#brotp sasuhina
patkinmon · 1 year
Saw this @nashadragneel and I wanted to do a Naruto version soooo:
My favourite character :
Naruto Uzumaki
Least favourite character :
A character I utterly hate :
Character who needed more screen time :
Character who needed more development :
Sakura Haruno
Character who had the best development :
Wasted potential :
Hinata Hyuuga
Overrated character :
Underrated character :
Rock Lee
Best Duo/Trio :
Ino, Shikamaru, Chouji
Best BROTP ship :
Nagato & Yahiko
My OTP ship :
Sasunaru & Shikatema
My second favourite ship :
A ship that makes no sense in the context of the story :
Sasosaku (but it's still a guilty please ship for me)
Worst ship :
Angsty couple :
A ship I didn't really expect but I love :
Yahiko x Konan
My crackship :
Worst fight :
Sakura vs Sound Ninjas
Best fight :
Jiraya vs Pain
Worst arc :
Pretty much all the filler arcs
Best arc :
Pain arc
Favourite Sakura fight :
Sakura (&Chiyo) vs Sasori
Least favourite Sakura fight :
Sakura vs Sound Ninjas
Favourite Sasuke fight :
Sasuke vs Itachi & Sasuke vs Naruto (final fight)
Least favourite Sasuke fight :
Sasuke vs 5 Kage
Favourite Naruto fight :
Naruto vs Pain
Least favourite Naruto fight :
Naruto vs Tonari
Favourite Kakashi fight :
Kakashi vs Obito & Kakashi vs Kakuzu und Hidan
Least favourite Kakashi fight :
Kakashi vs Pain
Best team fight :
Ino, Choji & Shikamaru vs Asuma (War arc)
Best duo in a fight :
Naruto and Sasuke
Worst filler moment :
I can't remember all the fillers but I skipped some because they got boring, so baisically all of them
Best filler moment :
The Sasuke and Naruto kiss take 2
Underrated ship :
Nejiten or Jiratsu
Overrated ship :
Naruhina, but I still like it
A character who always has my honourable mention :
Itachi Uchiha
Best moment :
Naruto giving Sasuke back his Konoha headband
Worst moment :
Species I utterly hate :
People who shiphate
Almost useless character :
Sakura in the original Naruto
Favourite Ninja :
Shikamaru Nara
Best villain :
The Akatsuki
Worst villain :
Kaguya and black Zetsu
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munchbell45 · 8 months
For the character ask: Hinata (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
I will skip the song association part, not great at that sort of thing.
Favorite Aspect
I like how even though she is shy and doesn’t have great self-confidence, she always stays kind. I think that’s not easy, especially in a world that can be as harsh as the shinobi world.
I also thought the scene where she tried to rescue Naruto from Pain was cool. I wish we saw more of her in action.
Least Favorite Aspect
I love NaruHina, but it felt like Hinata’s character became too focused on Naruto, especially later on in the series. I wish we saw more of her goals and aspirations outside of Naruto.
Then again, most Naruto women need more development.
I also don’t like that she’s a housewife in Boruto. I’m not saying that she should be on the battlefield, but maybe she could have been a teacher or something.
Favorite Quote
For now, I’ll go with this quote she says to Naruto.
“In my eyes… you’re a proud failure! When I look at you, I get an intense feeling in my heart… because you’re not perfect… because you fail… you have the strength to get back up… because I believe that’s what true strength is.”
Favorite Picture
I’ll go with this for now. Trying to stick to canon stuff. Maybe imI’ll send you something else if I change my mind.
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Random Headcanon
She likes baking, and is VERY good at it. Everyone asks her for recipes.
I also like the idea that after the Fourth War, she and Hanabi abolish the Caged Bird Seal. IDK if it is canon or not, but it is to me.
I love her being close friends with Team 8, Neji, and Hanabi. Also, I like the idea of her hanging out with Sakura, Ino, and Tenten.
I love a lot of Hinata ships, she is very shippable. My favorites are NaruHina (though I don’t like how canon handled it,) InoHina, GaaHina, and ShinoHina. I also enjoy SasuHina and SakuHina.
I teared up when I saw Naruto and Hinata drssed up for their wedding in the last episode of the anime.
On a whim, I decided to write HakuHina as a side ship in my fics Lots of Love and Lucky Paws. I think I turned myself into a fan of that ship. https://archiveofourown.org/works/53432953
I liked your takes on ItaHina and HidaHina, though I think those would only work in AUs and or massive canon divergence fics.
