#brown bear!namjoon
dambaepuff · 8 months
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☆Pairing: BearHybrid!Namjoon x GN!Reader
☆Genre: hybrid au, fluff, one-shot, pg-13
☆Warnings: none!
☆Word count: 4.3k
☆Summary: You noticed the strawberries in your garden started going missing a few weeks ago, the bushes often being smushed as if something big stepped onto them. Slowly you start to find other parts of your large garden in disarray as well. Who might be this crop thief stealing from you?
☆A/N: Hi!! This is the first time I’ve ever posted onto this account, I hope you’ll like it. I’m thinking of making it a series potentially? Feel free to let me know your thoughts and suggestions and/or if you have any sort of criticism and tips. Also beware of the fact that I do not have a beta reader and English isn’t my first language so there might be some mistakes!!
You sigh as you step into your garden and close the gate. It seems as though someone payed it a visit again last night. The once beautiful green grapes you had growing were now gone, the vines torn down, the trellises bent in funky ways and all the leaves crumpled. You take off your gardening gloves and stuff them into your apron’s front pouch. Your bare hands softly touch the now ruined plant, trying to examine the damage and determine if it’s salvageable. With a huff you bend down and grab onto the plant’s support structure, making sure your footing is firm you get to work with lifting everything up and fixing it.
“Hm, I need the toolbox for this one.” You mumble to yourself, letting go of the structure and tumbling backwards a little. Set on repairing the trellis, you start walking towards the shed. With a pep in your step you start to whistle a random tune, stuffing your hands into your pockets and fishing around for the key to the shed. As you pull out the keys and start to fumble around with them, trying to spot the square silver key, you catch movement in the corner of your eye. At first you brush it off as wind rustling branches, but then you register a large brown lump moving around. Your head shoots up and you immediately freeze up. About ten meters away from you stands a large grizzly bear, sniffing around in the bushes on your property. With fear coursing through your veins, the sudden adrenaline makes your thoughts turn hazy. Starting to fumble with the keys faster you decide it’s best to hide in the shed till it leaves, however once the jingle of the metal clinking resumed the bear’s head rose. It’s black eyes landed directly onto you. Your hands shook and you dropped the keys, your panic starting to become more prominent.
Just as you thought the wild animal was going to pounce, it turned around and ran in the opposite direction as if it was the one scared to death. You halted all your movements in confusion, letting out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. Wiping the sweat that accumulated on your forehead you picked up the bundle of metal from the ground and finally found the right key. Quickly shutting the door, you let yourself slump against it. Thumping your head against the wood, you let out a sigh of relief.
After that day you were on edge for a little while, but it wasn’t long till you went back to your usual routine. One morning you had gathered all of the produce that was overly ripe into one large bucket. Now wanting it to go to waste you fed part of it to some of your animals and the rest you had left out in front of the garden in hopes of the thief taking from there instead of ruining all your hard work. You had been carving away at a small piece of wood whilst laying on your hammock when you heard rustling behind you. Slowly turning around you spotted the same brown bear eating away at the produce you had left in the bucket. Your heart started to pound in fear, not knowing what to do you laid back down and tried to be as still as possible, hoping that the beast would be gone soon. The munching noises you could faintly hear stopped at some point and everything went quiet. Tightly shutting your eyes you prayed it was going back to where it came from, but instead you heard heavy footsteps coming towards you. A tear brimmed your eye, your skin prickled with goosebumps and your blood pumped so hard you could hear it. Shallow breaths took over your body, each one of your muscles tensing. The footsteps stopped right beside you, a warm breath tickled your face. The animal let out a deep groan, curiously starting to sniff you. Unable to open your eyes from the terror you used sound and your imagination to be able to tell what the bear was doing. It’s sniffing stopped at your hands, it’s wet snout nudging your skin. You cracked one eye open and saw the large beast staring at the small wooden figurine you had been carving. It’s eyes held no hunger or malice, it looked interested and almost kind? Unsure if you were seeing right, you fully opened your eyes, gawking up at the creature. It looked down at you and then back at your hands, almost as if it was asking what you were doing.
“Uhm, this?” You asked, your voice coming out weak as you held up your creation. The bear grunted and nodded its head. “Oh it’s just a little figurine I was making, it’s supposed to be a dog.” You said wide eyed, to which the bear nodded. “You can… You can understand me?” You squeaked out. The bear nodded again and let out a small grunt. Your confusion only doubled, yet your interest was piqued. You set down the carving onto your stomach and reached out one of your hands, slowly bringing it up to the bears head. Hesitantly you set it down, the fur feeling softer than you’d imagine. Slowly, your hand started to stroke its head to which the beast let out a content grumble and leaned into your touch. Completely stunned, all you could do was continue petting it. The bear lowered its head and let it rest in your lap, the warmth emitting from it surprisingly comforting. The mammal’s big black eyes started to blink slower, its entire body seeming to relax. You however, still felt a bit on edge. It started to nudge your hand with its nose, ‘This is it, I’m going to lose a hand now!’ you thought, expecting to get bitten. However, to your surprise all it did was give your palm a few licks, as if thanking you. It stood back up with a grunt and started to make it’s way towards the wooded area on your property.
After that exchange you had started leaving fruit and leftovers from your dinner on your front porch each evening. Every morning you’d wake up to the food gone and a little gift left in its place. The presents varied from pretty rocks and flowers to money and shiny jewelry you assumed the creature stole from someone. Scraping the remnants of sauce into the container you hummed along to a song playing on the radio. With leftover pasta in one hand and an array of fruits in the other, you made your way to your front door. Pushing the handle down with your elbow and kicking to door open with your foot, you prepare to place the food down onto the steps. A familiar set of black eyes startle you, almost making you drop everything you were holding. “Oh! You scared me.” The bear huffed out something that sounded similar to a laugh. “I got you food. Sit down.” It obliged and plopped down with a grunt. “I got you strawberries, I know you like those.” You say as you place everything down and pick up a strawberry, throwing it towards the bear. It catches the berry mid air and happily chomps down on it. “Bon appetite.” You grin at it and make your way back inside. Sparing the beast one last glance through the window, you turn off all the lights and make your way to bed.
The bear started showing up for dinner early more often, letting you feed and pet it. Tonight was no different, you fed the creature, talked to it pretending it understood you and bid it farewell. Loud claps of thunder awoke you from your sleep, looking out of your window the rain was pouring down like no tomorrow, wind wildly throwing around leaves and jostling trees. Immediately your mind jumped to your furry friend. Without a second thought you got up from bed, quickly shuffling into your slippers and pulling on a robe. With hurried steps you made your way downstairs, looking out onto your front porch you saw the same lump of brown fur laying outside your door, finding shelter from the rain under the gable roof. For a moment you hesitated, what could you even do? Would it be absurd to let the wild animal into your home? It definitely would be. So, you unlocked your front door and opened it. A gust of wind immediately hit you in the face, carrying rain water with it. Not far from your house, a bolt of thunder struck the ground, echoing loudly and flashing before your eyes. The beast startled awake, looking around it shivered in fear. Trying to get it’s attention you yelled over the wind and thunder, flailing your arms around like an idiot. The ears on its head lightly perked up and it turned its head to face you. Large black eyes landed on your figure, watching as you beckoned it inside. Without a hint of uncertainty the creature got up and started walking towards you. Reaching around in the dark and running your hand along the wall, you found the light switch and turned it on. The second your friend entered the house you shut the door, sighing as the storm’s noises faded into a mere hum.
“Wait here.” You instructed and quickly made your may to the bathroom, taking two large towels and scurrying back to the entrance. Unfolding the fabric, you draped it over the bear and got to work with drying it off to the best of your abilities. When you got to its head, you became more gentle. Gingerly rubbing out the moisture from its ears and cheeks, you looked into its eyes. They held a warmth you couldn’t explain, a sort of gratitude no regular bear could express. Its large snout twitched and it blinked up at you slowly. “You’re such a cutie.” You said softly and wiped its forehead. It let out a grunt and looked away as if it were embarrassed. “Come, you can sleep on my rug.” You said and started making your way toward the living room. Heavy footsteps followed behind you, the old wooden floor of your house creaking underneath its weight. “Sleep here, just don’t break anything please.” You told the beast with a small smile and bid it goodnight.
Sounds of birds chirping and the soft howl of the wind woke you up. Sitting up in bed you yawned, stretching your arms out above your head and twisting your torso around to release tension. Your feet made contact with the cold floor of your bedroom, sluggishly getting up to open your window. You leaned outside and took in a big breath of fresh air, the smell of rain still present in the morning chill. The peaceful moment was cut short by loud clanking coming from downstairs followed by a thump. Startled, you quickly made your way towards the source of the noise. Expecting to find the bear you’ve come to know as your friend, you’re alarmed to see a fully grown man standing in your kitchen with all of your pots and pans spilled onto the ground. You quickly grab one of your kitchen knives and firmly hold it towards the intruder. “Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my house?” You ask calmly. The man’s eyes widen and he puts his hands up. “Uhm uhh...” He mumbles, clearly taken aback. “I’m Namjoon.” He says and raises a brow, sounding more like a question than a statement. “How did you get in?” You question, tilting your head up and straightening your posture, trying your best to intimidate him. “You let me in last night.” His response takes you off guard, before you can reply to it his hand goes up to his head and he points at a pair of brow ears you hadn’t noticed before. That’s when it clicks. The large grizzly bear you had befriended wasn’t entirely a bear after all. Everything made sense now.
“Why did you steal from me?” The sentence flies out of your mouth before you can think about it. “Uhm, I was hungry.” The man replies, his ears drooping and his arms coming back down to his sides. You soften at his words knowing he never meant any harm. Putting the knife back you crouch down to pick up all the pots, he follows suit and the two of you quietly clean up. “So you say your name is Namjoon?” You asked as you began to gather ingredients for breakfast. “Yes.” He responded with a nod of his head. “I’m (Y/N), it’s nice to officially meet you.” You gave a small smile which he returned, adorable dimples appearing on his face. “Would you like some breakfast?” You asked as you rummaged around the kitchen. “Yes!” He responded eagerly to which you chuckled. After a beat of silence he spoke up again. “I’ve been thinking…” You let out a hum, encouraging him to continue. “You’ve kept me fed for so long now and I’ve done pretty much nothing in return. Let me help you with all your farm work to pay off my debt.” He said in a low voice. “You have no debt Namjoon.” You responded and looked at him over your shoulder. “However, a helping hand is always welcome here.” You started cracking eggs into a bowl. “Plus it would be nice to have someone around to talk to, y’know to keep me company.” You said as you started whisking the eggs. “You’ll let me stay?” He asked in disbelief, his voice full of hope. “I don’t see why not, you don’t look very weak and that’s certainly a plus.” You stated as you looked him up and down, giving a playful wink. His eyes winded a bit, but he didn’t comment on it.
After eating together you had decided to give him a proper tour of the property. He seemed particularly interested in your garden and your sculpting workshop. Once you showed him everything you began doing chores together, occasionally chatting and getting to know each other more. You had found out he was a stray hybrid, living on the streets for three years now. He had tried hitch hiking from one town to another about four months ago, when he suddenly got weird vibes from the truck driver he was traveling with. Not wanting to risk anything he ran away once they had pulled into a gas station, never looking back. After wandering through the woods for ages he came across the fence of your estate. At first he wasn’t going to cross it, scared someone would hunt him down and kill him if he entered private property. However, once he had smelled the pie you were baking his hunger got the better of him and he jumped the barrier. Realizing you were a stable source of food he continued to sneak around and eventually ended up here with you. Feeling grave pity for him you decided in that moment that it was your mission to help repair this man and give him the comfortable and fulfilling life he never got the chance to experience. He also told you about some of his friends who were stray hybrids as well, hoping to reunite with them one day. Apparently there were six of them, seven including Namjoon. They helped each other survive when no one else would.
After a long hard day of labor, the two of you came back to the farmhouse. You gave him some of your old oversized clothes and pointed him to your bathroom. He took his first proper shower in a while, enjoying using all of your different products and being pampered. Whilst he took care of his hygiene you got busy with making dinner. As you were grabbing all the ingredients you needed from the refrigerator, you noticed the vanilla tarts you had made the day before. Debating on serving them as dessert your eyes landed on the last couple of strawberries you managed to salvage from your garden, seemingly the bear’s favorite kind of berry to steal while you weren’t looking. Lighting up at the idea of combining the two foods for your friend to enjoy, you giddily got to work with dinner, the idea of surprising Namjoon lingering in your mind the entire time. Once he came out of the bathroom your eyes raked his form. Admiring how the large clothes fitted his frame and the way he did his best to dry his damp hair and ears with a towel. It only now dawned on you how handsome he was, this being the first time you truly took a moment to observe him since you initially saw his human form. His eyes caught yours, before you could get lost in their dark color you cleared your throat. “You hungry? I’m almost done with making dinner.” You asked and quickly started stirring the pot of sauce you were making. “I’m starving. Need any help?” He replied to which you instructed him to set the table.
The meal was fairly quiet, both of you lost in your own thoughts. When both of your plates were empty and your bellies almost entirely full, he was about to get up from the table. “Not so fast!” You said with a small smile. “I’m not going anywhere, I swear I was gonna help you clean up!” He replied briskly to which you laughed at him. He tilted his head in confusion, still thinking you were trying to scold him for bad manners. “There’s desert.” You said, your smile widening. His eyes lit up and his ears perked up. You could hear clothes shuffling, but he wasn’t moving an inch. That’s when you realized his tail small was wagging underneath his shirt. Trying to bite down your smile, you served the tarts on a plate with your strawberries. His nose moved as he sniffed the air, clearly eager for the treat. “What is it?” He asked in wonder, pointing at the baked good. “It’s a vanilla tart, try it.” You responded, handing him a fork. He eagerly dug in. Once he tasted it he started nodding his head vigorously, a close lipped smile spreading on his face. “You like it?” You asked. “Mhm!” He almost purred out, his taste buds not used to such delicate dishes. “Have a strawberry, I know you like those. Plus it goes well with the vanilla.” You picked up one of the red berries, thoughtlessly bringing it up to his lips. He shyly opened his jaws, holding eye contact as you inserted it into his mouth. His lips closed around it, faintly brushing your finger tips as you pulled your hand away. He slowly chewed, still looking at you. “Good?” You inquired, he leisurely swallowed. “So good.”
