#brushfooted butterflies
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whatnext10 · 3 months ago
Sharing Can Often Be a Great Thing
Crescent and Bee Last week on my way home I discovered a beautiful climbing aster bush on the banks of the Wacassassa River. When I stopped to take some photos of it, I realized that not only was it loaded with flowers, but those flowers were loaded with pollinators. There were tons of bees and wasps, which I expected, but I was surprised to discover quite a few butterflies, too. It’s getting…
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pogomcl · 7 months ago
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White Admiral, Limenitis camilla Canon 400D EF 100 2.8 f/3.2 1/320 iso: 400 Srbsko, Czech Republic #
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bugtheories · 5 months ago
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Inachis io, Vanessa atalanta, Pieris brassicae
Levenhuk 720B x Nikon D5600 × AF-P DX 18–55 VR
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n0-0nes-moments-in-time · 6 months ago
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oaresearchpaper · 1 day ago
Butterfly Diversity and Abundance Around Rabindra Sarobar, Kolkata: A Field Report
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Butterflies are considered indicator species for conservation planning and environmental monitoring as their diversity and abundance are visibly affected by anthropogenic activities. In this study, the diversity and abundance of butterfly fauna in the surrounding vegetation of Rabindra Sarobar, Kolkata, India was assessed to provide baseline information on the size of species richness and prospective utilization in urban planning and conservation. A total of 64 butterfly species under 5 families and 44 genera were recorded over a period of ten months from June 2023 to March 2024. Family Nymphalidae (36.85% of population) was found dominant with 17 genera and 26 species, followed by Lycaenidae (30.72%, 11genera, 12 species), Pieridae (22.77%, 9 genera, 12 species), Papilionidae (7.01%, 3 genera, 9 species) and Hesperiidae (2.65%, 4 genera, 5 species). Eleven species were found legally protected under different Schedules of the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972. Values of different diversity indices such as Shannon’s index (H’=3.69), Pielou’s evenness index (J’=0.89) and Simpson’s index (Ds=0.03) showed a high diversity, evenly distribution and high abundance persisted in the butterfly community. Information from this preliminary study is expected to be useful toward the conservation of the habitat as well as the butterfly fauna in the study area and similar geographic areas.
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Monitoring biological diversity is becoming an essential tool to estimate the alteration of the environmental quality at the local as well as regional scale. Studies on species diversity and abundance are the prior required element to quantify the environmental impact on biota and any prior species diversity investigations are a prerequisite to adopting habitat management strategies (Nichols and Williams, 2006). Appraisal of taxa-specific species richness capacitates a more realistic and accurate assessment of the ecosystem functions and services derived from the specified taxon (Diaz et al., 2006). Diversity analysis of a single taxon or restricted number of taxa is worthwhile as their presence or absence and abundance records are useful for the population size estimation (Williams et al., 2002; Koleff et al., 2003; MacKenzie, 2005) whereas resource limitation impedes the selection of several taxa or the whole community (Mihindukulasooriya et al., 2014). The diversity of a target taxon varies with the features of the landscapes, more precisely with the nature and quality of the habitat and climatic conditions (Boggs, 1986). Butterflies are one of the best-known insects for their variety, presence in all types of environments, the beauty of their wing colouration and patterns and also for their role as effective ecological indicators of terrestrial ecosystems (Venkataramana, 2010). Hence, butterflies are the potential taxa, chosen for the estimation of biodiversity essential for biological conservation and also for monitoring the environmental conditions (Simonson et al., 2001). Any certain change in environmental quality is readily assessed by the change in their diversity, abundance or sometimes local extinction (Hogsden and Hutchinson, 2004). Moreover, butterflies provide several ecological services which are essential for the sustenance of environmental quality and integrity (Kumar, 2013).
Worldwide, over 19,000 butterfly species have been recorded (Kunte, 2000), of which from India, around 1500 species are documented, including 107 swallowtail butterflies (Papilionidae), 521 brushfooted butterflies (Nymphalidae), 109 white and yellow butterflies (Pieridae), 443 small blue butterflies (Lycaenidae) and 321 skippers (Hesperiidae) (Gaonkar, 1996; Kunte, 1997). Diversity and abundance of butterfly species decline day by day with the increase of urban elements like roads, buildings and other concrete constructions and with the expansion of residential, industrial and commercial areas, associated with the depletion of the quantity and quality of natural habitat, habitat degradation or disruption and fragmentation which adversely affects the natural biodiversity of that area (Clark et al., 2007; Malagrino et al., 2008). Urbanization, pollution, excessive usage of fumigant pesticides etc. provide a negative impact on butterfly populations (Pollard and Yates, 1993). Several earlier studies reported the impact of urban development on butterfly fauna, and their richness and abundance in Kolkata and its adjoining areas (Moore, 1882; Niceville, 1885; Ghosh and Siddique, 2005; Ghosh, 2009; Ghosh, 2010; Chowdhury and Chowdhury, 2007; Chowdhury and Das, 2007; Chowdhury and Soren, 2011; Basu Roy, 2011; Biswas et al., 2012; Nair et al., 2014; Biswas et al., 2014; Mukherjee et al., 2016; Maity et al., 2016; Bhattacharya et al., 2018; Mitra et al., 2023). For continuous monitoring of the environmental condition of Kolkata, systematic surveys on butterfly fauna from different regions of Kolkata are essential.
