#britpop fic
elisezone · 1 year
dating liam gallagher <3
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• Imagine meeting him at a pub, late night, somewhere in central london. You dont particulary care for the drinks, youre just there because your friends are.
• Imediatly you catch his eye, he's never seen someone quite like you. Your enegry is different, glowing.
• You get talking, about whatever painfully avarage football match is playing over the bar, or whatever was on top of the pops last night. You have so much in common, yet youre such different people.
• He doesnt act the way he does in the tabloids, not around you. His usual rude, loud sassy demeanour is dropped instantly. He acctually listens to you. He doesnt interupt, or disagree, he just sits there on the stall, laughing and nodding his head and any drunken joke you make.
• He would ask for your number, ripping off part of a cigarette package and asking the bar tender for a pen, hastily writing it down.
• He orders your last drink, and kisses you goodnight as you leave.
• The next morning, he calls.
• You could talk for hours, conversation so natural between you. As if you have been friends for life. He asks how you slept, how your morning is, whats for breakfast.
• He finnishes the hour long call with a request of a lunch date.
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tellys-stuff · 5 months
Made a music/band RPF prompt meme for my bandfic site😊.
Supposed to be p chill/casual, feel free to ask me questions abt it!
This is my first prompt meme btw so any feedback or help is appreciated!
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stxrshxpxd · 4 months
🌆 fic friday;
“you were in my dream”
90s damon albarn x reader,, friends to lovers
The weekend had slipped away from us and we were clawing onto the last few hours of Sunday, Damon on his side and me on my stomach on his carpeted floor. I couldn’t believe it was only a few months ago that we first met, through our mutual friend Graham. Some time ago he had slipped out of the equation though, and now I spent entire weekends at Damon’s place without batting an eye. It was like I was caught up in a constant buzz that wouldn’t wear off.
“What does that one mean?” I asked, pointing my finger at the tattoo on his forearm. It resembled a leaf of clover.
“I don’t know. Nothing really.”
“Aren’t things more meaningful if they… mean something?” I laughed and Damon chuckled along, nodding.
“Generally, yeah.”
“You know what I mean!” I laughed tiredly and flipped onto my back, laying my cheek against the rough carpet to keep my gaze on him. “Aren’t things nicer or.. less perishable, when they mean something?”
Damon waited for a beat, thinking. He always took his time when pondering something and felt no stress or embarrassment about putting the conversation on hold. I envied that.
“What does this mean?” he asked poignantly a moment later. His hand waved softly in the air between us where we layed in the warm evening sun on his floor. My body stiffened and heart rate picked up. A million words flooded my mind and I peered through them to blink back at him. At last I laughed weakly and looked away, up at the ceiling.
”That’s a good question.”
We stayed quiet for a few moments as I anxiously counted the squares in the ceiling.
“You were in my dream last night,” he revealed and my eyes darted back at him. He had long, soft shadows on his face from the sinking sun.
“What were we doing?”
A smile came upon Damon’s lips but he bit down on it and his cheeks gained some colour.
“Oh, you know, nothing much.”
“Shut up,” I laughed nervously and our voices faded. My gaze trailed away again and we laid under the heavy silence for a moment, him replaying his dream and me trying to picture it. Many visuals were crowding my mind.
“We were lying down like now.”
I smiled with two hot cheeks, patiently waiting for him to continue describing what we both were thinking.
“But you were…”
I looked back at him again as he propped his head up to lay it in his palm, blinking down at me.
“I was?”
“…A lot closer.”
My muscles were still tense but I managed to scoot an arm’s length closer to him, placing my pounding heart just inches from his.
“Like this?” I mumbled. Our smiles had faded and the sun had nearly set now, casting its last orange rays across our bodies. Damon shook his head softly.
“Not quite.”
Moving purely out of instinct, I pushed myself off the floor and carefully swung a leg across his hips, pinning him to the floor on his back. Damon flashed a slanted smile again and trailed his eyes down my body slowly. When they came back up to meet mine again, I couldn’t contain myself any longer. I took a risk and bent down, hurriedly pressing my lips against his before I might’ve lost the courage. He was quick to respond and kissed me back, his hands finding my waist instantly.
“Now, this feels more like the dream,” Damon mumbled into our kiss with a deep smirk.
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kikintulips · 4 months
YOUR MIND IS NOT YOUR FRIEND by tescodisc0 on Wattpad
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Even though the guy annoyed me, I would replay this small talk over and over, to think if I said any more embarrassing things. I was someone who would do that at every conversation, but when you talk to someone famous, it's just something else. Because it's just my luck that in the whole of Greater London where I could have lived, I get to live next door to Damon Albarn.
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damonfuckingalbarn · 5 months
Trying to find inspo for where I want to take my Damon fic, instead just made some fake Instagram posts instead.
Hopefully they still make some sense even if you’ve not read my fic lol
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animulnitrate · 1 year
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somewhere between the past, present, and future..
damon x reader.
:word count: 515
The night's atmosphere seemed a bit thicker than usual as the shooting stars made a twinkling sound before reaching the ground.
The days were usually long but each night you shared was longer than that night before. It was like an occurring dream. Warm waves of pink and purple danced around your core as you slowly slipped deeper into a haze… deeper… deeper.
So desperate to reach that destination, your landing point. So many miles away, but so close. You could feel him.. with you. Or were you dreaming again? You've always wished on that star, hoping it would grant you some time of power stronger than anything known to man.
You came down from your high, the saturated view slowly faded to that dark and gloomy color you called earth. This was no place for the man you yearned for, he was too good. Too mesmerizing. Your eyes looked up at the sky, squinting as the sun interrupted your view of the clouds shaped as a rose?..
A waterfall?...
The wind kissed your skin as you looked at your surroundings. You were distracted, not noticing the cars honking at you as you stood in the middle of the road. You jumped, crossing the street frantically to get to the coffee shop you normally do your readings at. Your journal was in your hand, gripped firmly as you pushed the glass door open.
The regulars greeted you with smiles.
“Hi y/n!”
“Y/n I can't wait to hear what you have today!”
You could only smile back, running on 4 hours of sleep because you couldn't stop writing. You sat at a table, folding the leather book back so the pages welcomed you with a fresh canvas. A few feet away from you, you heard a familiar voice. The voice carried a raspy, whispery, british voice.
There was a faint smell of cigarettes, catching your attention as your neck snapped around quickly. There he was. Your hand slammed the journal shut. You could feel your soul already eager to jump out of you, but you weren't ready to get out of your seat just yet. You examined him, seeing if he would sit down as well.. which he did.
The vibration of his chair scooting out sent a shock through you, which made him also seem to react in a way. He shook his hand as if there was a sensation that surprised him. How odd.. You two nearly made eye contact, but you couldn't risk it. You knew him, but he didn't know you. You were aware of what was happening, and you weren't crazy for thinking about it. 
“Y/n, you're up!”
