#brno 2014
goodbuttaken · 18 days
shiz and giggles list jmen, která reálně mají/nedávno měli lidé v česku
(part 4/4, weird/rare names; per 2016, kdy je KdeJsme naposled mohlo sbírat)
Pndřej (legenda, co už dřív trendovala; hustý, že někdo takhle oficiálně komunikuje s úřady..)
...ale taky Onřej (byli 2), Onrřerj (žije v Chebu), Jkaub (1 v Brně) a Rostilav (Krnov)
Ůvodní Hoang Duc (ano, i tohle příjmení opravdu prošlo matrikou) a Aůlexandr (r. 2013 zapsané jméno)
Xena (3, ale podle ročníků žádná princezna bojovnice)
Milán (545 křestních!; jen r. 1950 = 51)
Vácslav (r. 2016 žili ještě dva jmenovci Havlova děda, ale od r. 1946 žádný nepřibyl)
Frantiišek (1, r. 2013, Plzeň), Fratišek (2), Frantişek (1), Frančeska Nyomi (1), Františe (1), dřív i Fratnišek, Frantichek, Frančišek, Frantik, dva Frantishkové a 13 Frantisků
Máří Magdalena (25), Maří Magdalena (72), Máří Magdaléna (1), Maří-Magdalena (13), Máří-Magdalena (3), Maři Magdalena (1), Máři Magdalena (1), Maří Magdaléna (1, vzácný r. 2009), Mařímagdalena (1), Maři-Magdalena (1), Máři-Magdalena (do r. 2015) [drtivá většina z nich prožila komplet socialismus; ouch...]
Miroslav Pacifik (Praha)
Karl - Heinz, "Marie, Silvie", Mbanzuzi - Cheril - Eve (etc.)
Vyšemíra (1), Věročka (1), Věrmila (1), Věkoslav (18), Věkoslava (4), Věnka (21, pořád se dává), Věňka (2)
Věrek, Věruš, Věrouš a Věroš (jakože "ten Věra", celkem 8)
Filuše (1), Fortunát (1), Fortunáta (2), Fofo (1, Mělník)
Filipová (křestní, Hustopeče), Tichá (1 ex křestní), Mašková (taky)
Říjenka (1)
Pampeliška (1), Peška (1, v r. 2016 se dožila stovky), Perchta Marie (r. 2014, Praha)
Aneška (2, old), Aneshka (3, young)
Čeňka (12, a tu a tam se pořád dává), Čeňek (1), Čedomír (2), Rhodri Čeněk (1)
Pěva (40, a 40 let čekáme na novou nositelku toho dokonalého jména), Pěvuška (33), Pěvomila (1), Pěvoslava (ex 1), Pěvuše (10), Pěvuš (1, mužská verze)
Zoroslav (6), Zoryslav (ex 2), Zoreslav (ex 2), Zorislava (1), Zoreslava (1), Ziroslava (ex 1)
Zděněk (5), Zdeňek (27)
Mnuše (ex jméno), Manka (jméno i příjmení), Manička (Vyškov) [X Rumcajs žádný]
Fuck (ano, do r. 2011 MVČR evidovalo jednoho člověka s tímhle příjmením)
Fakan (23, nejčastější v Plzni)
Kokot, Kokotek (na východě země ne až tak vzácné, celkem 128 lidí)
Kunda, Kundič (naštěstí jen pár)
Porner (9)
Jouda (19, hl. východní Čechy)
Hajzl (13, všichni žijí v Chrudimi)
Soběslav Zixi (Brno)
Romulus (oběť redukce r. 2011), Remus (5, z toho 4 v Brně)
Toyen Lillie (Praha)
Patrik (patrick), Janet(zinana)
Lady (3, dvě velmi staré), Letuška (1), Lešan (3), Leuše (1)
Mína (85, velmi trendy, vč. složenin jako Mína Milota)
Bobeš (6), Mikeš (42, samí mladí) X žádný Kokeš
data ofc připouští i řadu "celebrit" jako James (74) Bond (4) [Praha, Černošice], Arnold Schwarzenegger (Brno), Will Smith (Jihlava); největší naději asi dávám Arianě (103) Grande (39)
Lidvína (2), Lid (29 ze 48) a Lidová (33 z 52), typicky písecké příjmení
ani jedna Lidice, to byl v kontextu těch šíleností šok; tak aspoň Freedom Jan (Ústí n/L), Liberty (t. č. 96letá, Plzeň), Liberta (mladá, Praha) a dřív i Libertad
Lidl (1, FM), Lídl (39), Penny (do r. 2015 3), Tesco (ex 1), Coop (2 v Čáslavi), Billa (21)
Human (do r. 2011 1 jméno, stále 3 příjmení), Girl (6 příjmení), New (3 příjmení), Good (7), Universal (10, z toho pět ve FM)
Poor (7; kumulace zrovna v KV kraji smutně fitting)
Džulien (1) a Džuljetta (3)
K0valová, A?kar
Godspower Nwobueze, Success Oluomachukwu (Ústí n/L)
Winnetou (2)
Qylafku (2 příjmení v Praze), Quachdolenská (1)
Quadrat (8), Quadrát (7), Quasniczka, Quasničzka, Quasniczková, Quasničzková (na severu Čech od každého 1), Quittek (19), Quittková (16, Opavsko)
Xhanikrištoforyová (v Ostravě)
Çetajfikotová, Çelikkynclová, Çobanberánková, Çiçekrajnyšová
Ónodiotoupalíková, Ó´súilleabháin Špalková
Đokićněmečková, Đurićmikolajková, Dadićdobešová, Daddsčadová
Hrubývodochodská, Hrubýzahrádecká, Hrubásablier + d. 31 variant
Hinterholzingerová Mlezivová (Domažlice)
Trauttmansdorffweinsberg (Náchod)
Testón Javorský, Tverdokhlib (bývalo jich 11), Těstojedova (1, KV)
Řegucký, Řegucká (19, MS kraj), Pěgřím (61)
Neocleousová, Neoproudová (6), Neoproud (4)
Nechoďdomů (22), Nechoďdomová (14), Nechoďdom (3), Nechoďdoma (11)
Campobartosek a Campobartoskova (Brno)
Papánková Di Mercurio, De Giraud D'agay Špinarová
Mbwambo Hokůvová
Kvízová Školová
Bezkid (3, žijí v oblasti Beskyd)
Ŕguila (Praha)
Ąachká, Ąachký
Erdenebalčirčuchalsuvd, Ěsulamanidze, křestní Ělizavěta
A A A Alnassar, Saad L S M T, Michel A.S.M.J.G. (křestní jména)
Pierre,marie,alphonse, Philippe,raymond,julien, Francois,didier, D. M., Rodrique,carles,gérald, Francois- Christophe
Karlos (9), Chavier (2) a vrcholné umění: Chuan Karlos
Barbie (v Brně), Ken (5; ale jinde)
Dixie (1 v Blansku)
J-Mari (Benešov)
Píč (69), Pič (2)
Pindík (1 v Tanvaldu)
Rock (příjmení, ale i 1 jméno), Rocky (1), Ricky (12), Ricki (1)
Dick (zase 46 příjmení, ale i 2 jména)
Sucky Yaxbite (ex jméno), Suckho + 11 příjmení Suck
Bezectný, Bezectná (po 5), Bezkočka (55), Bezkočková (66)
Nevyhoštěný, Nevyhoštěná (obojí 75)
Brno (1), Praha (9), ani jeden v Brně/Praze
Neo a Trinity (ale žijí jinde)
Saint Chijioke (1 jméno, Frýdek-Místek)
Innhausen Und Knyphausen (2, Brno), Arco Zinneberg Graf Von Und Zu