Keeping this view in mind, the present study was undertaken to document the diversity and abundance of butterfly fauna in the surrounding vegetation of Rabindra Sarobar, Kolkata, West Bengal, India, to provide necessary information on the conservation management of habitat and butterflies for sustaining ecosystem services.
Source : Butterfly Diversity and Abundance Around Rabindra Sarobar, Kolkata: A Field Report I InformativeBD
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entomoblog · 29 days ago
Biodiversité : 27 nouvelles espèces découvertes au Pérou
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Une expédition dans l’Amazonie péruvienne a permis de découvrir 27 nouvelles espèces d’animaux, dont 4 nouveaux mammifères. Au grand étonnement des naturalistes, car il s’agit d’une zone où la déforestation fait rage.
  Souris semi-aquatique et salamandre arboricole : 27 nouvelles espèces découvertes au Pérou
  Courrier international
Publi�� le 23 décembre 2024 à 17h17
  "... Les chercheurs “n’imaginaient pas dénicher autant de nouvelles espèces inconnues de la science : quatre espèces de mammifères, huit de poissons, trois d’amphibiens et dix de papillons”, liste CNN, qui a toutefois oublié d’ajouter deux espèces de bousiers dans sa liste."
Le rapport
  New discoveries in a changing landscape - Uncovering Alto Mayo's hidden biodiversity. Results from a Rapid Biological Assessment of Alto Mayo, Peru https://www.conservation.org/stories/new-discoveries-in-a-changing-landscape-uncovering-alto-mayos-hidden-biodiversity
    Traduction (extrait)
  Papillons et "scarabées"
  Le programme s'est concentré sur deux types d'insectes : les papillons diurnes et les "scarabées" (en particulier les bousiers).
  Connus sous le nom de wampishuk en langue awajún, les papillons diurnes se distinguent par leurs grandes ailes et leurs variations de couleurs frappantes. Plus de 200 espèces de papillons ont été identifiées au cours du PAR [pour Rapid Assessment Program, ou programme d'évaluation rapide (PER), ndé], dont 10 nouvelles pour la science, 24 potentiellement nouvelles pour la science (en attente d'une étude plus approfondie) et 14 enregistrées dans l'Alto Mayo pour la première fois. La plupart des spécimens ont été collectés dans les basses collines boisées et les forêts tropicales de la région, la majorité des espèces observées appartenant à la famille des "papillons aux pieds en brosse" (Nymphalidae).
  Les bousiers, appelés toritos ou carahuay par les Awajún, appartiennent à la famille des Scarabaeidae, un groupe qui compte environ 27 000 espèces dans le monde. Comme la plupart des bousiers dépendent de grands mammifères et d'autres vertébrés pour se nourrir, ils sont d'excellents indicateurs de la pression de chasse. En enterrant les excréments, les bousiers assurent également des fonctions écosystémiques essentielles telles que la dispersion secondaire des graines, le recyclage des nutriments et la régulation des parasites. Le PAR a enregistré plus de 70 espèces de scarabées dans les divers écosystèmes de l'Alto Mayo, y compris deux espèces de Scybalocanthon qui sont nouvelles pour la science et 45 espèces qui n'avaient jamais été documentées dans la région.
  Image : Oxysternon conspicillatum
  Traduit d'après DeepL.com (version gratuite)
    RAP Bulletin of Biological Assessment 73
The full assessment "Rapid Assessment Program Bulletin of  Biological Assessment 73" is available below as a PDF (474 pages, 25MB), including in Spanish as "Programa de Evaluación Rápida Boletín Evaluación Biológica."
  → Download report
  Especies importantes
  "Del total de 34 especies nuevas o potencialmente nuevas para la ciencia, la mayoría se registran en ecosistemas naturales, ya sean como 10 especies nuevas para la ciencia, más las 24 especies probablemente nuevas para la ciencia (Anexo 4). Encontramos 14 especies que representan nuevos registros para Alto Mayo. No se registraron especies amenazadas (IUCN Lista Roja) o en CITES (Anexos 3 y 4). De las 10 especies nuevas para la ciencia, 4 especies son ‘skipper butterflies’ (Tarsoctenus sp. 1, Aguna sp. 1, Ectomis sp. 1, y Clito sp.), mientras 6 especies son ‘brush-footed butterflies’ (Nessaea sp. 1 (tropical brushfoot), Dynamine sp. 1 (sailor butterfly), Magneuptychia sp. 1 (satyr butterfly), Malaveria sp. 1 (satyr butterfly), Malaveria sp. 2 (satyr butterfly), y Pedaliodes sp. 1 (satyr butterfly))."
