#britta my beloved
conanssummerchild · 7 months
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leojrthetanooki · 1 year
if we do get a community movie after the studios finally settle the strike with wga and sag-aftra, troy better have a spider-man costume to go with abed's batman costume
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strangerathecinema · 11 months
hypothetically, what if we invited our spanish study group to our newly bought apartment that we both share and while they’re over there’s a knock at the door and it’s the pizza delivery guy and we can’t decide who should go let him in so we roll a dice and one of the sides makes you leave to get the pizza and it lands us in the darkest timeline and our friends all get traumatized and you lose your larynx from attempting to eat a flaming troll doll but it’s okay because we’re still best friends despite it all and we wear felt goatees together?
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sebnameyourcar · 1 year
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god-is-a-dyke · 2 years
Epidemiology Is The Best Episode Of Community And Here Is Why
I should have posted this around Halloween, but let’s be honest Epidemiology transcends time of year. It is and always will be the most episode of all time.
Yes, I recognize this is a bold statement considering some other pretty amazing episodes (Remedial Chaos Theory being the most obvious contender here). I will say I’m biased in a few different ways. However, i have 9 pages of notes about this episode and goddamnit if I’m not going to share them.
(i’ll put this under a cut because it will get long and i’m not sorry but i do respect people’s scrolling pleasure)
As someone growing up in the early 2000s/2010s, I was not immune to the craze of zombie entertainment. I watched The Walking Dead, Zombieland, and 28 Days Later. I played Left4Dead and the Telltale Walking Dead games. I read zombie apocalypse survival guides for fun.
However, let’s take a second to understand the risk Community undertook here. This is a sitcom that follows the day to day life of these characters we know and love. To drop them into an apocalyptic world requires finesse. There have to be real stakes, but we don’t want to lose too much. The writers have crafted this story that doesn’t rely on “it was a dream” or other tacky fake outs. So, let’s see how they do this.
pt 1 Infection
- “A rabies related pathogen causing hyperaggression”
A logical explanation for an illogical occurrence. With this one phrase, Rich grounds us in a reality where a disease like this could actually occur. All it would take is the right mutation of a certain virus strain.
A systemic infection must be transferred to a host and then spread throughout the body. A zombie bite does this by infecting the tissue and bloodstream. But, viruses can also spread through things such as our gastrointestinal tract. The bite is going to spread to the bloodstream much faster, hence the shorter incubation time; the early cases are due to the consumption of the tainted “army rations”.
Now what makes this infection so special? The other key to making this work in universe is maintaining a sliver of humanity in our zombies. They are who they were -- Annie studying, Jeff texting no body, Chang trying to kiss Shirley, and even Leonard turning away from Shirley after she intimidates him. The important thing is there’s still something to come back to. These aren’t rotting bodies of the undead, they’re still our favorite characters who hold their personalities, but now they’re just uninhibited (and crave human flesh).
pt 2 The Army
The events at Greendale on Halloween night are kept contained, by no accident. But it’s the extent to which it’s contained is unsettling to say the least.
- The Army Knew About The Taco Meat
This whole thing was supposed to be contained from the beginning, hence the warning label. But it begs the question, why was it available at the Army Surplus Store? How was the Dean able to to buy it in the first place?
- “The army’s gonna be here in 6 hours”
So here’s where it get’s fucked up. Rich says because of the fevers caused by the virus within 3 hours the infected will suffer brain damage and in another 3 they’ll be dead. Add it up and what do you get?
The army intends for everyone to infect each other and die off, and to simply come in clean up the remains of Greendale Community College. The Dean locks everyone in the school. They restrict the phone lines so nobody can call local emergency responders. At 6 hours on the dot, the army arrives and -- if you watch very carefully before they discover uninfected -- the man behind the leader of the response starts to pull a gun on the Dean: “The Only Witness”.
Once the uninfected are discovered they move to “Plan B” which is staging a mass roofie and wiping everyone’s memories of that night. Their initial plan is to just let everyone die. And I think most of us who have lived the past couple years in America will agree that this is..... quite on brand for the American Government.
All of this grounds the episode in our established world. A world of chaos, yet grounded in reality. This makes the episode possible. It changes the game of the zombie apocalypse media, perfect for a one off episode in a sitcom.
But I’m only getting started.
2. Character Progression/Dynamics
Despite the Special Episode vibes, this episode still moves the story along and stays true to the characters. 
