#brinn watches bnha
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brinnanza · 2 years ago
god the real tragedy of all might is that despite his veritable cavalcade of ex boyfriends, no one has ever treated him like a human person except nana, and he had her on a pedestal. everyone either puts him on a pedestal or keeps him at arms-length, and neither of those things provides for the real human connection that all human people need. under all the muscles and persona he's just, like, a guy.
which honestly is why I find pairing him with aizawa so compelling because aizawa's the only one who reacts to him with anything except hero worship. and it's not accurate, and it's certainly not kind, but it's at least different. canon only gives tiny bits and pieces of that relationship developing into mutual respect, but I've seen it explored in some depth in fic and it's just so good. all might just needs someone who'll treat him like a goddamn equal
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brinnanza · 2 years ago
"you will live up to the reason I created you!!!!" that is a HUMAN PERSON ENDEAVOR. that is a human child!!!! a person!!!!! I'm gonna put send endeavor over niagara falls in a barrel flame up under six million cubic water a minute BITCH
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brinnanza · 2 years ago
still thinking about that all might and tsukauchi post from yesterday....when all might tells midoriya that he used to be quirkless as a kid that's probably the first time he's gotten to tell anyone that in....god, maybe ever? in decades at least because even the tiny circle that knows about ofa wouldn't necessarily assume all might hadn't had a quirk of his own before because nana did.
it's like... he's the symbol of peace in a society with more and more powerful quirks and fewer and fewer quirkless people and no one can ever know ofa is transferable so there's this whole section of all might's life and his childhood, stuff that clearly effected the person he grew up to be but he can never talk about it to anyone because 1. he's the symbol of peace and there is So Much PR and propaganda that has to go into that, including, probably, that All Might has always had a quirk and 2. who the hell is he even gonna talk to about it? and midoriya is the one person on the entire planet who can not only know but will understand. and it's different now, with fewer quirkless people but god what a relief it must be simply for someone to know this about him, someone who understands intimately the feeling of wishing so desperately to be helpful, to be normal, someone who understands having to bury such a foundational part of yourself for the sake of the world
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brinnanza · 2 years ago
I tend to focus on the provisional license exam for obvious reasons but endeavor probably beat the shit outta shoto after he didn't win the sports festival too second place never good enough for piss pants fire bitch
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brinnanza · 2 years ago
death arms like "wahh no one appreciates me everyone is saying mean things to me I'm so unappreciated guess I can't be a hero" congrats you big baby you've experienced the same sensation of every single service worker on the planet get yelled at by starbucks karens for 11 dollars an hour you fuckin bitch
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brinnanza · 9 months ago
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ummmmmmmmmm 😳😳😳😳
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brinnanza · 10 months ago
oh my god jjk is just what if the collective fears of humanity became actual scary monsters who could kill you incredible I love when fiction makes a nebulous fear into a creature
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brinnanza · 2 years ago
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that's it that's what the show is about
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brinnanza · 2 years ago
hold on wait wait a minute hold on the banksy ova got suddenly heartbreaking so this villain's quirk is making everyone laugh like ms joke right and it works on everyone endeavor starts laughing like a maniac bakugo starts laughing like a maniac it completely disrupts whatever they're doing and puts them flat on the ground it even works on a fucking robot somehow....but when shoto gets hit
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his shoulders are shaking and his breath is kinda stuttery, but he is silent. a quirk that took down ENDEAVOR, the world's most joyless man now that nighteye is toast, in an absolute fit of loud laughter but shoto just BODIES it that's fucking heartbreaking man like he is so used to forcing himself to be quiet that he does so instinctively and even worse the thing he's stifling is laughter it's like a fuckin metaphor for shoto not getting to experience any fucking joy
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brinnanza · 2 years ago
