#bro those notes are not in your range try an octave up
panzathoth · 7 months
Man I dont even go here but I keep thinking about machinegun kelly's absolutely dogshit cover of aerials
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jseobsky · 1 year
Rant destroying the phrase "he talked one octave lower"
w/c: 711 words.
okay I gotta confess something- my biggest fanfic and books pet peeve is when they say their voice goes an octave (even worse if it's more than one octave) lower or higher, HAVE Y'ALL TRIED IT?! I mean talking one octave low doesn't seem that bad (even though I've tried going one octave lower than my talking voice and it's impossible for me to talk like that) BUT WHEN THEY SAY THAT SOMEONE'S VOICE IS LIKE THREE OCTAVES LOWER- bro- no 😭😭😭 Like just to put it into perspective 😍😍 let's say that someone (like me) talks around G3 (G/Sol is the note, 3 is the octave it plays) If I were to talk three octaves lower I would talk in G0, fine right 😍😍 WELL NO BECAUSE NOT EVEN A GUITAR BASS GOES THAT LOW😭
Telling you why down below 😘
To put it into kpop perspective. If I were to talk one octave lower, I would be talking into stray kid's Felix deep voice range. AND if I were to talk three octaves lower I would be talking two octaves lower than Felix's deep voice. Talk about talking like a demon.
(plus if Felix's were to talk three octaves lower , that's the example that made me write this, he would be talking around the octave -1 and the octave 0, which is ✨😍not possible😍✨)
Let's talk higher now, since I've also seen some examples. Going back to me, I talk around G3, if I were to go one octave higher that would be on my singing range, for example Violeta by Iz*one is in G major so to give an approximate idea on how high it would be, I would be talking in the range where they sing most of the pre-chorus (fun fact the "violeta" that goes to the chorus the "vio" part is in G4, the things you learn when you want to prove a point)
I can talk in that voice, sure, but let's look the three octaves higher 😍 Remember, my talking voice: around G3. Singing: can go to G4. But how does G6 sound like? 😱😍🤟
Remember playing in those kid pianos that are kinda big and you feel like a piano master playing random keys. Just me? Or remember those electric pianos that your music teacher, if you had one, had that you always wanted to just play one note for the funzies? Those pianos are usually between two kinds, a 49 key piano and a 61 key piano.
What octaves does each piano has? Well a 49 key piano has a range between C2 to C6. While a 61 key piano has a range between C2 to C7. (we're going to ignore the fact that the lowest note, the one you played at the end that sounded so deep after playing each note is higher then my three-octaves-lower-voice) So basically, my now three octaves higher voice would be that annoying note at the end of a 49 key piano that sounds so high you wanna punch someone (totally not bcs I'm autistic and hate high pitch noises)
Again, kpop perspective. Ateez's Junho high note in wonderland (the end high part on kingdom) is a B5... A B... FIVE, I would be talking 5 tones HIGHER than that. WJSN's Yeonjung hits a G5 in secret, so does Chuu in hi high, both just one octave lower than G6.
I looked up the highest kpop high notes, as of 2018-03-17 a video made by DareDB KPop Classic gave some examples of the highest notes sung by a female kpop idol, there are some examples on the G6, but it's mostly just trying to hit the note not holding it for a little. However I discovered something 😍😍😍 Shannon in masked singer hits a G6 singing to Mariah Carey's song "Emotions"
While I know and acknowledge that this is usually written from a place of either exaggeration, metaphor, or not knowing how much that is, I'm just a little shit who likes to question everything and hate on small things😘 You do you while I do I, I'll keep writing "their voice got lower" while you'll keep writing a thing that's not realistic/hj😘😘
Anyways thanks for coming to my Ted talk, I spent way too much time on this. Bye.
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joo-heo-n · 7 years
The Friend in Boyfriend
Genre: Fluff
Member: Wonho
Word Count: 4,315
a/n: This one... was long lol I apologize for any mistakes!!! enjoy!!!
The Friend in Boyfriend: Changkyun / Jooheon / Shownu / Wonho / Hyungwon / Minhyuk / Kihyun
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There it was again, another girl who swooned over your best friend and thought befriending you was a one way ticket to him. “I’m really sorry but I don’t think I can get you a date with him” you said, trying to be civilized but letting your annoyance seep through anyway. She stared at you with a pout, “Yeah I’m asking for too much… but do you think maybe you could give me his phone number? If it doesn’t bother you” she persisted and you bit the inside of your cheek in anger.