I’d also be down to read Fu/Hinata or Yahiko/Hinata (in a time travel story,) though there are only a couple of Fu/Hinata fics and no YahiHina. I also haven’t read too much poly Hinata stuff, which is funny since my OTP in poly (Nagato/Yahiko/Konan.)
One of my mutuals likes Jugo/Hinata, I might have to check that one out
I’m not into cousin incest, so NejiHina is a no-go. Same with Hinata/Hanabi, Hinata/Boruto, and Hinata/Himawari. I’m not into shipping her with Toneri from Naruto: The Last. If you’ve seen that movie, you probably know why. Toneri’s a fucking creep.
I love Nagato, but IDK how well he’d work with Hinata. Maybe only in a time travel story.
No Madara/Hinata, I don’t think it would work out.
Unpopular Opinion: IDK if this is unpopular, but I wish we saw her using more diverse skills outside of just the Byakugan, Gentle Fist and its variants.
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shinaina · 8 years
Counting Steps
Summary | She was an angel in her element, her elegant movements while she danced enough to put anyone who watched in a trance; and he was far too eager to be hypnotized. 
Next Chapter | N/A
Couple | NaruHina 
Rating | T 
He was there often, not that she cared or even noticed, a lot of people came to see rehearsal or simply to observe the dancers lost in a trance. He got lost in the crowd as easily as a spec of dust did. No matter how focused his gaze was as it just always seemed to linger on her, begging her to take note of him, the girl never noticed. Too lost in her own trance during her performance to pay him any mind. It seemed the cliche idea that a man looked at a woman with utter and unadulterated awe and love in his eyes was always when she was looking away.
Hinata Hyuga was the lead of dancing for her profession, ballet; though that didn’t mean she wasn’t skilled in other forms. Her style of dance was simply much more graceful and feminine; a style in which allowed her to easily take the spotlight when it came to ballet. Yet the petite girl was considered a prodigy when it came to dancing, able to learn any performance within a day’s time; no matter the style seemingly. Whenever the time came that one specific group within the dancing unit needed a replacement or an extra they usually went to her. The young woman, having turned 19 only two weeks ago, was attending one of the most prestigious mixed media arts school within her country which coincidentally was only an hour drive from her hometown. She stayed in a loft in which her family provided for her upon her arrival though she often left during the weekends to visit if she was not busy. A kind and reserved girl, she held a calm strength to her that one may have missed due to her gentleness and soft-spoken nature. A small and slim body but seemed to be voluminous in the parts that mattered; namely her chest, hips, hair and lips. Not many knew much about the school-proclaimed goddess, nothing more than the fact that they wanted to know more about her. Perhaps it was the way she held herself with beauty and grace, her long silky dark hair that seemed to glow in a navy blue shade in the sunlight and her capturing almost transparent, pale lavender eyes or the porcelain skin that practically made her doll-like which everyone imagined was soft to the touch. Hinata was simply so beautiful, so compassionate and empathetic, it was hard not to want to get to know her. Yet she only seemed to appear for her classes, rehearsal and then vanish, like some mythical creature whose appearance was considered a blessing.
The only other student in the school who even seemed to know Hinata and actually have a close relationship with her was a student of the same nature only in a much more aloof manner. A student who was just as mysterious as her and a sight of immense beauty to anyone who was attracted to the male gender. Sasuke Uchiha. A 20 year old young man who was studying the arts of choir, piano and traditional guitar. A sure to be hit when he began his career as a singer, he was already a practical celebrity in their school. His music held a sort of melancholy tone to it and yet his voice angelic. Sasuke seemed to be the literal and walking embodiment of the phrase tall, dark, and handsome. A pale fellow, not unhealthily or upsettingly so though, with ink black hair along with ebony colored eyes, a muscular and toned body and a face of constant indifference.
It was no surprise the two students who came from the most prestigious families were constant companions in their daily life. Their families were tight business partners which resulted easily in the two having been playmates since the moment they were able to crawl. Seen walking together in a quiet conversation while Sasuke walked in front of Hinata almost protectively carrying her bags with a face that almost looked gentle. Hinata trailing after in a thoughtful expression as she recounted her day and seemed more open with the man than she ever could be. It was as if the two most beautiful people in the world had come together and jealousy was thick in the air from any gender as they watched their eye candy walk around with the other.  