You heard the host speak, setting the mic up for you. You nervously stood to your feet, your knees shaking. You walked, stopping so the mic was nearly centimeters from your lips while you wished they could have been replaced with his. Clearing your throat, you spoke.
“Hey everyone.. Im y/n..” This quickly caught Damon's attention, his pupils dilating, and yours. 
“This ones called; “And the Gods made Love.”
god help me i hope y'all like this... part two?
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"I Want This So Much"
Pairing: Graham Coxon x Female Reader I imagined 1999, 2000, or 2001 era Graham as I wrote this fan fic, but feel free to imagine any Gra era you'd like! Word Count: 4,479 Warnings: No warnings, except this fan fic is EXTREMELY smutty and involves period sex. Brief mentions of blood and other bodily fluids. Prompt: No real prompt, just an idea I've had for a while! Period sex with Graham. That's about it! Note: This fan fic is the first one I've written in ages and ages and ages and I am quite nervous to post it. Please be kind! It's a very unserious exercise and I wrote it purely for my own entertainment and enjoyment, but I ultimately decided to share it on tumblr despite feeling really shy and anxious. Writing this sexy fan fic gave me a lot of joy and I hope you all like it! Lots of love! ***
I suddenly wake up from a deep sleep and feel intense pain shooting through my abdomen, lower back, and thighs.  My foggy brain registers period cramps.  Thoroughly exhausted, I quietly groan and lightly shift my weight on Graham’s bed.  It’s almost pitch black in Graham’s room, save for the moonlight filtering in through his bedroom window.  It’s completely silent, aside from the rain tapping on the window and Graham’s soft breathing as he sleeps soundly next to me.  I shift my weight again and glance at his sleeping figure under the covers.  His back is facing me and his hair is disheveled.  I watch his body gently rise and fall and I fight the urge to run my fingers across his bare shoulders.
I shift my weight a third time and reach for Graham’s bedside table in the darkness.  I contemplate turning on his bedside lamp, but I don’t want to disturb his sleep.  Another wave of period cramps shoots through the lower half of my body and I wince as I grasp my water bottle.  I sit up on my elbows and take several small sips of water.  I force myself to roll out of bed and stand up.  I suddenly feel lightheaded and my legs shake as another wave of pain hits me.  My water bottle still in hand, I slowly walk several paces to the end of Graham’s bed and feel in the dark for my duffel bag.  I carefully make my way into Graham’s bathroom and when I step onto the cool tile, close the door behind me, turn on the light and drop my bag, I lightly gasp at what I see.  My period has definitely started, and in the most dramatic and messy way possible.  My underwear and thighs are heavily smeared in blood and I sigh in frustration. 
I immediately peel my bloody underwear from my body and rummage in my bag for a clean pair.  I put in a tampon, clean my legs, and pull on a pair of sweatpants.  After taking several tablets of pain medicine and drinking deeply from my water bottle, I step back into Graham’s bedroom.  I notice his bedside lamp is on and he’s propping himself up on his elbows to look at me.  Squinting at me with a curious expression, he studies my face as I walk back to his bed.  Graham obviously wasn’t sleeping as deeply as I thought he was.    
“Why are you awake?” he asks groggily.  “I rolled over and reached for you, but you weren’t there.” 
I bury myself under the covers, turn off his bedside light, and move my body towards him.  “Really bad period cramps,” I say softly.  I feel him move his body close to mine in return.  He wraps his arms around me and pulls me into him, nuzzling our noses together as he presses his forehead into mine.
“Oh,” he whispers.  “I’m sorry.  Do you need anything?” 
“No,” I answer, and I curl myself into him.  His body is so warm.  I breathe slowly for a while.  The pain is awful, but not unusual for the first day of my period, and I know I just have to wait for the medicine to take effect.  Graham holds me in silence.  I whimper as another wave of pain hits my lower back and he kisses my cheeks as I say “owww” several times in a row. 
I reposition myself and turn over so my back faces him.  His chest now pressed against my back, he gently moves my hair and kisses the back of my neck.  I sigh happily as his warm hands first reach under the back of my shirt and then reach under the waistband of my sweatpants.  He gently touches my waist.  He moves his warm hands across my abdomen and lower back as he attempts to soothe me with his touch.  He always does this when I struggle with period cramps and I bite my bottom lip in contentment.
“Do you want the heating pad?” he asks, but I shake my head. 
“No,” I answer quietly.  “The medicine will kick in soon.  Your hands feel nice.” 
He kisses the back of my neck again and holds me in silence as I wait for the pain to recede.  As the pain disappears, I feel myself falling into a deep sleep.  Graham kisses the back of my neck several times before gently pulling his body away from mine.  In a matter of seconds, sleep pulls us under. ***
The following morning is cloudy.  Rain steadily patters against Graham’s bedroom window.  His room is exceptionally cozy.  I open my eyes, register the comforting sound of rain, and roll over onto my back.  I prop myself up on my elbows and immediately feel the dull pain of continued period cramps.  The pain has significantly lessened, but a minor ache spreads throughout my lower back and I force myself to stand up, stretch, and take additional pain medicine.
I hear Graham’s voice coming from the kitchen.  I smile as I hear him softly singing to himself.  I hear the whistling of a teapot, the clattering of utensils, and I bite my lip to prevent myself from laughing when I hear him sharply curse.
“Fuck,” he says loudly, and just a few moments later he’s walking back to his room holding two steaming mugs.  His eyes light up when he sees me. 
“What happened?” I laugh, and he smiles and shakes his head. 
“I accidentally slammed my fucking finger in the silverware drawer,” he says, handing me a steaming mug of hot chocolate.  I see he made himself a cup of tea.  He kisses me good morning, motions for us to sit on his bed, and we bury ourselves under the covers as we happily sip our drinks.
“Thank you for making this for me,” I say, taking a long drink from my mug. 
“You’re welcome,” he answers.  I flush as he leans over to kiss me deeply again.  We sit in silence for several minutes as we finish our drinks and listen to the rain.  It’s so peaceful.  Graham collects our empty mugs and places them on his bedside table.  My period pain has almost completely disappeared and I feel so content.  Graham looks at me and begins gently stroking the back of my right hand.  His fingers tenderly moving up the back of my hand, across my wrist, and up to my elbow, then back down again.  I break out in goosebumps at his touch.
“How are you feeling this morning?” he asks.
“Better,” I answer.  “My cramps are almost gone.” 
He nods and his concerned expression turns to one of relief and contentment.  We sit in silence for several moments and I enjoy the pleasurable feeling of his fingers moving against my skin.  Graham shifts his weight on his bed and suddenly rolls his body on top of mine.  I smile and laugh as he pulls a funny face and settles his body weight on top of me. 
“Am I hurting you?” he asks.  “Are you uncomfortable?”
