#brotp: sugar and spice
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kyouka-supremacy · 11 months ago
Hi!! Gin for the ask game?
Yay Gin!!!
Favorite thing about them: Oh man there's not much to talk about in canon outside of the oc I made from them. But I still think they're very cool!! I also find them felling affection for Ryuunosuke to be very sweet, they're the only character in the whole series together with Higuchi who's ever shown to genuinely care about him.
Least favorite thing about them: How they weren't given a personality outside of “Akutagawa's sister”. Like, I love Gin, but being honest, it's more of loving the character I built pretty much from scratch for them in my mind, because canon literally never gave them a personality. Also, I don't like the voice actor choice for them… I don't know if I'm being conservative with this, but I find that kind of hyperfemininity they're depicted having sometimes (their high-pitched voice, the onsen scene in Wan) pretty stereotypical, that taste of “all tough girls deep down actually want to be delicate and femminine” from old medias I don't really vibe with.
Favorite line:
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This one, because it's funny, and specifically because it's a non-verbal line. I like the idea of Gin using their sword more than they use their mouth.
brOTP: Look, I'm weak for siblings dynamics. They're always my favourite thing. I don't remember ever having an hyperfixation that didn't include siblings dynamics. I love love love the Gin / Ryuunosuke relationship and could talk about them for days. ALSO the Black Lizard in general I've already talked about them here I care so much about them. I really like tachigin platonically too. And I like Gin's dynamics with Higuchi, I actually like them better platonically.
OTP: I dig everything tachigin, I really like them and the “I'm not who I say I am but you know me better than myself even though you don't know my true identity” deal they have going on. I also like the idea of Gin and Naomi 👀👀👀 talkative gf x gf who's never said a word their whole life. Also my personal crack ship Gin × Paula ThePromisedNeverland
nOTP: ... I don't really dig higu/gin. Higu/gin friends, please forgive me. I just think that starting dating the person your brother has repeatedly abused would be super awkward, and I don't think I really like the idea of Higuchi basically dating Ryuunosuke's sister as rebound guy. Also it's just a thing with me and not being a fan of vanilla / sugar spice and everything nice wlw ships. I do acknowledge they have their fair share of scenes together and that they're perfect to be interpreted romantically!! The latest volume 23 omake especially, it can perfectly be taken as romantic. It's just not something that does it for me, and tbh I like them better with having a kind of sisters dynamics, with Higuchi being this kind of very exuberant and silly self-assigned older sister and Gin who just likes her and enjoys hanging out with her.
Random headcanon: Oh boy, may I introduce you to my Gin brainrot. I really have so many ideas about them. Apart from what I've already mentioned, I really like the idea of them having selective mutism, especially as it's shown in Wan. I don't think they're someone to talk in general. The Akutagawas household must be death silent 24/7 lol.
Unpopular opinion: I just wish people would give them more flaws. I'ver read my fair share of Gin fics, and in all of them they're always this kind of sassy / funny / witty / pretty / confident / charismatic / overall perfect person. As result, I find them quite boring to read, and they particularly pale in comparison to Ryuunosuke; especially since at least for me it's his flaws that make him such a compelling character. I wish we'd extend some of his flaws to Gin too. They're bad at communication and expressing their feelings. They're aggressive and pessimistic. Idk, anything that makes them a little more human.
Song i associate with them: How To World Domination by Neru. Just the overall imaginary it evokes of two siblings close in age fighting together in a world that is both violent and war-ridden, and terribly domestic and mundane. The feeling of being lonely together. Them both fighting to become a better version of themselves, a kinder version of themselves, even, before my heart grows numb from the cold. This song really is one that always evokes the Akutagawa siblings in my mind whenever it comes on shuffle. Also, Re-education by Neru, for similar reasons.
Favorite picture of them:
Favourite panel from the manga:
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Favourite illustration:
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Favourite illustration in the anime art style:
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Favourite Mayoi card: (Band Gin you will always be famous)
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Send me a character?
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princesssarisa · 9 months ago
Character ask: The Robber Girl (The Snow Queen)
No one asked me, I just felt like sharing because I've been thinking about this story lately.
Favorite thing about them: How remarkably complex she is for a fairy tale character, especially a little girl. She's introduced as a savage little brat, in total contrast to the gentle, innocent Gerda. Yet from the start Andersen hints at her better nature, as she saves Gerda from being killed (albeit for selfish reasons, to force her to be her playmate), and her eyes are described as melancholy. We realize that she's a product of her upbringing, as we see her vicious drunkard mother and the un-familial way they treat each other. And of course, she eventually proves her inner goodness by becoming a genuine friend to Gerda and letting her go with the Reindeer. Yet she does this without losing any of her rough-and-tumble demeanor. There are very few characters in children's stories quite like her.