“I heard their parents had their marriage arranged since they were toddlers.”
“Imagine how beautiful their children will be! They’re practically gods which means their children will be literal angels!”
“Hmph! I bet they don’t even know how to love because they simply knew all along they’d marry each other.”
“Of course people as arrogant and stuck up as that would end up together.”
“We don’t even know anything about them, only that they know each other…”
Hinata’s eyes slowly drifted from left to right as the whispers continued, some amusing her while others simply made her self-conscious. As they approached Sasuke’s pure jet black Corvette the ebony eyed man opened the door for her and closed it as she entered before putting their bags in the trunk. She fiddled with her fingers, a nervous habit she had had for as long as she could remember, as she waited for companion. Sasuke entered with a scowl on his face. “Don’t listen to them.” Stated the Uchiha calmly, a mantra he had taught her that she repeated to herself often. “All people like that know to do is assume.” He added in an indifferent tone as he put the key in the ignition and turned it. His playlist instantly came on along with the car, his own preference in music was a similar melancholy indie style to his own. Hinata learned quickly that Sasuke enjoyed music with low and slow instrumentals with drops here and there along with poetic lyrics; she didn’t mind at all.
As he drove they remained in a comfortable silence as Hinata thought about their lifelong companionship. No they were not betrothed and they honestly never planned their make a romantic relationship between them a reality. Their friendship was purely platonic, a friendship put together by their fathers in order to assure a comfortability between families and to promise another generation of union between them. While Sasuke’s brother had taken up the mantle of the Uchiha family, not that Sasuke minded, and Hinata’s younger sister was the heir to the mantle of her’s due to her lack of passion for business, their families were practically that; family. They were practically siblings and a silent promise of always being there for each other remained a constant reminder in the air they breathed around each other. “It’s funny isn’t it? That even to this day people can’t wrap their heads around the idea of a platonic relationship between a male and female who aren’t related. It’s almost offensive.” Hinata murmured quietly in which triggered a “Hn.” response from Sasuke. She knew he didn’t care about what was said of him, he was confident and sure of himself, the Hyuga wished she could be more like him.
As they came up to the building in which Hinata’s loft was located, Sasuke parked and got out to open the door for her; something bred out of constant scolding from his mother about being a “gentleman” and force of habit. She exited and waited for him as he got her bags and began to walk in front of her in a defensive manner as usual. Bringing a hand to her mouth she chuckled. “Sometimes I feel like you’re my servant.” Sasuke casted her a glance that only made her giggle more. “Would you rather carry them? Also if I wasn’t around I wouldn’t doubt it if you ran into a door multiple times due to being so used to me opening them for you.” Now that shut the younger one of the two up as she pouted at her friend, a smirk appeared on his face though he didn’t even have to look at her to know she was offended by the comment. As they entered the building Hinata couldn’t help but smile, it was modern with elegant furniture everywhere; an aesthetic she secretly enjoyed. Sasuke entered the elevator and waited for her until pressing the button to the highest floor.
The loft itself had white carpet with black leather couches and a glass coffee table in the living area, the flat screen TV was planted on the wall with a small and simple wall shelf a foot or so beneath it to hold a few books. The kitchen to the right was a modern one with a grey marbled island with a black and steel exterior design for the kitchen. Immediately the two took off their shoes, Sasuke moving to put her navy duffle bag and ivory backpack beside the couch, they stood out only slightly. The glass pull aside doors led out to a balcony with glass borders and an ivory bench. It was extravagant but simple and she enjoyed it, it didn’t tell too much about her if she ever had a visitor which she appreciated. Sasuke moved to the island in the kitchen to the white bowl filled with fruits sitting on it, he inspected it quietly before grabbing a few tomatoes. Hinata learned not to question that odd and practically obsession he had with tomatoes quickly as well. He offered her a nod before he left. “I’ll pick you up at nine like usual.” He said before approaching the door, he hesitated for a moment before saying. “There’s a new student arriving tomorrow too.” Tilting her head to the side she wondered why Sasuke felt the need to bring such a thing up, he wasn’t one for gossiping. “In the middle of the year?” Was the only question she asked. “Apparently he’s been attending our school since the beginning of the year, sending in progress of a project he’s working on in order to maintain grades. He’s arriving late due to the fact he barely finished a 4 month role in a festival short film.” Hinata immediately stiffened. No, it couldn’t be…
“How do you know this?”