Namjoon had been living with you for a few months now. He had started stealing from your garden during last year’s spring and you let him into your home around summer time. It was now late January, your entire property covered in a blanket of crystal white snow. During this time of year you never have much work around the garden, more so focusing on taking care of all of your animals, letting yourself be consumed by reading and sculpting more often than not. “Namu, we’re running out of firewood, we should go chop up some more before it gets dark out.” You said as you poked around the fire you created in the fireplace, not realizing the nickname that slipped from your mouth. “Namu?” He questioned, testing it out on his tongue. “Hm, Namu. I like it.” He looked up in thought, lowering the book he was reading onto his lap. “Wait what was the question?” He suddenly sat up straighter, realizing you said something he didn’t quite comprehend. “I didn’t ask you a question, I said we needed to go get more firewood before it gets dark out.” You plopped down onto your butt from the crouch you were in a moment ago, chuckling at the bear hybrid. He watched you closely, playing with one of the pages of the open book sitting on his thigh. You leaned back on your palms and raised an eyebrow at him, awaiting his response. “Oh, yeah sure. You wanna go now or…?” He broke the eye contact, looking around at nothing in particular. “Yeah, let’s go.” You got up and dusted your hands off, walking up to where he was sitting on the sofa you extended an arm, helping him get up. The two of you got to work with preparing the firewood, Namjoon doing most of the heavy lifting. When you finished with it he turned into his bear form, stating that it’s easier to stay warm that way. He laid on his side on the floor, you leaning against him and petting his soft fur. It was to reserve heat you told yourselves, not being able to admit that the soft touches served as more than just a source of physical warmth.
One night you laid in your bed, covered in heaps of blankets trying to warm your body up, but it just wasn’t working. No matter how many layers of fabric you put onto your body you were still freezing. You crawled out of bed, shivering as the cold air in your room hit your whole body. Shuffling around in the dark for your slippers and robe, you hazily pulled them both on and made your way to the guest room down the hall. Lifting your fist up to the door you softly knocked, a sleepy grumble could be heard from the other side. Taking it as a sign to come in you pushed the door open. “Namu, I can’t sleep from the cold. Can I come sleep in your bed?” You quietly said into the darkness. The lump in the middle of the bed grumbled something, his arm extending and lifting the duvet he was under. You eagerly entered the room and took off your robe and slippers, shimmying into the bed. His arm wrapped around your waist and he pulled you into his warm chest. Finally heating up, you let your body relax into his embrace, letting sleep take over.
Following that night it became a routine to share a bed, the excuse still being the need for warmth. Namjoon had especially grown accustomed to holding you in his sleep. So much so that one afternoon when you went to a nearby town to buy some necessities, he decided to take a nap. He couldn’t find a comfortable position if his life depended on it. Tossing and turning in his bed, he realized his arms felt too empty. He tried hugging one of his pillows, but it wasn’t enough. Huffing in annoyance he decided to go sleep in your bed, the thought of your scent enveloping him made his tail wag immediately. He walked over to your room, plopping down onto your bed and nestling into your sheets. Burying his head into your pillow he inhaled your scent, letting out a satisfied hum at the familiar smell. Though he partially found the comfort he was seeking he still wasn’t fully pleased. He laid in your bed for what felt like hours, missing the way your hands would gently play with his hair and scratch behind his ears. The moment he heard your car pull up into the driveway he shot up from bed, running down the stairs and almost tripping over himself. You entered the house with arms full of bags, setting them down to take off your shoes and jacket. He didn’t even give you a moment to register his presence, immediately enveloping you into an embrace and starting to scent at your neck. “Namjoon, that tickles!” You giggled as his nose brushed against your sensitive skin. Upon hearing your voice he only hugged you tighter. “You okay?” You asked, placing your hand atop his head, suddenly worried by his behavior. “Yeah, I just missed you.” He mumbled into your shoulder. “Was I really gone for that long?” You questioned as you pulled away, trying to get a proper look at his face. Realizing how clingy he was acting, he became embarrassed. He let go of you and awkwardly cleared his throat. “Uhh no.” He said, scratching the back of his neck and looking away. “You can come with next time.” You stated, sensing his shame. The small ears atop his head perked up, a lazy grin spreading on his face. “Yes please.” He responded, a light pink forming on his cheeks.
Eventually the two of you unpacked all of the things you bought. The second you were done Namjoon tugged at your sleeve. Wordlessly, you let him pull you along to wherever he wanted to go. He brought you to your bedroom, laying you down onto your bed. “Sleep.” He mumbled, nosing at your throat and laying down onto your chest. Your hand instinctively rose to his head, scratching at his scalp lightly. You felt a low rumble coming from Namjoon, at first you thought he was just clearing his throat, but then it hit you. “Namu are you purring?” You asked. “Yeah.” He simply responded. “I didn’t know bears could purr.” You chuckled, pleasantly surprised by the discovery. “It doesn’t happen often, but it is possible.” He muttered, nuzzling further into your skin. You grabbed one of his hands, intertwining your fingers together. Slowly you brought it up to your face, placing a gentle peck onto his knuckles. His purring abruptly stopped. “Is this okay?” You asked, your heart dropping at the prospect of making him uncomfortable. He didn’t reply verbally, only placing a soft kiss onto the bare skin of your collarbone, his purrs resuming twice as loud.
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peachywritess · 2 years
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happiness looks good on you ー knj
☁️ genre: long-term lovers, estabilished relationship, fluff, kind of domestic!au, namjoon being a supportive husband.
☁️ pairings: husband!kim namjoon x artist!female!reader
☁️ warnings: there aren't any, just joonie being husband material, use of pet names such as jagiya, baby, love.
☁️ word count: 1,7k
☁️ author's note: just a small little thing i had in mind, not my best but i really liked writing this, i hope you like it bubs!!<3
Feedbacks are welcomed !
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The brush plopped into the water jar, and a few drops of coloured liquid spilt on the wooden surface. Some ended up on your phone which lit up, the lock screen displaying your favourite picture: you and Namjoon holding a white teddy bear he had won at an amusement park. You remembered that day clearly: it was your first anniversary.
You had captured the moment with a polaroid camera Namjoon had bought as a gift, and you still hadn’t figured out how it worked so the shot came out far too bright. However, looking at that picture years later still brought a sense of warmth and nostalgia: you were both so young, inexperienced, and still seeking to understand each other. Seven years had passed since that day, and so many things had happened: your trip to Bali, rescuing two calico cats and naming them Zelda and Esme, your tour of Europe, and then your marriage.
Your house was full of memories and pictures from your numerous adventures like the one in the Italian Alps where you were too scared to cross a suspended bridge, and Namjoon had to carry you for more than a mile. Or the one in the french Blue Coast when he had mistaken tanning oil for sunscreen so you both had pretty bad sunburns for the entire week.
“I told you to buy sunscreen, Joonie - sunscreen!”
“It is! See, huile de bronzage.” He had panicked showing you the little brown bottle.
“It literally means tanning oil, Namjoon Kim!”
A smile shone on your lips ー reminiscing all of the wonderful memories you had made together. You missed his buzz cut, and how his short hair used to tingle your palms: when you were younger, Namjoon let you dye it in different colours. One time, you had opted for pretty pink flowers, and the dye had stayed on for months.
You loved that he couldn't give a damn about other people's judgement - in fact - he would always brag to his hyungs how talented his girlfriend was. Surely, he would let you know.
"Jagiya, you are so talented. Please dye my hair forever!"
You had majored in arts whereas Namjoon had chosen to open up a travel agency. Initially, it was not easy for either of you: you had only each other's support and getting through the month was always difficult.
Namjoon stayed out late to advertise his shop, but despite this he would always stay up all night watching you finalise one of your paintings, making sure to bring you a glass of water about every half hour because "it's important to stay hydrated when you are working hard."
He would try his best to stay awake by telling you about his day, showering you with compliments and then attempting to analyse what you were painting. You would quietly listen to him, some mhmh's and mhh's in response and occasionally interrupt his chatter to tell him to get some rest. Yet each time he reiterated the same phrase: 'I'll stay awake as long as you do, love'.
And so within minutes he would fall asleep on the couch and you would bring a blanket and a pillow for him to be comfortable.
But now, his hair had grown out and you had practically lost the sparks you usually felt when you painted. Finishing a canvas was now something you had to do - and really didn't enjoy at all.
“You have one month, Y/N. Then I will shred the contract to pieces, understood?”
You listened in silence as your boss complained over the phone, her voice a few octaves higher.
“I mean, what happened to you? Do you think I pay lazy and unmotivated people? Our company seeks talent and commitment, and I’m afraid you no longer have any of these requirements.”
You sharply inhaled pinching the bridge of your nose, back resting against the chair as Namjoon stood right behind you, he too in silence. His hands were placed on your shoulders, which he stroked softly.
“I understand, Mrs Han. I am working on a piece at the moment, and I swear that it will be done in less than a month-” 
You took all of your courage to speak - that woman truly scared you. Ms Han was the director of the agency you worked for, whose aim was to sell artwork at a premium price. She was a fifty-year-old woman with a passion for belittling her employees and underpaying them.
“No more promises, I don’t care. I just want that piece at the end of this month.” She interrupted you, and you sighed.
Just know that this is your last chance.”
And just like that she hung up, leaving you lost in a limbo of disbelief and terror: you could not afford to lose this job. 
Yes, it probably wasn't the best job on the planet, but you hadn't yet realised your dream of opening your own atelier, and this company - although not particularly ethical - was a sure ticket to gaining a small amount of notoriety in the industry.
“Wow, what a bitch.” Namjoon proclaimed breaking the silence and bringing a small smile to your lips. 
“Damn right she is.”
You groaned, squinting your eyes shut, before running your hands down your face - in a gesture of sheer exasperation. “I could end her whole career if I wanted to.”
“Then do that, baby. You have nothing to lose, she does.”
You let your head fall back, resting it on the chair, finally meeting your boyfriend's gaze. He was smiling, and his dimples looked so adorable you wanted to squeeze his cheeks.
“Um, probably my job, Joonie?”
“Yeah, that’s a good point.”
Namjoon leaned forward until you were close enough to look directly into his eyes, then left a soft kiss on your forehead. You closed your eyes, savouring that brief moment of tranquillity. His attention then shifted to the canvas in front of you - a few lines of red paint already starting to dry up - and observed it thoroughly without saying a word.
"Do you remember when you accepted the job offer?" He questioned.
"Mhmh, what about it?"
"And do you also remember what you told me?"
You bit your lower lip, scratching your chin with your index finger.
You had said a million, no, a billion things to Namjoon before you signed that contract.
"Um, wish me luck?" You said in a slightly questioning tone, and your husband facepalmed.
With a swift movement, he turned the chair you were sitting on allowing you to look him directly in the eyes. That gesture made you blush and you stared at him with doe eyes.
"No, jagi, not the correct answer." He tilted his head, soft jet-black locks brushing his forehead. "You promised me you wouldn't let them change you."
You were struggling, and that broke his heart.
Namjoon knew you were desperately trying to paint something, anything that would please your boss. He had examined the shift in your brushstrokes from time to time, and they didn’t seem to belong to you. They were abrupt and quick, whereas you always directed them with gentle movements.
He was not seeing you on that canvas, instead, he was seeing a version you had been forced to become.
"Is it worth it, love? Do you want to become a machine for them to make more money?"
You sighed. He was right ー Namjoon was so right.
You had completely forgotten how it felt to make art, you had forgotten how it felt to be free. You had submitted to their rules because they had made empty promises from the start and you had believed them.
Namjoon crouched down, resting his hands on your knees. In that position, the light coming from the window illuminated his face as you gazed at him with pure admiration. He was glowing.
His brown eyes seemed to light up, turning a honey-like amber colour.
"Joonie..." You murmured as your hands gently grabbed his. "I can't lose this job, I just cannot."
"Y/N, you are the best thing to ever happen to me, you know that right?"
His thumbs softly rubbed the back of your hands, something he always did to comfort you. As he stroked he gently drew imaginary shapes like circles, flowers or hearts.
You hummed in response locking eyes with him.
"That's why I want the best for you. I want you to be happy because I can't bear the thought of you ever suffering. And what I truly wish for, is for you to find your love for art again, and-"
"I don't want you to feel obligated because I swear to you Y/N, I will always support you no matter what," he then grabbed both your hands in his, and brought them to his lips. "but I wish you just left this job."
You smiled when Namjoon placed a gentle kiss on your knuckles. Despite all these years, he had never changed: he was still the same old romantic and you couldn't complain.
"I know, Joonie, but what if I can't find anything? What if... I don't make enough money to open the atelier?"
Namjoon lightly squeezed your hands, his eyes never leaving yours as one hand cupped your cheek, delicately caressing it.
"Jagiya, you are the most talented woman I've ever known, and you can do whatever you wish to do. You inspire me every day."
"I wouldn't even know where to start." You relaxed in his touch, letting out a breath.
The warmth of his hand unexpectedly left your cheek, and that's when you saw him searching for something in the pocket of his jeans.
"Perhaps, you could start with these."
You blinked quickly observing the object your husband was holding before your eyes. You raised your eyebrows in confusion, not understanding why he was showing you a pair of rusty keys.
