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Street scene in Saint-Mars-la-Brière, Maine region of France
French vintage postcard, mailed in 1906 to Paris
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kmp78 · 1 year
Yeah I wouldn’t bet money on #Brired either but I sure would love that romance! 😂🥳 Because BriBri would certainly let us participate in pictures of her romance...😂😂😂🫶🏻
Which is why we like her. 🙌
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knickknackpj · 7 years
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it was @brire‘s birthday so OF COURSE i have to draw her awesome d&d character Jack~!
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ndiecity · 4 years
Top 5 brie cheeses brie brire bire birr fnbrhfnfn
Can we kiss
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funkidscollection · 4 years
Full Video https://youtu.be/mLdwTn-z_9Y
#rainbocorns #rainbowcorns #zuru #rainbocornsequinsurprise #zurutoys #surpriseeggs #rainbocorn #booboocorns #booboocorn
RAINBOCORNS SEQUIN SURPRISE Egg Inside | These magical, surprise rainbow unicorns hatch from an egg and are made of sparkles, removable & reversible tummy heart patch sequins that when swiped reveals a magical surprise and gives Rainbocorns their special powers. Each Zuru's Rainbocorn has a fluffy, bright unicorn mane and tail that are fun to brush and groom. Their sparkly horns and butterfly wings add even more magic. There are 12 to collect and the Rainbocorn collection includes a Puppycorn, Kittycorn, Unicorn, Bunnycorn, Monkicorn and Hamstercorn, each with their own sequin surprise. Every Rainbocorn also comes with a little Booboocorn, a tiny collectable baby Rainbocorn hidden in a secret egg. Collect them all!
NEW RAINBOCORNS SO COOL! The new Rainbocorns are super soft plush toys and made of sequins and have a bunch of hidden surprises! Every Rainbocorn comes in a special magical egg. There are a total of 12 to collect! The Rainbocorns come in 6 different species. Monkeycorns, Kittycorns, Bunnycorns, Puppycorns, Hamstercorns, and Unicorns. There are 2 different types in each species. Monekcorns: Melody Loco KittyCorns: Snapcat Gigu Bunnycorns: Hopcorn Hipity Puppycorns: Scout Scruff Hamstercorns: Munchiw Pixelle Unicorns: Dazzle Sparkool
The Rainbocorns bellies are amazing and each Rainbocorn has a unique beauty mark that show us something different about that Rainbowcorn!! The Sequin pillows attaches to the bellies of the Rainbocorns and can be mixed and matched and they also has a clip on the back so you can even attach them to your backpack or ponytail etc.Hidden inside each Rainbocorn is a Boo-Boocorn. They come inside of little eggs and some Rainbocorns are hidding Rare Boo-Boocorn twins that are found in gold eggs. Wow how amazing!! There are a total of 22 Boo-Boocorns to collect! Which Boo-boocorn will your rainbocorn be hidding!!
Funkidscollection.com is a child safe and family-friendly kid channel for people of all ages. We love unboxing and reviewing all kinds of toys. We are committed to bring The Most Trending Toys and The Most Popular New Toys. Enjoy and have a look around at our great channel and subscribe if you wish to see more. We hope you enjoy the video and don’t forget to Subscribe (+bell) to our YouTube channel, so you never miss a new video. Thank you!
Kolopucat e Dashur. Ne kete video do te zbulojme, dy veze te madhe surprize dhe pas tyre fshihen nga nje Rainbocorns. Rainbocorns jane Kafshe Lodre me Pellush dhe shume te buta. Ne cdo Veze Surprize Rainbocorns do te zbuloni edhe kafshe lodre surprize me te vogla qe quhen Booboocorn. Rainbocorns jane Lodra me nje Brire dhe shume te kendshme. Kjo video argetuese rekomandohet per nxenesit parashkollor dhe vogelushet e kopeshtit. Per te ndjekur me shume Rainbocorns Video, ndiqni lidhjen https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlFtejk9Z0o1y63BqTaYQMl0m6yYTr7q5.
Funkidscollection.com eshte nje Kanal per Femije shume i Pershtatshem dhe i Sigurt. Aty perfshihen lodra te pershtatshme per te gjitha moshat. Ne rast se kjo video ju ka pelqyer, MOS HARRONI te na PELQENI (Like) - Ndaj me te tjeret (Share). Shikim te kendshem!
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shumica-al · 3 years
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Makineri lazeri
Integron levizjen me te re mekanike te drites. Me saktesi te larte dhe me shpejtesi te larte. Ky lazer eshte i pajisur me nje tub ftohes me uje, motore te larte, bord me kontroll te cilesise se fundit. Ai perdor nje port USB dhe keshtu mund te lidhet me laptopin ose desktopin tuaj. Sistemi i kontrollit DSP mund te siguroj qe detyra e prerjes se gdhendjes te perfundoje shpejt. Makineri lazeri eshte e pershtatshme per materiale te ndryshme, te tilla si cope bambuje, derrasa me dy ngjyra, gure, brire, lekure, kristal, dru, plastike organike, leter. Makineri lazeri eshte e certifikuar nga CE, ISO.