“Not at all,” I answer, and I laugh as he contorts his face into another ridiculous expression.  I playfully slap his bare shoulders and he laughs in return.  He looks into my eyes for several long moments and his gaze is so loving and full of want that I’m forced to break his eye contact.  Even after all this time, the intimacy is sometimes too much to bear.  His hands find my hair, my hands find his hair, and we’re kissing so deeply and passionately until I have to pull away to take a breath.  Our cheeks flushed and our gazes locked, he tells me he wants me.  I bite my lip and smile and am just about to kiss him again when a thought flashes through my mind.      
“Are you sure?” I ask.  “You want to now?  I don’t want to stain your sheets.” 
He laughs warmly and averts his eyes to a spot just beside me on his bed.  “I think you already did,” he says smiling, his dark eyes moving between my body and a massive smear of dried blood on his sheets.  He leans back to allow me to sit up slightly and glance at the spot of blood on his bed.  I’d somehow completely missed this spot until now.  I flush with minor embarrassment.
“Fuck, Graham, I’m so sorry – “ I start, but he immediately cuts me off.
“I don’t care at all,” he says, laughing warmly again, his eyes looking into mine.  “It doesn’t matter at all.  The stain will come out or it won’t.  I’m actually surprised it hasn’t happened before, seeing as we’ve done this so many times…” 
He trails off, his brown eyes slightly glinting, and I look back at him and laugh, my embarrassment forgotten.  He leans his body weight down onto me again, my fingers intertwining into his messy hair, and I close my eyes as he places light, fluttering kisses across my neck.  I lightly gasp as his mouth covers every inch of skin across my neck.  I run my hands across the back of his neck and shoulders as he deepens his kisses into my skin.  I run my fingers through his hair and gently pull as his tongue runs across my skin and his mouth sucks on my earlobe.  His warm breath against my skin; his kissing still so deep and tender; his hands running through my hair as I grip his hair; and I let out a small moan as his tongue dances across me again. 
I pull harder at his hair and he makes a small noise in return.  I bite my lip and smile when I hear the noise; he is so perfect and so beautiful.  “Graham,” I breathe, “this feels really nice.”  He slows his kisses, then comes to a pause as he looks at me, his mouth red and swollen.
“I want this so much,” I say, and another small noise escapes his throat indicating that he wholeheartedly agrees.  He kisses me deeply for several long moments and I feel his tongue push into my mouth.  I open my mouth to receive him and we’re softly moaning as our mouths work steadily together.  Our mouths moving perfectly together, I’m forced to break away and gasp for just a moment when I feel his hands slide under my t-shirt and envelop my breasts.  
His touch is confident, but gentle; firm, but tender, and I close my eyes and lose myself as his hands work against me.  I lift my arms above my head and he swiftly removes my shirt.  I breathe harder when he replaces his hands with his mouth and tongue.  His tongue now dancing across my chest and his face buried into one breast and then the other, kissing, sucking, and nipping at my skin.  I pull his hair again as his mouth sucks on my right nipple.  More than anything, though, I love listening to the noises he makes as his mouth works against me.  He moans into my chest several times; his moans muffled, but passionate, and I can’t stand it, it sends my mind spiraling. 
“That feels so good,” I pant, already feeling like I’m losing myself.  My mind clouds with pleasure at his touch and I lean heavily into these feelings.  He removes his mouth from my left nipple and looks up at me, a small smile on his lips.  He immediately returns his mouth to my breasts, then moves his mouth up slowly, tortuously across my neck, then down to my breasts again, and then even lower as he maneuvers his body down in order for his mouth to cross my stomach.  He isn’t moving downwards fast enough and it is becoming difficult to bear.  His lips graze my stomach ever so slightly and I whimper as I feel his fingertips dance between my skin and the waistband of my sweatpants.  I start to squirm under his touch. 
I let out a sharp gasp and buck my hips as he quickly pulls my sweatpants and underwear off in one sudden motion.  My clothing now discarded on the floor, I see him smirk and I know he is dragging it out on purpose.  I pull his hair as he plants kisses all over my stomach and waist. 
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispers, looking up at me and I smile in return.  He positions himself in front of my legs and I sigh when I feel his hands run up and down my closed thighs.  He gently kisses my knees several times and tightly squeezes my thighs.  Gripping my thighs and gazing directly into my eyes, he commands, “open your legs for me.” 
I flush at this request and feeling his hands still gripping my thighs, I part my legs and make a small noise as his eyes move across my body.  I’m panting now, my hands gripping the comforter and my eyes closed, I’m leaning into the heady anticipation and it’s unbelievably thrilling. 
“Look at me,” he says, and I open my eyes to stare directly into his.  It’s overwhelming because he refuses to break eye contact, even when his fingers reach down to touch my tampon string.  Neither one of us refusing or daring to break such intense eye contact, we stare at each other as he wraps his fingers around my tampon string and gently pulls my tampon out of my body.  I whimper again and bite my lip as I feel him pull it out of me.  Without missing a beat, he wraps my tampon in several tissues, tosses it in the wastebasket next to his bed, and lowers himself between my open thighs.  He pulls a sharp intake of breath.  He says my name several times, but his voice is so choked with arousal and want that I barely register his words.      
He begins kissing all across my stomach, waist, and inner thighs; no patch of skin remains uncovered by his mouth.  He sucks, nips, and kisses all across my inner thighs, teasing me as much as I can stand.  Butterflies dance in my stomach with anticipation and eagerness.  “Fuck,” I moan quietly as I feel his tongue drag across my inner thighs.  My hips slightly buck again in anticipation. 
His fingers gently trace me, becoming smeared with my blood and arousal, and move up and down the length of me before gently parting me.  He taps my hips, indicating that he wants me to raise them, and then I feel his hands slide under me and squeeze my backside.  I moan at the contact.  His hands work against my backside for a few moments as I try to steady my raised hips, but his mouth and tongue begin moving against me in earnest and soon I am riding waves of pleasure that erase everything else from my mind.  I moan loudly several times; it feels so unbelievably good.  I feel him repeatedly push his tongue inside of me and I bite my wrist to prevent myself from screaming.  
My mind sees white and the feelings he’s giving me are so overwhelming that I almost cry out in protest when he pauses for a brief moment and removes his hands from my backside.  He grips my thighs to steady me, pulls his tongue out from inside of me, and eagerly kisses and sucks on my inner thighs. 
“You sound so beautiful, so perfect.  You sound fucking amazing,” he says.  “I want to hear you, don’t stop making noise.”  I open my eyes, look into his, and feel my cheeks flush. 
“How does it feel?” he asks, smirking slightly because he already knows the answer.  Seeing his mouth, chin, and nose smeared with my blood makes all of this a million times more arousing.    
“Really fucking good,” I say.  “Please don’t stop.” 