Iňiguez Srnec (Praha), Insanič (ex 6), Inquort a Inquortová (18)
Race Carr (Otrokovice), Rhodanthe Beatrice (Ústí n/L)
Platon (jméno i příjmení), Sokrates (taky)
Sierra Leona (Ústí n/L)
Śárka (Ostrava)
Roswětha (1, v Liberci)
Bolestín (ex 1) vs Veselín (1), Radosta (1 + 2 ex Radosti), Andělín Haštal (1)
Něha (3), Něhoslav (8), Něhoslava (14), Něhuška (1)
Náďa (2), Nežka (1), Něla (1), Naďašta (1), Nelida (1 křestní jméno)
Vítěz (2), Vítězka (bylo jich 7, asi vymřely)
Űmit Tomáš (Blatná)
Ąuboš Maxwell
Pravda (643) vítězí (Lež je jen 1, v Praze), až na to, že zrovna u tohohle příjmení je anomálie, kdy ho Vnitro v roce 2014, po nástupu Babiše do vlády, zničehonic přestalo evidovat (touché)
Mrtvý (99), Mrtvá (111, Olomoucký kraj), De´ Ath (ex 1), Death (podle všeho zemřel r. 2015)
Sen (5) a Snová (2), Úžasný/á (Ostrava)
Liána (28, od r. 1976 žádná nová, napravte)
Mckenzie Lucie (Plzeň), Mclean Brenton (Praha), Mcmarley (t. č. 6letý v Brně; vše křestní jména)
ŽÁDNÍ Poženichovi ani Pomanželovi (velké zklamání) a křestňí na ň
Dýzl (fakt to jde spellovat i takhle, 4)
Žorž (2), Dżeyms (1), Žudi (1)
Potkan (příjmení, nejvíc jich je v Karviné)
Fail (39 příjmení), Joke I. L., Arse (ex jména)
Gogo (2 příjmení), Gaga (4, vše Pohořelice)
Nejmenovaná (křestní 1), Nejmenovaný (křestní ex 3), Nezjištěno (252 křestních, 8 příjmení), Nezjištěno A (křestní 2), Nezjištěno B (2), Nezjištěno C (1), Nezjišťeno (tohle se podařilo do matriky zapsat v r. 2013), Nezj., Nezjišteno, Nejištěno (taky ex 1), Nezjištěna (1 křestní), Nezjištěn (ex 1), Neuvedeno (11 křestních, 2 příjmení), Neurčeno (7 křestních), Nepojmenovaný (ex 1), Jméno Neurčeno (ex 1), Jméno Nezjištěno (t. č. už 4leté dítě v Jihlavě), Neznáma (2), Neznámá (10), Neznámý (9), Neznámy (1), Nevim (5), Nevím (105) [ač část jsou zjevně opravené přeťuky a impra, např. u Nejmenované, r. 2000, konzistence ukazuje, že někde v Roudnici takhle fr vychodila školu]
...a to nejdůležitější: Hope (po 2 jméno i příjmení), Naděje (18 příjmení a 91 jmen; nebude náhoda, že nejvíc r. 1939 a 1943), Nadějka (3 jména), Naděje Anna (hned 2), Náděje (19 příjmení, 1 ex jméno), Nadějná (1)
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batsplat · 4 months
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Assen 1995/Motegi 2011 (left)
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Qatar 2004 (left)
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Assen 2006 (right)
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Laguna Seca 2007 (left)
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Valencia 2007 (right)
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Motegi 2011 (left)
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Brno 2014 (left)
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Motegi 2016 (left)
Valentino Rossi + little finger injuries
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uwabbittuwabbit · 5 months
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2014 brno vs. 2019 mugello
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disengaged · 1 year
Ehya, pegs! I'm late to the party but if you're still up for it...
1. I love Vonnegut, i still haven't read timequake (in Italian it has the super charming name "Cronosisma"), but thank you for letting me know it's depressing sjsksks did you take with you any other books to read through your journey? Or are you buying them from local bookshops?
2. People that travel always talk about "best dressed people are from ****". Which population do you think dress better? Or... Do you actually notice a change in fashion?
I gotta say that I've never notice an actual difference, but i don't have a keen eye for fashion so snsjsjsjs wanna know your opinion.
Get better and enjoy your fuze tea!
1. I brought a Kobo e-reader from home! it's a lifesaver because i'm backpacking and i don't really have space for books ... super small and light :) so far i've read Love in the Time of Cholera and Jane Eyre.
2. the change in fashion in some of the places i go has been HUGE. huge !!! in Brussels, Gent and Paris (and Vienna i guess), mostly everyone was super trendy and well-dressed (perfect hair, perfect makeup, expensive brands, neutral colours, pristine sneakers)... i felt like such a slob in comparison.
in Zürich, München, Budapest, Bratislava, Brno etc, no one seemed to care as much. i thought the Hungarian and Slovakian fashion was very reminiscent of canadian styles in 2012-2014 actually ... lots of glitter and rhinestone shirts, adidas shoes and converse, skinny jeans, etc. and lots more people wearing comfy clothes and regular athleisure, etc.
pretty much all of the teenagers look the same everywhere on the continent so far, though. they all dress like tiktok influencers. it's kinda weird :-|
i think a lot of people in Paris did look really good (and really rich <3 lol), but i felt uncomfortable in comparison. i really prefer the less-posh areas where i can wear my secondhand clothes and not feel like a sore thumb LOL
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koldakovo · 2 years
Parková dráha Olympia Brno 2014
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zsmbr · 2 years
past concerts.