- Pierce and Starburns
Yeah uh... duh. There’s no other way a zombie apocalypse would start.
- Jeff and Britta
It’s later revealed that they’re secretly hooking up at this point, so their banter at the beginning of the episode establishes a flashback point. It’s also a point of stasis. We’re used to seeing Jeff and Britta poke around at each other, so we have this sense of familiarity to begin before the world literally falls apart.
- Rich and Britta
If there’s anyone in the group deluded enough to think they’d be the exception to getting the virus, it’s these two.
Rich is the most knowledgeable on the virus, without him they would all fail. Therefore, he thinks this knowledge makes him immune. He’s already served his purpose, however, so he no longer gets this immunity.
Britta... This doesn’t need much explaining. She puts up a façade. She thinks she can do more than she can. She thinks she is doing more than she is. But deep down, she’s lost and scared. She’s going to lose herself if she continues this hubris. This is just another example of this.
- Shirley and Chang
This could only happen during the end of days.
They find their common ground in the face of death. This sets up the arc for the rest of the season. Another roadblock for Shirley and Andre, conflict between Troy and Pierce, and more of Chang’s story.
- Annie
Listen man, Annie does the best she can to help, and is taken out through no fault of her own. But hey at least she gets the best shot in the episode. That window shot gets me every time.
Her nursing furthers her whole crush on Rich thing, and also is a smaller version of the healthcare role she plays again during the Pillows and Blankets war.
- Jeff
He tries to take up the leadership position in the basement, but ultimately that falls to Troy. Jeff claims to be so successful in life because he suppresses himself and focuses on outwards appearance. His obsession with his appearance leads to his demise. He opens the door because he doesn’t want to dirty his suit. He complains about Banana Rich stretching out his suit jacket as he’s dying. He refuses to engage in the “nerdy” end of the world antics. He’s still living in reality, but the apocalypse requires some degree of accepting the insanity and leaning into it.
Again, we have to remember these are the characters we know and love. We have to know they’ll be safe, but still worry about them. The show has to continue from here; even though their memories get wiped, this had to mean something.
But, wait. Someone is missing...
3. The Troy And Abed Of It All
Okay, so let’s just acknowledge right off the bat that these two are in love. Cool? Now we can move on.
Without Troy and Abed, this episode doesn’t work.
- This Is The Culmination Of Troy’s Early Character Development
This is Troy finally letting go of his jock persona, finally not worrying about how others view him. This parallel’s Jeff’s journey in this episode, which is why there’s such an emphasis on Jeff’s $600 suit and his texting. Troy has to see that in the face of death none of that is going to matter or save him. After this, Troy stops worrying as much: we get the blanket fort, the trampoline, his 21st birthday. He goes from a nerd to a jock and back to a nerd again.
He uses his jock persona as a safety blanket. He has come a long way since the pilot, but his anxieties and insecurities are so deeply rooted that they come out kicking sometimes.
- Trying To Ground Abed In Reality
Abed is the exact opposite of Jeff, Troy stands between them.
Abed is focused on the idea of saving the world by lowering the thermostat. He relinquishes power, and lets Jeff convince him that it won’t work. And hey, maybe if they had tried it then it wouldn’t have. Ultimately, he was right and the unreality was key, but the next 5 minutes are pivotal to Jeff and Troy’s story.
- Troy’s Voice After Leaving Abed
Look, I know we already set aside their love for each other but we can’t just fucking ignore this. It breaks me. He’s so broken. He just left behind his best friend. They just had a fight and then Abed sacrificed himself for Troy. Because no matter what he’s never going to not believe in Troy. 
- Abed Is The Only One Who Can Get Troy To Be A Nerd Once And For All
When Abed gives up the illusion of the fantasy and focuses on escaping, Troy takes up that torch. He follows through with Abed’s plan, but Abed’s plan only works if you don’t bind yourself to the laws of reality.
- If Abed Was With Him, Troy Wouldn’t Have Gone Back In
This might be a stretch. Maybe they would have come up with another plan. Or found out the army’s plan.
But seeing Abed sacrifice himself for Troy after everything, Troy has nothing more to lose. That’s his other half, and he has to at least try to save him (and everyone else)
- Confronting The Zombies
The costume does help slow the zombies down to some extent, but it’s impractical and eventually given up. Troy has to give into the fantasy, but he can’t stray too far from reality. He needs both to survive.
