#bro lives in card kingdom
outsockk · 9 months
my sona as a darkner
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ritcchamadayo · 2 years
a little self-indulgent, but-
Meeting the Family! Ft. TWST Beastmen / Mermen
[headcanons / imagines]
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TWST's Beastmen / Mermen x Reader ;
For the Winter Holidays, you were invited by your boyfriend to visit them at home! You happily accept, but you never know what happens when going to a non-human gathering...
(this is mostly going by my own personal hcs and whatever little tidbits TWST had given us about their families ;;;; TWST please do a family reveal..)
Kingscholar Royal Family
Cue Cheka running towards you in full speed :
Cheka already accepted you as his older sibling since you met on Campus!! He's happy someone's taking care of his Oji-tan at school and helping Ruggie out!
Falena on the other hand is a bit of a wild card. You'd be surprised, who knew the King of Sunset Savanna was so... carefree? He treats you really well as the King and as Leona's brother, and all around just really excited. Sibling-in-law soon i hope~? He'd jump around in joy upon meeting you!
Leona and Falena both had the utmost respect for the Savanna's females and Falena's wife, Leona's Sister-in-law, stood quite high in that hierarchy.. needless to say, she's a really well-respected queen within the kingdom and very responsible. But you seem to have piqued her interest, and she's warming up to you quickly! She'd hold herself back from trying to groom you like she would with Cheka, Falena, or Leona sometimes!
Leona would definitely try to swat away his family from bothering you too much just because they're interested. When else does your Prince, Younger Brother to the King himself, bring back a potential mate?
Cheka would love cuddling up to you! Leona would forcefully pull Cheka away because he also wants to cuddle up to you- but hey, you could take a nap surrounded by warm lion beastmen so you don't need to worry about getting cold!
Bucchi Family
Ruggie's grandma adores you!!! She's so happy to see that her dear Ruggie has found someone who'd look after him and feed him!! She'd prepare Ruggie's favorite donuts upon knowing he's coming back with you, and would definitely try to make you eat as much as possible. She loves her grandchildren, and even though living in poverty, she'd do anything to make you and Ruggie happy.
The kids in the neighborhood though, oh boy. At first they'd be all pouty and angry at you, sometimes sending a snarl or a growl your way. But Ruggie stepped in, and you realize that they just didn't want anyone to take away their big bro away!
It's easy enough to get them to warm up to you though! If you brought along plenty of treats for them, they'd flock around you and would be on their best behavior. Good food, good life. Even just a little candy would get them happy!
Bucchi-grandma would definitely remind you to not give them (or Ruggie) too much sugar. You don't want them to go bonkers on sugar rush.. that would destroy the entire place! Ruggie's more responsible now, but you cant help but wonder how he'd look like on a sugar rush when he was small.
Bucchi-grandma adores when you help out with the chores. She gets tired quite fast doing chores every day, but with Ruggie and you helping out, she could finally sit back and relax. And she's so grateful to you!
Howl Family
Jack's pack is definitely an active bunch. Jack's father, would definitely be on high alert. He doesn't want anybody hurting his pup, even though he's all grown up. And moreover, he doesn't want the newcomer to break apart the pack Jack's grandparents had established together in the Shaftlands.
They're definitely a teensy bit territorial, but it only extends to the area around their house. Jack's grandparents, the leaders of the pack, doesn't necessarily bother their children's affairs much but they'd want someone who could blend into the pack and form a relationship as close as family with the rest of the pack!
Jack's mom was wary too at first, but she'd be the one to warm up to you faster and start coaxing her husband to let his guard down. "Jack's brought home a good pup dear, maybe you should give them a chance. He's all grown up now, and it won't be long until he makes his own pack."
Jack's dad would warm up to you after that. He's a little awkward on showing his emotions (which his wife had laughed at) but he's trying his best!! Congrats! Howl-papa now accepts you as Jack's mate! (though Jack may have a few words to say regarding them calling you his mate already... man's just embarrassed.)
Oh Jack's younger siblings love having you around! They'd be shy and hide behind their mother at first, but when Jack called them over to meet and introduce you, you'd find that they're such sweet kids! It'll take a while for them to get fully comfortable but don't worry, with Jack by your side, they'll come around!
Ashengrotto Family
Ashengrotto-mama loves your company! The first thing you see as you enter Azul's house was this badass lady using all 10 of her limbs to cook up a storm! She even freed a few limbs to give you a little greeting hug!
Ashengrotto-papa doesn't show his enthusiasm as much as his wife, but he greeted you properly nonetheless. While Ashengrotto-mama is the businesswoman of the family, Ashengrotto-papa was the one knowledgeable of laws. No wonder Azul made himself a successful business! (All the while avoiding crimes with his shady activities...)
Ashengrotto-mama would definitely fall for you too when you help her with cooking or compliment her dishes. Despite running a restaurant under the sea, she's very knowledgeable about cooking for humans and her dishes were stellar, you can't help but fall for her too.
At first they were surprised to hear from Azul that he had found a human partner, but after seeing how you acted lovingly around him in his octo-mer form and all in all simply loving him for who he is, his parents were glad. Azul may have had a hard time back in the days about his body, but he's been getting the confidence boost he needed from you and that's all the Ashengrottos could ever wish for!
Ashengrotto-papa would be the one holding in the emotional tears, he's so happy that his son found someone who loves him just the way Azul is. Considering this is Ashengrotto-mama's second marriage as well, and her original husband was nowhere to be found as Azul was growing up, he's simply glad Azul found someone and that his love life was far smoother than Ashengrotto-papa's or Ashengrotto-mama's. He's grown up into a fine young man with you by his side.
Ashengrotto-grandma simply watches on fondly, she loves seeing her grandchild happy <3
Leech Family
The first time you met them, oh boy, you might have mistook them for some sort of mafia family. I swear they're not!!!!! They're just a normal family!!!!!! The sharp-teethed smirk scared you at first, but hey, you've spent a while with literal twins with the same traits. You'll survive, right?
Their parents definitely bet on who's gonna find a partner first
You could find so many similarities between the pair of eel-mers with their two sons! Like how Leech-mama's as excitable as Floyd but also a worrywart like how Jade is sometimes, or how Leech-papa's calmness mirrored Jade but he can show his cocky, confident side sometimes that mirrored Floyd's. The two made for a real power couple 👉👈 but they love both twins equally!
Leech-mama would be over the moon! She'd swim up to you and hug you and your boyfriend with her entire body, exclaiming about how happy she was that her son found someone he cares for on the land. She'd make for a bone-crushing hug, but thank goodness it's not you getting crushed, it's the eel twins.
Leech-papa would be skeptical at first. Considering his placement at business and how people like to butter him up using gifts, he'd thought the humans up on land wanted to strike a deal with him or something. But once he's gotten to know you, he'd be a jolly dad and won't stop teasing his sons about the relationship! ("So have you tried doing *it* in your merform?" "DAD WHAT THE FUCK-")
Leech-mama would definitely make you promise to look out for her boys (both of them) while on the land, so that they don't get into unnecessary trouble.. kudos if you could reel in Azul as well knowing that those three were as tight-knit as ever.
(If you took Jade as your boyfriend) It's Leech-papa's win! He won't stop bragging to his wife how he won the bet. "I told you, people would go for a gentleman like our Jade!" Jade thinks it's amusing that his parents bet on them, and would proudly brag about you to his family. Even if it was her loss, Leech-mama would be cooing over you two for ages! (She definitely didn't give Jade signals to treat you like an absolute royalty... Okay, she might have, but Jade already treats you like one anyway~)
(If you took Floyd as your boyfriend) It's Leech-mama's win! She'd be swimming circles around your group and laughing at her husband while bragging. "See! Our Floyd's such a blast to be around, people would fall for him!" Floyd laughed and swam around alongside his mom, and you could even see him clinging on her side while they zoom around you. You could've sworn you felt obligated to join them on the zooming!
(additional - If you date both at once) Aww! Leech-mama and Leech-papa would have to call it quits on the betting, but they'd take a small W for whoever made the first move~ They're going to definitely pull their two boys and you for a giant family hug~! They're elated that their boys have found someone who loves the twins as much as their parents do!
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trolllsss · 4 months
I've been trying to articulate this idea for a while and I think I finally got it.
So there's a troll sickness that only affects Grey trolls, or trolls that had been Grey before. When they lose their pigment they also lose something that fights off this illness in brightly colored trolls.
Modern day trolls don't know about it, thank goodness some of the kingdoms kept good records, they just think Grey trolls die young. That's part of why most kept their distance. They wouldn't be able to camouflage and be eaten, or they'd get sick and have no one to take care of them because they pushed everyone away, or one day they'd just, disappear. Three to five years is the longest most trolls have heard of a Grey troll living. There was one country troll that made it nine. A stubborn, crotchety old troll named Willow who became a grey troll the same day she became a widow.
The sickness only takes about twenty percent of Grey trolls.