2022. 10. 29. Budapest - Robot 2022. 10. 08. Budapest - Yuk 2022. 09. 22. Budapest - Dürer Kert 2022. 08. 17. Mátrafüred - Fekete Zaj Festival 2022. 07. 08. Boskovice - Festival pro židovskou čtvrť [CZ] 2022. 06. 30. Orfű - Fishing On Orfű Festival 2022. 04. 02. Budapest - Szimpla Kert 2022. 03. 18. Budapest - Kék Yuk w/sunnata 2021. 12. 03. Budapest - Robot 2021. 11. 20. Szeged - Grand Cafe 2021. 10. 30. Veszprém - TEREM 2021. 10. 16. Győr - A Beton 2021. 10. 02. Pécs - FényFesztivál, Szabadkikötő 2021. 09. 10. Bratislava - Randal Club [SK] 2021. 08. 20. Mátrafüred - Fekete Zaj Festival 2020. 10. 30. Győr - A beton 2020. 09. 04. Székesfehérvár - Nyolcas Műhely 2020. 08. 07. Budapest - Dürer Kert 2019. 12. 20. Budapest - Dürer Kert 2019. 11. 23 Zenta - Zentrópia [SRB] 2019. 11. 22 Szeged - Grand Cafe 2019. 11. 09. Maribor - Gustaf Pekarna [SI] 2019. 11. 07. Delemont - The Pub Fiction [CH] 2019. 11. 06. Chambéry - Brin de Zinc [F] 2019. 11. 04. Strasbourg - Le Local [F] 2019. 11. 02. České Budějovice - Velbloud Music Bar [CZ] 2019. 11. 01. Brno - Bajkazyl [CZ] 2019. 10. 26. Budapest - Dürer kert 2019. 08. 19. Mátrafüred - Fekete Zaj Fesztivál 2019. 08. 17. Orom - Malomfesztivál (SER) 2019. 05. 11. Dunaújváros - /secret show/ 2019. 05. 10. Budapest - Dürer Kert 2019. 04. 20. Budapest - Szimpla Kert 2019. 04. 02. Debrecen - MODEM 2019. 04. 01. Miskolc - Tinta Social Grund 2019. 03. 29. Budapest - Nembáj!fest 2019. 03. 28. Pécs - Szabadkikötő 2018. 12. 28. Budapest - Dürer Kert, Téli Fekete Zaj 2018. 11. 24. Székesfehérvár - MehKasAula 2018. 10. 20. Budapest - Szimpla Kert 2018. 10. 02. Budapest - Hatszin teatrum - UH Fest 2018. 08. 17. Orom - Malomfesztival (SER) 2018. 05. 25. Budapest - Dürer Kert, Budapest BeerWeek 2018. 05. 19. Pécs - Szabadkikötő 2018. 05. 18. Szeged - Grand Cafe 2018. 05. 17. Békéscsaba - Csabagyöngye MH 2018. 05. 16. Szolnok - Tomi 2018. 05. 15. Debrecen - MODEM 2018. 05. 14. Miskolc - Tinta 2018. 05. 13. Budapest - Instan 2018. 05. 12. Dunaújváros - Tareeja 2018. 05. 11. Győr - Dongó 2018. 03. 28. Budapest - A38 w/Ufomammut 2018. 02. 10. Szeged - Grand Cafe 2017. 11. 21. Budapest - Dürer kert 2017. 10. 20. Budapest - Dürer kert 2017. 09. 14. Budapest - Dürer kert w/Shining 2017. 08. 18. Orom - Malomfesztival (SER) 2017. 07. 21. Matrafured - Fekete Zaj 2017. 05. 27. Kromeriz - das LIGA (CZ) 2017. 05. 26. Chemnitz - Lokomov (GER) 2017. 05. 25. Prague - Nákladové nádraží Žižkov/1435mm (CZ) 2017. 05. 24. Ybbsitz - Club2 (AT) 2017. 05. 23. Ljubljana - Klub Gromka (SI) 2017. 05. 06. Budapest - III. Thulsa Doom Fest - KVLT ​2017. 04. 22. Szeged - Grand Café Várkert 2017. 04. 22. Budapest - Wave music RECORD STORE DAY 1.00pm 2017. 04. 21. Budapest - Robot w/Porch 2017. 04. 15. Győr - Rómer Ház 2017. 03. 25. Debrecen - MODEM 2017. 03. 24. Budapest - Fészek Kulturális Központ 2016. 12. 08. Budapest - MüSzi 2016. 10. 13. Budapest - Dürer kert w/Karma To Burn 2016. 08. 21. Budapest - Dürer kert w/Ghost Bath 2016. 08. 20. Kecskemét - Kilele 2016. 08. 19. Szeged - Grand Café Várkert 2016. 07. 23. Sástó - Fekete Zaj Festival 2016. 06. 18. Budapest - GMK 2016. 06. 16. Prague - Nákladové nádraží Žižkov (CZ) 2016. 06. 15. Pilsen - Papirna Plzen (CZ) 2016. 06. 04. Maribor - Gustaf pekarna (SI) 2016. 05. 07. Budapest - Dürer Kert 2016. 04. 15. Budapest - Akvárium 2016. 04. 10. Bang! Radio Show (Tilos Radio) 2016. 03. 26. Szeged - Grand Café 2016. 03. 17. Budapest  - "Reign Of Fire" Dürer Kert 2015. 12. 03. Budapest - Dürer Kert 2015. 10. 09. Budapest - S8, NemBáj! Festival 2015. 08. 15. Pilsen - PsyHigh Festival (CZ) 2015. 07. 31. Sástó - Fekete Zaj Festival 2015. 05. 23. Budapest - R33, Harmadik Ember Festival 2015. 04. 04. Pécs - E78 club 2015. 03. 20. Budapest - KVLT 2014. 11. 21. Budapest - R33, Harmadik Ember Festival 2014. 11. 15. Budapest - Dürer kert 2014. 10. 17. Luzern - Sedel (CH) 2014. 10. 16. Linz - Stadtwerkstadt (A) 2014. 10. 15. Wien - EKH (A) 2014. 10. 10. Budapest - Roham 2014. 09. 27. Budapest - Yuk 2014. 07. 12. Budapest - Roham 2014. 06. 20. Murska Sobota - City Fest MIKK (SI) 2014. 06. 19. Torino - Alla Vecchia Maniera (IT) 2014. 06. 15. Paris - La Cantine (F) 2014. 06. 13. Brussels - Rock Classic (BE) 2014. 06. 12. Kortijk - Cine Palace (BE) 2014. 06. 11. Liege - La Zone (BE) 2014. 06. 09. Chemnitz - Odradek (GER) 2014. 06. 08. Praha - Kokpit (CZ) 2014. 06. 07. České Budějovice - Velbloud Music Bar [CZ] 2014. 06. 06. Kromeriz - Fcelka (CZ) 2014. 05. 03. Budapest - Super8 2014. 05. 02. Debrecen - Dharma Klub 2014. 04. 29. Szeged - Varmuzeum 2014. 03. 29. Nyíregyháza - Romkert 2014. 03. 21. Budapest - Kék Lyuk 2014. 01. 30. Budapest - Gödör 2013. 11. 14. Budapest - Dürer Kert w/Russian Circles 2013. 11. 09. Salgótarján - Talent Klub 2013. 10. 26. Nagymagocs - Pince Klub 2013. 10. 25. Cluj Napoca - Truda (RO) 2013. 10. 24. Bucharest - Underworld (RO) 2013. 10. 23. Sofia - Maze (BG) 2013. 10. 21. Sarajevo - Fis Club Bock (BA) 2013. 10. 20. Beograd - BIGZ Scena (SER) 2013. 10. 19. Novi Sad - CK13 (SER) 2013. 10. 18. Backa Topola - Panta Rhei (SER) 2013. 10. 16. Budapest - Dürer Kert w/Jucifer 2013. 10. 05. Debrecen - Lilla bar 2013. 10. 04. Balmazújváros - BAKI klub 2013. 09. 25. Szeged - Super 8mm Festival 2013. 08. 17. Budapest - Dürer kert, Fekete Zaj Festival 2013. 05. 01. Linz - Stadtwerkstadt (A) 2013. 04. 30. Budapest - Showbarlang 2013. 02. 25. Budapest - Gödör Klub 2013. 01. 12. Budapest - Roham 2012. 10. 19. Szolnok - TOMI 2012. 10. 18. Szeged - Vármúzeum 2012. 09. 29. Cerkno - Cmakajne Festival (SLO) 2012. 09. 28. Ljubljana - Menza Pri Koritu (SLO) 2012. 08. 19. Matrafured, Fekete Zaj Festival 2012. 07. 07. Szolnok - TOMI 2012. 06. 23. Debrecen - HNO3 2012. 06. 22. Balmazujvaros - BAKI 2012. 05. 26. Budapest - A38 w/ VHK 2012. 