Troy punches every single one of his friends. Except Abed. The only person who could get him there was the only person who could stand in the way of his success.
He still pushes through. Acknowledging Jeff once more. Both Abed and Jeff pulling him to their extremes in one way or another. But combined, they give him the push to complete his journey. Troy truly has the Heart of a Hero.
- Aftermath
There’s so much in the way they look at each other after being bandaged up. Troy and Abed know something is different. They might not know exactly what happened, but they know it was big. Something has changed. They have changed. But what’s important is they’re together. They survive when they work together.
This is Troy finally letting go and being the person he truly is inside. Thanks to Abed.
Maybe I’m biased. Maybe I’ve rambled on for hours. Maybe no one will ever read this.
Maybe I just prefer episodes that focus on Troy and Abed.
Maybe I just had an intense love for zombie stories as a kid and it’s bleeding into adulthood.
This episode is just so special to me for so many reasons. I really do think it’s one other the best episodes of Community and honestly of a lot of tv shows I’ve ever watched.
It’s an action filled episode with an ABBA Soundtrack. What more could you want?!
And most important of all........ the cat in the basement.
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gothwizardmagic · 1 year
Do you recommend The Brittas Empire? I gave the first episode a go and found it kind of boring lol
I wouldn't not recommend it, but if you found the first episode boring it likely won't appeal. It has its moments, but it's not a particularly exciting show and definitely gets a bit one-note and repetitive sometimes. I've mostly been watching it for nostalgia - it's the first show I remember watching as a kid that explicitly had a regularly featured gay male couple in it, which was pretty huge for a sitcom in the 90s. It's not a bad show by any means, but not really a standout.
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liketheletter-l · 2 years
it makes me so angry that community completely abandons britta (in general but also) and the specific quality about her jeff voices in s2e22 "applied anthropology and the culinary arts." where he's like "you have something in you that wants to take care of people so bad, you'll do it until you puke." that's set up way back in s1e3 "introduction to film" where she tells abed she just wants to take care of him and then after season 2 britta's only personality is Being Bad At Things and Being A Social Justice Warrior
britta and abed's relationship had so much potential and is so underused. they set it up in s1e3 and of course in "abed's uncontrollable christmas" there's such a unique dynamic between them that would've been so cool to explore especially when they ended up living together during season 6.
i miss Them :(
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sunscall · 1 year
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Not sure what genre of women this is but I like it.
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umjamlam · 2 years
i keep forgetting that frankie is a potential shipmate for britta.... they would be so cute...
also i read a fic where annie gets together w clair and its!!!! such a good pairing, its canon in my brain
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fruitscones · 7 months
Community season 1 is my ultimate comfort watch. I love it so much. Feels like I’m hanging out with friends..
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bettygemma · 1 year
I think Forks is now new favourite tv episode of all time 10/10 no notes
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The Same Shade Of Red
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Sebastian Vettel x Fem!Reader
Warnings: monza 2020 (double dnf for the boys in red), so much angst sorry, redbull comparisons for seb, the magic that is monza, the disaster that is ferrari and their team, talks of seb's races in monza, a few harsh/sad thoughts from seb, mentions of retirement, charles's crash in monza 2020, mentions of the pandemic, reader is the most loving wife to which seb is her perfect match, britta is sooo over you guys after years of this.
Word Count: 2.2k
Author's Note: would I be me if I didn't take monza race weekend and turn it into an ode to seb? no. ferrari seb you will always be my most beloved and fuck you ferrari for hurting my husband fr. (also this gif is so sexy I can't explain it. well I can but I will be banned from tumblr dot com)
Monza held a special place in the heart of your husband, in yours and in anyone that was a part of the Vettel family.
Sebastian had proven his worth, winning his and Toro Rosso's first ever Grand Prix in Monza during the 2008 season.
It was no different when he moved to Red Bull from Toro Rosso, his era of dominance brought him win after win and two of which were in Monza; the home of Ferrari.
Ever since that first win, Sebastian held a special love for Monza, as did you. There's something magical about the place; it might be the atmosphere or the fans but it has always been good to you and Seb. Whatever it was, it was nothing if not remarkable every single time.
The Tifosi held their drivers to the highest of standards, some would say next to God. Something happens to Italy when motorsport comes to town; everything changes and every single person you meet is so passionate. They live and breathe for Ferrari, they'd die for their drivers if it meant they could see them on that top step.
