#brooks 001.
loveofcharacters · 1 year
continued from here. @huntrcssqueen
Brooke's attention turned to the brunette as he laughed, "What?" she asked. "So it's like fight club?" she asked rhetorically, with an added scoff. "Maybe for you?" She asked shaking her head, "Lingerie is not typically for men." As he out stretched his hand for her to take, she chewed her lip a second before thinking of the amount that would be in her bank after this was done. She sighed and accepted his hand, "I don't understand this task at all."
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mastermicd · 2 months
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@lovethcrn : ❝ i'm just mad as hell 'cause i loved this place. ❞
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"listen up, p. sawyer ––" a nickname reserved for only brooke to use, that the brunette did so with precision, one that called on their memories from growing up, reminded them of their collective history in the space of one name. and she wasn't about to let her friend go down without a fight, if she could help it. "you can't let one thing ruin your whole perception of this town." sure, it might be more than one thing, but brooke was quick to focus on the now, on the one instance that had pushed her blonde bestie to the very edge that she was now teetering on the side of. "you can be mad, we all get mad. but that doesn't mean you have to be mad at everything. and besides, we can get that rage out –– didn't one of those rage rooms open up just outside of town? wanna go and smash up some old appliances?" she always did try to reach for the silver linings if she could.
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xaviermattthews · 3 months
closed for: @finn-brooks
where: tidal wave music shop
Lingering near the S section of the vinyls, flicks passed Sublime and is pleased to find Flood by Submergence nestled between them and Suede, taking it upon himself to assume that the singular copy meant it was selling well in the uptick of promo for Tsunami.
He wanders to the next section, perusing then for new records to listen to rather than his band, when the attendant catches his eye. He looks familiar to him not because he knows him but because he knows of him, and it spurs him to strike up a conversation.
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"Hey. Finn, right?"
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babyitsmagic · 2 years
@ofviolentdeath continued from { x }
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He didn't tighten his grip, but he didn't loosen it either, eying the other for a long moment. There was something demonic in the stranger, but... off, somehow. "Are you connected to hell?"
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onebigerror · 9 months
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@araneorum continued from here
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appearances sure were deceiving. to look at jackie and how well she interacted with the others, she never would have suspected her to feel out of place. of course, she'd understand. it was such a huge relatable feeling to her. brooke felt out of place everywhere she went. she was socially awkward and very shy. all that came from years of being under the thumb of a man that wouldn't let her talk to anyone. the whole time she was with joey she wasn't allowed to have a single friend - not even another girl. he was too jealous and controlling for that. she was her own person now. had been for the past year but she was still trying to get used to that. there were still days that brooke was afraid joey was just around the corner waiting to punish her for everything she did.
being around animals or even just talking about them set brooke at ease and gave her a glow that she didn't have any other time. "i do love them!" she grinned as she reminisced on some good memories - of course even those were interlaced with the bad. it's sad how tragedy and trauma did that - it even gripped onto happiness. seeped right in just to remind you that you couldn't escape it. "i grew up on a farm. my dad rented us a little house on the land of someone's ranch." she continued to work on folding the sandwiches into baggies for the kid's lunches the next day. "i started helping out in the stables with the horses. sometimes for a little extra pocket money and other times for free when my dad had trouble paying the rent." towards the end of her years living with him, that had happened more times than she could count. her job became almost entirely volunteer. it wasn't something brooke minded because it was the only time she was truly at peace. "when i was taking care of the animals i was happy. they didn't judge me or talk mean to me. they just loved me and they were good to me because i was to them." when she realized that she was getting in too deep she quickly blushed. "yes, i really love animals. i'm hoping i can get one when i get back to l.a." she dreaded that. "you know after i look for a new place to live." there was no way she could go back to that apartment. not after what happened.
the eagerness wasn't lost on her and brooke certainly didn't judge her for it. she loved seeing someone genuinely want to hang out with her and be happy to do it. even in school, no one wanted to be around her. she was that poor girl who wore the same clothes more than once a week. the one that stuttered and stammered all over the place and sucked at sports. no one wanted her on their teams when they had to pick. she’d just been nothing but a social outcast wherever she went. "okay!" her own enthusiasm and energy matched jackie's so neither of them had to feel out of place. "we could go for a walk or sit on the dock, or..." blushing deeply she stopped herself. "we'll figure that out tonight." it was exciting to think that she had a friend to do that figuring out with. it was something that she'd never in all her life had. and that wasn't even an exaggeration.
