#bruce's smiles are entirely vibes and it takes skills to be able to see them
Nightwing sends a photo of Batman to the JL group chat.
NW: Behold! A rare photo of B smiling in the cowl!!!
F: Nightwing you sent the wrong photo
NW: ? No? It's the right one
F: He's not smiling in that photo?????
NW: He is
Nightwing sends a photo of Batman to the JL group chat. It looks identical to the previous one but taken at a slightly different angle
NW: This is what B looks like when he is not smiling
GL: They literally look the same
NW: ??? They're completely different
GA: His face is literally 😐 in both photos
GL: Bruh, you're too generous with the emoting
GL: It's more like this 😶
NW: Are you all trying to gaslight me??? He's so obviously smiling
Nightwing sends another photo to the group chat and this time it's of Batman and Robin. Robin looks to be telling Batman something.
S: Awww, is that B smiling at Robin? That's adorable
WW: He is completely enamored with his little Robin!
NW: See? Uncle Supes and Aunt Di can see it too!
Several people are typing...
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professorrw · 3 years
Seven Minutes In Heaven
marvel masterlist
Pairing: shy female reader x Wanda Maximoff
Request: wanda x reader story— this is honestly just me projecting at this point lol, but i’ve never been to a party✌️😀so maybe a seven minutes in heaven vibe with the team? feel free to add smut as well
Warnings: smut, 18+, fluff, thigh riding, denied orgasm, drinking, partying, embarrassed reader, mentions of Nat x Steve
A/N: Requests open, taglist open, inbox open! Please like, comment, and reblog!
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Maybe you didn’t grow up like a normal teen, or maybe you were just shy, either way you had never played the game ‘Seven Minutes In Heaven.’ You knew what it was but you’d never played it. And how strange it was that the first time you would be at a party hosted by Tony Stark. You’d think that super heroes between the ages of twenty and one thousand five hundred years old wouldn’t play that kind of game. But at that point you couldn’t put anything past your makeshift family.
Everyone other than you, Clint, Bruce, Tasha, Tony, Steve, Thor, Wanda, and Pietro had left already. You couldn’t blame them. It was four in the morning and the music was on full blast all night. Most of the guests would be going home with headaches and waking up with them too.
Most of the group was drinking. Everyone other than Steve, who couldn’t feel the side effects of alcohol. So if you really thought about Steve was going to be the only one with a sound mind. You and Wanda both had a drink or two, but not enough to be drunk, just a little tipsy. The most drunk was Thor, which didn’t surprise you in the slightest.
Natasha finished off her beer, the last resort when it came to drinking in her opinion, and set it down on the circular table you were all seated around.
“Let’s play a game,” she suggested, wiping her mouth with her sleeve.
“What’d you have in mind?” Thor asked.
“How about,” she smirked, looking at you and Wanda, “seven minutes in heaven?” She shot you a wink, knowing how bad you had it for Wanda. If that was her idea of a way to get you to confess, maybe she was on the right track. The liquid confidence flowing through you was more than you normally had and what other time would you have the guts to say something?
“What is that?” Thor asked. “Are we supposed to take turns killing someone and then bringing them back to life after seven minutes?”
You threw your head back and laughed, and Thor grinned too even though he didn’t know what was so funny.
“No, it’s where you take turns picking two people to go into a closet or room or whatever and set a timer for seven minutes and you can’t let them out until the time is up. And usually what they’re supposed to do is kiss and make out and such.” Natasha explained it so well that you questioned how many times she had played the game.
“Ah, I see. Well let’s get on with it!” Thor shouted.
Tony was slouched down in the seat next to him and swatted at his arm. “Keep it down would ya? I’ll play the game as long as no one’s too loud. My head is already throbbing.”
Clint chuckled, “Are you sure all that alcohol is good for your… machine there?”
Tony rolled his head over to look at Clint with a glare. “My machine is perfectly fine, thank you.”
“Whatever you say.”
“Would you grandpas quit it? We’re trying to play a game,” Wanda huffed.
“Yeah, yeah, just start already.” Tony tossed his hand up in the air and waved you guys on without much effort, making his wrist look like jelly.