When Sebastian moved from Red Bull to Ferrari, he counted down the days to Monza.
It had always been his dream to drive with the red team, just as his childhood hero and friend, Michael, had done. Sebastian's first year with Ferrari was the epitome of picture perfect.
Despite coming in P2 behind Lewis and Mercedes, being on the podium at home for Ferrari meant everything to the German driver. This wasn't the first time he had gotten on podium for Ferrari, in fact he had already won twice with them that season; in Malaysia and then again in Hungary.
Monza was different; magical, special. There was something in the air, the energy was indescribable. Sebastian grinned, waving to the team from the second step.
You smiled, watching as your fiancé at the time hummed along to the Italian anthem, a country he quickly counted as his second home.
Sebastian was the king of the world that day, even though he hadn't won.
He had returned to the garage with the biggest grin on his face, trophy in one hand and the bottle of champagne in the other. He passed them over to his engineer, making a beeline for you. The man's covered in champagne and sweat and confetti, and he smells like gasoline and engine oil but he picks you up, squeezing you tightly.
You remember telling him how much you loved him and how proud of him you were. Sebastian responded with a kiss, you can taste the champagne; a familiar taste that slowly became more scarce as his days with Ferrari went on.
Unfortunately, things took a bit of a downwards dip for Sebastian after that. He was hungry to win, he was constantly in a fight for the championship every year and it was killing him that he wasn't there yet. Yes, he had won races with them and broken every record he could possibly break but if he couldn't achieve the one thing he really set out to do, the one thing he had always dreamt about, then what was the point?
Monza seemed to always have Sebastian in its grasp, tricking him as the years went on. He almost always was there, he could reach out and touch the win and yet, it slipped through his fingers. Winning in Monza meant more to a Ferrari driver than winning in Monaco would - unless you were born and raised there like Sebastian's teammate, Charles.
You were the king of the world if you won there; your name written in the history books from now until the end of time.
Sebastian longed for his name to be in the book of the greats; Sebastian Vettel, Monza race winner.
A dream that slipped through his fingers as did his hope of winning the championship with Ferrari.
After coming in P2 in 2015, things just kept getting further and further from the finish line for him. P3 in 2016 and 2017, P4 in 2018 and last year was the final shove before the cherry on top this year; P13 while his new teammate, Charles, stood on the top step as race winner, basking in the magic that is Monza.
He was happy for him, beyond happy actually and any win for the team was great but oh how he wished that was him.
Now you're back in Monza, the season had been delayed due to the pandemic and this was the first race you had been able to join him for all season. It was weird being there with the track empty; just the teams and the occasional celebrity guest that was rich enough to pay their way in.
The car has been giving Sebastian a hard time all weekend, practice was shit and he placed P17 in qualifying. It wasn't a good weekend for your husband.
"Be good," you told him while he was getting ready for the race. Sebastian nods, a witty remark about him always being a good boy slipped past his lips and you waved him off, your cheeks red as you walked back to the garage.
Watching him start from the back of the grid was breaking your heart, you knew he could manage much more than that but it's the stupid car that was giving him trouble.
He barely got a grip on the car before he drove off and into the blocks that were in the run off area. Your brows furrowed as you watched him speed through the blocks, his voice coming through the headphone - "brakes failed."
Your heart drops, eyes fixed on the screen as Seb pulls the car into the corner as best as he can without disrupting the race. He finds his way back to the garage after the marshals come for his car, Sebastian gives your hand a squeeze as he passes through and into the back hallway to his driver's room. You figured you'd give him space to cool off and you stayed in the garage to watch a bit more of the race.
It was barely 20 laps later that you saw the other Ferrari slide into the wall. To no fault of Charles, the car had understeer which caused him to lose the back half and send him into the wall. You stood there, waiting to hear if Charles spoke before you took your headphones off.
Once you hear that he's okay, you step out of the garage and make your way to your husband's driver room. You knock on the door, peeking in before he answers.
Sebastian gives you a sad smile, you can feel your heart breaking as you step in and shut the door behind you. He's sitting on the bench and you walk over, joining him.
"Charles is coming in."
"What? The race isn't over, is it?" Sebastian looks over at you before glancing out the window. You shook your head, "it's a red flag now, Charles' car has understeer, went into the wall."
"Is he okay?" He asks and you nod, "he's a little shaken up but he'll be okay."