Others are too scared to leave their homes so they starve to death. Too numb to do anything but sleep so they die of thirst. Too despondent to see that they aren't a burden so they walk themselves into the beast filled forests and never come back. That's why colorful trolls almost instinctively avoid them. Because they'll just end up dying and knowing them will make that hurt and what living thing doesn't try to avoid pain when it can?
Sickness only takes two out of every ten.
That wasn't so bad before every troll in the world went grey. Thanks Barb.
Trolls started getting sick, then they started dying. The mortality rate is at about seventy percent. Funk found their old records and luckily, a potential cure. I'm calling it Grey Away because I think I'm hilarious. It's a bit of a drive to get but Branch immediately volunteers. He doesn't tell anyone that it's because trolls who were grey for longer are more susceptible to the sickness and he wants to get away from the masses.
Naturally Poppy joins too. The brothers, who were visiting to make sure Branch was okay, all decided to join too. They'd get there faster in Rhonda anyway.
Cue road trip of reconciliation! Proper time for the bros to come to terms with everything that happened and how rough it was for Branch especially. They get good at brothering too. Teasing in a way that's funny (usually about Poppy), making food and then stealing bites of said food, playing games and taking them way too seriously, and flipping the table when they catch someone cheating.(It was John Dory, he was feeding Rhonda cards. It was not subtle.) (No one ever catches Floyd who'd been cheating since the game started.)
The first symptom is losing your voice. It takes a day to realize Branch has stopped talking.
The next day he's grey again, another symptom. Poppy mentions that it's a little weird seeing him like that again. She was just getting used to his other colors.
Bros have to put in more effort to understand their youngest who was pretending he wasn't such because he was worried if he got to be too much work they'd leave him again.
Cue healing. And. You know. Saving troll kind. Again.
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factual-fantasy · 6 months
Heya Factual! Wanted to give ya a million pats on the back for the new art- obviously it looks great as always- but also I'm always excited for new Grimace lore! The monopoly gag was hilarious- I actually thought it was serious for a moment- and then I was ecstatic to see him finally evolve into a Gengar- now he looks even more like Grimace than ever before!
Seeing him evolve reminded me of an interesting fact that I wanted to tell you and Grimace- it's been recently confirmed that Gengar is actually the favorite Pokemon of Atsushi Nagashima, the game director of the entire Pokemon TCG! He said during a recent tour that that's the reason Gengar gets so many cards every year- is because he just likes him a whole lot! So anytime Grimace is feeling down, he can remember that he and his kin hold a special place in the heart of the man responsible for balancing their very existence- at least on the table top!
As for my usual Mario stuff- thanks again for answering my last batch of Asks- I think your implementation of Snifits especially will work quite well! And as for today- I just wanted to keep it simple, and ask for some clarifications regarding an already existing species in the AU, if that's okay, that being the spooky scary dry bones!
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You've mentioned them a couple times I'm the past- I believe as creations of Kamek- but I don't think you've ever drawn them- any ideas what they'd look like in your style? Would they maintain any semblance of their former selves- or be mindless zombies like in the movie? What would be involved in creating one? And would the spell only work on normal koopas- or would it be used to raise other creatures- perhaps even deceased royal Koopas to create dry Bowsers!?
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And also as a sort of side Ask- have you seen the Super Mario Bros Movie yet? If you have what did you think? I noticed you mention it in the last post regarding the Snifits- but I couldn't tell if you were talking about the trailer or the film itself...
(Oh, and as always, thanks for taking the time to answer all our Asks- hope you're finally over the hill and feeling a bit better!)
@neo-metalscottic (Monopoly gag post) (Gengar evolve post)
Thank you so much!! :DD I'm glad you had fun with those posts! XDD And that's so interesting! :0 I would have thought his favorite Pokémon was Pikachu XDD
Now for your dry bones questions...
As for the royal koopas thing.. When Kamek beings something to live/back to life. They are basically just a mindless zombie. They hold no memories of their old selves it seems.. so when a royal koopa dies, they just let them rest. Becuase bringing them back to life would just make them this mindless drone.. not only would it be disgusting and depressing, but its also probably seen as rather disrespectful. To bring someone of such high status back to life as a mindless slave is just.. not great. Hence why Bowsers wife was simply buried when she passed. There's nothing Kamek could do to bring the real her back..
As for the dry bones, I have a solid concept. Buuuut I'm not super sure how it fits into the AU quite yet..
I was thinking that however many years ago.. there was some kind of war or battle that the koopa kingdom was involved in. And they were losing. They were losing too many soldiers.. So out of desperation.. The current king and queen ordered Kamek to do the unthinkable. Bring their fallen soldiers back to life..
They won the battle. But at a cost. Now the majority of their army/citizens are these mindless zombies.. its hard to say how much of the original koopa remains in these dry bones.. since they don't seem to have any memories of their past life..
The remaining living koopas would eventually repopulate and grow in in numbers. They would also learn to live along side the dry bones.. But its always really disturbing to be a koopa and seeing your great grandfather's corpse mindlessly wandering the streets.. still wearing the same armor he was wearing when he died during the great war..
As for their appearance, I actually pictured them being rather large skeletons. A lot of them are missing limbs or have broken bones.. they are all wearing old timey armor that they had on during the war. They are rather mindless and unresponsive to most things.. Though I imagine when some kind of danger is spotted, they suddenly jump to life and become really animated. Rushing towards the threat and neutralizing it swiftly and violently. Just like the soldiers did back in the day..
Once the threat is neutralized, they slump their shoulders. And begin to slowly wander again…
There's a lot I would like to do with this. I wanna experiment with the koopas interacting with the dry bones. Perhaps covering them in flowers to pay respects but to also make them seem less scary to children..
Perhaps some koopa families find their relatives and guide them by the hand back home and have them participate in family gatherings. Maybe its their way of coping.. or they're just showing love. "No matter how far gone you seem or how long ago you died, I still love you. And you are still apart of this family." 🥺
Sometime I'd like to draw them on my pc. But as it stands I'm still rather unwell and cant sit at my desk for very long 😭💔
As a last note, I did finally watch the Mario movie! :D... IIIIt was about what I expected. <XD
Other than Mario and Luigi's relationship being spot on? I found myself rolling my eyes the whole movie. Its probably safe to say that I'm not the target audience and that most people had a lot of fun with it.
And hey! If I didn't like the movie, I can just make my own Mario universe. Which is what I did! XDD
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curhinlupez · 2 months
I am finally back to posting, and oh boy, my vacation was wild!
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So it all began when I was busy in Subcon Forest, soulmaxxing and shadowmaxxing with my bro Snatcher like we always do.
Until my girlfriend and Gideon Graves came up and surprised us with a gift card for Waffle House.
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I was hyped to go to Waffle House, but the closest and only Waffle House on the planet was in Mafia Town.
So me and Snatcher packed our things to take a trip to Mafia Town.
Sadly, my hot cat girlfriend couldn’t come, she said she was busy hanging out with Gideon.
And so, we got to Mafia Town.
It’s a pretty town, but what I loved most about it was that everyone was SO stupid, so I could make them sign my contracts with NO QUESTIONS.
I got like 24 soulless servants by the time I left.
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But not everyone signed my contracts…
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There was this woke brat who denied signing my not very sketchy contract.
Like, who does this little brat think she is? What makes she think she can talk back at the High Value Snatcher Males???
Schools with their woke ass stranger danger videos have such a tight hold on today’s youth, it isn’t even funny.
I mean like, I hate those woke ass stranger danger videos SO MUCH. Schools think they’re so “progressive” with their stupid ass “street smart” videos and classes. Kidnapping would be so much freaking easier without them, but some dushbag thought it would be REALLY GOD DAWM FUNNY if we tought kids about staying away from strangers. Like I hate this shit SO MUCH, SO SO VERY MUCH.
But one good thing that came out of this bitch, is that she mentioned someone that sounded like my good Snatcher pilled emo friend, Matthew Patel, and said he was being held hostage by the Mafia.
We were thinking about killing her with our Snatcher Male Powers, but after she told us that information, we let the wretch live.
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After chatting with that woke beta minion female, we headed to The Mafia HQ, where they were holding our emo High Value Snatcher Male friend. While at the headquarters, we stole everyone’s souls who was there.
Matthew could hang in there. He could possibly be being tortured or killed, but he could possibly suck it up buttercup for a bit.
I mean, Snatcher was tortured and killed, but he turned out fine.
Also, the brat we were talking to was there, but she was cheering me on, so it was all good.
After 30 minutes of stealing souls, we finally get to the Mafia Boss, who was sentencing our Shadowmaxxing Soulmaxxing expert friend with mystical powers to death.
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But we stopped him in his tracks.
He starting rambling about some bullshit about money, and being payed, and probably some confusing shit about the economy, and transactions, and Gideon Graves, and shit like that. But I wasn’t listening, I don’t know how the economy works or how money works.
