#bryan j.l. glass
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balu8 · 5 months ago
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The Mice Templar Vol#2 #6
by writer, Bryan J.L. Glass; artist, Victor Santos; colorist, Veronica Gandini; letterer, James H. Glass
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victorsantoscomics · 6 years ago
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First 9 black and white pages of my favorite Mice Templar issue: Solitaire (vol3 #6). If you are searching a cool Xmas gift, these books are a wise election: https://www.amazon.es/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?__mk_es_ES=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&url=search-alias%3Denglish-books&field-keywords=mice+templar
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columbuscomicscorner-blog · 7 years ago
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Writer: Bryan J.L. Glass Artists: Phil Winslade, Veronica Gandini Letterer: Dave Lanphear Cover Artist: Brian Ancaleto Release Date: September 29, 2010 Publisher: @marvelentertainment Review by: Ryan Douglas
During Secret Invasion, Brunnhilde was spotted alongside the Secret Avengers. She was believed to be dead, since her passing after being killed by Durok the Demolisher during Ragnarok. This issue explains the tale of how Brunnhilde returned to claim the title of Valkyrie.
The issue kicks into gear right away showing a hotel clerk named Valerie, hanging by for dear life from the hotel room balcony. When Valerie finds herself dealing with a roid rage, muscular D-Bo type of guy, attempting to force himself on her. Valerie attempts to escape the uncomfortable situation any way she can. This leads to the man grabbing Valerie by the shirt trying to pull her up. But when she flails in terror, this leads to the man’s grip to slip, dropping Valerie to her death.
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Ten minutes later, EMT’s arrive to try and save Valerie through shock paddles. Joe and Ziggy are the two lucky men who will have the honor of bringing Brunnhilde’s soul back. With a storm brewing over the crime scene, Joe is a little hesitant to proceed with trying to revive Valerie. Ziggy takes the chance he’s got to use the shock paddles. The stars align, bringing a jolt of thunder to give the shock paddles an extra kick. That jolt contains the soul and power of Brunnhilde, making a new home in Valerie’s body. The EMT’s take this opportunity to rush who they believe is Valerie to the hospital. Brunnhilde’s mind tries to make sense of this all and is able to come to the conclusion Thor is responsible for her rebirth. She questions if this a call to come home. But deep down knows someone is still responsible for her body’s death. Coming to the realization, Brunnhilde bolts out of the movie ambulance, constructing her blade(Drangonfang), and aimlessly runs away. Realizing she has no idea where to begin her hunt and how to make sense of it all. Brunnhilde has to use Valerie’s name tag as her first clue. With both Valerie and Brunnhilde’s memories blending together leads her to the hotel Valerie worked at. While she’s able to get the name of the Ryan Sanduski, it all doesn’t make sense to her yet. At this point, she’s wrecked the hotel lobby trying to get answers and the police have arrived. The police only see a cuckoo lady weaving a sword and think they can detain her easily. Brunnhilde quickly reminds the police who’s the true authority and holds the upper hand.
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Still, in an adrenaline haze, she realizes if she’s going to make any progress, she’ll have to find someone who knows of her past. That’ll bring us to follow Brunnhilde as she pays a visit to Janet van Dyne in Cresskill, NJ. The two converse reminiscing on the lives they lived over time. Janet reminds Brunnhilde, although her mind is scrambled she’ll have to follow her heart to get the answers she seeks. The name of the EMT Ziggy comes to mind and she’s set on figuring out the mystery surrounding the death of Valerie.
This will lead us to Mercy General Hospital and Brunnhilde trying to choke out a nurse for answers. Luckily, Joe, Ziggy’s partner was there to put a stop to what could’ve been a murder scene. During this time Ryan Sanduski’s name becomes more clear to Brunnhilde. She’s able to decipher Piledriver (Brian Calusky) goes by a different name to hide his villainous identity. But Brunnhilde will need Joe’s assistance to save Ziggy from Piledriver’s grip.
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Piledriver has been on his own detective case, trying to find the whereabouts of Valerie, who he had believed died just the night prior. He’s pleasantly surprised she’s found him, making his job easier. Piledriver overpowers Brunnhilde and she finds herself once again staring down her killer. When she flashes back and we as readers see the quilt of her legacy and death during Ragnarok. Brunnhilde is able to find the strength and won’t choose to repeat the past, and conjures the Valkyrie armor to form around her body. Our third act battle ensues and now Valkyrie, she’s able to take the offense putting a whoopin into Piledriver. With Piledriver now in custody, Valkyrie tends to Joe and find medical attention. The transformation has concluded and now Valkyrie will live her new life on her terms and her terms only.
