#brrrkdslek πŸ“–: emergence
brrrkdslek Β· 1 year
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πŸ‚± an event known as 'THE PULSE' occurs worldwide, granting a significant portion of the population extraordinary abilities. you, a grieving young mother, encounters a group of boys while seeking refuge. the newfound group navigates a changing society while uncovering the truth behind the pulse.
πŸ‚± ot8 x fem! reader
πŸ‚± thriller, mystery, superhero, action, written
πŸ‚± blood n gore, corrupt government, illegal shit(idk), mentions of rape, death, use of drugs, smoking, trauma, lowercase intended!!!
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52 notes Β· View notes
brrrkdslek Β· 1 year
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πŸ‚± an event known as 'THE PULSE' occurs worldwide, granting a significant portion of the population extraordinary abilities. you, a grieving mother, encounters a group of boys while seeking refuge. the newfound group navigates a changing society while uncovering the truth behind the pulse.
πŸ‚± ot8 x fem! reader
πŸ‚± thriller, mystery, superhero, action, written
πŸ‚± blood, gore, death
πŸ‚± 2.4k
πŸ‚± EMERGENCE. mlist
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RUBBING YOUR SWEATY PALMS TOGETHER, you stare up at the tall men. "can i help you with something?" you ask in a foreign language, tilting your head with wide eyes, trying to seem as confused as possible. the men shared a look with each other before turning around and continued to walk towards the lift.
you slowly walked away and out of the lobby, then you started to sprint away with tears in your eyes. you could've died, honestly. as you boarded the bus, you text seonghwa to let him know that you're nearing the park.
a ding was heard from seonghwa's phone as he stood in the small park with sunglasses and a mask on to shield his identity from the people around him. he'd grown anxious when he saw the news of his and your face revealed on tv, government demanding that you two would be handed over and would pay a hefty sum to anybody that found one of you two.
he opened the message and sighed in relieve upon realising you were on your way and possibly safe. seonghwa began to think again, where should you two go for the time being?
your homes are probably being broken into about now. everyone that knows you two wants to hand you over to the government, and some even wanted them dead on sight. he sighed, why did this happen anyways? and why him?
his thoughts were cutoff when he felt a hand pat his shoulder. looking up from the ground, he sees you smiling at him, also in full disguise. seonghwa lets out a sigh in relieve as he pulls you into a hug, "i'm so glad you're safe." pulling away, you giggle at the man. "what is there to worry about? i am a grown adult and can take care of myself!"
you two shared a few laughs while walking towards the parking lot together. "also, where are we staying?" seonghwa smiles at the ground, "there's this abandoned neighbourhood near my middle school that me and my old friends stayed at when we were still in school," he felt his heart ache at the memory, "we used to go there all the time until we graduated, i'm pretty sure it's still there."
you nodded and entered the car's passenger seat, seonghwa jogging over to the other side and gets in, starting the car. he puts in a location on his phone, dongdaemun-gu. you've heard of the place before, apparently it was abandoned when the terrorist group broke out in 2030.
you stare out the window as seonghwa drove past the bustling streets. the entire world in shambles with the new occurence of powers in some people, reports estimated 2/3rd of the human population as most people were on the streets at the time.
as the car came to a stop at the red light, your eyes catch a young man with split black and white hair, running past the streets in a hurry, speaking with every person that passed by anxiously. you blinked a few times as the car started again, taking your focus away from the man.
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hongjoong remembers the crying faces of his friends begging him not to go. he had been offered a spot at kq entertainment to become an underground idol, of course he accepted. hongjoong had wanted this for as long as he could remember.
although it hurt him tremendously to break the groups' promise, he reminded himself of the one in a million chances of this offer, and that promises couldn't always be kept.
as he progressed further into the music industry, hongjoong quickly grew famous and his music had gotten a lot of recognition. it was everything he's ever wanted, but something was missing.
recently, the overwhelming guilt was taking over him. every time he closed his eyes, he would envision the crying faces of his friends, reaching out to him, begging him to stay. his promise, his friends. everything fell to shambles because he left, but he didn't know that.
hongjoong was taking a stroll outside when he shivered at the sudden gush of wind against his skin, making goosebumps appear on his arms. he checks his watch and curses himself, he was running late for the meeting.
hongjoong began to run past the crowd of people and to the opposite direction quickly. suddenly, he teleported out of thin air from a portal. upon running out of said portal, he comes crashing into a pile of garbage, "fuck!" hongjoong sat up and rubbed his head, looking around.