04. 22. Budapest - Toldi Cinema 2012. 04. 11. Budapest - Trafik Klub 2012. 03. 04. Budapest - Toldi Cinema 2011. 08. 05. Matrafured - Fekete Zaj Festival 2011. 06. 04. Balmazujvaros - BAKI 2011. 06. 03. Budapest - Tundergyar 2011. 03. 04. Szolnok - Tomi 2011. 02. 24. Budapest - A38 2010. 11. 01. Budapest - A38 2010. 10. 02. Budapest - Tundergyar 2010. 09. 25. Ottensheim - Gas Post (A) 2010. 09. 22. Ljubljana - Klub Gromka (SLO) 2010. 09. 12. Litomerice - Jemafor (CZ) 2010. 09. 11. Wroclav - Artystycznych Firlej (PL) 2010. 09. 10. Prague - Klub 007 (CZ) 2010. 09. 09. Brno - Jolanda Club (CZ) 2010. 08. 06. Matrafured - Fekete Zaj Festival 2010. 06. 24. Balchik - In the Palace Festival (BLG) 2010. 02. 22. Budapest - A38 2010. 01. 15. Balmazujvaros - BAKI 2009. 12. 18. Szeged - Garabonczias 2009. 12. 28. Budapest - A38 2009. 12. 20. Novi Sad - CK13 (SER) 2009. 12. 19. Beograd - Livingroom SKC (SER) 2009. 12. 13. Budapest - Durer Kert 2009. 11. 28. Budapest - Tuzrakter 2009. 11. 21. Szekesfehervar - MehKas 2009. 10. 01. Budapest - Tuzrakter 2009. 08. 08. Matrafured - Fekete Zaj Festival 2009. 08. 01. Tasov - Besheda Bigbitu Festival (CZ) 2009. 06. 09. Budapest - Durer kert 2009. 05. 22. Linz - Stadtewerkstadt (A) 2009. 05. 21. Ljubljana - Klub Gromka (SLO) 2009. 05. 16. Budapest - Durer kert 2009. 04. 23. Budapest - Godor Klub 2009. 04. 10. Budapest - After Music Klub 2009. 02. 28. Szentendre - Vajda Lajos Studio 2009. 01. 31. Budapest - Kek Yuk 2008. 10. 25. Budapest - Avalon   2008. 10. 24. Balmazujvaros - BAKI 2008. 10. 23. Salgotarjan - Kakukkfogo 2008. 10. 18. Tatabanya - IFI 2008. 10. 17. Gyor - Romer haz 2008. 10. 12. Wien - Rhiz (A) 2008. 10. 04. Backa Topola - Panta Rhei (SER) 2008. 10. 03. Szeged - Garabonczias 2008. 10. 02. Kecskemét - Kilele 2008. 09. 30. Budapest - A38 hajó 2008. 09. 25. Prague - Chapeau Rogue (CZ) 2008. 09. 21. Torun - Piwnica Pod Aniolem (PL) 2008. 09. 20. Zgorzelec - Dom Kultury (PL) 2008. 09. 19. Piensk - Qultur Kombinat (PL) 2008. 06. 21. Budapest - Klub Vittula 2008. 05. 02. Sopron - Hangar 2008. 05. 16. Sarvar - Kastely 2008. 04. 24. Budapest - Kuplung 2008. 04. 13. Subotica - Ambush Music Festival (SER) 2008. 04. 12. Backa Topola - Panta Rhei  (SER) 2008. 04. 11. Szeged - Garaboncziás 2007. 11. 25. Asti - (ITA) 2007. 11. 17. Szeged - Garabonczias 2007. 11. 16. Kecskemet - Kilele Music Cafe 2007. 09. 22. Pecs - Labor 2007. 08. 30. Guta - Hannah-Hanna Festival (SK) 2007. 06. 22. Budapest - Klub Vittula 2007. 05. 26. Murska Sobota - MIKK (SLO) 2007. 05. 25. Vrhnika - Klub Zakon (SLO) 2007. 05. 24. Ljubljana - Metelkova, Menza pri koritu (SLO) 2007. 05. 18. Pecs - Labor 2007. 04. 21. Gyor - Romer Haz 2007. 04. 14. Berlin - Club Arcanoa (GER) 2007. 04. 13. Leiden - Bar En Boos (NED) 2007. 03. 24. Budapest - UH-FEST 2007. 03. 06. Budapest - Trafo Bar Tango 2006. 11. 18. Pecs - Szeszgyar 2006. 11. 09. Budapest - Kultiplex 2006. 10. 06. Debrecen - MODEM 2006. 10. 04. Budapest - Kultiplex 2006. 09. 23. Subotica - (SER) 2006. 09. 22. Bačka Topola - Phanta Rhei (SER) 2006. 09. 21. Szeged - Red Ship 2006. 09. 20. Budapest - Tűzraktar 2006. 09. 08. Dresden - Storm of Change/Moskau Festival (GER) 2006. 09. 07. Szekesfehervar - Fezen Festival 2006. 08. 18. Vásárosfalu - Vé-Festival 2006. 08. 14. Budapest - Sziget Festival 2006. 06. 07. Cluj Napoca - Transilvania Film Festival (RO) 2006. 05. 07. Potenza -  10+ Festival (ITA) 2006. 05. 06. Bologna - Ex-Mercato 24 (ITA) 2006. 05. 01. Komárom - Mediawave Festival 2006. 04. 23. Moscow - DOM Cultural Center, SKIF Festival (RUS) 2006. 04. 22. St. Petersburg - SKIF Festival (RUS) 2006. 04. 21. Moscow - Blow Up Club (RUS) 2006. 04. 14. Budapest - Süss Fel Nap 2006. 01. 07. Wien - Planet Music (A) 2006. 01. 05. Győr - Rómer-Ház 2005. 11. 13. Budapest - A38 2005. 10. 25. Budapest - Kultiplex 2005. 10. 11. Budapest - Akku 2005. 09. 10. Bačka Topola - Phanta Rhei (SCG) 2005. 09. 09. Szeged - Super8mm Fesztivál 2005. 09. 08. Subotica - Alcatraz (SCG) 2005. 08. 10. Budapest - Sziget Festival 2005. 07. 14. Senta - Youth Days Festival(SCG) 2005. 05. 21. Győr - Popkontroll Festival 2005. 05. 14. Weikersheim - Club W71 (GER) 2005. 04. 30. Győr - Underground Music Workshop 2005. 04. 29. Győr - Mediawave Festival 2005. 04. 17. Backa Topola - Phanta Rhei (SCG) 2005. 04. 16. Szeged - Bartók square 2005. 04. 15. Kecskemét - V-pub 2005. 04. 09. Budapest - RS9 Havizaj 2004. 11. 13. Győr - Rómer ház 2004. 10. 15. Székesfehérvár - MéhKasAula 2004. 10. 04. Eindhoven - Burgers (NED) 2004. 10. 03. Rotterdam - Worm (NED) 2004. 10. 02. Dortmund - Soahc (GER) 2004. 04. 30. Győr - Mediawave Festival 2004. 04. 22. Szeged - Old Timer 2004. 03. 12. Győr - Rómer Ház (Colors of Music) 2004. 01. 17. Budapest - Trafó 2003. 10. 12. Potsdam - Archiv (GER) 2003. 10. 11. Berlin - Supamolly (GER) 2003. 10. 10. Bochum - Wageni (GER) 2003. 10. 09. Rostock - JAZ (GER) 2003. 10. 08. Nijmegen - Onderbroek (NED) 2003. 10. 07. Liége - La Zone (B) 2003. 10. 06. Eindhoven - Burgers (NED) 2003. 10. 05. Dortmund - Soahc (GER) 2003. 10. 04. Berlin - Chokoladen (GER) 2003. 10. 03. Budapest - MU-Theatre 2003. 08. 03. Budapest - Sziget Festival ​2003. 07. 01. Budapest - Pesti Est Café w. Mono ​2003. 04. 30. Győr - Mediawave Festival
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c-hamdeok · 2 months
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Nome completo: Lukáš Kwon Vitík
Data de nascimento: 27 de Novembro de 1995 (28 anos)
Local de nascimento: Praga, República Tcheca
Esporte: Hóquei (ala-direito)
Dormitório: Aurum (Individual)
Hall da Fama: Reconhecimento Nacional e Internacional Moderado
Perfil: @lukashdc
Faceclaim: Hongjoong - Ateez
Com tantos Centros de Treinamento Olímpico espalhados pelo mundo, por que o Hamdeok Complex?