“Because the dobe texted me last night.”
She was immediately trembling, Sasuke knew better than to turn around at his last statement, Hinata didn’t enjoy anyone around her while she was in a vulnerable state. “Thank you for telling me.” Murmured the pale eyed girl before Sasuke nodded with his back still turned to her and then left.
She couldn’t see him, no no no no, this couldn’t be happening. A vivid picture of the blond haired and sun kissed tan skin male was already making it’s way into her head. His bright blue eyes that held her definition of the sky within them along with his signature whisker marks which were with him since his first breath of life as birthmarks. Though having a birthmark on one’s face was an unappealing thought to most at times, he made them work somehow. The perfect beach body and perfect physique who was literally a god of beauty to her was going to come to her school tomorrow.
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kia8088 · 7 years
Prompt: NaruIno but with Sasuke as a super clingy third wheel. With an appearance by Hinata?
AN: late night prompt!
Title: The Boy is Mine
Sasuke was pissed. Not his normal Wednesday Morning Pissed, but a special type of pissed. A sort of pissed that arose from the depths of Hell, the type of pissed that was birthed by Betrayal and Treason.
Naruto went and got himself a girlfriend.
Not just any girl either. Ino Yamanaka.
Not Sakura Haruno, the girl who he allegedly loved from the moon and back. Not even Hinata Hyuuga, the girl that loved him before anyone else did.
Ino Yamanaka. Ino-fucking-Yamanaka.
Sasuke didn’t care about the fact that they were together. No. It was the fact that that stupid blonde went to the ends of the Earth to drag him back to this hellhole he so lovingly called “home” for him to turn around and get a random ass girlfriend.
Ino-fucking-Yamanaka, no less.
Not today Satan. Naruto thought he would just stay in Konoha on his own accord? Bored. Banging his head against the wall of his crappy apartment while he was out eating frozen yogurt with Ino-fucking-Yamanaka?
“Fuck that,” hissed Sasuke.
He would not be ignored. He would be on them like white on rice. Like green on grass and fleas on Kiba. Oh, they would not breathe without tasting him. He would make it a mission to latch onto the Blondes. He would. He will.
Ino-fucking-Yamanaka. Really?
Even the girl from the ramen shop made more sense. Temari made more sense and she was married.
“Fucking Yamanaka…”
He glanced over at the petite Hyuuga heiress. Bright. Innocent. Nauseating to the evil inside of him. She was the type to change a man — and quite frankly he wasn’t ready to molt from his skin just yet. He glared at the girl. She not-so subtly rolled her eyes and walked away.
Prefect wife to him someday.
Not today.
He stalked the town for Naruto and when he finally did find them — Sasuke realized his skin was probably so hot that rain would steam if it hit him. He needed to calm down. No. Calming down was for the weak.
He would fan his flame until Satan himself grew jealous.
How dare he bring him back to this village and completely ignore him.
“Hey Sasuke!” Naruto waved as Sasuke walked over to them.
“Sasuke, how are you…” Ino voice lowered when the Uchiha basically slit her throat with his eyes.
“I will be with you today,” he stated.
“Actually we—“
“Best-friend,” said Sasuke. “No…Brother.”
“Eh?” Naruto and Ino stepped back as Sasuke stepped forward.
“Today and always,” said the Uchiha. “It will be my ninja way.”
“Sasuke—“ Naruto took the hands that were wrapped around his throat.
Onyx eyes flickered red before a smirk lifted to his lips. He released his buddy and said, “Believe it.”
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southsidestory · 3 years
Hii wondering if you're coming with any new ss projects. And I know you have moved on from the fandom but they're certain authors that I can't let go off . Your sasuke seems very true to the character NGL . I heard you're into narusaku and sasuhina as well .
Oh I haven't moved on from Naruto fandom, and at this point, I don't expect to ever escape this delightful trash can lol
Regarding my SS projects:
I really want to focus on TVOTE and To Leave Your Love Behind, but damn I had an idea for a SasuSaku dystopian AU that I am DYING to write.
I'm also really tempted to work on For Everything There Is a Season, and I actually wrote most of the next chapter of The Missing-Nin at 3 a.m. several weeks ago (but I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who cares about that fic).
