#brotp: amina x margaery
illusionswrites · 4 years
Fill your life with women who empower you, who help you believe in your magic, and help them to beleive in their own incredible power and exceptional magic too. Women who believe in each other can survive anything. Women who believe in each other can create armies that will win kingdoms and wars. Remember always, the only people who can save us are each other, the only people who can love us are ourselves.
What I Have Learned About Sisterhood from The Girl and the Goddess by Nikita Gill
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illusionswrites · 6 years
women do not have to tear each other down to build themselves up. one woman's success is not another's failure, it is a victory. loving one another when the world tells you to stop is not weakness, it is strength.
men gave us the torches to burn ourselves down
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