#brooklynn dolly
zebrafiz · 3 months
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an unfortunate wedding venue shopping session
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meirimerens · 8 months
silly question. do you have any favorite famous horses?
never silly. don't you even fret. particularly fan of brooklynn fucking supreme (not actually his name. his name was brooklynn supreme)
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belgian draft horse that could have been the heaviest horse ever seen at 1,451.5 kg or 3,200lbs (but not the tallest). i say "could" because the horse that is believed to have been the tallest ever, Sampson renamed Mammoth, has alledgedly been recorded at 1,524 kg (3,360 lbs). however i prefer brooklynn supreme because his name is silly and i love the massivity on this beast which looks like pure raw chonk, whereas shires, which sampson was, tend to be finer in features.
i also love Prometea... the first ever cloned horse... here with her mom
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she was born in 2003 so she should be turning 21 this year. i love her in the same way i love Dolly the first cloned mammal but even more because she's a horse. & she made it into adulthood & even middle age (20+ is that for a horse). also her name makes me smile. like prometheus who defied the gods to give humanity our fire and was bound to eternal punishment... but she never was punished and has thrived and even had a baby of her own (a normal one not a clone).
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it is on his back that Charlotte Dujardin broke the world's Grand Prix, Grand Prix Special, and Free Style Dressage records in the span of 3 years. & still holding strong. he was able to retire before he got completely exhausted, which is what the other record-holding horse before him (Totilas) went through over years of intense competition.
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salt-apple · 3 years
was discussing stuff . got around to this bullshit
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ocs w whore eyelashes
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mskinkyafro · 6 years
Home Is Where Your Heart Is (Sawyer x MC)
A/N: Finally took the time to write a Sawyer fic. Only and mainly because I replayed BSC and I missed Sawyer, simple as that. I enjoyed the calm book and even though at first I questioned it getting a sequel I immediately realized “Hey that means more Sawyer! Whoop Whoop!” This is an omniscient POV and takes place in the last scene of the final chapter of book 1. I want an to add an extension of how Roxie  leaving the Oakley Ranch initially affects everyone, mainly Sawyer. And I took some dialogue from the scene and either changed it or added some of my own.
Summary: When Sawyer realizes Roxie has left he immediately runs to bring her back home to where she belongs, with him.
The streams of the early morning sun gently woke Sawyer from his slumber. He slowly sat up in his bed mindlessly rubbing his eyes until he gradually felt less groggy.  As he became more conscious his mind immediately found the person he dreamt of the previous night.
“Roxie…” he whispers aloud to himself.
He smiles as for next few minutes he pictures her. Her thousand-watt smile that would reach her hazel-green eyes to her witty comments, and how everyday when they would watch the sunset the Montana Sun would glisten off her penny hue skin. One of his hands runs through his dirty blonde hair as he just grins at how happy he feels. He removes himself from his bed to get dressed for the day. He slips each leg into his blue jeans, pulls and buttons them up, before turning to his dresser to reach for his signature red plaid shirt.
As he buttons it up, he then reminisces through everything he and his family has been through the last few weeks. Made possible because of the raven-curled beauty across the hall. He thinks of how lucky he is that her car broke down near his home instead of somewhere else. How things haven’t been the same but for the better. His thoughts soon wander to a more intimate nature, memories of all the times they made love. He involuntarily shivers as he remembers how soft she felt against him to her delicate hands that would glide across his torso and make him feel as if he was on fire, and how she fit so perfectly enclosed in his arms as if she was made for him and only him to hold.
He’s broken from his inner thoughts by a sharp glint of light that hits his eye. He swiftly raises his hand to block the light and moves closer to his window to see what’s it from. Peering outside he notices it’s from Roxie’s side view mirror on her car that’s slowly pulling out his driveway. Confused at her car leaving he finishes the last button and quickly runs out his  room down the steps. Before reaching the front door he sees a piece of paper on the kitchen table in his peripheral view and stops to hold it in his hands. Reading the note he crumbles it before tossing it and attempts to catch up with Roxie.
“Hey! Roxie!! Stop!”
His words are lost in the dust that builds in the air from where her car pulled off. Distraught he runs back inside slamming the screen and main door loudly and paces inside the living room, wondering if he did something to upset her. His boots stomping back and forth which causes footsteps up above making their way down the stairs.
Sawyer barely looks up from his movement and ignores Duke and Brooklynne as they enter the room.
“What the hell is goin’ on? You’re waking up half the house.” said Duke annoyed.
“Yeah, Uncle Sawyer it’s like seven in the morning and I actually get to sleep in  today.” Brooklynne whined rubbing sleep out her eyes.