Over a year ago right before my life imploded I wrote 50k+ of a SasuSaku & NejiHina feudal AU with @reylotrashcompactor that I swear we'll finish and edit someday. It has SasuHina in it too, but... well, you'll see if we ever post it lmao
There's so much that I want to work on, but the ugly truth is that real life has been kicking my ass lately. The writing gods are not blessing me with the energy to power through atm, either for fanfic or original works. I just have to wait it out, until my life and my broken brain are in order again.
As my mom loved to remind me, this too shall pass.
About NaruSaku: although I still find it a charming ship under the right circumstances, I mostly lost interest in it a few years back. Naruto and Sakura are such a beautiful brotp to me that it's hard for me to see them as anything besides the best of friends now.
Thank you so much for the compliment about Sasuke! I love him dearly, and I'm always glad to hear people say I write him well <3
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cc-sasuke · 2 years
Updated Tags
ccMoments : Sasuke x Sakura | SasuSaku | Cherry Tomato Blossoms => ccMoments : Sasuke x Sakura | SasuSaku | Cherry Tomatoes // coz the tag was too long to me haha
ccShip : Sasuke x Sakura | SasuSaku | Black Pink Force => ccOTP : Sasuke x Sakura | SasuSaku | theblacknpinkforce
ccShip : Sasuke x Hinata | SasuHina | Blazing Blooming Talents => ccOTP : Sasuke x Hinata | SasuHina | bloomingtalent // Blazing Blooming Talents => Blazing Talents (they bloomed!)
ccBond => ccShip when romance is discussed and or RPed ccShip => ccOTP with 10+ threads/interactions + and/or their ship tag has at least 30+ posts + which includes RP posts and related (crack) scripts by me same for Bond => BroTP for family/friendly bonds
ccAU sasuke canondiv nextgeneration ccAU Sasuke canondiv nextgen => ccVerse : Sasuke Uchiha | Next Generations
ccAU sasuke canondiv blankperiod ccAU Sasuke canondiv blank period => ccVerse : Sasuke Uchiha | Blank Period
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karyu-endan · 7 years
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Hello there! This here is a drawing of Sasuke and Hinata combining their chakra to form the Rinne Byakugan. Hinata’s ocular power gets focused into Sasuke’s Rinnegan, turning it white and making Sasuke’s left eye muscles bulge, akin to any Hyuga with the Byakugan active. But the strength of this eye is so great that Sasuke’s right eye is forced shut when the Rinne Byakugan is active.
Among other possible applications, the Rinne Byakugan allows for Sasuke to expand the range of Amenotejikara to within the radius of Hinata’s Byakugan - which is slightly over 10 kilometres. A fairly useful ability in a number of situations.
This fan-made power up is used once in Hawk’s Final Hunt for reasons I will not divulge here. I got the inspiration to draw it myself yesterday, and I just finished it. The purple aura is not in Hawk’s Final Hunt, but I feel it’s a nice touch, considering that Sasuke and Hinata both have purple chakra in canon (see: Sasuke’s Susano’o and Hinata’s Lion Fists during The Last) and it makes the combination dojutsu feel just a bit more powerful.
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Hinata for character ask! Really like your blog uwu
Thank you anon!!
favorite thing about them - great development, both emotional and in terms of power, also helped the cadet branch of Hyuga clan get freedom
least favorite thing about them - I suppose I found her a bit annoying at the mere beginning of the show
favorite line - “You changed me! Your smile is what saved me! That is why I’m not afraid to die protecting you! Because... I love you...”
brOTP - InoHina, KibaHina, ShinoHina, SasuHina, tbh Hinata would be a great friend with anyone!!
OTP - NaruHina!!!! Also low-key SasuHina
nOTP - NejiHina
random headcanon - Hmmm since she’s Hokage’s wife and pretty popular in Konoha I bet she knows all the juiciest gossips in the village, wouldn’t call her a gossiper, but she definitely has awesome tea time with Hanabi or Ino or other friends.
unpopular opinion - idk is this unpopular anymore or I see too many ss shit BUUTTT her fans don't like her because of her boobs that made 0.3% of her screentime. Funny how Tsunade or Ino fans never got called out for that when they actually show off their boobs. Like, I’m Ino fan longer than Hinata fan and Ino’s my favorite female, and never have I ever got or seen someone else get “you like because she’s got boobs”
song I associate with them - I know only a few songs that fit sweet girls like her, 99% of my songs are heavy metal but I suppose Roar by Katy Perry
favorite picture of them -
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chadsuke · 4 years
hinata 4 the character ask!