"what... why am i here?" he mumbled to himself as tears pooled in his eyes. standing up, hongjoong dusted himself off and walked around the all too familiar neighbourhood. he broke down upon seeing the scribbles of the group name 'ATEEZ' on the tree, the mark still fresh as he trailed over it.
"excuse me?" hongjoong turns around, and is met with... himself. younger hongjoong's eyes widen as he stepped backwards, "why-why do you look... exactly like," he glups, "me?" hongjoong's tears threatened to spill as he stepped forward and held the younger's arms tightly.
"you-" hongjoong cut himself off. he shouldn't be doing this, if he could really travel through time, then that means he could alter the current timeline and history. hongjoong bit back a sob as he cups his younger self's face, "hongjoong-ah..." the younger held onto his hands, "yes?" "please, no matter what you do- just please,"
hongjoong strokes his cheek, "don't regret it. no matter what, no matter what it costs, do not regret any decisions you make." he spoke sternly with bloodshot eyes. the younger processes his words for a few seconds before confusingly nodded.
"hyung!" hongjoong's heart clenched upon hearing the voice of wooyoung and the others. he mutters a quick apology to the boy before dashing the other direction, leaving the boy stunned.
as he ran in the opposite direction, a ripple of black lighting tears around his body, opening another portal right in front of his eyes. before he could respond, his body runs straight through, and into the portal.
opening his eyes, he sees the same neighbourhood. however, it was in ruins. hongjoong's hands shake as he picked up a piece of newspaper buried under the rubbles, the headline reads: 'the end of the world!' hongjoong sacredly reads the date of the newspaper, november 17th, 2038, which was a few weeks away from current day.
hongjoong panicked and began running around, searching for a sign of life, even if it was a body. and a body he did find, seonghwa's. hongjoong stared at the lifeless body of his best friend, forehead covered in blood and grime, lip busted and fingers twisted in all sorts of directions.
hongjoong covers his mouth with his hand, turning around and quickly threw up his breakfast. grimacing at the lasting taste of vomit, he moved across seonghwa and over the small hill which was held up by the rubbles. over it were the bodies of the remaining friends, and a random woman whom he had never seen before.
hongjoong's eyes widen, but why? why did all of them die? and why wasn't he here? squeezing his fist, the newspaper crumples in his hand, turning his full attention on it. he reads through the paragraph;
'on this day, the rebel group 'halateez' will be coming to an end as one of the members, kim hongjoong, had teamed up with the government in secret. they plan to drop a nuclear bomb in the centre of the abandoned area also known as their hideout, dongdaemun-gu.
'halateez' will be rid of for good, stepping out of the way of the government's work. citizens wonder what could've persuaded hongjoong into joining forces with the governor? though it wouldn't matter as he would live on to be the governor's right-hand man.'
hongjoong drops the piece of paper to the ground. he did this? he killed his friends? dropping to the ground, hongjoong begins to sob into his palms, he was so confused.
teleporting out of nowhere, meeting his younger self out of nowhere and finding out that he will kill his friends out of nowhere. he drops the paper as it drops on the other side, words scribbled in black. 'IT WAS A TRAP, EVERYONE'S DEAD.' getting up, he begins to run again. just praying, hoping he'd go back to the reality he had known so well, and he did.
the rippling black lightning flashes but it suddenly stops as a figure blocks his path, knocking him to the ground. "what the fuck-" he furrows his brows in frustration. looking up, his features soften as he stares at himself.
his stomach turns at how he looked only two weeks into the future; large eyebags decorating his face, a large scar stretching his mouth open, only held close with the cross-stitches, dried blood staining in random areas on his face, covered in grime and bloodshot eyes screaming in pain.
"what happened-" "park seonghwa." hongjoong blinked, "...what?" future hongjoong stepped forward as hongjoong backed away, "jeong yunho," hongjoong gulped, "kang yeosang, choi san, song mingi," hongjoong internally sweatdropped at the mentions of his friends' names.
