#brioni armie
Essential Homme.
When a photo shoot has never lived up to its name so well…
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silvyysthings · 2 years
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arcobalengo · 1 year
"Spogliare la Grecia è stato uno scherzo.
Aeroporti, qualche isola, industrie zero, terre poche, risparmi privati ridicoli, demanio interessante.
Comunque la Grecia aveva un Pil inferiore alla sola provincia di Treviso.
È bastato un sol boccone.
Un capitale assolutamente enorme.
Secondo al mondo in quanto a risparmio privato, primo come abitazioni di proprietà, terre di valore assoluto e coste meravigliose.
Quinta potenza industriale al mondo prima dell'euro, ottava oggi.
Il Made in Italy è ancora oggi il marchio numero uno al mondo, davanti a Coca Cola.
Biodiversità superiore alla somma di tutti gli altri paesi europei.
Come capitale artistico monumentale, non ne parliamo neanche: è superiore a quello di tutto il resto del mondo.
Francia e Germania, più qualche fondo americano, cinese o arabo hanno fatto la spesa da noi a "paghi uno e prendi quattro".
Tutto il lusso e la grande distribuzione sono passati ai francesi insieme ai pozzi libici passati da Eni e Total.
Poi anche Eni è diventata a maggioranza americana.
Anche il sistema bancario è passato ai francesi insieme all'alimentare.
I tedeschi si sono presi la meccanica, e il cemento.
Gli indiani tutto l'acciaio.
I Cinesi si son presi quote di TERNA, e tutto PIRELLI agricoltura.
Ci sono rimaste ancora le case e le cose degli italiani.
Ecco chi ha chiamato Mattarella e gli ha "intimato " di procedere a sbarrare la strada a chi poteva mettere a rischio la prosecuzione della spoliazione.
I fondi di investimento, i mercati, che, come ricordavo raccolgono i soldi delle mafie, tutte, grandi e piccole, dei traffici di droga, di umani, di truffe internazionali, di salvataggi bancari, del "nero" delle grandi multinazionali, siano esse del commercio, dei telefonini, della cocaina o delle armi, questi fondi di investimenti dicevo, non hanno finito.
Ora tocca alle poche industrie rimaste, ai fondi pensioni, ai conti privati, agli immobili. Ora tocca a noi.
Ecco perché non serve a nulla mediare, arretrare un po'.
Non si placheranno, l'abbiamo già visto. BISOGNA FERMARLI ORA.
Ogni generazione ha il suo Piave. Questo è il nostro."
~ Gian Micalessin, giornalista indipendente
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shepherds-of-haven · 1 year
AHHHH LENA!!! I LOVED THE LAST PATREON UPDATE!!! 🧝🌳🤒 All the interactions with Tallys had me 🥺........ I love her💕💓💖 Also for fanart purpose, what does Clarion, the legendary sword sold by Chandry, looks like in your mind? Cause its described as icy blue and gold like Gonturan (LOoOved the last Weapon Codex entry by the by.... 👀👀👀) but then Chandry describes it as blazing with red fire. Does it just change color when charged with magic?
Hi there, I'm so glad you enjoyed the last update, I'm having more fun than I thought detailing the differences between Elven culture and the Shepherds' way of life, and also HRGHGHH Tallys 💚🤎💚
And good question! When I first started writing the game, Briony (and Gonturan) didn't exist yet, so my initial descriptions of Clarion were based on what I thought Gonturan was going to look like, if that makes any sense! Once Briony was introduced, I gave her sword Gonturan's appearance because it fit her backstory better, and then I switched Clarion to a sword made of abyssal fire (which is why Chandry refers to it as blazing with red--I sort of imagined it as more ominous at the time, a void blade with a red flame), but that didn't feel right either, so now I've changed it again so that Clarion is sort of crystalline in appearance, almost as if it's made of iridescent crystal or glass, but edged with gold! This is its current description in my version of the game, which I don't believe I've updated to the public version yet because I know my indecisiveness is tiresome lol:
You pick up the sword in question, feeling its hilt hum and vibrate when you wrap your hand around it. The blade is constructed of a strange, icy blue crystalline material, edged with gold.
Chandry gasps. "You want to buy Clarion? The Skyshard, Herald of the Heavens?" He speaks in a very hushed voice, his eyes wide. "That sword is rumored to have been forged at the Eye of the World, the tallest peak known to man. Legend says that it's unbreakable, and when swung at dawn in the hands of a champion, it blazes with a radiant and holy light. Its edge is so sharp that it makes the air sing, almost as if it could cut the sky itself, and they say whole armies have been rallied by that piercing, maddening battle-song, as sweet and ancient as the winds and the turning of the world itself..." Then he pauses, looking a little sheepish. "But of course, that's just a legend."