Then, a wave of realisation hit you.
Namjoon immediately noticed your eyes turning glazy and your mouth opening slightly in an expression of pure wonder. You grabbed the keys with trembling hands and clutched them to your chest, heart racing.
"The place is a bit run down, but I am sure that in a few months, we will manage to make it perfect."
Without wasting a second you threw your arms around his neck, and tears of happiness fell from your eyes. You couldn't believe it: your dream had just come true.
"I love you so much, Joon, I- I can't believe it. I love you!"
Namjoon stroked your hair, unable to resist tearing up with you, holding you close to him. At that moment, all he wished was for time to stand still and remain like that forever.
"I love you too, princess."
Happiness looked so good on you.
©️ peachywritess 2023. All rights reserved.
Please consider reblogging my works if you like them! <3
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bts-hyperfixation · 2 years
Outside of the Fox
OT7 x Reader - BTS (3017 words)
Chapter 1/30
Y/N longs for a new life when the one she'd been living comes to an abrupt stop. Without much thought to those she is leaving behind, the little fox packs a backpack and disappears. She stumbles across the shelter and makes an interim home for herself while she works out exactly what she wants from her second chance.
The house is a small cottage, rather tiny really compared to the three-story Victorian homes surrounding it. Most people shrugged their shoulders and called it cute when they came to visit, quaint even. The inhabitants begged to differ. They would call it shabby, run-down, and desperately in need of bulldozing, but above all else, they would call it home
 “Hyuuung, it’s too cold” Jungkook whined from where he is cuddled into the arm of their shabby leather sofa. 
A draft blew in around the gaps in the window ledge, the panes in desperate need of double glazing and sealant. The young bunny’s tail twitched in discomfort as he attempted to burrow himself into the overstuffed cushions, a blanket pulled suffocatingly tight around his shoulders.  His large brown eyes were the only thing that could be seen poking out from under the worn plaid fabric. The younger man glared at his partner across the room, trying to convince the older man to come to him.
The bear hybrid shook his head but saved his work and closed the browser before moving away from his corner desk to the other side of the small sofa. Jungkook wasted no time jumping across into the large man’s lap, dragging his blanket with him to cover the two of them. Namjoon reached out to pet the rabbit between his ears, earning a satisfied purr.
“You know we will never be able to afford to heat the hovel this winter if you won’t let me finish any of my work Bun…” Namjoon pointed out, but his arms encircled his youngest lover anyway.
Jungkook leant back long enough to get a good look at Namjoon. His stubble had grown much thicker as the cold weather drew closer. The dark circles under his eyes were also becoming more pronounced as he lost more and more sleep trying to keep their little family afloat. He rubbed the end of his cold nose against the older man’s, making them both laugh.He nestled back into the crook of Namjoon’s neck and made himself comfortable in the embrace. 
That’s how they'd fallen asleep, and that’s how Yoongi found them when he walked through their front door. He dropped his bags and removed his shoes before he traipsed across the thread-bare carpet, curled into Joon’s side and pulled a little part of the blanket for himself.
Subconsciously, Namjoon’s arm reached over Yoongi’s shoulder and pulled him close, an innate instinct to protect the small jackal from the cold world. Before long Yoongi's breathing matched the others and he too fell asleep. 
They remained like that together for the majority of the afternoon, drifting in and out of naps and hushed conversations, the perfect picture of domestic intimacy. Right until they'd been abruptly awoken by their fourth and final packmate screeching as he opened the door.
“Goooooodd Evening family,” Jimin called, sweeping dramatically through the front door and into the living room. 
Groggily, the others unfolded themselves from each other to look at the man before them. Jungkook hissed, annoyed as Namjoon released him in his attempt to turn and see Jimin. Large arms encircled him again, squeezing him too tightly for just a moment, calming him instantly.
“You’re awfully chipper, Chim.” Yoongi said, rubbing his eyes sleepily.
Jungkook reached out to pull Jimin into his lap, earning a soft groan from the bear beneath him who hadn’t been expecting the sudden weight change. Still, he'd accepted the fourth man happily, nuzzling into his neck. Namjoon blew a raspberry onto the red panda's exposed skin, making him squirm. Jimin swatted at their largest packmate and launched back into his theatrical attitude, 
“Wouldn’t you be chipper if you’d just met the love of your life?” The redhead sighed dramatically, falling back against Joon’s chest with the back of his hand pressed to his forehead.
Each of the men around him released varying growls of displeasure at the new announcement,
"Relax," Jimin holds his hands up in surrender. "I meant the fourth love of my life, potentially the love of our lives." He paused for effect, taking in the various expressions of bemusement around him. 
None of the men seemed particularly thrilled at the idea. Yoongi glanced at Joon, already weary of how much the leader was going through just to keep their little family from going under. Namjoon's brows knitted together as his brain tried to calculate how he could make it work, willing to do anything for his family. Jungkook whined, Namjoon's fingers had gone still, no longer playing absently with his hair, far less concerned with the thought of another pack mate, if Jiminie loved them of course he'd love them. 
The redhead allows each of them to digest his news, eyes flitting between each member, trying to measure how he should proceed. He knew it wouldn't go down well. Namjoon's editor had refused every amendment he'd tried to make, and he wouldn't see a penny until the preorders could be made. Yoongi hadn't had a hit in a while, everyone was going through a phase of self-production and he just wasn't able to flow creatively. Jungkook hadn't been able to work since they'd found him. He was getting better every day, and maybe he would be ready soon, but not yet. And Jimin knew his volunteer work wasn't helping in the slightest but he couldn't leave behind all those that had helped him when he needed it most. 
"Look, I know it's not ideal... I really didn't expect it, I swear.... And I don't even know if she'd be interested in me, let alone a full pack. She is pretty and funny though, and she seems so nice, and I just... I don't know, I just want to know her." Jimin rushed to try and explain. 
"She?" Yoongi fixed, eyes narrowing "I've never considered a female...." He shrugged and reached out to pat Jimin lovingly. "I suppose there is no harm in meeting her if you feel so strongly, love," He conceded immediately after meeting Jimin's eyes, never able to refuse him a thing. 
Namjoon shook his head, fingers starting to scratch at Jungkook's ear again as he unfroze.
"There is definitely no harm in making a new friend at the very least, but we can't make any promises Chim,.." 
The bear's free hand pinched at Jimin's cheek. "Where did you meet her anyway? I thought you were at the shelter today?"
"Well you see... that's the thing." The red panda replied sheepishly before launching into a high-energy reenactment of his day. 
It started off as any other, he clocked into volunteer at the hybrid shelter, the same one he had stayed at when he had nowhere else to go. He grabbed a coffee and headed into the main room, playing with some of the cubs as their parents prepared for job interviews and university courses.
The centre catered for a wide variety of hybrids: some escaped abusive humans or illegal syndicates, some had been abandoned as kids or orphaned, and others had just wanted a change and moved into town without any plans of their own. Jimin was one of the latter. He'd grown up in the mountains with his mother and a couple of siblings but he'd never enjoyed the reclusive life that had allowed them, he longed for something with more people, and more excitement. So with no plan, and less money, he made his way into town performing odd jobs in exchange for meals and small fares to pay his way, eventually stumbling upon the shelter. 
He'd met Namjoon there, long after the bear had already settled down with Yoongi. Namjoon had been researching shelters for an article and Jimin showed him around. Then after the article was published the older man found himself lingering around the shelter in the evenings just to catch a glimpse of the other's bright hair in the distance, right up until Yoongi marched past him and into the building one day demanding that Jimin move in with them so his lover would stop going out to pine over other men. Namjoon's face had gone as red as Jimin's hair that day, especially seeing as Yoongi had never met Jimin before that.
You'd walked in around noon, just as Jimin managed to get the youngest down for a nap. He'd placed the cub into a bassinet and rushed to meet you before any of the other volunteers could steal his chance. Jimin had nearly knocked down poor Wonho as he zoomed past to get to you first. He tried desperately to be charming as he took you through the protocols of the building, explaining the rules and regulations you would need to follow in order to stay with them at the shelter.
You nodded along graciously as he showed you to a cot with a lockable box where you could leave your things. He wanted to ask you about how you'd managed to find your way to the shelter. A hybrid as pretty as you was very rarely alone in a town like this. Still, even in his excitement, Jimin knew better than to pry, you would tell them in your own time if you wanted to. 
He left you to settle in for a little while and tried to focus on a game of chess with one of the old timers that had just stopped by for some company, but he couldn't help wondering how you were getting on with unpacking. You hadn't arrived with much, a backpack and some electronics. He thought about maybe taking you shopping but there was very limited funding in the budget at the moment. The elder hybrid checked him just as you walked into the rec room.
It's like he could sense the exact moment you walked into the room. His gaze met yours instantly and he smiled, what he hoped was an easy, confident, maybe even reassuring smile, but you didn't look convinced. His chess partner had laughed at him, and shooed him away as soon as he figured out where the boy's true attention lay. 
Sheepishly Jimin bowed to the man and removed himself from play, defeated. It didn't take the man long to find himself a new victim to play against. Sheepishly Jimin bowed to the man and removed himself from play, defeated. It didn't take the man long to find himself a new victim to play against. 
You'd seemed a little unsure of yourself, wanting to introduce yourself but obviously overwhelmed. The same way Jimin had felt when he first arrived. The shelter was a large facility, filled with all manner of people from different walks of life, predators and prey alike. He watched you try to introduce yourself to a few people and quickly retreat, shaking your head and muttering to yourself each time. There was a rule in place that if you needed help you should ask for it, otherwise the volunteers would let you settle in on your own terms... but Jimin really couldn't help himself.
He allowed you to try twice more, but you were picking the wrong people. He cringed as you were brushed off by the reclusive and nervous prey and ignored by some of the more brash predators. He couldn't allow the truly defeated look to stay on your face. He glanced around the room trying to find a friendly face to introduce you to or maybe even send your way so he wasn't directly involved, but today didn't seem like it was going in your favour. The room was mostly filled with newer residents that were yet to find their own feet, probably lovely people, but of no use to him at this moment.
He crossed the room to you and interrupted your next attempt before it even had a chance to fail. At least it seemed you weren't disheartened easily. 
"Can I take you for lunch? Show you the area?" He asked brightly.
"What makes you think I don't know the area?" You responded defensively.
"Sorry I didn't mean to assume, just most people here are from out of town..."
Jimin scratches the back of his neck, not quite expecting the icy tone in your voice. Maybe that's the real reason you were struggling to make friends. He starts to rethink his plan when you soften. 
"I grew up here... I've just had some changes lately that have left me... displaced" Your answer was careful, not letting on to your past, not yet.
"Well then, where do you like to go for lunch? Maybe we could go there and you could show me around? I haven't explored as much as I'd like to have done in the last few years" 
He offers you his arm but you must not have noticed. Instead, you walk ahead of him expecting him to follow along obediently. 
You leave the shelter and turn left, heading for a ramen bar about a half mile away, a choice Jimin is thankful for given how cheap the options were. It takes a little while for the conversation to flow. Jimin found it terribly awkward to get any conversation out of you, even light small talk seemed difficult for you. Not that you weren't making an obvious effort, more like you didn't know how to reciprocate appropriately when asking questions, and you clearly weren't ready to share about yourself yet.
Jimin was never one to shy away from a challenge though. He stopped trying to lead you into questions, instead focusing on his own life. Revelling in each laugh that slipped past your lips as he relayed the antics of his packmates, not missing the wistful look in your eyes. He tried not to dwell on the moments that made you shy away. 
The walk back to the shelter was spent in an almost comfortable silence. The threat of another question was always on the tip of Jimin's tongue as he tried not to overwhelm you more than he already had. As the shelter came into view your pace slowed, dragging your feet against the pavement as if you didn't want to return. Jimin almost asked you why, but you beat him to it.
"It's strange... such a busy place shouldn't feel so lonely should it?" You asked, glancing sideways at him. 
"I don't think you'll stay lonely," Jimin responds optimistically.
"I'm not sure I've ever not been lonely…." You muse more to yourself than to him. 
It's the first real bit of information you've given him, outside of your name and he takes a moment to digest it, not really sure how to answer that. One thing Jimin had never felt was true loneliness. He liked being alone sometimes, but there had always been someone there when he needed them. 
"I hope I can help you feel a little less alone." He stops looking at you properly to try to convey the sincerity of his words.
You just nod wordlessly and kick at a pebble on the ground. He reaches out to move some hair away from your face, hand lingering a little longer than it maybe should've done. You just looked so sweet, a defeated look in your eyes similar to the one Jungkook had had when they met. A look he desperately wanted to make go away. Briefly, you loiter in the touch before your expression becomes stoic and you continue with the walk back to the shelter. 
"Thank you for lunch." You say and then head back into the rooms at the back of the building. 
Jimin watches until you are through the door, his heart aching as your figure disappears. He has always found himself getting a little too invested in people too quickly, he couldn't help it, and it seemed you'd be no different. He spent the rest of his shift thinking of things he could do to cheer you up. Every time the door opened he looked up trying to catch a glimpse of you again before he had to leave for the day. 
Unfortunately, it wasn't meant to be, the clock finally struck 5 and Jimin had to make it home for dinner. 
"Right... So what point of that day makes you think she is the love of your life exactly?" Yoongi raised his eyebrow in bemusement. 
It wasn't exactly a whirlwind romantic story like they'd each been expecting. If anything it sounded like she had shown no interest in Jimin in the slightest. 
"I'm sure what Yoongi means, is that it seems like you've not really had the opportunity to get to know her yet Chim." Namjoon softens the delivery.
Jimin still pouts, a little deterred by their reaction to the first day of the rest of his life, they just didn't get it, they hadn't met you. 
