly preserved. That's why previous attempts to determine sex using DNA failed.
But this time, the researchers turned to the teeth. 
"Tooth enamel is the hardest and most durable substance in the human body. It contains a protein with links to either the X or Y chromosome, which means it can be used to determine sex," co-author Glendon Parker, a toxicology at the University of California at Davis, said in a press release.
Analysis of the Bryher remains show a 96 per cent likelihood the bones belonged to a female.
"Given the degraded state of the bones, it's remarkable to get such a strong result. It makes you wonder what could be discovered by re-visiting other badly degraded burials," Parker said.
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Aerial view of Bryher island, part of an archipelago known as the Scilly Islands in the United Kingdom. (Dan Turdean/Shutterstock)
The same technique was recently used to reclassify 5,000-year-old remains from an ornate Spanish tomb from male to female.
Arnold called the tooth enamel technique "a total game changer" that's more cost-effective than DNA testing, and more accurate than interpreting objects found in graves. 
Stark says it "opens a huge realm of possibilities where we might start, again, uncovering ... more hidden female warriors."
"We might find it's actually quite common," she said. "We've just been kind of missing them."
Changing historical narratives about gender
This study comes as scientists are re-evaluating many long-held assumptions about gender roles throughout history.
In one recent study, published in June, researchers dispel what they call the "myth" that men were primarily hunters and women were gatherers in early human populations. 
And in 2017, advanced DNA analysis was used to identify a Viking warrior's remains as female.
In the latter case, some archeologists argued those remains could have belonged to someone who, in today's parlance, would be considered transgender or non-binary. 
"That's part of the problem, too, that we're projecting our own ideas — you know, the sort of binary system that we're still kind of tied to, unfortunately — projecting that into the past. And I think you miss a lot that way," Arnold said.
Stark agreed it's something worth considering.
"It's something we want to be quite mindful of when we sort of start to think … in terms of gender and identity, and taking kind of our modern constructs and applying them to the past," she said.
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poeticpoisonandprose · 1 year ago
[QUIRK MASKING]: what are some things that make you happy?
Well. Let me think...
In regards to things... I do love baking, poetry, and all things in regards to classical music, including dance. I had a fascination with horses as a young girl, even competing but, ah. Not so much, anymore. I have one horse sculpture, a Bryher, if you're curious, and that is the only horse-related item I keep. I do love it, though. I have also taken up some hobbyist cooking as of late. My favorite dish changes from night to night, but currently, I've been branching out in foods, and my favorite meal as of right now is pork bone ramen with button mushrooms, bamboo shoots, and pork belly. It's rather good.
In regards to people... Belladonna and Nightshade come to mind, since they're in my home, currently. Filia will always be my precious little darling, the apple of my eye. Aequalis, Virtus, Adoratus, Satis, and Capitaneus are all dear to me as well.
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