“God Damn it! Roxie just left!”
Shocked at the tone of her Uncle’s voice, she steps backs and presses into her father.
“Jeez take it down a notch Sawyer, you’re scarin’ Brooklynne.”
“I can’t just take it easy, Duke. Roxie just left a goodbye note.” Sawyers voice raises even louder.
“What’s with all that hoop n hollerin’. You boys better not be fight’n it’s too early for this nonsense.”
Cliff’s gruff voice rings clear as he makes his way down the steps joining the rest of the Oakley clan in the living room. Finally calming his erratic movement Sawyer picks up the note he crumbled and handed to Duke. He plops himself on a nearby couch with a forlorn look and buries his face in his hands. As Duke unravels the note he reads aloud to the rest until  reaching the end.
“She just left. After…everything.” Sawyers voice rings out softly stricken with hurt.
The others look to amongst the other questioning what to do. All saddened by the news at Roxie leaving, Brooklynne’s lips quiver, while Duke crosses his arms staring at the floorboards. Cliff has a grave expression before it disappears just as fast it came. He’s the first to speak.
“Well, I’ll be damned. I thought I raised you better.”
Sawyer lifts his face out of his hands and glances towards his father
“What are you talkin’ about dad.” he says tiredly
“I’m talkin’ about how you’re lettin’ the girl of yer dreams waltz out of yer life. I thought that I instilled in you boys to fight for what you want.”
“But nothing. It’s obvious that this girl ain’t like the others. Meaning you can’t find another like her around these parts. She’s one of a kind and y’all made a connection. Lord knows the two of ya kept me awake some nights partaking in your funny business, making a lot of noise…”
Sawyer blushes at his father’s words “Dad..”
“What I’m getting at is you really care about her you’d fight for her. You done gon’ and already burnt up enough time. Go after her son and bring her home or you just going to give up?”
“Yeah, I agree with grandpa. Roxie is the best and this place won’t be the same without her. Plus I was getting used to having a cool aunt.”
“Brooklynne!” Duke chastised his daughter’s implication.
“What daddy?! She basically was. And if grandpa is telling it like it is so should I. Uncle Sawyer, excuse my language everyone but get off your ass feeling sorry for yourself and chase after her.”
“Brooklynne. You’re on thin ice. But seriously brother, what are you waiting for talking to us still? I’d be down the driveway already.”
Extending himself upright again and standing straight Sawyer’s face breaks into a determine look and smiles at everyone before rushing out the door towards the barn to grab Dolly. As he quickly grabs her from her pin and outside he hoists himself onto her.
“Come on girl. Let’s go get her.”
The horse neighs in response to Sawyer and begins to swiftly ride down the way towards driveway. The wind hits his face stinging him but he doesn’t care.
Some time passes as Sawyer and Dolly make their way onto a lone highway. He’s praying that he isn’t too late.As they press a little further, he slows Dolly down to give her break from such speeds.
“Easy girl. I know you gave it your all. How about a nice trot for the moment.”
She neighs back appreciatively and slows her pace. As they move along up ahead he notices a vehicle moving in front of them. Relief flooding his face, he nudges Dolly to pick up her speed just a bit more, and soon enough the car stops moving.
“Hey.” he calls out
“Hey.” he hears her reply softly.
He swings off Dolly and rushes towards Roxie’s car while she gets out to me him.
Huffing just slightly but able to make a sentence out Sawyer speaks
“Where’re you goin’?”
“Boston?! Without even saying goodbye.” he whispers the last part as he steps closer to her. His fingers brushing a rogue curl away from her forehead
Roxie mouth opens and closes. She turns her head away from him and closes her eyes moving his hand away from her face.
“Sawyer…I..” her soft voice fades out..
Sawyer shakes his head disbelievingly. His eyes glistening.
“Seriously Roxie? Did everything that’s happened the last few weeks mean so little to you?”
Roxie whips her face so her eyes burn into Sawyer’s. He can see small tears slowly rolling down her cheek.
Her voice wavers slightly as she talks
“God no, Sawyer! I couldn’t say goodbye because the last few weeks have meant everything to me. I couldn’t even look you in the eye to tell any of you goodbye last night. Every time I tried  to tell someone, I just couldn’t do it, especially to you. It hurts so much. I know it’s selfish, but I didn’t want to hurt myself anymore as it did for me to drive away this morning.”
Sawyer reaches for her hand as his eyes silently pleaded with her. Hers seem to look intensely back at him gazing at every small detail on his face.
