#bring us park chanyeol
dilxcc · 5 months
supposedly yours ᡣ𐭩 byun baekhyun
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angst, thought it was one-sided love but it wasn't , regrets, grammatical error
byun baekhyun x f!reader x park chanyeol
a/n short angst fic with baek and chan 🥹 I HAD THIS ANGSTY THOUGHT LAST NIGHT AND WAS LIKE, WHY NOT RIGHT?
the awkward silence, the slight skin-to-skin contact, the nervous eye contacts... all of it was a hint in the first place. yet, he had failed to realize that.
"chanyeol... why doesn't he like me? why does he like her?" you sniffled, gripping your phone for dear life. chanyeol hated that you were crying. if anything, he wants you to smile and laugh for the rest of your life. his heart aches even more knowing that you like his best friend. when he is standing right in front of you; comforting you whenever you needed him.
baekhyun wasn't there when your cat went missing. baekhyun wasn't there when you failed your driving test. he wasn't there during your graduation. chanyeol knew why his best friend skipped those events and wasn't there to comfort or congratulate you. and the reasons were acceptable. yet, he felt an ugly feeling brewing in his chest, asking what you even see in baekhyun?
baekhyun regretted the fact that he never take the chance to confess. there were many opportunities where he could just swept you off your feet with his cheesy yet romantic confession. he hated the fact that he was too afraid of losing you. he hated it even more knowing that he lost you to his best friend forever.
"you know... i actually used to like you," you admitted shyly. "it was a stupid crush that went on for years," you smiled. "but well, seems like chanyeol's the one for me," you said softly, your eyes gazing at the ring embedded on your finger.
baekhyun could feel his heart shattering into million pieces when you told him you were dating chanyeol. it breaks his heart even more knowing that you are getting married to chanyeol. it brings him back to reality that you weren't his. that you were supposed to be his, but wasn't because of his cowardice.
"congrats. i'll bring you guys wedding gifts," he smiled, hoping that the hurt doesn't show on his face.
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imaginidol · 1 year
Chanyeol: Songs for You
as requested! pls feel free to submit more <3
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"Park," a manager walks into Chanyeol's recording room with a manila folder, filled to the brim with outlined pages of the solo project that would soon ensue.
"Oh, perfect," Chanyeol skims through the outlines of his new upcoming project, ecstatic that the once thought-out dream was finally becoming a reality.
"You have the freedom of choosing two artists for two features in this album, as was reviewed in our last meeting. We can move forward with any decisions you'd like to make, unless you choose not to have any features for this album in particular."
Chanyeol nods, looking through the concept outlines and schedules printed before him. "I think I might have at least one in mind," he mumbled.
"Perfect. Hold onto that folder and your team will meet on Wednesday to review any possible questions you may have."
The manager walks out, leaving Chanyeol alone to carry on with any projects he was working on in the studio.
Chanyeol's mind drifted back to his artist feature opportunity, contemplating on the one particular person he'd like to feature on his album.
The boy had already spend the better half of the day lost in daydreams with you.
"Would I be crazy if I asked for a song collab already?" He muttered under his breath, thinking about the date he planned with you tonight.
You and Chanyeol sit across from each other eating the last of your ice cream. This was by far one of your favorite dates, and the boy in front of you was easily the cutest crush you'd ever had to date.
"You know," you say, licking the end of your spoon, "I really enjoyed our first date. Thank you for inviting me out."
Chanyeol giggled, fidgeting his spoon around the cherry in his bowl.
"Thank you for letting me take you out," he blushed, looking down into his ice cream.
A short awkward silence follows before he speaks up again.
"Uhm, will you be busy at any point this week?"
"I won't be busy," you smile. "Why do you ask?"
"I was wondering if," his eyes curiously met yours, "you'd ever be down to work on a song together?"
Your smile widened in shock. "You want us to write a song together?"
"Uhm, we don't have to if you don't--"
"Chan, I'd love that."
