#brith story
jackharloww · 1 year
Everything will be alright part 1 (birth story)
Summary: The birth story for baby boy is finally here!!
 Part two
Warnings: mentions of blood, placental abruption, a rollercoaster of emotions
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“Mama, can I have some?” Grace pointed to the bowl of candy on the table. 
“Yes baby, of course you can.” You smiled at her and handed her the bowl as she dug into it. You took the last sip from your cup of tea and gently rubbed your 7-month bump over your dress.
“You want more tea?” You asked Emily that was sitting next to you on the sofa. She had been sleeping over this weekend because Jack had to leave town for work. You had been having a lot of back pain because of your pregnancy so Jack didn’t want you to be all alone with Grace. “I would feel more comfortable with Emily being here with you” he had said before he left.
“I can go get us more,” she said as you shook your head. Jack had also spoken to her to not let you move around a lot, and they were both starting to get on your nerves.
“It’s fine, I’m allowed to move.” You rolled your eyes and quickly stood up from the sofa. Just then you felt a cramp in your lower back and lost your balance. Emily quickly grabbed you and helped you regain your balance.
“Fine, my ass,” she said sternly. “Please sit.”
“I just got up too fast” You straightened yourself. “I’m fine, relax” you assured her and walked slowly to the kitchen. The pain in your lower back didn’t stop but it was bearable. 
When you arrived at the kitchen you put on the water kettle and put away a few things while you waited for the water to boil. Just then you felt another sharp pain, this time in your abdomen, and had to grab the counter to stabilize yourself. You looked down and saw blood coming down your leg, and just then it got difficult for you to breathe. You watched how blood ran down your leg and felt dizzy, you couldn't help but to panic.
“Em” you mustered up the energy to yell out for her and she immediately came into the kitchen and saw you bent over the counter and then she saw the blood coming down “What’s wrong?” she said in panic and came to your side, you started to hyperventilate and she grabbed your hand and walked you to the chair “hey hey, deep breaths come on” she took deep breaths with you which made you follow her lead.
“Hospital,” you said and Em nodded and tried to keep herself from panicking. Just then Grace heard the noise in the kitchen and wondered what you were up to. She walked in and looked at you both with big eyes. When she saw tears streaming down your face she got worried and started to cry herself.
You calmed down for her sake and wiped away the tears from her face when she wanted to know what was wrong, "What's wrong mama?" she wondered, leaning to your side, looking up at you with big and teary eyes. “Don’t worry baby, Mommy’s tummy is just hurting it’s fine” You smiled at her and turned to Emily, looking at her pleadingly for assistance.
“I’ll call Clay to come” Emily called Clay and explained the situation to him. The pain in your abdomen slowed down, but the bleeding didn't stop, and you couldn’t stop worrying. Thankfully Clay wasn’t far away and he arrived after just 15 minutes and immediately ran to your side. Emily had taken Grace to her room trying to get her to think about something else, as you didn’t want her to see what was happening.
“What happened? Are you okay” He kneeled down in front of you and you only shook your head. His eyes widened when he noticed the blood but he didn’t acknowledge it, trying to get you to calm down instead.
Just as you said, “Call Jack” you broke down in sobs as Clay held you. You just wanted Jack by your side and knowing he was far away made everything worse. You couldn't do this without him. “Please call him” you cried into Clay's arms as he helped you up and walked you to Emily’s car. Once you sat down in the car, Clay ran back inside to stay with Grace, and Emily returned and quickly started driving to the hospital. You only wanted Jack, but your phone was left at home and you couldn't call him. The tears did not stop and the pain came and went, just like the blood. 
“I want Jack” you cried out as Emily held your hand. “Clay is going to call him, You have me here, I'm not going to leave you,” She said and squeezed your hand. 
Meanwhile, Clay had just called Jack and tried to explain what had happened in the calmest way possible. But it of course did not work. Jack was in New York and freaked out as soon as he heard. Immediately, he called Neelam and told her he needed them to bring the private jet to the nearest airport. He thanked God that it was only two and a half hours from New York to Louisville. Panicked and overwhelmed, Jack quickly packed his belongings and ran down to the driver waiting to take him to the airport. During that time he texted Emily to inform him of everything that was happening. 
When you arrived at the hospital they immediately took you into a room and helped you change into a hospital gown. After you got on the bed, they hooked you up to monitors to check the baby's heart rate and your vital signs. Nurses ran around the room and took multiple tests before a doctor finally came to speak to you. Emily was sitting on a chair next to you, holding your hand through it all. 
“Mrs. Harlow, it seems like you’re experiencing placental abruption. What has happened is that your placenta has separated from your uterine wall and that explains the bleeding and abdominal pains” The doctor explained in a very calm manner. As you barely understood what she was saying and could not find the energy to answer, you looked at Emily instead, who was focused on what the doctor was explaining.
“This is life-threatening for both the mother and the baby, so we have to do an emergency C-section” The doctor had a sorry look on her face as you sobbed into Emily who was now holding you. “I want Jack” you cried out “I can't do this” You shook your head while she pushed your hair out of your face. 
“I know you do, but don't worry about that now. He is on his way. I'm here" Emily reassured you “You can do this, just focus on your baby, Everything will be alright”. 
The doctors got you ready for the operation and Emily scrubbed in to be by your side. Despite the fact that you were terrified and worried, you kept praying and praying for your baby boy to be fine. You felt really guilty about the whole thing but tried to put your focus on making sure your baby survived. Emily had just informed Jack about the C-section when he had to turn off his phone and get on the plane. The entire way he thought about how he wouldn't be by your side, and that broke his heart.
In order to numb your lower body, the doctors gave you anesthesia and began the surgery as soon as possible. As they delivered the baby, a nurse took him and walked over to you so you could take a quick glance at him, your heart swelled with emotions as you saw your beautiful baby boy. The feeling didn't last for too long as the nurse quickly took him to the NICU for monitoring and care. The medical staff started working on stopping your bleeding, You couldn't feel anything but looked up and saw Emily panicking. The nurses were running around and you could hear the beeping sounds the monitor was making, but the only thing on your mind was your newborn baby, Grace, and Jack, before everything turned black.
taglist: @hoodharlow , @pianoisland , @harlowcomehome , @itsyagirljaz , @neon-lights-and-glitter , @heavyhitterheaux , @nattinatalia , @harlowsbby
And thanks to my sissy @middlechild404 for the idea of this fic!!!!
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so i was already aware of the fact that part i love frankenstein souch is bc it works really well in a lot of ways as a metaphor for both my religious trauma and my gender issues, but i jist had the sudden realization that perhaps a lot of my love from it comes from the fact that i can use it to vent abt these issues to my parents under the guise of the story
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marymary-diva17 · 3 months
The daughter of two worlds
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another crossposted story of mines with some edits made to it, I hope you all will enjoy this story.
Over the time of being together neteyam and Ao’nung had fallen in love with each other. They had kept their relationship under wraps, as they wish to see if they love they have for each other is true. Soon enough the relationship couldn’t stay the same anymore, as everyone soon found out. The relationship had been welcome with open arms and support until, it all came crashing down.
Ronal "this baby has demon blood in her eywa has turned her back on us" A child had been born from the union of aonung and neteyam, the day of the brith of child had started off as celebration for all of the clans until the celebration had done. When the child had been seen and when they saw her it was clear she was a child of two worlds or multiple. She didn't look like all the other navi she had inherited both features from her fathers and also human DNA.
Tonowari " what are we going to do about this the clans will talk, when they see her" neteyam held his newborn daughter close to his chest looking happily, down on her as to him she was perfect.
Ao'nung " ......" 
Jake " we should all clam down she our granddaughter an innocent child she means us now harm" Jake had spoken up hoping to come down the worry and dear that was being rising right now.
Ronal " she a demonblood like the other she a curse upon on family and the clan"
Neytiri " you will not speak to my granddaughter like that she is of the Omaticaya and Metkayina now" neytiri had gotten mad and soon went towards ronal, she was ready for a fight.
Ronal " she will never be one of us we are leaving now"
tonowari " yes it will be best if you family leaves the clan and many others, will not accept this child ... we have to do what best for our family and clan ... we can't have anymore of the sky demons roaming in our clan" Ronal and Tonowari had said enough as they started walking out of the sully family home, not daring to look back at the granddaughter they pushed away.
Neteyam " ma nung" 
lo'ak " dude you can come with us and so can tisreya and rotox, we can help you adapt to the forest"
neteyam " ma yawne our daughter will need us both she a child of sea and forest .... look at our beautiful daughter she so perfect" neteyam had shown aonung their new daughter with happiness and hope on his face, as he is praying that aonung will hold their child and love her like any father will.