Least favorite thing about them: Her habit of casually threatening to kill Gerda in the earlier part of their acquaintance, and the way she teases the Reindeer with her knife and laughs at his terror. Did Andersen need to give her that much of a sadistic streak?
Three things I have in common with them:
*I'm broad-shouldered and have dark eyes.
*I can sometimes be selfish, but compassionate and caring too.
*I love animals.
Three things I don't have in common with them:
*I'm not a robber.
*I don't sleep with a knife in my hand.
*I don't torture animals for fun.
Favorite line:
This passage as she lets Gerda go, with its blend of rough yet sincere kindness, lingering selfishness, and irreverent humor:
"Here, take back your fur boots, for it's going to be bitter cold. I'll keep your muff, because it's such a pretty one. But your fingers mustn't get cold. Here are my mother's big mittens, which will come right up to your elbows. Pull them on. Now your hands look just like my ugly mother's big paws."
Her words to Kai when she meets him for the first time near the end:
"You're a fine one for gadding about. I'd just like to know whether you deserve to have someone running to the end of the earth for your sake."
From the Faerie Tale Theatre adaptation:
"Fraidy-cats like you give girls a bad name! The forest is no place for sugar and spice and everything nice! If you run with the wolves like me, you gotta be quick as a cricket and brave as a bear!"
"If word gets out I took pity on a city girl, I'll be booted out of the robbers' league for sure!"
brOTP: Gerda.
In crossover-land, I might also like to see her meet Éponine from Les Misérables, since they have a lot in common. Both are the abused daughters of ruthless criminals, both are wild, hardened, amoral girls as a result, both can stand up to a band of armed robbers and get their own way, and both sometimes skirt the edge between "good guy" and "bad guy." Yet both become deeply attached to one of the protagonists, which reveals their capacity for caring and unselfishness, and they both help to bring the story's innocent girl and boy together. Of course there are key differences too. The Robber Girl is a child, while Éponine is a teenager; the Robber Girl is robust, fierce, and aggressive, while Éponine is more frail, ghostly, and whimsical (in the novel, at least – I've seen productions of the musical that played her more like the Robber Girl); and of the aforementioned boy and girl they help to reunite, Éponine is devoted to the boy, while the Robber Girl is devoted to the girl. But I still wonder if Victor Hugo drew just a little inspiration from Hans Christian Andersen in this case.
OTP: Maybe Gerda, if you view Gerda's love for Kai as sibling-like.
nOTP: Her mother, or any of the adult robbers.
Random headcanon: This isn't a rare or original headcanon, but I'll cite it anyway: she's a baby lesbian with a crush on Gerda. Now, I won't pretend this is the only way to read her. She can also be seen as just a lonely, mistreated child desperate for a friend. But in a story written by a bisexual author, she wraps her arm around Gerda's waist as they ride together, insists that Gerda share her bed, sleeps with her arms around Gerda's neck, and playfully insults Kai (her male "rival" for Gerda's affections) when she eventually meets him. Does that seem entirely platonic?
Even Disney seems to have seen it, since when they very loosely adapted the story as Frozen, they made the Robber Girl's counterpart into a male – though Kristoff isn't a criminal, or as wild or initially nasty as the Robber Girl, he's still the gruff, unsociable reindeer-owner who becomes the heroine's unlikely friend and helper – and made him the love interest of Gerda's counterpart Anna.
Unpopular opinion: Her appeal for me isn't because she's "badass." Repeatedly I've seen critics fixate on her feistiness as the reason to like her. But while it is endearing – and I do like that she's not "tamed" in any way, but gets to end the story by leaving her mother and setting out with a stolen horse and pistols to explore the world – that's not what matters most about her. It's that she has all the potential to be a villain, and at first she seems as if she'll be one, yet she feels compassion for Gerda, and as a result, without losing her hard edge or changing too much to believe, she chooses to do good.
Song I associate with them: None in particular.
Favorite picture of them:
This illustration by Arthur Rackham.
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This illustration by Margaret Tarrant, showing her protecting Gerda from the adult robbers.
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This illustration of the same moment by Nika Golz.
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This illustration by Milo Winter.
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This illustration by Honor C. Appleton.
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This illustration by T. Pym, with Gerda.