“Okay, Tony since you have so much to say, why don’t you go first?” Natasha asked.
“I think I will.” He sat up and looked around surveying the group. He did that for a good two minutes before he finally said anything. “I choose… Natasha and Steve.”
Steve, who had been silent that whole time, looked over at Natasha, who wiggled her eyebrows and started to get up. Steve followed and you noticed how he had a little pep in his step. From what you could tell three out of the five original male Avengers had a crush on Nat. You couldn’t blame them, she was gorgeous.
You picked up your phone and started the timer for seven minutes as soon as the broom closet door shut. Wanda, who was sitting next to you, looked over and watched the time tick down.
“What do you think they’re up to?” she asked. Her small smirk and half lidded eyes were enough to make you catch your breath. She wasn’t trying to look seductive but she sure did to you.
“I don’t know,” you confessed. “What do you think Pietro?” To alleviate the pressure of looking and talking to Wanda you addressed Pietro, hoping the attention would no longer be on you.
Your crush's twin leaned forward and looked at you from across Wanda. “I bet they’re kissing. I don’t think the Captain would do anything more than that for a game.” You heard Bruce make a noise from across the table but you didn’t pay him any mind. You knew he liked Nat too, but he never made a move on her, so he couldn’t get mad.
“I’m not so sure, brother. Maybe Natasha wants to do more than that. I could see something happening between those two.” Wanda furrowed her brow and squinted her eyes up at the ceiling, thinking.
There was more random talking for a few minutes until your phone began to chime, signaling that their time was up.
“Guys!” you shouted, “Times up!”
“Oh my god I’m going to bed.” Tony got up from the couch and left the room, scowling all the way there. Meanwhile the door to the broom closet had opened, and out stepped Natasha and Steve. There was no visible sign of them doing anything, but you still eyed them suspiciously. Tasha caught your eye and smiled before reclining back in her seat.
“So I guess I’ll choose next. I want Y/N and,” she eyed each of the players left before settling on the person next to you. “Wanda.”
On the inside you were beaming and your heart was fluttering. On the outside you were nervous. Butterflies erupted in your stomach at the sudden feat. Wanda wasted no time and shot up from her seat. With enlarged eyes you stared up at the red head, who was wearing a smirk on her face.
"Come on beautiful, it's our turn." She beckoned you to follow her and you did, trailing behind her with wolf whistles in your wake. Once you two were gone Natasha and Pietro shared a smile. They both knew your feelings, and talked about their plan to get you two together. Pietro was able to get his sister to admit that she had feelings for you earlier that night, and the operation was a go from there.
Wanda's sultry smile wasn't disappearing. She was beyond happy that you were paired together. She shut and locked the door behind you, and pressed you against it. Your breath hitched and your whole body was tingling and on edge. Wanda's skilled hands held onto your waist and her breath was on your neck.
In her seductive Sokovian accent she said, “I’ve been wanting to do this for months.” Her lips pressed against the soft and sensitive skin on the center column on your neck, sucking and nibbling on it. You had been holding a breath the whole time, but when her skin touched yours your mouth fell open and a moan escaped involuntarily. Wanda grabbed hold of your hair and pulled back, giving her more access to mark you.
Your hands were shaky, and she could tell how nervous you were. She pulled back and slipped her hands into yours. “If you don’t want to do this I can understand,” she said while she looked into your eyes. All forms of seduction were gone, she was genuinely concerned about you.
You shook your head so fast it felt like your brain was spinning. “No, no. I do want this. I’m just nervous. I really like you and I don’t want to mess up.”
“You don’t have to worry about that. I don’t know what I’m doing either, I’m just going with the flow… and doing what feels right.” She put one of her hands on your cheek, the metal of one of her rings stinging against the warmth of your face.
“We can take this as slow as you like,” Wanda whispered.
You bit your bottom lip and nodded, but Wanda pulled your lip out with her thumb. She looked you in the eye and hesitated for some sign for her to go on. You took the chance to lean in, capturing her lips with yours. She was an amazing kisser, though you couldn’t say much, you hadn’t kissed many people before. Her kiss was electric, sending jolts through your entire body, even places you didn’t know could be affected by a simple kiss.