So it's sort of heavenly/celestial/dawn themed... I don't really have a good visual reference for it at the moment, but maybe we can do codex entries for the legendary weapons when the time comes! This was the best I could do, but it's more about the material of the blade rather than the weapon shape itself, since these are all wrong when it comes to the sword's form and the gold detailing, etc.!
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By the way, thank you so much for enjoying the weapon codexes, they've been so much fun to make!! 💖
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faith-less-one · 2 months
Fic: Push (3 / 7)
The new chapter of my new Cullen/Helaine fic! Full series here.
The majority of the rest of the day passes in a near blur, given all that they have to accomplish.
The reports are received, orders given. Weapons and armour are checked, potions distributed. She personally looks in on those in the makeshift infirmary, spreading words of inadequate comfort to those already injured in the skirmishes, quietly and guiltily pleased that few of ‘her’ people are there. Then she allows herself a few minutes in the area set aside for the bodies of those who had not managed to survive their wounds.
She does not actively look for Arienne, but she finds her anyway.
It has been less than three weeks since the last time they trained together, but the body that lies before her bears little resemblance to the woman – no more than a girl, honestly – that she remembers. She sees why Katia had suggested demons were to blame for her demise, the all-too familiar evidence of a pride demon’s lightning whip across her face, marring her once-pretty features.
Healing magic does not work upon the dead, but even so, she cannot help resting her fingers on Arienne’s cheek, pushing just the smallest spark of her power through the contact. Just to… check.
But she remains cold and still.
Helaine sheds no tears – in her many years as a soldier and commander she has lost far too many people just as young and full of potential – but she does take a moment. Thanks her for her service.
If Cullen were here, he’d say a prayer, she thinks, remembering their encounter in the chantry before the army had left Skyhold. Not the first time that she had heard him reciting snatches of the Chant, and she knows it comforts him. That he does truly… believe.
Though she had endured many hours of listening to the Chant, back at the Circle, she had never felt the need or desire to learn any of it for herself. She rarely calls upon the Maker or his bride other than in flippant thanks or to blaspheme against them. Strange to think, now that she follows the man they openly hail as the Herald of Andraste, but life is full of contradictions.
She has little idea if Arienne was a true believer, or otherwise. Not that it really matters one way or another now. If this battle is a victory – when this battle is a victory – funerals will be held, letters will be sent, either way.
With one last whispered farewell, she pulls the cloak back over Arienne’s head, hiding her battle-scarred face from view.
Then she returns to the main camp, and to the more pressing demands of the living. To Cullen, and their developing plans. To Katia and Briony, and the orders they are spreading through the camps. To the various blacksmiths and apothecaries and cooks keeping everything going.
Read the rest on my AO3!
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weclassybouquetfun · 9 months
Golden Globes Fashion: Teams Valentino, Armani and Prada.
Lily Gladstone in Valentino and Leonardo DiCaprio in Armani.
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Team Valentino
Florence Pugh
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Amanda Seyfried
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Selena Gomez
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Margot Robbie channeling SuperStar Barbie
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Bella Ramsey looking like an extra in a 60's schlocky sci-fi film.
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Timothee Chalamet in Celine
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Matt Bomer in Brioni
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Fantasia Barrino in Dolce & Gabbana
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Da'Vine Joy Randolph in Rodarte
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Jonathan Bailey in Givenchy
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beetlebrownleaf · 1 year
#WoLiangerWeek 2023 Day 2 - Encourage
It’s not too hard to get kids to learn and grow. Sometimes all one needs is the proper encouragement.
“Come on, come on!” Beetle said to Briony, who was flopping on her stomach, desperately trying to move somehow. “You can do it!”
Moenie, beside her, was also struggling with crawling, albeit much less. Moenie had grown bigger than Briony already, clearly taking on more Elezen traits than her sister. 
Briony grunted and squirmed, her toes finding no purchase on the rug, arms wriggling every which way and that. Moenie, by contrast, had managed to pull up on her knees, and was sitting in the crawling position, swaying forward and back.
“Poor Briony. Moenie is just so much bigger than she is,” Beetle said to Urianger, who held his arms out to Moenie.
“Ah, she shalt soon learn,” he said, turning to his other child, “Come! Moenie! Come to thy father!”
Moenie stuck her tongue out, her little baby brows furrowing in concentration. She picked up her arm, placing it down in front of her with a tiny, but strong thud. Her leg followed suit, and she crawled ever so slightly forward.
“Ohh, look at her, she’s doing it!” Beetle said.
Moenie struggled and stumbled, but slowly, surely, she had made her way towards her parents, who cheered and held her up, bombarding her with kisses.