You held her gaze for a few seconds before you let out a sigh, “It does bother me, sorry” you replied, already taking a few steps before she stopped you once again, “I know I’m being pushy but I promise if you just maybe mention me to him-” she pleaded and you came to a halt and turned to her completely with a scowl. “I won’t- I didn’t want to tell you but I’m his girlfriend and it really bothers me that you want these things” you blurted and she froze before you, stunned.
“Sorry” you then said indifferently and walked away.
Hoseok scrolled through his phone as you tried taking notes for your homework, the music he played was the only sound between the two of you aside from your scribbling. “Guess what?” he then said, laying down on your lap and looking up at you, “I’m doing homework” you said in a sing-song manner and he grinned, “I know but guess what?” he continued and you glanced down at him briefly before giving your attention to your homework once again. “What?” you asked in disinterest, furrowing your brows in focus.
Hoseok smiled widely and sat back up, “I have free time this weekend, we should go out to eat” he said and you turned to him in question, “I thought you had a ten page paper due this weekend?” you said and he narrowed his eyes at you as menacingly as he could. “I’m feeling generous so I’m putting it aside to spend time with you” he said, as if he were doing you a grand favor, making you snort and go back to your notes, “Finish it and we can go” you remarked and heard him emit a low groan.
“I should go then” he then said in resignation, coming to his feet and standing by your doorway expectantly. You met his gaze and shook your head in question, making him avert his eyes from you to the front door, cocking his head in that direction, “You’re not walking me out?” he asked and you let out an exhale, lazily dragging yourself away from your bed. He smiled brightly at you and threw his arms over you as you neared him, “I’m kidding, I’ll go. Text me tomorrow” he said and you smacked your lips at him for making you get up.
The weekend was far too close for you to think about anything else other than spending time with Hoseok. You had made sure to be up to date with everything so you could spend this weekend as carefree as possible, and you made sure it was the same for Hoseok, sitting through a six hour paper. It was a lot of snacks, breaks, and uncomfortable sitting positions that made it possible for him to finally submit it, and the two of you nearly cried when it was over.
You laid on his bed with much overwhelming joy filling your chest, and you could tell he was so relieved as he made his way to lay next to you. “My eyes are getting watery” he confessed and you cackled, “Seriously?” you said, sitting up as he nodded and grinned, rubbing his eyes and shifting to lay on his back. “Now we can go out and have fun this weekend” you said, laying back down on your back like him as he glanced over at you. “What do you want to do?” you asked, feeling exhaustion weigh you down as you turned on your side to face him. Hoseok sighed and closed his eyes, “I don’t know… I’m tired” he said, his voice dropping an octave and you could tell sleep was pulling him under.
You checked the time and let out an exhale, it was 3 in the morning, so you sat up and scooted off the bed, making Hoseok turn to look at you in surprise. “Where are you going?” he asked and you looked at him confused, “What do you mean?” you asked and he knitted his eyebrows, “What do you mean, what do I mean? Where are you going?” he repeated and you chuckled. “It’s three in the morning, I’m going home” you stated matter of factly and he shook his head, forcing himself up and waving you over to him. “Just stay, I’ll sleep on the floor” he suggested and you took a deep breath and nodded, “Okay” you said, making your way back to his bed.
You tucked yourself under the blankets and protested as soon as Hoseok did the same, “Wait, wait, wait- no, you called the floor” you said and Hoseok brought you into his chest forcibly, “Hey-no-” you started but he only smiled and held you tightly.
“The floor is cold” he commented and chuckled.
He woke up and saw you were already gone, making his heart sink a little since you hadn’t even left a goodbye note or something, which he then shook away from his thoughts. He found his cell phone bombarded with several text messages from his friends and notifications, none from you. He scrolled through them lazily, reading through group chats for class projects and found a few new people following his social media. Finally he came across a text from one of his friends:
[Friend]: You guys are finally dating?
It read and Hoseok knitted his brows in perplexity.
[Hoseok]: What?
He replied and sat up, running his hands through his face and hair, letting out a long breath and getting up when his phone dinged again with a new text.
[Friend]: We saw it coming, no need to hide it bro lol
It read, and only drove Hoseok further into confusion, what was happening? Who was dating? Saw what coming?
Hoseok dialed his friend’s number and held the phone up to his ear as he walked into the bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror and grimacing in distaste at his appearance.
The line rang only a total of three times before his friend was picking up with a chuckle and a teasing ‘hey’. Hoseok spoke for the first time and his voice sounded like it had been used to scream for ten hours straight the day before, “What are you talking about?” he spoke into the line and his friend chuckled again, “What do you mean?” his friend asked. Hoseok could hear him grin through the phone, making him smile a little to himself as well, “Who’s dating?” he asked his friend who only replied with as much confusion.