Your back arched into her, pressing your crotch against hers. She moaned, tugging on your lip. Her hands went to your behind, landing on your butt and squeezing it tight. Even after her words she could sense your hesitancy.
“Go ahead, beautiful, explore me.”
You did as told, letting your hands trail up her stomach under her shirt and up to the lacy fabric of her bra. To support her weakening knees she slotted one in between your legs, hiking up the fabric of your dress and pressing her slacks against your wet underwear. You scooted further down the door, making the fabric rub even more. Without thinking you started to slide back and forth on her thigh. Wanda thought it was sexy, seeing you getting on with her leg, rubbing your slick cunt against her for relief.
You realized what you were doing and panicked, eyes shooting open in alarm. She laughed quietly, the ring in her voice more beautiful than anything else you had heard before. It eased your nerves and when she told you to go on you weren’t so nervous anymore.
Wanda helped you, putting her hands on your hips to guide you and moving her thigh to meet your movement. You held onto her shoulders, head falling forward and hair fanning around your face. Wanda wanted to see your face. She thought it was beautiful. She tilted your head back up so she could look at you. You tried to hide your face, somewhat embarrassed by how much pleasure you were getting out of the experience.
“You don’t have to shy away, I think you look amazing. Even when you’re moaning,” she added with a smirk.
“Wanda,” you started, trying to tell her that it wasn’t true.
“Shh, you don’t have to say anything. Just ride me until you cum darling.”
You did. You kept on riding her, at some point pulling your panties to the side so your bare pussy was against her. You were moaning for sure, but you tried to stay quiet, knowing that everyone outside would hear if you were too loud. Your peak was near, not too much to go until you would have your orgasm right there on Wanda’s pants.
“Okay love birds! Time’s up!” Natasha yelled from the other side of the door. You gasped, the feeling of Wanda’s thigh leaving you. You squeezed your thighs together in an attempt to appease yourself but it was to no use.
“We’ll continue this later,” Wanda whispered. She could tell you were struggling but everyone would know what you were up to if you stayed any longer, they may even open the door themselves. You pulled your dress back down and got yourself situated and Wanda checked over you, making sure that you looked presentable.
She opened the door and everyone was staring. Heat, unbearable, searing heat, rose to your face, undoubtedly turning it scarlet. You scurried to your seat and tried to drown in the couch. Wanda excused herself, walking to the bathroom with your eyes trailing after her. You weren’t sure what she was going to do, but she was actually going to clean your juices off her pants. As much as she would have loved to represent you, she knew how embarrassed you would be if everyone saw the glistening on the black fabric.
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cami-chats · 6 years
Spun Onto You
Title: Spun Onto You
Link: AO3
Square Filled: Playing Spin the Bottle
Ship: Tony Stark/James Rhodes
Rating: Teen
Major Tags: None
Summary: “Tony thought they only played spin the bottle in high school movies, but he's willing to let that go when Rhodey spins it right at him and he thinks that he's finally going to get to kiss him.”
Word Count: 1616
Created for @mcukinkbingo
Full text also below
Tony had felt that this party was too childish for him when they showed up, and while he technically still felt that way hours later, he wouldn't admit to it unless he felt it was absolutely necessary. Maybe it was the lack of hard drugs and people leering at him that made it feel like it was a high school party-- or how he'd seen high school parties shown in movies as he'd been far too young to be invited to any of those while actually attending high school-- but the lack of those things meant that he was enjoying himself. But there were expectations and pressures and Tony wouldn't be able to admit that he was having fun without someone calling him a pussy for it later, so he kept his mouth shut and continued talking to Bruce about science: both because it was interesting and so that he would have a good excuse for why he was sticking around if someone asked.
Even though he was having fun, the high school party vibe increased when a large group formed a circle in the living room and started playing spin the bottle. Tony groaned. "I thought they only played this in movies," he grouched to Bruce as he turned to him, realizing too late that Bruce was looking in on the game with interest.
Bruce blushed and jerked his eyes away with a cough, fiddling with the bottleneck of his root beer. "Yeah. Lame right?"