Ao'nung " i'm sorry but I have to leave Neteyam this relationship was doomed from the start we shouldn't of kept it going" 
Neteyam " Ao'nung please she your daughter ... she our daughter we love her right" 
Ao'nung " she nothing to me ... I have to think about the clan reparation here and with the others, having a kid with demon blood will make us seem like we side with the sky demons" 
Lo'ak " I wont allow you to speak about my niece like that when I'm here Ao'nung you broke your promise to me" lo'ak had grabbed onto aonung necklace and que she was beyond mad, right now towards her once former friend and brother in law.
Ao'nung " i'm sorry but as everyone else will know I don't have a daughter or mate ... tsireya and rotxo will not be leaving here I'm sure of that ... now leave when you are healed " Ao'nung soon got up and walked away not looking back at his daughter or his former mate. Neteyam had fallen into tears and panic. 
Kiri " hush brother we are here for you we will always be here for you" 
Jake " you will be coming home with us once you and our newest members are heal and well" 
Neteyam " yes dad" 
Tuk " what are we going to name her or is that to soon" 
Neteyam” her name will be y/n" 
Jake " well welcome to the family y/n sully" the sully family had left a few days later not only did Neteyam relationships end badly so did lo'ak and kiri relationship as well with tsyeria and rotxo. It seems like the relationship between ocean clans and the other clans had become broken as well. 
many days later
Jake " y/n" Jake had held his granddaughter in the air as the sun light shined on her in front of the clan and all the other clans as well.
everyone " y/n" everyone had chanted the name as well as the baby girl laugh and reached for the sun, and anything else in her area. She had brought smile to her family and clan.
Jake " now she is our special girl"
neteyam " yes she is"
neytiri " are you sure you don't wish to live at home with us we can make it bigger, you and y/n can have your own room"
neteyam " mother we will be okay and we will not be that far from home, you all can stop by to see y/n and help me with her"
tuk " we will love that"
mo'at " my grandson the great mother has blessed you with a wonderful daughter, and our family as well the child of two worlds or many"
Neteyam " yes she is special"
lo'ak " to bad no one else in from the village could see that"
kiri " lo'ak"
spider " dude not the time or place"
lo'ak " I'm sorry neteyam but it makes me mad for how the treated her"
neteyam " it okay I understand"
Tsu’tey " she perfect and will be perfect addition to the clan"
norm " yes she will Neteyam I and the scientist have gather up from stuff for baby y/n, as she will need it like everyone else"
neteyam " thank you" neteyam had smiled at her daughter and kissed her forehead, even due the past days had been sorrowful not it had become happy.
That night
neteyam " you my daughter are special to me no matter what others had to say, I will teach you all that is need to know ad you might teach me as well" neteyam had seen his daughter laugh and smile towards him, as wood spirt had come by them and landed on her norse.
neteyam " it seems like the great mother has already accepted you from day one my beautiful daughter my beautiful y/n" neteyam had made a promise to be the best father he could be to his daughter, but also be there for his family and clan. They will be there for him as well, but he knew he will not let anyone do anything to destroy this happiness he has right now.
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frizzle-mcshizzle · 9 months
people don’t realize how well Adoption is written in kotlc
normally in a story like kotlc sophie would be adopted by a nice elf family and would struggle with having a new family for one book tops. then it would be all happy and dandy and her birth family would never be mentioned again because she has her new elf family now and they don’t matter anymore, because they’re not elves.
Sophie lost the family she had her whole life, she chose for them to forget her existence, at twelve (12). and she was sent to live with grieving parents who where probably some of the only people in the lost cities who understand what it was like to lose someone.
Sophie was not only afraid that they would think she was trying to replace their dead daughter but was afraid of replacing for even forgetting her birth family. the Ruewen’s where afraid of getting attached to a another child because what if they lost her too, but they tried to give it a chance because they knew Sophie was hurting.
yes the Ruewens compared Sophie to Jolie and saw her when they looked at Sophie. because of course they did, grieving parents are going to see the child they lost in everything. especially in a little girl who looks so much like the daughter they lost that even she noticed it. it doesn't make them bad parents, it makes them realistic grieving parents.
and when they canceled Sophie’s adoption after she put her life in danger, around fire no less, it made sense. but so did sophie’s reaction, because she had thought these where the people who where going to care for her now, and instead they where sending her away because they where afraid.
The Ruewen’s didn’t realize how much they cared about her until they almost lost her, until they had to go through another planting, until they had to watch her almost fade away, that’s when they realized they loved her.
Keeper ends with Sophie’s adoption, and not only did she get to choose who adopted her but she got to keep her last name, she got to keep apart of her human life her birth family, and still be a Ruewen. that is something that is so important because not a lot of adopted kids get to keep parts of their birth names, it’s kinda uncommon and i love that it was added into Sophie’s adoption. it’s not just forgotten either, it’s brought up multiple times later in the series that she wants to keep her human last name.
but the thing is, they didn’t start acting like a family that had been together their whole lives by the next book, it’s not until Everblaze that they really act like a family. which is so realistic, you don’t start loving someone like your family because paper was signed it takes time to grow that attached to someone if you haven’t had them in your family your whole life.
and her birth family is never forgotten, it’s never considered less of her family now that she has the Ruewen’s, the Ruewen’s are not her human family’s replacement, they’re more people who love her, and that’s how it should be in her situation.
not only that but Sophie is still curious who her bio parents are, not because she doesn’t love the Ruewen’s or her brith family, but because she wants to know where she came from and who she’s related too. which is realistic, it’s something every adopted child does if they don’t remember their bio family.
the only books that i’ve read with adoption written this well, where books that focused on adoption like that was the entire plot, but kotlc has it in the background and it’s so important (and even then a lot of those SUCK). it’s so rare to have a realistic adoption story that that’s just a subplot, and i will never get over the fact that it’s in kotlc
and that’s just Sophie and the Ruewen’s, i haven’t even talked about Tiergan yet.
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cheeesecak · 5 months
agent 3 headcanons !
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- although 3 tries to act all mysterious and aloof she’s actually attention and friendship starved.
- agent 3 takes her job as captain super seriously… in fact she’s so self absorbed with work she doesn’t know when to take a break.
- agent 3 is selectively mute and only chooses to talk to a few, the few only being callie, marie, agent 8, and cuttlefish. even when she talks though it comes out as a small mumble or whisper.
- despite her bleak tone, agent 3 is actually a sucker for cheesy romantic gestures such as love letters, chocolate, roses, etc.
- she doesn’t express her emotions through words, but with poetry, painting, and writing. in fact, agent 3 has natural artistic ability.
- she claims that her relationship with agent 8 is “strictly professional”, but in reality she’s the best friend agent 3 has ever had.
- only craig and 8 have seen her smile.
- to this day she still feels incredibly guilty about her fight with agent 8 and tries to make it up by drawing and painting things for her.
- around 19 years old in return of the mammalians.
- agent 3s home life is a mystery, she never mentioned her family to anyone and quite frankly never wants too. i wonder what that’s about?
- agent 3 abandoned her brith name and only goes by caption, 3, or agent 3.
- enjoys craig’s stories/ramblings and can listen to them for hours on end
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quitealotofsodapop · 2 months
Pigsy be cleaning up shop (with Tang being forced to help) when he hears a whispered conversation. He doesn't mean to eavesdrop, but Wu and Mihou aren't exactly subtle.
"Do you think Gramps would have liked to meet them?" Wu was saying, to which Mihour snorted,
"You mean before or after he smacked us both over the head for our stupidity? Yeah... he'd have liked them. 'Specially since the egg was yours."
"Mihou, you're the one incubating the egg! If anything, they're more yours than mine."
"Yeah, but you were his favorite. His 'Little Prince,' remember? I was just the weird cub he found by the river."
"You and I both know that isn't... entirely true. He loved you just as much as me the short time we had living on the mountain together while we were cubs before your sister picked you up."
"Right, Wu, you seriously underestimate how much he loved you. You were his whole reason for living at the end there."
"He was just... he just looked after me as a favor. For the ones who came Before. That's all."
"Your oh so secret birthparent that you refuse to tell me about but insists existed despite literally everything about your origin story?"
"I don't 'refuse to tell you,' I just... don't know how to explain it. Explain Her! I only found out about her after Gramps died, and by the time we met up again, we both were way too busy to remember old stories from a long dead monkey I've never even met."
"...Well, we aren't as busy as we were before. Maybe you can tell me now? We could tell the cub stories about his grandmother when they get here."
"...I'd like that."
Anon this is so cute and sad I tear up a bit.
The idea of Pigsy and Tang accidentally learning that part of "Wu and Mihou's" worries comes from both of them being essentially orphans gets them in the feels.