“Ahh, my little sprout is so strong!” Beetle cried.
They then turned to Briony, still squirming on the other side of the rug. 
“Come on! Come now Briony - you can do it!” 
Briony whined and wiggled, then managed to get her toes on the rug, pushing herself forward - then falling on her face on the rug. She was fine, but she raised up her head, crying.
“Oh no! Oh, my poor baby–”
Urianger held out his hand.
“What? Urianger, she hurt herself–”
“Nay, she art unharmed. She is frustrated.”
“Well, yeah, because she can’t crawl!”
“Nay, nay, she can.”
He handed Moenie over to Beetle, then went upstairs, disappearing into their bedroom. Briony settled herself, sniffling, but now lying on her stomach, no longer attempting to crawl. Beetle stared at the balcony, blinking and wondering what the hells her husband was up to.
He soon emerged from the room, coming downstairs with something on a chain. Beetle’s eyes widened upon recognizing it.
“Is… is that?”
“Thy father’s compass, yes. The very same one that encouraged thee to walk as a babe.”
“Ohh, I see. You think it’ll work again.”
Urianger knelt in front of Briony, dangling the compass before her.
“We shalt see…”
Briony, upon spotting it, immediately perked up, smiling and making happy, excited grunts. Urianger smiled.
“Ah, doth thou desire the compass? Then thou shalt have to come and fetch it!”
Briony got back up on her arms, but her legs, once again, failed to find purchase, sticking out behind her as they slid off the rug. She whined in frustration, pulling her head up as high as she could, looking at the compass with a greed that would surpass that of the entire Syndicate. She then began to put her arms out in front of her, pulling the rest of her body with it.
“Ahaha, an army crawl - well, whatever works!” Beetle said. “Well come on now, Briony! Go get the compass!”
Even more slowly than her sister, but steadily, oh so steadily, she had made it all the way across the rug, happily taking the compass. She laughed and kicked her legs, clearly very satisfied with her acquisition. 
Beetle laughed, putting her hand on her husband, who smiled with satisfaction. 
“Must be a magic compass,” Beetle said, with a sigh. 
He turned to her, and she looked at him adoringly, resting her head against his.
“I love you.” 
“I love thee as well.”
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Atonement: what if it's too late?
I recall a time during my third year of university when I was tasked with writing an essay on either a movie or a book. I honestly don't recall all the options I had at that time, but for books, I had the choice between "Norwegian Wood" and "The Great Gatsby." As for movies, I could choose either "Meet Joe Black" or "Atonement." In the end, I decided to go with Meet Joe Black. However, I made sure to read all the books and watch all the movies. It's evident that they are all of high quality. Nevertheless, after viewing Atonement, I experienced an indescribable sense of profound sadness. I have never watched that movie again, perhaps because I still find it difficult to handle the emotions it evokes.
I often tell my husband my belief in the concept of second chances. I firmly believe that everyone deserves an opportunity to make amends for their past actions, and that it is never too late to rectify mistakes or pursue new endeavors, like I always tell myself that “Hey Huong, it’s never too late to learn French, let’s do it! Or It’s never too late to exercise at the gym!”.  But now, upon reflecting on the film Atonement, I have come to the realization that there are situations or individuals who reach a point of no return, where they are unable to rectify their actions, or make amends.
On her fourteenth birthday during the summer, young noble Briony Tallis (played by Saoirse Ronan), a young ambitious writer, gazes out of the window and catches sight of her sister Cecilia (portrayed by Keira Knightley). Cecilia, a recent graduate from Cambridge University, is walking out of the bath in the courtyard. Her clothes cling to her body, revealing their transparency, while she captures the attention of Robbie Turner (played by James McAvoy), son of a housekeeper who worked for the Tallis family for 20 years and also a friend of Cecillia who is studying at Cambridge University. At that time, Briony had a sense that Robbie had feelings for his sister. Overwhelmed by Cecillia's captivating presence, Robbie hastily penned a brief letter to apologize for what happened the other day, he wrote so many drafts but regrettably, he inadvertently placed the letter filled with flirtatious and seductive words, intending to send it to Tallis, instead of sending a more suitable one.
By a twist of fate, the letter found its way into Briony's hands. Upon reading its contents, she accused Robbie of being a pervert and promptly shared the information with her cousin Lola. Then that day, at the fateful party, Briony unintentionally stumbles upon Robbie and Cecilia in the library, precisely at the moment when they are confessing their feelings for one another. And during the dinner, Lola’s twin brothers go missing. While everyone else searches for them, Briony ventures into the woods alone to look for them.That is when she saw that Lola was sexually assaulted by an unidentified man. Briony made a direct accusation against Robbie, claiming that she witnessed him being the rapist, stating, "I saw him with my own eyes!" Lola, unable to see the rapist's face, also suspects Robbie as the perpetrator due to the impression and assumption that he is a pervert, based on the inappropriate letter he wrote to the Tallis family. After searching for Lola's twin brothers, Robbie made his way back to Tallis's house. However, as soon as he arrived, he found himself apprehended by the police, with Cecillia's broken gaze. 