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smokedanced · 1 year
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@hvbris said: "just listen to me for once !" Brook Graham @ Will Graham
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Instead of snapping back at her, Will turns away & uses running his hands through his hair as a guise to hide that he’s pressing his fingers harshly against his shut eyes for a few seconds. His head hurts. He’s too quick to anger, because his head hurts. (He’s reclusive and grouchy as hell on a good day, who is he trying to fool, here?)
Does he regret housing her? Yes, but that’s too terrible to admit to himself, so no, of course not. But what the hell was he thinking? He can barely take care of himself, let alone- but she’s not a child, not someone he needs to act as a caregiver for. Logically, he knows this, but he feels responsible for his niece, regardless; how could he not? She’s not his daughter (and neither is Abigail Hobbs), but he feels... paternal, and inadequate, all at once.
He remembers to resume normal behaviour as one of the dogs lets a whine.
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❝ You don’t think I listen to you? ❞    There’s no frustration in his tone; he swallows it down and makes it a genuine question. He doesn’t quite look her in the eye, but rather a little past her shoulder. Concentrating on his tone of voice is draining his energy reserves, performing eye-contact can wait for another time. That, as well, he files under it’s just harder because of the headaches. He’s functional. He’s all right. Capable of focusing on someone, something, other than himself. She needs him to be functional.
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dxnielibxrra · 1 year
starter for: @finnbrooks / location: tidal wave music shop
First days were fun, but nerve-wracking. Daniel thought of himself as a good boss as he had heard no complaints. That he knew of. He didn't want to lay it on too think on the new guy, but in a place like this Daniel had to be picky. He chose his employees the way he would want to be treated as a customer if he was in for some new tunes or to hang. Finn seemed like a good fit.
"So, a customer comes up to you and asks what you recommend," He leans back against one of the crates, "And they're into that folk/indie sound. Who are you recommending?"
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poppywrights · 1 year
@linhciinder — leonard & brooke.
não era que leonard não gostasse de festas. na realidade, gostava, e muito. se perguntassem para a sua ex-esposa, era consideravelmente provável que recebessem uma resposta atravessada sobre como fora mais em ocasiões como aquela para tentar conversar com alguns músicos específicos - e extravasar os estresses acumulados no decorrer da organização do novo contrato da the guess -, que onde queria que ele estivesse junto consigo, como em datas importantes. mesmo com todo o seu jeito, francamente, ele não negava que laurie estava em sua razão de se incomodar com as suas ausências, porque, bem, fora a perfeita definição de um marido de merda em muitos momentos de seu casamento. suas prioridades se confundiam muitas vezes, e não estava em um momento de sua vida em que se sentia pronto para abrir mão dos planos que tinha para o seu futuro. de toda forma, devaneios não importavam naquela ocasião específica: o único ponto relevante era que o schultz estava abandonando o ônibus de turnê de uma das bandas que haviam chegado na semana anterior no festival antes mesmo da festa começar de verdade. tudo porque teriam uma apresentação no outro dia, e não conseguiria se manter concentrado no ensaio pela manhã se não mantivesse a sobriedade naquela noite. não que não soubesse a pouca diferença que faria num contexto maior, pois, mesmo que anthony estivesse caído de sono em sua cama, carrie havia ido ao ônibus também, e só deus sabia onde mark estava. suspirou, parando do lado de fora e tateando os bolsos de sua jaqueta atrás de seu maço de cigarros. quando olhou para o lado, notou que havia uma mulher do lado de fora também. “chegando ou indo embora?” questionou, em uma forma de puxar assunto. “no primeiro caso, diria pra aproveitar antes que o burton chegue." jay burton, baterista da red strokes, uma das piores presenças que qualquer festa que se preze poderia ter. para melhorar, sempre vinha com um grupo de tietes atrás. "eu te conheço de algum lugar?”
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manybcdthings · 1 year
location: outside the bar (after the fight)
starter for: hunter and dominic @gloriouswhispers
The abysmal fight left Hunter with a bitter taste in his mouth. Not one of the Cross brothers could say they came out on top, but at least none of the vampires could either. But, as far as Cross fights went, that one was a shit show. Hunter could already feel his wounds healing, that sting he was trained to lean into instead of away from as he hobbled from the bar while his brothers made their way home. As soon as his gaze met with another vampire, there was an exhausted scoff from him. Finding amusement, yet again in the worst situations. "Little damn late to be back up, toothy." he snarled, before waving his hand at the destruction of the bar. "No drinks either, last call was about two broken noses ago."