"You... really?" The excited boy's cheeks redden even more.
"Would you believe me," you giggle, "if I told you that I was working up the courage to ask you the same question?"
"Oh, is that right?"
You nod, noticing the corners of his mouth slowly curling up at your response.
"You know, I've just started working on an upcoming album, and I was thinking of inviting you to be featured on it. But now that you bring up the mutual idea, would you want it to just be a separate single on its own?"
You smile at the thought of sharing an exclusive single and spotlight with just Chanyeol. What if you even got to perform stages together?
"I think that would be way more fun, Chan," you answer.
"Perfect," he says, popping the cherry into his mouth.
Chanyeol held you by the hand as he walked you into the recording studio where he excitedly wanted to show you a few soundtracks he had worked on.
"I wanted to see if there were any sounds you liked, and maybe we could tweak them until you think they're perfect," he says, turning his laptop on.
You smiled and nodded, feeling a buzz from your back pocket. You pull out your phone to read a message from a trusted manager.
[Manager: Hey! Have you caught up with your socials? Your name is everywhere with this Chanyeol guy from a group called EXO.]
You quickly hide your phone away from Chanyeol, opening a few social media apps to search the latest news on you.
Sure enough, blurred pictures of you walking into the SME building alongside a six-foot-something well known artist had spread like wildfire across the media. Speculations had already rose about you and Chanyeol potentially working on a song together. Or were they dating? Why else would you, a well-known singer from your home country, be visiting SME in Korea, anyway!?
"That's cute," you hear a voice giggle from over your shoulder, and you shriek as you turn around to find your face inches away from Chanyeol's.
"You read that?"
"How could I avoid it? It's been all over the media since you started coming into the studio a few days ago. Were you just now catching up?"
"I guess I just did, I've been so indulged with writing some lyrics to our single that I don't think I've checked any socials in a few days."
"What do you think of it?"
You look up confused, your eyes meeting his. "Think of what?"
"Hmm, you know," he shrugs, smirking, "the idea of you and I dating for real or something?"
You giggle annoyedly, shoving his arm playfully. "You're gonna get us in trouble if you convince me to actually be your partner!"
"Hmm," he says, putting on a set of headphones and tugging a second set over your ears. "I'd be up to cause some trouble."
"And why would you want that?"
"Because," he says, turning up the volume of your headphones slowly, "I actually really like you."
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aceri1485 · 9 months
Fired (Pt. 2)
Pt 1 here!
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Xiumin x Reader
key words: backstage, concert, stage hand, smut (18+, read at own risk — consensual, oral (male receiving), unprotected), fluff (does this count as fluff?), slow burn
authors note: uhh merry christmas I guess haha (1) this is purely fiction, please don’t be delusional and no I don’t think this would ever happen irl (2) protagonist (ie. the reader) gender is ambiguous on purpose, I want anyone to be able to read this and enjoy (3) I'm enjoying writing this more than I was expecting, soooo maybe part 3???
"Hellooo - can you hear me?" your radio crackles from your waistband.
You stifle a yawn before grabbing your radio to reply, "Yes, I'm here! Sorry! I'm on my way."
"Oh good - thank you!" You hear the relief in Sam's voice, "Come find me when you're done!"
"Will do" you reply, then turn your attention back to the makeup artist, Jose, who had been talking your ear off for nearly 15 minutes before Sam's radio message interrupted you.
"Oh - I guess you have to go," Jose blushes, "I'm sorry, I know you must be busy, I just - nobody has really asked us what we..."
"What you need to do your job?" you finish the sentence, smiling gently at Jose, "I'm sorry if it seems like we haven't been paying attention to you before, the stage hands have been a little short staffed at the other concerts."
"No - no, that's not what I.." Jose blushed even more, "I didn't mean to imply you weren't doing your job before, I'm trying to say... I'm saying that I appreciate how hard you are working now and that I am grateful we have someone like you to support us."
