theprologues · 1 year
Every day on here it’s conspiracy theories and meltdowns about things Taylor has supposedly done, then you look up from your phone and… everything is fine (?). Sales excellent. Charts solid. Stadiums packed with arenas of people standing outside. Shit is wild.
It’s also worth considering that most people have their own problems and are not all that concerned with something a celebrity’s boyfriend laughed at on a podcast.
Like imagine explaining this controversy to someone that isn’t very online. Their eyes would just glaze over.
It’s almost like some people are too online. Not a single person in my life knows about this. And yet if you’re on twitter you’d think the sky is falling.
The general public really loves her more than ever. It’s crazy.
Ehh on the general public people know about it. People can discuss safely online about things that bother them. I think alot of her fans are trying to ignore it too and not feed into the frenzy so there's that.
I do agree though about being online too much. I have my own life and things that are going on within that that I need to focus my energy on.
To your comment about "something a celebrity’s boyfriend laughed at on a podcast" is a bit tone deaf. He was watching porn about brutalizing black women 30 seconds after a party ended and was proud enough of it to discuss it on a podcast. That is fucking weird!! You reap what you sow.
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they could never make me trust cops
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correllian · 4 months
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moonlayl · 5 months
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theconcealedweapon · 4 months
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And who enforces this? Is it just a few bad apples, or is it all cops?
How hard is it for them to find cops willing to enforce this? Do they have to sift through hundreds of heroic cops who refuse until they find the one cop who's monstrous enough to enforce this, or do they easily find cops willing to enforce this because monstrous cops are everywhere and being a monster is part of the job?
"All cops are bad" is not a stereotype. It's literally a requirement for the job that every single one knew about.
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muffinlevelchicanery · 5 months
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itsbrucey · 9 months
Big fan of sun motifs in characters not necessarily being about positivity and happiness and how they're so " bright and warm" but instead being about fucking brutal they are.
Radiant. A FORCE of nature that will turn you to ash. That warmth that burns so hot it feels like ice. Piercing yellow and red and white. A character being a Sun because you cannot challenge a Sun without burning alive or taking everything down with them if victorious.
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agnesandhilda · 7 months
yeah this is a self-evident biological hierarchy. that's why we have to enforce it with violence
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lilithism1848 · 7 months
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sayruq · 5 months
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kropotkindersurprise · 3 months
June 20, 2024 - A protester takes on the role of mobile eyewash station to deal with police tear gas during a demonstration against proposed tax reforms in Nairobi, Kenya. [video]
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ao3-crack · 7 months
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intersectionalpraxis · 10 months
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this cop also did this to another protestor:
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i remember when Instagram mostly banned me from my account for an entire year after posting about police brutality and its' links to white supremacy and institutionalized violence -it was during the height of the BLM movement after George Floyd was murdered. i remember calling out ex-co-workers at the time and people on social media i was mutuals with at the time for saying 'but it's not all cops, some are good,' and my response to that, and will always be: policing systems do MORE harm than good in communities. cops get little to zero training and are allowed to bear arms and have a licences to maim, injure, and kill people (most of whom, are NOT threats). and it's beyond unacceptable. the amount of funding these fucking systems get too when it can be allocated to programs that ACTUALLY do good.
defund the police.
end the occupation and free palestine!
*also, a few people have noted this, but yes, I believe it appears that the cop spat on the memorial candles too. and the fact he will never be fired and told to give up his badge for doing such a heinous thing is just despicable* -and yes all cops are bad.
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Members of a private WhatsApp group, including billionaires like the CEO of Dell and the former CEO of Starbucks, allegedly used the chat to discuss ways to pressure New York City Mayor Eric Adams to use police to crack down on Gaza solidarity protests at the city’s universities, according to The Washington Post. AJ+ has not seen the chat messages referenced in The Washington Post’s report directly. ⁣
NYPD officers raided encampments at schools like Columbia University and the City College of New York, arresting close to 200 protesters in just one day. The police raid at Columbia in late April was the first on-campus mass arrest in 50 years, with police using riot gear and military-grade weapons against mostly peaceful protesters. ⁣
While Gaza solidarity encampments have been frequently targeted with violence by police and pro-Israel agitators – and over 2,200 people have been arrested – a study found that out of over 550 Gaza protests at U.S. universities, 97% have been peaceful. ⁣
Senior Producers: Kareem Yasin, Ben Angeloni⁣
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muffinlevelchicanery · 5 months
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theconcealedweapon · 2 years
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Cops are trained to be bad. Anyone who insists on being good is not welcome.
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