I dropped out of high school to be a full time professional High Value Snatcher Male, of course I don’t know how money works. And like, what does money, the economy, and Gideon Graves have to do with Matthew Patel??? What’s all this talk about Gideon Graves participating in the economy by paying The Mafia Boss a good amount of money to kidnap Matthew??? Huh??? Why does he need the money??? Is this like some kind of math problem???
This is why I live in the woods.
So anyways, we destroyed the Mafia Boss.
Matthew remembered he had mystical powers and could untie himself very easily.
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Once we have defeated the Mafia Boss, we crowned Matthew the new ruler of Mafia Town. With Matthew now in charge, he vowed to rule over his new kingdom with an iron fist and to make it a better place. And to show gratitude to the mustached girl, we have bestowed upon her to be vice minister.
You know, mustache girl isn’t as woke and minion male as I thought she would be. I thought she would be all into stranger danger and being street smart, and yeah, she kinda is, but really, she’s just a pretty cool kid. She isn’t too woke, I was just angry she wouldn’t sign my obviously sketchy contract. So to show my appreciation towards her cheering me on while I steal everyone’s souls, I will grant her the title as a Jr. Snatcher Female. She has great protential to become a first ever High Value Snatcher Female one day.
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After all of that, we finally went to Waffle House and ate a lot of bacon.
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Man, this was a long post..
SnatcherMaleQuote of the Day:
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aromanticautiesworld · 8 months
Specifically a gn!musician reader who's chill and easy going, (sort of balances fern out/similar to marshall lee) who teases fern sometimes and becomes friends with fern, fern develops a crush on them and gets jealousy of the friendship between finn and the reader and finally gets the guts to confess.
AHGJH THANK U!! i LOVE this req btw im gonna incorporate it into my belief system
fern with a musician gn!reader (art by mee!)
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word count: 1789
The first time, he met you through Finn.
One lousy sunday evening Finn invited you over (he will often invite people over to the treehouse with no warning), the sky was halfway dark, and you looked like you walked all the way here.
You wore a large case on your back, hair tied up and a pencil slid behind your ear. Slung across your shoulder was a duffel bag which he would soon discover was full of paper (paper is weird to think about. It used to be trees, and he’s kinda related to trees now. It’s not cannibalism yet, but it’s close. Corpse desecration, maybe. He doesn’t feel that strongly about it anyways, nor does he feel very close to the trees, even if he technically is) with scrawled half-written lyrics all over them.
“Anyone home?” You half-yell from the bottom of the treehouse. Finn was out on the deck, doing who-the-hecking-gob-knows-what with Jake.
Fern sits perched from his up hiding spot (you could only see his glowing eyes, if you were looking up). He slithers down the ladder, remaining unseen (he doesn’t want to be. They’re a new person. New people are scary), tail flicking.
When you notice him, you quickly turn around. “Hey,” You squint. “Finn?”
There is a pause as he is torn between opting out of this conversation entirely and actually talking. “Fern, actually.”
“Oh. Cool name,”
“I picked it.”
“My parents gave me mine, but I’m considering changing it.”
“Why would you wanna change your name?”
You shrug, “I like to live my life on the edge. Me n’ your roommate got a jam sesh happening right now, you should join,”
There’s a beat of silence. “…I don’t think I’m invited. Grass boys can’t play the flute. Grass boys can’t even breathe.” Fern crosses his arms and looks down, frowning.
Worry flickers over your eyes, if you blink you’ll miss it. “Hmm…” You look to the side, in thought. “Well, now you are. ‘Grass boy’.” You smile ever so slightly when using the nickname he’s given for himself.
“Hey! Only I get to call myself that!”
“Sure, grass boy. C’mon, he’s probably out on the deck,” You walk to the ladder, gesturing for him to follow.
And, for no reason he can think of, he follows you. It’s like he wants to be around you, which is weird. He usually stops himself from being around people, they either treat him like he is Finn or like he’s the opposite. He’s not either, though.
He picks off a flower from his shoulder. Where did that come from?
The fourth time, you had a BFF sleepover. Fern had crawled onto the outside of the tree, to both not intrude and not do something wrong (it was the worst thing when Jake looked at him like that. He doesn’t want you to look at him like that too). The distant sounds of the Candy Kingdom and Jake lamenting at not winning card wars are all the sounds there are, up there.
Until the sounds of someone crawling onto the roof with him.
He sharply turns, ready to fight off whatever evil was trying to kidnap Finn or Jake (or both) this time. But no, it’s just you again.
“Was Jake too mean in card wars?”
“No, I just lost. They’re playing elimination, I don’t feel like watching the rest.”
You plop down right next to him.
“Y’ever been there?” You look up at the sky.
Fern squints, “That cloud?”
“No, pom-pom. The sky.” (This was a new nickname, made after the discovery of his dandelion tail).
“No. Wait! Yes. Magic man was doing some b-s with my bro, so I had to meet the immortal King of Mars.”
“Then what?”
“He died.”
You snort. It wasn’t an intentional joke, but he gets that weird buzzy feeling again.
“Whoa, poms. You’re like, covered in flowers.”
Finn groans. “Aghh! Again??” He sits up and rushes to brush the reds, yellows and oranges off himself.
He turns to you smiling at him in his flower frenzy, frown heavy upon his face.
“What?” He asks, accusatory, grass puffed up (the image reminds you of an angry cat).
“Nothing. Just you.”
Fern’s tail twitches, he de-puffs and he brings his knees to his chest.
It’s quiet again, you both sitting in comfortable silence.
“We may not have sunshine, or starlight, or weather,
But we've got each other, and that's even better.
You don't need the sun to keep you warm when you've got arms,
Wishes come from you and not a random shooting star.
We may not have storm clouds, but the sky's always blue,
We've got something special here
And what we have is you
What we have is you
What we have is you…”
You look over to grass-boy, asking if he liked it, but you stop yourself halfway. He was asleep.
You brush the stray hairs out of his face, before climbing back off the roof to probably lose card wars again. Such is the tragedy of sleepovers.
Fern would later wake up, and have an important realization.
Fern messes around with his…Finn’s old racecar track toy. He then drops it to the floor.
“I got a question for you, Finn.”
“What’s up, dude?”
“If I…hypothetically…liked…someone… how would I go about doin’ that?”
“You got a crush?”
“No! It’s hypothetical.”
Finn squints at him.
Finn continues to squint.
“No no, I got it.”
“Well…I would say you tell them how you feel.”
Flowers cover his face again. “Noooooo!! What if they don’t like me back? What if they like someone else?”
Finn shrugs, “Then they don’t like you back. I had a crush on PB for years, she never liked me back and we’re still friends.”
“But what if…”
“Dude.” Finn stops him. “You got this.”
Fern would appreciate his cheering on, but he’s not so sure Finn would say the same thing had he known it was you, or that he’s got this. He knows you like spending time with Finn more than him.
The ???th time (he’s lost count), you invited him along again, with Finn, (and basically everyone else in Ooo, to be honest. It happens when you’re friends with Finn) to a TV night for your birthday. It was an old one you scavenged up, “My Little Pony” or something (his favorite character is Rainbow Dash).
After many weeks of toeing around the idea of asking you out (that time you guys made pancakes, when you went for a dip in the river He’s going to do it tonight.
You sat next to him (close. to him), singing along to the many, many songs over the noise of the crowd behind the couch.
“No, I do not love the groom, in my heart there is no room—” You lean into him and he mumbles along with the lyrics, small smile on his face.
“Finally the moment has arrived! For me, to be one lucky bride…” Finn is also singing. He pauses, staring off into space, before snapping up. “Oh yeah!”
“Hm?” You look across Fern to him.
“C’mere dude, I gotta show you something!”
You get up from his side, going with Finn, and leaving him disappointed.
He follows the duo, though the mild party and to the hallway where Finn was lugging a huge box.
“I got you a present!”
“Oh, awesome,”
“You wanna open it?”
“Hold on,” You pull a pair of scissors out of your pocket. Why it was in there, no one will ever know.
Fern then gets hit by the realization that he forgot to get you a present. How the heck did he think he could just /show up/ to your party without one?
“Oh, Finn, this is so cool! Thanks so much,” You admire the new guitar you’d window shopped for a few weeks ago, which Finn had apparently taken notice of.
“It’s NP, DW about it.”
“Why are you talking in acronyms?”
“It’s a new thing I’m trying out.”
Fern shuffles over to you. “Hey, um, [ ]? Can I talk to you about something?”
“What’s up?”
He lowers his head more. “Can I talk to you about it in private?”
You look back at Finn, then nod and gesture for him to follow into a more secluded hallway, the muffled sounds of dance music vibrating through the walls.
You don’t say anything, and instead are listening intently (terrifying). Fern has to take a deep breath to steady himself.
