#brodda's bastards
squirrelwrangler · 2 years
stray tag comment about Númenor and wow I need to write about not!Atlantis more than I do because there is something horribly appropriate about my firmly unshaken headcanon that the majority of the Edain population that founded Númenor were not full-blooded Hadorim/Bëorians but the sons and grandsons of Easterling men would had enslaved their mothers and grandmothers and this heritage of a nation of freed slaves produced by sexual violence ...and they become obsessed with blood purity and enslave other men in their descent into imperialism
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sl-newsie · 2 years
Bold: Spot x Manhattan girl (Newsies/ West Side Mafia)
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I luv my family. To me, family is everything. At foist, I was noth’n but a scrawny goil from ‘Hattan who thought she knew everyth’n. 
Boy was I wrong.
When I met Jack Kelly, everyth’n changed.
Kelly. The Jack Kelly! The leader of the Manhattan mafia and one of the most feared men on the Eastern Seaboard!
When he found me, he saw potential.
He taught me to punch, dodge, spy. Taught me to kick, fight, and lie. Now I’s got a reputation of my own, and all-a New York knows it. Even Riff’s gang-a Jets knows it.
Yeah, Riff. Riff Lorton. Leader of the West Side Jets gang. Bit of a bastard for my taste, consider’n he’s always arrang’n rumbles with the Sharks. 
But anyways…
Jack brought me into the Manhattan family and basically adopted me! Sarah, his wife, is not only my best friend but also my forcefully-adopted sister. I tell her anyth’n and everyth’n that goes on in my life, and she listens. She don’t tell nobody, and we’s have an unspoken understand’n.
Race, on the odda hand, is a different story. Anthony ‘Racetrack’ Higgins, is Jack’s 2nd in command. And I swear to God, I’m gonna kill him. Race not only takes every second-a my life to annoy me, but also picks at my every flaw.
“Yer face is too mean.”
“You punch like a goil!”
“I could do that bedda in my sleep!”
What can I say, he can be a huge pain-in-the-ass. 
Davey’s not so bad, though. David ‘Mouth’ Jacobs, 3rd in command and Jack’s poisonal consultant, is the string of sanity tie’n this family togedda. He met Jack through Sarah, his sister. His brodda Les Jacobs is Jack’s ward, and is friends with Baby John, the spy from the West Side. The Jacobs are a calm, but smart bunch. It’s never a dull moment when the Jacobs are mixed with the Manhattan chaos! Charlie ‘The Crutch’ Morris the accountant, Boots the messenger, Kid Blink and Mush Myers as security, spies Skittery and Snipeshooter, and Specs the scribe.
I luv my family.
And the rest is history.
But right now, Jack’s request’n my attendance.
“Kat! Office, now!”
I groan.
Race smirks. “Oooh, you’s in trouble!”
I smack him. “Shut it, Higgins!”
I enter the ‘Hattan meet’n room, a glorious work of interior design. The tall oak walls reach up to a dome ceiling, surrounded by bookshelves and chandeliers. A cop might think it’s a library, but we’s know bedda. Jack’s desk sits near the grand window overlook’n tha city.
“Come in, Kat. Come in.”
I cautiously waltz in, know’n all-too-well that Jack has a knack for use’n me to vent out his problems, but I don’t mind.
“You called, Cowboy?”
He nods, look’n away from tha window. “Got an errand for ya, in Brooklyn. You know Spot?”
Ugh. Spot ‘King’ Colon. The titled ‘King of Brooklyn’ who rules with an iron fist. I avoid that place like tha plague, and when I do go I neva have an urge to make friends. I thought I knew Spot once, before he left me to die in an alley after a disagreement. Heaven forbid I disagree with the infamous Spot Colon.
“Yeah, briefly. Why? What’d he do?”
Jack chuckles. “‘S not what he did, but what he’s gonna do. Supposedly some-a Brooklyn’s gang is organize’n a rumble with the Jets. Obviously Baby John told Les, who told Davey, who told me. And now I’m tell’n you.”
“Why? Whaddaya want me to do? You knows as good as I do that Riff ‘nd Spot are the most stubborn men in New York!”
“But they’ll listen to you.”
I scoff. “Why?”
“‘Cause you’s a goil. Sorry to say this, Kat, but there ain’t many goil members we got in our family. But that’s also an advantage. I know Spot. He’d neva hurt a goil, especially you. Riff, on the odda hand, will go into a rumble fists-a-fly’n. Once King sees there’s a goil member involved, he’ll hold off the rumble ‘til he speaks with you. Got it?”