A low hum of satisfaction escapes his throat.  His eye lids heavy, he lowers himself again.  I gasp and push my hips forward at the renewed contact.  His arms and hands snugly wrapped around my thighs, he buries his face into my body, echoing my moans back to me as I grow closer and closer to a release.  I’m not thinking anymore and he isn’t holding back.  My heart swells with arousal and affection as my hips fall into a rhythm against his mouth.  I feel his fingers massage my center and I moan in pleasure and surprise. 
“Graham,” I choke out as my brain sees static.  Every nerve feels on fire.  I feel his tongue tightly circle my center once, twice, three times, then as his mouth applies additional pressure and he sucks on me, sparks set off in my brain and pleasure rushes through my entire body.  I can’t even begin to form words, I just grip his hair and attempt to steady my shaking legs as I feel his mouth drink me down and his tongue move in and around me.  My head thrown back, moaning and breathing hard, gripping his hair, and his face buried into my body, I couldn’t believe this was happening. 
His mouth works in and around me for several incredible moments and he lightly kisses everywhere he can find as my breathing slows and the pleasure recedes.  We lay together; my breathing slowing down and my eyes closed, his head resting on my stomach that gently rises and falls.  Our hands now intertwined as he plants gentle kisses and leaves small smears of blood all across my waist and abdomen.  No words are spoken for several minutes.  He eventually pulls himself up, settles his weight on top of me again, and touches my chin to look into my face.  He kisses me deeply several times before pulling away and asking, “do you want to keep going?”
“Yes,” I breathe.  “I don’t want to stop.”
He nods, kisses me again, and swiftly pulls out a small tube of lubrication and a box of condoms from his bedside table.  He shifts his body weight off me and stands next to his bed.  He opens his tube of lubrication, applies it generously across his fingers on his right hand, and then positions himself back onto his bed.  Kneeling in front of my open legs, he gathers additional lube and applies it against me.  Propping myself up on my elbows and staring into his face with a slightly amused expression, I ask, “do you really think we’ll need all of that?”
He laughs and shakes his head.  “Probably not,” he says, “but I want you to be comfortable.”
“Are you ready?” he asks, as he slowly parts me again and moves his fingers through me.  Desire floods through me again; I want him so badly.  “Yes,” I gasp, as he gently taps my center.  I nod eagerly; my back slightly arches and my hips push towards him, silently begging him to continue.  He slowly and carefully inserts his middle finger into me.  I bit my bottom lip and moan at the contact.  His finger slides in easily and my body doesn’t resist.  I hear him pant and moan slightly as he moves and arches his finger inside of me, my hips involuntarily buck again as he hits something inside of me.
I grip the comforter and moan at the sensation.  “It feels so good, Graham” I say.  He does this for quite a while, his finger repeatedly hitting something deep inside of me that makes me cry out.  “Want to try another one?” he asks, his voice deep, low, and intensely focused, but I peek at his face and his expression is completely consumed with arousal and desire.  “God, yes,” I say, and I gasp as his index finger slides in easily next to his middle finger.  He pulls both fingers out, then back in, then out, then in again at a steady pace, which he increases slightly as my moans and gasps become louder and more frequent.  His fingers push just a little harder and my hips buck at the sensation when I feel the fingers on his left hand massage my center at the same time.  I arch my back and move my hips in rhythm with his hands; I know I’m losing myself.
I hear him breathing hard, panting, and moaning as his hands work over my body.  I flush deeply as I feel a second orgasm building up within me.  I somehow flush even deeper and moan loudly as I hear him moan and say – partly to himself and partly to me, his voice full of amazement – “you’re so fucking wet for me.  You feel so good.”  A warm sensation of pleasure rushes through me at his words.  “Graham,” I say, panting heavily and practically begging, “I’m so close.”  Suddenly, he pauses his movements entirely and I allow my back to fall onto the bed in frustration.  I groan loudly.  “What the fuck?” I practically shout, and he laughs as I run my hands over my face in mock annoyance.   
He reaches for the lubrication again, removes his fingers from me, and applies additional lubrication to his right hand and across my entrance.  “Ready?” he asks again, his tone slightly cocky, and I groaned yes in answer.  With excruciating and deliberate slowness, he inserts his middle finger into me, then his index finger, and finally his ring finger on his right hand is inside of me and I moan at the sensation of his touch.  He resumes massaging my center and moving his fingers in and out of me.  My body works in sync with his hands and the same desperate noises I made earlier return. 
“That feels so good, that feels so good, that feels so good,” I repeat as pleasure careens toward me.  My hips buck up, my thighs shake, and my brain sees static as pleasure engulfs my consciousness.  I continue to moan as his fingers work inside of me, easing me down from my orgasm, until he gently pulls his fingers from me one at a time and collapses his body weight on top of me as his mouth finds mine. 
“Graham, Graham, Graham,” I repeat over and over again between deep kisses.  He pauses our kissing for a moment, looks into my eyes and says, “open your mouth.”  He raises his right hand and brings his fingers to my mouth.  I grip his wrist and eagerly suck on his index, middle, and ring fingers, tasting and swallowing my own arousal and blood.  Small, quiet moans escape his throat as he watches my mouth and tongue move across his fingers.  Our eyes locked together, we don’t dare break eye contact as my mouth moves to suck on his thumb.  Moaning around his fingers, I finally release his thumb from my mouth with a pop and he shakes his head in bewilderment, stands up, quickly removes his jeans and boxers, and reaches for his box of condoms.  He’s fully naked now, aside from a thin silver chain around his neck.  We hold eye contact for several long moments as I watch him carefully unwrap and delicately roll on a condom.
He climbs back on top of me and holds me close to him for several moments.  He wraps me in his arms and buries his face into my neck before planting light kisses all across my jawline and chin.  I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.  I know that I never want to let him go.  We breathe together for several wonderful moments, our breathing synching together as our chests rise and fall.  He whispers my name and I glance up at him.  We kiss deeply and passionately for a few moments until he pauses, presses his forehead against mine, and asks again if I am ready.  I say yes.  A shuddering, unrestrained moan leaves his mouth as he slowly pushes himself into me and he breathes heavily into my neck.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he whispers, attempting to control himself.  “You feel so good.”
He kisses me, presses his forehead against mine again, and speeds up his movements, my hips working to match his rhythm.  Watching him fall apart because of my body was sheer ecstasy.  His breathing quickens, he moans tight in his throat, then moans louder and more frequently.  His eyes close in concentration and focus, his cheeks flush as his hands grip the comforter for support.  I roll my hips up into him again and I beg in a choked whisper, “more, Graham, more.  Deeper, please.”  He does, and he moans loudly as he finds a new speed and force that suits us both.  He's panting heavily now, moaning repeatedly, and I can tell he’s close.  It’s always amazing to me how well we find a rhythm together.  Breaths and moans exchange back and forth, I know I won’t have another orgasm, but being this close to him always makes me feel so unbelievably happy.  He loses himself entirely and can’t hold himself back: he pulls out and pushes back inside of me one, two, three times before his body shakes and he collapses onto me.