“Then why you leavin’.”
She takes a deep breath.
“I got an job offer for my dream job…one that I couldn’t possibly refuse. Not after I worked so hard for it…”
He stays quiet for a few moments. He looks away briefly and down the road leaving Montana.
“I understand.”
“You do?”
“Of course. I don’t wanna take your dreams from you, Roxie. I wanna make them come true. And if this is the way to do that…We’ll all miss you. I’m going to miss you.” he turns to stare into her somber  hazel eyes as he says the last part.
He hopes his eyes convey all the emotions he feels about her that he can’t find the words to say. His arms encircle her small frame and pulls her so close that she’s molded into his chest, her citrus perfume tickles nostrils as he leans down  to press a chaste kiss to her forehead before pulling back.
Tears are still rolling down her face and he moves his hand to wipe them away
“Please don’t cry. An angel should never cry.”
“Sawyer…I’m going to miss you so much.”
He lets go of her and lets on fingertip slowly graze down her face before he walks back to Dolly only to stop a few feet away before turning around again.
“You know, my dad was talkin’ last night about offerin’ you a permanent position here on the ranch.”
Roxie calms her tears and takes a deep breath
“He was?”
Sawyer looks down to kick imaginary pebbles around with his boots
“Yeah. You’re basically family now. That is if you wanna be…”
He looks back at her with hopeful eyes. He watches as her face contemplates the information he just shared.  As he waits expectantly he notices his favorite smile break out onto her face. His heart leaps in anticipation.
“Is that job offer still on the table?”
“Yeah, absolutely.”
“Good, because I think my definition of ‘Dream Job’ just changed.”
Sawyer lets out a yee-haw and runs to pick up Roxie and spin her around in joy. She squeals in surprise and amusement. Laughing at his antics.
“Aaah!! Sawyer, stop!  Let me go!” she giggled.
He sets her down gently and puts his hands on both of her cheeks and kisses her long, slow and passionately. Every ounce of fear, longing, and relief pour into the kiss. And after a few moments he pulls away allowing oxygen to enter their systems again and moves to pepper her entire face with chaste kisses.
“Never again.”
He moves his right hand to tangle into her black curls and pull into a heart-stopping kiss once more, their tongues battling for dominance. Roxie pulls away first this time. Her eyes closed with a serene look plastered onto her face.
“Good. Because I don’t plan on doing the same ever again either.”
“If you did I might have to make you pay.”
“Is that a promise Cowboy?” her eyes laced with mischief.
Smiling like a fool Sawyer smirks down at Roxie and scoops her bridal style in her arms towards Dolly.
“Oh, Sawyer wait. My car”
“It’ll be fine. Right now I want to get you home where you belong.”
“I’m home in your arms, Sawyer. Anywhere you’re at, I’m home.”
He looks at her softly as they reach Dolly and easily sets her onto the horse before hoisting himself up and signalling Dolly to take them back to the ranch. As they move forward Roxie’s arms instinctively hold tight onto Sawyer and leans her head onto his back feeling his strong muscles..
“You know, you’re not the only one with a new dream.”
“Really? What’s next for the great Sawyer Oakley.”
“Being with you.”
He turns his head as she lifts hers and their eyes meet.
“I know it’s been so fast and only a few weeks. But what we have is so special and once in life kind of thang. It’s still too early to say those three big words but understand Roxie that I’m crazy about ‘cha.”
She leans to press a soft kiss to his lips and pulls away.
“I feel the same, Sawyer. I’m falling for you.”
They both smile and enjoy the rest of the ride in silence as they make their way home.
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docrotten · 5 years
Gruesome Movie Guide: January 2020
Each and every month, the Grue-Crew takes a look at the horror movie releases for the coming weeks to guide you on your horror movie viewing journey. International Cosplay Queen and Podcasting Rock Star Vanessa Thompson joins host Doc Rotten to discuss the major theatrical and streaming horror films coming your way the first month of the new year. Start off 2020 right, check out the Gruesome Movie Guide for January 2020.
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THE GRUDGE (January 3, 2020 | Screen Gems and Ghost House)
A house is cursed by a vengeful ghost that dooms those who enter it with a violent death.
Director: Nicolas Pesce Writers: Jeff Buhler (story by), Nicolas Pesce (screenplay by) Stars: Betty Gilpin, Andrea Riseborough, William Sadler
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DRACULA (January 4, 2020 | NETFLIX)
In 1897 Transylvania, the blood-drinking Count draws his plans against Victorian London.