"I didn't say it was lame," Tony denied even though it had been exactly what he was thinking, "I just didn't know that anyone played it." When Bruce continued to look unconvinced, Tony threw back the rest of his drink. "C'mon, let's see if they'll take two more players." With a wink, he looped his arm through Bruce's and pulled him along.
No one had a problem with them joining of course, and it was decidedly less sexual a game than Tony had been imagining/tv had led him to believe. People were kissing, making out occasionally, but just having fun with it. There was only tension between a few pairs, and that was very obviously sexual tension and not jealousy or judgement so it was fine. Tony took a seat next to Rhodey, bumping shoulders with a wide grin as he sat. If he wanted to get a kiss from him out of this, he'd have better odds sitting pretty much anywhere else, but he wasn't going to risk freaking Rhodey out for the sake of a game, not to mention that it would have been suspicious if he sat anywhere else, what with Bruce being on the other side of him and all. Tony was officially a 'social butterfly', but that was because people flocked to him instead of any skill or charisma on his end.
Rhodey did the best friend thing, and Tony did it back. Cheering when they got a kiss, taunting good-naturedly, and stealing drinks from his water bottle (at least Tony was doing that to Rhodey, the reverse could not be said). So everything was good, and they both cheered from their spot in the circle when Bruce and Betty got to kiss, and instead of moving back to her space she opted to sit next to Bruce. That was around the time that it was James's turn after a kiss from Harold, and he spun the bottle only for it to land on Tony.
Tony's heart beat loudly in his chest and he tried not to look too eager. It wouldn't make a difference for tonight, but Rhodey would remember it tomorrow, and Tony wanted to avoid that mess for as long as he could thank you very much. He turned to James, anticipating, but Rhodey leaned in quick as a hummingbird and pecked his cheek. "Aw c'mon Rhodes, you call that a kiss?" Tony teased, hand holding on the end of his shirt to help him pull Rhodey in a second when he went for a real kiss, but that never happened.
He chuckled, shaking his head dismissively. "Spin the bottle Tones."
Tony's smile froze on his face, and his hand slackened as his heart swooped unpleasantly. James wasn't going to kiss him. Not even within the low commitment aura of this game. It kind of felt like his soul was being crushed under a boot, and he wasn't a fan. He started to detach, but he didn't think anyone else noticed. He bowed out of the game a little while later, and Rhodey didn't give him more than a glance. Tony had the sudden, destructive urge to grab a bottle of vodka and see how much he could stomach, but for once he didn't see alcohol as a solution to the problem.
He'd been having up to now, and like hell he was going to let James and his cheek kiss ruin that. So he chatted with the people that weren't playing the game and tried to forget about what was going on. It didn't help though, that they were in a house that, while roomy for the students sharing it, was small with the people packed into it. There wasn't any forgetting what was happening because every so often there would be a strange pairing or someone would put a lot more effort into the kiss than was necessary and all of a sudden they were about to get it on in front of god and everyone. Well not god because he was probably sleeping at this time of night, but everyone at the party sure as hell would have seen it if clothes got stripped off. As it was, they all very clearly saw Jake Green's hand vanish under Missy's blouse.
After that particular incident, which led to the pair being unceremoniously shoved into an empty room, it was more or less spinning the bottle and then making fun of the person, or complimenting them based on how much the pair liked each other. And that was around the time that James pulled him back into the circle with a grin, much more relaxed than he had been the first time Tony sat next to him in this circle. He even kept an arm around Tony that kept him tucked against his side the entire time. It made his mind turn into a long line of frustrated question marks because what the fuck??? Did the phrase 'mixed signals' mean anything to James or was he just this oblivious? Or, Tony thought with his heart dropping to his shoes, was this really how Rhodey thought about him? Some kid brother that was always getting in trouble but he felt some obligation towards so he didn't leave him to his own devices? It didn't quite add up, but Tony was too hurt to think of those instances.
They left the party when it started to wind down, and Tony couldn't even be happy that James automatically pulled them into the same bed instead of them going to their separate rooms because of the way his thoughts were racing. He hoped he would feel better in the morning, but he didn't really. A little maybe? But not enough that he could shrug it off the way he'd been hoping.