Your hand finds your husband's, interlocking fingers. "I always admire that even when you're going through it, you still look out for others."
"I know what it's like to be in his position, it's tough."
You hum, glancing down at the racing boots that were tossed to the side, Seb's sock clad feet slide back and forth over the floor. "You know what happened today wasn't your fault, Sebastian. It was mechanical."
He's quiet for a bit, nodding at your words. "I don't know how much more of this I can take, baby."
You look over at the man, "of Ferrari or of racing?"
"Both," he answers truthfully.
Sebastian and Ferrari had come to a mutual agreement - a publicity term - that they would not be renewing his contract. You weren't opposed to it, you knew it was killing your husband to go but if Sebastian was good at one thing, it was that he knew when it was time to go, he had to go. He wanted to win with them, you think a part of him still held a tiny sliver of hope that he would find his way back to the top step as champion of the world but he also knew being there was killing him.
Mentally, physically, emotionally; he couldn't bear the pressure of staying there any longer.
"It's just a few more races, love. You can do it."
He nods, "I know but.." "Don't even go there," you tell him, shifting to face him. One of your legs hanging off the bench as the other folded in front of you.
"Monza's special, you know that." He says, "I just.. I feel like I failed." He sighs, his head hung and if your heart wasn't already broken, it was broken now.
It was days like today that made you hate the team that your husband so dearly loved.
"You didn't fail, you never failed them, Sebastian." You squeezed his hand, the man looked up at you. Your free hand comes up to cup his jaw, your thumb rubbing over the few days old stubble on his cheek. "If anything, they failed you."
"You have the talent and the skill, and the drive to win and to be a champion; it's them, babe. They couldn't give you a car that was worthy of you, you can't blame yourself for that." You look at your husband and the man sighs again.
"I should have been able to, though. Been able to get the best out of the car."
You scoffed, rolling your eyes. "Seb, c'mon. Be for real right now, it's their shitty ass car, it's not your fault. You know Lewis's car is basically a rocket ship, plus it's not like your strategies are A1 over here."
Seb tosses you a glance, a look of disapproval on his face. "You're so not helping right now, darling."
You raise your hands in surrender and your husband smiles - his first genuine smile all weekend. You smile back, holding his face again. "I love you, Sebastian."
"I know," he grins and you shake your head, laughing. "This is usually the point where you say I love you back."
"Oh, sorry." he chuckled, "I love you, y/n."
You smile, leaning in to give him a kiss. "Good, now come on. You need to get dressed, go check on your teammate," you patted his thigh, getting up to find a shirt for the man. In the meantime, Seb pulled off his race suit and fire proofs, slipping on a pair of shorts.
"Do I really have to go?" He sits on the bench again, shifting to lay down, his arms tucked behind his head. You roll your eyes, looking through the small cabinet off to the side. "Yes, you know they'll make you out to be a villain if you don't."
"And if I wanna be a villain ?" He asks, looking over at you.
You sigh, tossing the shirt at him, "Sebastian, don't start with me right now."
The man laughs, dropping the shirt on the bench before standing up. Sebastian grabs your hand, pulling you flush against his chest. "Ew," you fake a gag, "you're sweaty."
He smiles, ignoring your comment. "I don't know what I'd do without you, I can't thank you enough for being here for me all these years."
Your hand rests on his jaw, giving him a kiss before smiling at him. "You don't need to thank me, I would do it all over again in a heartbeat but.. if you do wanna thank me, you can buy that purse I liked."
"Show me when we get back, you can take my card and order it."
"I was joking," you look at him, and Seb shrugs. "It's the least I can do to thank you for being the perfect wife."
"It's easy to do when I have the perfect husband," you smile, kissing him again. There's a knock on the door, causing you both to look in the direction of it.
"When the two of you are done being perfect, you're needed for press, Sebastian." Britt's voice from the other side of the door, making you both laugh.
Seb gives you one last kiss before grabbing his shirt, "I'm coming!" He calls to her, pulling it on. He was on his way out but you stopped him, grabbing his hand.
He turns back, looking at you as he waits to see what you wanted. "I'm proud of you, no matter what," you tell him.