I hc that Pigsy lost his mom at a young age (got taken in by his Grandma), and Tang has no contact with his brith family, so they both sympathise hard with the two monkeys' situation.
Wukong wanting to Understand who his people and his mother were, but the chaos of Heaven and of all his new responsibilities keep getting in the way... until the incident with the Comet allows him for the first time ever to slow down and contemplate.
Macaque giving up on his search for answers on what he was centuries ago, and thinking that he's just One in the whole universe. Until Wukong begins recalling stories that Elder told him of other monkeys like them beyond the stars - ones with "Lotus-shaped ears" that used them to hear across the vacuum of space...
And they both agree that the Egg is a miracle no matter how they look at it. Even if the comet it arrived in was likely one of their own kind who had not been so lucky. Macaque wonders if the baby's original parent had been "Lotus-eared" like he is...
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one-idea · 5 months
Speaking of Deuce I know in my heart that when it got out that Ace is Roger's son the WG tried to change his bounty poster to Gold Ace, like not even writing it the correct way. And I know that Deuce has the biggest vendetta against that shit, like "IF THEY DO THAT IS JUST REWRITING THE PUBLIC NARRATIVE TO FIT THEIR IDEALS OF COLLECTIVE PUNISHMENT AND DISMISSING HIS PERSONHOOD". Ace's poster still says Portgas D in the timeskip because Deuce, Olivia and Sabo kept getting rid of all of the Gold ones and the Marines got fed up with having to print new ones every time
I love this!
No chosen names are such a big thing for Deuce and Ace.
I can imagine Deuce siting there worried about his friend. Knowing he just lost his little brother who he loved so much. And there is nothing Deuce can do for him. He’s paper that he’s so proud of couldn’t sway the public in time to save Luffy. (He had such short notice, there was no way he could have, but that doesn’t matter to him) he doesn’t know where Ace is, he can’t support him.
And to top it all off someone spilled Ace’s closest secret to the world government.
Deuce is sitting there feeling like all his work is meaningless if he can’t help the people he cares about when someone (probably Olivia) slams Ace’s new bounty on his desk. Normally he’s trilled when Ace’s bounty comes out. He knows Ace loves when his bounty goes up. (And he totally doesn’t have a collection of Ace’s bounty posters)
But this one is different. Ace is still standing there with the same smirk as always (it’s the same picture as always) but the name is wrong. Gold Ace is brazenly printed across the poster.
“If they’re going to be blatantly disrespectful, they could at least spell it right.” Olivia says with a sneer. But it’s white noise to Deuce because, How. Dare. They. How dare they put a name on Ace he obviously didn’t want. How dare they use a name Ace had worked so hard to distance himself from.
Deuce is furious. His true name isn’t known to anyone. Not the Revs, not the reverse crew, not even Ace (he didn’t want to know after Deuce told him he rejected it) Ace is the one who dubbed him Deuce. Who created his new name Masked Deuce. The name the world knows. It’s his name! He would be livid if the World Government tried to tie his brith name to his current life. He rejected it and his family.
Ace did much the same. He chose to go by Portagas because he loves his mom. Deuce knew the name was important to Ace. Whether it was a decision made to hide his connection to Roger didn’t matter to Deuce. No one had the right to make Ace go by a name he didn’t want.
Add on to that it’s to fit the world’s government’s narrative of punishing sons for the sins of their fathers. That it puts Ace’s life in jeopardy for something he didn’t do.
Oh Deuce is hopping mad.
“So what are we going to do about this?” Olivia asked as she watched the rage build across Deuces face. He turned to face her with nothing but righteous furry.
He thought of the brilliant orange flames that often danced around Ace. “We’re going to burn them to the ground.” This he can do. He couldn’t help Ace at Marineford and he can’t be with him in the aftermath. But he can do this.
He’s publishing story after story highlighting PORTAGAS D. ACE and his accomplishment. He’s doing research about what Gol D Rogers was actually like (incase Ace ever does want the name) Sabo and Olivia help him destroy every copy of that stupid wanted poster. (He keeps one, 1) because it enrages him and reminded him what he’s working to prevent, 2) incase one day Ace wants it, even if it’s just to burn it himself)
He figures out where the World government is printing them from and raises it to the ground. No more posters for them! The world government finally relents when he sends them the correct poster (same increase bounty right name) and offers to stop burning all their bounty if they will just print the right one. They have to give in, he’s destroying all of their bounty poster, how are they suppose to bring in anyone if no one knows who to look for.
It his the price on Deuces own head but he’s more than pleased with the resulting new bounty that reads Portagas D. Ace. It’s worth it.
He hopes Ace never had to see the Bounty with the wrong name, no reason to add that to his plate when he’s already dealing with enough.
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smollangrycat · 2 years
Ikran, Pt 4
(Avatar: WOW Oc)
Pt1 Pt2 Pt3 Pt4
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Quick Note - FINAL CHAPTER! Hi, thank you to everybody who has been enjoy this fic it has ment the world to me to see that you guys are enjoying my story’s. So here we are part 4 - 9,205 words later. I hope you guys have enjoyed reading this as I have really loved writing it 😁🥹🥰
(Pre Avatar: WOW) When 12 year old Alue’k is told by her parents that they don’t feel she’s ready for her Iknimaya she feels the need to prove them wrong … in a rather stupid way.
Slight gore/mention of injury
Mention of premature birth/ difficult brith (There is a TW so u can skip that part it’s not essential)
If you think anything else needs to be added leave a comment. 
Alue’k basked in the warmth of her brothers hug, just enjoying the comfort and company.
Lo’ak smiled, he remembered so clearly how a younger Alue’k would claim hugs can make anything better and she would rather eat Ikran shit than admit otherwise.
Eh, what can you aspect from a girl that a carbon copy of her (extremely stubborn) father. 
The moment was quickly disturbed as the sound of an Ikran landing caught their attention. A figure dismounted the Ikran and made his way over to the group. As he grew closer a knot started to twist itself in Alue’k stomach as her grip grew a little tighter on her brothers.
It was their father. 
Lo’ak and Neteyam shared a concerned look, which wasn’t helping with Alue’ks growing worry at all.
The man in question all but charged at his children but at a calm pace trying to keep some level of composure. 
It wasn’t working very well.
Once Jake had reached his children he stood tall, towering over them. Alue’k stared at her feet worrying on her bottom lip and wringing her hands, she could practically feel her father burning gaze on her.
She swallowed the lump in her throat as she nervously let go of Neteyam and Lo’ak. Slightly lifting her head to give them a small smile showing that’s she would be ok … probably.
Both boys have small reassuring smiles before turning to face their father. Neteyam stood tall matching Jakes posture while Lo’ak stood slightly slouched looking more comfortable but the way his tail flickered in agitation and worry betrayed his facade.
Neteyam met his fathers gaze Jakes eyes were strong and determined but right now they seemed dazed and … tired. 
Who wouldn’t be? He’s been up for hours searching for his little girl who has a history of reckless behaviour. For all Jake knew his baby could have been laying broken and dead at the bottom of the floating mountains. 
Neteyam tried to ease his dads worries, he always looked out for his siblings, making sure they were safe. However Alue’k was … different. She didn’t back down, wouldn’t turn down an opportunity to prove her worth … which normally lead to her doing something stupid.
Even if she never had to, she struggled to see her worth. Her size and stature often acting as a  hindrance to her … adventurous activities.
 her entire family valued her they couldn’t imagine a life without her. Neteyam couldn’t understand how someone who is loved by others so much could feel so … alone.
He can’t even imagine what life would be like without his baby sister who’s always trying to make others laugh and smile. He can’t imagine what life would be like without any of his siblings but again Alue’k is just … different. 
Who would make there dad laugh, lighten his mood when there in trouble and would bring out their fathers goofy side when she declared a tickle fight.?
Who would make their mom smile when she looked at the way her arrows were entangled with pretty flowers and colourful plants or bring out the smile their mother reserved for when she was being bombarded with story’s of all the funny things Tonôwa had managed to do in just one day?
Who would Lo’ak spend hours joking around with, causing all sorts of trouble?
Who would kiri have to share her secrets, a confidant who would give the best advice? 
Who would wait behind with Tuk so she didn’t feel left out from the big kid games, who would always find a way to cheer her up when she was sad or know the right words to say when Tuk felt inadequate? 
And finally he thought who would hug him the hardest when he was struggling with all the pressures of being his parents golden son, to show him it was ok to mess up and make mistakes. To not have the weight of his sibling on his back at all times?
Neteyam looked at his father and watched as he sighed, pulling his hand own his face.