“You? Aren’t you dating Y/N?” he asked and Hoseok nearly jerked his head back in surprise, coming to a stop in the middle of the bathroom, “Says who?” he replied and his friend cackled on the other end. Hoseok wanted to laugh as well, the conversation made no sense to him at all, “What the fuck?” he said with a light chuckle and his friend regained his breath and cleared his throat. “A friend of a friend said, dude” he commented and Hoseok snorted, “Okay, not the first time” he said continuing his task to get the shower ready. “I know, that’s what I thought too- it was some girl who likes you in one of your classes, so that’s why I didn’t think much of it at first,” his friend said as Hoseok began to pull his shirt over his head, “So then?” Hoseok persisted and his friend chuckled again. “She said Y/N, had told her so, and then more friends of friends started saying the same thing” his friend stated, making Hoseok knit his eyebrows and stop once again, “It’s probably someone just trying to get at her” he concluded and his friend responded with an airy ‘Yeah’.
“So not true then?” his friend added and Hoseok replied, “I’ll tell you directly if it ever is” and his friend said his farewell, leaving Hoseok to grin a little to himself. How that rumor had even started was of no clue to him, but it wasn’t the first time it had happened since the two of you became friends. It only spiked when the two of you became closer and everyone knew you were always together. He wanted to tell you about it and earn a good laugh, because he knew damn well those rumors annoyed the crap out of you.
You woke up and checked the time, moaning as soon as you saw it was already past 11, running your hands over your face and turning to look at Hoseok. He snuggled the blanket and snored lightly, his hair sticking up on all sorts of directions. You quietly got up and gathered your belongings, taking your leave without waking him up.
You headed back home and showered and got dressed, making sure to call him after two hours to make sure he had woken up already, which he had. “Let’s go shopping” he had suggested and you had to make sure you had heard correctly, “Shopping?” you asked and he replied simply with a hum. “Okay, yeah sure” you agreed without protest in fear that he’d change his mind. He liked shopping, but you were a bit of a load for whoever went with you, having a habit of looking through stores and your options thoroughly.
Oh well, it was his idea so he knew what he was getting himself into.
The two of you shopped like it was christmas, finally giving yourselves a break at the food court as you began to dig into your meals. Only when you were almost done, did the two of you finally begin to talk again, “Hey, guess what?” Hoseok asked and you met his gaze expectantly at first, then in suspicion as he smiled widely at you with fake innocence. You narrowed your eyes at him and chewed on your last bits of food, “What?” you said, covering your mouth. Hoseok took another spoonful of his own and raised his eyebrows, “This girl in one of my groups likes me, I think” he said, keeping his eyes trained on you to catch your reaction.
By then, you knew he was provoking you, so you scoffed and leaned back in your chair, “Who doesn’t like you” you said rhetorically and he giggled, “I don’t know what to do about it though” he said, averting his gaze from you and licking his lips. You rolled your eyes at him and sighed, “I don’t care” you said, beginning to pick up after yourself as Hoseok looked at you and grinned, “I didn’t ask you to, but I have to confide in someone my worries” he teased and you chuckled, coming to your feet to throw away your trash and taking his.
When you came back to sit down, Hoseok scooted his chair to your side and leaned his head on you, “Don’t be mean” he said and you smacked your lips at him, “I have told you so many times to only tell me about girls you are serious with, I don’t care about the other ones” you said and he glanced up at you knowingly. “Why?” he asked in a childlike manner and you shrugged him off, “This is why people think we are dating” you scolded and he raised his eyebrows at you, and if you didn’t know any better, you’d miss the fact that he had something to say about that, but refrained from saying it out loud.
“So what’s wrong with the other girls?” he changed subject and you turned to him, “I don’t like girls that like you because then you become a celebrity and I, your agent” you said and he chuckled, grinning in amusement as he looked away. You knew he was aware of these things, you had brought it up several times before, but he delved in taunting you about it. He finally let out a breath and stared off at other people before the two of you, his smile shrinking only to come back sheepishly, “Is that why you keep telling people you’re my girlfriend?” he suddenly said, turning back to you and making your head turn to him in shock.
In that instant, Hoseok’s eyes widened and his smile faltered, “Oh my god- you do? It’s not a rumor?” he blurted and you looked around in worry as a few people nearby turned in your direction. “Shut up! What are you even saying?” you whispered harshly, hitting his arm roughly and making him wince, “My friend told me people were saying we’re dating because you are telling them” he said quietly and your shoulders dropped. You felt as if a sudden spotlight was on you and you lay exposed in front of all the girls you had told that lie to.