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This illustration by Henry J. Ford, showing her letting Gerda and the reindeer go. I like that strange, exotic (and probably stolen) outfit she's wearing!
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Another illustration of the same scene.
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From the 1957 Russian animated film.
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Linda Manz in the Faerie Tale Theatre adaptation. (Too old for the role, yes, but it works because Gerda and Kai are aged up too. I wish I could find a good full-body picture, though, because I like her androgynous, fur-covered costume.)
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Lena Urzendowsky in the 2014 Märchenperlen adaptation.
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@ariel-seagull-wings, @themousefromfantasyland, @thealmightyemprex
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 2 months ago
WBW + Carla
full name: Carlotta Maria Rose Vasquez-Brice / Carlotta Rose Vasquez
gender: female
sexuality: bisexual, polyamorous
pronouns: she/her
family: Antonio “Tony” Motta-Brice & Keegan Brice (dads); Carter, Kaia Brice, Malia, Mateo, Maci, Chelsie, Zane, Ava, Beth Brice (siblings); Sugar Motta (cousin), Al Motta (uncle); Kamilah Motta (aunt); Cassandra July (future aunt)
birthplace: Lima, Ohio
job: student, waitress & barista, actress & singer
phobias: spiders, needles, public humiliation
guilty pleasures: Spice Girls & Disney movies (but like, she doesn’t really feel guilty about it)
morality alignment?: chaotic good
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
close minded/open-minded
otp: Carla x Sam x Mike
ot3: Carla x Sam x Mike
brotp: Carla & her siblings; Carla & Sugar; Carla & Jesse
notp: Carla x Rachel
Send me “World Building Wednesday” and an OC and I’ll tell you
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goldenguillotines · 8 months ago
Yeojun for Worldbuilding!!
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full name: Yeojun Itatha
gender: Masc
sexuality: Bisexual
pronouns: He/Him
family: Unnamed Ancestor, Unnamed siblings
birthplace: Alternia
job: Unemployed / TBA
phobias: N/A
guilty pleasures: Romcoms
morality alignment?: Chaotic Neutral
sins - pride/wrath
virtues - diligence/kindness
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: Extrovert
organized/disorganized: Disorganized
close minded/open-minded: Open minded
calm/anxious: Calm
disagreeable/agreeable: Disagreeable
cautious/reckless: Reckless
patient/impatient: Impatient
outspoken/reserved: Outspoken
leader/follower: Leader
empathetic/unemphatic: Empathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: Optimistic
traditional/modern: Modern
hard-working/lazy: Hard working
otp: Yeojun ❤️ Harvie (Tba)
ot3: N/A
brotp: N/A
notp: Yeojun ♠️ Alinae (Sugar and spice)
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henry-crabgrass · 8 years ago
And if there's any fallout I'll be standing right next to you and in front. I'll always be standing right next to you and in front.
Will McAvoy, The Newsroom 1x06
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pureolivia-blog · 8 years ago
Olivia shook her leg impatiently and stole glances at her watch as she stood waiting outside of the Ravenclaw dormitories. The students had just finished up dinner several minutes earlier and the lanky blonde watched silently as a few stragglers ambled their way up to their rooms for the night. Olivia had convinced her raven haired counterpart to meet her for an evening stroll around the castle grounds. She had changed into a comfortable over-sized shirt and a pair of casual jeans before meandering her way to Ravenclaw tower. To pass the time, Olivia wandered down the hall, eyeing the moving paintings that lined the stone walls. She winked and smiled at a few paintings she came across and even stopped to chat with a man in a portrait. 
Growing increasingly impatient, Olivia had to stop herself from knocking on the common room entrance. A few Ravenclaws shot her curious looks as they walked through the hall, to which she responded with a scowl. Her face suddenly lifted when she saw familiar face walking towards her. “Geez Eli, I’ve been waiting out here for eons. What took ya so long?”
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a-merman-not-a-guppy · 4 years ago
Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice | BFFs
Finn had been itching to get started on a costume as soon as October had rolled around. He and his group of friends had been back and forth about just how and what costumes they would want to do for a while before settling on the powerpuff girls. Finn was incredibly excited.
He could have chosen to come up with something that had shorts and was more masculine, but that sounded like no fun at all. He wanted to go all out: a skirt or a dress. Finn wanted to embody Bubbles the best way that he knew how.
And he wanted to help Nemo be the cutest Blossom ever. He had the material he needed, though this time he kept it all in his room and invited Nemo right up. There was no need for them to deal with the grumpiness that was Charles Flounder. Not today anyway. 