Jake looked at Neteyam jerking his head to the side signalling to him that he was to go home. He nodded, gently but firmly grabbing his brother by the arm and dragged him back to where their Ikran were waiting.
Once they had mounted their respected Ikran, Lo’ak turned to his older brother.
Lo’ak - She’ll be ok, right?
Neteyam met Lo’aks eyes which were filled with worry, he gave his brother a reassuring smile.
Neteyam - She’ll be fine.
That’s what he hoped. With that the brothers flew back home to wait for their father and sisters return. leaving Alue’k to her fate.
The thick silence that followed the brothers as they left was … intimidating.
The younger of the two Na’vi was still focused on her hands as she all but nearly dislocate her fingers with the force she was putting into fiddling with them.
Jake let out a long dawn out breath. Not a sigh but … yeah it was a sigh. He looked at his daughter a frown growing onto his face as his brows knitted together. Jake folded his arms all the while staring at his daughter. 
His baby girl. Who he almost lost … again! At this point he was starting to lose count of the amount of time his child has endangered herself and almost died. He was exhausted. Not of his child but the worry and fear that was weighting on him. 
When he woke up this morning to find her missing it felt as if his hart had stoped right there and then. Waking up Neytiri with shaking hands and calling out a search party to find his little girl who hopefully hadn’t joined Awa in the time it took him to find her missing.
He took in the sight of his little girl, watching her fidget and not making eye contact. He noticed the makeshift turner kit on her arm noting how the wound looked deep and might even need a few stitches … that’ll be fun.
Jake was just staring at her and Alue’k felt so nervous and some other emotion she couldn’t name.
Yeah, she new what she had down was reckless and stupid but she needed to prove herself … she had to … right.
Is that why she couldn’t look at her dad … was she ashamed, embarrassed? No, thats not it. She was proud of her accomplishment, of her victory but if that wasn’t it … what was it?
Jake - What were you thinking? You could have been killed, is that what you want? To leave this family broken so you can have a joy ride?
Jake didn’t mean his words … well not all of them. He was angry and he wanted to get his point across to his daughter. He didn’t want to loose his baby, why was that so hard for her to understand?
Alue’k stoped fidgeting instead focusing all her energy of the ground and if willing Awa to swallow her hole.
Jake - What you did was dangerous and reckless. Awas sake, and for what? To prove that your grown, that your ready for the responsibility of being a hunter? 
Alue’k stood still with bated breath, eyes still glued to the ground. Tears had started to grow in the corner of her eyes as she stops a silent sob from escaping her throat.
Fuck. She couldn’t do anything right. She had completed her Iknimaya, she had earned an Ikran so for the love of Awa why was her father still not proud of her. Why dose he still not believe in her, is she truly that hopeless that her accomplishment mean nothing?
Jake, not noticing his daughters change in dementor continues, only one thing going through his mind. His baby could of died today.
Jake - All you’ve done is prove that your not mature enough, that your not ready! Do you know how stupid this was, how recklessly life endangering your actions where? We could of lost you today!
Silent hot tears had started to make there was down Alue’ks face. Why couldn’t she be better? Why … why couldn’t she just do it right? Wait. She had done it, maybe not conventionally but she had done it, damit! So why was her dad so pissed?
Alue’k looked at her dad a new ferocity hitting her like a wave hitting a cliffs edge, she hissed angrily as her fathers ears twitched.
Alue’k - Why can’t you just be proud of me! I know I’m not perfect, I know I came out wrong but the least you could do is let me at least think you believe in me!
Her voice came out as a yell, voice hoarse from holding back sobs. Jakes eyes widened in shock … what?
Alue’k took his expression as one of being caught out and continued as hot tears ran down her face.
Alue’k - I know that you don’t believe in me, I’m nothing, I’m useless and I can’t do shit! I’m slower than Neteyam, I’m not as smart as kiri, I’m not as brave as Lo’ak, I’m not as helpful as Tuk! I’m not good enough, I know! 
Her yelling continues, she had wrapped her arms around herself growing desperate for any form of comfort. 
Jake looked at his daughter the weight of her words pressing down on him. Is this what she though? Is this what his baby had been carrying around with her since who in the hell knows how long? Had he truly failed as a parent this much, had he failed his baby girl?
Alue’k had went back to staring at her feet, her feeling had brought on a new exhaustion she didn’t know existed. 
Jake sighed for what felt like the millionth time today as he moved closer to the girl and lifted his daughters chin up so she was looking him in the eye.
Jake - Alue’k, I see you.
Jake found his daughters words harte breaking. He couldn’t believe what he had heard, his baby girl had been suffering and had no idea. He was so focused on the idea of protecting her from the outside world that he didn’t realise what was happening to her on the inside.
Alue’k sobbed clinging onto her father as he brought her in for a hug. He held her tight almost as if she would disappear if he loosened his grasp. 
Jake sat on the ground, pulling his daughter to sit on his lap as he made a comforting rumbling noise from his chest. Alue’k leans into her fathers hug as her sobs slowly turn into sniffles. 
The older Na’vi looked down at his daughter in his lap, a gentil smile gracing his face as he slowly rocked her back a forth in a comforting motion. Just like he had when she was a baby. (Well she was alway going to be his baby, no matter how old she was).
Jake - Have I ever told you the story of the day you were born?
Alue’k shook her head, her outburst of emotion had tiered her out and now she couldn’t muster the energy to talk.
Jake - You came into this world very early, you were too impatient to wait an extra a month. You just had to come out and meet everyone.
Jakes comment made the girl smile a soft chuckle leaving her chest, it was met by a smile from her father who was just happy to see his baby laughing … and alive, safe in his arms where he could protect her.
Jake - Your mother and I were so happy to meet you but you were so small, I could hold you with one hand. 
Jake looked away for a moment as it it physically hurt him to say his next sentence … which it did. Nobody want to talk about their child almost being taken away from them, especially when they’ve bearly had the chance to get to know them.
Jake - When you were born you didn’t cry, you were completely silent. Your mother and I begged Awa to let you breathe, begged you to breathe then Awa answered us and your chest started to breathe. You started to cry and after that I never wanted to feel like I was losing you again. 
-TW- (Mentions of difficult birth/ baby struggling to breath)
Jake didn’t mention some parts of the story as he didn’t think they were fit for a 12 year old. 
He didn’t mention how Neytiri had spent hours in labour struggling to gain any progress in delivering her baby. 
He didn’t mention Neytiris heartbroken cry’s at the realisation that their baby wasn’t breathing. 
He didn’t mention how he had broken the newborns ribs doing CPR trying to get blood flowing through her body and air to her brain as her lungs seemed to fail her. 
He didn’t mention that in his story as he still had nightmares about it.
(-End of TW-)
Jake - I see you Alue’k. You’re my baby girl who can do anything she sets her mind to. You always find a way to go on, you’re a tough kid. I believe in you. I’m just scared of losing you.
The tears that had subside only moment ago resurfaced as she clung to her father, mumbles of I’m sorry tumbling out of her mouth.
Jake just held her close shushing her, gently rocking her back and forth.
Jake - It’s ok baby girl, daddy’s here. I’ve got you, your safe I promise.
After about an hour or so Alue’k calmed down and just sat comfortably in her dads arms. She finally mustered the strength to sit up a looked him in the eyes.
She understood now. While her insecurities where still there, she knew her father believed in her. He didn’t think she was not enough. 
She smiled at him and he smiled back just enjoying each others silent company.
Jake - Your grounded.
Alue’k taken aback by the ruined moment looked at her father.
Alue’k - Daddddddddd!
Jake just chuckled a small bemused huff leaving his chest.
Jake - Don’t “dadddd” me baby girl, you snuck out and nearly got yourself killed. That’s fair ground for getting grounded.
Alue’k - Uhggg.
She slumped over, laying on her father while Jake just laughed stroking her hair out of her face.
An’ri who had sat patiently while her Na’vi … finally dealt with her unresolved emotions had decide that it was time to make an appearance.
She made her way over to the Na’vi and laid her head on her friends shoulder who erupted in giggles as it somehow managed to tickle her.
Jake cocked his head and gently held his hand out to the Ikran who looked at him wearily. An’ri turned to Alue’k and watched as she hugged him showing that he was not a danger. 
So An’ri accepted his offer allowing the older Na’vi to stroke down her neck. 
Alue’k - She’s death, so she can’t hear me when we’re not bonded so I’ve got to show her I’m safe in a different way.
Alue’k explained anticipating her fathers question, Jake only nods not expecting that answer but of course it was his daughter who managed to bond with the only death Ikran he had ever heard of.
He smiled to himself watching his daughter cuddle and coo to her Ikran, reminding him so much of the girls mother who had once done the same to her own.