“No that’s not- it’s just a rumor” you said and averted your gaze from him in embarrassment but he saw right through you and chuckled, “No wonder no one had showed interest in a while” he joked and you shielded your face away from him. You cupped your hands at the sides of your face so you wouldn’t have to look at his mocking expression. Then you turned to him in realization, “Wait, I thought you said a girl in your group liked you?” you asked and Hoseok shook his head, trying his hardest not to cackle, “I lied, I wanted to see what you would say” he stated and you frowned, letting out a whimper.
You covered your face and moaned, “I hate you so much…” you said and felt Hoseok snigger as he hugged you tightly.
“I’m sorry they bother you so much” he managed through his many failed attempts to not laugh. You pulled away and grabbed your things, “Being your friend sucks sometimes” you said through a small chuckle and Hoseok stared at you sympathetically, “I know, sorry” he said and you met his gaze and grinned, “I had to say I was your girlfriend to survive okay?” you said and he nodded, the two of you chuckling as you got up to leave.
“Let’s go out to eat, it’s on me” he suggested and you nodded excitedly, “You’re being so generous this weekend” you joked and Hoseok smiled warmly at you. The two of you stood up from his bed and headed out, Hoseok claiming he already had a place in mind to eat at.
When the two of you got there, you felt yourself grow more and more excited by the second. You didn’t know if it was because you wouldn’t have to pay for really good food, or because Hoseok was finally with you. He always had so many people to be with, even though most of the time he prioritised you, lately it had felt like the two of you hadn’t had this type of quality time.
You sat at a table for two and you finally glanced at Hoseok who sat across from you and kept his attention on the waitress who asked for your drinks. He ordered for the two of you and it only made you smile harder, making you giggle a little as the waitress took off to bring your drinks.
He finally turned to you and grinned shyly, realizing you had been staring at him all this time. “Stop” he said softly, not at all menacingly and you chuckled, “What’s up with you, why are you being so shy? Don’t you like when people look at you?” you taunted and his grin widened, as he looked away from you for a second. He brought his hands before him and laced his fingers together, “I only like when you look at me” he said and even though your heart fluttered, you scoffed and rolled your eyes.
He looked at you and chuckled, he loved when you were flustered, you could see it.
The waitress came back with your drinks and politely asked if the two of you were ready to order, her eyes drifted to Hoseok more often than not. If this were a different situation, you just knew she would have asked you about him, except right now she was trying to respect you, in case you were his girlfriend.
That alone made your self-esteem falter a little, so you dropped your gaze to your menu as Hoseok ordered. You wanted to say, go ahead girl, look at him all you want, I’m good, I can’t stop you… But I’m not giving you his number. When it was your turn, you made as little eye contact with the girl and Hoseok as possible, ordering and averting your gaze out the window beside you.
Hoseok took in a sharp breath and looked at you, eyebrows raised and lips pressed into a line. You glanced at him and looked away, making him suddenly frown, “What?” he asked. You leaned back in your seat and shook your head, “Nothing- what did you order again?” you asked and he narrowed his eyes at you.
He answered your question and let your sudden change in attitude slide, for your sake.
Halfway through digging into what you had ordered, he stood up to go to the restroom, leaving you to deal with the waitress who was on her way back to your table.
She asked if you wanted refills and you simply nodded, not paying much attention as you continued to eat. When she came back with your filled cup, she lingered a bit longer by you, making you look up at her in question. She looked nervous, and you almost felt sorry but the words spilling out of her next made you throw all sympathy out the window.
“I’m sorry if this is bothersome, but one of my coworkers was curious about your date… I wanted to make sure if you two were dating before my coworker tried pulling anything” she said, awkwardly pointing her thumb over her shoulder. You followed its direction and found a waiter and waitress looking in your direction, making you knit your eyebrows in confusion.
“Which one?” you asked softly, looking back at her and she giggled a little, “The waiter” she said and your eyes widened. You have gotta be shitting me, you thought, a long sigh escaping your lungs. “Um…” you spoke, and the waitress seemed to only grow more uncomfortable, so you simply pulled out your best card. “We are dating, he’s my boyfriend” you said and the waitress looked mortified, “Okay, I’m so sorry about that, I truly apologize” she said and you nodded as she went away.
Almost immediately was Hoseok sitting down, catching sight of the distressed waitress as she left. You pretended to eat like nothing too crazy had happened, but he was analyzing your expression and the waitress on her way to the the people she had mentioned to you.
“What happened?” he asked and you raised your eyebrows, meeting his gaze, “Nothing, she almost dropped my drink” you said nonchalantly. Hoseok quirked an eyebrow at you and shrugged, going back to eating as well.
When the two of you were done, the waitress came back with the check, her gaze mostly away from the two of you. You wanted to smack her across the face and scold her, get it together! Quit acting like that!
