#bromance? sir those men are literally married they fuck every night
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defectivegembrain · 11 months ago
I know we joke around about "guys being bros" and all that, but love the fact that even within the fucked up study group, who will constantly mix family terms with romantic entanglements, it is never suggested in the show itself that Troy and Abed are like brothers. Like they can get called boyfriends and barely react at all, but I think if either ever actually tried to call the other bro they'd have a shared identity crisis
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jbuffyangel · 6 years ago
Outlander 4x08 Reaction: “Wilmington”
To say I go through an emotional roller coaster watching “Wilmington” is an understatement.
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Let’s dig in...
Roger found Brianna! That was a seriously awesome reunion hug. REWIND TIME.
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Roger’s face when Brianna says, “I wanted to call you but I didn’t know how to tell you I love you” is worth a permanent freeze frame.
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I know its been months and months and they’ve traveled through time, but we are not doing Brianna’s first time in a shack. No sir we are not. Zip it up Roger. Down boy.
“We’re not engaged. That seemed to be very important to you.” You’ll find that when it comes to men Brianna things that are very important become less important when presented with the opportunity to have sex because sex is most important 99.999% of the time.
Marriage is still important to Roger. We have just hit the .001%. Take a gander Brianna. This doesn’t happen often.
“Well then you have all of me.” WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE’RE GETTING MARRIED? YEAH!!!!!!!!!
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I guess all a guy has to do to convince Brianna to marry him is to travel across time and risk life and limb. It’s so much simpler just to say yes when presented with jewelry girl, but do you I guess.
Seriously, I think Roger is going to burst from happiness. He’s a golden retriever with a Scottish accent.
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“How can I say no to a man who pursued me for 200 years?” Facts.
Roger and Brianna are using an 1800s loop hole so they can have sex. I love this show.
We’re still not doing it in a shack kids.
It’s a hernia bro. Those ain’t pretty and it’s not going away with time.
Every time Claire is sent with “the wives” Jamie gives her a look like, “Sorry about the 1800s misogyny babe.”
“That’s Colonel George Washington.” I audibly yelled, “WHAT?” and then I fangirled along with Claire.
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“Chopping down cherry trees.” HAHAHA!
Jamie and Claire are actually boozing and talking politics with friggin George Washington. AMAZEBALLS.
Every time Jamie doesn’t know something about American history I’m all, “Come on Jamie. Read books!” and then I remember none of it has happened yet for him and I feel dumb.
Only Outlander can make a wedding & sex in a shack romantic as hell.
Jamie & Claire and Roger & Brianna are all in the same time and place but don’t know it. I am ready to pull my hair out.
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Whoa. I guess Jamie and Claire aren’t going to be the only ones with hot love scenes.
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“If I take you now it’s for always.” Holy shit Roger. I’m gonna faint.
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Roger and Brianna’s pillow talk is adorable. Annnnnd they’re going again!
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This play is terrible though right?
Jamie just ruptured a man’s hernia so he could save Murtagh. I SHIP ONE BROMANCE.
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Jamie is hitching a ride with George Washington. Love it.
Just do what Claire says. Those are the rules of Outlander if you don’t want people to die.
Be grateful we have anesthesia now.
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“No need of you. The lady has it in hand.” Damn right she does.
Murtagh you are gonna get your Scottish ass arrested again fool.
There isn’t a speck of blood on that white dress.
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Jamie sent Fergus to save Murtagh!!! I just want all the characters to go to Jamie and Claire’s house for a pint and play some checkers or something. Is that so much to ask?
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Roger: What could you do?
Brianna: This.
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All the reasons Brianna is listing for why Roger should have told her also apply to Frank. Is she just not going to address that her father knew and did nothing too? Is she even angry at Frank? Or is she just throwing all her anger at Roger? Brianna has a right to be angry at BOTH men but it feels like she’s only holding Roger accountable. Well, he’s also the only one out of the two who is alive so that might have something to do with it Jen. I just did a whole thing there in my head.
Sophie Skelton’s acting improves dramatically when she’s opposite Richard Rankin. This gives me great hope.
Yeah, pulling out the “you have to listen to me now because you’re my wife” isn’t the way to go Roger. *hands him a shovel*
Children you are married. You don’t get to cut and run when things get rough. Put your big boy and big girl pants on now.
“You’re acting like a child.” Sorry Roger. Team Brianna on this one. Should have told her dude. I told you to tell her but did you listen to me? Nooooo.
“No one is stopping you.” Ouch.
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So are they married? Not married? Just saying the words so they can bang but don’t really mean them? Get it together Outlander Next Generation.
I’m having a very difficult time believing Roger would leave Brianna unattended at night during this time. I have a very difficult time believing Roger would leave Brianna unattended at night in present day. He literally traveled across time because he thought she might die or get hurt. They have one fight and he peaces out? Come on writers.
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“Washington’s day will come.” Yup, he puts a boot up your ass. It’s fantastic!
Oh my God he rapes her???? I hate this damn show sometimes.
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Oh holy freaking hell. This is why Roger leaves because Brianna can’t get raped if he’s around! I really don’t like the writers right now.
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Wait a minute. Did they marry Brianna and Roger in this rushed wedding just so her first time wasn’t rape? And since she slept with Roger then it is open season on Brianna? She’s not a virgin anymore so now they can introduce the rape storyline???? It’s not appropriate to rape any woman at any time - virgin or not. But the timing of all of these events feel especially messed up. I’m sorry. I’m just really angry and upset right now. What the fuck? *walks away from computer to eat my feelings*
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Still processing, but I’m eating a cookie so maybe things will look up soon. Damn this show is hard to watch sometimes. It’s just one horrific thing after another. Merry friggin Christmas, writers.
I just want to cry because everything Claire says to Marsali about being unable to protect your child from all the awful things in world became true for Brianna. But Claire doesn’t even know she’s here in this time or what happened.
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Just tell me Jamie gets to kill Bonnet. No, tell me Roger gets to torture Bonnet for hours culminating in cutting his dick off and then Jamie gets to kill him. No, scratch that. Roger tortures, Brianna cuts off the penis and Jamie kills him. I’m very much invested in this being a father, daughter and son-in-law activity. Claire can come too. She probably has ways to keep him awake during procedures.
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Well I guess Brianna and Jamie get to bond over their mutual traumas. That’s just swell Outlander. They couldn’t have bonded over their mutual love for math or something?
I just wanted Brianna to go to Fraser’s Ridge, meet her father and have tea and biscuits with her parents. Yes, I know that it doesn’t sound dramatic to you writers but sounds like a friggin dream come true for me!
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Ugh. Everything is awful. I need more cookies.
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And Brianna is just going to “solider on” because she wants to save her mother. She is going to bury her trauma like Jamie because she’s a Fraser through and through. WHY DOES THIS SHOW HATE ME? WHY ARE THEY DETERMINED TO EVISCERATE MY SOUL? WHYYYYYYY?
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I’m still really ticked off. This is a horrible thing to do to Jamie’s daughter after everything he went through with Black Jack Randall. The writers can control the story. Can we stop with all the rape?
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I don’t know you guys. This episode was so wonderful and so awful all at once. I’m so sad and angry. I’m gonna watch Love Actually.
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