Seb nods, smiling at you. "I love you."
taglist: @dragon-of-winterfell @benedictscanvas @elisaa-shelby @hnmaga-blog @czechoslovakiandisco @dr3lover @troybolton14 @Lovingroscoee @compulsiveshit @somanyfandomsbruh @damnyoulifee @barzysreputation @vickyofalltrades @yeolsbubbles @barzysreputation @thybulleric @valkyrie418 @ricsaigaslec @idkiwantchocolatee @sessgjarg @molliemoo3 @bisexual-desi @sunf1owerrq @alwaysclassyeagle @coldmuffinbanditshoe @sillybananamaker and @oconso cause she was fucking with the preview I sent her
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whorekneecentral · 1 year
Ooh looking through the men who don’t get enough requests !!! Maybe 31: “the only way you’re getting off is on my thigh.” With seb Vettel? Any version of seb does it for me but I won’t lie rbr seb !!! gets a girl goin!!
I know you wanted rbr seb but aston seb my beloved <3 // prompt: “the only way you’re getting off is on my thigh.”
He's back on podium and you couldn't be more proud of him. It reminds of you when he was at RedBull and fighting for wins, for championships.
Seb was in his driver's room, Britta was on her way out as you were on your way in. "He's got press in 30 minutes," she reminds you, knowing how the two of you are.
You wave her off, promising to make sure he'd show up on time. You shut the door, finding your husband on the couch in his driver's room.
Seb smiles, patting his leg for you to come over and have a seat. you walk over, sitting. "I'm so proud of you," you tell him, holding his jaw.
"Thank you baby," he smiles. You were loving on him, kissing along his face, down his jaw to his neck. Seb's not stupid, he knows where this was going; the same thing he got scolded for over and over again at red bull.
"I have media," he reminds you. "I know." you tell him, kissing on his jaw.
Seb shifts you on his lap, "well since you know, the only way you’re getting off is on my thigh.”
"You say that as if that's an issue for me," you giggled, the man kissing you as you shift to his thigh. Straddling his thigh, your dress bunched over your hips. Seb's hands rest on your ass, squeezing it before giving it a smack.
You start rocking yourself on his thigh. Back and forth very slowly. Your nails scratch down his chest, faint red marks being left behind.
Seb groans, his head tossed back and he lifts his leg slightly. The sudden change caused you to slide forward, clit rubbing against the fabric of his race suit under you.
The sound that left your mouth was like heaven on earth to him.
Maybe this wasn’t so bad.
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eddiediazangst · 1 year
Missing Seb and Charles as teammates 🥺
Everything they did was iconic and created chaos. Every on track issue resulted in more iconic moments.
You had Arthur and Fabian taking and posting a selfie like their brothers haven't just nearly killed eachother. It was a "Kim would you stop taking pictures of yourself your sister's going to jail" moment.
You have Binotto saying he took them to a restaurant after a fight and they switched phones, went through eachothers pictures and ended up laughing at eachother and that's how they made up eventhough again they wanted eachother dead like an hour earlier.
You have Silvia and the rest of Ferrari's PR team fully prepared to have Seb and Charles kiss to kill off the rumours and articles of them hating eachother.
You have Britta and Mia (Their PR officers) becoming besties and dragging their flop drivers into rooms to have them fix their issues. Literally two parents forcing their kids to hug it out.
The constant "bullying" Seb did to Charles and Charles ate it up every single time. Seb literally kicked him in the ass mid interview and Charles just big dimple sparkling eye smiled at him.
The multiple occasions Charles got pissed off with Seb and was seen climbing onto the counter to sit and pout. Literally a cat.
Marcus Ericsson being asked what he thinks of his ex teammate Charles and Seb and if he thinks they'll be a good match and he proceeded to say the most insane sentence about Seb being able to be a good teacher for Charles and Charles being the perfect student. Okay king I see your "teacherxstudent Melanie Martinez Teachers Pet" vision. And he was right.
Hourglass Challenges my beloved. Every single one of those videos ate the c2 challenges up. The consistency of Seb absolutely destroying Charles and Charles giggling and smiling like his ass wasn't being beaten 13-1. Charles he's kicking your ass and you're blushing like he just complimented you.
Extra special mention to their "Guess Who" video and Seb asking Charles "Is he pretty" knowing Charles had to either insult a driver or call a rival pretty. Charles having his answer as Max genuinely malfunctioned so much that Seb tried to help him and he still lost. Bonus is Seb purposely getting Charles to rant about questions knowing he'd use his answer as an example and Seb would use Charles descriptions to guess the answer faster.
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