"jung wooyoung, choi jongho and l/n y/n." he pulled at the fabric of his shirt, "who's y-" future hongjoong grips hongjoong's shoulders, "these are the people you'll end up killing if you don't pull yourself together!" hongjoong stiffened as other hongjoong screamed in his face.
"what are you talking about-" "they're your friends, they're your family! don't you ever forget that, kim hongjoong." hongjoong's heart was beating in his ears, he was absolutely terrified at waht was happening right now.
"don't abandon them like you did back then," hongjoong's eyes began filling with tears again, "don't leave them alone, don't betray them..." future hongjoong's grip falters as he falls to the ground, sobbing in despair. "but i-" "there's no time!' future hongjoong sniffles and pushes hongjoong away, "teleport right now or you'll be stuck here forever!" "what, why-"
"if the same entity is exposed to themselves in the future or past for over ten minutes, they'll both cease to exist!" hongjoong's eyes widen, as he felt his head begin to pound. "but how do i tele-" "feel it, want it! you have to imagine the feeling, the spark, the environment, everything!"
hongjoong gulps as he begins running in the opposite direction in a hurry, "remember they're family and they love you, hongjoong!" a tear leaves hongjoong's eye as runs forward, passing the bodies of his beloved friends.
he feels the sudden jolt surge through his body, black lightning bolts surrounding him as he disappears into thin air, yet again. upon arriving back into the 'real' world, he stumbles and falls into an alleyway, totally out of it.
he holds his stomach as he throws up again next to the garbage can due to the amount of times he had traveled to god knows where. rays of pain shoots into his veins and his vision becomes blurry as he lays his back against the wall, breathing heavily.
'these must be side effects.' hongjoong made a mental note to keep track of his symptoms. regaining his composure, he runs out of the alleyway, still wobbling with his face covered in grime and begins rambling on to random pedestrians about a bomb that will be dropped, bringing the world to it's extinction.
of course he was brushed off as an insane psychopath who smelt like ass. hongjoong stops after a while and returns to his studio, earning an earful from his manager. 'so time moves along with wherever i am. if i've traveled into the past and future for about twenty minutes, it means twenty minutes have passed here.'
"yes, he's here." his train of thoughts were cut off when two large men in suits grabbed hongjoong by his arms, dragging him out of the room. "yah! what the hell, get off me!" he thrashed and pulled against them, as they didn't even budge.
hongjoong was about to give up until he remembers that he has powers now. he mentally calculated the two times he had traveled into the past and future, both running but only in the opposite directions. unfortunately, one place came to mind as future hong's words repeated in his mind.
'feel it, want it! you have to imagine the feeling, the spark, the environment, everything!' hongjoong closes his eyes, remembering the surge of lightning in his veins, making his body feel light. he takes a deep breath and pull himself backwards, making the men slightly wobble as he immediately launch himself forward.
looking back, his breath hitched as he sees everything in slow-motion. the men were tumbling onto the ground slowly, the painting on the wall creaks at a slow pace. the only thing that was moving normally was him. as he begins thinking, the moment comes to a stop and the men lands on their asses onto the ground.
he manifests his powers again and cross his fingers, hoping he'd teleport to where he had in mind and snapped his finger. surprised at how easy it was to command his teleportation, he looked around and pumped his fist in the air as he landed successfully in the designated location he had in mind, dongdaemun-gu.
he sighs as the nostalgic feeling hits him like a truck. he walks around and smiles at the memories he and his friends had made in this abandoned shithole. it was still messy with trash littered everywhere, more graffiti had appeared since the last time he'd been here.
as he enters one of the houses, the familiar scent of oakwood and coffee fills his nose, bringing tears to his eyes. he looks around the dirty house, everything in the exact same places, making him smile. "huh, who are you?" hongjoong turns around to see the figure walking towards him.
you couldn't see his face due to the light shining behind him, putting your hands forward you push the male away, zapping him in the process. "oh my god!" hongjoong covers his mouth with his hands as the man falls limp onto the ground, "fuck- oh, shit... uh, sir? are you- are you o-"
his eyes widen at the familiar face he saw, it was yunho.
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