Time passes – although we’re hardly aware of it – and we lay together.  Our breaths slowing and our mouths softly kissing, we talk and whisper to each other for several wonderful, peaceful minutes.  He slowly pulls himself from me, stands up, and stretches.  He runs his hands through his unbelievably messy hair and I laugh at his expression.  His cheeks are flushed a deep crimson, his silver chain necklace is twisted and backwards on his neck, and his sweaty brown hair sticks up at odd angles. 
“What are you laughing at?” he asks.  He squints at me and sticks his tongue out.  “You don’t look much better.  Clean yourself up,” he jokes.  “You look like you just had sex.”  I laugh again.  He sees my eyes wander toward his bathroom door. 
“Wanna shower with me?” he asks, holding out his hand.  I bite my lip and smile, grab his hand, and he swiftly picks me up.  My arms slung over his broad shoulders and my legs wrapped around his slender waist, he won’t stop contorting his face into ridiculous and hilarious expressions.  I squirm with laughter but his strong arms hold me tight against him.  Happiness and laughter flood through our bodies as he walks us into his bathroom and gently sets me down on the counter.  He starts the shower and warm steam immediately fills the room and fogs the mirror.
“After you,” he motions, pulling his shower curtain back.  I hop off the counter, close his bathroom door, and pull him into the shower with me.  Soon, we’re laughing, playfully pushing against each other, and holding each other close as we lose ourselves completely.  Time always seems to stand still when I’m with Graham.  It’s perfection.
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b0r3dtod3ath · 5 months
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wastemanjohn · 11 months
WIP Ask Game
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
tagged by @lovetransaction and @spnyuri ty friends
to here knows when
love is an unfamiliar name
cheek to cheek in hell
look back into the sun v2
part 3 tradeverse
two are both a year old BUT THEY WILL BE FINISHED DAMMIT
aside from the people i've already seen tagged i'm not sure who is and isn't scribbling atm so if you see it and want to do it please do, just tag me so i can send you an ask! ❤
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tellys-stuff · 5 months
Uhhh anyone into up for some drawing requests? I'm up to draw almost anything tbh, and I am friendly to RPF ships :)
OFC these are free requests so IDK how much I'll do jadfnoaesf.
Also you don't have to do anything for me but if u want, a fic of my obscure band interests in exchange for my art would be nice hehe.
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stxrshxpxd · 7 months
“i can hardly breathe around you”
paring: 90s damon albarn x reader
word count: 1.5k
warnings: smut
prompt: reader finds herself in an inappropriate dream about her oldest and best friend, and when she moans his name he responds.
I was somewhere between sleeping and waking and Damon’s hands were keeping me in my dream, wrapping tightly around my waist as his lips attached to my neck. I squirmed under him, panting and moaning in desperation for more, and when his fingers squeezed my flesh harder I let out a whimper of his name. For a few seconds it all felt right. He continued kissing down my neck, until he suddenly replied and everything ripped from me in an instant. His hands, his lips, his breath on my skin, all gone.
“Y/N?” my best friend of fifteen years asked in a soft voice and stared me down from next to me on my bed. He grimaced with confusion and concern. Reality flooded back to me in a heartbeat and I remembered we had been watching TV on my bed, we had both gradually lost interest, he had muted it and picked up his book, and I had slipped into a nap. Then I had moaned his name and clearly not just in my dreams.
“Yes?” I breathed, deciding to play dumb.
“Care to share your dream?” Damon asked, eyes fixed on me and book splayed open against his chest. Some amusement had joined the confusion in his face. My pulse quickened.
I quite literally couldn’t find in my brain what to say to him and all I could do was watch the emotions evolve in his expressions.
I had been beating myself up for a while because something had happened about a month ago and I had completely lost my mind, I thought. Seeing my best friend in a non-platonic light was simply unthinkable. But, gosh, that soft stare of his and that bottom lip gently caught between his teeth!
“Will you close your eyes?” he asked after too long a silence on my end.
I stared at him instead, for a long time, barely breathing. He asked again and I recognised something stirring wildly in his gaze. I couldn’t remember anything ever having been this serious between us before. It frightened me and I resorted to doing what he asked of me.
With my breath shallow and shaky and eyes softly closed, at last I felt Damon’s lips gently press against mine. My brain stopped working for a minute but then the only thing I could think to do was to reach my hand out, finding his chest was rid of the book and it was turning towards me. Closer, closer, closer. Until my hand was locked between our beating chests and he was determinedly kissing down my jaw and neck.
I wanted his lips everywhere on me and I blushed wildly at the thought. I had been doing a fine job at suppressing all these emotions for the last month, but he was making it really hard for me now.
“Damon,” I started when his lips jumped to my lower stomach and his fingers began to hook into my waistband. He glanced up from under his golden fringe and my stomach fluttered at the eye contact. My toes were twitching wildly with nerves and excitement. Really I didn’t want him to stop for even a second, but it was all so weird.
He simply smiled calmly at me and kissed my skin again while my sweatpants were pulled down my legs. That smile of his had calmed me so many times before and for the next moment I felt at ease. I even closed my eyes and let a half shaky but deep breath out, and I allowed his warm palms to spread my thighs apart.
“My god, you’re wet,” he whispered, astounded. “Dream-me is that good, huh?”
I laughed but my cheeks burned with embarrassment, impulsively trying to close my legs again and reaching to push his shoulders away. But he stayed and firmly held my legs apart.
“Hey, it’s me,” Damon reminded me in a smooth voice.
“Exactly!” I laughed nervously, finding it nearly impossible to get past the absurdity of having my best friend’s breath fan over my damp underwear while his hands clasped around the inside of my thighs. God, his hands though!
“Exactly,” he echoed in a quiet voice and raised his brows. I knew he was referring to my moaning his very name in my sleep just minutes ago, and I sighed.
Within seconds his lips were back on me again but this time they kissed me through my pants and I thought my heart jumped out of my chest for a moment. He did it again. And again. And he added more pressure and then his tongue. I screwed my eyes shut and at last couldn’t feel anything past the pleasure. For the next few minutes I could hardly recall the embarrassment, as he peeled my underwear to the side and once again buried his face in me.
“Do you wanna say my name again?” Damon tried his luck as I had begun breathing heavily and letting little moans out. His voice vibrated through my abdomen and I felt a hint of my high teasing me momentarily.
“Damon,” I whispered cautiously and felt his teeth against my hot skin as he grinned.
“Mhm,” he murmured into me again and continued lapping up my wetness with his skilled tongue, pushing me towards my edge.
“I’m gonna…” I whined but felt the embarrassment come over me again. “Fuck.. Dames!”
Calling him by his sweet nickname made me cringe for a second, but he continued smirking through his kissing and licking and sucking and I couldn’t stop my thighs from clasping around his head. The orgasm pierced through my body, making my legs tremble and my voice settle in a defeated whimper.