Because of how nervous she looked, Hoseok knew something was up, and as soon as he saw the check, you just knew you were done for. His eyes widened as he chuckled awkwardly and looked up at you, holding the check before you.
You nearly face-palmed as you saw the phone number under the waiter’s name.
“She asked- no wait, who asked you about me?” he asked and you shook your head, feeling your face grow hot in annoyance, “Let’s frigging go” you blurted. You took your bag and stood up, waiting for Hoseok to pay in cash quickly as he then followed after you.
Once outside, you tried taking in a deep breath and calming yourself, but Hoseok bombarded you with questions about the incident, and you couldn’t keep down all the emotions you had suppressed.
“Cut it out with all the stupid questions! It doesn’t matter okay?” you said, gritting your teeth and making Hoseok freeze before you, your tone making him furrow his eyebrows in confusion and sudden defensiveness took over him. “What’s up with you?” he asked, and you wanted nothing more than to hit him for being so stupid and oblivious.
“You- I’m tired of having people ask me about you! I don’t care if they like you, why don’t they just tell you instead of me? Why do they have to keep telling me?” you exclaimed and Hoseok stared at you stunned. You took in a shaky breath and looked away, feeling tears well up in your eyes, which only made Hoseok take you into his chest despite your attempt in pushing him away. “I didn’t know it was this bad- like, I didn’t know it bothered you this much” he said into your ear and you felt regret swell up inside of you, making you shake your head, “No it shouldn’t, I’m sorry” you said and Hoseok gave you a light squeeze.
You had never told him, but you had stopped seeing him as a friend a while back, and even though your entire friendship people had tried using you to date him, it had only really started to sting now. It shouldn’t have, he wasn’t yours in that way, so you had no right in being jealous, but a part of you was afraid that because there were so many girls and now even guys after him, there was no way he’d ever see you as more and he’d one day go with someone else.
Even though your lie about being his girlfriend had started as a way of protecting yourself from those interested in Hoseok, it only seemed to hurt you the more you said it. You weren’t his girlfriend and that alone hurt, but having to say it over and over so people would leave you alone didn’t help.
“I wanted today to be special” Hoseok stated, making you frown and finally bring your hands to wrap around his waist as he pulled away enough to look at you. “I’m sorry I ruined it” you said, disappointment forming a knot in your throat, but Hoseok shook his head and brought one hand to cup your cheek. “It was supposed to be special for you, I’m sorry you’re upset” he admitted and you knitted your eyebrows in question, “For me?” you asked and he smiled sheepishly with a nod.
He then cleared his throat and pulled away from you, his hand dropping away from your face. He shook off his shoulders and looked away as you watched him, recognizing his mannerisms from whenever he was nervous. “I thought about this hard and long and wanted to do it today- I wasn’t even going to do it at some point because I was too nervous” he confessed, meeting your gaze as if he were checking your reaction and once he was reassured, he continued, “I don’t know if maybe I just got the wrong idea or if I’m in over my head, but um…” he added. You stared at him in perplexity and he must have noticed because then he was whining and chuckling, cringing and finally hugging you once again.
You laughed into his chest and held him close as well, still confused and curious, “Why are you being like this?” you asked and he chuckled into your ear once more, pulling away and cupping your face in his hands for a minute before dropping them. You still held onto him even though his arms now hung at his sides, watching him take a deep breath and smiling a little, “Do you like me?” he asked and your heart leaped in your chest.
“Because I like you, and I don’t want you to be pretending to be my girlfriend anymore” he stated, his tone much more serious, betraying the smile on his face. You couldn’t find anything to say, because suddenly everything was stopping around you and your brain was losing all command on your speech. So you nodded, making Hoseok stare at you in a mixture of worry and unsure excitement, “Yes what?” he asked and you parted your lips to speak, “Uh…” you managed, trying to calm the butterflies in your stomach.
Your brain wasn’t catching up fast enough so you took a deep breath and nodded once again, dropping your gaze and pulling away from him, “Yes, thank god you said it” you said and Hoseok grinned, chuckling in amusement. “What?” he asked, beginning to laugh, his eyes crinkling and making you laugh as well as you hit his chest playfully and he took your wrist, tugging you to him. “Yes, I like you, you idiot” you blurted and he only smiled brightly, lacing his fingers with yours, “Good, even if people ask you for my number, you don’t have to feel bad anymore” he stated, and your heart swelled in your chest.
You felt your legs weak beneath you, but Hoseok was already bringing you back into his chest and pecking your cheek gently, and you could feel him smile warmly as he nuzzled into your neck.
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