"I know I don't know her properly yet, but I will. There's something about her. It feels like I did when I first met Kookie." Jimin assures them. "You'll meet her and you'll get exactly what I mean!" 
Jungkook frowns at that, his and Jimin's relationship is one of a kind and he wasn't going to take a comment like that lightly. He nips at Jimin's fingers when the older man reaches to pet his ears. Keen to defuse the sudden tension in air Yoongi unburies himself from the pile and makes an excuse about needing to make dinner. The jackal drags the young bunny up with him to help. 
"If you feel so strongly Jimin, maybe you should spend some more time with her and see where it leads." Namjoon pulls Jimin closer and nuzzles into his neck leaving little kisses. "Just don't forget where home is in the process." 
"I want you to meet her Hyung." 
"And we will, but maybe not right away?"
"No, you need to meet her, soon. Come with me to work tomorrow, pretty please." Jimin's eyes are wide and hopeful, something he knows Namjoon would never say no to, and he doesn't.
So the next day each of them get up and ready to follow Jimin to work at the shelter.
Series Masterlist
Disclaimer: Jin, Hobi, and Tae will not be appearing in the first few chapters of this fic. The original packmates are Namjoon, Yoongi, Jimin, and Jungkook, in that order. Originally this fic was supposed to be a tiny OT4 drabble for kinktober so that's why...
Chapter 2 will be released next Sunday and so forth until the fic is finished!
Hope you enjoy it :)
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soraviie · 2 years
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hii if you’re still doing the picture prompt game, can i get a fluff piece please? thank you sm in advance 🫶🏽
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Huh, you reckon astutely to yourself, Namjoon looks like a teddy bear.
The hat of type you did not know the name for makes him appear uncannily like a type of dressed plush that was once sold in the egregiously pompous vintage stores along the hidden side alleys.
He's big, cuddlable. Warm, probably. He looks like he's warm. And then suddenly everything makes sudden and pitch clear sense as the shutter of the camera rings in your ears. You rip open your bag, yanking the damaged pages of the letters out of their dark, temporary confines. The love letters. The finely crafted, rose scented love letters someone has been leaving on your desk, despite you being transferred from home to office mere weeks ago. The love letters someone so creatively signed by leaving behind a sticker of a brown, innocent looking teddy bear.
Yeah, it's all coming together.
You abruptly lift your gaze from the slightly smudged ink strains, finding that Namjoon was already staring at you. He recoils the second he is caught, jumping a good distance in the air, before glimpsing away, cheeks slowly turning a vibrant shade of pink, even as a big smile threatens to rip his entire face open.
Oh, yeah, you definitely found your mystery bear.
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send in a picture of the boys and I'll write a scenario
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sorryimananti-romantic · 11 months
Ateez - Character Concept
Lore: 'An Empire of Dreams and Illusions'
[faerie prince!ateez au]
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Kim Hongjoong Prince of Light
Kingdom of Scorpio
Antares (Capital) Acrab Jabbah Schubba Sargas
The Topaz Sea
[Animal Form]
[Court members]
Got7 (Jaebeom as Right Hand, Yugyeom as Captain of Guard) Red Velvet (Seulgi as Head Healer)
Bending light Burning with light Great affinity for healing Only magic to break through illusions 'Unheal'
Ginger hair Blue eyes Translucent orange wings
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Park Seonghwa Prince of Dark
Princess Yena of Space (soulmate/wife)
Kingdom of Aries (State- Hamal)
Hamal (Capital) Bharani
The Diamond Sea
[Animal Form]
[Court members]
Seoho/Jinki (ex-Right Hand) Exo (Kai as Captain of Guard) (G)I-dle (Soyeon as Right Hand, Miyeon as Head Healer)
Bending dark Blinding with darkness or increasing vision when dark Penetrating mind Accessing memories Nullifying most magics
Dark hair Grey eyes Translucent silver wings
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Jeong Yunho Prince of Water
Kingdom of Aries (State- Sheratan)
Sheratan (Capital)
The Diamond Sea
[Animal Form]
Sea Dragon
[Court members]
The Rose (Woosung as Head Healer) Itzy (Ryujin as Right Hand, Yeji as Captain of Guard)
Bending water Altering water bodies Controlling temperature of water Element of ice Accessing memories through water bodies
Strawberry blonde hair Dark brown eyes
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Kang Yeosang Prince of Spirit
Princess Yena of Space (twin-sister)
Kingdom of Gemini (State- Pollux)
Mebsuta (Capital) Makbuda Propus Pollux
The Pearl Sea
[Animal Form]
[Court members]
BTS (Namjoon as Right Hand, Taehyung as Captain of Guard) Mamamoo (Solar as 'Left Hand', Hwasa as Head Healer, Wheein as Vice Captain of Guard)
Detection of living souls Ruler of the 'Other' Dimension where spirits dwell Portals Ability to kill a spirit so it ceases to exist from every plane Astral Projection
Platinum blonde hair Grey eyes
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Choi San Prince of Earth
Princess Gaeul of Underworld (soulmate)
Kingdom of Cancer
Altarf (Capital) Arkesh
The Ruby Sea
[Animal Form]
[Court members]
Seventeen (Dokyeom as Right Hand, Mingyu as Captain of Guard) Twice (Jihyo as Head Healer)
Bending earth and the elements within Altering landscapes and geography Great affinity for healing- mostly soothing purposes Commanding animals
Dark hair with ash ends Dark brown eyes
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Song Mingi Prince of Fire
Kingdom of Leo
Regulus (Capital) Algieba Denebola
The Turquoise Sea
[Animal Form]
[Court members]
Day6 (Jae as Right Hand, Wonpil as Head Healer) Blackpink (Lisa as Captain of Guard)
Bending fire Controlling the temperature of fire Extracting lava from earth Detecting burning souls (either from magic or sth else) Seeing through masking magic and illusions
Red hair Dark brown eyes
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Jung Wooyoung Prince of Air
Kingdom of Sagittarius
Rukbat (Capital) Ascella Nunki Kaus Medionalis
The Peridot Sea
[Animal Form]
[Court members]
Stray Kids (Changbin as Captain of Guard) Dreamcatcher (Siyeon as Right Hand, Jiu as Head Healer)
Controlling the element of air Controlling properties of air Altering weather Detecting the presence of life Tracing whereabouts of something/someone from scent
Dark hair with streaks Dark brown eyes Translucent silver wings
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Choi Jongho Prince of Nature
Kingdom of Libra
Zubenelgenubi (Capital) Zubenelschemali Zubenelakrab
The Opal Sea
[Animal Form]
[Court members]
Monsta X (Jooheon as Right Hand, Hyungwon as Head Healer, Changkyun as Captain of Guard) Gfriend (Sowon as High Healer)
Controlling element of nature Maintaining harmony and balance in nature Command over life forms Meditative state allows him to connect with nature on another level Great affinity for healing Can 'breathe' life into things (unpractised)
Dark brown hair Dark brown eyes
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bangtanhoneys · 10 months
Bangtan Baby: Winnie the Pooh
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Namjoon settled the four month old baby in his lap, tucking the knitted blanket around the tiny legs. Grace had fed baby Bora an hour ago and she had gone down for a nap but Uncle Joon had heard the small whimpers of his niece from across the room. It was rare to get Bora on her own without someone interrupting and Namjoon savoured every moment he had. 
Grace and Seokjin had decided to bring up their daughter like Grace had been brought up, in a mixed household of British and Korean. And so Namjoon had bought the new baby her very first set of English books for home and another set for the studio which had been Grace’s but now belonged to Bora as well. A crib, changing table and a small bookcase had been set up in there. 
A set of Winnie the Pooh books had taken pride of place on the first shelf of the bookcase.
“Shall we get started?” Namjoon asked, holding the baby close to him with one hand and the other hand holding open the book. 
Hazel eyes met dark brown ones and he earned a smile in return. 
“Okay,” grinned Namjoon, chuffed that he got a smile out of the normally serious baby. 
“Once upon a time, a very long time ago now, about last Friday, Winnie-the-Pooh lived in a forest all by himself under the name of Sanders,”  Namjoon started. If anyone was watching, they would have seen the tiny baby behind held by a large man, both with their eyes on the page. And both would barely get to the end of chapter one, falling asleep after reading about the bears adventures in one hundred acre woods. 
Grace found them an hour later, still fast asleep. She quietly pulled out her phone and took a photo, sending it to the group chat with a purple heart emoji. Grace gently pulled the book away from Namjoon’s hand and bookmarked the page, slipping the book back onto the shelf and then turning to the two. The knitted blanket soon covered tiny feet and thick thighs. 
Winnie-the-Pooh could wait for another day. 
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7ndipity · 8 months
For the shipping game if it's still open:
Pairing: romantic
Star: pisces
I'm 5'2, fair skin, brown hair, have a bit of tummy and acne, and am Asian (not Japanese, chinese..)
I'm a psychology student, and I love learning and reading. Most of the time, I'm an introvert but with right ppl I'm a different person.
I am a sucker for passionate discussions where the other person really knows what he's talking about or is genuinely into the topic. Bonus point if we have contradicting opinions. It doesn't even have to be intelligent, I'll talk about why oranges are orange if you can carry the convo.
I just love when ppl can actually communicate and be real, bcz that's how I'm trying to be.
I don't like complexities (my traumatized mind can only handle do much), keep it simple keep it real (I hatteee fakeness)
I take a lot of time in letting my gaurd down and trust someone completely but once we're in, you'll find the most loyal, loving, open and vulnerable version of me. The kind of connection that actually makes you feel human and grow. Once I'm in there's no getting rid of this cuddly bear.
In my comfort zone, I like to observe and explore humans and life (not in a psychological way lol just as a human being and no I'm not super philosophical or smthing I just love 'being' sometimes)
Lots of love ❤
I would ship you with Yoongi and Namjoon! You have a very similar vibe to both of them, so I think you’d get along quite well.
They both love people they can have deep conversations with(even if the subject itself isn’t that deep), and want someone they can be genuine with as well. They both have similar personalities in that it takes them some time to let someone in fully, so they would respect your boundaries and not push you to share anything before you’re ready. They both also seem to enjoy studying people and life, tho Joon tends to come at it from a more philosophical angle. Also, Virgos and fellow Pisces tend to be good matches for your sign.
Hope this was okay💜
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casuallyimagining · 1 year
wip tag game
tagged by: @oddinary4bts
𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 : post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous they are. let people send you an ask with any titles most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have wips. (you can make your own post or reblog this one!)
I think Ella tagged me in this just so I would talk about my one singular wip lol
full disclosure, I only have one real wip, but I have some ideas for some other fics I'll include.
When September Ends (myg): "Six years after leaving your home planet, you’re forced to confront your past… and the one you left behind." It's a Star Wars au, y'all. f2e2l. you do not have to know Star Wars to understand the fic.
unnamed bear hybrid namjoon fic: he is a bear hybrid. she is a nature photographer. can I make it any more obvious? I have friends who are probably tired of me keeping this idea alive by sending them the most adorable brown bear photos you'll ever see.
Set Me Free (myg): witchcraft au. kind of soulmates-y? yoongi is mc's shapeshifting familiar. all he wants is to be free, to live life on his own terms. what happens when he gets what he wants?
untitled Yoongi LTC fics: I've got a lot of them planned, y'all
untitled Namjoon LTC fics: you thought I forgot about him, didn't you?
untitled Seokjin LTC fics: surprise, motherfucker
untitled Fix You/Home drabbles: we all knew I'd come back to this universe eventually
I think that's everything? I'm probably missing something. there are a couple other ideas I've had, but they've mostly been little thoughtlets and aren't big enough to share yet.
feel free to ask about any of my wips! I'll happily talk about any and all of them!
tagging (no pressure you absolutely do not have to participate): @madbutgloriouspond, @ditttiii, @written-in-flowers, @moccahobi, @magicshopaholic, @btsmosphere, @chryblossomjjk
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94erz · 2 years
Please tell me what color heart emojis you associate with the members!!!
💙 - Namjoon ❤️ - Jin 🖤 - Yoongi 💛 - Hoseok 🧡 - Jimin 💚 - Taehyung 💜 - Jungkook
I don’t feel right making Jimin orange because I associate him with yellow, and I associate Hobi with green too but green is definitely a Taehyung color! I would use brown or orange for him also though ‘cause tiger or bear colors. I associate Jin with pink or white but there’s no pink heart just red (which is also a Hobi color)...the only constants for me are blue is Joon, black is Yoongi, and purple is absolutely JK!
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purplesoul13 · 4 years
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𝒀𝒐𝒖’𝒓𝒆 𝒔𝒐 𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒊𝒇𝒖𝒍, 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝑰’𝒎 𝒔𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒅
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namjoonlooks · 5 years
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scan © namjoonlooks
happy birthday to our winter bear!  🐻💜❄️
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milkie-yoongi · 5 years
today i got to stand less than 1 foot away from yoongi’s brown piano. sadly i could not take a picture of it because if i did id be kicked out. i know i said id risk it all for yoongi but i guess that was a lie.
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bangfantanfic · 2 years
Our Own World: 6
Warnings: Swearing, lowkey mating suggestions
Type: Hybrid/Yandere/Fluff/Angst
Authors Note:well, it’s been a hot minute but chapter 6 is here. I do apologise, I’ve been looking for new work and between jobs and housing atm so writing hasn’t rly been much of an option. If I’ve tagged you and you no longer want this pls just let me know!
Tags: @tinykpoponanime @childfmoonn   @tinykpoponanime @midnightsapphiclove 
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There is one thing you hated more than animals and the loose hair that seemed to filter through the house, and that was summer. The heat often left you dizzy and nauseated. You hated sweating, and having to shower what felt like a million times.  