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dutyworn · 10 months
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@astraldestiny said: you should have known better than to trust me. - from Brooks
a meme i didn’t find    /    PROBABLY ACCEPTING ↷
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Probably true. Still, Wren has  rarely regretted trusting people,  and she’s not about to let Brooks’ betrayal sway her on that.
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❝ If I never chose to trust people, I could not have beaten Saren, or the Collectors. You can’t go into war without trusting people to have your six. You really think she can take my place? You trust her? ❞    Wren is referring to the... clone, which, yeah, that’s a thing now, apparently, she has an evil clone, great, it’s been a long fucking day...
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spellbcok · 2 months
@covertstrings sent: ♫ brooke maddox & gale weathers ↪ light me up, the pretty reckless
"i've got it on my mind to change my ways, but i don't think i can be anything other than me."
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loveofcharacters · 2 years
starter for @huntrcssqueen plot in source
Brooke was laughing with a couple of friends in a classic diner booth when she suddenly heard her phone go off with a specific ringtone. Her friends at the table immediately stopped in their tracks, quickly invested with where the sound came from, because it was a sound they all recognized. It was the ringtone for the DARE app, the very app she swore to them she'd deleted. "Brooke!" her friend scolded. Brooke shrugged her shoulders in defence before lifting her phone to see the notification:
"There's another DARE player near your location. Find them, kiss them. Then complete their next dare for 200$"
Brooke hung her jaw in shock her dare's have been pretty mild and anything too out of her comfort zone she'd decline, but this dare seamed do-able. Plus two hundred dollars would be nice to have. Brooke started looking around the diner, wondering who it would be, her friends pried the phone out of her hands. She heard the shocked gasps from her friends as the girl caught eyes with someone, Brooke smiled, then she heard a greeting. Brooke quickly turned to the voice, and looked up at perhaps the most handsome man she's ever seen. "Hi," she replied.
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mastermicd · 2 days
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@lovethcrn : ❝ when was the last time you ate something? ❞
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"i'm not hungry." it wasn't true, and brooke didn't look up as she spoke, knowing just how much of a lie it really was. the reality of the situation was that it hurt to try and eat, the reality of her attack still setting in. she'd thought she could do her best to continue on, live her life as if nothing had changed. but at her core, she felt as though everything had been rocked. "i don't have any food in, anyway. so win-win." she tried to joke, legs folding under herself as she sat back on her couch, hands tugging at the sleeves of her sweater as if to try and cocoon herself away inside of it. if only.
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onebigerror · 6 months
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@talesfromahs asked: “let’s start simple. what’s your favorite color?” (from xavier) // meme i can't find
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they were both good at keeping the other grounded in times of distress. this time it was xavier’s turn to be there for brooke. it hadn’t turned into a full-blown panic attack just yet but it was close. the sound of his voice soothed her into taking deep breaths without needing to be told to do so. who really needed to be told to breathe? that had always been a crock of shit to her. she did however answer him slowly as if she’d forgotten and suddenly remembered. “blue…it’s blue.” her tone was soft at first and then a little more assertive as she started to feel calmer. “that blue when the sky is really dark and all the stars are glittering. that is my favorite.” she took his hand and laced their fingers together squeezing. “when all the stars are out it reminds me that there are good and beautiful things still out there.” xavier reminded her that things could still be good and beautiful. even if he didn’t see that himself. her head rested on his shoulder. “i wish it were one of those nights so we could see the stars together.”
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bcbyteeth · 2 years
open to: brooks greer | @halfault location: some whack ass part of town
Silas placed the pill on his tongue, the film that covered the tablet already melting against the warmth of his mouth. It was bitter, but he knew that it was a small price to pay for the colorful fog that would overtake him soon. He went to close his mouth, but the growing crowd that bled into the quieter neighborhood that bordered the busiest strip of Denver's night life moved violently as drunken nightcrawlers made their way around. His teeth sank into his tongue, warm swelling in his mouth with pain. The pill fell in a silent clatter to the floor, but the fuck! that came out of Silas’ mouth was clear against the clamor of upset bystanders.
“For fuck’s sake!” He scoffed, spatting to the sidewalk where bright red stained concrete. The curse was directed where his fall had come from with little thought as to who he’d be singling out, whether it was the right culprit or someone worth a win or a defeat. “When did crazy and stupid become one?”
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comicwaren · 4 months
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“Gwen Stacy is dead. So I guess that makes me a ghost. A ghost from a different Earth.” -- Ghost-Spider
Cover art for Spider-Gwen: The Ghost-Spider #001, “Haunted: Part 1”
Art by Mark Brooks
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