Once again noticing the wound on his daughters arm her pulled her to him and inspected it. He looks at her asking a silent question of what happened.
Alue’k sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck with her other hand, chuckling nervously.
Alue’k - I kinda forgot the leather tie so I had to use my … arm instead.
Jake shakes his head in disbelief.
Jake - your going to be the death of me kid.
She drew in closer to her dad, cuddling close to him.
Alue’k - I know.
A mischievous smile crossed Alue’k face as she turned back to her dad.
Alue’k - Wanna race back to high camp?
A matching smirk crossed Jakes face.
Jake - Ok baby girl but I’m not going to go east on you.
Alue’k snorted as she picked up a sleeping Tonôwa and mounted her Ikran.
Alue’k - I was hoping you’d say that.
Jake just shook his head in amusement as he mounted his Ikran making the bond.
Jake looked at the fine young women his daughter was turning into … determined, strong, funny, caring he was so proud, he didn’t think there was a word for how much pride he had for his baby. For all his children.
Jake - Ready? 
Alue’k smiles in agreement as she hold on to Tonôwa as she edges toward the cliffs face. 
Jake smiled doing the same.
Alue’k - On 1. 3, 2, 1.
With that they took of racing each other through the floating mountains back to their home, back to their family.
Laughter filled the air as Alue’k did a flip, it was as if she was made to ride Ikran … maybe she was.
Once they finally reached home Alue’k was met with a very pissed Neytiri who cuffed her on the back of her head before bringing her into a bone crushing hug.
Alue’k - … Ow.
Neytiri - Foolish girl. Never again, don’t scare us like that again.
Alue’k pulls her mom closer cuddling into her.
Alue’k - I’m sorry mama.
It was almost a whisper but Neytiri heard it, she looked at her middle daughter cupping her face and smiled. 
Neytiri - Oh my sweet girl.
She pulled Alue’k closer (If possible) to her and they just stood like that for a moment until Tuk joined.
Then kiri who laid her head on Neytiris shoulder and stood close to Alue’k (Kiri’s not a huge fan of hugs). 
Lo’ak and Neteyam soon joined cuddling close to their sisters and mother.
Finally Jake joined in the group hug as well, his large arms engulfed the entire family, holding them close.
This is when Alue’k realised something very important. No matter what, this is where she always would want to be. Wrapped in her family loving, warm … safe embrace.
Alue’k smiled enjoying the warmth and thanked Awa for her breath … for her family.
The End.
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somepsychopomp · 10 hours
Winged!Ed AU ft. Hohenheim (Pt.1)
rotating an idea for an FMA(B) AU in my mind where Ed has wings that are typically folded tight against his back and hidden by his red coat. He's basically born a chimera and chooses to hide his status to avoid obvious questions and suspicions.
But I want to lay down the background details, starting here:
Xerxesians, being prodigious alchemists, would of course have dabbled in chimeras and were the first to produce "successful" chimeras- similar to Greed's crew where they pass pretty much entirely for human. Most of their test subjects would have been servants, slaves, poor folk trading their bodies for coin, etc.
that's how we get Hohenheim- or 23, the twenty-third in a long line of chimerical experiments. He himself wasn't fused with an animal, but his mother or father was. 23, in turn, was actually born with a set of wings.
(Hohenheim being born a chimera is important to note bc it means his master not only made a series of healthy chimera, but ones that could reproduce! unfounded at the time)
Hohenheim was born w/ the wings of a lesser kestrel. I chose this bird more because it fits Ed than Ho, but I just liked a few key details about it!
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The lesser kestrel occupies a territory from Germany across the Middle East all the way to East Asia, which isn't super important given that FMA is set in a fictional world but loosely speaking, it's feasible that a Xerxesian alchemist could get his hands on one for human experimentation purposes.
I like the faintly red-brown coloration the males have on the back of their wings in combination w/ that black- very Ed.
They do well in grasslands/agricultural fields but are also adaptable to urban environments & co-existing with humans.
They are birds of prey!
however, they're quite diminutive birds of prey- meaning they're small and arguably very cute. (They're like 10-13 inches in length and notably smaller than Common Kestrels & other birds of prey)
Hohenheim's wings are proportional to his body tho, giving him the ability to fly.
As a slave, his physical fitness was well tested. He can fly and glide with great agility, but he was never allowed to go far because his master always kept him tethered to prevent his escape. Hohenheim also has a trail of feathers going down his spine but interestingly enough, he lacks a kestrel tail. He supposes that's not surprising, he lacks talons or a beak or eyesight far beyond that of a human. But perhaps he carries the genes for a tail. (Foreshadowing)
As an adult post-fall of Xerxes, Hohenheim found himself lost and shell shocked.
For many years, he contemplated cutting off his wings so he could better blend in with humans. But as a living Philosopher's Stone, he felt like it would be pointless endeavor and instead learned to hide them with a long coat.
Most of his canon story is basically the same until he meets Trisha.
When he fell in love with Trisha, Hohenheim knew full well that as a born and fertile chimera himself, it's fully possible their children will be born like him. He wasn't certain how great of a chance it was, it could be a recessive trait with no hope of ever resurfacing down his family line, or it could be a guarantee.
Hohenheim first has to reveal his wings to Trisha.
Even though he fully expected her to reject him at that point, understandably so, she instead accepted Hohenheim for who and what he was. She understood the possible consequences of their relationship and was completely willing to raise a potentially chimera child, together.
cue their first son.
To be safe, they have a home brith without a doctor or midwife, relying instead on Hohenheim's knowledge of alkahestry and human anatomy to tend to and heal Trisha.
And at the end of it, Edward Elric is born with wings. His were characteristic of baby kestrels, puffy and white and lacking the coloration or streamlined appearance that Hohenheim had as an adult.
Turning Edward over to properly examine his body, Hoheheim is horrified to see a small, tiny tuft of a tail protruding from Edward's lower back.
Dear Truth, his child was even more of a chimera than him! It's devastating to think of, until...
Hohenheim and all his souls cry at the sight of Trisha cooing at Edward as if he were a normal child, kissing his forehead and soothing his chip-like cries. She loves him. She loves their child, even if he was like Hohenheim. So brave, so loving, his Trisha.
But it also terrifies Hohenheim. He knew Trisha wanted at least two children, partly so they could help on their small family farm and partly so that the children could keep each other company.
All he has to go off of is the fact that his one and only child was very visibly a chimera. Ed will always be lesser than those around him- he will always have to hide his true self. But Trisha loved him and still wanted another child with her whole heart.
So they have Alphonse. And to Hohenheim's amazement, their second child has no visible chimera traits whatsoever! He's for all intents and purposes, human! He's human, and beautiful.
And perhaps, perhaps, just perhaps...even if Hohenheim does his best to treat both his boys equally, there's just the tiniest part of him that wants to recoil at the sight of Ed in the bathtub, flapping his wings and sending up bubbles. He's arguably slow to help Trisha bind Ed's wings before he goes out to play with Winry so they aren't seen, as well as when Trisha fits Ed with some kind of outer garment like a loose sweater or coat to hide the shape of his wings. He's possibly, if one looked close enough, a tad bit reluctant to groom Ed's wings. To gently pinch his pin feathers to release them (new feathers are encased in a white sheath as they grow out to protect them before they're fully developed), or combing his feathers or anything else.
The only thing Hohenheim does persistently and with excruciating effort/attention is when he clips Edward's flight & tail feathers so that even if he tried, he couldn't fly. It's honestly better if Edward never, ever learns how to fly and never develops the desire to. Far less a chance of someone ever uncovering his condition.
Hohenheim and Trisha have the same argument many times over the course of the first few years of the boys' lives. Hohenheim, as Ed's father, wants to take responsibility for his son's unfortunate condition by severing Ed's wings and tail before he's old enough to really remember them and the procedure.
Trisha, in contrast, argues that Edward's extra extremities are perfectly healthy limbs, even if his wing muscles are underdeveloped, and that it would be a tragedy to cut out such an integral part of himself.
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Brithism - fictional religion because I'm silly- (kinda a sect of Christianity bc I need something to work with people). I am not trying to disrespect any religious practices,you do you as long as your not a bigot. This is just me seeing stuff and being like you could make a religion out of this and then doing it. Tw for:religious themes and religion in general, cult like behaviour.