Finn had his sewing stuff ready, the different colors for Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup, and different options: skirts, dresses, and shorts. “S-S-S-So w-w-what are you thinking for B-B-Blossom Nemo?”
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outlawqueenff · 8 years ago
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katatonicimpression · 2 years ago
Sam Wilson for the ask game.
1: sexuality headcanon
Bi. In the comics, it's self explanatory. In the mcu, you could probably make a case for him being gay or even ace because we're given so little. But idk he still seems bi to me. Maybe it's the sleeves, maybe it's the anxiety.
2: otp
Sam is a very shippable character, and I'm partial to a lot of them, but MCU-inspired sambucky is just top tier.
3: brotp
Redwing. Also Sarah.
Oh and can I say I would like a more meaningful reunion with nightshade? A version of her who actually resembles her? That could be fun.
4: notp
Zemo, any iteration thereof. Also Tony, for weirdly similar reasons (I.e. staggering ooc). In the same vein, feel the need to express my gratitude that the comics are acting like Jet Zola doesn't exist because yeah.. that's just a whole pile of yikes.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
Comics: Mel was his first everything.
Also comics: indefensible hc but I feel like he's shorter than his official height.
MCU: Junior gymnastics champion. Red and white costume just like the Falcon outfit.
6: favorite line from this character
"Can't I be a little bit of both?"
7: one way in which I relate to this character
We're very different, but I guess we share the same kind of navel gazing worries - very "how am I coming across?"
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
Any financially obligated and/or censor mandated US propaganda stuff. Not a fan, but it is what it is.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
So, what i would do is get some ready made puff pastry. Roll it out just a little bit to get it thinner. Sprinkle it with castor sugar OR maybe smear some apple sauce on it. Not too much, because of the moisture, but for a richer sweetness.
Then sprinkle powdered cinnamon and maybe also ginger and allspice or cloves. A real winter spices vibe.
Then cut it length ways into long strips. Roll them into wheels, then place them on their sides on a lined baking tray, plenty of space between them.
Bake for at least ten minutes, maybe fifteen in a medium oven (idk I am literally making this up - just check them and go by eye). Sprinkle a little extra cinnamon and some icing sugar while they're still hot, then transfer to a wire rack to cool.
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mouseratz · 3 years ago
Harvey dent 🫡
favorite thing about them: the sheer amount of different angles you can have on this guy's story, despite it always ending in tragedy, and his connection to Gotham and Bruce himself only makes his story hit harder. if I didn't say that id say his funny suits though
least favorite thing about them: when twoface/big bad Harv is portrayed as purely evil for no good reason and his entire fault that he becomes a villain (when like. it's pretty clear the acid thing was pretty traumatic and in many stories Harvey has already gone through a mental health decline for other reasons too). also whatever is going on in the dark knight I don't claim that's not my boy
Favorite line: really? almost the entire Batman forever script okay, guys. "have the good taste....to DIE!" "a man after our own heart....see you in hell!" "the bat has trained you well! noble....stupid, but noble."
brOTP: whatever's going on with him and the henchgirls (sugar n spice)
OTP: twiddler. they both are Bruce's exes. I also like bruharvey but more in a tragic way, what was lost what could have been etc. I ALSO like Gilda and Harvey in the long Halloween.
nOTP: honestly I don't think I've seen people ship him with anyone else.
random headcanon: some of his earliest custom made suits were made by himself, though not without trouble, and didn't look quite so clean. he taught himself how to sew and genuinely enjoys fashion tbh
unpopular opinion: Idk. I only feel like he doesn't have enough fans and needs more recent adaptations of his story desperately
song i associate with them: also none at the moment. My music has been in a weird way
favorite picture of them: DONT MAKE ME CHOOSE....
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this card is so fucking funny to me though so it's going up here
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adrienscroissantx · 4 years ago
chloe & nino for the ask?
favorite thing about them: everything. he's so funny, he's a good friend, and he really just wants to protect his friends even when he's terrified.
least favorite thing about them: lack of screentime probably. i wish he showed up more, and i want to see him interacting w more people than just alya (although i do love them a huge amount)
favorite line: "What if I act like a moronosaurus, so she disses me and thinks I'm lame or–?"
brOTP: alix
OTP: n...ninette......
nOTP: chlonino? idk, i dont think they're a bad ship, its an interesting pair up, but not really in my wheel house.
