brklynlost · 3 years
bucky has a thing for captain america.
blondie or bird boy?
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wdova-archive · 3 years
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@brknsymbol​ said: relax, i’m trying to help.        training   /   sparring   rp   meme.
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SILENCE  FALLS  THROUGH,  EYES  HARDENING.  not  used  to  get  help,  not  used  to  help  being  real.  all  fabrications  of  the  red  room  taught  her  to  not  trust  anyone,  only  herself  (and  even  that  can  be  put  into  question).  “who  said  I  needed  your  help?”  anyone’s  help.  posture  is  perfect,  she  knows  that,  years  of  training,  what  else  is  there  to  learn?  “what  can  you  teach  me  that  I  don’t  know?”
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royalgcnius-arc · 3 years
[ cover ]  to cover your muse with a blanket / jacket / coat when they’re lying down
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    Shuri  kept  forgetting  that  climate  wasn’t quite  the  same  between  America and  Wakanda.  For  someone  that  liked  to  plan  and organize  things  with  some  kind  of  chaotic meticulousness,  she  did  keep  making all  the  wrong  choices  when  it  came  to  packing a  bag  every time  she  went  visiting  her  friends  in  New  York.  Damn,  for  how  chill the  night  breeze was,  the  princess wasn’t  even  sure  she  owned clothes  that  were  heavy  enough. Not  that  her  pride  would  allow  her  to  ask for  an  additional blanket  or  whatnot, of  course.  Although that  didn’t  quite  stop  others from  noticing  she was  still  freezing even  thirty  minutes after  coming  back  from  her  walk  in  the  city.  
    That  always surprised  her  a  bit,  the  fact  that  people  outside her  family  knew  how  to  read  her. It  still  made  her  eyes  fill  with  surprise  every  time  Bucky  did  it,  even  despite all  the  time  they  had  spent  together in  Wakanda,  and  it  definitely made  her  look  at  Sam  Wilson  with  not  completely hidden  shock  as that  jacket  fell  on  her  shoulders.  «  Well,  that’s very  chivalrous.  »  A  simple thank  you  would have  worked  just  as  much,  but  Shuri  preferred  keeping a  smirk  on  her  lips  as  she  instinctively  wrapped the  jacket  around herself.  «  I  don’t  know  how  you  guys  survive with  this  weather. »  
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amazeweb · 3 years
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“HEY MAN, COOL SUIT. I SEE YOU COPIED MY COLOR SCHEME. IT’S COOL.“ yeah his and apparently half of the superheroes in the states. something about red, blue and white. at least his comes from the colors of the spider who bit him. “this is so cool. can you put me down, though?“ and not that he mind being in the air but hey, he is the spiderman currently being carrier by falcon (retired), captain america. “can I get a picture? I know a guy who would pay for a photo of the new suit. a good friend of mine.” @brknsymbol​
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mistrclean · 3 years
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“ did you just name drop jesus christ like you know a guy who knows a guy ? ”   //   @brknsymbol​
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“ —— BET YOUR ASS I DID. WE GO WAY BACK. ”  liam and one jesus christ could be a sore subject, he’d gone back and forth with his own religion many times before and for good reason too.  “ i figure we got close enough once that i’m allowed. ”
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“ you almost die a couple times i guess maybe you got the right. ”  yes he was absolutely making up his own rules about when he could name drop ol’ jc.  “ that an issue for you or somethin’? ”
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brklynfound · 3 years
wtf does steve do on saturday nights
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goes bowling. eats ice cream. hits the matinee. sends out 'come get this dick-fil-a' texts. watches reruns. you know. the usual.
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qntmd · 3 years
If you could change one thing about rp on tumblr, what would it be? Why?
be honest meme
only one??? :///  no but for real, there’s a lot wrong with tumblr rpc let’s be up front about that first off lol.  so there’s a lot i’d change but the first thing that came to mind, probably because i was just talking about it, is how serious people take this shit.  and yeah, it’s totally fine if that’s your thing and you’re really into it, but don’t expect the same from everyone else?  some of us are literally just here to chill and fuck around writing some of our faves with some other cool people who like to do dumb things on the internet like write fictional characters and talk about whether or not they like to sleep in their socks and if they can chew gum and walk at the same time.  ya know...stuff literally no one else but us cares about? :’)  it’s great if you’re super serious about this and stuff, but seeing people get upset over others not being ‘dedicated’ is just???  pls...it’s tumblr dot com roleplay it’s not the end of the world if we’re here shitposting and not being a robot punching out replies.  or at least that’s what i like to tell myself to feel better about it and you sure as hell can too.
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dragonsflesh · 3 years
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@brknsymbol​ asked: "i believe your intent. but your innocence will be your downfall."