Subsequently, in an effort to atone for her errors involving her sister and Robbie, Briony chose to pursue a career as a nurse in the army, opting out of attending Cambridge. Briony also wrote a book called Atonement, where Cecilia and Robbie find happiness in their life together.
However, it is now too late. Ever since Briony falsely accused Robbie of a crime, she set in motion a series of events that would ultimately lead to the unraveling of her sister's life, as well as Robbie and Lola's. This downward spiral continued until everything fell apart at the bottom, with no possibility of returning to where it all began. As a prospective student, Robbie finds himself burdened with guilt that he did not commit, and he must come to terms with the fact that he has to become a soldier, which means being separated from his lover and abandoning his initial dreams. Cecillia's faith in her family waned, leading her to stop communication with her sister. Additionally, she made the decision to enlist in the army as a nurse. And Lola, sadly, made the decision to marry the person who had previously raped her.
When I watched this movie six years ago, I couldn't comprehend how a 14-year-old child could exhibit such cruelty, effortlessly lying and causing immense harm to the lives of the people she holds dear. I believe that Briony does not view Robbie as a pervert; rather, she harbors feelings of love for him. However, due to Robbie's affection for her sister, Briony experiences feelings of jealousy. She doesn't want them to be together, so she intends to sabotage their relationship by tarnishing Robbie's image in her sister's eyes. She believes that by doing so, she can prevent him from being with her sister. 
For me, the portrayal of Briony is one of the captivating aspects of Atonement, owing to the intricate nature of her actions and thoughts. In my opinion, this character is impressed by the author's exploration of a fundamental human nature: the inherent capacity for wrongdoing or selfish action in every individual. Doesn't it sound strange? It is often said that humans are born with kindness and have an inherent capacity for goodness. Would you agree with this perspective? I did back then. I still do now but gradually, I am beginning to believe that some individuals are inherently evil and selfish, some people are just narcissists and abusive, whether they choose to reveal or suppress it. And Briony was lying without a blink of an eye to destroy Robie’s life. Who would suspect that a 14-year-old child, especially a nice and cute girl, could falsely accuse someone else? However, it appears that a child is capable of exhibiting such cruelty and evilness. Perhaps, it is due to their young age that they fail to comprehend the repercussions of the abhorrent actions resulting from their immaturity. And when they grow older, more mature, wiser, it becomes too late for them to heal or fix certain things.
It’s too late for Robie, Cecilia, Lola and even Briony. But how about us? Do we wait until it’s too late to fix things? I believe that none of us wants to be burdened by the word "regret" in our lives. However, there are times when we find ourselves unsure of how to rectify things, where to begin, how to set aside our ego, and how to effectively communicate our emotions in order to find solutions to our problems.
I personally don't want to live a life of regret. My spouse frequently says that one of my positive qualities is that I don't wait until it's too late to fix things; when I realize I've done something stupid, I attempt to rectify it right away. I send adorable photos of myself wearing a cat ear headband, sometimes with clothes and sometimes without haha. And surprisingly, these pictures have a magical effect on him, instantly improving his mood. I am just joking, cute photos don’t solve the problems, girls lol. I used to struggle with effectively communicating my feelings and emotions. While I still have room for improvement, I am gradually becoming more skilled in this area. Whenever something happens, I have a tendency to become silent because I immediately start crying as soon as I try to speak and it becomes challenging for me to articulate the reasons behind my emotional response. Hence, I just go silent. But gradually, I have come to realize that if I do not communicate my thoughts and feelings to my husband, he will not be able to comprehend what is happening within me. It is through speaking and expressing myself that he can truly understand me. Because as humans, we have a tendency to make assumptions. Similar to Lola in Atonement, she mistakenly believed that Robbie was the one who assaulted her due to her negative feelings towards him following the story she heard from Briony involving his flirtatious letter. And sadly, she eventually married the man who was truly responsible for the assault. For me and my husband, sometimes, I assume that my husband understands why I get upset, or that he understands Vietnamese culture as if he is Vietnamese lol. Similarly, he may assume that I understand why he acts in a monkey way. And then we became frustrated when it became apparent that each person didn't understand anything. It’s clearly that without communication, we would never be able to know or fully comprehend things. 
But thank God, me and my husband are always able to communicate, and for that, we should be grateful.