Quickly reality caught up with me again once I made it out of the haze and I was partly mortified as my oldest and best friend kissed up my body again and his lips reconnected with mine.
We spent an eternity kissing between shaky breaths and in my head I yelled at my cheeks until they eventually cooled a tad.
“Can we really do this?” I asked in a barely audible whisper.
“I don’t know if you were here just now but we just did,” he teased and we both laughed, my eyes still closed and our mouths constantly balancing between kissing and breathing.
“Yeah, I guess we did.”
A minute passed of slightly more kissing than breathing and then it evened out again.
“Did you know lately I can hardly breathe around you?” I whispered and barely felt his lips curl into a smirk. I peaked at it slightly but made sure not to look him in the eye.
“Yeah, I noticed,” he mumbled with his smirk widening and a chuckle pouring out of him and into me. I smiled and laughed gently too.
Damon slid off of me but just about everything of his stayed touching me and his head laid just next to mine, noses grazing. There was only breathing for the better half of a minute. At last I felt our familiar comfortable silence coming back to us. I stared at his face and studied his eyes, brows, cheeks and nose and lips. Then my gaze drifted to the ledge where the wall met the ceiling and I let my mind wander to more trivial territory for a breather.
“What are you thinking?” he asked.
“I’m worried what my hair will look like tomorrow if I wear it in a bun to bed,” I answered honestly and instantly I felt the hot breath of his laughter hit my face. We chuckled together and he smiled back at me with twinkling eyes.
“See, this is us!” he insisted. “We still talk about silly things and laugh. Only we have sex too.”
My cheeks flushed red again but I couldn’t stop smiling. I reached my hand out to poke my fingertips around in the side of his hair and let another few moments pass as I pondered.
“Could we also… hold hands?” I suggested, stomach fluttering anxiously again. “And kiss?”
Damon gave me a slight nod.
“And not kiss other people?”
At that his smile grew and he was quick to respond.
“I can’t remember what it’s like kissing anyone else.”
A laugh bubbled inside me and my hand caught his cheek and pressed our lips together again.
“Good job. That was the right answer,” I mumbled into our kiss.
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damonfuckingalbarn · 1 year
Can you do the second part of thehistory of a cheating heart ? ( When you can or have time )
Oh my gosh, I actually!!! Wrote something!!!
Part one is here, if you want to refresh your memory before you read this.
“The History of a Cheating Heart” 2014 Damon x Reader (Part 2)
Pairing - 2014 Damon x Reader
Words- 1196
Warnings- No warnings, it’s all a bit sappy
My requests are open but I am SUPER slow at writing them at the minute, but still do send them over as I’m answering them on a bit of an adhoc basis at the minute.
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You weren’t sure if you’d ever felt this worried about knocking on a door in your life. You couldn’t even stall and pretend you couldn’t find his house, ever since he had given you his address you’d looked it up on Google maps so many times you almost felt embarrassed.
You weren’t surprised he’d ended up living in Notting Hill, it was always one of your favourite places to visit when you were together. Though, you were surprised he still lived there after all these years, you would have thought it was starting to grow too gentrified for his liking nowadays.
You walked up the short path before inhaling deeply and knocking on the door, you knew that if you’d waited any longer you’d talk yourself out of it.
It didn’t take him long to answer the door and as soon as you saw his smile the worry that had built up inside of you, quite literally, melted away.
“Hi darling” He grinned, opening the door further to let you in before gently brushing his lips against your cheek as he greeted you “How are you?”
“I’m good thank you, how are you?” You responded as you placed your coat into his outreached hands, watching as he disappeared into a small cupboard with it.
“I’m all the better now you’re here” He called out to you, making your already red cheeks grow warmer.
You knew this was unbelievably tame flirting for Damon, in fact you were pretty sure he wouldn’t even class it as flirting, but it had been such a long time since anyone had spoken to you like that, let alone it being the man you used to be so madly in love with.
“I wasn’t completely sure what to cook, if I’m honest” He told you as he started walking through to, you presumed, the kitchen “I was going to order something but I thought that was cheating”
You laughed at his words, appreciating being behind him so you could quickly glance at the decor as best as you could. There were certain African paintings, wooden sculptures and little trinkets that just screamed Damon to you, but there were also aspects that you could have never imagined him choosing himself and you couldn’t help but wonder if they had been chosen by his last girlfriend.
“Sorry everything’s so mismatched” He laughed softly, you felt a pang of nausea when you realised you hadn’t been that discreet and he had been watching you take in your surroundings “My daughter chose a lot of the stuff and I want here to feel as homely as possible for her, even though she doesn’t always stay here”
You took a seat at the kitchen island, nodding your head as he gestured towards a bottle of wine before thinking about your next words carefully.
“Tell me about your daughter” You prompted, not being able to miss the smile that came across his face just at the thought of her.
“She’s amazing, you would love her” He gushed, sitting down next to you before taking a sip from his wine “She keeps me on my toes, I miss her when she’s not here”
Before you could comprehend what you were doing you reached across and have his hand a reassuring squeeze. You didn’t want to pressure him into saying anything but you felt like you had to know what he’d been doing all these years.
“If you don’t mind me asking Dames” you paused slightly, letting your hand rest on top of his “what happened with-“
“- sorry, what happened with Missy’s mum?”
“She erm, well she’s amazing but we just sort of realised that we were really meant to just be friends” He shared, taking a sip from his glass before glancing over at you “No matter what happened between us she gave me Missy and for that, I’ll forever be grateful to her”
“When did you break up?” You probed gently, a big part of you couldn’t help but wonder if Damon’s unfaithful habits had travelled into that relationship too.
“Officially, about 6 months after Missy was born, but we lived together for almost five years to try and make raising Missy a little bit easier” He pulled a slight face before shaking his head “But enough about that, tell me everything I’ve missed since I last saw you”
The conversation between you flowed as easily as it ever did and a part of you felt like you didn’t have almost twenty years to fill each other in on.
You couldn’t help but notice all of the small details he had clearly deliberately put around the house. You were a creature of habit and luckily for him, none of your favourites had really changed in the past years, as there was a bunch of your favourite flowers on the table, your favourite wine pouring freely and your favourite dinner being served up.
All throughout the dinner, the same question kept on spinning around in your head ‘What did he want to get out of this?’
For you there were two easy answers, a shag and a relationship. You laughed at how fickle your morals were, ready to drop to your knees the second time you’d seen him, but then he had always had that effect on you.
You shook your head to almost try and dispel all of those thoughts, you had to remind yourself that you were in his company, he was sitting right there.
“Still a day dreamer” He grinned, his hand reaching out to squeeze yours, pulling you out of your thoughts.