Five of the seven hybrids were playing by the pool, cooling off from the unrelenting heat. Yoongi has slinked back into the house, mumbling something about making a fruit platter, while Namjoon sat beside you with his tail wrapped in a towel. He hadn’t spoken to you, just flopped beside you, grinning before getting to work on drying his sogging tail. You were practically hanging over the outdoor sofas arm rest to avoid the water dripping from him. And you knew he noticed, he seemed to have shoved himself further away and clutched his tail a little closer.
Guilt seems to be a constant feeling for you lately. 
You knew Namjoon thought you were uncomfortable with his.. Extra  attachments? But in this case they were the least of your worries. You hated the smell of chlorine. And would much rather not have the smell lingering on you. Although you couldn’t say you’d be all too thrilled with his tail touching you, a wet tail at that. The thought was enough to make your stomach twist. 
Seokjin’s loud scolding broke your personal nightmare fuelled thoughts, your eyes snapping back to the huge pool to see the polar bear struggling to pull himself back onto the purple floating toy, and Jimin cackling as Taehyung quickly doggy paddled away from the screeching elder.
You couldn’t help the smile that pulled at your lips. 
The last week had been going through a heatwave, and the AC didn't seem to be providing any relief. Namjoon had suggested the pool, and at first he was met with glares and scoffs as if he had just suggested a trip to the desert would provide some cool relief. Eventually he coaxed everyone outside, and for the last hour or so they all seemed to be having the time of their lives. Even the hybrids that are traditionally frigid climate based. 
You had finally read through all the seven files you had ignored on your first day there, it only took you a month.. Or so. You had learnt everyone's hybrid breeds, and while maybe you hadn’t yet to memorize everything, you had made a dent in the never ending pile. 
Seokjin, as you already knew, was a polar bear. His file was also the longest, you dreaded the long read. 
Yoongi was a black panther, his file having leopard in brackets. It was a fairly easy file, but still one of the longer ones. 
Hoseok was a snow leopard, hence you're shock seeing him so happy to be in the awful heat. 
Namjoon was an Interior Alaskin Wolf. You knew he was a wolf, but your incredibly limited animal knowledge had left you clueless that there was actually different types of wolves? You had grouped it all as one thing. Incredibly dumb– you know. 
Jimin was an arctic fox. He was the reason you had read through any of the files, out of panic mostly. His hair was darkening from his normal white to a brown and you thought you had broken him and spent the night sobbing as you searched his file only to find out it was completely normal for his hair to change in the hotter seasons. 
Taehyung was a Black Capuchin monkey. You already knew that.. Sorta. 
And finally, Jeongguk. He was a King cobra and strangely, he was what scared you the most. Not the wild cats. Or the bear. Or even the wolf. Although his file promised he wasn’t aggressive, King cobras rarely were, it still set you on edge. 
Was he poisonous? 
Namjoon followed your line of vision, his eyes settling on the same view as you. Jeongguk sprawled out across the grass in nothing but black shorts letting the sun heat up his multi textured body. His body was patchy, some normal honey toned skin darkening with the more sun it soaked up. But the rest was dark scales. Nearly black, with a few even lines of a yellowish brown. The lower you went down his body the scalier it got. 
The wolf hybrid glanced back at you. You didn’t seem scared, maybe worried? Definitely curious. 
“We’re happy you have you here, even if not everyone shows it.” He finally spoke, your attention dragging away from the scaled boy snoozing on the damp grass. The smile you sent his way made his heart ache. “He’s just overly cautious.” 
You nodded, seeming to understand. Before sighing, making Namjoon worry perhaps he had said something wrong.
“He’s uncomfortable around me,” You said matter-of-factly, eyes back on the snake hybrid. “I understand how he feels. I may not understand his whole situation, but I know we’re both in one we would have avoided if it could be helped.” 
Namjoon nodded, hands fiddling with the fur of his tail. You’re still so uncomfortable. His grip tightened on his tail, no longer a self soothing stroke. He hated it. He wanted it gone. The first time he heard you hysterical on the phone had been a complete accident. 
Covid laws had been put in place and Jay was trapped in another country so, so far away and honestly Namjoon couldn’t say he was all that disappointed. Even if it hadn't been you here to watch over them, anyone could have been better.. You were sobbing, begging him to come back. Your door was creaked open and a towel wrapping around your hair. Your brothers voice floated through the room pleading you to calm down, take deep breaths. Namjoon had wanted to go in there, hold your hands, rub your back, hug you, promise you everything was going to be okay– he just wanted to do something to help you. And then you cut through your brothers soothing voice: 
“I’m so scared.” 
The naïve side of Namjoon’s brain swore she was talking about the virus outbreak. But he knew better. You were scared of them. He saw the way you spoke, the way you flinched and avoided any unnecessary contact with any single one of them. The way you scrubbed and cleaned anything they touched. 
You were scared of them. 
Of him. 
That was the first time Namjoon didn’t feel proud of who he was. The first time he doubted all the words of the people who made him. Was he really so amazing? So desirable? 
He wanted nothing more than to cut off the tail and ears that made him stand out so much. The body parts that so loudly told the world, “IM NOT LIKE YOU” 
He hasn’t felt proud since. 
He had noticed you warming up, and it made his heart think maybe there was a chance. He noticed the awkward head scratches you gave to Hobi and Jimin. The snacks you left out for Jeongguk. The new gardening gloves you got him, and the matching set for yourself. The art supplies you ordered for Taehyung, and the pretty sweater you had bought Jin. Even the new coffee mug you found for Yoongi.
You were warming up. But Namjoon was greedy, he wanted more. 
Your eyes shot to your phone and a tiny smile tugged at your lips. Namjoon couldn’t help but try to catch a glimpse of who was making you smile so often. He had assumed it was the person you smelt like after your grocery trips. 
“Oh,” You sighed, lips pouted. “It’s Jay.” 
You chewed on your cheeks as you read over the message, Jay clearly stating it was summer and stating that the four or the five boys will be entering their seasonal mating cycle any day now which could possibly trigger the boys that aren’t in season. Transport would be arriving in two nights to take everyone to the safe space and he suggests you pack for a while. 
When you read the message back to Namjoon he turned bright red, trying to stutter out a better explanation of what your brother meant, but between the attempt to fan away the redness and the sweat pooling down his forehead, the choking on his own spit and the tight grip an invisible force seemed to have on his throat, Namjoon just could spit out a single word. 
The second your laugh hit Namjoon, it seemed the air had been knocked back into him. 
“Namjoon,” You chuckled, hand gently resting on his bicep. “I already know all about it. I read through everything, and did some research of my own.” 
Namjoon wasn’t sure if he wanted to cry in relief or in horror.
“Taehyung watch it!” Namjoon hissed, the box in his hand slipping from his clumsy fingers and only just missing his bare toes. 
The monkey hybrid cackled as he hopped away from the elder male. He had a giant clear tub in his arms, and three hats on top of his wavy hair. 
“Damn monkey,” he growled, picking the box up from the gravel driveway. 
Your brother had contacted roughly 55 hours ago, a rushed and brief panicked text to you. Explaining the upcoming cycle, and the trip you all would be going on to keep everyone safe from each other during this period. 
The boys all seemed to know what to do, and kicking into gear. The boys all split up, running around chaotically, and yet with a sense of precision. It took little to no time for the boys to pack their necessities. 
Clothes, shoes, personal items and other trinkets were neatly packed into boxes and plastic tubs ready to go. A moving van was dropped off and the boys were instant; loading up all their boxes. 
The house then cleaned almost professionally, every and any trace that the hybrids had ever lived in the house was gone. 
You were impressed. 
Namjoon had finished his packing first, and had happily offered to lend you a hand. You were thankful for his sweet offer. You were well behind everyone somehow, despite how little you had. You weren’t entirely sure how much you needed. You didn’t even know how long you would be gone for! If there was one thing you hated most about your brother it was how vague he was. He was useless when it came to giving any kind of information.  In less than five hours someone was going to arrive and take you all away, and only you didn’t know where to, and you honestly felt like vomiting. You were a bit of a control freak. At least your parents believed you to be. You didn’t think it was so wrong to want to be prepared and know what the fuck was happening? You didn’t think so.  You had asked the boys but each of them were just as helpful as your brother. None of them knew where it was, all they could confidently confirm was the boat that would be taking everyone there.  The car ride was quick, no signs or giveaways or where you were heading, let alone where you were. It felt like a kidnapping. The boat ride wasn’t much better. The pitch black view around you had you in tears, Jimin holding your hand as you tried to convince him the boat was definitely going to hit something you sink, ending all of your lives.  By the time you arrived to land, the sun was already rising. You weren’t sure why you had to leave so early in the morning, the sun wasn’t anywhere near ready to rise. So when you arrived to the rising sun you were shocked, while it had felt like the longest boat ride of your life, you hadn’t thought it was that long.  You were greeted at the docks by staff, collecting baggage and helping everyone climb off. Ahead of you were five large hotels, the smallest being in the centre. 
“Y/N?” Hoseok called, pulling your attention away from the huge white buildings. When you finally settled your sights back on the boys you found them somewhat separated. “We have to go now, you’ll come see us in our buildings later, right?” 
Sunny’s Hybrid Haven. 
That what the pamphlet read as you stood in the foyer. An older man, the manager you learnt, was explaining the hotels function. 
“Hybrids aren’t all that common, but there's enough of them to keep this place running,”  He chuckled. “We opened sixty years ago, when the first wave of hybrids were released. At first we were just a regular hotel, a place for owners to come and bond over their new found interest.” He said wistfully, finally finding the key to your room.  “Of course, nothing is that simple. It all went out of control, and all those activists!” He huffed, shaking his head as he lead you toward the elevator. “They were made illegal to own, hence the late night transportation.” The soft music filled the silence for a moment before he continued. “Owners quickly realised their hybrid getting overly aggressive, and affectionate, very territorial too. It was put out it was the things going through heat, like their animal counter part would, and so, we changed things up. We couldn’t remain a hotel, but we could become a holding station-- as some have put, to leave acting out hybrids until the months pass and they're back to normal. Although, many owners take advantage and use it as a breeding facility, and who are we to say no? It increases business!”  He seemed so proud of the business, and you couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable with the whole situation. While it made sense, to a degree, to have somewhere safe for hybrids to left their cycle pass, the whole breeding situation didn’t sit well.  “You’re boys will enjoy their stay, they have every other year.” He grinned, a suggestive tone hanging over his words. 
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bts-hyperfixation · 2 years
Hybrid Namjoon:
Namjoon: Brown Bear 
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Specifically this Namjoon, maybe slightly lighter hair than this but def this length. 
The main household earner, takes a lot of the pressure much to his packmates' discontent. Has a hard time letting go of his control as other members join their family.
Hybrid BTS coming January 2023
We are going in order of joining the pack, who do you think is next?
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bunnyrhe · 3 years
Sleeping hybrids
Summary: Bubba Joonie has you sleeping in the nesting room with him. However, you're feeling particularly tactile today and can't help but want to play with tails.
Warning-none, Jin x reader, implied ot7x reader, bts hybrid polyamorous, Jimin x reader, namjoon x reader
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The orange shades of the afternoon sun glistened through the open windows in the nesting room. The air smelled of the fresh grass and a gentle afternoon shower like the angels were wringing out their linens It had to be close to 4 now with that magical glow, stray sunbeams infused with diamond dust landing on Namjoon Bubba's back.
The sunshine was warm on my palms, lettinh me make shadow puppies with my hands, watching them play fight on Bubba's back. I sat my cushy diapered bottom on the play mat, Bubba sleeping on his tummy beside me. His grey tail twitched in his sleep, his left ear also. They had a mind apart from Bubba's, comical in the way they pivoted like little triangular sonar equipment. His ears pulled back and laid flat on his forehead when he was sleeping,drooping over his eyes.He smelled like a wolf puppy again when he slept, that nostalgic aroma of warm baby powder.
I pushed myself up with my hands, soft squeaks tumbling out.I picked up Bubba's tail feeling how soft it was,burying my face in it. It was beyond soft. 
"Aigo...little one you're meant to be sleeping not Bubba,"Minnie Papa poked his head in the den, tutting lowly.
I waved at Papa happily, my thumb in my mouth. He dislodged my fingers, helping me lie down and tuck into Bubba's side. "Mmm no little fingers in your mouth, they're dirty. I'll get you a pacifier. Please nap my baby so you can get big and strong for me."
Papa fluffed my pillow, pulling my yellow Pooh Bear vest down for me over my tummy. "Where are your pants,little one?"
"Don wan pants,Papa,"
Namjoon let out a particularly noisy snore and made us both jump. Jimin huffed his ears pointed and alert looking at Bubba in shock then folding down on themselves in disbelief. Minnie was a golden retriever hybrid, always watching his elder in disdain when he slept and snored.
"I'm going to find more burrowing blankets, seems like our alpha is making a mess of the nest." Jimin huffed fussing over the body pillows he'd laid around us in a circle.
I went back to playing with Bubba's tail,holding it close to my cheek and sucking my thumb.
I woke up to shuffling noises blinking the sleep away. There were new blankets around me in a big nestinh circle reinforced with body pillows. Bubba's head pressed into my shoulder, his nose in my neck.
Papa put my paci in my mouth,clipping it to my shirt. He put my shorts on again too. I sighed,pouting ,trying to kick them off.
Jin appa walked past me to the arm chair by the window, setting down my bottle. 
My head was swimming side to side following the direction of Appa's Fox tail. Puffy luxurious and so silvery it was almost blue. 
 Appa looked back slowly to see me,still sleep swaddled and faded around the edges. 
He chuckles plucking me up on his hip, letting me hold his tail close to my face. I rubbed my cheek against it softly, sinking into the deep plush feeling it gave me.
He kissed my cheek softly, taking my paci out so slowly I almost didn't notice.
"Appa softy,"
"Mhm only for you, my bunbun," his ears drooped lovingly over his eyebrows, his brown eyes carefully looking over me, treasuring me like a secret map.