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stellarsolarisblog · 1 year
Dragostea ta arde ca răsăritul soarelui (Valentin Rusmanov x F!OC) Chapter 2. Prolonged Exposure
There was a lot to be said about Valentin Rusmanov. There were those who genuinely believed he was a god like his brothers were. They marveled at his strength, speed, resistance to all vampiric banes, the things he has endured and worse of all, caused to others.
Though they all tried to become his friend, gain access to his inner circle, many did so out of fear more so than mere friendship. Of course, there was the aspect of status and prestige that came with affiliation of this nature. Being invited to his events was the most common start, if not by proxy. “A friend of a friend”, if you will.
Valentin knew all of this very well. He didn’t miss the hitched breaths, the sharp inhales, the straightening of backs and squaring of the shoulders as he walked into a room. In fact, he found it a bit ridiculous when it was done in his own home.
Did they really think he will be impressed? He did have the trained ability most didn’t. He knew how to appear interested and momentarily smitten by the frivolous tales spoken by social climbers, if only until something more interesting caught his attention.
Nobody could deny that he was always a sight to behold. And this didn’t come entirely naturally. Valentin was sure of his looks, his charisma and his position. This didn’t mean he didn’t spend hours picking the perfect suit for any occasion – yes, his chosen theme was black and white formal. But he was the host! Why shouldn’t he dazzle by appearing in red?
Lamberton was luckily there to stealthily coerce his master into a more appropriate decision.
“Sir, isn’t this a bit too loud?” He started, cautiously. “Perhaps a crimson shirt and a black suit?”
Despite all their time together, Lamberton still remained professional. He has seen his master upset on sparse occasions, he did not need that rage directed to him.
“As always, your recommendations fail to disappoint me. Please bring out the Brioni.” Valentin replied, already undoing the buttons on his current attire.
As he waited for Lamberton to locate the expensive suit, he poured himself a glass of rare and old bourbon he acquired and brought out only for special events.
One of the many stocks he had invested in has surpassed even the most generous estimate, meaning he was getting richer and richer with each day.
He never understood why his darling brothers never took him as an example on how to live forever. He had an obnoxiously large mansion, everything that touched him in any way was of the highest quality; from drinks, Bliss, clothing, even sheets he lay in. He was unbothered for the most part, treated with high respect as he deserved and most importantly; he didn’t answer to anyone. No master, no army to command, nothing he didn’t have to right to alter of simply refuse.
No, they had to choose senseless violence. They chose misery and eternal suffering, and for what? Valentin sighed and closed his eyes for a moment. Because they lost all that mattered to them. He reminded himself.
In truth, he never understood the last thought. To tie yourself to only one person forever was denying yourself freedom. Valeri could never fully think for himself, so it made sense to Valentin that he had a woman tell him when to inhale and when to exhale. Not that he spent any time with them after they transcended mortality and distanced themselves from the occasional Rusmanov family dinners back home.
Alexandru and Ilyana were truly made for each other. Both were insane, bloodthirsty and sadistic. Valentin, being Valentin, asked his brother one night after a hearty helping of Țuică, how they get on in the bedroom if they're both the ones giving pain rather than reciving.
This was also the night where Valentin was almost murdered for mentioning Ilyana's name in such a context.
Despite this, Valentin did spend time with the couple. He was invited to many celebrations, dinners or simple family time, as mundane as it sounds.
Then Ilyana was killed, Alexandru became who he has always been beneath the surface and Valentin has distanced himself. He will never admit it, but this was the perfect excuse.
The truth hurt Valentin to verbalize; the domestic dynamic between them was sometimes alienating to the youngest Rusmanov. He pretended not to see or notice, but he did. In modern terms, he was the third wheel. In Valentin’s terms, he was reminded of his loneliness.
Sure, he didn’t feel like giving up his hedonistic luxuries, though sometimes he would allow himself to imagine putting on his usual show with a gorgeous woman who clung to him like a magnet. He excused such thoughts as pure vanity, he would never admit the pain in his chest when he imagined somebody looking at him with open love. He wondered if these thoughts would have ever occurred had he not spent so much time with Alexandru and Ilyana.
His glass now devoid of liquor, Lamberton returned with the Brioni. Even for Valentin’s standards, this was immaculate. Lamberton took the liberty of selecting a crimson, silk dress shirt and presented it to his master who only nodded in approval.
The butler left to give his master the privacy to change. When he did, Valentin took a long look in the mirror. His expression was unreadable, though a bit melancholic. He straightened all the fine details and checked the inner left pocket, smiling as Lamberton remembered to stock it with Bliss laced cigarettes Valentin enjoyed.