“I….um….” He begins to fidget with his hands, “I think you’re really cool. And…you’re one of the only people who doesn’t look at me like a monster. And I like hanging out with you and I wanna hang out more and…”
You nod, urging him to continue.
“…andddddd I—”
“AAAAAAAH!” A scream from the party interrupts him.
You both immediately run out, to see a monster breaking through one of the walls of your house, jerking around violently as Finn already had his sword around its neck (?).
Fern rushes in, grass sword already whipped out.
He joins Finn on its head (? Again. It’s a worm) stabbing it, rapidly. Its pink blood drips down the side of its face, onto your floor. It begins jerking and twitching even more violently now, trying to shake Fern off.
Finn struggles, and tries to get a stable footing, before the force it’s using to try and get both him and Fern off plunges Finn’s sword right through its neck.
Its head falls right to the floor, Fern still on it, who is still stabbing.
Finn continues to fight the rest of the worm’s body, which has since retreated outside and is currently trying to spit acid at him, leaving barren spots in the grass with only mildly dissolved dirt.
You crouch in front of Fern, putting your hand on his shoulder.
“I think it’s had enough, grass boy,”
He looks up at you, then back down at the corpse-head, and re-sheathes the grass sword.
“What were you saying?”
Feen blinks. What was he saying?
You stare at him, intently.
Oh yeah, absolute fear. “I…..”
“……reallyreallylikeyou. Alotalot.” He snaps his eyes shut when he says it, only opening one a moment later to gauge your reaction.
You knew this already, but you wanted to wait until he was sure of his feelings.“Awww, I like you too! you little pom-pom.” You squish his (flower covered) face.
“Stop it!” He complains.
“Nope, we're partners. You can’t escape me now,”
“Go Fern! Yeahhh!” Finn shouts from where he stood on the decapitated corpse on the worm, covered in pink blood.
You giggle, before it slowly subsides. “Wait a minute. How am I gonna pay for my house?”
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scorchieart · 1 year
I sometimes wonder how the princes internally reacted to learning Leon's secret that day in the roundtable room. Particularly, do you think Chevalier was heartbroken?
*spoilers under the cut for Leon & Chevalier's routes*
[Note: Tread carefully in the comments section of this post as there are slight mentions of spoilers for flashback events and Clavis & Gilbert's routes.]
Because to Chevalier, what separates royalty from the commonfolk is duty. He makes it perfectly clear to Belle that the consequences of her decision of king lie entirely on the king himself, and that it is the job of the other princes and the nobility to upkeep the country should he fail. Add that on to the fact that Chevalier doesn't even fully consort with the idea of the Belle Selection. I wouldn't say this means Chevalier looks down on the commonfolk (he assigns value based on how useful a person is to him no matter their upbringing), but he definitely considers them in a separate world from his own.
And Chevalier's world is the palace and the nobles and his faction. He knows the work he and the princes do is a contract to the kingdom they are obliged to fulfill because of their positions. And remember, for much of his life Rhodolite was ruled by a "fallen beast", so who knows how early on the princes had to pick up the slack? [that's a theory for another day...] To Chevalier, nobles and ambassadors come and go, their preferences and alliances shifting over the littlest things, but the princes are honor-bound to stay on the side of Rhodolite; they are the only ones he can trust to act in favor of the kingdom every time. And we know this because even though Chevalier is aware the princes each lead their own double-lives (except Leon, of course...), he only chooses to intervene when their side-hustles actually start to pose a threat to the kingdom.
So when Leon is revealed to not only be a commoner but also not even Rhodolitian [edit: Leon's ancestry is still debatable], Chevalier's trust must have been shattered. The man he deemed worthy enough to lead the internal affairs of his kingdom, to act as his counterweight in politics, to be his rival was as far removed from his world as could be. And he was none the wiser for decades. Was it a bigger insult to the royal family or Chevalier's pride? Whatever the answer, it was enough for Chevalier to draw his sword on Leon the moment the truth was revealed, despite the clearly far more pressing threat from Obsidian on the table.
Chevalier has stated he doesn't care much about blood ties, a prince is a prince at the end of the day, but considering he and Leon were the heads of their factions and Chevalier respected the reputation Leon built upon it, he'd understandably be upset and betrayed. That's his bro, yo. I wonder how he truly felt about Leon ascending the throne here vs. when it happens in other routes.
Chevalier may always act in favor of Rhodolite, but I think it's more than coincidence that what's best to preserve the kingdom almost always aligns with what's best to preserve his worldview.
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[This mini theory is brought to you by me staring at a blank wall and thinking about this card for 30 minutes straight.]
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A potential idea for Deltarune's chapter 3 secret boss
I think this post might get me some weird looks, but fuck it we ball.
I'll just stop beating around the bush and propose the idea (ramble): Chapter 3 will have a Sonic-like secret boss.
You have Woody Theory, now get ready for Sonic Theory.
Now please, hear me out.
The core idea here isn't to just rib at all the bad Sonic OCs in the internet (okay, maybe it was), but I wanted to reflect a theme that fits Chapter 3's take on a TV themed world well (a Hollywood-like setting); stardom, or the loss of it in this case.
For context, in the 90s, due to Sonic the Hedgehog's success, there was a trend where every mascot platformer tried to emulate Sonic (mainly his US portrayal at that time, an effort to make him appeal to the American market more) as much as they could; high speed/fast paced action, a mascot with a cool and snarky attitude, and advertising focused on just how fast the game could go and/or how cool and edgy the mascot is. As with all trends, it eventually died out, with a majority of the titles fading into obscurity (though the Sonic series it self is still very relevant and thriving) if not remembered for how tacky they were.
Basing a secret boss on this fits with the currently known secret bosses’ theme of forgotten and/or discarded objects (Jevil = jester card, Spamton = spam mail). In the context of Chapter 3's Hollywood-esque setting, this makes for a character that was once a star. They were the talk of the town, a household name until they suddenly fell from stardom, mimicking the fast but short lived success of the trend. Now, they wish to reclaim the fame and star power they once had, no matter what and how.
All the secret bosses are heavily tied to the theme of freedom and control. Jevil, believing that he's the only free person in the Card Kingdom, feels like he can do anything (as in being in full control). Spamton constantly seeks freedom and to release himself from his strings. Making the Chapter 3 secret boss an in-game game character also reflects the themes of freedom and control; game characters tend to be played (or controlled) by something beyond their world (players). As a game character, this secret boss's take on freedom and control could be interesting. Instead of wanting to no longer be controlled, they want to be controlled, to have a direction for them to go along with. Now abandoned, they have nobody to follow and be guided by. This mimics a game; playable characters only do something when you move them, let go of the controller and they just stand there, waiting to be moved again. This can also play with the theme of you, the player, and your dynamic with Kris, the character. Kris, someone who's haunted by the idea of all their actions not being in their control, being met with someone who wants to be controlled all the time, their antipode, can make for interesting encounters.
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The Dreemurr household has a game console with two controllers; one official and the other a knockoff/off-brand one. Toriel mentions Asriel liking a character who is essentially the Deltarune universe's version of Yoshi in its version of Super Smash Bros. As 'Super Smashing Fighters' is a clear reference to Super Smash Bros, which as a series is played on consoles, this further confirms that there's a game console somewhere in the house. As the game console is something that Asriel have ties to, this gives Toby the chance to further explore Kris as a person, their thoughts and fears, and dynamics with others (especially family) even with Chapter 3's more lighter and gameplay focused take. The console is currently tucked under Asriel's bed which, while it looks like a problem, I'll get into a bit later.
Video games can still make sense in a TV World that puts emphasis on performance; they're entertainment played on television by connecting a device onto it (at least home console games). The secret boss being the main character of a game can be translated as an actor, someone who carries out the directions provided by a 'script' of sorts (the game itself or you/the player). In a way, video games are movies or shows that the player themselves have full control of; they share several elements with other forms of media, only this time with giving the consumer more liberty in enjoying.
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The Deltarune status updates reveals what the OST calls a 'Green Room'. A Green Room is a "a room (as in a theater or studio) where performers can relax before or after appearances". Fitting for the direction that Chapter 3 takes for a world themed around TV entertainment. Not only does this reinforces the actor and performance theme that Chapter 3's direction goes for, which can especially be applied to the secret boss, but it confirms something; the Dreemurr house's second floor being involved. Before this sneak peek, a lot of fans assumed that only the living room will get Dark World-ified, but this single screenshot seems to be saying otherwise. We get a loose layout of the second floor's hallways, the potted cacti are the same in shape, the couches mimic Kris and Asriel's bed, the starry wallpaper comes from Asriel's side of the bedroom, and some even say the box of (prop?) swords represent Asriel's pencil box. This still gives the chance of the game console as a secret boss, or any other things in the second floor to be referenced as well.