Sexuality Headcanon: bi!!!
Gender Headcanon: oh she’s a trans girl that’s canon bc kishimoto pulled galaxy brain bullshit
A ship I have with said character: hinakarin and sakuhina are prob my top 2 faves but hinata with ANY of the girls is amazing.
A BROTP I have with said character: her with team 8 AND with team Gai - theyre both good... her n neji specifically makes me 🥺
A NOTP I have with said character: sasuhina or Itahina or any of those fucking weird hinata ships. like what even.
A random headcanon: idk how many times I’ve seen like, good chef hinata in fanfic but like y would she know how to cook she’s a main house hyuuga YOU THINK THEY DO THEIR OWN COOKING??? I don’t think she’s like a lethal chef or anything but you hand her a frying pan and she’s like ‘what is this strange plate’
General Opinion over said character: oh I love her to BITS have since I was young and she deserved better writing god
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krajtaz · 4 years
hinata for the ask game?
Sexuality Headcanon: very bisexual she told me
Gender Headcanon: bigender. bigender bisexualgender actually 😌
A ship I have with said character: naruhina AND hinaten
A brotp I have with said character: team 8! also her and team 7 bcs thats very cute
A notp I have with said character: sasuhina i literally don't know why that's even a thing 🤢 they're asshole friends at best!!
A random headcanon: she does gymnastics 🤧
General opinion over said character: i think she's simply the most incredible character in the world and all other media is missing out by not having hinata in it.
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fifi-uchiha · 5 years
Naruto ships
Sasuke and Sakura of course
SasuNaru, SakuIno, NejiLee,
SasuHina, SasuKarin, SasuNaru, NaruKarin, ItaSasu (Wtf), SasoSaku (WTF?), MadaSaku
Ships I actually liked in the beginning:
NaruHina, ShikaIno,
Canon ships I like even though I didn't ship them first:
ShikaTen, SaiIno,
Non canon ships I would absolutely love:
MitsuSara, NaruIno, NejiTen (Don't know if they were together 😢), BoruSara (I don't ship her with anyone particular. I would be okay with either Mitsuki or Boruto as long as I get to see anything lol), NaruIno (they would make such a great sunshine couple),
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dayseternal-blog · 4 years
Fandom Questions: #1, #14, #30, #42 Please and thank you!
1. What was the first fandom you got involved in?
Maybe...if we’re thinking of fanclubs...my mom signed me up for the Mary Kate and Ashley Mysteries books club when I was 10 lol.  I got all sorts of cards and stuff in the mail.
But when I got old enough to surf the internet myself, I liked looking up Card Captor Sakura-related stuff.
14. Go on, who are your BroTPs?
I like writing Naruto & Sasuke friendship, and Naruto & Shikamaru friendship.  I also enjoy writing Hinata & Sakura & Ino friendship.  I also love Team 7 and Team 8 fanart.
30. What inspires you to write?
Oh, same, other people’s fics, fanart, or personal experiences!  I get so inspired, I can’t finish any stories lol
42. List and link to 5 fanfiction authors who are amazing:
I’m just like repeating myself over and over for fanfic recs 😂 but I’ll list the fanfiction authors who are amazing to me!  In no particular order:
1. @bunny-hoodlum AO3 HERE - I love bunny’s FEARLESS character studies and descriptions.  Also her “Unless the World Were to End”s deep-dive into Tokyo life and unapologetic lean into Japanese culture made me think I could write, too.
2. @mmmbuttery AO3 HERE - This is a forever fave, her “Torch Song” and other historical/cultural AUs made me feel like fanfiction was something I could make personal.  (When you rarely see yourself represented in stories, those few you end up holding close to your heart)
3. @katarinahime AO3 HERE - Just, the topics?!  The sensitivity needed?!  Writing for the long-haul and not for the quick fix?!  The sexy Naru-dad?!  How can anyone even measure up?!
4. @szajnie AO3 HERE - Unless you’re you?!  And have the sexy, capable Hinata to back it up?!  And invested emotional depth and strong plot reasoning?!  (daaang even for crackships, you get me rooting for SasuHina wha- How do you- RIP Naruto)
5. agitosgirl ff.net - Unashamedly starting stories.  Never finishing them.  Writing the most 👀 tropes.  Yes, I was amazed, I was very inspired to start writing.  This is my role model for self-assuredness.