You blink, surprised, and feel your own cheeks and ears getting hot. It was true - you had been working hard since Sam promoted you. That was three shows ago now, and while the team had been saying thank you, you hadn't truly felt like your extra effort had been noticed or appreciated.
Your radio crackles again, another staff member asking for Sam's approval on some other matter, bringing your attention back.
"I will do my best to get you what you need." you say to Jose, before going to run to your next task. You stop, though, and gently put your hand on Jose's, "and... thanks."
Jose locks eyes with you and smiles, "No, thank you - I'll see you later?"
You smile back, "See you later!"
Now you turn and jog down the hall, off to meet with one of the stylists for an emergency clothing shopping spree, but not before you catch sight of an achingly familiar figure passing across the hall in front of you.
Your body has an involuntary response, the blush in your cheeks deepening, but you force your mind not to wander and focus on the task at hand.
Arriving at the backstage door, you are surprised to find not only the stylist, but a manager and a tall man in a bucket hat and mask waiting for you. They greet you, smiling, as you head out the door together.
"Mr. Park - why are you coming with us?" you ask, smiling as his eyes widen in surprise, "What - you didn't think that so-called disguise is going to fool anyone, did you?" you laugh.
While it was true that you had come to know the members more and more since you had been working as a part of their core team over the past month, it was also true that anyone who had ever seen even a bad drawing of Chanyeol before would recognize him now.
"Hey, it's better than nothing!" Chanyeol shoots back as you hold the car door open for him. He slides in and you close the door, running around to get in on the other side. Luckily, the concert is still hours away, and any fans that are already lurking around are all at the entrance to the arena.
The last time one of the members had tried to join an outing like this before a concert, the police had to be called to stop fans from blocking the backstage door to let them get back inside the venue. So long as nobody knew Chanyeol was gone, nobody would be desperate enough to stake out the door to try and see him when you go back this time.
"I had to come so I can try on whatever we pick out," Chanyeol says as you buckle your seatbelts, "I didn't want to, I know how complicated it could get if someone sees me."
"Don't lie!" the stylist laughs from the front seat, "I told you I would bring back different sizes for you to try!"
"Yeah," the manager chimes in from the front seat, "I distinctly remember the conversation going something along the lines of "ahh I'm so bored, when will I ever-" hey, put that back on!" he cuts off as Chanyeol throws his bucket hat at him, "and be careful, I'm driving!"
Any tension the team had about a last minute outing melts away as you laugh, and the conversation turns to finding a good place to pick up coffee near the store the stylist wants to go to. As Chanyeol and the manager debate whether the members need coffee before a show, you pull out your phone to message Sam that you are on your way.
Distracted for a few minutes as you message back and forth with various team members, each putting in coffee requests or asking you to grab this or that, your attention gets pulled back to the conversation when you hear Xiumin's name.
Looking up, you see that Chanyeol was watching you. He smiles at you, too knowingly, and says "Sam would know, I think Xiumin told her after the last show."
"What was that?" you ask, trying to keep your expression clear, and looking anywhere but Chanyeol's face.
"Did he say something about his shoes being too big last show?" the stylist asked, not noticing - or pretending not to notice - the large grin on Chanyeol's face as he looked at you.
"Oh, no - the shoes fit fine," you say, "they needed new laces, the old ones were frayed and so they weren't staying tied" you explain, looking out the window in what you hoped was a non-chalant manner.
"Lets add laces to the list then," the stylist adds, "How could I have missed that? You're a life saver, thank you!"
"Don't mention it," you say, "And I already picked up some extra laces.. and changed out the old ones in Xiumin's shoes."
"When did you have time to do that?" the stylist turns to look at you.
"Oh, I... stayed late after the last show." you mumble, refusing to look at anyone in the car.
The stylist smiles, "You work way too hard, you know that?" laughing as they turn back in their seat, "I hope you know we all appreciate it!"