Permanecer na República Tcheca era algo inviável para mim no momento por questões pessoais, então, pesquisei por centros esportivos na terra natal da minha mãe e só recebi boas indicações a respeito da Hamdeok, então resolvi aplicar para os testes.
E como você entrou? Alguém te indicou e você passou pelos testes, você se inscreveu voluntariamente para fazer os testes ou houve alguma contribuição monetária envolvida?
Eu passei nos testes com meu próprio esforço, apesar de estar há alguns anos fora do esporte, ainda me encontro mais em forma do que eu mesmo esperava.
Você certamente se destaca no esporte que pratica. O que motivou a sua escolha por ele?
Meu irmão mais velho foi o principal responsável pela minha escolha. Pavel sempre foi minha inspiração dentro do esporte, eu queria ser como ele, acho que você pode chamar isso de complexo de irmão mais novo ou sei lá, mas eu treinava duro para irmos para o mesmo time.
Pode nos contar, brevemente, sobre sua trajetória no esporte até o momento?
Meu irmão mais velho começou a jogar hóquei no time da escola quando éramos crianças e ele passou a me ensinar no tempo livre entre os treinos dele. Como ele era três anos mais velho do que eu, foi com incentivo dele que eu fiz os testes para o time quando atingi a idade necessária. Foi quando ele foi aceito em um time da liga (ELH) e passou a jogar nos campeonatos profissionais que eu me dediquei ainda mais nos campeonatos juniores e ganhei destaque o suficiente para também entrar em um time da ELH.
Nunca estivemos juntos no mesmo time, infelizmente. A única vez em que tive o prazer de jogar lado a lado com meu irmão foi quando fomos convocados para as Olimpíadas de Inverno de 2018 e posso dizer que aquele ano foi o mais feliz da minha vida. Não podia imaginar que Pavel não estaria vivo para as próximas Olimpíadas de Inverno. Hoje, eu só penso em honrar seu legado e trazer para casa medalhas de ouro em sua homenagem, porque ele merece cada uma delas.
Quais são suas maiores qualidades e maiores defeitos? Como elas influenciam seu dia a dia como atleta?
Minhas maiores qualidades são autoconfiança e resistência física dentro dos rinques, coisas que são necessárias para se manter dentro dos jogos de hóquei em grandes campeonatos ou você será esmagado por caras gigantes. Meus maiores defeitos são meu azar pra tentar jogadas arriscadas e meu temperamento dentro dos rinques que não costuma ser dos melhores, principalmente quando tentam me prejudicar.
Sabemos que é uma grande honra ser convocado para representar seu país nos jogos olímpicos, mas existe alguma outra razão pela qual você deseje isso?
O último pedido do meu irmão foi para que eu não desistisse do hóquei e é o que estou fazendo. Espero que ele esteja me assistindo ficar em cima do pódio nas próximas olimpíadas porque é pra ele que eu jogo.
Dedicação: 15
Determinação: 20
Equilíbrio: 6
Sorte: 13
HC Kometa Brno Team - Ala Esquerda
Jogos Mundiais (2013) - Medalha de Prata
Jogos Nacionais de Inverno (2014) - Medalha de Ouro
Jogos Mundiais (2017) - Medalha de Ouro
Jogos Nacionais de Inverno (2018) - Medalha de Prata
Jogos Mundiais (2021) - 4° lugar
CZECH Team - Ala Esquerda
Olimpíadas de Inverno (2014) - Medalha de Bronze
Olimpíadas de Inverno (2018) - Medalha de Prata
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¿Cuántas veces ha ganado el Real Madrid la Euroleague de baloncesto?
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¿Cuántas veces ha ganado el Real Madrid la Euroleague de baloncesto?
Historial de victorias del Real Madrid en la Euroleague
El Real Madrid es uno de los clubes de baloncesto más exitosos en la historia de la Euroleague, habiendo logrado múltiples victorias a lo largo de los años. El equipo ha dejado una huella imborrable en la competición europea, conquistando un total de 10 títulos en su historial.
La primera victoria del Real Madrid en la Euroleague se remonta a la temporada 1963-1964, cuando el equipo consiguió imponerse al Spartak de Brno en la final. A lo largo de las décadas, el club ha continuado cosechando triunfos, consolidándose como uno de los referentes del baloncesto europeo.
Entre los hitos más destacados del historial de victorias del Real Madrid en la Euroleague se encuentran las temporadas 1973-1974 y 1977-1978, en las que el equipo logró encadenar dos títulos de forma consecutiva. Asimismo, en los últimos años el club ha continuado sumando éxitos, con victorias en las temporadas 2014-2015 y 2017-2018.
El Real Madrid se ha ganado un lugar de privilegio en la Euroleague, siendo reconocido por su talento, esfuerzo y dedicación en la cancha. Los aficionados del equipo siguen con orgullo la trayectoria victoriosa del club en la competición europea, celebrando cada triunfo como un logro en la rica historia del baloncesto.
Estadísticas de triunfos del Real Madrid en baloncesto europeo
El Real Madrid es uno de los equipos más exitosos en la historia del baloncesto europeo, con un impresionante récord de triunfos a lo largo de los años. El club ha demostrado su dominio en la Euroliga con numerosos títulos y victorias que lo han consolidado como un referente en la competición.
Desde la creación de la Euroliga en 1958, el Real Madrid ha sido un competidor constante en la élite del baloncesto europeo. El equipo ha logrado un total de 10 títulos de la Euroliga, un logro impresionante que lo coloca como uno de los clubes más laureados en la historia de la competición.
Además de sus triunfos en la Euroliga, el Real Madrid ha conquistado numerosas Copas del Rey, Supercopas de España y otros títulos nacionales e internacionales. El club ha sabido mantener una tradición de éxito y competitividad que lo ha convertido en un rival temido por sus oponentes en toda Europa.