6. @chloelapomme AO3 HERE - There’s putting yourself out there, and then there’s doing it in another language😱  She’s written a story for EVERY SINGLE MONTH in nh2020, MULTI-CHAPTER, COMPLETED.  HOW DO YOU EVEN.  OKAY.  HOW.
Hmmmmmm yeah.  I have favorite stories of course from various different authors, and of course there are those NaruHina Big Name Fanfiction authors we all know of, but these are MY top amazing in terms of positive influences for me or the NaruHina fanfiction library in general.
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uchihanarutos · 5 years
you already know im gnna say sasuke
favorite thing about them: yes. (but in all honesty, his drive, and his sense for revolutionary change)
least favorite thing about them: kishimoto’s writing. (nooo don’t suddenly say you wanna become the leader of the very state that traumatized you you’re so sexy haha)
favorite line: i know your heart…and you mine…
brOTP: kakashi, and i know I KNOW in canon it sucks but it woulda been the best thing if he n sakura could just be Bros
OTP: do i NEED to say it? sns all the way baybee
nOTP: sakura, also why is sasuhina a thing im???
random headcanon: “naruto you need to eat actual food” *makes them both a meal*. basically, he can cook, you don’t grow up alone and not learn how to cook unless ur naruto “himbo” uzumaki like come on.
unpopular opinion: Sasuke Was Right and konoha needs to either go down or change from the ground up
song i associate with them: be your shadow by the wombats is the one that always pops into my head first
favorite picture of them: any where he’s smiling but also this one is too good
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kia8088 · 7 years
Drunk Texting (2)
AN: if you think I’m going to write multiple drabbles about my beloved brotp while still mixing my otp in it just so y'all may eventually fall in love with my brotp too…you damn right.
::: :::
“You know, its not bad. Nothing to be embarrassed about…” Ino said sincerely. “However, I do we’ve reached like the peak in our friendship now.” She lifted her hand above her head.
Sasuke crossed his arms. Never had he had a woman so close to his “junk” before…for no reason other to just look. How did she even talk him into this? “Are you finished?”
Ino lifted a finger, still examining him. “I’m not ever gonna see the real show, so I might as well enjoy the opening act.”
He squinted his eyes. “What?”
Turquoise eyes lifted from his…private spaces to his eyes. “I’m going to talk to Hinata for you.” The blonde gasped. “Did it really use twitch on the mere sound of her name?”
“What? No.” He looked down. The betrayal.
“Hinata. Hinata. Hinata. Hina-”
“You’re done.” He turned away quickly, pulling up his pants. Ino grinned seeing her friend’s ears an interesting shade of pink.
“The caveman has feelings. What an interesting day I’m having!” She clasped her hand. “Listen…despite everything… I think I may respect your wishes.”
::: :::
“Hinata, you deserve a shot. I’m going to stay sober tonight just for you.”
Opal eyes lingered on the small glass filled to the brim in vodka. Sakura was already on her third shot. “Do it! Do it!”
Hinata bit her lip. Ino smiled, “You’re always there for us…you deserve to have fun.”
“R-right…” she mumbled, picking up the glass. “Just three. I’m only taking three…” Seven shots and one and a half mixed drinks later. “I’m not - drunk.” She pointed.
Ino was holding Sakura’s hair back as she vomited in the toilet. Honestly, being Sober Mom was no fun. “Hinata, look in the mirror.”
The very drunk young woman stumbled towards the sink. Her makeup was ruined, her was an absolute mess and her mouth was full of fries that she didn’t remember ordering. “Hinata, do me a favor,” Ino called.
“Mm? Elmo-chan?” She answered.
Ino looked back in horror. Who? What? She shook her head. “Call Sasuke and tell him I’m going to need help.” She gave the woman her cellphone.
“Call Sauce, got it.”
Ino took a moment to realize maybe that wasn’t such a great idea but it’ll be great hearing about it in the morning.
::: :::
Sasuke opened a water bottle from the fridge and noticed his phone was ringing. He picked it up, “What?”
“Hey Sauce-”
He immediately looked at the caller ID. It says Ino but that’s definitely not her voice. “Hyuuga…” he said slowly.
“Sauce, Elmo said that she needs, um, your help. Sakura…is drunk.”
“Are you?”
“Nope. Yup.”