You're grateful that you can blame your blush on receiving your second compliment of the day rather than the thoughts of why you had really stayed so late after the last show.
It was the first time you and Xiumin had been able to be truly alone since... well, since that first night.
"Are you cold?" he asks, the corners of his eyes creased with concern, "Here, put this on."
He pulls off his jean jacket to wrap around your shoulders. The streetlight casts shadows of your sillouettes infront of you as you walk- a shadow couple, picture perfect, other worldly. You smile in thanks, pulling the jacket closer around you. It had to be nearly 3am already, the two of you had stayed at the arena talking for hours after the everyone else had left.
Your arms brush together as you walk, Xiumin's hands shoved into his pockets, a blush forming on his cheeks where his face is visible behind his black facemask, matching the pink tinge of your ears. Your shadows bump into eachother, at times overlapping, rarely a gap between them.
You both realize the hotel is less than half a block away at the same time and it's like you're suddenly walking in molasses. Your shadows crawl along the sidewalk ahead of you, shrinking into one another then growing full again as you pass between one streetlight to another.
At the door of the hotel, you both stop, not making eye contact with each other.
"Do you want-"
"Maybe another-"
You start speaking at the same time, turning to look at each other, breaking off just as quickly and turning away again, flushing.
"You f-"
"What did yo-"
And the tension breaks, both of you laughing.
"You go" you say, marvelling at the way the light streaming out from the hotel windows makes his eyes sparkle. You longed to pull off his mask so you could see how the light would catch on the rest of his face, with its simultaneously sharp angles and soft edges.
He won't look at you, instead staring at your shoes, but his hands come up and hold your elbows, "Maybe another... another lap around the block?" he asks.
You stop yourself from sighing in relief, anything to make the night last longer, just another few minutes-
You're pulled away from your thoughts by Chanyeol waving his hand in front of your face “Helloooo?"
You’ve arrived at a small shopping area and the manager is bragging about his great parking job.
"Oh, sorry," you smile, "I was just trying to - uh - remember everyone's coffee orders."
The stylist and manager hurry to usher Chanyeol into a store across the street, leaving you to actually try and remember everyone's coffee orders, entering a small cafe. It isn't busy, thankfully, but you apologize to the barista for the number of drinks you order nonetheless.
"Two iced americanos, 4 hot americanos, one vanilla latte..." you prattle off almost a dozen drinks and pay, "Sorry again - is it just you working today?"
"Yes, just me, but don't apologize!" the barista smiles at you, "I love a bit of a challenge."
"How so?" You ask, making small talk as they start working on the drinks.
"Oh, I love to see if I can pull double shots, or pour milk with one hand while steaming another round" the barista laughs, "like rubbing my head and patting my stomach... or is it the other way around?"
Both laughing, you keep chatting, realizing you have a similar taste in music when the song playing in the cafe changes, comparing your favourite types of teas and the best place to go for kimbap in the neighbourhood.
The barista smiles shyly, tucking their hair behind their ear, as you watch them work on the last drink, "Could I maybe get your..."
They trail off as Chanyeol bursts through the door, a whirlwind of energy not at all contained by his large frame, the manager close behind him.
"Almost ready?" the manager asks you and you nod, greeting them both before turning back to the barista.
"What were you saying?" you ask as they slide the last drink to you over the counter.
"Oh, its nothing!" they look flustered, clearly recognizing Chanyeol, who is now waiting by the register to order, "But - uh - if you're ever in the neighbourhood again, you should stop by. I'll make you one on the house," they say, recovering a bit and turning their attention back to you.
"Oh, I-" you break off as Chanyeol pointedly clears his throat and looks at his watch. The barista nods to you and hurries back over to the register to take Chanyeol's order.
Sighing, you slump into a seat across from the manager, the drinks you ordered filling the table in front of you. It turns out that Chanyeol had been accepting orders from the members while you were collecting orders for the staff and so the barista gets to work preparing another 9 drinks.