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         AS IF HE HAD THE FAINTEST IDEA OF WHO HE WAS SPEAKING TO. innocence does not carry within her bloodline, it hardly existed for hundreds of years. of course, none of that mattered when she breathed fire through her lungs and powered it through her palms, when destruction and chaos could not be controlled the way she wanted it to. daenerys never meant to frighten, only to teach. not all mutants were the same. not every creature with an extra boost was out to get human beings and others alike. she scoffs lightly at his words as if the downfall of her naivety wasn’t already a key point that has been passed.
          he was kind enough to mention it, map out the basis of dany’s external personality. he didn’t have to, he could’ve easily flown over her head to slap the handcuffs on her and pull her away. alas, here they were in a helicarrier. the dragon that feasts upon her anger helped to smooth her words out as she responds,  “  so are you expecting me to be the opposite of that? conform to the idea that all mutants are just waiting to take all humans out?  ”  it sounds harsh but what would he want her to be? people needed hope, some kind of path to understanding,  “  sometimes being in the middle isn’t enough for humans to understand. and being batshit crazy is definitely not it.  ”
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SAM WILSON / @brknsymbol​ ; gets another unsolicited consult
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     WHEN SHE GETS INTO THE FRAY rayne isn’t always aware of what happens to her and she doesn’t always feel it either. considering she’s not affiliated with anyone directly she also doesn’t have anyone watching her back. mostly she watches her own back and she’s gotten good at it, but it’s not perfect and this is one of those instances.
     with her suit being self-healing, she’s unaware of the injures lurking beneath–there’s no damage to the suit itself, no blood stains, nothing seeping through, no indication of anything being amiss. rayne feels the aches, the stinging, but just how bad they are is unknown to her. at least until the fight is over and she finds her steps unsteady, and vision blurring at the edges. all of a sudden she’s horizontal, cheek digging into the asphalt and she can taste blood.
     well, that’s not good.
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wdova · 3 years
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@brknsymbol​ asked: 👗  -  a  starter  where  my  muse  helps  yours  get  ready  for  a  fancy  event  [ eg.  fixing  their  tie,  zipping  their  dress ]       send  an emoji  for  a  starter  based  on  the  trope. ( “  my  muse  ”  is  the  muse  of  person  receiving  the  meme.  “  your  muse  ”  is  the  muse  of  the  person  sending  the  meme. )
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“IT’S  LIKE  YOU  HAVE  NEVER  WORN  A  TIE,  CAPTAIN.“  and  the  russian  spy  stares  through  the  side  of  the  door.  she  is  already  on  her  own  undercover  costume,  gone  was  the  black  suit  and  widow’s  bites  and  in  was  the  long  blue  dress,  tightly  shaped  and  cut  down  the  side  and  heels.  despite  hating  it,  it  felt  like  ballet,  walking  on  tight  grip  and  constricting  shoes,  it  made  no  difference  in  how  she  walked.  “how  much  russian  do  you  know,  sam  wilson?“  because  that  would  be  key  to  the  mission.  if  not,  she  is  giving  him  the  role  of  just  arm  candy.  american  arm  candy  at  that,  many  russians  would  find  that  hilarious.  she  crosses  the  room,  hands  reaching  over  to  brush  his  away  from  the  loose  bow-tie  and  do  the  twist  and  tie  herself.  hazel  greens  look  up  at  him  for  a  brief  moment.  “told  you  you  didn’t  had  to  join  me  on  this  part  of  the  mission.“
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brklynlost · 3 years
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“  if you didn’t make popcorn for movie night you are moving out right now.  ”
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wdova-archive · 3 years
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IT  HAD  BEEN  MEANT  TO  BE  A  GOODBYE.  AND  YET  HERE  HE  IS.  she  had  been  at  the  docks,  weeks  ago  now,  telling  him  goodbye,  waving  her  respects  to  the  new  captain  america  and  telling  the  winter  soldier  that  all  was  well.  they  weren’t  meant  to  meet,  not  so  soon,  not  as  she  is  training  walker  to  become  a  better  soldier  for  her  unknown  client.  “it’s  just  a  job.”  she  said,  explaining  she  doesn’t  know  who  the  client  is,  though  suspicions  are  running  high  at  that  point  (  only  a  few  people  could  get  a  hold  of  her  file  after  all,  it  had  to  be  them  ).  
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Doesn’t  seem  to  take  much  to  track  most  activities  to  Russia  and  by  then,  she  just  knows.  “It’s  not  your  fight,  Sam  Wilson.  If  the  red  room  is  active,  they  will  come  after  me.”  Too  valuable  of  an  asset,  too  good,  first,  they  would  try  to  get  her  back  into  their  hands.  Cohesion,  or  brainwashing,  nothing  matters.  If  that  doesn’t  work,  elimination  is  the  next  step.  And  Yelena  is  tired  of  running.  “It’s  best  for  you  to  sit  this  one  out.”  Between  the  red  room  and  walker,  they  have  their  hands  full.    
