She’s Back!
So, life has been bat shit crazy over the last year and a half and a LOT has happened. I finally finished grad school and got that degree. I also got a cat! I will call her Zee here. She’s mah beautiful little green-eyed tabby; sweet as sugar and smart as a whip. I’ve cycled through a couple jobs, lost my apartment and have been couch surfing for a year. I also dipped my toe in the polyamory pond for about six months last year. That was....Interesting. And complicated. While I don’t think it’s for me, I still have so many thoughts on this. I’ve also been dealing with two very serious health issues--the congenital hydrocephalus I was born with and an emerging nightmare called Epilepsy. Speaking of emerging things (although considerably less nightmarish), I’ve also slowly but surely been tip toeing out of the musty, soul crushing closet my ultra religious and uber conservative family tried to lock me in at the tender age of 4 or 5. I honestly couldn’t tell you what life was like before I realized that I “liked girls”. One of my earliest memories is of when my older sister visited us when I was about 4 and I knew even then. So, um, yeah. Hi guys, I’m Bi! 
Anyways, I’m rambling. Well, kind of. While I do tend to go off on tangents and scurry down rabbit holes and what not, I’m saying all of this because I wanted to very deliberately outline the new direction of this blog. Instead of me posting random stuff, I will be making a concerted effort to develop this blog and talk about Feminism, social justice issues, spirituality, religion, surviving domestic violence and what it’s like to be a Bisexual woman with two chronic illnesses struggling to make ends meet and find love. Commentary on the current political climate may or may not happen. We shall see. But, after months and years of ranting and raving on other social media sites, I feel like it’s time for me to dust off the ol’ tea kettle, pop some biscuits in the oven and invite ya’ll in to pull up a chair around my virtual kitchen table for a chat about this crazy lil’ thing I call life. 
So, come on in....Welcome! Have a seat. Let’s talk. Let’s learn. Let’s grow. 
Until Next Time,
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