I groan. “What’s the errand?”
“No objections? Good!” Jack stands up, walks ova, and hands me a simple envelope. “Deliver this.”
“That’s it?”
Jack’s gaze narrows. “Lose this, and don’t eva bother come’n back.”
I gulp. O-Ok.
“Sure thing, Cowboy. Do I go alone?”
Jack loosens up. “It’s for tha best. There’s safety in numbers, but if those gangs see half-a the ‘Hattan mob show up with you then there could be an all-out turf war. Go alone, stay discrete, stay safe.” He brings me in for a hug. “You know I’d neva make you do someth’n I thought was dangerous.”
“What about Tony?”
“He ‘nd Maria have been lay’n low. Too many disagreements go’n on, so I’s been make’n sure they’s safe.”
I nod. “Good. They’s a good couple. Hate to see ‘em get hurt.”
Jack makes a call and in no time a brand-spank’n new car rolls up to take me to Brooklyn. As I look out tha window, I notice how tha calm streets of ‘Hattan turn into a more serious atmosphere as we enter Brooklyn. It’s no secret that King keeps a thumb on crime in his territory- maybe a bit too much.
“Nearly there, Kat,” Mush calls from tha driver’s seat. “Sure hope everyth’n goes ok- hate to have to pick you up in a bodybag.”
I grunt. “Thanks for tha encouragement, Mushy.”
He drops me off at tha Brooklyn bridge, a well-known safe and off-limits territory for meetings. I recognize Bucky, Spot’s #2, who is wait'n for me.
“Hey, Bucky. How goes it?”
“Spot’s Hell-bent on a rumble. Whadda you think?”
“Fair enough. I’s just here to talk.”
“I guessed. Figure’d Cowboy would send you to break the ice. Spot’s never been tha same since you left.”
My eyes narrow. “I had my reasons.” 
Bucky holds up his hands. “I know, I know. But you should know that he still cares for ya, he really does. You’s the only one who can calm him down, and I just hope you’s not too late, ‘cause Riff’s already made contact.”
Oh. That complicates things. I was hope’n to reach Spot before tha rumble started, but I guess I gotta speed things up.
Bucky points to a nearby alley. “Plymouth Street. It’s wide-open and away from Pulitzer’s cops. But be careful- I’s heard that Detective Weasel’s been snoop’n around and try’n to land Spot in jail.”
I groan. “He’s woik’n with Krupke, ain’t he?”
“Accord’n to Katherine, yes.”
Oh, right. Katherine Pulitzer, the police chief’s daughter. She and Denton are our ins and outs of police activity, which can come in handy when you’re in a pinch.
“Got it. I’ll be careful, but right now I gotta stop a turf war.”
I head into the alley, and immediately hear:
“King! You ready to rumble?”
That must be Riff.
“Only if you’s ready to apologize, ya bastard!”
And that’s Spot.
I poke my head around the corner, and see that it’s equally divided: Brooklyn vs Jets. Riff has a cocky grin on his face, while Spot… looks more mad than I’ve ever seen him. At foist I think it’s just gonna start with Riff ‘nd Spot slug’n it out- then I see Riff’s switchblade.
Oh God.
“Let’s bounce, buddy boy!”
Riff advances, while Spot looks as if he could kill Riff then and there. But I won’t let that happen.
“Colon!” I bark, make’n my presence known.
Riff sees me, and starts laugh’n.
“Hey, King! It’s yer goil!”
Now all tha Jets is laugh’n, make’n faces and whistle’n at me.
When Spot hears me, he whips his head around and his eyes go wide- not by surprise, but with fear.
“Kat? Kat! Whaddya do’n? Get oudda here before ya get hurt!”
But I don’t. Instead, I sassy-walk up to tha 2 leaders and put a hand between ‘em.
“Sorry, boys, but I gots an appointment to see a certain someone named Spot Colon.” 
Riff grunts. “Really, doll, you’s crazy if you think you’s can just waltz in and interrupt a rumble-”
“Shut it, Lorton. Be glad that Cowboy’s sent me on good terms. Don’t forget that Tony owes him a favor. I know he’s got connections with Denton, who could pass on a few secrets to Krupke and have you sent away for life.”
Riff’s jaw tightens, but eventually he backs away.
“Next time I see you, King, you’s dead meat! That goes for yer goil too!”
Spot lunges at him, but me ‘nd Mouthpiece break tha two leaders apart.
I glare at him. “Last chance, Lorton. One call, and you’s Krupke’s problem!”