And  her  earlier  actions  of  training  the  former  captain  only  seems  like  a  betrayal  to  their  uneasy  partnership.  
starter for @brknsymbol​
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shesdaylight-arch · 3 years
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send 🩸   for  your  muse  to  take  a  bullet  that  was  meant  for  mine / 
she didn’t know sam for very long,   or that well,  really.   but that didn’t mean she would remain closed off to him,  and it really wasn’t every day where she could find herself having some free time from work to actually take a walk through central park.     she couldn’t help but think that it was really nice, to have an actual conversation.    to feel like she was just a normal social worker in a normal city - but then again, was anyone really ever normal?   the unknown sniper may have had a misidentification,  may have thought she was someone a little more important than she actually was.   she wasn’t a superhero,  not one in the typical sense.   she didn’t risk her life to save the city, the world, as her hero companions typically did;   but maybe sam noticed the sniper’s presence, or maybe rapunzel was just too caught up in the conversation to notice anything else but the topic.    maybe that was why sam shoved her out of the way and took the hit,  but as he shoved her out of the way rapunzel was confused.   had he lost his footing,  was this some weird start to a tackle football game?    “sam!  what the hell are yo----    oh my god, you’re bleeding!   what the hell happened?”   // @brknsymbol​ | no longer accepting.
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sensesdialed-aa · 3 years
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@brknsymbol​ asked: “You know, it wasn’t always like this.” // bo burnham inside sentence meme
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      PETER IS WELL AWARE of how he’s one of the more recent additions to the Avengers— no matter the time spent swinging around stopping neighborhood crimes, even if he did join in on the bigger threat from time to time, it wasn’t exactly official until, well, the fight with Thanos. Five years pass in the blink of an eye and Peter is THROWN into a confusing place, unsure how to deal with the memories, the grief, the weight of a legacy. There’s no denying that the world is shaken by the effects, but with his identity a secret and fear of worrying others, Peter can’t help feeling somewhat trapped. 
      Which is partly why it’s relieving to get to talk to Sam a bit— even if he finds himself embarrassed by potentially not seeming good enough for the job. Any other circumstances and he would’ve been much more excited about the opportunity, practically bouncing off the walls while talking to other heroes, but things feel...different now. 
   “Yeah?” He questions, gaze flickering towards the other. “I mean, I...wasn’t really AROUND for a lot of the Avengers, or— big hero stuff before all this. Aside from Germany and everything I usually just stuck to what was going on near Queens, so, uh, I guess I don’t know much about what it was like?” Now, even if he doesn’t regret his decision to stick to helping the little guy for a second, he wishes he had taken more advantage of the little time he had. “At...least it probably wasn’t as much of a mess as things are now, huh?” He says with a small laugh.
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cafegraces · 3 years
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@brknsymbol​ said :   [ RUN ]  for  your  muse  to  grab  my  muse’s  hand  and  tell  them  to  run   //   first meeting starters.
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she stumbles for a couple of seconds before regaining her footing and casting a glance over her shoulder.   “   maybe we could try talking to them!   ”   she offers,   though she keeps pace with his retreat anyways.   when a shot goes just past them,   spraying a cloud of dirt and rubble around them,   she quickly switches her tune.   “   okay,   maybe not!   ”   she doesn’t have any of her gear on,   but without a second to stop and send a notification to skymax,   she’s just going to have to make do without.   
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ofmockingjay · 3 years
@brknsymbol​ said: i do share. i’m nice like that.  
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                there’s a soft tilt of her head, chin coming up and narrowed grey settling right on the one across from her.   it’s a peace offering, she knows - can  practically smell the sugar and cinnamon that dance all over the bun.  ever since she decided to help clint with one little task she’s been on the run with his group of friends and making way with the shell of them.  today, however, she’s stuck with no one other than bird boy - and yeah, maybe she shouldn’t have shot at redwing. 
                  and maybe he shouldn’t have called her a canary. 
                 she’s a mockingjay, there’s a difference.   
                   ‘’            oh, is that so?         ‘’        still, she’d be foolish to deny herself some food, and she reaches up slowly, gaze glued on him as she takes the warm bun into her hands - which are, she’s realized, so small and frail compared to the rest of them.        a piece is torn off, brought to her lips - and oh , no -    he’s not gonna be a good cook, either, but there’s something about the way it melts right on her tongue that makes her feel like she’s in heaven and not in the middle of a war zone.  
                    yeah, yeah   . . .     nose scrunches.   it’s good.   too good.   probably poisoned.   but she picks another piece and chews it quickly, a habit she hasn’t broken from growing up poor.   prim’s going to love this, she knows - she’ll take some back home to her.     still    . . .       there’s a small truce, legs swinging over the branch of the tree she’s called her perch.   
                       ‘’       not bad, bird boy     -----       still sorry i missed your little toy.       ‘’    
                    and there’s a smile breaking the corners of her lips.    
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