Religion lore:
Ok, so basically, if god is the father and Jesus the son, then there needs to be some kind of avatar for the Holy Spirit. Now, you might be saying, Florence, you silly goose, the holy spirit is meant to exist as a spirit, not as an actual person, also Jesus isnt an avatar for god, thisisnt the magnus Archive. But I went to bible school, and I attended bible camp. I know what I'm on about. I know that the Holy Spirit isn't actually meant to be sent down, and I know that Jesus wasn't meant to be the avatar of God. But Thomas Nicholas, born in 1821, claimed to be sent by god to complete the trinity. It is said that he is the Holy Spirit made flesh, as Jesus was God made flesh. He is 100 per cent spirit and 100 per cent man. How does that work? I spent 13 years of my life in the Pentecostal Church and I couldn't tell you. But back to Thomas, who is claiming to be the holy spirit in the flesh. It is said he could heal, preform miracles. He gained a small following, which spread around the US.
Thomas Backstory, accorxing to Brithism-
Thomas Nicholas grew up in (place yo be decided, drop hints down below) with his mother and father. His parents were not very wealthy but raised him a good, god-fearing Christian man. But he always felt different, always k ew too much and did much more. He always felt that strange connection to the divine. He was absorbed with the Bible, but would often find himself writing in strange symbols, which only he could understand. One word would always stay there, one he could only slightly decipher. Brith.
Strange happenings occurred around him, almost miraculous, and he heard strange voices in his sleep. His mother told him he was destined for greatness, that she knew one day the Lord, his father, would help him. His father said nothing. There were whispers that he was the second coming of christ, but he was also very humble. Even then he knew that he was not to eb that. Not yet.
He had scrounged up enough money to try and go to university and become a man of learning, for he was a smart young man, wise beyond his years. One day in his dorm, he felt compelled to walk outside, and he saw an angel, the Angel Gabriel.
Excerpt from the Brithic Testament-
Oriol, 2:73:1
And before him stood an angel, bathed in golden light with wings that stretched up to the moon. The angel kneeled down before Thomas.
'Hail the Holy Spirit, the Holy Ghost. Hail the Spirit who moves through men and blesses them. Hail the completion. Hail the Brith,'
End excerpt.
Basically, Thomas was the completion of the trinity. He immediately realised this and felt all of his holiness seep . him, fully realised. He was the Brith, which, according to Brithism,means completion in Angel Speak, which, since he was the literal holy spirit made man, he could interpret.
Gabriel gives him a book, and tells him to spread the word everywhere, that there is more to the story of the Bible, that Thomas is the completion and that people should follow his teachings. So he did.
Thomas moved back to his hometown and preached the books, which was called the Brithic Testament. And soem called him a heretic and a fool and the devil, but to many that only backed up his claims, didn't they say the same about Jesus Chrizt.
Him and his followers set up communities, and flourished. He continued the book, adding on to to the translations with his own revelations. He also altered parts of the Bible based on his holy vibes. That is how the Brithic Testament was born.
He was then killed.
At the age of 45. Which made him a maytr. Especially when he came back from the dead. He was so incredibly similar to Jesus Christ, coming back after 3 days, then apparently ascending to heaven. His religion was now quite strong and many churches had been set up The churches spread out, and soon, Brithism was quite large. Now in 2024, in the story it has around 900,000 followers around the world.
What actually happened
Time to debunk lore. That I wrote.
Thomas was most likely a charismatic leader with a creative writing talent, who was able to lie a lot, set up a lot of churches, have very loyal allies and fake his own death as well as amass a lot of wealth.
So yeah . I can write more.
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realcube · 3 days
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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ matchup for @saikoucorps
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ if you would like a matchup, read this!
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'I love laughing and making people laugh as well. I usually cope with humor but I'm able to be serious if needed.'
𓆩♡𓆪 kami can be funny and spontaneous so he can defo make you laugh
𓆩♡𓆪 BUT he is gonna be so charmed by the fact he finally has someone to match his energy and that can make HIM laugh too
𓆩♡𓆪 that's something he never knew he needed in a partner until you are up in this room at like midnight and y'all have tears in your eyes from a joke you told, but you're trying not to laugh too loud otherwise you'll get in trouble since everyone else is trying to sleep
𓆩♡𓆪 but trying to suppress the laughter only makes it even more funny
𓆩♡𓆪 literally a core memory for denki and also the moment he fell hard for you
𓆩♡𓆪 so yeah he likes that you can make him laugh too
𓆩♡𓆪 y'all probably have a friends to lovers sorta romance
𓆩♡𓆪 anyway, he is the king of coping with humour and de-escalating situations with jokes lol
𓆩♡𓆪 so he's glad that you're the same way
𓆩♡𓆪 bc most people (aka bakugo) get really frustrated with him if he tries to make a joke in a tense moment
𓆩♡𓆪 but you just GET him so he's so relieved by that
𓆩♡𓆪 he can be serious too but for the most part he doesn't enjoy it and would rather stay light-hearted, which is why fights between you two are virtually non-existent and when they do happen, they only last a couple minutes before one of you tries to make light of it and move on
𓆩♡𓆪 like he just can't stay mad at you , even if you were to mow down his entire family, steal all his belongings and shred his brith certificate, he'd still be like 'baby i forgive you pls let's not fightttt 😩'
𓆩♡𓆪 (that's a bit of a hyperbole but you know what i mean lol)
𓆩♡𓆪 he can be serious too though, like if you want to have a sombre convo about something meaningful or important, he can defo sit down and listen
𓆩♡𓆪 can't promise he'll give the most expert advice, but he definitely tries
𓆩♡𓆪 you mention having a strong sense of justice too which is good bc .. kami is literally hero / hero in training lmao
𓆩♡𓆪 fighting bad guys and saving lives on the daily, what's more justice than that???
𓆩♡𓆪 he can still make some questionable decisions sometimes but i'm sure having s/o will put him on the straight and narrow
𓆩♡𓆪 additionally, you mention being very loyal and ik he kinda shown to be a simp who will fawn for basically anybody that will give him a lick of attention
𓆩♡𓆪 BUT i so hc that as soon as he gets a s/o he will lock in and not even THINK about other ppl romantically anymore
𓆩♡𓆪 just you , 24/7 , 365
𓆩♡𓆪 bc he thinks what he has with you is just so perfect and it's everything he's been trying to get to he's not gonna let ANYONE ruin it
𓆩♡𓆪 so like even if someone tries to confess ot him by putting a note in his locker, that piece of paper will be incinerated expeditiously
𓆩♡𓆪 he no longer gaf about anybody but you 🤷‍♂️ (in a romantic way)
𓆩♡𓆪 even when he is sent on a mission where he needs to save someone super famous or very attractive , he'll return to you like 'they made me do it 😥'
'I also love playing games with other people, my favorite game is yandere simulator.'
𓆩♡𓆪 your love of video games is a big reason i chose kami for you bc he is defo an enthusiast too
𓆩♡𓆪 he'll be down to play all sorts of games with you
𓆩♡𓆪 i can imagine his favourite games are probably gta or rdr where there is kinda a story but for the most part you get to run around and cause chaos and terror
𓆩♡𓆪 (which is ironic since he is a pro-hero and all but shhhh haha)
𓆩♡𓆪 so if you would be down to play those games together with him and rob banks and burn down strip clubs togehter (#couple bonding activities) then he would so love that
𓆩♡𓆪 and seeing you run over your first pedestrian would be another core memory and falling moment for him LMAO
𓆩♡𓆪 the way he looks at you afterwards 🥺
𓆩♡𓆪 but he would also be down to play whatever you want as well
𓆩♡𓆪 OMG so he probably hasn't heard of yan sim before BUT (iirc) it's kinda just like GTA LMAO
𓆩♡𓆪 hear me outttt plsss
𓆩♡𓆪 like in a sense that they both have a main plot that you are supposed to follow but you don't have to follow it if you don't want to , and instead you can treat it like a sandbox world where you get to run around and cause trouble and kill a bunch of ppl
𓆩♡𓆪 so when you introduce it to him, he is forever in your debt LOL and it starts a short term obsession
𓆩♡𓆪 but as i just said , he will NOT be playing the game the way the dev intended , he has no interest in winning senpai or whatever, he just wants to instill fear into the npc and run a gang and drag ppl into pools by their ponytails lol
𓆩♡𓆪 which i realise as i'm writing this, is technically the point of the game
𓆩♡𓆪 but the difference is that denki won't focus on killing the 'main enemies' , and instead will do whatever he wants. if the game allowed him to, he'd probably torture senpai too
𓆩♡𓆪 so yeah he plays it like a maniac and would love to take turns playing with you (bc iirc it's a single player??)
𓆩♡𓆪 if you want to play the game the proper way and try to win, he would definitely try that too
𓆩♡𓆪 in fact , he is actually quite helpful and lowkey strategic with his plans and ways to off people (it makes you relieved that he chose heroism, bc if he chose to be a villain....... society would be screwed...)
