#bros b4 prose
jeffpennington · 2 years
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Frankenstein’s Monster as seen in my “Frankenstein, P.I.” mystery series of stories on my comedy storytelling podcast Bros B4 Prose (check it out on iTunes, Spotify, or SoundCloud!)
It’s totally serious and he definitely never fistfights a mummy in a casino basement or is hired by blatant cartoonish Italian stereotypes with names like Stromboli or Don Spaghetti. No siree, that definitely isn’t EXACTLY what happens in the story.
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uprightbat · 2 years
I’m drunk, let’s talk about 2022. Here’s some random shit I enjoyed:
TV: I almost never watch tv shows, I just don’t have the attention span. But this year I did enjoy Our Flag Means Death, as well as the latest season of What We Do In The Shadows. Not sure I watched anything else new this year.
Books: I think I read two books this year. A Christmas Carol, thanks to user @warrioreowynofrohan and their Dickens December (a great time!), and If This Book Exists, You’re In The Wrong Universe by Jason Pargin, aka David Wong, the 4th book in the John Dies At The End series. This has been my favorite book series for over a decade now, and this new installment crushed it. If you’re not familiar with the series, picture a couple of 30-something fuck-ups in a poverty-stricken small Midwest town repeatedly saving the world from Eldritch Horrors because they’re the only ones who took Space Acid in high school and survived. Highly recommend if you enjoy comedy or horror.
Pro wrestling: I’m pretty much a grumpy curmudgeon when it comes to modern wrestling, but AEW was on a serious hot streak throughout the first half of the year. It kinda fell apart after the Punk All Out mess, and I hope it heats up again soon. I get that he’s a huge dickhead and everything, but I was way more invested in the show when it was centered around Punk and Danielson instead of Omega and the Bucks. Hopefully they recapture my interest in 2023.
Music: I also don’t spend much time listening to music these days, but I did discover a couple new bands I enjoy. Chiefly The Dahmers. Everyone check out The Dahmers, they’re rad. 2000s fuzzy guitar sound mixed with horror punk themes and vocals that sound like Cheap Trick. They hit.
Podcasts: As a mailman I have an Absolute Fuckload of time on my hands to listen to audio entertainment. My favorite new podcast this year was Bros B4 Prose, a comedy fiction podcast starring Josh Henderson, @jeffpennington , and Rich Masters. If you listened to Fantasy Fiction back in the day it’s a spiritual successor to that. Has me laughing my dick off on a biweekly basis.
Giant Bomb: I watch/listen to Giant Bomb all the time, so they get their own recap category here. I fuckin love the current state of Giant Bomb. 2020 and 2021 were crazy years due to the pandemic, shift to home streaming, and various departures, but 2022 has been a massive breath of fresh air. I look forward to more great content in 2023.
Video games: Didn’t really play much new this year. Neon White was the big one, but I also dipped a toe into Disco Elysium, and finished small indie title Super Kiwi 64. What I most enjoyed this year, however, was introducing my 4 year-old to Zelda. He watched me play Twilight Princess start-to-finish in the beginning of the year, and now we’re working on Majora’s Mask. I don’t talk about parenting much on here, but it feels so cool to share something you love with your kids. Can’t wait to play more.
And finally Real Life: I had another kid! Well my wife did anyway. I checked out the hospital snack machine while she did all the hard work. Having two kids is wild. I’m looking forward to 2023 because as he gets older he’ll get to be a whole lot more cool and fun. At this point he just poops and slobbers and sits there. You’re supposed to enjoy these years while they last, but just like the first kid I’m like “let’s speed this shit along.”
And that’s everything. If you follow me, thanks! Here’s a glimpse into my life. I’ll mostly go back to reblogging silly memes after this. See ya!
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