random headcanon: trans
unpopular opinion: i wish he got the peacock miraculous instead of the turtle
song i associate with them: Sunflower by Post Malone and Swae Lee
favorite picture of them:
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they forgot to render his hair
favorite thing about them: god shes so funny. i love watching her on screen. she's a bitch and while Marinette is the sugar of the show, Chloe is the spice and god does she bring it.
least favorite thing about them: i feel like her design could be better? i wish the show committed to her part as queen bee, considering that the miraculous itself is so OP, the consequences of her actions/the world knowing her identity/her being super extra and egotistical was a good counter balance to that insanely powerful power. She's not exactly reliable, and thats good! it creates so much conflict and possible room for growth. i'd complain about her character development but honestly im interested in where her character is heading so i actually have no complaints. She doesn't need to be redeemed, i just want her to grow.
favorite line: "My locker is my secret garden! He who enters uninvited burglarizes my inner being and steals my life force!" (from Lady Wifi) LITERALLY WHAT IS SHE TALKING ABOUT SHES SO FUNNY
brOTP: chlodrien
OTP: chlolix
nOTP: chlonath? again, i dont hate it, just not in my wheel house. just feels like chlonette but straight.
random headcanon: lesbian
unpopular opinion: she doesn't really need to be redeemed? i'd like it if she was, but she makes a good villain.
song i associate with them: The fear by lilly allen
favorite picture of them:
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 5 months ago
WBW for Carla?
full name: Carlotta Maria Rose Vasquez-Brice
gender: female
sexuality: bi?
pronouns: she/her
family: Antonio “Tony” Motta-Brice & Keegan Brice (dads); Carter, Kaia Brice, Malia, Mateo, Maci, Chelsie, Zane, Ava, Beth Brice (siblings); Sugar Motta (cousin), Al Motta (uncle); Kamilah Motta (aunt); Cassandra July (future aunt)
birthplace: Lima, Ohio
job: student, waitress or barista, actress & singer
phobias: spiders, needles, public humiliation
guilty pleasures: Spice Girls & Disney movies (but like, she doesn't really feel guilty about it)
morality alignment?: chaotic good
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
close minded/open-minded
otp: Carla x Sam x Mike
ot3: Carla x Sam x Mike
brotp: Carla & her siblings; Carla & Sugar; Carla & Jesse
notp: Carla x Rachel
Send me “World Building Wednesday” and an OC and I’ll tell you
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lovemenott-blog1 · 8 years ago
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Isabella Nott & Marlene McKinnon 
It’s not the length of time we knew someone that makes them so special. It’s what they brought into our lives.
Moodboard 1/?
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normal-thoughts-official · 6 years ago
Ok a more specific prompt, coffee shop au with Malec and claia 😌
this is nowhere near specific and you damn well know it, anon. i appreciate u trying to find an excuse to throw coffee shop aus everywhere, tho. keep doing the lord's work even if i will inevitably twist the prompt
Magnus works at a small, local coffee shop as a barista. It's not exactly his #1 job choice, but it pays better than big chain coffee shops and he needs that to pay rent now that he officially left his abusive father's home for good. Also, he is kind of a coffee enthusiast and the owner, Ragnor, lets him go wild with making up new drinks and ingredients, as long as he still does his job.
All in all it's a good job and he considers the old fart and the other barista, maia, to be like family. Ragnor frequently gives them coffee and Maia constantly teases him about being a "coffee scientist" whenever she catches him thoughtfully drinking from a cup and scribbling notes on his notepad, like some ancient being
His recipes are good, though, and he knows exactly where to get the best coffee beans for the best price. So their drinks are good, affordable, and can please everyone from the traditional "black coffee no sugar" exec to the teenager who wants more of a milkshake than actual coffee
As a result, the shop thrives, gets more popular, and gets more clients. So Ragnor decides to hire a new barista to help. Because he's secretly a sweetheart, he ends up hiring this broke college kid who just moved into town to get away from his kinda toxic family and has nowhere to go - and also doesnt have a single ounce of experience as a barista
It's not surprising; both Magnus and Maia share similar stories, with some abusive exes to spice up the mix, not to mention racism, biphobia, and, in Magnus case, male behavior standarts keeping most opportunities closed for them. So they're cool with that. Even if it means Magnus will have to be the one to teach him, because 1- Ragnor is a dick and assigned him to be Alec's special "tutor" as retribution for Magnus calling him "an old, heart of butter bastard"; 2- he's the one who's best qualified to teach him since he knows a lot about coffee and coffee making anyway; 3- Maia has no patience