Tony tried to get out of bed for some water, but James pulled him tight to his chest with an arm around his waist-- they'd started spooning at some point in the night okay? It wasn't that weird, he was just a cuddler, hence the nickname 'Rhodey bear' despite James's various pleas that Tony drop it and forget about its existence. Tony was annoyed at the moment, so he huffed. "You are the king of mixed signals."
"Hm?" James said, trying to shake himself awake enough to deal with this conversation. The only reason he knew there was a conversation to be had was because Tony was using his irritated voice, and Rhodey knew what happened when he ignored that tone. "Wha's wron'?"
Tony considered-- very seriously and for a long moment-- telling James that if he didn't know, Tony wasn't going to tell him. He didn't want to be that particular kind of asshole though, so he rolled around to face him. "You don't get to kiss me on the cheek and then keep me from getting out of bed like we're a happy couple. If I don't get sleepy kisses or morning sex, you can't keep me here. So?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "What's it going to be?"
Easy as anything, James leaned forward the handful of inches separating them and kissed Tony. Just like that. Flat on the mouth. Lips on lips. Then leaned back and closed his eyes, snuggling into the pillow.
Tony stared at him, mouth gaping. "Are you kidding me?"
He peeked an eye open. "What?"
"You're going to kiss me and then fall asleep?"
"That was the plan."
Tony opened his mouth to say something else, then paused. Why was he fighting this? James wasn't the sort of person to kiss him just to shut him up, and he was always more honest when tired than fully awake. "Huh."
"You actually like me."
"I mean really like me."
"Yeah," he repeated, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Then why didn't you give me a real kiss at the party last night!"
"You're gonna think it's stupid."
"Probably, but are you really going to let that stop you?"
"Yes. Now go to sleep."
"Aww c'mon honey bear tell me!"
"I'm already regretting this," he said, but he tightened his grip on Tony's waist so he knew that he was joking.
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Diagnosis: Chapter 2
Stark Tower and Nailing an Interview: chapter two.
 I said my goodbyes to Koda and summoned an Uber, they smelled better than Taxis and I wanted to impress my interviewer. My long brown hair was pulled back into a neat pony tail, I wore a black blouse and a black pencil skirt, a green silk shawl, a modest silver necklace. I opened my phone and checked my messages, a few friends from the clinic I used to work at had all spammed me with questions, apparently I should have elaborated on where I was going to interview, and who I was going to work for. And who I was going to be my patient, or patients. I was excited
Trust me, I’ve never felt this excited before. I mean, practicing medicine for the Avengers, that’s insane.
I also had a few concerned texts from my mom after I had told her what happened the night before. Coming from a small town in Utah meant that we never had to worry about cat calling, potential rapists. I reassured her I was fine, and that Koda does a fantastic job of keeping me safe. As we neared the tower the driver broke the silence, “Stark Industries? What kind of secretary are you going to be?” I snorted, “Actually I a medical doctor. I am applying to be the Avengers on staff physician.” After a moment of really awkward silence, “Oh, my apologies doctor..” We pulled into the entrance and I stepped out, waving goodbye and rating him at a salty 5 stars. I stepped inside and walked to the front desk and cleared my throat, a women with a tight platinum blonde bun looked up at me. She plastered a fake smile and asked how she could help me. I explained that I was here for an interview for The Avengers physician. I let her scan my ID and take my picture which she printed off and put inside a little clip labeled “visitor”
I made my way to an elevator and followed the directions on which floor to head to, as the elevator made it’s way up the tower I began to feel slightly nervous, this kind of job sounded amazing, what if a more competent physician applied? I knew I was brilliant and was known as a prodigy, (not to toot my own horn) But for an opportunity like this, there had to be all kinds of amazing doctors applying. The elevator opened and I stepped out, woah. I was greeted to something I would expect in a high end Penthouse. A large open room with tall windows that boasted an excellent New York view, near the windows were several luxurious couches and loves seats, to my left was a bar that had more high-end liquor than