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goodbye hérault
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It’s gonna be okay…
(Unfortunately, no 😩)
#frev#frev community#frev art#robespierre#maximilien robespierre#my art#art tag#french revolution#brount
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La liberté ou la mort, extrait
Robespierre jouait à lancer des branches à Brount avec Elisabeth, à quelques distances devant eux. Il courrait pour entraîner le molosse derrière lui, et jetait le bâton de toutes ses forces, ne se souciant pas de voir s'il risquait de tacher ses bas blancs de boue. Brount partait comme un fou avec ses grandes pattes désordonnées, la langue pendant sur le côté et la queue frétillante. Quand il revenait avec le morceau de bois, Elisabeth et Maximilien devaient s'escrimer à le lui récupérer et tiraient de toutes leurs forces pour le lui arracher de la gueule. Le jeu recommençait ensuite, pour la plus grande joie des trois participants.
Saint-Just marchait les bras croisés dans le dos, au rythme d'Eléonore.
-Eléonore, maintenant que nous sommes bons amis, puis-je me permettre une question?
La jeune fille lui sourit d'un air indulgent.
- Voyons la question.
Saint-Just se racla la gorge et fixa son regard sur la pointe de ses bottes.
- Eh bien... je ne comprends pas que tu ne sois pas amoureuse de lui.
Eléonore laissa échapper un petit rire. Elle ne paraissait pas particulièrement vexée ou embarrassée par cette question indiscrète.
-Et pourquoi cela ? demanda-t-elle.
Saint-Just redressa la tête et fit un geste de la main vague vers Brount qui s'était mis à aboyer joyeusement, et Elisabeth qui faisait semblant de jeter le bâton pour la troisième fois.
- Je ne sais pas, regarde le... Tout à l'heure il faisait un travail de géant pour la patrie, et maintenant il se contente d'une récompense si simple ! Jouer avec son chien, nourrir ses oiseaux, manger le potage de ta mère ce soir, lire quelques pages de Rousseau au coin du feu...
-... quelques oranges, une visite de son cher Saint-Just...
- Si nous parvenons à installer et à protéger notre république, il ne cherchera aucune récompense pour lui même. Il ne faudra pas davantage que ces quelques plaisirs que nous avons évoqués pour faire son bonheur. Quand on en vient à le connaitre, il est si doux, si sincère. Parfois, cela me noue le coeur quand j'y pense.
- Certainement, approuva Eléonore en venant prendre le bras d'Antoine, et c'est pour cela que mes parents le considèrent comme leur fils et moi comme mon frère. Le sang ne me le rendrait pas plus cher.
- Un frère, oui...Mais imagine le comme époux, ne serait-ce pas mieux encore ? La voix de Saint-Just s'était réduite à un murmure rêveur. Il est si loyal, si dévoué. Non vraiment, tu ne trouveras pas mieux que lui.
-Pour ce qui est du physique... commença Eléonore
- Du physique ! répéta-t-il, le cri qu'il ne réussit par à réprimer attirant un instant l'attention de Brount vers lui. Comment peux tu parler du physique face à une telle âme ! Et puis de toute façon la physionomie de Maximilien n'a rien de désagréable, regarde, il est petit certes, mais il a les mollets bien fait, une mine intelligente, des yeux verts, un joli nez...
- Tu ne trouves pas qu'il a un style un peu démodé?
- Maximilien s'en fiche des fariboles de la mode! Il prends soin de ses vêtement et il est toujours bien mis. On ne peut pas en dire autant des trois quarts des députés qui siègent à la Convention avec les cheveux gras et les bottes crottées. Son style est très respectable.
Eléonore se mit à rire de bon coeur devant l'air révolté de Saint-Just.
-Antoine... Si moi je ne suis pas amoureuse de lui, rien ne t'empêche de l'être, toi.
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Robespierre and Brount 🍀🐕
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I wonder if Robespierre get Brount as a puppy, thinking "oh what a little cute puppy, I could take him with me, I'm sure he won't take a lot of space". Then he ends up with a huge ball of love months later.
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Thank you, @taleon-arts ! They’re adorable!!!
#frev#frev art#french revolution#maximilien de robespierre#eleonore duplay#history art#brount#commissioned art#robespierre#cornelie duplay
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Brount watching the Thermidor executions...
#frev#french revolution#robespierre#maximilien robespierre#fanart#art#digital art#brount#Robespierre and brount#thermidor#thermidorian reaction
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There's someone selling dog couches in Arras' street market

A very Robespierre reference
Not the royal part though
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Yes, nice to see the dog if nothing else.
I watched the documentary Les 76 derniers jours de Marie-Antoinette. It was not bad, I think. Although their Maxime looks like a random guy with a wig on, he has his Brount with him. 😌 Nice to see them together.