“Sorry Dames, I just, I just honestly can’t believe I’m sitting here” You laughed lightly before taking a sip of your wine “With you”
“That makes two of us” He dropped his eyes from yours, shaking his head slightly before making eye contact with you again “I feel so lucky that you’re here after everything I did, it almost feels like it’s too good to be true”
“Damon, it’s in the past, I’m over it and clearly you’re not the same person you used to be” You tried to reassure him, though you knew your words weren’t reaching him.
“I’m not the same person, I’ve changed for sure” You noticed how he caught his breath, almost as though he was hesitating on his next words “Though one thing that’s never changed is how I feel about you”
You suddenly felt very aware of his hand that was still resting on top of yours.
“Leaving you and treating you the way I did has been my biggest regret” He sighed, you subconsciously held onto his hand tighter “Not a day goes by where I don’t think about you and wish I could go back in time and change everything so that we would still be together now”
“Damon” You responded quietly, a part of you wondering if he could hear your heart pounding “I don’t know what to say”
“You don’t need to say anything darling” He mused, a smile growing on his lips as your eyes met “Just know that I love you, I always have done and I always will do”
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sits-bound · 4 months
Bound: The complete lyrics of Taylor Swift
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I sure hope my niece isn't on tumblr…
She is turning 17 this month, and while I know she reads fic, I don't know if she'd really appreciate a bound copy of Crimson Rivers. I do know she loves Taylor Swift, though. I've seen plenty of lyric books floating around that people have bound, so I thought this would be a fun idea. (Bonus: it's another book I can show friends and family!)
However, not being a Swiftie myself (I think she's a lovely and talented woman, I have nothing against her, I have several of her songs on exercise playlists, but my taste runs more to 90s britpop) I had a lot of questions.
Do I include all of her lyrics? From all the way back?
What's up with these "from the vault" songs? Do I include them?
What's the deal with the re-releases?
Do I include Christmas songs?
Why on earth did she have to write SO MANY SONGS?
Fortunately, I have friends who were able to answer these questions for me.
Yes, all the way back
Yes, include them
I don't know, but there's a new album cover for them
No (a completely arbitrary decision, but related to the next point)
This book could have been over 500 pages. I was trying to reduce the page count as much as I could without sacrificing readability or content. But as it is, it's 462 pages and a few more would have been fine, but what's done is done. Anyway, as to why she is so prolific, I have no idea, but I am impressed.
Thank GOD I found a google doc on reddit with all of the lyrics. I think if I'd had to copy and paste from somewhere, my niece would be getting a copy of Crimson Rivers instead.
The cover was foiled with my Silhouette, and I was so pleased with how it came out. I used this tutorial on Instagram for my settings. But I couldn't do that with the spine, because lining it up would have been impossible. So I stenciled that on. And a friend advised me to use the cat charms on the ribbon.
Details: Bookcloth: Brillianta in this gorgeous pink Title on cover and spine: Beloved Sans and Beloved Script Body text: Adobe Garamond Pro
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monzaaasharl · 9 months
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Speedy Spice
Summary:: The daughter of pop icon, Geri Halliwell, and Team Principal of Redbull Racing, Christian horner, starts her journey into formula one.
Author's note:: This is heavily influenced by @sebscore 's the grid's delight because I love it so much. I made this series because I love f1 and the spice girls, and i thought it would be fun to mix two of my favourite things create this. My requests are always open unless said otherwise. I hope you all enjoy, and feel free to tell me your own thoughts and headcannons if you want to! I'm also trying to make the titles of each fic a spice girls song (or just britpop) and I will put every song that I use at the top of the fic for you to listen to. Don't be a ghost reader please! Reblogs are also very much appreciated! Hope everyone enjoys <333 🫶🫶🫶
Disclaimer:: Just so it makes sense, the children that both Geri and Christian had before they got together irl will just be they're own kids, like not stepchildren (because speedy spice needs to be a big sis) and they can't be with other people because in this universe Geri and Christian got together many years before they did irl
Requests:: Open
Original idea:: here
Driver x Reader Masterlist Monzaaasharl
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Who do you think you are?::
Y/n Horner is announced as an official 2024 Formula 1 driver
Geri Halliwell-Horner shows how proud she is of her daughter
Current Taglist::
@/treehouse-mouse @/champomiel @/honkyscats @/nightreader16 @/cherry-piee @/welovediaaxx @/trouble-sistar @/namgification @/awhbigail @/itsjustkhaos @/sam-is-lost @/fluvsof @/blueberry64857959 @/2pagenumb
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lovelytsunoda · 23 days
chateau ( feel alright ) | kyle kirkwood
summary: powers out in andretti house. stuck working together on a project for their business marketing class, kyle and yn find themselves stuck in his dorm with no lights and no heating
pairing: college!kyle kirkwood x college! reader
warnings: you’ve heard of only one bed, get ready for only one ✨blanket✨ santino slander (and rightly so). kyle is such a himbo my lordy I love him. kinda slow burn since they don’t kiss right until the end (sort like in my other Kyle fic lmao)
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there was a certain kind of charm to kyle kirkwoods dorm room at andretti house.
sure, the florida panthers jersey hung above the couch screamed ‘frat boy’ and he had an impressive collection of shot glasses lined up underneath the tv, and since he and his roommate were both hockey players, the main room tended to stink of sweaty locker room as they liked their gear in a corner, but it was proof that people lived there.
kyle never would have been her first choice as partner for this assignment, but she didn’t have many friends left in the program, and they’d all paired up with each other. lest she get paired with santino, who was so much of an asshole that she would rather get hit by a bus than work on a mid term with him, she’d turned to the boy who was sitting behind her and asked if he had a partner yet.
kyle thought he was crazy for saying yes. typically he paired with colton and the two of them somehow wrangled their way to an a-minus. everybody knew that professor rahal was a hardass, so every choice in partner counted.
but when he saw her pretty, pleading eyes behind those wire rimmed glasses, he couldn’t find it in him to turn her down.
“according to the simulation, social media interaction including view counts is higher when we post reel-like content.”
kyle was barely listening, watching as her delicate fingers tracked across the keyboard. her earrings were little gold pumpkins, they complimented her skin nicely. everything about her was warm and inviting.
he’d let her connect to the dorms small speaker system, and she’d chosen a britpop playlist, an early oasis song playing softly in the background. it wasn’t something he’d thought she’d listen to, but now that he could see her tapping her fingernails on the keyboard while she hummed along, it just seemed to make perfect sense, fitting in perfectly with his vision of her.
kyle kirkwood was totally and utterly infatuated with her.
“kyle?” she asked softly “are you listening to me?”
he blinked rapidly, trying to remember what she had asked. “yes, right, you were talking about short form video content and engagement.”
“I’m impressed.” she smiled. “you’re smarter than you look, kirkwood.”
“I aim to please.”
“good. now give me a hand with this next bit.”
she beckoned kyle over with two fingers, making space for him in the rug next to the coffee table. their mismatched dollar-store mugs of coffee were empty on the table behind her laptop, papers and notebooks spread out across the table.