Creators: Mark Gatiss, Steven Moffat Stars: Claes Bang, Dolly Wells, John Heffernan
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UNDERWATER (January 10, 2020 | 20th Century Fox)
A crew of aquatic researchers works to get to safety after an earthquake devastates their subterranean laboratory. But the crew has more than the ocean seabed to fear.
Director: William Eubank Writers: Brian Duffield (screenplay by), Adam Cozad (screenplay by) Stars: Kristen Stewart, T.J. Miller, Jessica Henwick
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THE WAVE (January 17, 2020 | EchoWolf Productions)
A man on the verge of promotion takes a mysterious hallucinogenic drug that begins to tear down his reality and expose his life for what it really is.
Director: Gille Klabin Writer: Carl W. Lucas Stars: Justin Long, Tommy Flanagan, Donald Faison
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COLOR OUT OF SPACE (January 24, 2020 | SpectreVision)
A town is struck by a meteorite and the fallout is catastrophic. Director: Richard Stanley
Writers: Scarlett Amaris, H.P. Lovecraft (based on the short story by) Stars: Nicolas Cage, Q'orianka Kilcher, Joely Richardson
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THE TURNING (January 24, 2020 | Amblin Entertainment, Vertigo Entertainment)
A young governess is hired by a man who has become responsible for his young nephew and niece after the deaths of their parents. A modern take on Henry James' novella "The Turn of the Screw".
Director: Floria Sigismondi Writers: Carey W. Hayes (as Carey Hayes), Chad Hayes Stars: Mackenzie Davis, Finn Wolfhard, Brooklynn Prince
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GRETEL & HANSEL (January 31, 2020 | Orion)
A long time ago in a distant fairy tale countryside, a young girl leads her little brother into a dark wood in desperate search of food and work, only to stumble upon a nexus of terrifying evil.
Director: Oz Perkins (as Osgood Perkins) Writer: Rob Hayes Stars: Sophia Lillis, Jessica De Gouw, Alice Krige
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perkqularkreashions · 7 years
//In which Bucky Barnes comes from the war and only wants to dance with one girl at his party, Y/N//
The music blasted through the apartment. It was hard to pinpoint the exact location in which the music was coming since the walls were so thin in the apartment. You can hear everything through the thin wall without even trying, Y/N’s neighbors to her left indulge in promiscuous sex, their night affairs always blasted through her quiet apartment. The couple was keen to having many partners join them, seeing that they asked for hot water for the tub and another partner since they had an odd number that night.
However the partner on her right was a man she was trying her hardest to avoid and keeping eye contact to a minimum. Knowing that if she looked into those chocolate eyes that’d she fall for every trapped that he sent forth for her. James Buchanan Barnes but the Dames call him Bucky. He was one of the most handsome men in Brooklynn capturing the attention of every Dames. Even the Call-Girls blushed when he flashed them a smile.
Tonight was no different, he’d come knocking on her door. He’d barge into her room making himself comfortable in her living space. He needn’t no introduction because no Fella would do what he would do. She groaned at the sound of a heavy hand banging on the wooden door. Y/N moved to the door giving out a soft grunt as she heaved the door open. Her gloved hand pressed against the front of the door as her body leaned against the door’s frame.
“Hello Y/N, you aren’t rationed yet are you?” He questioned, his smile covering his face.
“No James I am not” he nodded slightly at her comment, excitement filling in at the realization of Y/N could still be his one day. He pressed his head against the outer side of the frame, his eyes falling over the features of her face. Y/N’s soft eyes staring at him while her heart shaped plum lips pursed slightly, her skin glows naturally, he was stunned by her beauty.
His eyes finally traveling down to her attire, he took in her clothing. “You are dressed all spivvy, where are you off to?” Y/N peered over her shoulder at the sound of her best friend making her way into the living, she brushed the grooves out of her dress in the slightly dirty mirror.
“My my if it isn’t Bucky, I see you came back from the war in one piece” Natasha exclaimed as she fluttered her fingers at the pair. Her hands soon went to the coiled red curl hung over her shoulder.
He began to walk in the apartment but Y/N held out her hand, pushing it against his chest. He looked down smirking at her.
“Communicating is just as easy as it outside as it is inside” she spoke, she realized where her hand was placed and slowly pulled back.
“Yes came back all in one piece” He repeated back, he slowly leaned forward. His breath was hitting against her face, it smelt of mint and beer. “My soldier still rises for you” he whispers lowly, Y/N face grows hot, she turns her head away from his seductive eye.
“Where is Miss Barnes heading off to?” Bucky pronounced, his hand slowly grabbing Y/N’s left hand before rubbing his finger over her third finger. She slowly pulled her hand back, she could not deny the butterflies in her stomach when he touched or how her heart thudded roughly against her chest.