Truly a delight of an issue to hunt down and read. Bryan J.L. Glass is able to take the objective of bringing Brunnhilde back into the Marvel Universe and weave in more concepts, making much more to take away the story. This establishes the new Valkyrie we know today, the woman who will no longer allow a man to dictate her life choices. There isn’t a scene or dialogue wasted, filling out the issue. Brunnhilde not only brings Piledriver to justice for Valerie’s death, saves a family from becoming another victim at the hand of Piledriver. But she grows as a character through these incidents and an emotional conversation with her old teammate. This is by far one of the best “One Shot’s” I’ve had the pleasure to read. Not knowing where she ended up after The Defenders series ended, I was able to get a sense of what occurred after Ragnarok, a rewarding transformation into her new body, the nostalgia of what came before, and an empowering story for both men, women, and children.
The art hearkens to that sort of early 2000 DC house style, that’s not taking anything away from the art. Because it stands its ground giving a detail and well paced story progression. With so much in story to convey, the art team is able keep up the writers vision. Honestly, the art still holds up to this day if you were to compare it to a few DC or Marvel series currently. I wouldn’t of taken this art style any other way.
With the Thor: Ragnarok movie in theaters this weekend, unfamiliar fans are bound to find a new favorite superhero within Tessa Thompson’s performance. I have yet to see the film and have my tickets booked for a matinee showing the week after opening weekend. But now more than ever, Marvel should consider releasing a mini or maxi series spotlighting Valkyrie. Why not ride the wave and produce Valkyrie’s first ongoing series past this one shot.
There are probably some beats I glossed over. But I attempted to still leave some mystery for readers get the full experience when reading. So I can’t recommend enough that you track down this issue physically or digitally and treat yourself. Thanks for reading!  
Score: 9.8/10
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why-i-love-comics · 4 years ago
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Thor: Crown of Fools #1 (2013)
written by Bryan J.L. Glass art by Andrea Di Vito & Laura Villari
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bjlg · 5 years ago
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"Do you believe?" At the top of the hour, 2pm EST, you will. The first four chapters of QUIXOTE: A NOVEL read by the author Bryan J.L. Glass on Facebook LIVE https://www.facebook.com/bryan.glass.7 https://www.instagram.com/p/B-XcTfqh296/?igshid=h14rnzcuor2w
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writtensinsmrandersin · 7 years ago
COMIC CON HIGHWAY NORTHERN EXIT: -PA- The Great Philadelphia Comic Con I April 27-29:: will have Sebastian Bonet
COMIC CON HIGHWAY NORTHERN EXIT: -PA- The Great Philadelphia Comic Con I April 27-29:: will have Sebastian Bonet
Sebastian Bonet will be at  The Great Philadelphia Comic Con.
Criss Madd
Kevin Conrad,
  Dirk Manning,
Stan Konopka,
  Mark McKenna,
  Bob Salley,
  Frank Gogol,
  Scott Straka,
  Norm Rapmund, Alexis Rivera,
  Erik Hodson will be at The Great Philadelphia Comic Con
Micky Fiedler, Garrett Gunn, Ben Goldsmith, Josh Dahl, Johnny C, Eric Cooper,
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comickerdigital · 7 years ago
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Available Now:
WAKING LIFE: Chapter #8: Reckoning by Ben Humeniuk
People leave their dreams behind all the time. But what if the dream is YOU? That's a fate The Princess of the Dream Realm wants to avoid. And to get her friend Robbie back, she's going to do something unprecedented -- enter the waking world. Unfortunately, that's exactly what an old enemy's been counting on... LITTLE NEMO IN SLUMBERLAND meets DEGRASSI, and fantasy worlds meet the halls of high school in this character-driven adventure comic, inspired by the vibrant life and work of Winsor McCay. In this issue, the door between worlds has been thrown open -- and the nightmares are coming through. Could the only hope for the waking world lie in the hands of...the Anime Club?!?
Read Digital Issues:  comiXology || hoopla   DriveThruComics || Amazon Kindle
Order WAKING LIFE: Book One: Pleasant Places from your local comic shop, indie bookstore, Amazon.com, or the Comicker Press store!
