#bruce: You're not the boss of me. Sincerely Bruce Wayne
batarangsoundsdumb · 3 years
john texting bruce: we still on for dinner later? ;) bruce: Delete my number. john: so i'll see you at 7? bruce: Delete my number or I will arrest you for whatever drugs you have in your pocket right now. john: okay i'll meet you at ur house then
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theodorecanaryhood · 4 years
Never fear
My not so secret obsession with Red Hood at the moment, quite unhealthy. Any who, this is Arkhamverse fanfic. Enjoy.
Jason Todd /Arkham Knight x single Mum reader
Just before Gotham was evacuated and criminals took over, you had one last chance to see your family before they left. You were staying, no matter what it took.
Superman was no where to be found to help, Black Canary left with Arrow and Flash was helping Wonder Woman. The only ones that seemed to want to help Gotham City was Batman, Robin and eventually Nightwing.
You aren't a superhero, a God or a Kryptonian...just one mad Mother fighting to protect her child. You had a few run ins with Barbara Gordon though, she was a friend. You only met her a year ago so you didn't know much about the big secret lives at night. Until now.
It was dark, you could feel something around your arms and feet. You heard muffled talking in the room, two men. But you weren't able to make out what they were saying. You opened your eyes and saw that you were still in your house, tied to a chair with two Militia men standing in front of you.
'Rise and shine beautiful' one man said, you winced a little and your head was throbbing on one side. They broke in about an hour ago, you stood your ground and fought, however they were too strong and knocked you out.
'Who are you? What do you want?' You asked simply, the second man chuckled as he came forward.
'For you to take that dress off, but later, first we want to know where you got this from' he said holding out a necklace, the necklace had a locket which was rigged to taze someone if they stood to close. You threw it at the third man who lays unconscious on your floor.
'That's some strong stuff, high tech. How did a woman like you get hold of that?' The first man asked you.
'Your mama' you laughed, the first man struck you across the face. 'Where's my son?' You asked in response, both the men looked at each other confused.
'No idea' the second man said, 'hold on' he said as he brought his hand up to his ear.
You took in the room, you knew the house blindfolded but it was a tip as there was a struggle, so you may stumble or trip. You had a revolver hidden in the bookshelf, out of reach of your three year obviously. A knife hidden in your underwear drawer, of course you'd have to go upstairs to get it. The locket was in the hands of the men, you didn't want to run as your son was hiding in the house somewhere...you hoped.
'Boss is coming' the second man said as he approached his teammate, 'he wants to see the locket...and the mess for himself'.
You look confused as a man walks into the house, suit similar to Batman's just more military looking. Blue, white and red. Visor and a voice modification system.
'Stand down, no need to hold guns upto the lady. She's not going to fight' The Arkham Knight says as he walks over to you, talking to his men.
'Of course sir, what would you like us to do?' The first man asks,
'Wait outside, stay there until I give you another order. Also, leave the locket here' both men nod and step outside.
'You...you're him' you whisper, Knight simply nods, 'what do you want from me?' You ask sternly.
'Uh uh, I'll ask the questions' he says holding up the locket, dangling it in front of you, 'where did you get this?' He asks, you take in his form, even though his voice is disguised you can tell he is speaking calmly.
'A friend' you state simply, Knight shrugs as he puts the locket down.
'Would that friend be Batman?' He asks, you laugh a little.
'Never had the pleasure to meet him. No, not him' you reply, the Knight seems intrigued with you, seems interested.
'Mommy?' Your little boy comes into the room rubbing his eyes after crying, he was scared and left alone hiding in the closet in his room.
'Harper' you call out relieved to see him but also terrified of the very huge man in your house.
'Those idiots' Knight states simply as he looks at your little boy. Knight then looks at the fear in your eyes, 'I'm sorry, my men should have taken better care before barging in here. I didn't realise you had a child in your house' he said sincere, your fear turned to confusion.
Harper stood in the hallway looking wide eyed at the masked man, but not scared.
'Hey big man, I'm Jay, I'm guessing your Harper?' Knight said calmly to your son, your son smiled brightly at him.
'I am. You know my Mommy?' Harper asked as he looked at you, luckily from his angle he couldn't see you were tied down.
'I do, I'm sorry my friends came and trashed your house. They were looking for something for me, I found it. But I didn't know how special you and your Mommy were' the Knight said, you teared up at his comment, Harper smiled even brighter.
'Mommy, he's big' Harper exclaims, you couldn't help but laugh. Of all the things to say. The Arkham Knight holds up his hand and gives Harper a high 5. Then ruffling Harper's hair.
'Please' you say to Knight, he looks at you again.
'Never fear, I don't hurt women and children' he says in response as he untied you from the chair and helps you onto your feet. You grab Harper and hug him tight as the Knight leaves the house.
2 weeks after the Nightfall Protocol and Gotham seems to have new heroes coming out. Nightwing has the Titans, The Justice League seems to have carried on regardless of Batman being 'dead', Robin is the new face of Gotham and of course, the Arkham Knight is now Red Hood.
Barbara filled you in after Scarecrow unmasked Bruce Wayne as Batman live on air. She even told you who the Arkham Knight was, who he really is.
Harper was at school so you had the afternoon to yourself, working from home as the building got caught in a shoot out between thugs and Two Faces men. You got a text from Barbara.
Someone would like to meet you, he's on his way over. Hope you're ok with it.
I also fixed that locket for you x Barb
There was a knock at your door within minutes of recieving the text, you went over to the front door and opened it to find...
'Hi y/n, good to see you again. I think we should start over. My name is Jason Todd'
Couldn't think of how to end it so I hope this is ok. Might do a part 2.
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