Sasuke grabbed his keys and a jacket.
When he finally got there, dealing with a drunk Sakura was worst than dealing with drunk Ino. She was right up there with drunk Naruto.
“I got her, I got her,” Ino huffed, getting Sakura. “You go grab Hinata.”
“I - can’t.” He mumbled as she basically herded Sakura in the apartment. The Uchiha sighed and walked to the passenger seat.
“Hey,” she smiled, navy hair falling over her face. “I really didn’t mean to drink this much.” She reached out, rubbing his arm. “You forgive me?
He nodded, leaned against the car door. "You want to get out?”
She nodded. “But I cannot walk…” she swung her feet.
“I’m going to pick you up, okay?”
“Kay,” she lifted her arms and opened her legs.
“Not - like that.” He kept his eyes open, damn near at the sky. He was not about to charged with shit! He moved her to the side a bit, before sliding his hand under her knee and bringing the woman to his chest. Somehow, he got her out and closed the door.
She was just smiling, “Ne, Sauce?”
“Yes.” He answered.
“If you really were a Sauce…I think it’ll be hot sauce. Spicy sauce.”
He looked down at her. Wow. If she remembers this in the morning, that’s really gonna haunt her. Still grinning, she looked up at him. “I really do like hot sauce too.”
“You should stop…” he tried. He was carrying her to his room when Ino grabbed the back of his shirt.
“What the hell are you doing?” She asked.
“I’m sleeping in the damn living room,” he snapped. “I’m not sick.”
“Making sure,” she patted his back, smoothing out the wrinkle. “Just making sure.”
He placed her on his bed and pulled off her shoes. “Sauce,” she asked, as he put a trash can by the bed. “You do have a nice penis.”
He choked on his spit. “What did she say?” Ino hurried in asking. “She said what?”
Hinata smiled. “Elmo-chan, my best friend…” she covered herself with a blanket. “Goodnight to the four of you guys.”
Sasuke glanced over. Ino took a deep breath, “Maybe she won’t remember?”
::: :::
Hinata walked out of…Sasuke’s room. It took her a minute to remember he brought her in here. It was in that moment everything came rushing back.
Both Ino and Sasuke were sitting at the kitchen table. Sasuke was reading the news paper and Ino was reading a National Geographic magazine. Was this a normal Saturday in this house?
“You’re awake,” Ino smiled. “And you don’t even have a hangover. That’s amazing.”
She looked at Sasuke. “I…” Ino walked over to her and pushed her towards the table, claiming they had much to discuss and that she should check on Sakura. “I…said things last night.”
“Its has happened,” he said.
She cleared her throat. “…the sauce thing–”
“Forgotten,” he nodded.
Her face felt like it would explode. Honestly, she did like something about the Uchiha. She really did…but it was innocent, or so she thought…because-
“It’s all forgotten,” he said.
“No, no,” she said. “I don’t think it should be.”
He stared at her for a while. She was still in her old clothes, hair and makeup still a mess and she was wrapped in his blanket. He put his news paper down. “Alright then,” he decided.
She finally averted her eyes. All the confidence she mustered up had withered away. “…alright.”
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rynsenpaiii · 7 years
A Weird Ass Dream about my naruto ships
I took a very nice nap today, and in my dream was a Naruto AU where its was the modern-day rich kids au. So I thought it was Sasuhina (the whole Hyuga-Uchiha being powerful as fuck families/corporations of course) and I wasn't too upset because sasuhina was that ship i grew up with as Naruto progressed into The Last. But THEN shit went down. Typically Sasuke thinks that Hinata had a crush on Naruto, but then he asks him to privately meet her so she could tell him the truth: She wants him to hook her up with his other friend aka the girl that obviously has a big fat crush on him, Sakura. (He really does choke on his tea because she played him like a fool for thinking she likes Naruto). Then I woke up like wowowowowwwww
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bokato · 5 years
Send me the name of a character and I will tell you my:
1: sexuality headcanon
straight boy
2: otp
sasusaku, sasukarin , sasuhina my dudes
3: brotp
ehhhhhh h hh h   h h h h hhhh hhh hhhhhhhh guess sasunaru ?? ?
4: notp
sasunaru (romantically yes ) 
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
interacting with HiMawaRi
6: one way in which I relate to this character
god don't even know
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
his wee crazy mode but he is forgiven8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
was a problematic but hes slowly becoming cinnamon
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