the entire state of Utah could ever allow in a single building. “Ah, look at that our young doctor appears!” I was fairly surprised to see that it was Tony Stark who greeted me, I stepped forward and shook his hand with a warm smile, “My name is Doctor Julie Stirling, it is my absolute pleasure to meet you, thank you for this incredible opportunity.” Stark grinned at me and lead me to the bar and pulled out a stool for me then sat down and gestured for me to follow suit, which I did while trying my best to keep my jaw from hitting the floor. “Can I offer you a drink? Water, tea, coffee, I wouldn’t recommend alcohol this early, but you do you.” I chuckled and declined his offer as I pulled out of resume, cover letter, and a list of my references and their recommendations and admirations. Tony skimmed through the information I handed him and let out a low whistle. “29 years old and already such an incredible physician, young, brilliant, capable, a genius among men! You remind me of myself” Stark added with a chuckle, “I did hear that you abruptly left  your previous job while cursing your employer out. Care to elaborate on that?” I bit my lip and felt embarrassment rise through me, “I.. It’s not like me sir, he is a very disrespectful man and I had enough. I knew my skills and knowledge were going to waste and I couldn’t stand being belittled anymore. Trust me when I say I am very professional and my bedside manner is excellent I-“ Tony cut me off with a wave of his hand, “Trust me I know about Doctor Wallis, that creepy old man has brought nothing but complaints from the people I’ve asked. Plus hey, I need something with the backbone to stand up for themselves. You’ll be working with some thick headed assholes, myself included. I need to know you wont be pushed around when it’s unnecessary.”
Tony looked through my resume once more and added “You are young, and you don’t have as much experience under your belt as the other applicants but.. That might actually prove useful. I need a fresh mind, something who is willing to take a step into medicine that may be more complicated than what other doctors have studied and worked with. And reading about your incredible track record of absolutely blowing away the universities you studied under I am certain that you learn quickly, and you’re fast on your feet too.” We talked for a little longer, Tony explaining how things generally worked around the tower, “Most of your responsibilities are focused on the Avengers, however if needed I will have you tend to Stark employees as well. However they all have their own doctor they see when necessary. I guess you’re just a backup when needed. But I don’t think it would come to that, plus you will have enough on your plate anyway. With keeping up with the team and building your understanding of erm.. Otherworldly beings,  Dr. Banner is also adapt in medicine and is incredible and will work along side you when it comes to finding things that can keep up with different physiologies and metabolisms.” Tony stood and motioned for me to follow, “I like you kid, come with me, I’m thinking I want to hire you. But I need you to meet someone first. He has been so gracious as to agree and let us heal him. He allows us the possibility to understand Asgardians and well.. He has no choice to be here and isn’t quite healthy enough to do much about it anyway.” I followed Stark through a set of doors and was led down a hallway and through another set of doors, I raised an eyebrow when I noticed what looked like two SHEILD agents guarding the entrance. Stark breezed past them and opened the doors and walked in, I followed closely but halted when I noticed a hospital bed, connected to a few IV’S and a heart monitor was the one and only Loki. He was propped up on the bed reading a book. He was pale, way paler than he was when he was last seen on TV. His hair was an absolute mess and while he seemed tired he also gave off the vibe that he was still not to be messed with. Stark cleared his throat and introduced me, “hey Prince of Jokes, we have someone who might possibly be tending to you. Say hello!” Loki looked at me and I felt myself tense, How in the actual hell am I suppose to take care of him?
“Hello, worry not mortal, I am under very direct orders not to cause chaos, else I am thrown back into my cells on Asgard which would not be pleasant due to my current condition. It appears that aiding Thor in stopping the Dark Elves from destroying everything and consequently being stabbed by a kursed blade only earns me a break from my imprisonment on Asgard, to one here. To be a test subject for idiot Midgardians to use their barbaric technology to learn how to heal their precious Avengers.”