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In one of Spamton's QnA answers, we may have the elements of the next secret bosses revealed. Spamton himself have the Puppet/Cat element, sharing it with Tasque Manager according to the game's files. We can assume that Death/Scythe in this answer belongs to Jevil (though the game's files lists it as Chaos/Chaos, possibly as a joke), as the JevilsKnife is basically a scythe and Spamton dislikes him. This leaves us with Thunder/Light and Dark/Star. Thunder/Light fits well with the secret boss being a Sonic expy, as both are very fast things, while Dark/Star could refer to what this possible secret boss is; a star that fell from fame into obscurity (or darkness).
Now, onto fan theory territory.
1. Memoryhead: There's a theory suggesting that the Memoryheads represent the currently known and future secret bosses. Here's the Memoryhead itself, along with the circled parts showing Jevil (red) and Spamton (yellow):
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Obviously these aren't the only faces on the Memoryhead as we also have this face:
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Should look familiar right? Of course this isn't really definitive proof of the concept being plausible. I wanted to point out just how eerily similar one of the faces on the Memoryhead is to Sonic's conjoined eyes.
2. SOUL colors: A more common theory is that each secret boss would have their own SOUL color/modes based on the Undertale Genocide Route bosses in reverse order (Sans = Jevil = Red, Spamton = Mettaton = Yellow). On top of this theory, another theory from Reddit says that the secret bosses reflect an inversion of each color's virtues; in the case of the currently known secret bosses, Red for Determination, Yellow for Justice. Jevil accepts the truth with no resistance and deludes himself into believing he's free to do anything (the opposite of Determination) while Spamton is a crooked salesman who pressures Kris into making bad deals and scams his customers (the opposite of Justice). Following this pattern, the Chapter 3 secret boss's SOUL color/mode is either Purple or Green. Let's talk about how this could work for our Sonic ripoff.
Purple is the color of Perseverance. Inverting Perseverance could give us something along the lines of Apathy. To persevere is to stand tall even against the odds and the many trials of life. As the trend of Sonic-esque platformers lived for quite a short time, it can be said that it didn't persevere through the tests of time. Maybe we could have someone who's long gave up their dreams of returning to the spotlight, where they consider their current state as being eternally lost, until an opportunity (Kris and their SOUL; something to control them) presents itself. This sends them in a more frenzied and desperate state that makes them do whatever it takes to become famous again, no matter what they'll face in their path to have 'freedom' once more. This portrayal can both invert Perseverance as well as display a twisted version of it.
Instead of spiderwebs, the lines could be TV scan lines, tying the chapter's TV theme with the secret boss' basis of a video game character. The lines could also refer to game consoles and controllers, with both using wires to connect themselves onto the TV.
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Alternatively, this secret boss uses the green SOUL, the color of Kindness. Inverting Kindness gives Selfishness or Meanness. This still lines up with the secret boss being a Sonic clone, as the games that tried to ride and capitalise on Sonic's success tend to forgo Sonic's kindness and heroism for being cool and edgy for the sake of being cool and edgy, ending up with a character whose only defining trait is 'being totally rad' even to the point of self-centeredness. With that interpretation, the secret boss can instead be selfish and shrewd, disregarding others and doing whatever they can no matter what to get their hands on Kris' SOUL. On the surface, they still try to keep a kind and heroic persona (but not without the snark) despite no one remembering them. All of this to reclaim the image that they once have, their stardom, and their life. Why should they matter? They're not the ones who have their lives and acclaim suddenly robbed from them right?
While it skips the Purple SOUL, the Green SOUL returning in Chapter 3 can be inferred from Seam saying that the "next opponent" (presumably the secret boss) is impossible to beat without the 'Shadow Mantle'. A mantle can mean many things, for one it could mean a cape of sorts or a covering. As Seam says that we need the Shadow Mantle to fight the next secret boss, it can be inferred that it acts as a second shield for the Green SOUL, covering the area not protected by it.
3. Heaven and Hell: So far, all the known secret bosses have made references to Heaven or Hell. Jevil, besides being a demonic jester, says “MY HEARTS GO OUT TO ALL YOU SINNERS!” before one of his attacks. Spamton have made several allusions to Heaven (“ARE YOU WATCHING, [Heaven]!? IT'S TIME FOR SPAMTON'S [Comeback Special]!”) and has an angel theming (the mini Spamtons that heal half your health, Spamton NEO). Making the Chapter 3 secret boss a star past their prime by basing it on a dead gaming trend still fits this theming. They’re a star that fell into obscurity. In other words, Lucifer, the morning star, a fallen angel.
Okay, all of this is cool and weird. But then, what about the flowers? The ones Asgore gave to Toriel? Wouldn't that, a discarded thing that sits fairly near to the living room, also be secret boss material?
Simple, they can still be a part of this potential secret boss, just not as the boss itself.
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Instead, the flowers can be the stage for the boss fight. A lot of Classic Sonic games (read: Sonic games at the 90s) start off in places with a fair amount of vegetation, especially trees and flowers. I can see the flowers also acting as the trees. In short, the trash can itself will be the stage for the secret boss's fight.
And now, some personal ideas.
1. Speech quirk: As an embodiment of a long gone fad, this secret boss's speech quirk would be speaking in 90's slang frequently while putting certain letters in bubbles, as if they're buttons on a game controller, with T being replaced with a + to evoke a D-pad. Something like so:
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2. Gaster design motif: It's heavily implied that Gaster have some involvements with the secret bosses. They also have design motifs that they share with Gaster; Jevil have Gaster's eye cracks (or is it just clown makeup?) while Spamton have Gaster's fashion sense. I think, for a character that plays into the theme of a former star that long for their fame to return, the Chapter 3 secret boss will have a hole on each hand, just like Gaster's hands. On top of rings being the main collectible of every Sonic game as well as loop-de-loops being a common feature in Sonic level design, hands with holes can symbolise grasping for something (in this case fame/stardom), only to fail.
3. Amusement park ride: Each secret boss so far seem to have an amusement park ride theme of sorts, with Jevil's fight being in a carousel (or at least similar to) and Spamton's fight taking you on [[a ride around town]] on a rollercoaster. As the rollercoaster is (unfortunately) taken, I'm gonna have to go with a pendulum ride. Besides being a very fast ride (some even swinging in a full circle, just like a loop-de-loop), it can symbolise this character's arc of wanting to reach their past stardom only to slip away.
Of course, I wouldn't be surprised if the entire cowboy thing ended up being a hint to the actual secret boss itself, but, knowing Toby Fox, I also wouldn't be surprised if it isn't. If this ends up being inevitably deconfirmed by Chapter 3's release, I can still claim him as an entirely original secret boss complete with an orange SOUL mode. All in all, I just needed to put this out somewhere, for some unfortunate souls to read.
TL;DR: The Chapter 3 secret boss is a Sonic expy as a riff on the Mascot with Attitude trend from the 90s and to parallel a movie star past their prime (according to Chapter 3's direction), desperate to be guided and to have fame once more.
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disappointingcabbage · 2 months
TDP Season 6 Episode 1 live reaction, spoilers under the cut
Who is this man crying?
What the fuck it’s Aaravos
Ok so Aaravos showing actual emotion was not on my 2024 bingo card
Genuinely why does his crying sound autotuned
There’s another startouched elf??? Who is she?????
Why is the intro still Viren getting statued??? He’s dead
Oh ok his statue got disintegrated
Yup he’s dead
Terry my beloved
O h n o he’s gonna find viren’s body
Bro why are you sobbing over this racist motherfucker
oh no Claudia’s covered in blood
Oh damn Viren is fully redemption arcing and he has Regrets
“No parent wants their child to suffer for them” first of all tell that to Soren. Atone for your bullshit. Second of all you’ve clearly never met my mother
Ah shit Aaravos convinced Claudia to let him out
Viren’s actually putting his foot down and saying no. I never would have predicted this pre-s5 but now it makes total sense and I love that the writers are sticking with his character development
Oh ew this show is actually going to get me to like Viren I hate that
He’s going to Katolis to turn himself in. Based tbh.
Claudia what the fuck though like girlie your whole point of everything was to get your dad back and he’s fine now why are you still going along with Aaravos
Oof her voice acting in this scene is incredible though
Also she’s still missing that leg. I hope she gets either a cool prosthetic or an even cooler mobility aid.
Soren has opening blindfolded for some reason. The reason is either going to be A Secret Meeting for Very Not Good Ominous Reasons or something very funny
Based on the tone of the scene I’m assuming it’s the funny option
Oh it’s just a season 5 recap in the high mage’s office
Oooh they’re deciding what to do with aaravos’s prison
I get he’s on the high council and all but why is Barius here???
Callum wants to destroy the prison, Opeli wants to assemble a multi-kingdom task force to protect it, and Barius wants to hide it
I’m with Callum or Barius tbh, the multi kingdom task force idea exposes too many people to potentially be manipulated by aaravos.
However, hiding it means that it can be found probably and exposes everyone who already knows about it to Aaravos, and destroying it runs the risk of freeing him accidentally.