He slipped the bottle past my lips letting me suck gently while he nuzzled my forehead, licking the spot between my eyebrows, encouraging me to eat more.
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lveclouds · 2 years
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↬ pairing: barista! jungkook x office worker reader, other members will make appearances/be mentioned 
↬ genre/aus: heavy angst, non idol au, fluff (mainly from flashbacks), lovers to exes, semi-sad ending, slight barista/cafe au
↬ summary: in which moving on completely from your ex-boyfriend turns to be extremely difficult, especially when he suddenly shows up on your doorstep, asking to spend the night. 
↬ rating(s): pg15, nc17 (see warnings) 
↬ tw: heavy swearing, mentions of alcohol, mild alcohol consumption (reader gets a bit tipsy), sad ending (ish), this drabble is basically 99% angst, jungkook is an absolute sweetheart but kind of bad at feelings and communicating (yikes), heartbreak (reader deserves the world in this fic thank you <3), mentions of arguing (brief), miscommunication/misunderstandings (sighs), slightly insecure reader, brief mentions of neglect (brief), confrontation (reader and jungkook talk things out) 
wc: 8.4k  
a/n: this drabble is part of my ‘footnote’ drabble series, as well as the ‘superache summer’ collab, hosted by @sunshinejunghoseokie​ <33333 i hope you all are enjoying these drabbles as much as i do, and i’m so so glad to be posting more again, i’ve missed writing fics and posting them <3 also i hope summer is treating everyone well <3 + this absolutely stunning fic banner was made by none other than the talented @sunshinejunghoseokie​ <3333 (TYSM CAM MWAH ILU<3) + this drabble is loosely based off the song ‘memories’ by conan gray, the icon himself <3
the months that followed your devastating breakup with jungkook would’ve been absolute hell, if it weren’t for your best friends, jimin, namjoon, hoseok, seokjin, taehyung, and yoongi. they made sure to drop by your apartment often, usually to drop off tupperwares laden with food, or just to keep you company. otherwise, you were completely and utterly alone most of the time, wallowing in your self pity and sobbing into your pillow, feeling your heart ache irrevocably at the memory of light brown doe eyes and muscular tattooed arms holding you close at night. 
it’d been difficult, to forget the warmth in your heart, at the mere mention of jungkook’s name, for you often heard about him from your colleagues at work, how he’d had a longtime girlfriend and that it was a shame someone as attractive as him was single. the old hoodies hanging in the closet and the worn photographs scattered on your bedroom floor were a cruel yet bittersweet reminder of what’d once been the happiest time of your life. 
you’d met jungkook through jimin, who had a part-time shift at a nearby cafe, and the former was the newly hired intern. he’d had bright, cherry red hair then, and his arms weren’t covered with colorful tattoos, but was still unbelievably handsome, soft-spoken, and had a heart of gold. it hadn’t taken long before you and jungkook had seemingly hit it off, bonding over your love of romantic movies and photography. 
jungkook had asked you out no more than two weeks of knowing each other, and you’d accepted. he’d taken you to an amusement park on your first date, being an absolute sweetheart the entire time, paying for any sugary treats and drinks you wanted, and insisting on holding your hand when he’d drag you on the roller coasters with lots of loops and twists and turns. he’d also won you a giant stuffed panda bear from one of those infamous carnival games that was supposedly rigged. 
the night had ended with him dropping you off at your apartment, much to your insistence that you’d be perfectly fine taking an uber or calling one of your friends to pick you up. jungkook had gone the extra mile to walk you to your door. you’d shyly thanked him for the fun night and for taking you home, readjusting your grip on the giant stuffed panda, arms straining with the effort. 
and, before you could even blink, you felt a soft pair of lips on your cheek, the kiss butterfly soft and almost fleeting. you caught a whiff of peach and cherry blossom, and you felt your cheeks burn. jungkook had given you a soft smile, light brown eyes glittering with mirth. “have a good night, y/n. i had a great time tonight.”
slowly but surely, you found yourself slowly falling for jungkook, the guy with sparkly doe eyes and a kind heart. you’d discovered that he was avid marvel fan, and had confessed to watching the first iron man film multiple times. “it’s kind of embarrassing, i mean, what normal twenty three year old geeks out over superhero films? he’d said during a picnic date, cheeks pink, and you’d immediately shaken your head. “it’s nothing to be ashamed about jungkook, i think it’s amazing that you’re not afraid to be so passionate about something. in fact, its’s quite endearing.” 
jungkook’s answering grin, light brown eyes bright and full of pure, unadulterated joy, was enough to make your heart ache. and before you could talk yourself out of it, you’d mustered up the courage to confess a mere three months later. it’d been nothing short of emotional, tears threatening to spill from the looming and impending fear that jungkook would scorn you. instead, jungkook had pulled you into a dizzying kiss that left you breathless and flustered. the dazzling grin he’d given you after, eyes crinkling at the corners, had made your pulse quicken. 
“idiot, i was wondering when to confess to you, and here you are, nearly sobbing in the middle of a park because of me.” he’d chided, tone light and teasing, and you’d laughed, feeling a wave of relief wash over you. from then on, your relationship with jungkook had grown more intimate. there were many dates, of course, from ice skating at lotte world to bar hopping, getting a bit tipsy from a few glasses of wine, it’d al felt straight out of a cliche romantic film. 
jungkook was also quite the spontaneous type, it seemed, for he’d sometimes call you at ungodly hours at night, asking if you wanted to go for a late night drive with him. of course, you’d accept, and you’d hold hands over the center console, feeling the cool, summer air wash over you, humming along softly to dean and troye sivan. those moments, when it was just you jungkook, and the open road were almost magical, and you never wanted them to end. 
when jungkook had decided to move in with you, it’d felt like a dream come true. you’d wake up curled into his side, studying his sharp profile, illuminated by the early morning sun, and, sometimes, you’d reach out and trace the slope of his jaw with your finger, as if to make sure you weren’t dreaming. you relished in the feeling of his strong arms around you, which were now covered with colorful tattoos. 
you’d lazily trace them with a finger, following the intricate lines, and ask jungkook what they meant. he was all the more happy to indulge you, and you listened to his deep yet soft as he explained the stories behind the art drawn onto his body. and despite his insistences that you’d get bored of hearing about them, you told him over and over that you’d never tire of hearing about the meanings behind his tattoos, no matter how silly they seemed to him. 
as they say, all good things must come to an end, and your relationship with jungkook was no exception. there was the fighting and arguing, like the one time he’d forgotten your one year anniversary, and you’d tried not to resent him for it, for the cafe had been unbelievably busy that day, and that was something jungkook had had no control over. 
jungkook had come home, tired and worn out, evident dark circles under his eyes from lack of sleep, and saw you sitting at the kitchen table, still dressed in a stunning rose pink dress you’d saved up for months to be able to afford, eyebrows creasing with confusion. “why are you all dressed up like that?” was all he’d said, and that’d been the last straw. 
you’d shouted at him, allowing the overwhelming amount of anger and sadness you’d kept bottled up for hours to spill, feeling fresh tears well up in your eyes. jungkook had just stood there, slack-jawed, doe eyes widening as realization dawned over him. “wait, was today a special occasion?” he’d asked, and you’d fought the urge to laugh. 
“today was our first year anniversary, you asshole.” you’d spat, and had immediately ran out of the apartment, hastily grabbing jungkook’s car keys off the hook near the door, making a point to slam it behind you. you’d known then, that you were being a little overdramatic, but it was the first time that jungkook had ever made you feel so unloved, so neglected, and you couldn’t stand to be around him at the time. 
so, you’d driven fifteen minutes to jimin’s house, and had stood on his doorstep like a madwoman, knocking on the door. said male had answered within minutes, clad in an oversized orange hoodie and black sweatpants, lavendar hair a bit mussed from sleep. “y/n?” he’d mumbled, voice still heavy with sleep, and you’d immediately felt guilty, for showing up unannounced at his house at eleven thirty at night. 
then, you’d let out a choked sob, unable to hold back tears, and jimin had immediately pulled you into his arms, strong and warm, whispering comforting words in your ear and rubbing soothing circles on your back. it’d taken a entire ten minutes for you to stop sobbing, and then jimin ushered you inside, scolding you gently for not wearing a sweater. 
he’d guided you to sit on his living room couch, draping a warm, fuzzy blanket over you shoulders, and disappeared into the kitchen to make you a warm cup of tea. when jimin returned with the tea, you’d taken the mug from him, hands slightly shaky, and sipped on it lightly. after a long stretch of silence, jimin asked, voice ever so gentle, “did something happen?”
you’d then tearfully explained to him that jungkook had forgotten your one year anniversary due to him being so busy with work. with each and every word, you’d seen jimin’s forest green eyes grow dark, jaw clenching. though the male had quit working at the cafe, having found a position as a dance instructor at a local dance studio, he’d still drop by his former workplace often, to check up on jungkook, or sometimes just for a quick cup of coffee. 
“that prick.” jimin had growled, voice uncharacteristically cold. you’d tried to placate him, trying to reassure him that you were just being overdramatic about the entire situation, but your friend was having none of it. “no, you have every right to be angry. he shouldn’t have forgotten your anniversary in the first place, that’s just him being a neglectful partner. also, i hate that he had the audacity to ask if there was a special occasion when seeing you in this gorgeous dress. that fucking idiot, wait until i get my hands on him, i will not hesitate to kick his sorry ass.” 
you’d merely slumped on the couch cushions, feeling utterly defeated, knowing deep down that jimin had a point. jimin’s expression had softened by a fraction, and he’d wrapped an arm around your shoulders. “i’m sorry about that. i just got so pissed off hearing about how jungkook practically neglected you. he’s a good person, he is, but he tends to get in his head a lot and isn’t the best at expressing his emotions sometimes. that being said, that’s no excuse for forgetting something as major as an anniversary.” 
you’d let out a shaky sigh, and let jimin hold you, resting your head on his shoulder. “t-that’s the thing, i tried not to resent him for it, knowing how important work is to him, but i just saw him and i couldn’t h-hold back. all my emotions just spilled out of me like an overflowing sink.” you’d mumbled, feeling more defeated and exhausted than anything. you’d also made a point to apologize to jimin for the sudden intrusion, and the latter had merely shaken his head. 
“darling, no need to apologize. if my house is considered a safe space for you, and i hope it is, feel free to come over anytime. i mean it. you’re never a bother. if jungkook’s still an asshole to you, feel free to come running to me.” you’d never felt more grateful for jimin’s presence that day, for he did his best to comfort you and take your mind off a relationship that seemed to be meetings its end, by watching shitty rom-coms and letting you raid his kitchen for snacks. 
that fight had ended with jungkook showing up on jimin’s doorstep the following morning, light brown eyes full of unshed tears, pure desperation on his face. the latter had merely looked at him with an unreadable expression, though his forest green eyes were glinting dangerously. “jungkook, what brings you here this fine morning?” jimin had drawled, regarding him cooly. 
the former had demanded to see you, frantically explaining that you hadn’t been answering your calls or texts, and that he just wanted to know that you were safe. jimin had scoffed, abruptly cutting jungkook off. “well, considering that she showed up here at eleven thirty last night, in nothing but that gorgeous dress, that, mind you, she wore for a special occasion that you forgot about, with tears streaming down her face.” his tone had been sickly sweet, and yet you could hear the hint of malice hidden underneath. 
when you’d noticed that jungkook was slowly becoming frustrated, from the way his hands were curling into tight fists, as well as the telltale clenching of his jaw, you’d decided enough was enough. you’d slowly got up from where you were watching on the couch, and sidled up beside jimin, giving your boyfriend a tight smile. 
“hi, jungkook.” you’d mumbled, ignoring how your heart ached at the pure relief in his eyes at the sight of you. “y/n, i was so worried, and you didn’t pick up or respond to my texts-” “oh, so now you’re worried?” you’d snapped, cutting him off mid-sentence. jungkook’s face crumpled, shoulders slumping in defeat. “now you ask about my well-being? what about last night when i’d gotten all dressed up for our one year anniversary, which, if you didn’t already realize, you’d completely forgotten about.” you’d remarked crossly, and saw jungkook’s face pale. 
“what?” he’d breathed, and, next to you, jimin let out a cold, heartless laugh. “yeah, you asswipe, your one year anniversary was yesterday, and what did you do? abandon your lovely girlfriend, whom, may i remind you, that you definitely do not deserve, off for work, of all things.” jimin had sneered, mouth twisting in a cruel smile. jungkook’s eyes were welling up with tears, crestfallen. “i-it was our anniversary? why didn’t you tell me? i would’ve-” 
“would’ve what, jungkook? tried to take off work when the cafe was at its busiest? your boss would’ve had your head if you did that.” it was indeed true, for the person that ran the cafè jungkook now worked at full-time was known to be quite the stickler for rules. 