Materiali : Celik Permasat: Te ndryshme Shpejtesia e gdhendjes: 0-24000mm/min Pesha : 50 KG – 380 KG Fuqia: 110V/60HZ – 220V/50HZ Vendi i origjines: Kine Certifikimi: CE, ISO Ngjyra: Sipas deshires
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postcard-from-the-past · 10 months
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Brière de l'Isle Barracks in Cherbourg, Normandy region of France
French vintage postcard
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kmp78 · 1 year
What if in his desperation and midlife crisis'ing he’s done a 180 and is trying out new specimens / it wouldn't be so strange. BEFORE, he his love for Russian models, he had very varied partners BUT I doubt he interested in Briana, he can opt for someone who has a more natural beauty. Briana looks very plump in the face
Yeah I wouldn't bet money on #Brired either but I sure would love that romance! 😂🥳
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lokumgibiblog · 5 years
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More Information On: https://hastags.net http://hastags.net/detail-instagram/Brire-cAXE9
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sehrinazizeleri · 5 years
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More Information On: https://hastags.net http://hastags.net/detail-instagram/Brire-cAXE9
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modsyllanx · 7 years
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I see no actual difference.
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narcisbolgor-blog · 7 years
What we know about the victims of the Quebec mosque shooting
(CNN)They came from Morocco, Algeria and Guinea in search of better lives for themselves and their families. The six men, united by their faith and their desire to live in peace in their adopted land of Canada, gathered for evening prayers at the Quebec Islamic Cultural Center Sunday night. They would never come home from the mosque.
Canadian police say Alexandre Bissonnette is the sole suspect in the deadly rampage that cut short their lives.
The 27-year-old Laval University student faces six counts of first-degree murder and five attempted murder charges, according to police.
The men killed that night were fathers, husbands and cherished friends, loved ones told Canadian media outlets. They worked as civil servants, as a grocer, a university professor, pharmacy worker and a programmer.
Azzeddine Soufiane, 57, was a longtime Quebec City resident of Moroccan descent. The father of three was a grocer and butcher, and often helped newcomers to the provincial capital find their way around, CBC reported.
"We chose this country so we could live peacefully," Soufiane's wife told the Globe and Mail newspaper. "But that's not what happened."
His friend, Ali Ouldache told CNN that Soufiane was very Canadian, and very Quebecois. He called him a generous man who would open his door to anyone. "He was always smiling and had a big heart," he said.
Aboubaker Thabti was a 44-year-old father of two who worked in a pharmacy, his friends told the Globe and Mail. One friend recalled that when he moved to Quebec a year and a half ago from Montreal, Mr. Thabti was one of the first people he met.
"He's so kind; everyone loves him -- everyone," Abder Dhakkar, a friend of Thabti's, told the newspaper.
Mamadou Tanou Barry, 42, and Ibrahima Barry, 39, were inseparable friends who lived in the same apartment building, according to the Globe and Mail. The two men, who were not related, were both from the Republic of Guinea in West Africa.
Mamadou worked in information technology and was the father of two toddlers, the CBC reported.
Ibrahima, who worked for the provincial government, left behind four children, according to the Canadian network.
Abdelkrim Hassane, 41, worked as a analyst-programmer for the Quebec government and had three daughters, according to the CBC. A friend described the Algerian-born man as very peaceful and sensitive, according to the Globe and Mail.
"It's a very, very big tragedy for us," Mohamed Labidi, vice president of the mosque where the attack happened, told the CBC. "We have a sadness we cannot express."
In Quebec City on Tuesday, the victims were remembered at a mass at Notre-Dame-de-Foy Church, which is near the mosque, the CTV network reported.
A crowd of students, faculty and other mourners also gathered at Laval University, where one victim, Belkacemi, taught. Many expressed grief and sympathy, and support for Muslim students, reminding them that Laval was their home.
"Don't forget the children" of the victims, the university rector, Denis Brire, said.
Lacina Diarra, president of the Association of Muslim students, said the tragedy has touched all Canadians.
"We must stay together, we were all victims," he said.
The crowd applauded when rick Duchesne, director of Laval's department of political science, said "I don't see black or white, Muslim or not. I only see students."
At an unrelated press conference, Quebec's Archbishop Grald Lacroix told CTV, "the families who are in so much pain right now are experiencing the closeness, the presence of so many people."
When asked if it's possible to forgive the attacker, the archbishop said: "Of course, forgiveness is always something that we desire, but it may not be the right moment to talk about forgiveness today."
"The events are so close and the hurt is so deep," he added. "Forgiveness takes time."