Soren with the LOTR reference 💀
Rayla has the same issues as me with destroying it
Ezran has decided to hide it in katolis, smart choice
oh no, Zym’s sad about Zubeia
Callum wants to visit this ancient faction of skywing elves for info on A) yeeting the pearl out of existence and B) un-coining Rayla’s family (please let them out)
Callum is right to be afraid of aaravos manipulating him tbh
Awww one of the baitlings sleeps in Callum’s bed
Oh god aaravos nightmares oh FUCK WHY ARE YOU SLEEPWALKING
Rayla do NOT dismiss Callum’s concerns like that
“I have an idea” *fucking sprints away to enact said idea without elaborating* peak autism moment
I’m sorry, you want to stop aaravos with the power of pastries?
“Sometimes I wonder where my mom is too” SOBBING
awwwww bait has a little four poster bed that’s so cute
Ooh anti spell blankie
“I have my blankie 😎” Callum I would die for you
Soren and zym are going on a quest to find Zubeia and Callum and Rayla are going to see the Celestial Elves but more importantly, each questing squad is taking a baby bait with them!!
If the one going with Soren isn’t Hat I will be very disappointed
Claudia why are you ominously standing over Terry and trauma dumping
Claudia what are you doing with the staff
Claudia no please don’t hurt him if you hurt him it’s transphobic
Oh ok she’s just walking her toxic ass out of the relationship cool
Terry don’t wait for her she doesn’t deserve it
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chuitu · 29 days
𝕀'𝕞 𝕛𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕒𝕤𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕢𝕦𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕥𝕠 𝕘𝕖𝕥 𝕤𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕩𝕥 𝕓𝕦𝕥…𝕀 𝕨𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕤𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕩𝕥 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕐𝕖𝕧𝕒 𝕒𝕟𝕕 ℝ𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕠𝕟'𝕤 𝕣𝕖𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕡. 𝕀 𝕘𝕖𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕗𝕖𝕖𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕪 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕒 𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕡𝕝𝕖 𝕚𝕟 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝔸𝕌 𝕓𝕦𝕥 𝕗𝕣𝕠𝕞 𝕨𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕀 𝕤𝕖𝕖 𝕚𝕟 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕜, 𝕀 𝕤𝕖𝕖 𝕚𝕥 𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕒𝕤 𝕡𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕠𝕟𝕚𝕔. 𝕊𝕠 𝕀 𝕛𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕟𝕒 𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨 𝕤𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤. 𝕎𝕙𝕖𝕟 𝕖𝕩𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕝𝕪 𝕕𝕚𝕕 ℝ𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕠𝕟 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕐𝕖𝕧𝕒 𝕘𝕖𝕥 𝕥𝕠𝕘𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕙𝕠𝕨 𝕕𝕚𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕪 𝕞𝕖𝕖𝕥 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕨𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕨𝕒𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕚𝕣 𝕣𝕖𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕡 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕖 ? 𝔸𝕝𝕤𝕠, 𝕀'𝕞 𝕤𝕠𝕣𝕣𝕪 𝕀'𝕞 𝕒𝕤𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤. 𝕀'𝕞 𝕟𝕖𝕨 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨 𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕏𝔻 -𝕁𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕠
I was about to sleep and this font gave me a stroke/hj
Ooookay so, here's a little rundown for ya (while i also try to not spoil anything)
Redson met Yeva about, let's say 140 years ago,,
It happened when Yeva decided to visit earth again after human civilization hit the modern times, she was (mentally and physically) 8 at the time, apparently she was also a infamous "magical child" in the eyes of the public, you can expect that she had alot of cameras flashing at her every second
So then eventually she ran off into the forest for some fresh air,
And within those minutes, Redson makes an appearance, he says to have found her so that he can fight her, and see just how strong she is as what the public claims her to be... To cut this part short, despite her best efforts to avoid a fight, and not know how to fight in general, she wins, from knocking him out cold by karate chopping his nape
Now to think that Redson is 2 years older than her (he was 10 at the time)
Anyways, he refuses to take the L, and keeps pursuing her for "rematches", but then Yeva thought he was just desperate for a friend that she pulled the "Hey wanna be friends?" card, bro backs up and runs away (such a tsundere, smh)
And the tables have been turned as now, Yeva is the one pestering and following him around, to his annoyance, she even insists he's her friend now... he soon softens up to her, as she was actually the first and last person that is bold enough to be friends with him (and not die on sight, he was impressed to say the least)
Now funny how Yeva actually didn't care about who he is, because she didn't even know who he is, by the time they find the time and day to meet PIF, she was so casual with it (correction: with how Redson mentioned to her about how his mother is, Yeva just shrugs and agrees to be formal when meeting her, she pulls out the royalty etiquette habits she kept in the back of her mind ever since she left her kingdom)
Now i feel like i'm sharing too much of the past between these two, so i'm going to cut some parts short...
1. They became besties eventually
2. Some years later, shit happens which... sort of caused Yeva to unintentionally take away Red's powers
3. Forces Yeva to agree to live in the Celestial Realm to get her powers together
4. When she returns... Redson hates her now
Conclusion: Childhood friends, turned bitter, the rest of it, i will elaborate it when i make more "file.logs"
If you can find time to look through the hashtag: •rescripted lore• , and my "Rienko Zikloa" and "important-ish" category in my pinned post
you can find out the why, how and uhhh, what the hecks
hope i cleared your question :D
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barkingbonzo · 4 months
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Thunderball is a 1965 spy film and the fourth in the James Bond series produced by Eon Productions, starring Sean Connery as the fictional MI6 agent James Bond. It is an adaptation of the 1961 novel of the same name by Ian Fleming, which in turn was based on an original screenplay by Jack Whittingham devised from a story conceived by Kevin McClory, Whittingham, and Fleming. It was the third and final Bond film to be directed by Terence Young, with its screenplay by Richard Maibaum and John Hopkins.
The film follows Bond's mission to find two NATO atomic bombs stolen by SPECTRE, which holds the world ransom to the tune of £100 million in diamonds under threat of destroying an unspecified metropolis in either the United Kingdom or the United States (later revealed to be Miami). The search leads Bond to the Bahamas, where he encounters Emilio Largo, the card-playing, eyepatch-wearing SPECTRE Number Two. Backed by CIA agent Felix Leiter and Largo's mistress, Domino Derval, Bond's search culminates in an underwater battle with Largo's henchmen. The film's complex production comprised four different units, and about a quarter of the film comprises underwater scenes. Thunderball was the first Bond film shot in widescreen Panavision and the first to have a running time of over two hours.
Although planned by Bond film series producers Albert R. Broccoli and Harry Saltzman as the first entry in the franchise, Thunderball was associated with a legal dispute in 1961 when former Fleming collaborators McClory and Whittingham sued him shortly after the 1961 publication of the novel, claiming he based it upon the screenplay the trio had written for a cinematic translation of James Bond. The lawsuit was settled out of court and Broccoli and Saltzman, fearing a rival McClory film, allowed him to retain certain screen rights to the novel's plot and characters, and for McClory to receive sole producer credit on this film; Broccoli and Saltzman instead served as executive producers.
The film was exceptionally successful: its worldwide box-office receipts of $141.2 million (equivalent to $1,365,200,000 in 2023) exceeded not only that of each of its predecessors but that of every one of the next five Bond films that followed it. Thunderball remains the most financially successful film of the series in North America when adjusted for ticket price inflation. In 1966, John Stears won the Academy Award for Best Visual Effects and BAFTA nominated production designer Ken Adam for an award. Some critics and viewers praised the film and branded it a welcome addition to the series, while others found the aquatic action repetitious. The movie was followed by 1967's You Only Live Twice. In 1983, Warner Bros. released a second film adaptation of the Thunderball novel under the title Never Say Never Again, with McClory as executive producer.
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(About Me)
[PT: In all caps and bolded reads, "Did you stumble into the unknown, in fear of you?" with the next line reading as follows, unbolded and in parentheses, "About Me". End of PT.]
Meowdy, howdy, hello hello! Welcome to my blog! This is my intro post!
(CW for sentence structure repetition in my about! Marked where it starts and ends!)
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Quick Info: Kinship, They/It/Neopronouns, Intersex, Queer, December, Capricorn, Adult, White, Neurodivergent, Disabled, System, All Intro Images have IDs in Alt
My RBYF (Read Before You Follow) is included under the cut.
Stances: ACAB, BLM, Stop Asian Hate, Anti-Right Wing Extremeist, Anti-Nazi/Neo Nazi, Anti-Capitalist
Stances Ext.: Proudly Neurodivergent, Queer, and Plural. Also an angry Military Trained and Crippled Punk that supports Decolonization, Defunding the Police and Military, and crushing Fascists and Colonialists with boots, cane, and wheelchairs manually.
My Blog: I post about my special interests, hyperfixations, disabilities, and US low class and physically disabled experiences a lot here! Also I reblog my art from @death-tinkerer here to share since its my "love language" with mutuals, friends, and partners.