I take my chance and grab Spot’s tie, lead’n him back to the alley.
“Kat- it’s really you. I- I thought you was-”
“Dead? Lifeless? Sleep’n with tha fishes? Well you’s wrong then, weren’t ya?”
King frowns. “I’d heard rumors that you’d gone to ‘Hattan, that you’s Cowboy’s poison now.”
“That’s right. And he sent me to give you this, along with tha threat on my life if I didn’t deliver it.”
I hand him tha envelope, which he takes gingerly and opens it. It takes no more than 30 seconds for him to read it, and when he’s finished his face changes to a noivous, anxious expression.
“Kat, I- What I did, it- What I’m try’n to say is-”
“Forget it. I’s done my job, now I godda head back.” I turn to leave, but King softly grabs my wrist. A part of me nearly gives him a good shiner, but anodda part of me wants to hear him out.
“P-Please. Don’t leave. I luv you-”
I can’t believe this.
I chuckle darkly and shake my head. “No ya don’t.”
Spot ignores me. “Please, Kat. I luv you.”
“If you luv me, you wouldn’t’ve left me. Do you know how cliché you sound right now?”
I yank my hand away and strut towards tha bridge, but Spot keeps up.
“Kat, I miss you. I’s neva stopped think’n ‘bout what I did, and I wanna make it right. I thought you’s was just try’n to betray me, but-”
I pivot and cage Spot to tha wall, look’n him dead in the eye.
“But I was actually try’n to be nice? Try’n to care about you? Well too late, Spot. If life’s taught me anyth’n, it’s that I can only trust my family. My new family. Believe me, I sometimes wish I could get oudda this life and into one that doesn’t have goons ‘nd cops try’n to kill me every day. But life ain’t fair, so I godda woik with what I got.”
“You got me.”
Spot’s eyes are now swim’n with unshead tears, and it’s tha closest I’s eva seen tha King of Brooklyn cry. But still…
I hang my head and sigh.
“I thought I did. And then you left me there to die.”
Spot brings a hand up to caress my cheek.
“Kat, I-”
I shove Spot and step back away from his touch.
“Can it, Colon! You’s know very well what you did! Those Jets nearly beat me to death, and yet you didn’t wanna step on any toes, so ya just left me there! And ya still wonda why I don’t trust you-!”
Spot suddenly gets unnerved.
“Why do ya think I’s in a rumble against the Jets now?!”
“‘Cause you’s stubborn, that’s why!”
“No! It’s ‘cause I wanna do to them what they’s did to you.”
Wait- he- Really?
I just stare at him and lean against tha wall, try’n to piece things togedda.
“Y-You- I-”
Spot, see’n I’s calmed down, steps ova and gently places his hands on my shoulders. When I don’t flinch or try to escape, he wraps me up in a hug and rests his head on top of mine. And it’s in this moment that I can smell his cologne, tha smell of saltwater and woodsmoke. Every moment I’ve spent with Spot comes flooding back, and it makes me wanna melt into him and neva let go.
“Don’t leave me, Kat. I luv you. It took nearly lose’n you to make me realize that, but I wanna do whateva it takes to make you mine. Please-” His voice cracks, and when I lift my head up I see an unusual sight: Spot Colon is cry’n. “Please forgive me. I can’t live without you. I’ll never let anybody hurt you again for as long as I breathe. You’s tha most special, beautiful goil tha Maker ever created, and I want you to know that you’s the only person who can make me cry.”
I give a shy smile, and he chuckles a little while try’n to wipe away his tears.
“What did that note say?” I ask.
Spot tries to act casual. “’S noth’n, just a note-”
“Spot. What did it say?” I ask more directly.
Spot hesitates, then: “It said: ‘Break her heart, and I break you.’ Signed Jack Kelly.”
I stifle a laugh. “Typical Cowboy, Always the matchmaker.”
“Seriously, Kat. I-”
“Shh.” I hope a finger to his lips and his eyes go wide. “You’s got a reputation to uphold- ya can’t be seen cry’n with a goil! So straighten up and go do what you do best, Sean.”
At tha use of his real name, Spot looks as if he’s been born again.
“D-Does this mean you-?”
I lean in and merge my lips into his, wrap’n my arms around him and grasp’n his soft hair. Spot lets out what sounds like a gasp and a moan, and then pulls me impossibly closer to him. We stay like this for who knows how long, 2 old friends with no care in tha woild. Tha kiss becomes more heated and sloppy, and soon Spot’s hand is rub’n up and down my back- which makes me lean into him more. But we both need to breathe, and when we come apart for air Spot has a look of complete smittenness on his face.