  Total Scarabaeidae
En total se ha logrado registrar 4,321 individuos adultos de coleópteros de la familia Scarabaeidae, correspondientes a 71 especies (Tabla 2, Anexo 2), pertenecientes a 6 subfamilias: Scarabaeinae (61 especies y 4289 individuos), seguido de Rutelinae (3 especies y 4 individuos) y Aphodiinae (2 especies y 23 individuos); las subfamilias Dynastinae, Cetoniinae (2 especies y 2 individuos) y Melolonthinae (1 especies y 1 individuos) estuvieron muy poco representadas con menos de 2 especies e individuos. Presentaron 13 tribus; de ellas las tribus: Dichotomiini (23 especies y 1425 individuos) y Canthonini (18 especies y 763 individuos) tuvieron mayor riqueza y abundancia, seguidos de las tribus Oniticellini (7 especies y 935 individuos), Phanaeini (7 especies y 428 individuos), Onthophagini (6 especies y 738 individuos), pero los Rutelini, Gymnetini, Geniatini, Macrodactylini, Cyclocephalini, Oryctini y Aphodiini, presentaron menos de 2 especies y 3 individuos. En cuanto a géneros se registraron 26, siendo Canthidium (8 especies y 301 individuos), Dichotomius (7 especies y 1020 individuos) y Eurysternus (7 especies y 935 individuos) con mayor riqueza y abundancia, el resto de géneros presento menos de 6 especies y 49 individuos. Por lo que, la gran mayoría de individuos (99.3%), especies (85.9%) y biomasa (99.4%) correspondió a la subfamilia Scarabaeinae, la tribu Dichotomiini (23) y el género Canthidium (8) contaron con mas especies y la mayoría de especies e individuos correspondieron a un comportamiento Paracóprido-Cavador (Anexo 2).
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nancyrelocated · 6 months ago
DAWN READIES TO SPLIT ACROSS THE SKY, a mouth opening to yawn. they've been working a little too long, though Nancy swears every few hours she can go a bit longer before resting. lord knows the cramping in her fingers refuses to dissipate, a dull throbbing that keeps itself around as a reminder that she, too, is HUMAN. absently, she rotates her wrist as a stretch, then playfully knocks her shoulder into her partner's. ❝ when we get back to the office ( ... ) i can work on calling some folks ? i know a woman who's got her hand in too many honeypots -- shes bound to have heard of Cressida's company.  ❞ BAD BUSINESS AND TOO MANY BODIES UNDERGROUND, OR SO EVERYONE SAYS. ❝ you wanna take another go at her safe ? i'm happy to trade - off with you whenever... ( a pretty beat, a small glance. ) you're also welcome to spend the night, or what's left of it.  ❞
NIGHTTIME LIFTS LIKE A VEIL. slow and steady, the lilts of house sparrows, lazy and sweet, break the early - morning silence. he [ @atleur ] looks at her, the woman can feel it: his gaze is as warm as ever, and he knocks his shoulders with hers once more. ❝ you are a gem upon mars, Miss Drew ( ... ) and twice as beautiful. ❞
the detective feels herself almost tense at the knees, a brushfoot butterfly trapped in her ribcage. she catches her lip in her teeth and half of a smile blossoms almost too easily. You're a sweetie, you know. says she, allowing her eyes to roll playfully. ❝ i want to get as much done as possible before retiring until later. y'know how i am ... this gem upon mars feels like we're on the brink of a breakthrough.  ❞
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caspercubed · 1 year ago
it looks like it might be a tawny emperor, (Asterocampa clyton) making it a butterfly! :D
i might be wrong since its a little hard to see, but if its not a tawny emperor, its at least a member of the brushfoot family of butterflies
Idk if this is a moth or a butterfly
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I don't know either! /lh. I'm afraid the pictures are not detailed enough for me to identfy it.
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catsentry · 4 years ago
go crazy
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go normal
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myvinespot · 3 years ago
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Here’s a beautiful Painted Lady butterfly. 🦋 #BrushFooted #PaintedLady #butterfly #nature #beautiful https://www.instagram.com/p/CUX-rj4L88c/?utm_medium=tumblr
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that-crazy-scorpio-man · 5 years ago
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Been seeing a lot of hackberry emperors, too.
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whatnext10 · 5 months ago
The Fall Flights of Beautiful Butterflies are Here
Fall in Flight Fall is either here or just around the corner depending on whether you consider it beginning on September 1 or on the equinox (September 22 this year). Some of you living further north are beginning to see some leaves changing color and maybe some slightly cooler weather. Down here in the southern United States, the weather and temperatures aren’t much different than they’ve been,…
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pogomcl · 1 year ago
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Small Tortoiseshell, Aglais urtica Canon 400D EFs 60 2.8 f/2.8 a/200 iso: 400 Prague, Czech Republic 9/30/2011
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bugtheories · 5 months ago
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Inachis io
Levenhuk 720B x Nikon D5600 × AF-P DX 18–55 VR
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picothenico · 5 years ago
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nadphotos · 4 years ago
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Jeskyns Park Marble White #brushfooted Butterfly #butterfly #naturephotography #butterfliesofinstagram #flowers #wildlife #macrophotography #naturelovers #lepidoptera #butterflyphotography #perfection #beautiful #butterflygarden #photooftheday . . . #photography #NadineOngphotos #Photographer (at Jeskyns Community Woodland - Forestry England) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRMksKXAj3Z/?utm_medium=tumblr
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