“Well Miss L/N is heading to the Stars for the homecoming for the soldiers” Y/N explained “I don’t where this is Miss Barnes might be heading” he let out a low chuckle his head bowing slightly as a single strand of hair fell out. She watched him, she tempted to brush the hair out of his face. 
“We best ta get going!” Natasha states from behind Y/N her hands gently placed on her shoulder as she scouted past her. Y/N closed door before locking it, she droves the brass key down in her purse.
“Yes and James needs to get cleaned up” Y/N proclaimed, Natasha looped arms with Y/N as they moved down the hall.
“Only if you clean me” he shouts the hall gaining Y/N attention, she looked over her shoulder slightly, a small smile crawled on her face.
“In your wildest dreams James” she replies
“You already are” he yells, causing her laugh before she descended out of his sight. He repeated the term slowly before disappearing into his home.
The slow jazz music filled the air. The drunken laughter and chatter drowned out the music. Y/N was leant up against the bar’s countertop as she sipped slowly on some drink Natasha gave her telling her to cut loose. But she does not want to, she is content with just watching the man dance with their reunited love ones.
“Look at Barnes all decked out for the Dames!” One of the solders stated as he smacked his hand against his back, but the only Dame that truly caught his attention was the lonesome girl at the bar, Y/N. Her hind side slightly poking out as Y/N’s head rested on the palm of hand. Her finger panting with the toothpick in the drink. “So what Dolly or Dollies are you gunning for tonight?”
Bucky only wanted the one, Y/N. he excused himself. He straighten his shirt by pulling on the sleeves slightly. He weaved through bopping crowd as he tried making his way toward Y/N.
“Hey dreamboat!” Bucky calls out, Y/N turns to him. His held slowly held out in of her. “I’m a pretty good ducky shincracker” he slowly explains, she could tell that he was becoming anxious, against her better judgement she slowly slides her hands in his. Y/N was stiffly moving to rhythm, one arm wrapped around her waist while the other held her hand. "Ease up Y/N, it's just me you're be-bopping with me not a stranger"
"I am not edgy, just not a hoofer" she whispered softly. It was true, Y/N was clumsy on her feet. She hate dancing even if it was with upbeat music that made you want to gyrate all night long with a man. She stiffen more as his hand that was steadily around her waist started to slowly travel to the curve of her backside. "Keep your paws right here" she moved his hand back to where it was suppose to be.
"Sorry couldn't help myself with Brooklynn's finest dime right in front of me" He stated, she let out a scoffing laugh before looking at him.
"I bet you say that to all the Dollies, you Pistol" She laughed softly not believing a word that fell out of his mouth. She didn't want to because if she did, she'd get hurt again.
"No Miss Barnes, only to you"
"I'm still trying to figure out who this Miss Barnes is because Miss L/N doesn't believe you" she pulled away from before retuning to her space at the bar.
"Why not?" he whispered, he appeared in front of her.
"You are a wolf. Not just with me but with every Dame in the city. You are a player and I don't want to get played' she explained, he opened his mouth but was cut off by some woman gently pressing her hand against her shoulder.
"Bucky would you like to accompany me to a dance?" The woman questioned
"No, I'm middle of a conversation maybe next time" he stated, the girl scoffed loudly before moving away from Bucky and Y/N.
"I only want to dance with you, if you want don't to dance and just sit at the bar side then that is what I will do" Bucky proclaimed
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zebrafiz · 3 months
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mama has finally graduated ;;
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zebrafiz · 3 months
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their face cards >>>
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zebrafiz · 2 years
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gen 3 🌉
brooklynn and cerberus arranged a casual family photoshoot to celebrate six months since the birth of their second and final child, odessa!
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zebrafiz · 1 year
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in love ☀️
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zebrafiz · 3 months
lore drop abt the dollys
they met because cerberus was hired by brooklynns dad to babysit her 3 younger brothers while he was on a vacation (that he never bothered to come back from BTW!)
they are a month apart in age (24)
in the original ts3 save he is a fairy lol and so is olivia
brook is a twin ❤️ and two of her younger brothers are twins as well. the other one is a bastard child that was dumped on them by their fathers mistress so they could run away together ❤️
said mistress is a member of the broke family
their father may or may not have killed their mother via pool drowning UHM
brooklynn wants to become a professor <3 cerb is a conservationist
odessa was not supposed to happen until they were older 😭 brook & cerb vs unplanned pregnancies . 0 to 2
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