“Yes, Sean. I forgive you. You know as well as anyone that I ain’t a good liar, so I’ll save tha trouble of try’n to hide my feel’ns for ya.” I kiss his forehead. “I miss you too, Spotty, even though ya drive me crazy sometimes.”
Spot hugs me again and kisses me ova and ova.
“Thank you, doll! I donno what to say-”
Beep! Beep!
I turn my head and see Mush drive’n up. Oh-oh.
“Well make it quick, ‘cause I don’t think Kelly’s gonna take to well to me mesh’n faces with a rival leader. Especially you.”
Spot smirks. “So… we’s got a secret luv, don’t we? I like tha sound-a that!”
He leans in to kiss down my neck, make’n me smile.
“By tha way, that’s a pretty bold move, make’n out with a rival gang member,” I smirk.
“You started it, not me,” Spot argues back with a cheeky smile. “But I’ll gladly finish it.”
Just before Mush drives up, Spot bends me back, cups my face, and kisses me deeply for tha whole woild to see- bold and unafraid.
“Whoo! Nice one, Spot!” Bucky calls from tha bridge.
“Wait ‘til Cowboy hears about this!” Mush groans from tha car.
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sl-newsie · 2 years
Chapter Thirty One: Safe (Spot Colon x Female Newsie)
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(Warning: hint at rape and slight intimacy)
Today was a bad day. It rained all morn’n, and nobody was out- so I’s didn’t sell as many papes. But I get ta see Spot tonight, so maybe things’ll turn up.
On my way to Brooklyn, I hear voices- which is odd since I’s hadn’t seen a single soul for a few blocks now. It’s alright- you’s made this trip dozens-a times. You’s just let’n Jack and Spot’s cautious talk get to you.
I’s dressed like a boy, but that don’t mean I’s still ain’t noivous. 
Tha voices keep get’n louder, but whenever I look behind me there ain’t noth’n there. Until-
“Nice day, right Oscar?”
I whip around and face tha Delancy broddas stand’n in the ally, block’n my way out, and immediately get a sick feel’n in my stomach.
“Yeah, real nice day. I’s was just think’n ‘bout do’n someth’n. How ‘bout you?” Morris asks his smirk’n brodda.
“Yeah. How’s about we’s find a nice-look’n someone to… take care of.”
My stomach drops.
“Hey, there’s a beautiful goil right there!” Oscar points at me, as if I hadn’t heard ‘em. What’re they-?
“C’mere, sweetie. We don’t bite!” Morris taunts.
I shake my head. “N-no. I gots to be go’n-”
“Hey, I’s right! She’s tha one! She’s Colon’s squeeze!”
I flinch. Spot and I haven’t gotten too intimate, and I’s still too afraid to ask. I’s afraid he’ll hate me for it, or if he will want me just ‘cause of that.
“Come here, now!” Morris stiffly strides forward and grabs my arm, which in response I kick him in tha knees.
“Touch me again, and I’ll- I’ll-!” I can’t find me own voice…
“You’ll what? Ya gonna cry? You think you’s untouchable just ‘cause you’s Brooklyn’s little hussy?” I gasp and he laughs with Oscar. He also pushes me back against tha wall and grips my wrists. “Hear that, Oscar? She thinks she’s is so all high-and-mighty just ‘cause she’s Colon’s plaything!”
Tears form in my eyes. “No! No, I ain’t- We haven’t- I-” But I can’t speak. And even if I could, they’s wouldn’t listen to me.
Morris leans in and tries to kiss me, and I nearly belch. He’s a tentacle-faced bastard! I bite his lip, which just makes him tighten his grip.
“Kiss back, harlot! God- I don’t know why Colon’s kept ya around, your such a tiny thing!”
“Maybe he likes ‘em smaller?” Morris chuckles.
My strength has left me. All I can do is whimper.
“This is get’n old. Shall we?” Tha broddas share an evil look, and I know what they’s think’n when Oscar starts mess’n with my knickers.
“No- No! P-Please-!”
I get a slap in tha face.
“We weren’t ask’n you! What, ya surprised? Colon ain’t ever slapped ya?” He hits me again, and my knees buckle, send’n me to tha ground. He hits me again, this time across my cheek.
“Uh- Oscar? Maybe we’s should back off for now. I mean, soak’n tha Brooklyn gang is one thing, but beat’n Spot’s goil? He’s gonna send us to Hell and back!”