“i really tried not to resent you for it, since i know how important your job is to you. but, i’d be lying if i said it didn’t hurt. and maybe i’m being overdramatic, but it was the first time that’d you neglected me, at least, it felt like you did. and, when you saw me in that dress, which, mind you, i’d saved up for months to be able to afford, you asked me why i was wearing it. i mean, if you were me, wouldn’t you feel hurt? you don’t get to come over here and act like you care when last night you clearly didn’t. i get that you were exhausted, jungkook, i understand that completely, but the fact that our anniversary was more of an afterthought to you fucking hurts.” 
you’d been a sobbing mess when you’d finished ranting, and jimin had pulled you into his arms immediately, rubbing comforting circles onto your back, giving jungkook a wide berth. “you see how fucking devastated she is?” he’d said hotly, glaring daggers at the aforementioned male. 
jungkook had then fallen to his knees, tears spilling from his eyes, voice quivering with every word that fell from his lips. you’d taken pity on him, unable to stand the sight of him looking so wrecked and utterly devastated. though jimin hadn’t said anything, the amused smile tugging at the corners of his lips was a telltale sign that he was happy that you’d finally made up. 
then, everything had seemingly gone back to normal, for jungkook had become more attentive, and you’d started communicating more. but, there was always this lingering fear inside you that the happiness you felt wouldn’t last long. thus, after a few more months of complete and utter bliss, it’d all came crashing down, just as you’d dreaded. 
jungkook had began to pull away from you, purposely turning his head away when you’d tried to kiss him before he left for work, so that your lips hit his cheek instead, your dates became rushed, and he’d leave without so much as a goodbye, and visibly flinch every time your hands so much as brushed one another. he again became so focused on work that you seemed more of an afterthought. 
there were many nights where you slept at jimin’s house, unable to bear living in the same space as jungkook, who’d seemed less like your boyfriend and more of a stranger. jimin would hold you as you’d cry into his shoulder, lamenting about how you wished things were different. unlike before, it’d taken no time at all for you to resent jungkook for his behavior once again, and, after months and months of enduring a relationship where you felt unloved and unimportant, you’d decided that it was better if you ended things. 
you finally confronted jungkook, confessing that it was exhausting pretending that everything was okay and that you were content with being in a relationship where you didn’t feel cherished or important. the look of utter devastation and confusion that flashed across jungkook’s face was one you’d never forget the sight of. 
his light brown eyes, the very ones you used to adore, had filled with unshed tears, desperate pleas spilling from his lips, begging for you not to leave, that he would change, that he would work on himself, and try to make things better again. it’d taken all of your self control and resolve not to throw yourself into his arms again. 
instead, you’d shaken your head softly, a sad smile curling at the corners of your mouth. “i’m sorry, jungkook, but maybe you and i weren’t meant to be together. thank you for showing me what it was like to be loved and cherished, and for giving me a shoulder to cry on, for taking me on the most amazing and fun dates i’ve ever had in my life. but, i bared my heart and soul to you, and all i get in return are empty promises. i can’t take any more of that, jungkook. so please, stop promising me things that you’ll never keep to. don’t get my hopes up, don’t give me that sense of hope that maybe you’ll change, you’ll try to be better. because i know that despite your efforts, we’ll end up going back to how we were these last few months.” 
it’d been difficult, to walk away from the one person that you’d bared your heart and soul to, but, in the end, it was for the best. jungkook moved out within a week, and you didn’t bother to bid him farewell, for the sight of him would’ve been too much to bear. and, in the months that followed, after jungkook was no longer a part of your life, jimin enlisted the help of yoongi, namjoon, hoseok, taehyung, and seokjin to check up on you every now and then, making sure that you were doing alright, that you were eating, that you were getting enough sleep. 
the last thing you’d expected was to find jeon jungkook, your ex-boyfriend, standing on your doorstep at exactly nine thirty pm, amidst one stormy summer night, drenched from head to toe, shivering slightly. “jungkook?” said male gave you a sheepish grin, rocking back and forth nervously on his heels. “h-hi. how’ve you been?” 
you hated the way the deep and soft timbre of his voice sent a shiver down your spine, loathed that jungkook still had an effect on you. you gave him a polite, tight-lipped smile. “i’m alright, what about you?” jungkook shuffled awkwardly on his feet. “work’s been keeping me busy, for the most part.” rain splashed down onto your driveway, turning the world into mist and water, and the smell of petrichor lingering in the warm summer air. 
“what are you doing here?” it must’ve come out harsher than intended, for you saw jungkook visibly wince. “i-i know that i’m the last person you want to see right now, a-and i would’ve gone to jimin hyung’s, but we kind of fell out of touch after we broke up, and i doubt he’d appreciate me showing up on his doorstep with no warning. and, everyone else i know weren’t available, so i guess my only option was you. i have no where else to go, and i kind of took the bus here since my car broke down and i still haven’t gotten it fixed yet. s-so, i was wondering if i could spend the night? i promise i’ll be gone by tomorrow morning.”
you tensed at his words. stay the night? is he insane? you fought the urge to laugh out loud from disbelief. your ex-boyfriend, the person you’d bared your heart and soul to, was standing on your doorstep, asking to spend the night, of all things. 
you drank in the sight of him, summer rain had plastered his hair to his forehead, and soaked his loose, gray shirt, which did nothing to hide the breadth of his shoulders and chest, and his black shorts stuck to his muscular thighs. jungkook was still as handsome as ever, black hair now a icy blue, which only accentuated the light brown of his eyes. 
your heart clenched at how gorgeous he still was, and immediately hated yourself for it. you loosed a breath. “ok, fine, you can stay for the night, but if you try anything, i’m kicking you out immediately.” you hated, hated, the way jungkook’s nervous expression morphed into one of absolute gratitude and relief. “thank you.” he mumbled, and you shook your head. “don’t mention it. as much as i can’t stand the sight of you, i’m not so heartless to leave you out in the rain.” 
jungkook’s mouth curved into an amused smile. “well, i’m honored then.” “you should be.” it was scary how natural the exchange was, for you hadn’t seen the aforementioned male in months and it’d felt as if no time had passed between you, like he hadn’t shattered your heart. as he moved past you, you caught a faint whiff of his scent, peach and cherry blossom, and you loathed the way your pulse quickened. 
your ex-boyfriend stood now in the middle of your living room, shuffling awkwardly, fiddling with his hands, drenched head to toe with rain, and was probably getting water on your carpet, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care. “let me get you a towel and some clothes.” you murmured. 
you retrieved a spare towel from your closet, as well as one of jungkook’s old shirts that he hadn’t bothered to take, as well as a pair of sweatpants, and headed back towards the living room, with your heart in your stomach. everything hurt, and all of your memories with the man you’d once loved were now flashing across your mind. 
you plastered on what you’d hoped was a convincing smile as you handed jungkook the clothes and towel, careful not to let your fingers brush against his. his light brown eyes widened at the worn black shirt in his hands. “is this mine?” he asked, voice a bit shaky, and you gulped nervously, eyes drifting towards the floor. “it is, you’d forgotten it when you moved out, and, for some reason, i couldn’t bring myself to throw it out. some of your shirts are still in my closet.” 
“i-i’ll go change.” jungkook said quietly, and you nodded, moving to sit on the couch. as soon as he was out of earshot, you slumped against the couch cushions, mind reeling. what the hell? he can’t just show up so suddenly and pretend like everything’s okay. not when he- stop. it’s not like he asked you to get back together with him or anything. 
some thirty minutes later, jungkook sauntered into the living room, drying his hair with the fluffy towel you’d given him earlier, his black shirt tight around his shoulders and chest, and you fought down the blush that threatened to form. the muscles in his arms flexed as he dried his hair, and you cursed yourself mentally for noticing. don’t be a creep.
“i hope you don’t mind that i took a shower.” “not at all.” you managed to say, voice calmer than you felt. jungkook gave you a small smile, a tiny dimple indenting in his cheek, and god, your heart was much too weak for this. the couch dipped as he plopped down unceremoniously next to you, folding the towel and placing it on the coffee table. 
a long stretch of silence fell over you, and you fidgeted nervously with your hands, unsure of what to say. after a while, jungkook awkwardly cleared his throat. “c-can we talk?” “of course we can, jungkook, it’s not like we’re strangers.” “i mean, can we talk about what happened? between us i mean.”
you froze, your stomach curling with dread. this was what you were afraid of by inviting jungkook to stay the night, that he’d want to talk about how your relationship failed. “there’s nothing to talk about jungkook, we weren’t meant to be together, and that’s that. there’s nothing to discuss, and you made that very clear months ago, when you practically treated me like a stranger.” 
at this, jungkook’s expression grew forlorn, and his light brown eyes were dark with regret. “i hated myself for treating you the way that i did, even after we broke up. you were nothing but kind, loving, and just an amazing partner, and i was the opposite. i constantly pushed you away, and let work take priority over the one person that i ever truly loved with all my heart. i know i never said anything like that to you, but i promise you that i did, and that i never regretted it, asking you out or our relationship in general. you were the only person that put up with my bullshit.” 
he took a deep, shaky breath, and kept going. “i’ve never been good at relationships, hell, i even ruined my friendship with jimin hyung, who was my one and only really close friend, and one of the only people who wasn’t afraid to call me out on my bullshit. jimin hyung  would tell me that i fucked up or that i was being a complete ass, straight to my face. i think that’s one of the reasons why i admire him so much, he’s not afraid to tell people how he really feels, he’s not afraid to be honest and upfront. he’s not scared of being vulnerable.” 
“i’ve always been shit at expressing myself, i tend to build these walls around me and not let people in, which is why i’m not super close with a lot of my friends. i have a hard time expressing my desires, or even just my feelings. i’ve also never been in love with someone, at least, that is, where i can see myself growing old with them. i know none of this is an excuse for the way i treated you, like a complete stranger and not the person i cherish most in this world, and for that i’m sorry. apologies are pointless, especially now that we’re no longer together, but i wanted to do as much in front of you. you’re the most amazing person i’ve ever met, and you did not deserve to be treated like absolute garbage.” 
you fought back tears, hands clenching the soft fabric of your hoodie. “then why? why did you pull away from me? why did you act as if you didn’t love me?” jungkook’s light brown eyes glinted with unshed tears. “because i was scared. scared that if i was vulnerable and open with you, that you’d think that i’m not strong enough, that i was weak.” 
you gaped at him, feeling fresh and hot tears slide down your cheeks. “w-why would you ever think that? you being open and vulnerable with me was all i wanted, jungkook. i just wanted you to be honest with me.” a sad smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. “i’m shit at communicating.” “i’m not sure why i thought that way, i guess it’s because you’re such a strong person that i wanted to show you that i could be like that too.” 
your heart ached. all this time, it was because he was afraid of baring his heart to me? you sniffled. “d-did you not trust me?” at that, jungkook’s eyes grew wide. “no, of course not! you were one of the only people that i trusted the most.” “t-then why didn’t you tell me anything? why did you push me away? why did you make me feel like i was completely and utterly alone?” you lamented, unable to keep the tears at bay, feeling your body shake with soft sobs. 
jungkook’s eyes flitted over to you, tears of his own sliding down his cheeks, voice cracking. “because i knew i truly didn’t deserve you, not even for one second. you deserve someone better, someone who won’t push you away or treat you like a stranger, someone who will hold and comfort you when things go to shit, and someone who will love you better than me, someone who will cherish and love you for the rest of your life, someone who will be open and honest with you.” 
your heart felt as if could shatter at any second, and your chest felt tight, and your mind was spinning, and the tears wouldn’t stop coming. you hated every shuddering, stupid gasp. hated the naked pain in jungkook’s eyes as he stared at you, silent sobs racking his body. 
“this was a mistake. i shouldn’t have let you in, we have too much history together.” you found yourself saying some minutes later, surprised that you sounded calmer than you felt. jungkook just nodded, shoulders slumping in defeat. “you’re right, i shouldn’t have come here in the first place.” as jungkook moved to get off the couch, you should’ve let him. you should’ve let him walk out the door and out of your life, just as he had all those months ago. 
before you could talk yourself out of it, you blurted, “wait.” jungkook froze, light brown eyes resembling a deer caught in headlights, and you fought the urge to laugh. “it’s still raining like cats and dogs out there, i’m not going to make you walk home when the weather is absolute shit. stay the night, but just remember to leave first thing tomorrow. tonight was a lot for me, and i honestly don’t think i can be around you any longer.”
you mentally winced at how harsh your words were, but it was the truth. jungkook being in your apartment, the very one he’d lived in while you were dating, was overwhelming enough, apart from him apologizing for treating you like absolute shit during those last few months. he had become a distant memory, and now, here he was, showing up at your doorstep, and the minute you saw his brown eyes, you knew that deep down, you could never deny him, could never turn him away. 
“a-are you sure?” jungkook asked tentatively, carefully, as if he were afraid of angering you. “yes, i’m sure. i’ll take the couch, and you can take the bed.” you fought down the blush that crept onto your cheeks. aforementioned male shook his head. 
“no, i’ll take the couch, i’m the one that just barged in here.” jungkook said with a tone that brooked no argument, and you sighed in defeat. “ok, fine, but only because i know you’ll keep pestering me about it until i give in, you absolute menace.” you joked, and to your relief, jungkook grinned in return. “you know it.” 
later, in the darkness and wrapped in the coziness of your bedsheets, you stared up at the ceiling, unable to keep your thoughts at bay. this is fine. your ex-boyfriend is currently sleeping under the same roof as you, no big deal. he’s sound asleep in the other room, nothing to worry about. the last few hours had been quite overwhelming, to say the least. from jungkook showing up at your doorstep, clothes and skin soaked with rain, asking to stay the night, and then, the truth, the reason why jungkook had treated you like a stranger all those months ago. 
though you were exhausted, you just couldn’t bring yourself to sleep. sighing, you reached for your phone, the soft blue light casting shadows across your face, and grimaced when you saw you had several missed calls from jimin and a flurry of texts from namjoon, yoongi, hoseok, taehyung, and seokjin. shit. you’d forgotten to text them when you’d arrived home from a quick walk around the neighborhood. 
grimacing, you dialed jimin’s number, bracing yourself for the lecture from the short yet feisty male. jimin picked up after two rings, breathless and a bit frantic. “y/n! what the hell?” he whisper-shouted, and you winced. jimin was not happy. “i’m sorry, i meant to call you after i came home from a walk earlier, but after my shower, i fell asleep. also, this probably isn’t the right time to tell you this, but uhm, j-jungkook’s here.” 
a pause, a long stretch of silence, and then: “what?! are you fucking shitting me right now? that asshole’s at your place? why?” jimin demanded, tone outright glacial. “it’s not for the reason that you think.” you blurted, glad he couldn’t see the way your cheeks flushed with color. “he got caught in the rain, a-and his car broke down. he had nowhere else to go, jimin, i mean, i doubt you’d let him in your house, especially after what happened.” 