He took the liberty of lighting one, or two. He had time before the party started. As all of his events, it will be a cacophony of classical music paired with the wonderful screams of terror and torment, provided by the usual entertainment; human suffering.
It always helped that he was more connected than the subway system of New York. He had agents everywhere looking for the next unlucky victims. There was never a shortage, he never disappointed.
Of course, there were always those so eager to feel some power that they would subject willingly to vampiric torture with the promise of eternal freedom. Valentin didn’t know if he should feel prideful or sorry for the poor souls. Not that he would pay them that much mind, anyways.
From what he was assured by one of such agents, the party will be an amusing one. He was slightly offended by the tone as it assumed his over events were not amusing, but he gave the whelp a chance. After all, he lived for carnal pleasures and a chance to experience a new type of high was always welcome.
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dawnofdragon · 2 years
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With Lord Aegon Targaryen and his sisters advancing in their quest to secure the Realms in one unified one, Harwyn felt the air becoming thicker and hanging around his throat in the shape of a lump he couldn’t swallow. The prospect of a war involving was a menace that couldn’t be overseen as it witnessed their Lannister Lord taking occasions to make arrangements with the Rulers of The Reach. Harwyn found himself restless, seeking out the solace of his wife, but unable to properly convey his fears nor commitment to her. As if stating the need to produce yet another heir would be enough to state how much he needed her. And he made a terrible job out of it, ending in driving her further away than he could have been able if Harwyn just carried his heart on his sleeve. Leoda left him in shock by breaking the news she was soon to become Chief Lady-in-Waiting to Lexia Lannister, all the while ensuring their children’s safety away from Silverhill. Their son and daughter were sent under the safe wing of Leota’s brother with the Westerling, Tytos already been talked about for future fostering there, while Briony would have been safe and taken care of by her grandmother. Suddenly, he was alone, everything he thought he had achieved vanished like smoke between his hands, only void left and nothing to hold on to.
Word reached Silverhill that the Lannister King was indeed going to march alongside the Gardener King of The Reach against the Targaryens. They had gathered an army of men that had no equals in numbers in the past. Harwyn was not surprised when his father, spiteful of his advancing age, wished to take part in the battle and his now only Heir had no choice other than following Lord Serrett’s orders. There was no way to escape his fears as he marched on horseback with the rest of their men, heart heavy as he followed his fate’s path. Harwyn strived to keep thoughts and memories of his family dear to his chest, in the attempt of anchoring to something that would keep him from falling into despair. Life in the war camp amongst other men was suffocating, his senses were muffled by the thumping of his heart beating like deafening drums in his ears.
Harwyn Serrett is played by Otis - Full Bio
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brookstonalmanac · 3 months
Events 7.7 (after 1940)
1941 – The US occupation of Iceland replaces the UK's occupation. 1944 – World War II: Largest Banzai charge of the Pacific War at the Battle of Saipan. 1946 – Mother Francesca S. Cabrini becomes the first American to be canonized. 1946 – Howard Hughes nearly dies when his XF-11 reconnaissance aircraft prototype crashes in a Beverly Hills neighborhood. 1952 – The ocean liner SS United States passes Bishop Rock on her maiden voyage, breaking the transatlantic speed record to become the fastest passenger ship in the world. 1953 – Ernesto "Che" Guevara sets out on a trip through Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, and El Salvador. 1958 – US President Dwight D. Eisenhower signs the Alaska Statehood Act into law. 1959 – Venus occults the star Regulus. This rare event is used to determine the diameter of Venus and the structure of the Venusian atmosphere. 1962 – Alitalia Flight 771 crashes in Junnar, Maharashtra, India, killing 94 people. 1963 – Buddhist crisis: Police commanded by Ngô Đình Nhu, brother and chief political adviser of South Vietnam President Ngo Dinh Diem, attacked a group of American journalists who were covering a protest. 1978 – The Solomon Islands becomes independent from the United Kingdom. 1980 – Institution of sharia law in Iran. 1980 – During the Lebanese Civil War, 83 Tiger militants are killed during what will be known as the Safra massacre. 1981 – US President Ronald Reagan nominates Sandra Day O'Connor to become the first female member of the Supreme Court of the United States. 1983 – Cold War: Samantha Smith, a US schoolgirl, flies to the Soviet Union at the invitation of Secretary General Yuri Andropov. 1985 – Boris Becker becomes the youngest male player ever to win Wimbledon at age 17. 1991 – Yugoslav Wars: The Brioni Agreement ends the ten-day independence war in Slovenia against the rest of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. 1992 – The New York Court of Appeals rules that women have the same right as men to go topless in public. 1997 – The Turkish Armed Forces withdraw from northern Iraq after assisting the Kurdistan Democratic Party in the Iraqi Kurdish Civil War. 2003 – NASA Opportunity rover, MER-B or Mars Exploration Rover–B, was launched into space aboard a Delta II rocket. 2005 – A series of four explosions occurs on London's transport system, killing 56 people, including four suicide bombers, and injuring over 700 others. 2007 – The first Live Earth benefit concert was held in 11 locations around the world. 2012 – At least 172 people are killed in a flash flood in the Krasnodar Krai region of Russia. 2013 – A De Havilland Otter air taxi crashes in Soldotna, Alaska, killing ten people. 2016 – Ex-US Army soldier Micah Xavier Johnson shoots fourteen policemen during an anti-police protest in downtown Dallas, Texas, killing five of them. He is subsequently killed by a robot-delivered bomb. 2017 – The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons was adopted with 122 countries voting in favour. 2019 – The United States women's national soccer team defeated the Netherlands 2–0 at the 2019 FIFA Women's World Cup Final in Lyon, France. 2022 – Boris Johnson announces his resignation as leader of the Conservative Party following days of pressure from the Members of Parliament (MPs) during the July 2022 United Kingdom government crisis.