Los aficionados del baloncesto y seguidores del Real Madrid han disfrutado de innumerables momentos de gloria y emoción a lo largo de los años, gracias al desempeño sobresaliente del equipo en la cancha. Con jugadores legendarios y entrenadores de renombre, el Real Madrid ha forjado una historia llena de triunfos y logros que perdurarán en la memoria de los amantes del baloncesto para siempre.
Logros del Real Madrid en la Euroleague de baloncesto
El Real Madrid, uno de los clubes de baloncesto más prestigiosos de Europa, ha logrado numerosos éxitos en la Euroleague a lo largo de su historia. Con un total de diez títulos, el equipo blanco es uno de los más laureados de la competición.
El primer título llegó en la temporada 1963-1964, cuando el Real Madrid se proclamó campeón de la Euroleague por primera vez. A lo largo de las décadas, el equipo ha seguido cosechando éxitos, con triunfos en 1965, 1967, 1968, 1974, 1978, 1980, 1995, 2015 y 2018.
Estos logros sitúan al Real Madrid como uno de los clubes referentes en el baloncesto europeo, con una larga tradición de éxitos y un reconocimiento a nivel internacional. Jugadores legendarios han vestido la camiseta blanca y han contribuido a la rica historia del club en la Euroleague.
Además de los títulos, el Real Madrid ha sido subcampeón en varias ocasiones, demostrando su constancia y competitividad en la máxima competición europea de clubes. La afición madridista ha celebrado cada uno de estos logros, disfrutando del buen baloncesto y del talento de sus jugadores en cada partido.
En definitiva, los logros del Real Madrid en la Euroleague de baloncesto son un reflejo del compromiso, la dedicación y la excelencia que siempre han caracterizado a este histórico club.
Números de campeonatos de la Euroleague ganados por el Real Madrid
El Real Madrid es uno de los equipos más exitosos en la historia de la Euroleague, habiendo ganado un total de 10 campeonatos a lo largo de su trayectoria en la competición. Estos títulos han consolidado al club merengue como una potencia en el baloncesto europeo, demostrando su dominio en esta prestigiosa liga.
El primer campeonato de la Euroleague para el Real Madrid llegó en la temporada 1963-1964, marcando el inicio de una larga historia de éxito en la competición. A lo largo de las décadas, el equipo ha seguido sumando títulos, con victorias en temporadas como 1967, 1968, 1974, 1978, 1980, 1995, 2015, 2018 y 2019.
Estos triunfos han sido posibles gracias al talento de jugadores legendarios que han vestido la camiseta blanca del Real Madrid a lo largo de los años, así como al arduo trabajo de entrenadores y al apoyo de la afición madridista. Cada campeonato ha representado un logro significativo para el club y ha contribuido a su legado como uno de los equipos más laureados en la historia del baloncesto europeo.
Con 10 títulos de la Euroleague en su palmarés, el Real Madrid continúa siendo un referente en el panorama baloncestístico internacional, inspirando a nuevas generaciones de aficionados y dejando una huella imborrable en la historia del deporte.
Repaso de títulos europeos del Real Madrid en baloncesto
El Real Madrid es uno de los equipos más exitosos en la historia del baloncesto europeo, acumulando múltiples títulos a lo largo de los años. El club español ha sido un referente en la Euroliga, logrando varias hazañas que lo han posicionado como uno de los grandes en el mundo de este deporte.
El Real Madrid ha conquistado la Euroliga en varias ocasiones, sumando títulos a lo largo de su historia. Con estrellas en sus filas y un legado de excelencia, el equipo blanco ha dejado una marca imborrable en esta competición tan prestigiosa.
Entre los títulos más destacados del Real Madrid en la Euroliga se encuentran los logrados en las temporadas 1963-64, 1964-65, 1966-67, 1973-74, 1977-78, 1979-80, 1994-95, 2014-15 y 2017-18. Estas victorias han sido el resultado de un arduo trabajo, dedicación y pasión por el baloncesto, valores que han sido la base del éxito del equipo.
Además de sus triunfos en la Euroliga, el Real Madrid también ha brillado en otras competiciones europeas, como la Copa Intercontinental FIBA y la Copa Korac. Estos títulos han consolidado la posición del club como un referente en el baloncesto a nivel internacional.
En resumen, los títulos europeos del Real Madrid en baloncesto son un testimonio del talento, la determinación y el espíritu competitivo de un equipo legendario que seguirá dejando huella en la historia de este deporte.
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pepikhipik · 1 year
Suzanne Stiassni
Dnes, přesně před 100 lety, 11. července 1923, po 14 letech manželství, se narodila jediná dcera Alfreda a Hermine Stiassni - Suzanne Stiassni.
S jejím příchodem na svět započal také velkolepý projekt výstavby nového honosného domova na Hroznové ulici v Brně, kam se rodina nastěhovala v roce 1929.
Smutné události následujících let zapříčinily, že většinu svého života prožila Suzi v daleké Americe, kde vychovala čtyři syny.
Do vily, ve které prožila velkou část svého dětství, se vracela již pouze ve svých snech, které před pár lety umělecky ztvárnila její vnučka Daria Martin přímo v areálu vily.
Suzi Martin zemřela v roce 2005.
Vilu Stiassni, dům s neopakovatelnou atmosférou, si nechal pro svoji rodinu postavit brněnský textilní továrník Alfred Stiassni, který společně s manželkou Hermine oslovil jednoho z nejlepších brněnských meziválečných architektů Ernsta Wiesnera, který v letech 1927–1929 stavbu realizoval. Ačkoliv zvenčí vila zcela odpovídá puristickému stylu architekta, uvnitř si rodina prosadila prvorepublikový luxus, ve kterém nechybí reprezentativní salonky s bohatým dřevěným obložením, mramorovými krby, štuky a vybavené historizujícím nábytkem. Součástí je také rozlehlá terasa a lodžie, která se otevírá do více než tříhektarové zahrady, obklopující vilu ze všech stran. Rodina si tak mohla dopřát dostatek soukromí i sportovního vyžití. V zahradě tak stále najdeme funkční tenisový kurt či bazén.
Devět let po nastěhování však židovská rodina musela uprchnout před nastupujícím nacismem. Po druhé světové válce dostihl vilu zcela jiný osud. Začala sloužit jako luxusní hotel pro významné státní návštěvy. Tou první byl prezident Edvard Beneš, který ve vile nocoval již v květnu 1945. Po něm následoval zástup dalších prominentů.
Od roku 2009 je vila ve správě Národního památkového ústavu, který zahájil její kompletní obnovu. Jako výjimečná památka moderní architektury byla vila zpřístupněna veřejnosti na sklonku roku 2014. Od roku 2018 ji najdeme na prestižním seznamu Iconic Houses - světové sítě ikonických domů 20. století.
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angelanatel · 1 year
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Identitarismo - Les Identitarians
França, anos 60
O movimento identitário ou identitarianismo é um movimento de extrema-direita popularizado na Europa pós segunda guerra, afirmava o direito dos povos de origem europeia a uma cultura e territórios exclusivaos. Tem origem na linda e liberal... França baseando-se nas ideias da moderna filosofia alemã, a partir dos anos 60 tem a contribuição de Alain de Benoist, Dominique Venner, Guillaume Faye e Renaud Camus. Acreditam que existem modos de vida que são típicos a seus povos. São influenciados pela Revolução Conservadora Alemã e pelas teorias do Terceiro Reich através da Nova Direita Européia.