More From this publisher : HERE
=> *********************************************** Article Source Here: What we know about the victims of the Quebec mosque shooting ************************************ =>
What we know about the victims of the Quebec mosque shooting was originally posted by 11 VA Viral News
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morganbelarus · 7 years
What we know about the victims of the Quebec mosque shooting
(CNN)They came from Morocco, Algeria and Guinea in search of better lives for themselves and their families. The six men, united by their faith and their desire to live in peace in their adopted land of Canada, gathered for evening prayers at the Quebec Islamic Cultural Center Sunday night. They would never come home from the mosque.
Canadian police say Alexandre Bissonnette is the sole suspect in the deadly rampage that cut short their lives.
The 27-year-old Laval University student faces six counts of first-degree murder and five attempted murder charges, according to police.
The men killed that night were fathers, husbands and cherished friends, loved ones told Canadian media outlets. They worked as civil servants, as a grocer, a university professor, pharmacy worker and a programmer.
Azzeddine Soufiane, 57, was a longtime Quebec City resident of Moroccan descent. The father of three was a grocer and butcher, and often helped newcomers to the provincial capital find their way around, CBC reported.
"We chose this country so we could live peacefully," Soufiane's wife told the Globe and Mail newspaper. "But that's not what happened."
His friend, Ali Ouldache told CNN that Soufiane was very Canadian, and very Quebecois. He called him a generous man who would open his door to anyone. "He was always smiling and had a big heart," he said.
Aboubaker Thabti was a 44-year-old father of two who worked in a pharmacy, his friends told the Globe and Mail. One friend recalled that when he moved to Quebec a year and a half ago from Montreal, Mr. Thabti was one of the first people he met.
"He's so kind; everyone loves him -- everyone," Abder Dhakkar, a friend of Thabti's, told the newspaper.
Mamadou Tanou Barry, 42, and Ibrahima Barry, 39, were inseparable friends who lived in the same apartment building, according to the Globe and Mail. The two men, who were not related, were both from the Republic of Guinea in West Africa.
Mamadou worked in information technology and was the father of two toddlers, the CBC reported.
Ibrahima, who worked for the provincial government, left behind four children, according to the Canadian network.
Abdelkrim Hassane, 41, worked as a analyst-programmer for the Quebec government and had three daughters, according to the CBC. A friend described the Algerian-born man as very peaceful and sensitive, according to the Globe and Mail.
"It's a very, very big tragedy for us," Mohamed Labidi, vice president of the mosque where the attack happened, told the CBC. "We have a sadness we cannot express."
In Quebec City on Tuesday, the victims were remembered at a mass at Notre-Dame-de-Foy Church, which is near the mosque, the CTV network reported.
A crowd of students, faculty and other mourners also gathered at Laval University, where one victim, Belkacemi, taught. Many expressed grief and sympathy, and support for Muslim students, reminding them that Laval was their home.
"Don't forget the children" of the victims, the university rector, Denis Brire, said.
Lacina Diarra, president of the Association of Muslim students, said the tragedy has touched all Canadians.
"We must stay together, we were all victims," he said.
The crowd applauded when rick Duchesne, director of Laval's department of political science, said "I don't see black or white, Muslim or not. I only see students."
At an unrelated press conference, Quebec's Archbishop Grald Lacroix told CTV, "the families who are in so much pain right now are experiencing the closeness, the presence of so many people."
When asked if it's possible to forgive the attacker, the archbishop said: "Of course, forgiveness is always something that we desire, but it may not be the right moment to talk about forgiveness today."
"The events are so close and the hurt is so deep," he added. "Forgiveness takes time."
More From this publisher : HERE
=> *********************************************** See Full Article Here: What we know about the victims of the Quebec mosque shooting ************************************ =>
What we know about the victims of the Quebec mosque shooting was originally posted by 16 MP Just news
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simdcom4gsahaha · 4 years
via TechCrunch 3G wifi Sahaha https://3gwifi.net/ 368 đường láng, Đống Đa, hà nội 19002106 [email protected] https://3gwifi.net/danh-muc/bo-phat-wifi-4g/ https://3gwifi.net/danh-muc/usb-4g-dcom-4g/ https://3gwifi.net/danh-muc/sim-3g/ https://3gwifi.net/danh-muc/wifi-du-lich/ https://3gwifi.net/danh-muc/may-phien-dich/ https://goo.gl/maps/W9Wk6vrue6aW8yuP7 3gwifisahaha Sahaha cung cấp usb 4G✅ Dcom 4G✅ Sim 4G✅Bộ phát wifi 4G chính hãng✅ Uy tín Giá rẻ nhất✅ 19002106
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famelarson-archive · 5 years
Text: It dont matter Brire
[ text ]: i think you’re typing way too fast
[ text ]: but it matters to me. i want to help you understand.
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