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Conversations with a dead man.
#Hesitant to tag/post this but oh well#Maximilien Robespierre#or; well; a figment of my imagination pretending to be him#brount’s there as well<3#This wouldn’t leave my brain so here you go#low effort comics are my speciality
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sometimes i forget that maxs sight was so bad hed wear 2 pairs of glasses sometimes....like sir what
but id like to think that maybe brount (his dog) at least helped him around his home
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Robespierre and Tallien
French, 1794
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I'm a citizeness of simple tastes, I see a Robespierre with pretty legs and I'm 😍
#legs and a hat? much like my profile pic if you ask me#it's only missing Brount#robespierre#panthéon#monument à la convention nationale
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Wel .. In the end ..
We love brount 🌌
Idk if you answered this before but how robespierre get his dog brount?
We don’t know for sure, however, we do have a sign of what could be Brount in a letter Robespierre adressed to ”a young girl” (that has been accepted as one Mademoiselle Dehay) on 6 June 1788:
Is the puppy (petit chien) you are raising for my sister as pretty as the model you showed me when I passed through Bélhune? Whatever it is, we will always welcome it with distinction and pleasure. We can even say that, however ugly it may be, it will always be lovely.
So if the dog here actually is Brount, that means Robespierre got him from a friend somewhere in the summer of 1788. We know from a different letter that Mademoiselle Dehay had earlier also given him a cage of canaries as a gift, so maybe she kept many animals and sold/gave some away now and then?
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how long do you think Brount waited for Robespierre to return
#frev#my art#robespierre#thermidor#french revolution#sorry I don’t have anything else to contribute#I’m just 😔😔😔😔 why
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Hi!! So, firstly, I’m absolutely obsessed with your Robespierre comic, when I first learned about him I thought he was autistic, so I’m really glad to see I’m not the only one who has this theory!! Kinda leading on from that, Robespierre obviously had pretty bad health, and towards the end of his life especially, he took a lot of time off of work due to illness- do you think this was an actual physical illness, or a nervous breakdown, or burnout, or some kind of combination of all three?
Aaaah thank you 😭 That's so kind, and I love that I keep finding more and more people that agree with this theory. It's especially cool that some experienced historians also have considered this (such as Saintjustitude here on Tumblr!)
TLDR: I personally think it's a combination of all three- but when it comes to the physical illness thing, I personally think any physical symptoms were born from the other two factors. More detailed thoughts below :3
Autism affects you in such a physical way (or, it always has with me). I'm so over-sensitive to stimuli, that a normal amount of stress that most people get makes me feel physically sick (once when I had a stomach bug I didnt realise until everyone else caught it, cos the symptoms were the same as when I'm getting sensory overload 😅) When its really, really bad, I find it hard to regulate my adrenaline- I get ulcers in mouth, my tummy is out of whack for days. I definately have to isolate myself from others just to try and re-regulate my body, any conversation or noise just sets off my adrenaline again. I speculate on whether a similar impact may have been had with Robespierre.
We do know he had 'sores' on his legs during his last bout of illness. I've gone with the assumption that these sores were hives of some kind- since the only other kind of sores people get are either from an extremely rare immune disorder or from very poor circulation in the legs. I'll assume Robespierre at least didn't have poor leg circulation since he was supposedly walking Brount every afternoon and was known to stick very rigidly to his routines. Hives/welts also suggests extreme stress- or well, this is again the case in my personal experience.
Regards burnout- I think it's safe to say all CPS members present at the same time were probably dealing with burnout, its not normal in any time period to work for so long and only sleep 4 hours tops. They were human after all!! 😭
With Robespierre's inner-feelings, we have some accounts from ppl he knew and Robespierre himself saying he was deeply unhappy and stressed at the time. He became 'unwell' quite a few times after various emotional conflicts over the years in politics, and for situations much less stressful than what he dealt with in 1794. And Im pretty sure I could pull up numerous examples where he 'fixates' on something and will not let it go. So imagine being someone who obsesses over things to the point of acute anxiety, who is then dealing with all the impossible problems of 1794. This combination of factors suggests to me someone who could easily have been prone to a nervous breakdown during that time.
I'm thinking about all this from an autism perspective, but this is probably true of anyone under high stress, so I think you can easily consider this without speculating on Robespierre being autistic. Although he didn't seem to handle situations as well as the other CPS members. You could say this was due to health, I say it was due to autism. But as I said at the beginning, in my experience physical health and autism are connected closely.
I hope that's a satisfying answer!
#that was fun to write thank you#combining my two special interests lol#frev#french revolution#robespierre#maximilien robespierre
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