Alguns identitários defendem explicitamente a xenofobia e o racialismo. A maioria limita as declarações públicas a uma linguagem mais dócil e ao dog whistle. Promovem a criação de estados brancos, e políticas de exclusão de migrantes e residentes não-brancos. O Movimento Identitário foi classificado em 2019 pelo Gabinete Federal para a Proteção da Constituição alemã como ideologicamente pertencente ao extremismo de direita.
Tem influência entre os nacionalistas brancos da América do Norte, Austrália e Nova Zelândia O Southern Poverty Law Center, baseado nos EUA, considera muitas dessas organizações como grupos de ódio .
Camus, Jean-Yves; Lebourg, Nicolas (2017). Far-Right Politics in Europe (em inglês). [S.l.]: Harvard University Press. ISBN 978-0674971530
Camus, Jean-Yves (2019). «Alain de Benoist and the New Right». In: Sedgwick, Mark. Key Thinkers of the Radical Right: Behind the New Threat to Liberal Democracy (em inglês). [S.l.]: Oxford University Press. pp. 73–90. ISBN 9780190877613
Mudde, Cas (2019). The Far Right Today (em inglês). [S.l.]: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-1-5095-3685-6
Taguieff, Pierre-André (2015). La revanche du nationalisme: Néopopulistes et xénophobes à l'assaut de l'Europe (em francês). [S.l.]: Presses Universitaires de France. ISBN 978-2-13-072950-1
Teitelbaum, Benjamin R. (2017). Lions of the North: Sounds of the New Nordic Radical Nationalism (em inglês). [S.l.]: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-021259-9
Vejvodová, Petra (Setembro de 2014). The Identitarian Movement – renewed idea of alternative Europe (PDF). ECPR General Conference (em inglês). Masaryk University, Brno: Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Studies. Consultado em 10 de maio de 2017
Virchow, Fabian (2015). «The 'Identitarian Movement': What Kind of Identity? Is it Really a Movement?». In: Simpson, Patricia Anne; Druxes, Helga. Digital Media Strategies of the Far Right in Europe and the United States (em inglês). Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books. pp. 177–90. ISBN 978-0739198810
Zúquete, José Pedro (2018). The Identitarians: The Movement against Globalism and Islam in Europe. [S.l.]: University of Notre Dame Press. ISBN 9780268104245
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tartyfart · 1 year
"kid yourself - just enough to - kid yourself"
Creed's first band, Owada, was formed in 1994 with Adam McEwen and Keiko Owada. In 1997, they released their first CD, Nothing, on David Cunningham's Piano label.
The album 'Mind Trap' above features songs alongside instrumental pieces for orchestra, released in 2014. It features the following musicians:
Dee Alexander
Yvonne Gage 
Andy Knowles
Keiko Owada
Co-produced by Martin with Andy Knowles
Work No. 955 was originally written for the Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, Work No. 994 was composed for the Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra and Work No. 1375 was commissioned by the The London Sinfonietta. These pieces were recorded for the album by the Brno Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Mikel Toms. 
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batsplat · 3 months
i will be in permanent agony next year when marc squeezes pecco like a bug, unless it happens aragón 2021 style, where the unstoppable force (marc) meets an immovable object (passing pecco bagnaia), and marc has to really throw everything at it to come out on top. mostly because marc has a twinkle in his eyes when he looks at pecco, like he sees some sort of a challenge he’d enjoy to take on, and pecco just refuses to look at him 💀
also, martin said pecco plays the most amount of mind games, and i need to see that in 2025 before coming to a conclusion, otherwise it’s just jorge writing fanfiction about bagnaia as the ultimate bad guy of his life (i get it, jorge, next time pecco dnf’s i’ll choose to start stanning you, unlike the ducati bosses)
I think pecco does play mind games! admittedly if you're setting the standard at 'valentino', sure, he's pretty harmless, but pretty much every top level athlete will do a little of this! he does put some thought into how to manage expectations, what he's saying about his own chances and his opponents' chances going into weekends, that kind of thing. generally he might not outright attack his rivals, but he's not opposed to dropping the occasional snide remark. that being said, of course it's quite funny and revealing that jorge zeroed in on pecco as the mind games guy. pecco's very much his personal antagonist... such a good figure to externalise all those knotty feelings of being under-valued and under-appreciated and underrated... it's fairly natural that if you're fighting someone for a title, you get a bit of tunnel vision for them, so it's not that surprising a pick from martin. still fun! I absolutely buy martin's built pecco up a bit too much in his mind, is prone to reading malice into stuff where it probably wasn't intended on pecco's part. sometimes you end up playing mind games on yourself and the other guy doesn't really need to contribute
anyway, about the pecco/marc thing - yeah, look, obviously marc is the favourite in that title battle. that being said, if you look at marc's historical record, I wouldn't be all that surprised if aragon 2021 and jerez this year aren't the outliers. it's completely plausible marc wins that teammate battle quite comfortably but continues to lose in their actual one-on-one duels... because that did often happen during his prime. in 2013, sure, he won that early battle in jerez (which was just kinda building throughout to that one overtake), but he lost the rematch at silverstone. 2014 is the one where he was just kinda winning everything - so this one's kinda the exception, where he might lose some scraps like brno and misano but the extended battles in qatar, mugello, silverstone all go his way. from then on, the most memorable one-on-one duels with his big rivals are pretty often not working out in his favour. 2015 obviously a few with valentino, though he also doesn't win the title there so let's skip that, but 2016? the two duels everyone remembers from that year are mugello and catalunya - both go against him, both are defeats inflicted by his two main title rivals in jorge and valentino respectively, but it doesn't matter because afterwards the rest of the season goes his way. 2017 you've got austria and motegi where he takes on dovi and loses both times - but it doesn't change the momentum of the season and marc still wins in the end. 2018 doesn't really have a title fight, but again he's losing austria to jorge (before winning thailand so that's something). 2019, again not really a title fight, but he loses austria and silverstone before winning a couple of duels against rookie fabio at misano and thailand. in both those seasons, he's not really being challenged for the title - but if you looked just at the duels, you'd think the competition was a lot closer than the reality
none of this is to say that marc is bad at wheel-to-wheel racing, because he very obviously is not. (which by the way you can tell the moment you stop looking just at one-on-one's and include dogfights - sure, he's not won all of them, but pi '15 pi '17 assen '18 are all super memorable for a reason.) it's just an interesting pattern in his career: when he gets himself involved in extended duels with a single rival, he loses quite frequently, but it still doesn't hurt his title campaign. that's excellent mental resilience! it does, however, show that he doesn't really build his title campaigns around those big dramatic victories, around inflicting a dramatic and demoralising defeat on his rival in one-to-one combat. in this sense, he is obviously different from valentino: for instance 2004 is a title campaign that was built entirely around that trio of races early in the season (mugello, catalunya, assen) where he reclaims the championship lead and dulls sete's confidence by winning successive tight one-to-one battles. (also of course 2008/09, but those almost feel too obvious to mention.) when you look at marc's title campaigns, what they really rely on more than anything else is... well, consistency. the fact that he's basically always fast - and that generally speaking, he's finding himself in last lap duels at circuits where he shouldn't be able to contend for the victory at the last lap in the first place. (obviously qatar and austria, but also for instance honda was having a rough one at misano 2019, which is traditionally one of his strongest tracks but can be quite quirky.) (just saying, misano's a really good pecco track too... wouldn't that be fun...) it's relentless, intimidating pace that he's using to win all those titles... if you look at the races that changed the momentum in his various title winning seasons, it's not actually ever one-on-one duels, it's races where he won or was even just on the podium where all his rivals for one reason or another weren't there. maybe jorge and dani are injured, or maybe his rivals are having some horror show flag-to-flag races, or maybe ducati's having an off-weekend, or maybe everyone who isn't marc just refuses to stop crashing, or maybe jorge's decided to skittle the field