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silvyysthings · 2 years
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dan6085 · 1 year
Here's a brief history timeline of Slovenia with key details:
1. **Prehistoric Times:** Archaeological evidence suggests that the area of modern-day Slovenia has been inhabited since the Paleolithic era.
2. **Roman Period:** The Romans established the province of Pannonia, which included parts of present-day Slovenia. The town of Emona (modern Ljubljana) was a significant Roman settlement.
3. **Slavic Migration:** In the 6th century, Slavic tribes began migrating into the region, forming the basis of the Slovenian ethnic identity.
4. **Medieval Period:** Slovenia's history in the Middle Ages was marked by various rulers and influences, including the Frankish Empire, the Holy Roman Empire, and the Habsburg Monarchy.
5. **Habsburg Rule:** For several centuries, Slovenia was part of the Habsburg Monarchy, later the Austro-Hungarian Empire. This period saw the development of a distinct Slovenian culture and identity.
6. **World War I:** After the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Slovenia became part of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes, later known as Yugoslavia, in 1918.
7. **World War II:** During World War II, Slovenia was occupied by Axis forces. A resistance movement developed, and after the war, Slovenia became a republic within the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
8. **Independence:** In 1991, Slovenia declared its independence from Yugoslavia, which led to a brief Ten-Day War. The international community recognized Slovenia as an independent nation, and it joined the United Nations.
9. **European Integration:** Slovenia pursued European integration and joined the European Union (EU) in 2004 and the Eurozone in 2007, adopting the euro as its currency.
10. **NATO Membership:** Slovenia became a member of NATO in 2004, enhancing its security and defense cooperation with Western nations.
11. **Modern Era:** Since gaining independence, Slovenia has undergone significant political and economic reforms, becoming a stable and prosperous nation in Central Europe. It has also played an active role in regional and international affairs.
The events of 1991 in Slovenia were pivotal in the country's history as they marked its declaration of independence from Yugoslavia. Here are more details about the key events of that year:
1. **Context of Dissolution of Yugoslavia:** In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Yugoslavia was facing political and economic turmoil. Ethnic tensions and nationalist sentiments were on the rise, particularly in the constituent republics, including Slovenia.
2. **March 1990 - First Free Elections:** Slovenia held its first free multiparty elections in March 1990. The results demonstrated strong support for democratic and pro-independence parties. Milan Kučan became the President of Slovenia, and the new government pushed for greater autonomy.
3. **June 1991 - Ten-Day War:** The situation escalated in June 1991 when Slovenia decided to declare independence from Yugoslavia. On June 25, 1991, the Slovenian Parliament passed a declaration of independence. This move was prompted by fears that the Yugoslav People's Army (JNA) would try to suppress Slovenia's autonomy.
4. **JNA Intervention:** In response to the declaration of independence, the Yugoslav People's Army, loyal to the central Yugoslav government, launched a military intervention in Slovenia on June 27, 1991. The conflict that followed is known as the Ten-Day War.
5. **International Recognition:** Despite the military conflict, Slovenia received international recognition surprisingly quickly. On July 7, 1991, the European Community (predecessor to the European Union) and the United States recognized Slovenia's independence. This helped deter further military intervention.
6. **Ceasefire and Diplomacy:** After ten days of hostilities, a ceasefire was brokered, largely due to international pressure. Diplomatic efforts led to negotiations between Slovenia and the Yugoslav government.
7. **Brioni Agreement:** On July 7, 1991, a ceasefire and an agreement were reached in Brioni, Croatia. This agreement effectively ended the fighting, and the Yugoslav army began withdrawing from Slovenian territory.