“now, for this part here-“ she was cut off by an ominous beep, all the lights in the dormitory shutting off one by one.
the clocks on the stovetop and microwave shut off soon after, the living room illuminated only by her laptop, which now proudly displayed the “no internet” message.
“shit.” she cursed, leaning back against the couch. “the outage crashed the simulation.”
“well,” kyle tried to stay positive. “there’s got to be something that we can do in the meantime. truth or dare? never have i ever?”
she laughed, head in her hands. she could smell his cologne from here. well, she was sure it more like aerosol deodorant. something strong, like axe or lynx.
“what are you, five?”
all kyle could smell was her. vanilla and cinnamon. she was intoxicating.
“yeah. five heads taller than you.”
she paused, looking at him with a confused glance before she burst out laughing. god, he loved hearing her laugh. “kyle, that’s so bad!”
kyle laughed along with her until he felt the temperature in the flat had dropped markedly. he could see her shiver, his protective instincts jumping out.
he pushed himself up from the floor, disappearing into his small room. there wasn’t much in there. just some hockey gear, a desk, a twin bed and a rickety bookshelf. there was a plush blanket folded up at the foot of the bed, which he grabbed after pulling a cable knit sweater over his head.
he went back into the living room, gently draping the blanket over he shoulders.
“better?” he asked quietly, feeling some kind of intimacy that definitely wasn’t there before. his hand still rested on her upper back, warm and grounding through the blanket as she pulled it around her shoulders.
“warmer, yeah.” she turned to face him, rubbing at the corner of her eye. “what do we do now?”
“we could watch a movie or something until the power comes back on.” kyle suggested. “logan isn’t supposed to be back until later, you can stay as long as you want.”
he really didn’t want her to leave. in fact, he wanted her to stay forever, turn his silly dorm into a home. he wanted to be with her for as long as possible.
“I suppose so. It’s not like we can do anything constructive, and I don’t want the night to be a total write off. do you have a dvd player?”
Kyle raised an eyebrow. “you do?”
“it’s to watch my criminal minds box set.”
“I was just going to use my cell phone data. I have unlimited.” kyle said, switching on netflix. “what did you want to see?”
“how much do you like matthew mcconaughey and have you ever heard of the lincoln lawyer?” she grinned. “it’s one of my favourite legal thrillers.”
Kyle pulled up the movie as she shut her laptop, propping the phone up against one of the empty mugs. they settled in next to each other, hands resting on the ground with a conspicuous gap between them.
she yearned to reach over and take Kyle’s hand in hers, but the idea of being flirted with just made her fell so awkward and uncomfy. she just wanted a warm, comfortable love, but she supposed she had to start somewhere.
she inches her pink in finger towards Kyle’s multiple times before eventually bringing her hand back and settling it in her lap, pulling the blanket tighter.
Kyle turned to look at her, the way her face was illuminated in the soft blue light. on the screen, tv lawyer mickey haller was meeting with a new client in the county lockup. Kyle was mesmerized at the soft concentration on her face, the way her face was gently scrunched with focus.
a shiver ran through his body, and he found himself reaching for a corner of the blanket.
“Kyle.” she laughed. god, Kyle would do anything to hear that laugh again. “this is my blanket. go get your own.”
he was so fucking whipped.
“what if I miss something important?” he tried to give her his best impression at puppy dog eyes. “you’d have to explain the whole movie to me, I’d be so lost.”
she smiled, rolling her eyes. “fine.” she unwrapped herself, tossing one end of the panthers blanket to the man next to her. “but don’t be a blanket hog.”
“I make no promises.”
they had to move closer together to be able to properly share the blanket with each other. their Jean clad legs were almost touching, a nervous energy surrounding the duo as they kept their eyes trained on kyle’s iphone.
“Kyle?” she asked quietly, voice barely audible. “would it be strange if I said I wanted to kiss you right now?”
Kyle turned to face her, reaching over to pause the movie. “I’d actually like that a lot.” he smiled nervously, reaching out to hold her face.
her skin was soft, and she keener into his touch, biting back a sigh.
when he kissed her, it felt warm and inviting. a comforting addition to her life, rather than fireworks and burst of electricity that would have disrupted it. his lips were soft as they moved against hers, and it felt like coming home.
she sighed under his touch, reaching out to gently run her fingers through his hair.
she didn’t want to stop kissing him.
and he didn’t want to stop kissing her.
Kyle’s face was rosy, or it would have been if she could see anything.
“you’re really good at that.” he whispered into the dark, totally in awe of the woman in front of him.
“I dunno, I think I need a bit more practice.” she joked, hand resting on his knee. “maybe you could help me out.”
“gladly.” he beamed, leaning in to kiss her again.
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soliloqueeer · 3 months
challengers meta (headcanons & character analysis)
i'm writing a challengers fic at the moment so i've been trying to come up with a lot of ideas for these characters.
for art: I imagine art growing up in a mixed-class family. his parents are divorced, with a rich, distant father and a middle-class, hardworking mother. his father’s main contribution to art’s life is paying for his tennis academy tuition, a gesture meant to mirror his own college tennis days. eager to impress his father and gain his attention, art strives to excel both academically and in tennis, while also inheriting a strong work ethic from his mother. his grandmother, who is his father's mother, is one of his biggest supporters, enjoying watching him play tennis and encouraging his pursuits. i see him growing up in the sacramento suburbs or something.
patrick: i think patrick comes from an extremely wealthy family in upstate new york. his father is the CEO of a large company, and his mother works in real estate. he has an older sister who is the golden child of the family, who's several years older and now a successful doctor. i believe patrick’s parents are emotionally neglectful, sending him off to boarding school and eventually just sort of giving up on him. despite this, Patrick is naturally gifted at tennis, achieving significant success from a young age. however, this early success has led to an inflated ego and a sense of invincibility, which he struggles with as an adult. i could see one factor of him refusing money from his parents is perhaps due to political differences, or maybe his dad is homophobic, not sure, but he definitely has a trust fund he could use but isn't for some reason.
tashi: i see tashi hailing from a black, working class family (for some reason from florida though not sure why). tennis became her key to lifting her family out of financial hardship, driving her to work tirelessly from a young age. as a black woman in a predominantly white sport, she was constantly reminded that she had to work ten times harder than her peers and had no room for mistakes. this relentless drive has given her both the talent and discipline needed to succeed. she often clashes with patrick, who she sees as entitled and lazy despite his natural talent. however, she connects on a different level with art, with some mutual understanding of the working/middle class mindset and shared work ethic, literally becoming a power couple when they get together.
sillier things: patrick listens to a lot of britpop and favourite band is blur. tashi really loves artists like lauryn hill and sade, and east-coast hip-hop. and art will listen to whatever music the person he's in a co-dependent with at that given time (patrick or tashi).
anyway, thank you for coming to my ted-talk.
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