Credits of Art: Icon is by @death-tinkerer, Header is Rubicon's Region Screen from Rain World, LTTM and Rivulet are from Rain World, Rivulet gif is from the Rain World Miraheze Official Wiki, Live LTTM Reaction is an edit by me!
Please be aware I try my best to content warn posts! Mutuals may send in triggers and squicks for me to tag! If I miss something that I have tagged in the past, don't hesitate to tell me!
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Important tags;
| | post - Posts I've made
| | reblog - Reblogs from other blogs or my own blogs
| | ask - Asks and Ask Memes
| | vent - Vent tag! Feel free to block.
Other "| |" tags - Related to people I know! Masterpost is BELOW the Live LTTM Reaction image!
My art - My art and also other creative media
Friendo arto - I don't even remember why I named it this tag but it's friend art that I reblog and tag with this!
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Fandoms (limiting to SI and Hyperfixations)
Ace Attorney
The Blackout Club (is on thin fucking ice)
Darkest Dungeon
Dead Cells
Disco Elysium
Dungeon Meshi/Delicious in Dungeon (is on thin fucking ice)
Final Fantasy (7, 10, 10-2, 12, 13 Trilogy, 15) (is on thin fucking ice)
FNAF (is on thin fucking ice)
Homestuck (is on thin fucking ice)
Just Shapes and Beats
Kingdom Hearts (is on thin fucking ice)
Legend of Zelda (is on thin fucking ice)
Lobotomy Corporation (and related)
Mob Psycho 100
Rain World
Risk of Rain
Slime Rancher
Super Mario Bros
Team Fortress 2
Yakuza (Game Series)
The phrase "is on thin fucking ice" is my way of saying I have a super complicated relationship with the media so I tend to be super critical to those especially.
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Topics (SI and Hyperfixations)
Ambience Music
Disabilities (mostly my own)
Fictional Species
Mixed Genre Music
Scifi Fantasy
Tabletop RPGs
Tarot Cards and related
Variety of Music in general
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Read Before You Follow; I will block the following people with stances like these
are Transmed/Truscum or T(W)ERF/SWERF/FART
are Anti-kinfolk, Anti-fictionkin, Anti-MOGAI and LIOM
are Exclusionists (of any kind in plural, queer, physically disabled, mentally disabled, neurodivergent, etc circles and communities) (I.e. People who talk over others, exclude others because of anger caused by oppression, exclude "contradicting" labels and identities, and more)
are Fujoshi
engaged in Bad Faith Discourse (i.e. discoursing only in bad faith about things you do not understand and discouraging critical and/or good faith discourse points)
engaged in Callout Post Culture (i.e. posting callouts in general UNLESS it is something well documented or documented unchanged behavior for well over a few years)
engaged in Ship Discourse (just don't be gross)
if you are or have been recently Intersexist towards intersex people regardless of identity.
practice DDLG/CCLG
support Thinspo/Proana
Think reverse oppression is real and ignore active erasure and deaths of minorities across the globe caused by (USA and European) colonialism. (example. Right Wing Extremeists, Nazis/Neo-Nazis, Fascists, Colonialists and Defenders, All Lives Matter, MAGA, Biden AND Trump supporters/defenders, JKR supporters/defenders, and a lot more so this will be liberal)
Think Amatopunk includes Incest/Consang
I would prefer Minors to not follow, send asks, or submit at all here. Following will result in a softblock. However, if you dont respect the softblock or other conditions, I will hardblock with no hesitation. Likes and RBs are hard to control, so just be considerate that I am an adult that wants primarily interactions with other adults.
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Expansion of MY Stances: -(Sentence Structure Repetition CW)-
Trans Rights are Human Rights. Intersex Rights are Human Rights. All Queer Rights are Human Rights. Black Rights are Human Rights. Asian Rights are Human Rights. All POC Rights are Human Rights. Muslim Rights are Human Rights. Jewish Rights are Human Rights. Religious Rights are Human Rights. Immigrant Rights are Human Rights. Indigenous Rights are Human Rights. Ethnic Rights are Human Rights. Physically Disabled Rights are Human Rights. Neurodiverse Rights are Human Rights. All Disability, Condition and/or Other Differences Rights are Human Rights. -(CW end)-
The rich, white, ablebodied and minded, cishetallonormative people (mostly men) do not get to dictate our lives as human beings. We can stand united as minorities and fight for a better future together. We can all fight if we just uplift each other and help each other. By existing and thriving, we fight them directly. So let us be together to change things for the better. Let us do more direct change together.
I am allowed my own space and to reply to stuff if I feel like I have input that could be helpful. HOWEVER. If you think I was rude but want to better understand my point, just ask immediately. I never mean to be rude. It is just my default for giving advice and explaining can be beyond blunt and harsh due to how language has worked for me as a result of brain damage and severe CPTSD.
Feel free to also correct me if I have been wrong about something! I don't mind corrections and will correct myself from then forward.
I may have missed some things but this is just to say, I can and will update from time to time.
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This is the "Masterpost" of all my mutual tags! If you'd like one and/or do not see you mentioned, Lemme know! (I can try to change tags too, I just like naming the tags myself lol)
"#| | meat suit" - Info about me OR aesthetic stuff
"#mecore" or "#me" - Stuff I like a lot and associate with Special Interests and Hyperfixations.
Closest to:
"#| | bunhun" - @scrybe-of-the-dreamworld
"#| | jackjack" - @beware-the-dog
"#| | eggcellents" - @coffeecereal
"#| | butterfly-scholar" -
"#| | cold-as-ice" -
"#| | invaderz" - @anewed-hope
"#| | manorbuddy" - @elysiangroom
"#| | meatastic" - @molochzmeat
"#| | orb-ponderer" - @mobianheart2008
"#| | synthetic-humanoid" -
"#| | disco-nnected" - @bathroomcube
"#| | re-iteration" - @lemboweeeee
"#| | cripplefunk" - @crippled-peeper
"#| | rattled-snake" - @lemon-snake
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That is all! Thank you for your time, Mutuals!
Also here's an 18+ intersex only server I am running! ♡
this is the end, did you find what you are looking for? /j
[PT: The text reads "this is the end, did you find what you are looking for? /j." End of PT.]
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markrosewater · 2 years
Not really a question, just sharing from the perspective of someone selling out and moving out of magic for a time, possibly forever.
Magic feels like its “not the product for me” anymore. It’s not really one thing; it’s changes that have chipped away what i do like about MtG over time. The thing that I wanted to share is that there are… anthology, I guess? games? Like Fortnite, Smash Bros, Kingdom Hearts, etc. where a selling point is that you mash all of these characters from these other IPs together and tell a story or play a game. And thats popular, I get that - but it was never for me. Magic adding other IPs like this takes it from an IP that wasn’t about this in some sense and turns it into a way that (apparently, will be?) about this. That’s the biggest thing turning me off from Magic as a whole at this point.
I get the concept that it’s a win for the (for example) Warhammer player who wants to play a card game, the Magic player who likes Warhammer, and saves the potential risk of creating a Warhammer Card Game that will inherently not reach a wide audience relative to magic. I just…. I just don’t enjoy the idea of playing Magic cards against Warhammer cards against Godzilla cards against Fortnite cards, or whatever is likely to end up happening. The flavor and power tuning mismatches bother me, and really the fundamental idea of trying to compare power levels of things from different IPs doesn’t appeal to me.
I hope this is useful feedback; i’m not really mad, just processing letting go of a game that I’ve played a very long time.
I get asked a lot why Magic players stick with the game as long as they do. The average length of a Magic player (now well over ten years) is longer than the average game exists. Why is that?
I believe the number one reason is the game’s evolution. It isn’t a game that sits still. It’s constantly adapting. It’s not the game I initially fell in love with in 1993. But then, my wife is not the woman I fell in love with back in 1996. In both cases, they changed and got even better.
One of the most endearing qualities of a trading card game is that the constant creation of new content allows the game to push into areas it hadn’t before. It lets the game grow. It allows it to adapt to the needs of its playerbase.
There’s a common misconception that R&D decides how the game changes. That we’re the arbiters of what the game should be. The reality is we’re just responding to what we’re hearing from the audience. Not necessarily what’s being said about what the game should be in social media posts, but more in watching how the game is played and talked about when the players are just enjoying it.
When Aaron first suggested Universes Beyond, it came from him watching the audience connect Magic with other IPs of their own accord. For example, one of the most popular pastimes on Blogatog has been people getting me to identify what colors characters from other IPs should be. Aaron wasn’t trying to make the players change to accommodate Magic, he was trying to make Magic change to accommodate the players.
I understand that as Magic constantly evolves, that it might shift away from what you, as an individual, most enjoy about the game. Trust me, living in a world focused on eternal Magic causes me all kinds of headaches, but I get it’s where the gestalt of Magic players want it to be. And I’ve learned to embrace and enjoy what others love about the game.