Oscar leans in for one last attempted kiss, which I stiffen at. “Suppose you’s right, Morris. Alright, slut. We’s leave’n- fer now. But don’t think just ‘cause you’s Colon’s goil it means you’s get’n away with anyth’n! We’ll be back!” He runs a threat’n finger along my jawline.
And with that, he sneers and turns away. Morris goes to follow him, but not before give’n me a look of slight apology.
I feel sick. Like there’s dirt on my skin that’ll never come off.
Those low-life, slimy, no-good, sleazy bastards!
I break down cry’n, and sit there with my face to tha ground. I can’t bear to look up- even if there ain’t nobody there. How did I let that just happen? Am I really just a weak, little goil?
I can’t stand be’n alone any longer- I need Spot! 
I slowly, cautiously get up and look both ways before I come oudda the ally, then I take off sprint’n, not bother’n to look at anybody I pass. It’s all I can do not to break down cry’n in front of everybody.
Tha Brooklyn Bridge is a new sign of sanctuary all in itself. I can’t wait anodda minute ‘till I see Spot-
But I can already see Spot’s got himself in a situation too. Him and tha Brooklyn gang’re surround’n a guy- a nonfriendly, by tha looks of him. Probably glanced at Spot the wrong way and gots to pay for it.
I don’t wanna interrupt, but I can’t control myself. When Spot looks over and sees me, his face lights up a bit. He glares at tha thug and says a few words, then runs ova to me.
“Hey! I didn’t know you’s-”
I don’t let him finish. I wrap my arms around him, grip his suspenders for dear life, and sob, like a pathetic goil. I don’t even care my face is burn’n from rub’n against tha suspenders.
Spot, surprised by this, seems to give his joke’n gang a warn’n look, and pulls me in. All tha Brooklyn newsies split, but not before give’n me strange looks.
“Hey, it’s ok. It’s alright. Let it out, Beauty. Shhh… What happened?” Spot runs his hands up and down my back. His woids give me comfort, but when Spot sees tha handprint left on my face his features turn dark. His body goes stiff, and his hands clench.
A simple question- one I wish I’d never have to answer.
It takes me a while, but I finally whimper:
“Tha- Tha Delancies,” I whisper so quiet, but Spot still hears.
“They’s hurt ya pretty bad, huh? Even I knows it’s bad when Rebecca Colon is cry’n. It’s alright- you’s safe now.”
“S-Spot- Do- Do you… Do you only like me ‘cause I’s pretty?” I struggle to find my voice, and even so I don’t wanna know the answer.
Spot does a double-take, and don’t seem to get my question.
“You know- how you’s only with me ‘cause I’s… with you physically.” I cannot believe I’s talk’n about this!
He then gets it, and his eyes widen a bit. I wanna look away, but I godda know-
“Beauty, you realize there’s a million odda reason for me to luv you, right?”
I nod shakily and look away, embarrassed I’d ever brought it up. But Spot catches my face in his hands and makes me face him.
“Whatever them two bastards told you, it ain’t true. I luv you ‘cause your you, and I don’t want you to ever change. Please don’t change, Rebecca. You’s just fine tha way you’s is. And…” He licks his lips, unsure what to say. “...And if you’s ever wanna talk ‘bout be’n physical, it’s ok. Ya don’t have to be so shy. I never bring it up ‘cause I’s don’t wanna make you’s feel uncomfortable.”
“Th-Thanks, Spot. I- I’s just ashamed that I’s so shy ‘bout this…” I hang my head again.
“Beauty, you know how adorable you’s is when you’s all flustered? I luv it! Don’t worry so much- I knows a thing or two. You can trust me.”
I can- I knows I can.
“Th- Thanks, Spot. I- l-luv you too.” I gather myself and attempt to explain what happened.
“They-they’s tried to… They said…” I gasp for breath as I look down at my slightly ripped pants..
Spot gets this message loud and clear, and clenches his teeth. I can feel his temper rise’n, and know this ain’t gonna fly well with him.
“I’ll soak them bastards! I’ll soak ‘em so hard they’s won’t be able to walk!” He lets go and starts march’n away, but then realizes what he’s do’n. He comes back and holds me again.
“I’ll find ‘em, don’t worry. But for now I’ll stay with you, alright?”
I nod again. “Th- Thank you, Spot. I- I’s just sorry I wasn’t stronger-”
“Hey, hey! There’ll be no talk’n like that! Beauty, they’s cornered you in an ally! They’s more than twice your size and strength, not to mention you’s probably weren’t think’n straight when they’s tried to-”
He stops, disgusted to even say anymore. But he also seems to rethink someth’n.