Quick detour just to say that i love the maia/magnus brotp opportunities this gives. While Magnus is more of a coffee scientist as she puts it, Maia has an almost instictive understanding of drink making. Where Magnus is soft, she's fierce, and they make one hell of a team and are good at balancing one another. They bond over their experiences with abuse; while Magnus' has made him afraid to put his foot down and say what he wants and prioritize himself, Maia's has made her particularly wary of people and even less willing to take anyone's bullshit, and both of these coping mechanisms have their own effects on their psyche, and they're able to talk openly to each other about it. Maia is kind of protective of Magnus and vice-versa, though the way they protect each other is very different. They have an easy companionship and bantering dynamic that's easygoing and cute, theyre both passionate about their interests (Maia loves marine biology and even if Magnus doesnt know much about it he loves listening to her talk about it) and just generally have that kind of relationship where just smiling at each other makes a tough day seem lighter. Also Magnus loves making Maia laugh. Maia blatantly refuses to laugh at any of his self-deprecating jokes, tho, which has considerably diminished the amount of times he makes them
Anyway Alec comes in for his first day and Magnus is like [REDACTED] because shit this man is cute. Maia notices immediately and from then on the teasing doesn't stop
He's quick to recover, tho, and suddenly he's all smooth again (Maia says he's perfected his customer service persona to horror movie levels), quick to introduce himself and Maia to Alec and explain that he'll be training Alec for the next few weeks or so. He gives him a tour of the shop, explains the basics, and immediately launches into his slightly extra More Serious Than Strictly Necessary course on the makings and workings of coffee, from bean selection to ideal temperature and the chemistry behind the cooking.
This absolute dork even had a small table with some coffee made from different kinds of beans so Alec could taste them and learn the difference and Engage with the profession or some shit
Maia just rolls her eyes, thankful that she had prior experience before getting this job and didnt have to go through this
The first thing he learns about Alec: Alec doesn't like coffee. This is not a setback. Many people dont like coffee, but that's because they're used to regular powdered coffee instead of making it from the bean. Because the beans in powdered coffee arent previously selected, they are roasted harder than they should, so any beans that might have gone bad wont spoil the taste or make you sick. As a result, the coffee is way too bitter and doesn't have a discernible taste. He explains all of this enthusiastically to a slightly overwhelmed Alec, and gets on to making him try the samples so he can feel the difference.
Here's the second thing he learns about Alec: Alec doesn't feel the difference
Despair. Horror. Offense.
Alec even kind of chuckles and goes "sorry" at the face he makes, and a not-pouting Magnus goes on with the planned explanation on bean selection
Third thing he learns about Alec: he's a quick study. Everything he lacks in sensibility to the amazing world of bean juice, he makes up for in his careful attentiveness to the instructions. He is also a strict recipe-follower and makes sure he always uses the exact amounts required. He's an absolute perfectionist. He listens to Magnus' explanations on how to know if the taste is right, to look for color and texture of the mix. Magnus tries his simple coffees and only needs a few corrections to send him on the right path
The first time Alec makes him something more complicated to try (per his request) Magnus wants to die
It's so good
Scratch that, it's perfect
This soulless motherfucker doesn't even like coffee and this is the single best version of whatever crazy frapuccino shit they're making magnus has ever tried
He kind of bursts from the kitchen (?) all like MAIA YOU HAVE TO TRY THIS just in time to interrupt her chatting with this redhead new customer with shiny eyes. Maia is leaning all the way across the counter. What is this
Maia agrees that it's very good but again he's not as passionate about coffee and Magnus just interrupted what would have been a really smooth number-giving move so she's not feeling all that generous
Alec just laughs at that. His eyes are shining with amusement and he's very, very pleased that Magnus likes his stuff
It's not a big secret, really; mixing drinks is kind of like patisserie in the sense that the measures need to be exact to achieve the best taste and texture. He follows the recipe to a fault, it turns out good. That's why he's better at the more complicated, instagram-y drinks than the simple coffee types
Alec "graduates" his training pretty soon after that and Ragnor is very pleased