Every major shift scares some portion of the playerbase, because change is scary, but history has shown that when players give new things a chance, most grow to enjoy it. But not everyone. People drift away from the game for all sorts of reasons, and that’s okay.
I just suggest that some time in the future you peek your head back in and see where Magic is at. We’ll keep adapting and growing it, and maybe when you check us out again, like the game, you might be in a different place, and you’ll find a connection as you did when you first found the game.
Thank you for all your years of playing. I hope one day to see you again, but even if I don’t, I’m glad Magic was able to be the game you loved for as long as it was. Hearing that means a lot to me.
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aciddaffodil · 2 months
The Boy and the Beast Unfiltered Thoughts
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He just lost his mom in a traffic accident, like it’s fair for him to be angry and want his dad. Even if he was under sole custody of his mom.
UMMMMM EXCUSE ME what was the spirit shadow thing that looked like him. I am enchanted with this music. Mamora Hosada’s style in this film feels very Science SARU esque. THE FUCKING MUSIC. THE INTRODUCTION OF THE BEAST KINGDOM WORLD IS SO EPIC.
This is absolutely gorgeous. I’m eating this up.
When he sees his mom, but it’s just a hallucination and she isn’t there. Ouch.
The difference between the two contenders of Beastman Lords is crazy. They’re now facing off against each other in a fistfight.
Huh, Iozen says that humans and beastman are seperate is because humans easily can get overtaken by darkness, and in this world could grow out of control. Makes sense to the shadow we saw after he said “ I hate everyone” at the beginning.
The kid roots for him and as he looks, he gets distracted and gets hit. The current lord stops between them and says he’ll take on any responsibility if Kyatu is a mistake. But that not all humans will let themselves be sealed up by the darkness.
The way he’s trying to eat rice and raw eggs, and just this bonding moment between teacher and pupil. The mink is losing it as Kumatetsu is trying to reach him how to handle a sword.
This movie is stunning to look at. It’s so vibrant and detailed and lived in.
I love how much they fight and argue. The Lord tells him to go on a pilgrimage with his pupil and so they go. Learning different abilities and strengths that exist within this world. The fact there’s so many different meanings of what strength is.
Hmmmmis the way he sees his mother in the moments he needs her because of his inner darkness or just receiving within himself, like her spirit being with him.
This training montage of him copying Kumatetsu’s moves is so cute and endearing. The monk says they’re like father and son with him trying to mimic him.
The moment he realizes he knows his teachers movements and finds him predictable they agree to train eachother in return. He may not have power but he’s quick in his feet and getting better. He gets recognized by the other kids.
This is going to turn sad and deal with his inner demon AHHHHHHHH IM NOT READY FOR THIS. Also the kid of the other Lord contender looks like he is human. WHOAH and he finds the path back to the human world on accident, oh no.
NOOOOOO is him visiting and being enamored by the human world, is what leads to his darkness??? AGAGAHAHAHA. He’s now trying to go to college but needs a new identification card so he goes to the address of his dad. He sees his father on the street but he doesn’t recognize him at first but then asks if he’s Ren and gives him a hug.
“ Do you think I can live a normal life?” BRO WHY WOULD YOU THROW AWAY WHAT YOU HAVE ARGHHHHH. Kyuta tries to have a conversation with him but it doesn’t work out and he leaves him.
The way he calls him out, because his dad is just assuming stuff. To say “ Let’s start over” negates everything that has happened. OMFG THE SHADOW THE SHADOW IS SCARY. GENUINELY SCARED FOR HIM. WHAT HAPPENS IF IT OVERTAKES HIM?? WHAT THEN??
He goes back to the Beastman world to find out the next day is when the match is decided to who will become Lord. I FUCKING CALLED IT THAT ICHIRIKO WAS HUMAN.
Damn ICHIRIKO is gonna be the darkness monster fr…sad times. I’m so happy but this won’t all be happy. NOOO HE’S BEEN STABBED IN THE BACK. OH SHIT THIS WHAT HIS FATHER TRIED TONPREVENT BUT IT HAPPENED ALREADY. NO, NO NO NO NO NO NO. HIS OWN FATHER FUGURE YOU KILLED. The sword within everyone’s hearts and WHOAH. OMFG had no idea where this was going.
He cant be dead. Oh thank goodness, he’s hooked up and in a hospital bed.
Now Iozen explains how he find his human kid who was just abandoned out in the rain. He says it’s his own conceit. Bro you could not have lied to him for this long, of course he has a complex which caused the darkness to grow.
He leaves to go look for ICHIRIKO to help him, and drive the darkness from him. I’M CRYING GUYS. Of course it would include the other two, they were equally as important to him growing up.
He goes to the human world and finds him. I love that he adheres to not unsheathing his sword in this fight. HOLY SHIT MAMORA STRIKES AGAIN. I have chills…I’m so scared. The dude makes a giant whale of darkness, the tie into the story of Moby Dick that REN has been learning all this time. And the fight within oneself and the battle against one’s inner darkness is AGHHH.
The destruction he caused, also that explosion was fucking beautiful to look at.
Awww Kaede’s words I think are the answer, for him to remember the love his family has for him. Kamatetsu is asking to be reincarnated so he can help Kyuta, because he knows his boy can’t do it alone however there’s no turning back when he does.
He returns back a hero. But goes to live a normal life in the human world. I love that his master is happy for him. :)
I am about finished with my essay sized analysis/recap to be posted on Instagram. This movie is so special to me. I adored it and gives me great comfort that even if we have darkness within us, you're not alone in experiencing this. It makes me so thankful for my dear friends and loved ones who are my support system. And happy I'm still here even with all the curve balls life is throwing me this year..
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wolfmage553 · 11 months
*The entire SMG4 cast is playing Minecraft online when a doorbell rings*
Axol: I got to be AFK for a while. My pizza just arrived.
Luigi: Hey bro, save some pizza for us!
Axol: *Steps away from the keyboard*
Meggy: *Steps out of the guest bedroom* You know. You could order Luigi a pizza.
Axol: What?
Meggy: You know his address.
Axol: We live in Inkopolis. He's in The Mushroom Kingdom.
Meggy: So. You can order it online and pay with a credit card.
-1 hour later-
Luigi: Axol, how the fuck did you get me a pizza from Inkopolis?
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So...remember when I said I was boycotting Dead City? Welllll my dad bought the first season, so I watched it. And Boy oh Boy, Do I have Thoughts
Spoilers Ahead!!!
Note: I'm not going to address the Negan and Maggie of it all because I've long said everything I can about them.
One: What I liked, because believe it or not, I did actually like some things!
The setting! I loved seeing post-apocalyptic New York. It was really fun for me to pick out all the things I recognized.
Ginny. Was it a little annoying that she wouldn't listen to anybody? Sure, but a girl who shows up, clings to Negan like glue, and doesn't say shit? Literally, me. Character of the century.
Speaking of Ginny, I was LIVING for Negan's single dad era. Yes, king abandon your wife and son to take care of some random girl! He was living his best life.
The plot twist with Ginny was INCREDIBLE!! I was not expecting it at ALL. The fact that he killed her dad?? Bro my jaw was on the floor.
I actually liked the Croat and Negan's dynamic! I think it was funky and deliciously homerotic. However, I hate the Croat's character.
Two: What I DIDNT like.
Nothing made ANY sense, and NOTHING was explained. I get that Maggie was in New Babylon to find Negan but why was HE there? Last I checked nobody banished him from the Commonwealth. And where even IS this place? It seemed to be like Pennsylvania, New Jersey but still. Also, how did Maggie know he was there? Did she airtag him?? It made no sense.
The Croat was a TOTAL retcon. He made NO sense in the established canon. Let me explain:
3 a) I get NEGAN being upset that the Croat tortured a girl because his whole thing was no harming kids, but SIMON?? Bro you killed every boy over the age of ten at Oceanside and slaughtered all those garbage people, why are you on a high horse NOW??
3 b) If Negan could recognize that the Croat was too much of a wild card and needed to be dealt with, then why the HELL did he keep Simon around? Because Simon did MUCH worse.
3 c) The girl whom the Croat tortured was a scout from the Kingdom, but this makes NO sense with what we know about them? I believe the deal was as long as they paid proper tribute they'd leave each other alone, this feels like a major violation of this agreement? Like they were probably wondering what the hell happened to her, surely somebody had to address this at some point.
3 d) The Croat mentioned this story where Negan let him Lucille someone from the "river people." I feel like these people have to be Oceanside, but this is a total retcon either way.
I'll admit as a writer it's hard to keep up with details and I've had to change and retcon a couple of things myself in my stories, but surely they can go and make sure that everything in their spinoff that's a continuation of an already established story makes sense with it.
Anyway, I didn't hate it, but tbh my expectations weren't high. I got one (1) scene of evil jester Negan and a hinted promise that he'd come back in season two, and I'm disappointed. But if he DOES come back I'll have to watch I fear.
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