“I- I didn’t mean you’s weak-minded or anyth’n-”
“No, no. I- It’s fine. I was weak-minded when they’s… did what they did. Don’t be so hard on Morris- he made them stop.”
“That ain’t no excuse- he still hurt ya! And that ain’t gonna be taken lightly! I ain’t just gonna let some bastards feel up my wife!”
“Th- Thanks.” I bury my face in Spot’s neck, thankful for tha safety and comfort.
“No problem. You’s here now, alive. My strong, beautiful goil. And that’s all I could ever want. Hey, Bucky!” Spot calls over at his second-in-command, who’s returned. “Tell tha jerk to scram- unless he wants a busted leg!” He must be refer’n to tha guy they’s was fight’n earlier.
Tha guy in general sees me, and scoffs.
“You’s ain’t gonna fight just ‘cause of some wimpy goil?” tha brute asks.
That did it. If looks could kill, tha guy’s blood would be soak’n tha pavement. Spot’s glare intensifies as he steps toward him almost a little too calmly.
“As a madda-a-fact, her name’s Becca, and she’s tha most beautiful thing tha Maker ever created, and if I catch you’s talk’n ‘bout her like that again, I’ll rip your throat out!”
Tha brute don’t wait any longer- he takes off run’n like a wimpy deer, and he don’t look back.
Spot looks back at me, with a mixed look of pity and humor. “I guess I knows how to pick ‘em. Why’s it you’s always got bums chase’n after you?”
I shrug, wipe’n my face. “Just lucky, I guess.”
He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me against him, then whispers in my ear: “Then I guess I’s got tha best luck of all, ‘cause I get to be with you.”
I let a giggle slip. Then, Spot says:
“It’s get’n late, and you’s had a long day. How ‘bout we gets you to bed?” Before I answer, he swiftly picks me up and begins to carry me.
“Before you’s start hiss’n at me ‘bout carry’n you, can it! It don’t mean you’s weak, I’s just show’n how I luv ya.” 
I don’t protest. Instead, I rest my head on Spot’s shoulder and nearly forget all about what happened…
Upstairs, I’m laid down gently and begin to take off my shoes-
“You want me to stay?” Spot asks. In a hopeful way, or just curious?
“Would ya hate me if I said yes?” I ask, take’n my hat off and let’n my hair down.
He grins at me, a boyish grin that nobody could ever top. “Never.” 
He sits down next to me while I finish untangle’n my hair, and I notice him analyze’n me oudda tha corner of my eye.
“We could have some fun, if you’s ok with it.”
My heart skips a beat, but… I don’t panic. I’s a mature, married woman. I trust my instincts, and this feels right. My voice avoids me, so instead I run my hands up and down Spot’s suspenders, then begin to slowly pull them off one by one. This gets me a shocked, wide-eyed look from Spot.
“Yes,” I say in a low, but certain voice.
Spot’s face lights up, and he slowly starts take’n off his shirt. I notice his pupils dilate as he brings me in for a deep kiss, already run’n his hands on me…
“Wow,” Spot breathes, both of us pant’n. “Just… wow.”
I give a small smile. “Not too bad yourself.”
Spot cups my face and makes me look at him.
“Ya sure you’s ok?” Spot asks again. “No more worry’n ‘bout tha Delanceys?”
I nod, trace’n tha veins on Spot’s arm with my finger. “You make me feel safe, Spot.”
He nods back, and we both begin to drift off. I’s tired, but I keep get’n tangled in the blankets. It’s extremely late, and we’s both extremely tired, but for tha life of me I can’t settle down!
“Beauty, will ya stop move’n?” Spot grumbles, his hat over his eyes.
“Sorry!” I hiss. “I just can’t find a spot to get comfortable in-”
I feel a hand reach across my side and pull me in, closer to Spot. His heat radiates off him and comforts me.
“Well, here’s a spot you’s can get comfortable with.”
I open my mouth to respond, and then get tha joke. I smirk. “Haha, Spot Colon is play’n with woids.” 
I give him an annoyed look while he looks down at me with a simple, content smile.
“I didn’t think I’d ever be able ta luv you any more than I already did, but I guess I was wrong.”
“I’d never thought I’d ever be able to find luv, let alone be able to feel so happy. I guess we’s both wrong,” I smile.
I nuzzle into tha crook of his shoulder, and feel Spot kiss my head. Slowly I drift off to tha sound of Spot’s steady breath’n…
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