“you’re right, i wouldn’t. that asshole hurt you, and the sight of him would piss me off.” jimin said hotly. “so, i-i might’ve let him stay the night.” “are you insane?!” he hissed, and you sighed. “look, it’s not like i wanted to let him stay here, given our history and whatnot, but, despite that, i don’t want anything bad to happen to him. i mean, yes, he broke my heart, but is it bad that i still want him to be in my life?” 
“sweetheart”,  jimin breathed, voice now impossibly soft, “he doesn’t deserve you, not for one second, but if you really want him to be a part of your life, then, i guess i can’t prevent you from making amends. and, if you want, i can try to get along with him again.” that last part was said begrudgingly, but you couldn’t help but smile. 
“you’re the best, jimin, you know that?” he scoffed, and you could imagine the light blush on his cheeks. “yeah, yeah, i’m well aware. do you need me to come over?” you felt your heart warm, jimin had always been like that, considerate and unfailingly kind. “no, it’s okay, i’ll be fine. besides, jungkook will be gone by tomorrow morning anyway.” there was a long pause, as if jimin wasn’t entirely convinced that you’d be able to endure a night with your ex-boyfriend.
finally, he let out a long sigh, the sound more resigned than anything. “fine, but you text or call me immediately if you change your mind.” you thanked him, and hung up, letting your mind wander once again. would i be happy to have jungkook again in my life? is it so foolish to think that things could go back to the way they used to be? is it just wishful thinking? 
while jungkook had ultimately broke your heart, he also had had the gall to apologize, face to face, of all things, despite that your relationship had ended on bad terms. you hated feeling so conflicted over the man who��d you once believed to be the most important person in your life. sighing, you turned over on your stomach, burying your face into your pillow, fighting the urge to scream in frustration. 
after long, agonizing seconds, you slipped out of bed and padded over to your closet, opening the door ever so slowly. jungkook’s old shirts, of which you hadn’t bothered to throw away, were scattered all over the floor in heaps of fabric. your eyes shifted to the black and white jacket bunched up in the corner, wedged in between some old shirts you’d meant to throw out. 
a sad smile tugged at the corners of your mouth as you fished it out, the fabric soft against your fingertips. without thinking, you brought the jacket up to your nose and sniffed, to see if it’d still had the lingering scent of jungkook’s perfume. sure enough, you caught a faint whiff of peaches and cherry blossom, and immediately, your heart ached. 
the memory of your first date had always lingered in your mind, even after things had come to an abrupt and tragic end. you could picture the colorful and bright lights of the amusement park, the sugary sweet scent of cotton candy and churros, the salty and buttery scent of popcorn, and the joyful laughter and light chatter that filled the air as you’d let jungkook drag you onto roller coaster after roller coaster. 
you even remembered what he’d worn that night. a loose, white shirt tucked into slightly distressed blue jeans with holes at the knees, a black belt wrapped around his impossibly small waist, black combat boots, and the very same black and white jacket that you’d kept and hadn’t bothered to throw out.
 jungkook had decided to go on the ferris wheel, and you’d obliged, letting him pull you in its direction. as the ferris wheel had rotated to the top, you’d felt a cool rush of air wash over you, and almost immediately, something warm and light had been draped over your shoulders. you’d protested, insisting that you weren’t that cold, but jungkook had given you a soft smile, light brown eyes soft. “keep it. it suits you better than me, anyway. and besides, i can’t have my date turn into an icicle can i?” the memory that had once warmed your heart only made it ache now, it was painful to recall, the time when you’d been blissfully happy, so in love that you’d thought nothing could ever get in the way of your relationship with jungkook. you furiously blinked back tears, refusing to lament over him yet again, and hastily shoved the jacket back into the closet, firmly shutting the door. 
you exhaled softly, shutting your eyes, as if doing so would block out the string of memories threatening to spill to the surface. no, no more. stop groveling over the man who broke your heart. it’s been months, get it together. let him go, it’s time you let him go. there’s no point in having false hope that things could be different, that things could go back to normal.
 as if on cue, there was a soft knock at your door, snapping you out of your mini trance. sighing, you went to open it, and was surprised to see a sheepish jungkook behind it, nervously fiddling with the hem of his t-shirt. “h-hi.” he mumbled softly, and you gave him a tight-lipped smile in return. “do you need anything?”
jungkook gave a slight shake of his head. “i just… i couldn’t sleep, a-and so i decided to check on you, make sure you’re doing okay.” you ignored the slight warmth in your heart at his words. no, don’t fall for them again, you idiot, don’t make the same mistake twice. “jungkook, please, just stop.” you pleaded, curling your hands into tight fists at your sides in an attempt to keep them from shaking, ignoring the crestfallen expression on jungkook’s face. 
“don’t do this, jungkook, please. don’t stand in front of me and say all these pretty words that ultimately mean nothing in the end. don’t give me false hope that things could’ve been different between us, that maybe you wouldn’t treated me the way that you did, that you didn’t shatter my heart into a million fucking pieces. stop trying to convince me that i should let you back into my life. while i don’t regret what we had, falling for you was my first and last mistake. you’re an amazing person, jungkook, but i think it’s better if we stay out of each other’s lives.” 
you forced yourself to look into his eyes, seeing nothing but pure devastation and confusion, and despite yourself, your heart cracked at the sight. “y/n, please, don’t do this. i don’t want to lose you. i-” “you’d already lost me that day. that day that i finally realized that things weren’t going to work out after all, and that you and i were doomed to fail from the start.” 
jungkook’s eyes glistened with unshed tears. “so, is this it? is there where our story ends?” he asked, voice cracking. you nodded slowly, ignoring the lump in your throat. “this is where we end, jungkook. though we may never cross paths again, i will never forget all the happy memories you gave me.” “c-can i at least hug you? one last time?”
you barely nodded before being pulled into a tight and warm embrace, strong arms wrapping around your back, holding you close. “i’m sorry for hurting you, and i wish you nothing but the best in life, and i hope, sincerely hope, that you find someone who can love you better than i ever could.” jungkook whispered into your hair, and you bit back tears, feeling your heart ache irrevocably. 
deciding to cut jungkook out of your life, for good, was one of the hardest decisions you’d ever made, but you knew that it was for the best. there was no point in trying to delude yourself into thinking that trying to fix a relationship that’d ended tragically. “i’ll always care about you, never forget that.” you murmured, inhaling the scent of his peach and cherry blossom scent, achingly familiar and comforting. 
it’d seemed like forever when jungkook pulled away, hands brushing against your knuckles tenderly. “goodbye, y/n, and i hope that you will always be happy, because you deserve nothing less than that.” and when you’d heard jungkook’s footsteps recede, you fell to your knees, letting out a choked sob. cutting ties with the one man you’d ever loved hurt, it hurt like hell, and you wished that you could take it back, but the damage had been done. 
a year later, you sat on a worn picnic blanket in a field of sunflowers in gangwon-do, admiring the stark contrast of the bright petals against the green grass, and the cloudless blue sky. you were wearing a flowy, light blue sundress with thin straps and brown sandals, letting the cool breeze wash over you. it’d been an entire year since you’d decided to cut ties with your first love, jungkook, and while the healing process hadn’t been easy, it hadn’t been entirely unpleasant, not with jimin, namjoon, yoongi, hoseok, taehyung, and seokjin by your side. 
your friends had been nothing but unfailingly caring and loving and doting ever since that fateful day, doing their best to support you in any way they could. you would forever be grateful for everything that they did. speaking of your friends, they were seated next to you on the picnic blanket, all smiles as they dug into the food that’d been specially prepared by seokjin; there are tiny puff pastries, whipped cream and strawberry sandwiches, chocolate chip cookies still warm from the oven, gooey and soft, fluffy cheese sausage bread, vegetable kimbap, sesame chicken on skewers, and a tall pitcher of pink lemonade. 
it’d been taehyung’s idea for the impromptu picnic, insisting that the weather was much too nice to pass up the opportunity to “be one with nature”, as he’d put it. everyone had quickly agreed, even yoongi, who’d argued that it was too hot at first, but had given in eventually, thanks to taehyung’s puppy dog eyes and incessant pleading. 
you were glad that taehyung had insisted on the outing, for it’d been a welcome distraction. work was going well, and though the pay wasn’t great, it kept you busy. and while hearing jungkook’s name still made your heart ache at times, you hadn’t once thought about him and the blissful memories you’d had together, nor had you stayed up at night thinking about what could’ve been. 
slowly, but surely, you were finally healing from the immense heartbreak jungkook had caused you. though, you still hoped that he was doing well, and that’d he’d found someone else, and that he was happy. “penny for your thoughts, y/n?” a teasing, lilting voice said, snapping you out of your trance. 
jimin was seated closest to you, ethereal in a loose, white button down, ripped blue jeans, and his usual chelsea boots. “everything okay?” he asked, and while his light green eyes were bright with mirth, you could see the concern hidden beneath them. “i’m fine, just got lost in my head for a bit there.” 
“you better not be lying, sweetheart, or i will personally see to it that you tell me the truth.” jimin drawled, tone bordering on flirtatious, and you rolled your eyes, giving his shoulder a gentle shove. “you’re a fucking menace.” you hissed, but with no real heat, and jimin just gave you a smug smile. “all in a day’s work, babe.”
“alright, lovebirds, quit flirting. you’re traumatizing everyone.” seokjin scolded, but the teasing glint in his cerulean blue eyes said otherwise. “shut up, jin hyung, you’re just jealous because you haven’t had a date in like three years.” jimin shot back. “first of all, fuck you, it’s only been two months, and second, quit being a brat before i strangle you.” 
“ooh, kinky.” “for fucks sake, park jimin, you’re an absolute menace to society.” “so i’ve been told.” jimin grinned. “leave him alone, hyung, he’s just using insults as a defense mechanism.” taehyung said breezily, snatching a puff pastry and popping it into his mouth, chewing thoughtfully. jimin threw a hand over his heart in mock hurt. “taehyung, the peanut butter to my jelly, the sun to my stars, the soul to my mate, how dare you? i thought we were friends!” 
said male simply rolled his eyes, used to jimin’s dramatics. “whatever helps you sleep at night, you absolute weirdo.” namjoon snorted from his spot next to taehyung, dark green eyes glittering with amusement. jimin narrowed his eyes at the tall male. “you have something to say, hyung?” 
namjoon shook his head, an amused smile curling at the corners of his mouth. “nope, nothing at all, my lips are sealed.” next to him, yoongi just sighed, the sound more resigned than anything. “you all are a bunch of idiots, you know that?” taehyung just beamed, undeterred. “but you love us anyway!” the former gave a dismissive wave of his hand. “yeah, yeah, whatever.” hoseok grinned, showing off straight, white teeth. “quit acting like an old man, yoongi, we all know you have a soft spot for us.” 
said male scoffed, pink coloring his pale cheeks. “s-shut up. even if it were true, i would never admit such a heinous thing.” taehyung snorted, reaching for another puff pastry. “you’re seriously a pain in the ass sometimes, hyung.” “right back at you, you little shit.” hoseok burst out laughing, eyes crinkling at the corners. 
you couldn’t help the amused chuckle that spilled from your lips, feeling lighter than you had in a while. throughout the long months of healing and forgetting jungkook, you’d slowly found yourself falling for jimin. it’d felt wrong at first, for he and jungkook had once been close friends, but it was useless to ignore the fluttering in your chest at jimin’s charming and gorgeous smiles, his flirtatious and mischievous nature, and how utterly caring and selfless he was. 
jimin had always been there, you’d realized, to lend you a shoulder to cry on or to hold you when things got overwhelming at work or when you’d had a bad day. he was always there to make you laugh and to take you out on impromptu adventures or trips. jimin was also the person you were the closest with in your circle of friends, having met him in high school. 
and while you weren’t quite sure if what you felt for jimin was entirely romantic or not, you knew that what’d you had with jungkook now seemed like a distant memory, and with jimin and your friends by your side, the future didn’t seem all too bad. you smiled, feeling your heart warm, and reached over to lace jimin’s fingers with yours. 
without even looking, he gave your hand a gentle squeeze, and continued on bickering with jin, as if he weren’t holding your hand. for the first time in a while, you were truly happy, and the road ahead didn’t seem all that terrifying. 
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a/n: wtf was that ending ew anyways i hope you all enjoyed this <3 i’m so sorry this took me FOREVER to write sdflkdjlkjf i needed a break from writing all this angst lmao also shoutout once again to cam and honour for keeping me sane while writing this <3333 (I LOVE Y’ALL MWAH) also, shoutout to my irl bestie, whom i adore and love with all my heart <333 ALSO ATEEZ’S CB !!!! THIS ALBUM IS YET AGAIN A NO SKIP ALBUM <3333 CYBERPUNNK IS AN ICON, THE MOMENT AND I WILL FOREVER STAND BY THIS <3 my next drabble will be a yoongi one hehe <3 also i did not mean for this to be so long oops- 
tagging: @sunshinejunghoseokie, @joonlery , @astramoonchild, @kookdiaries , @sketchguk , @baljinciaga, @jtrbluv , @yoon2k , @jeonjcngkook , @jeonqkooks, @jeonqquk , @taeyo95 , @rkivian , @jimilter , @kth1 , @lovebearv , @sugakookitty, @hobeemin , @blushingkoo , @joonscypher , @codeinebelle , @writtenwhalien​ , @mochimolala​, @aquagustd, @raplinesmoon @kithtaehyung , @taegularities , @beckysworld7 , + anyone else who wants to be tagged <3
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