the most unrealistic part of bnha - and yes I am including the superpowers - is the notion that the yakuza would fade into irrelevance after the dawn of said super powers like okay I don't know a lot about the yakuza but they seem like a pretty enterprising organization like really you're telling me the yakuza doesn't have like....vigilantes on the payroll who keep the less scrupulous heroes out of the underground in return for protection money you're telling me they don't have a division of sniper quirks doing assassinations tachibana real estate has more money than god and owns the buildings that every major hero agency in tokyo operates in
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brinnanza · 2 years ago
the meta liberation front reporter: hey girl what's wrong with you what made you crazy
toga: nothing bitch I'm normal
toga is so fascinating to me like she's bugnuts but what she needs to learn about isn't how not to be creepily obsessed with blood cause that's like, fine or whatever, she just needs some education on consent. like sure I'm extremely blase about a lot of "scary" mental disorders but wanting to drink someone's blood in order to imitate them as a form of love is like not that weird all things considered sure she needs therapy about healthy ways to display affection but provided everything is consensual, there's nothing like, morally wrong with toga turning into someone with their consent
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brinnanza · 2 years ago
I am about to finally watch the third bnha movie but I had to watch the Oboro Angst Episode first because it's very good and also I'm thinking vague writing thoughts and like not to keep ragging on popular fandom and fic misconceptions about bnha adults but so often yamada is written as this like, boundless ray of sunshine but that dude is angry like, the way he responds to stress is to get super prickly. like, he snaps at aizawa in the car on the way to talk to kurogiri and he yells at kurogiri and gran turino he doesn't like, go into caregiver mode, he just gets mad. and I know it's like, de rigeur to soften all the rough edges of characters in fic or whatever, but it's interesting to me that aizawa both loves his kids AND is a massive grumpy asshole about it it's interesting to me that yamada yells when he's angry but clearly has enough training not to let his quirk kick on when he does it and it's interesting to me that he specifically snaps at aizawa.
idk this chapter packs a lot of interesting characterization into a REALLY tiny amount of time and there are extrapolations that can be made from their memories and behaviors that don't show up as often as I'd like. maybe I'm reading the wrong things; it's a fucking massive fandom and I'm just shouting from my porch. i do not have a point. we are coming to you live from the special interest mines and I am Thinking About Present Mic
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brinnanza · 2 years ago
most of the time I am very not a "I could fix him" type of guy but I do think with adequate therapy and probably some sedatives I could fix dabi don't worry honey I'm your dad now and we're gonna throw endeavor right in jail forever you don't need to kill your brother
if I think about dabi too much I have to lie down for a while cause like...I get it man I get being that angry I even get taking it out on your siblings who were also mistreated if in a different way than you I get blaming everyone who seems even vaguely similar compassionate intervention at literally any point in dabi's life would have completely changed the course of it and that's tragic his whole thing is just tragedy it's just cycles of abuse repeating it could have happened to shoto as well he could have been exactly that angry exactly that violent but he made friends and let people in and dkjfgksjdhfg
lays face down on the floor todorokis
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brinnanza · 2 years ago
today is my birthday!! I am 33 and vibin and I am spending the way rewatching bnha from the beginning so prepare for that
my sweet autistic baby boy he's so little I love him
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brinnanza · 2 years ago
the way bakugo goes "that's how I was raised and I turned out awesome" about basically beating up and screaming at the head child during the license training...............honey....................first of all you did not turn out "awesome" you have a crippling inferiority complex in addition to your personality second of all jesus christ therapy get in therapy get dunked in therapy and also get adopted by better parents jesus fuck
also todoroki's not actually bad with kids he just has zero social skills there's a certain brand of autistic child that would get on perfectly well with him. despite the fact that he is sixteen kinds of traumatized and everything that goes along with that he's actually like....surprisingly well adjusted re preferable treatment of children, and honestly that's a BIG step up. like bakugo isn't aware how his parents treated him is fucked up so of course yknow cycles of violence but todoroki KNOWS what happened to him is wrong, so he has at least a vague idea of how NOT to treat children
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brinnanza · 2 years ago
i simply believe bakugo should be allowed to swear in the dub he should get to say fuck and I should get to hear him call kirishima shitty hair
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