with the one-on-one battles themselves, sometimes it's kind of like... 'okay, sure, you won, but the fact I was even there probably isn't great news for you'. this is what jerez this year was about, right - of course, that was an important win for pecco, but also the fact that marc is fighting with him this early into his ducati career on a year old bike is certainly... a concern. obviously marc does want to win those duels, but he does also seem pretty capable of bouncing back after losing them. some of them have bothered him, sure - the worst was probably assen 2015, where there was obviously a lot of other stuff going on... and because it was that bit of the year where he was finding his feet again with that honda and they headed to the sachsenring next, his on-track performances didn't take a hit. you can argue that argentina 2015 did negatively affect his results... but that was also just a bit of the panic of 'I need to make up points now' in response to his first real adversity in the premier class - and anyway, everyone knows that wasn't a perfect marc season, the point is he was a lot better at managing this stuff going forwards. in 2016 and 2017 in particular, he really does do an excellent job of taking these close defeats in his stride
this is a long way of saying, look, I could easily imagine a version of 2025 where pecco wins a dramatic duel against marc at catalunya and then another one at mugello, and yet marc still wins that season pretty comfortably. that's basically the season I'm expecting... I'd quite like to have something different, because honestly I do enjoy it when the on-track battles actually affect title fights a bit more substantially! that being said, marc definitely wants to beat pecco in a one-on-one duel (though I'm sure that lovely le mans last lap pass will have gone a long way towards cheering him up) - and hey, interpersonal emotional stakes are a lot of fun too. hopefully even if there isn't much of a title fight they can still snap at each other a bit... as a treat
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romanstetina · 10 years
MLUV, ABYCH TĚ VIDĚL solo show @Galerie Kabinet (TIC), Brno (CZ)
18. 6. – 30. 7. 2014
curated by Marika Kupková
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Romanu Štětinovi se daří vystihnout zvláštní situaci vnímání, kdy je autenticita – například synchronnost obrazu a zvuku – „nemístná věc“. Jedná se o zobrazení skrytého aparátu rozhlasové tvorby. Studia, techniky, personálu, tj. všeho, co jako posluchači nevidíme. Vzniká tak opačná problematizace našich recepčních stereotypů, než jakou jsme zvyklí podstupovat: namísto asynchronicity obrazu a zvuku se stává překvapivou právě jejich souhra. Dochází nejen k rozšíření vjemů, ale také k transformaci stávajících, jako při přechodu od němého filmu ke zvukovému. Oproti tomuto příkladu v jeho videích a filmech ale nedochází k „adekvátnímu“ přizpůsobení původního média inovovanému, rozšířenému režimu. Jako bychom do filmu souběžně pustili spontánně pořízený audio záznam celého natáčení. Dominantou se tak stává performativita a tělesnost tam, kde je rozhlas nebo film potlačují.
Na této výstavě jsou zastoupena autorova aktuální videa (2014), která byla zatím prezentována pouze v rámci ojedinělých projekcí v kinosálech. Ostatně tato konstelace – reflexe média rozhlasu od vizuálního umělce promítaná v klasickém kinosále – vytváří pro autora příznačnou skrumáž mediálních a oborových aparátů, která nás pořád ponouká, abychom ji zkoušeli rozmotávat.
Marika Kupková
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demochampion · 2 years
Raceroom racing experience vs simraceway
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The game announced this week that it would be making all of its paid downloadable content free for a limited period of time during the coronavirus pandemic. I will personally be waiting for a VR HMD that has much better resolution per eye as well as foveated rendering so that the GPU I buy to power it will be able to drive it properly.Popular free-to-play racing simulator RaceRoom Racing Experience is doing its part to ensure its legion of players stay inside. I have also played Project Cars on the HTC Vive using the same Logitech G29 Force Feedback Steering Wheel and while the resolution was better, it was still not much better. The Matte Screen Protector optically pulls the pixels tightly together effectively negating the screen door effect. The effect is profound but is not perfect, when you focus on the screen rather than the image displayed on it you will notice the tiny pixels in the texture of the matte screen protector but before the augmentation you could clearly see the space BETWEEN each pixel, this was very noticeable and off putting. I currently have a self modified DK2 that I augmented to drastically reduce the Screen Door effect by putting a matte screen protector on the Samsung Note 3 display nestled in the DK2. The resolution, or lack of it, is the first thing that everyone I have demoed it to points out but after 10 mins driving round Brno in any car they all agree that it’s still awesome fun and that everything else VR brings more than makes up for that. I now don’t like playing driving games on a screen even though before VR I was happy playing on my 40 inch 1080P Samsung TV, now it’s too flat, the awkward press a button to look left or right and you don’t feel the cars like you do in VR. I have shaved an average of 10 seconds off my lap times just through driving in VR.
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I just find the feeling that you are in the car with the automatic orientation that brings coupled with the ability to look to the apex and effectively use the dashboard and mirrors while driving in cockpit view naturally and effortlessly allows you to focus on the task at hand, which is driving the chosen car. Don’t get me wrong, there are many improvements required, as has been stated, before VR is perfect. I have found driving in VR to be the closest I have ever come to actually being there. I have learned more about driving fast since I got VR than I have ever learned from any racing game, EVER! I can personally state that for me VR in racing games like Project Cars and Assetto Corsa, with Project Cars having the all inclusive VR immersion, has changed everything for me. The return of VR support is another indication that RaceRoom is heading in the right direction. Now that Sector3 is at the helm-which operates effectively as a restructured SimBin- RaceRoom is back on track, having seen massive physics and force feedback improvements, making the sim far more appealing to the enthusiast. This lead to the sim being dismissed by large sections of the community, and ultimately, the demise of SimBin. RaceRoom’s approach was different, both in terms of being a free-to-play title with paid additional content in the form of cars and tracks, as well as aiming to have accessible physics. It has a colourful history, having been originally developed by the SimBin, famous for classic racing sims such as GT Legends (2005) and GTR (2005). RaceRoom can be considered an established racing sim at this point, despite being technically still a ‘beta’. Today’s update has, along with some major feature and content additions, enabled a ‘first pass’ of VR support, much to the delight of the community. The update also includes a number of improvements and adds new content to this often underappreciated racing sim.ĭeveloper Sector3 has been largely silent about potential VR support for RaceRoom, despite the title offering an excellent, experimental VR mode for the Rift DK2 dev kit back in 2014. RaceRoom Racing Experience has received a major update that introduces Vive and Rift support through SteamVR.
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umseb · 2 years
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formula bmw adac champion sebastian vettel is congratulated by his sister, melanie / brno, czech republic - september 18, 2004 📷 sutton images / motorsport images
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motogpics · 2 years
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Brno Circuit - August 17, 2014
© Mirco Lazzari
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