"A delightful new spin on an old classic - Ben Humeniuk launches his innovative cartooning into dreamland with gusto!" - Jonny Jimison (THE DRAGON LORD SAGA)
"Wonders abound as nuanced characterization makes WAKING LIFE a genuinely fresh reinterpretation of Winsor McKay's original dream genre, reinvigorating the classic premise for modern readers." - Bryan J.L. Glass (THE MICE TEMPLAR)
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kirkvanlund · 7 years ago
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VALKYRIE 1 (2010) “Tragic Opera” by Bryan J.L. Glass, Phil Winslade, Veronica Gandini. Cover by Efren Anacleto. Recent pickup. . . . . . #comics #comicbooks #comiccollector #comiccollection #comicbookcollector #comicbookcollection #igcomics #igcomicfamily #igcomiccommunity #valkyrie #marvelcomics #marvel
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balu8 · 2 years ago
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The Mice Templar #5: The Prophecy
by Bryan J.L. Glass; Michael Avon Oeming; Wil Quintana and James H. Glass
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victorsantoscomics · 7 years ago
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The Mice Templar WIP, where I combined line art with inkwash textures Do you know this fantasy book? Get the Mice templar stuff here:
LCS: http://www.comicshoplocator.com/storelocator
Mice Templar Amazon.com
The great 8-year Creator-Owned saga!
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biggoonie · 8 years ago
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Mice Templar Sketchbook #1 by Michael Avon Oeming
Filled with never-before-seen artwork by MICHAEL AVON OEMING from all phases of the development of the acclaimed anthropomorphic series. And featuring an all-new short story that bridges the gap between series volumes one and two: following Karic’s ceremony, knighting the young mouse as a true Templar, Cassius is instructed to take the boy and flee into the wilderness before competing factions can exploit him. But Cassius’s mission may be doomed from the very start as a tree filled with Templar Priests stands between him and freedom. Is Karic and the prophecy he fulfills worth the cost in lives and shed blood?
MARCH 18 * 32 PAGES * FC * $2.99
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oeming · 8 years ago
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Hellboy, Mice Templar, Hammer of the Gods and more coming in  NO PLAN B, my art book from @darkhorsecomics​ coming in Aug!  Pre-Order now please. Forward by Brian Bendis, Afterward by David Mack edits by Scott Allie http://www.darkhorse.com/Books/30-284/No-Plan-B-The-Art-of-Michael-Avon-Oeming-HC
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comickerdigital · 7 years ago
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Available Now!
WAKING LIFE: Book One: Pleasant Places by Ben Humeniuk
Sometimes growing up means leaving your dreams behind. For Robbie Boone, childhood fantasies are giving way to a very real goal of being an animator. And he's giving it all he's got -- even if he misses out on the rest of high school in the process. 
Enter the Princess of the Dreaming Realm, Robbie's childhood best friend. Sick of being outgrown by human companions, she's determined to find out what's so special about the Waking World. Unfortunately, that might be exactly what an old enemy's been counting on... ENCHANTED meets DEGRASSI, in a character-driven high school dramedy, inspired by Winsor McCay's classic comic strip LITTLE NEMO IN SLUMBERLAND. "A delightful new spin on an old classic - Ben Humeniuk launches his innovative cartooning into dreamland with gusto!" - Jonny Jimison (THE DRAGON LORD SAGA) "Wonders abound as nuanced characterization makes WAKING LIFE a genuinely fresh reinterpretation of Winsor McKay's original dream genre, reinvigorating the classic premise for modern readers." - Bryan J.L. Glass (THE MICE TEMPLAR)
Available today at your local comic book store, indie bookstore, library, or via Amazon!
If you’re in the Houston area, Ben Humeniuk ( @hipogram ) will be signing and doing sketches at Space Cadets from 2 PM to 6 PM!
Published by Comicker Press. Diversity focused. Digital first.
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allofthemarvels · 8 years ago
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Times Square, sometime shortly after Thor's first appearance, as seen in Thor: First Thunder #4, 2011, by Bryan J.L. Glass and Tan Eng Huat.
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mashimero · 8 years ago
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“Best Intent” from Adventures of Superman (2013) Vol. 1 By Bryan Avon Oeming, Bryan J.L. Glass, Nick Filardi, and Wes Abbott.
So there was this time where Superman raised a Kryptonian baby and he grew up to wear Bruce’s costume.
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balu8 · 7 months ago
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Mice Templar Vol.2 #7; Destiny
by Bryan J.L. Glass; Victor Santos; Veronica Gandini and James H. Glass
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