8. **Continued Negotiations:** Following the ceasefire, negotiations between Slovenia and the Yugoslav government continued. In October 1991, the last JNA troops left Slovenian territory, solidifying its de facto independence.
9. **Recognition and UN Membership:** In May 1992, Slovenia became a member of the United Nations, further solidifying its international recognition as an independent state.
10. **Post-Independence Era:** After gaining independence, Slovenia embarked on a path of political and economic reforms. It transitioned to a democratic state with a market-oriented economy and pursued European integration, eventually becoming a member of the European Union in 2004.
The events of 1991, including the declaration of independence and the Ten-Day War, were significant milestones in Slovenia's history, as they paved the way for its emergence as a sovereign nation in the heart of Europe.
This timeline provides an overview of Slovenia's history, highlighting key events and transitions from its ancient origins to its modern status as an EU and NATO member. Keep in mind that there are many more details and nuances in the country's history, but this should give you a general understanding of its historical trajectory.
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anothanobody · 2 years
spoilers for Atonement (the movie) ahead !!!
tw// mentions of rape
The reason why Robbie got drafted in the army was because Briony (Cecelia's younger sister) thought of him of being a sex deviant when he falsely sent the wrong letter for Cecilia (Briony's elder sister and is Robbie's lover). The letter contains graphic details of him wanting to kiss Cecilia in her feminine area. He gave the letter to Briony and unfortunately, the latter read it.
tw// rape, mentions of rape ahead
Fast forward, she saw her sister and Robbie doing it in the library. The two then stopped after being caught. Awhile later, Lola's brothers (C and B's cousins) went missing. While searching for the for the brothers, she saw Lola on the grass being r*ped a man. And that's when she concluded that the man is Robbie, her elder sister's lover. She told her parents and then Robbie came back with the twins, then the next scene is the authorities arresting him, but Cecilia went after him and made him promise that he'll come back to her
that’s fucked up. was it him? wowwwww that’s mind blowing. yup let’s change the reason of the drafting because that’s fucked up
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faith-less-one · 2 months
Fic: Push (2 / 7)
The new chapter of my new Cullen/Helaine fic! Full series here.
He feels the hairs on the back of his neck stand up, just moments before he hears a cheer erupt on the east side of the camp. The sound ripples toward him as he hastily straightens from his table in the command tent and pushes back the flap of canvas covering the entrance.
Though he can only think of one person who would evoke such a reaction from his troops, he can’t quite make himself believe that it could be true until he sees for himself.
Maker’s breath, if this is for Empress Celene, he’s going to scream.
But he goes…
It feels like the entire Inquisition army has made its way to the clearing where they have set up camp. He pushes his way through the gathering crowd, his heart in his throat, following the press toward a pair of people on horseback.
Trevelyan and Cassandra.
But… only them.
He tries his best not to feel too disappointed. The Inquisition has been waiting for their Inquisitor, after all. And of all the other people they had left at Skyhold a fortnight ago, Cassandra is surely the second most important. The Right Hand of the Divine, the Hero of Orlais, the Inquisitor’s Beloved, an inspiration to near everyone here, if he isn’t much mistaken, especially given how many people are cheering her name alongside his. He’s glad to see them, of course he is.
“Commander Rutherford?”
His heart stops, almost too afraid to turn around.
It might be a runner. One of the soldiers or scouts. Briony. Anyone except… her.
A hand grasps his arm.
Pulls on it.
He turns.
“Helaine,” he replies, the word leaving him in a delighted sigh that – Maker’s breath – he hopes no one else heard.
His knees weaken – especially when he sees her eyes light up at the sight of him – but he barely manages to force himself to stay upright. Swallows heavily. Maker, he wants to take her in his arms – even just to hug her, hold her – more than he wants to breathe.
But he doesn’t.
Instead, perfectly professional once more, he forces himself to nod, and then to indicate the direction of the command tent. “You’ll want to inspect the battle plans, Commander. If you’ll come this way?”
Read the rest on my AO3!
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violettesiren · 2 years
The heavens are lost in fog; a fog-wall hides All but the nearest bushes, and divides Dank lawn from sodden meadow, from drear plains Where now, I know, only crushed grass remains And broken thistles, and, on thorn-brakes bare, Wreckage of rotted briony; I stare From the blank window; steady-drippping eves Mark off the moments; soul its doom perceives.
It was not yesterday, that day we stood ('Twas endless years ago) in a warm wood One with the snowdrop army—shimmery spears And shining helmets, pure young pioneers Climbing the slope—Ah, yes, that was the day Of dauntless white, not of defeated gray.
from Collected poems of Elizabeth Daryush      
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