𓆩♡𓆪 when you are good at it too, he is soo impressed by that and he loves watching you play bc of it
𓆩♡𓆪 although while you're playing, he would definitely make sarcastic jokes about being jealous of senpai bc you're doing all this for him and not for denki lol
𓆩♡𓆪 'what does he have that i don't, zero ??? 😢' (fake tears)
𓆩♡𓆪 oh but if you make the same jokes back at him when it's his turn to play, outwardly he would roll his eyes but inwardly he is kickin his feet and blushing at how you match his energy
𓆩♡𓆪 and besides yan sim, there are plenty of other games he'd love to play with you too , probably mc or fps if you are into those
𓆩♡𓆪 but also he'd just play whatever you wanna , even if they are single player and y'all have to take turns
𓆩♡𓆪 he's so the type to say 'one more round before we head off' or 'we'll end on a win!' but then you end up playing tonnssss more rounds until you've been up all night and the sun is coming out
𓆩♡𓆪 but then, that just means y'all can sleep through the day 😋
𓆩♡𓆪 OR if you fall asleep while playing kami would think that is SO cute
𓆩♡𓆪 he would not know what to do in that situation though
𓆩♡𓆪 like whether to wake you up so you can move yourself to the bed or if it's okay for him to pick you up and move you himself
𓆩♡𓆪 in the end he probably ends up trying to pick you up but falls backwards and you land on top of him
𓆩♡𓆪 and you end up waking up anyway lol
'My ideal first date is probably a theme park that we basically spend the whole day at!'
𓆩♡𓆪 denki would so love this !!
𓆩♡𓆪 he would probably even be the one to suggest something like this then get so hype when you are like 'that's my dream date!!'
𓆩♡𓆪 he'd think you are literally his soulmate in that moment tbh
𓆩♡𓆪 denki sparkle eyes 🤩
𓆩♡𓆪 he's also the type to go on all the rides with you
𓆩♡𓆪 i can think of quite a few UA characters that, despite being really brave, would NOT be down for rollercoasters. or at least, have a very short tolerance for them and be the type to go on one or two then claim their 'done'. (*cough* midoriya *cough* todoroki *cough*)
𓆩♡𓆪 anywaayyy denki is so not that kinda guy and could go on rollercoasters all day
𓆩♡𓆪 obviously he is a bit dizzy after each one but firstly he knows how to cope with that from his quirk, secondly, having to wait ~30 minutes in line between each ride gives him time to recover anyway
𓆩♡𓆪 omg he is so the type to let you hold onto his shirt or hold hands while waiting in line for the rollercoaster
𓆩♡𓆪 like maybe not full on cuddling but he does let you idly play with his hands
𓆩♡𓆪 OMG and it just occured to me that when he thinks you are looking extra cute he might accidentally zap you while holding your hand bc he's so flustered he starts to overcharge/ lose control of his power a bit
𓆩♡𓆪 nothing crazy like not a power electrical shock but just a tiny little zap
𓆩♡𓆪 but he would still apologise profusely for it
𓆩♡𓆪 only when he does it by accident , when he playfully zaps you on purpose, all you get is him snickering and teasing you
𓆩♡𓆪 he would also love to try all the carnival food with you
𓆩♡𓆪 you mentioned you like to try new foods and i think denki would so want to as well
𓆩♡𓆪 and the amusement park is great for that bc in my experience they always have the most cursed food haha
𓆩♡𓆪 deep fried EVERYTHING
𓆩♡𓆪 deep fried oreo??? deep fried pickles??? deep fried hawks ???
𓆩♡𓆪 and he'd love to try it all with you (bar that last one) and gush about how awesome or awful it tastes
𓆩♡𓆪 giving each other bites of your food?? getting platters to share?? that's a love language in and of itself
𓆩♡𓆪 omg and he'd find it so funny if you were to record / take pics of his dramatic reactions to bad-tasting food and he'd do the same for you
𓆩♡𓆪 and i can't imagine him being a fan of spicy food on his own but he LOVES a challenge
𓆩♡𓆪 so if there are one of spice challenges, where they give you something like fries or nachoes and they put this extra spicy sauce on it and they're like 'if you can eat the whole portion you get a prize'
𓆩♡𓆪 he would sign you both up at the speed of light bc he wants to win and he knows you like spice
𓆩♡𓆪 but your spice tolerance is probably wayyy better than his so he is like stuffing his face, convinced he can do it but then like five bites in he turns bright red and starts breathing fire and screaming for help
𓆩♡𓆪 but the only pro hero nearby is endeavor and he just makes it worse
𓆩♡𓆪 don't ask what endeavor is doing at the amusement park.. probs there for the deep fried hawks icl
𓆩♡𓆪 meanwhile you are just watching him while laughing your ass off and still eating the fries, completely unfazed yet
𓆩♡𓆪 and if you win he is so going to (jokingly) take partial credit like 'omg we did it babe 😤 !!!' when in reality he had five bites lol
𓆩♡𓆪 but really in your heart you know he's proud of you
𓆩♡𓆪 he will also try to win you those big stuffies but i can't imagine his quirk would be helpful for that .. like at all??
𓆩♡𓆪 like for the carnival games there are like.. knock the milk bottles over with a ball.. throw the bean bag into the hole
𓆩♡𓆪 the only one where i can imagine his quirk would be helpful for is hook-a-duck bc he could charge the water to flip over the ducks
𓆩♡𓆪 OR using his quirk to charge a dart in balloon darts but again, the attendant would see the sparks flying and know he used it
𓆩♡𓆪 so he is just going to have to get you a plushie the old-fashioned way 😤 with perseverance and commitment
𓆩♡𓆪 and he does not rest until you walk out of that theme park with a big massive plushie over your shoulders!!!!!
for @saikoucorps: i thought izuku maybe but your interests match denki a bit more , imo
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boilbluedenim · 1 year
Staged BBC is a series about change.
Though it isn't apparent from the very beginning it's easy to see how this theme drives the series and ironically, it doesn't influence much change to the main plot point. This story is about Simon, the writer (and director) of Staged. Along with the well-written and partly fabricated personal lives of Michael Sheen and David Tennant.
Season one starts us at a very comforting and friendly point. this of course is partly because of the major lockdown taking place during filming and in turn, people reach out to one another to keep that pace that they so greatly desire going.
By season 2 everyone has gone through a fair share of torment yet a lack of personal growth is apparent. This season focuses on Michael and David's struggles while they have to cope with being replaced on Staged (I know, they're talking about the show on the show. very meta) and have to interview various actors to replace themselves. David becomes very needy and paranoid while Michael becomes a very angry version of himself, but once again a resolution is presented and they both realize they yearn for their lives to go back to normal. Surely that will fix everything.
A very rocky segway into season 3. Longevity is temporary and that becomes clear to everyone as the show begins to fall apart. At this point, the compromise is an interview stretched out across 4 episodes titled *Back Staged*. Simon has left the show and is taking up a dentistry profession, which he ends up immediately failing at. But after all is said and done everyone comes back, like they always do, for one last episode.
The season 3 finale of Staged is very self-aware, in the sense that it understands its run its course. everyone understands that yearning for comfort in the form of co-dependency is unhealthy. no one says this out loud but it's mutually understood. As the horrible live production of *A Christmas Carol* comes to an end, Michael and David sit there staring wistfully into their screens. they both know they'll be okay. and with that, Staged comes to an end.
Staged is a story of friendship, sabotage, stupid arguments, bara brith, and horribly mispronounced Welsh sayings. and it's very enjoyable if you are insane like me
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mofffun · 7 months
does the rita manga tell us where their family is from originally? afaik gokkan doesn't really have any non-prisoner citizens right
No, not yet at least. It's just extending scenes from the show instead of giving a full back story for Rita. So if we are to learn anything about their brith family from the manga, it's gonna be a long wait.
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georgieluz · 7 months
Juleeees, how are you? I'll go with 4, 10, 11, 21 and 28 for the "not from the US" ask set
jess! hello!! i'm not too bad, thanks! just got back from braving the rain to buy christmas jumpers (it's christmas jumper weekend at work on friday so had to go searching), how about you?
4. favourite dish specific for your country?
probably glamorgan sausage, which isn't made of actual sausage. it's made of cheese, but it's a vegetarian alternative to normal sausage. but yeah, usually made with cheese and leek.
i do also love a slice of bara brith, but specifically the one served in the restaurant at my workplace!
if we wanna be really basic then welshcakes are always a good shout and i have one every friday with a cup of tea in work!
crempogs are soo very good also!!