He gets along well with both Magnus and Maia, even if he's more quiet and sometimes catches himself just laughing at the two of them interact; their friendship is something else. But he also gets to hear a "shut up" from Maia after not saying absolutely anything when the redhead walks in again the very next day
The redhead always comes in a little late in the morning, so its always slow. As a result, they get to pretend to be minding their own business as they hear the two of them chat and oof is the romantic tension between them something. Maia glares at them once the girl - Clary - leaves every time, but it doesn't stop them
Soon Maia is calling them "no-good gossiping grandmas" because of the way Magnus and Alec will go to the back and pretend to be making something while they keep a whispered running commentary on what the girls are talking about. This quickly turns into some sort of race to see who can make the other break and laugh out loud. Neither of them ever do (they are trying to be discreet and Maia would kill them) but oftentimes they need to cover their mouths with their hands and playfully slap each other for the teasing
Clary doesn't even realize she's the reason; she kind of just thinks they are constantly flirting on the back and briefly wonders how they havent been fired when all they do is whisper and make eyes at each other
Not that she has any room to talk when she's late to work everyday because she keeps cracking jokes with the cute curly haired barista with the most beautiful lopsided smile who always makes her laugh and tells her about her day while she drinks her coffee. She's lucky her work starts at 10 so she can go in a little later and doesnt have to be there during rush hours, but still
She doesnt even like coffee, she walked in one day cuz she was really tired and then just kept coming in the hopes that the barista would make a move on her (shes not gonna do it herself, at least not in her workplace. She doesn't want to make her uncomfortable and it's still unclear whether the girl is flirting or if shes just really nice)
At some point she and Maia even start sharing knowing looks to Alec and Magnus and laughing at them. They don't even notice, because their designated Making Fun Of Maia time turned into just cracking jokes at each other way too quickly. They don't even remember there are other people there
Maia does finally ask clary out eventually. She wasn't exactly nervous about doing it, it's more that she enjoyed their little routine. But enough is enough, and when their routine starts involving Clary giving her a quick kiss before placing her order, well, it just makes it better
Magnus and Alec coo every time
Eventually Maia snaps all like "why are you guys the one poking fun at me when im the one who made a move instead of being a coward"
Magnus is all like "Whatever could she possibly mean??"
It dawns on him when hes closing up the next day and Alec has already left. He has a crush on Alec. Oh god. Oh fuck
Maia helpfully says "idiot" and leaves
Some Magnus being very nervous and overthinking his relationship with Alec who's all like ???????? about this
Alec goes to his sister about his new crush who suddenly started acting weird and izzy is all like "stop trying to guess what he's thinking because you're terrible at this. Just tell them how you feel" and Alec is like okay
He asks Magnus out
Everyone is happy and gay idk the end
✨ feel free to use this and any other one of my posts as a prompt ✨
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kamwashere · 7 years ago
Tabby and Butch for the character ask 🙂
for tabby!!!!:
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! |10/10 would bang
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
best quality: i like how she doesn’t back down from a fight and how she is just a fuckin badass
worst quality: i hate how she is so dependable on other villains (barbara, selina, butch, etc) like you never really see her just on her own
ship them with: babs, who else?
brotp them with: selina!!! lesbian moms + bi kid
needs to stay away from: uhhhh idrk, oswald i guess?
misc. thoughts: ugh, the queerbaiting in this show. primarily between her and barbara. one minute they were all sugar, spice, and everything nice then fucking killing each other? yikes
for butch!!!:
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life 
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
best quality: his loyalty and devotion (fish, tabs, etc) like damn
worst quality: he’s kinda dispensable
ship them with: tbh no one oops
brotp them with: tabitha aw (and fish, tbh)
needs to stay away from: ed! butch, hunny, that boy is TROUBLE
misc. thoughts:finding out that his name was actually cyrus gold got me SHOOK like hhhhh that came out of nowhere and i’m here for it
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muffindragon227 · 8 years ago
Muffin′s Fairy Tail Fanfic Master List
Ongoing Multi-Chapters:
I’ll Keep Your Secrets Safe Rating: T-M (Mature themes, swearing, adult situations, sexual discussions, Gay!Lyon, Trans!Meredy) Pairings: Lyvia Brotp, Gruvia, Lyred Minor Pairings: Silvur, Gajevy, Nalu, Jerza, Very Minor Pairings: Albis, Rerry Description: Lyon and Juvia are like two peas in a pod. Inseparable from the moment they met, they share everything; including their deepest secrets. No matter what, they always have each others backs. But a trip up north to spend Christmas with Lyon’s family will put their relationship to the test, and threaten to expose all of their secrets. The biggest of which is that their relationship is fake. Tumblr Fanfiction.net AO3 IKYSS FAN ART Sugar, Spice, Latte Art And Ice - Sugar, Spice and Ice : Meddlesome Rating: K Pairings: SSI - Lyredy : Meddlesome - Gruvia Description: Coffee Shop Au where Juvia and Meredy work at the same coffee shop and Gray and Lyon are customers. Mostly just a collection of drabbles from the same universe. Coffee Shop AU - Multi POV, random drabbles
Canon Universe/ Universe Alterations
Maybe | Fanfiction.net | AO3 Rating: K Characters: Lyon Vastia, Ur Milkovich, Gray Fullbuster Prompt: Write about Lyon Vastia Description: This wasn’t what he’d had in mind when he agreed to train under Ur. Wandering through the rubble of destroyed towns. He missed home, missed his old life, but he was here now and he would do his best to make the most of it. Canon Universe Drabble set when Ur found Gray Let it Snow | Fanfiction.net | AO3 Rating: K Pairing: Gruvia Description: “You act like you’ve never seen snow before.” “But Gray-sama, that’s because Juvia hasn’t seen snow before….” Canon Universe Drabble set before the Tenrou arc Think About It | Fanfiction.net | AO3 Rating: K+ Brotp: Groke/Loray Prompt: Loke teasing Gray about Juvia and trying to make him jealous Description: A cold beer, his favorite bar, and one of his best friends. Gray’s ready to enjoy a relaxing evening, until Loke brings up a certain water mage. Canon Universe set before Tenrou Someone to Understand : Someone to Care | Fanfiction.net | AO3 Rating: K+ (Swearing) Pairings: Gruvia and Nalu Brotp: Navia Prompt: Could you write a Navia Brotp getting Gray and Juvia together? Description: The truth was Natsu needed this as much as she did, he needed to talk about it, to confide in someone. He just never thought that someone would be Juvia. Canon Universe set post GMG Much Ado about Pancakes | Fanfiction.net | AO3 Rating: K+ (for a mild sexual innuendo) Pairing: Gruvia Description: Who would have thought snowflake shaped, mint flavored pancakes would cause so much drama? Post Tartaros Arc Headcanon Watching Every Sunrise | Fanfiction.net | AO3 Rating: K+ Pairing: Gruvia Description: “Juvia likes to watch the sunrise. Every day since Juvia met Gray-sama Juvia has gotten to watch the sun come up, and every day it reminds her how truly blessed she is to have met you. Every day Juvia has with the sunshine is a gift, and Juvia doesn’t want to miss a minute of it.” Canon Universe Set during the One Year Time Skip Wash Away Your Fears | Fanfiction.net | AO3 Rating: T+ (Nudity, Adult Situations, and Impure thoughts) Pairing: Gruvia Prompt: Gruvia bathing together. Canon Universe set during the one year time skip Any Way You Want It | Fanfiction.net | AO3 Rating: M (Explicit Sexual Content) Pairing: Gruvia Prompt: Could you write about Gruvia and their stripping habit? If you don’t mind nsfw? Thank you (: Canon Universe Alteration set during the one year time skip Nothing Compares - Dreams : Storms : Voices | Fanfiction.net | AO3 Rating: T (Mild sexual thoughts and swearing) Pairing: Gruvia Description: He’s holding onto something that use to be there. Hoping that one day it might come back…. only he knows it won’t. Canon Universe Alteration set during the One Year Time Skip Tell Me How You Feel | Fanfiction.net | AO3 Rating: K Pairing: Gruvia Prompt: How about Gruvia where Gray really apologizes to Juvia for leaving. Canon Universe Set Post Avatar Arc
Alternate Universe
Muse Me | Fanfiction.net | AO3 Rating: T (swearing and teen Gray’s impure thoughts) Pairing: Gruvia Description: She consumed his thoughts, his dreams, and his sketchbook. High School AU
I know what you want | Fanfiction.net | AO3 Rating: K Pairing: Gruvia Description: “A medium hot chocolate with whipped cream. Right?” Well that was disappointing. Not just because it totally didn’t live up to her fantasy, but also because that wasn’t even her usual order. Coffee Shop AU Worth It | Fanfiction.net | AO3 Rating: M (Explicit Sexual Content) Pairing: Luvia/Jucy Other Characters: Gray and Lyon Prompt: It can be too specific so feel free to tweak it however you want, but for some reason your post made me think about Juvia and Lucy having experimental lesbian sex and Lyon catching it on the tape for some reason and showing it to Gray in total awe lol ;) College/University AU
Capti Rating: K Pairing: Bixanna Prompt: Trapped Together - Bixanna Bets Rating: K Pairing: Gratsu Prompt: Coffee Shop Au - Gratsu It’s no Coincidence Rating: K Pairing: Lyredy Prompt: Trapped Together - Lyredy Together Rating: T for swearing Pairing: Gruvia Prompt: Outlaw AU - Gruvia
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