Tony rolled his eyes and said “Don’t worry, Thor was able to get some direction to help heal him, under these special circumstances it would be difficult to keep him from dying without a little Asgardian aid, they have provided strong drugs to give his body the energy and… Cider?” “Seidr” Loki cut in, “Seidr, anyway, that is some of what we have running through his veins right now. His body heals at an incredible rate but what went through him on that strange elf planet puts up a lot of fight. Combining drugs that keep his energy from draining we can allow him to do most of the healing on his own. What you will be doing is keeping a stable eye on his vitals and pain. We do have very potent pain killers for when he needs them. Trust me you’ll know. You think he’s a prick now? Wait until his ouchie is hurting, he’ll bitch at you until you either decide to give him the precious drug or kill him.” Loki rolled his eyes, “I would hardly call it bitching, if you even could fathom the amount of pain I am forced to endure while under the mockery of mortals you would be irritable as well.”
I looked Loki over then looked back to Tony, “I think I can handle him, at least as long as he continues to be relatively harmless.” Loki sneered but said nothing, Tony clapped his hands together. “Yes! Okay, I am going to offer you this job. For the foreseeable future Loki is your main concern. Keeping his pain under control, his healing on track and making sure his bandages are changed and infection is avoided. He may be ‘godly’ but he still is vulnerable at the moment.” That earned an insulted scoff from Loki that Tony promptly ignored, “Thor was told that Loki’s estimated healing time should be a month if everything goes smoothly. After Loki is healed we will go from there. Oh, because you are our on sight physician I have provided a modest apartment here at the tower. Your home will be located on the same floor as the handful of Avengers who live here. Thor is off and on when it comes to being here on earth, but you’ll get to know Natasha Rominoff, Clint, Bruce, Steve, and of course myself.”  
Over the next couple hours I was given a thick stack of nondisclosure forms, another thick stack of pretty much everything that Tony and I had discussed before, a bunch of notes on dealing with Asgardians, more specifically wounded Loki, an in-depth description of my salary, paid time off, and work related perks. I was given a set of keys and taken down to what was called “Avenger’s floor” I walked to the end of the hall with one of Stark’s employees, she was a bubbly redhead who seemed super pumped to be here at all times. “Here is your home!” She opened the door and waited for me to enter before following me. “You have two bedrooms and two bathrooms, a full bathroom with the master bedroom, and a half bathroom in the hallway.” Alex, as she had liked to be called stood in the center of the large room. To my right the apartment dipped down slightly into what would easily be a modest living room, tall windows that made me feel a little light-headed reminded me of how high up I was. Although you really did get a killer view from up here, and there were massive grey curtains that I could pull over if I needed to. To my left was a large dining and kitchen area, it was also very open, it already had a dining table that could gracefully seat six people. Behind the table was a rather cozy kitchen, I didn’t need anything fancy, in fact this really was more than I was expecting. Alex let me take it all in before leading me down the hall, the first door on the right she opened and gestured for me to follow. “This is the guest bedroom but could easily be a study, or anything you want really.” The room wasn’t small, but not overly huge either. I didn’t expect to have many guests so a study would be really nice. Alex made her way out of the room and guided me to the next door, “and here we will have the master bedroom.” I stepped in behind her and looked around. This room had to be about half the size of my old apartment. It had a nice window that let in sunlight and fresh air without making me feel like I was going to fall to my death. I walked to the end of the room and opened a door to find a master closet, “Huh, don’t think I have enough clothes to come even close to fitting in here.” I laughed to myself but Alex tilted her head, “aren’t doctors supposed to be rich?” I really laughed this time, “yeah, but not starting out. I’m in debt up to my eyeballs. My last apartment was pretty much a cement box.” My preppy tour guide shrugged and opened the door to reveal my bathroom. A freaking Jacuzzi tub sat at the far end of the room under a beautifully arched window, gorgeous white curtains were tucked back. I took in the sight, a large walk in shower, a complicated looking toilet.. A Bedit?  And a marble sink blew me away.
Alex left me to explore the rest of the apartment on my own, there was really only the guest bathroom left anyway, and while it was a nice bathroom, it’s just a bathroom. Tony had given me a week to get myself moved and settled in, then it would be time to work. I was actually pretty proud of myself for convincing Tony to allow me to keep Koda, (it was less “convincing” and more me telling him that I am a package deal and Koda comes with me.) I had to show him every ribbon she’s earned, ever certificate and proof of vaccines. But he agreed and I was excited to bring Koda on this new adventure with me.
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