10. most enjoyable swear word in your native language?
ooh okay so i don't know if it would necessarily be the most enjoyable but it's the one my friends and i used most whilst growing up and that's "cachau bant" which is a way of saying "fuck off" but if you translate it literally it's "shit away".. and then i can't not include "cont" which i imagine you can guess the translation of (we use it affectionately here though, so it's more like "alright, cont?" or "shwmae cont" when you greet your friend)
11. favourite native writer/poet?
okay, it's probably very predictable to choose dylan thomas but i do love his poems and his poetry is loved for good reason! he didn't write in cymraeg, only saesneg, but he's welsh and wrote about wales and life here, and i think the fact that he wrote in english and not welsh speaks a lot about the journey our language unfortunately went on
also r.s thomas' poems about wales are always interesting to study, in particular welsh history, which has the ending lines:
when we have finished quarrelling for crumbs under the table, or gnawing the bones of a dead culture, we will arise and greet each other in a new dawn
his other poems a welsh testament, welsh landscape, the village and sorry are all really interesting as well!
niall griffiths is a great welsh author too. his books set in aberystwyth are really really good!
oh and richard king!! both his books about music and his oral histories of wales book are 11/10!!
menna gallie's work is awesome as well, i loved 'the small mine' which explores how a fictional welsh village comes together after a mining tragedy. it focuses a lot on how women in the community deal with the loss. her other books are great too and she has a really witty writing style that i enjoy a lot
a few others: owen sheers, gillian clarke and sarah waters!
not quite relevant, but still worth a mention, is the story of the soldier-poet known as hedd wyn and the eisteddfodd of 1917!
21. if you could send two things from your country into space, what would they be?
ohhhh this is really hard.. does it have to be an object or can it be like just a welsh tradition or?? oH WAIT I KNOW i'd send mari lwyd up there!!! to maybe freak out all the aliens. it's one of my favourite welsh customs and traditions for christmas! this is what it looks like:
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28. does your country have a lot of lakes, mountains, rivers? do you have favourites?
oh boy! it does indeed... if you wanna know how many mountains wales has, it's better to just look at this topography map
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there aren't any genuinely flat areas of wales. my high school was near the top of a mountain, and my house growing up was halfway up the same one. we hated having to walk up it every morning, and yet, we still went down to the village on our lunch hour. maybe that's why we were all fucking tiny bc we trekked up a mountain twice a day.
here's one of our rivers, which we similarly have a fuck ton of
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so yeah. a shit ton of rivers and a shit ton of mountains. my favourite mountains are the brecon beacons bc we used to go there so much when i was growing up. it's like a tradition for welsh people to climb there and hike there as soon as the weather gets milder!
oh wow, sorry this was SOOOO long but it was fun to talk about these things so thank you for asking!!
for this ask game!
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zombiebcit · 3 months
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norman reedus. 50. cis man. he / him. ― i see you meet WILLIAM "WILL" GRIMES, huh? they are around for… well, it will be 1 AND A HALF YEAR, now. time flies when you are busy and as part of THE MILITIA, they are. if you want to meet them, they live in B1A2A, i think. people say they are ADAPTABLE + PROTECTIVE, but don’t piss them off, okay? because they can be also UNTRUSTING + UNREPENTANT, so be safe.
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⸻ FULL NAME: William Daniel Grimes
⸻ AGE: 50
⸻ GENDER: cis man
⸻ PRONOUNS: he / him
⸻ SCARS / TATTOOS: many scars & tattos along whole body ;
⸻ OCCUPATION: before: many things ; now: militia ;
⸻ FAMILY: tba grimes ( child, wc ) ;
⸻ PLAYLIST: apologize by grandson ; i come with knives by iamx ; f.w.t.b by yonaka ( grandson remix ) ; 20 precent cooler by ken ashcorp ; devil by shinedown ; play dirty by kevin mcallister + [sebell] ; kill our way to heaven by michl ; devil's backbone by the civil wars ; follow you by bring me the horizon ; no one but you by every avenue ; ;
⸻ INSPO: carol peletier ( the walking dead ) , michonne ( the walking dead ) , ada wong ( resident evil ) , chris redfield ( resident evil ) , tess servopoulos ( the last of us ) , morrigan ( dragon age ) , flemeth ( dragon age ) , zaeed massani ( mass effect 2 ) , urdnot wrex  ( mass effect ) ;
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STORY tw: child neglect, drugs, alcohol, discussion of abortion, mention of starvation, allusions to prostitution ;
will's parents didn't cared where he is or what he is doing at all. thye might not have raise their hands, but they didn't loved him either ;
it wasn't a surprise when will got caught up in the wrong crowd and everything that follows one - wild parties with poping whatever was there to just shut his mind off ;
and then, it happened. barely out of the magical line of finally legal age, will's one-night stand, a nice girl from good family who just wanted to have a go at the bad boy came to him with a positive pregnancy test ;
the easy way, the ' right ' way for them would be to go and end it. damn, will even said that to her face and sadi he will pay for it & drive her there.
and he did, but siting there, waiting and see her flinching at every little sound... looking at her stomach and thinking ' there could my kid grow ' made him feel weird.
so will blur out quick ' wait, just wait ' and they had a long and heavy talk about this all ;
she didn't wanted to get rid of kid, but didn't want to be a mother too, having to care about child when she just "started" her life and will... will wanted it now ;
so for the next months, he did everything to get clean, to get better, to find job, any job, and save a little for his kid ;
and then he hold his child in his arms for the first time and that was it. he was a parent.
it wasn't easy, even with the money the girl shoved in his hands few days after brith, with a quick ' just tell them i died. ' ;
he did his best to be a good father, remember what his own father did and did the opposite - care about his kid, telling them he loves them often, showing interest in any littlie thing they showed him ;
he was jumping from job to job, going hungry more often than not just to make sure his kid wasn't, that they had anything they needed ;
working as bartender, he began getting offerts and at some point, he started to accept them. a quick bj there and there was enough to put the food at the table and while he wasn't proud of it, he wasn't ashamed either ;
and then will meet him ;
will know the name man give him was false, he was too clean, tooo charming to be honest ;
but the job offer was too good to pass on, the money could get them out of the shoebox apartament and put his kid in college if will would be smart about spending ;
so he took it and then it was 'take this packcage there', ' keep this person save for evening ' , ' make this person talk ' ;
will did thing, clean out whatever was on his hands - blood more often than not - and go back to being loving father ;
he never told his kid what he did, now or before, just made sure they are as happy as they could ;
he was so proud of them, watching them groing into young adult and starting their own adventure in life ;
and then, the fucking apocalypse happened. at the start, he tried to call, desperate to get in contact with his kid, then he traveled to them just to find them gone ;
rationally, he knows they might be dead, but refuse to acknowledge it ;
it was hard for will to get used to safety of the domus spei, still is. but anytime he is out there, he is still looking ;
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child. ( main wc ) open. will had them very young, a result of one-night stand when he was 18-20yo, and he raised them alone. at the time when apocalypse happened, they were separated & will spend years looking for them without success. i would say they had pretty good relation but i am open to suggestions. this muse would be here for max 1-2 weeks.
⸻ more tba.
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twice-inamillion · 2 years
Twice Interactive Story
Part 136 -Time Skip
Time skip
It’s been a couple of weeks and everything has been running smoothly. The girls would go to their jobs, some of them would alternate taking care of the babies, and you also went to work. Jihyo went back to work and Dahyun would work from home due to her pregnancy.
When it came to the babies, Jisoo is now 11 months old. She is much more active that she was before and is showing Jihyo’s personality. On the other hand Ari and Hina are 8 months each. Ari is the more active one, while Hina is the shy one. They have opposite personalities from each other. Ari has picked up some of Sana’s habits, while they have been together since Mina left. Hina has also become attached to Dahyun and likes to get her attention.
Jihyo has been has looking forward to going back to work with the girls. She has done a strict workout routine to have her body back in shape. She’s been mostly focused on her butt since you have a thing for it.
Dahyun being 6-7 months pregnant and is definitely showing her baby bump. Her boobs have gotten bigger and lactation has increase due to Hina. She has been craving food at random times, especially anything with chocolate. She still has her mornings walks and is loving her time with Hina.
When it comes to Mina there has been minimal updates from her mother. You do send her picture of you and the girls. You do get a thank you message from her once in a while. You do wish her to get better but you are also worried that the girls need their real mother.
You in the other hand have been busy with work. You commute from the office to home almost everyday. You try your best to spend as much time with the girls during the weekend. Chaeyoung has been teasing you alot and has asked for sex at random times. You keep on asking her to let the others know but she has kept on refusing. Because of how often you both mess around you have asked her to use protection. She agrees on being on brith control whenever you two are together.
When it comes to the mystery woman there has been no encounters so far. But you do have a feeling that you are constantly being watched.
Previous Chapter 135 Next Chapter 137
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