“We’d better hurry back after this,” the manager says, anxious, “Of course the big oaf gets recognized...”
There are still 3 hours to showtime after you finish distributing coffee to the other stage hands, but there is still a never ending list of tasks waiting for you all before the show can start.
The crew and dancers walk through an entire sound and lighting check, one of the stylists has to be taken to the hospital for stitches after a mishap with a sewing needle, and Sehun’s earpiece has gone missing.
That’s how you find yourself in a back closet the crew was using as temporary storage, surrounded by boxes full of extra props and pieces of audio equipment. Your back to the door, bent at the waist to dig in the bottom of a particularly large box, you hear rather than see someone enter the closet behind you, just as-
“YES! It’s here!” You say triumphantly, shooting your hand into the air, clutching the small box containing Sehun’s earpiece.
Sighing in relief that there was at least one problem solved, you freeze when you hear the reply from behind you.
“What did you find?” Chanyeol says.
You turn around in an instant, surprise clear on your face, “Chan- I mean, Mr. Park? Sorry, I though you were Sam.”
He smiles and holds up his hands, “Just me - sorry to disappoint.”
“What are you doing here?” You ask, slightly anxious, “Did something else happen?”
“Something else?” He asks, confused, “Is there a problem?”
You bite your lip, cursing to yourself that you forgot how the staff tried their best to hide small issues from the members before the shows so they could focus on getting ready.
Forcing a smile, you say and hold up the box again, “No, not anymore - we’re good! What do you need?”
“Oh, I was.. I was hoping to talk to you actually” he says, trying to catch your eye to gauge your response.
Oh god, not now! You think to yourself, I don’t have time for this right now - actually, I don’t have time for this ever, I can’t loose this job!
“If this is.. what I think it is, then..” you take a deep breath and meet his gaze, “it’s not what it-“
“Looks like?” he finishes your sentence for you, giving you a hard look.
You set your jaw.
Chanyeol sighs, his shoulders relaxing, breaking eye contact and half turning away, “That’s too bad then. Because it looks like Xiumin is happier than I’ve seen him in years.”
Your jaw falls open.
Chanyeol turns to leave, then pauses with his hand on the closet door. “I just wanted to say..” he looks back at you over his shoulder, “He’s serious about you, about continuing whatever this “doesn’t look like” after the tour, and I hope.. I hope you don’t hurt him. I saw the way you were with that barista, and don’t pretend you don’t see how Jose looks at you.”
The elevator dings, but neither of you move to get off it. Instead, you both stand at the door, looking out down to the end of the hall.
The door slides shut, and you didn’t get off.
“I’ll just.. take you up to your room first.” You say, looking down at your shoes, hands clutching the hem Xiumin’s jean jacket still draped over your shoulders.
“Okay.. thanks.” He says, voice low. The elevator continues up, and his hand finds yours, pulling your grip from his jacket to intertwine your fingers.
The elevator dings again, but still neither of you move to get off, until the door starts to slide shut again. Xiumin puts out a hand to stop it, his other still holding yours.
Holding the door open, he steps off, but as you go to draw your hand away, he holds on even tighter, pulling you off the elevator with him.
“Xiumin...” you whisper, fully aware that the other members and the managers are staying on this floor as well, digging in your heels a bit to stop him from pulling you further down the hall as the elevator doors slide shut behind you.
He stops, but doesn’t look back at you. Instead, you feel his hand squeeze yours, and he whispers back “…please”.
You couldn’t have stood there more than 30 seconds after Chanyeol left but it felt more like a whole day before you shook it off. Gathering yourself again to the task at hand, you try not to think about how Chanyeol’s voice broke, “I hope you don’t hurt him.”
Radioing ahead to let Sam know you found Sehun’s earpiece, you practically sprint out of the closet.
Handing over the box to one of the managers, you remember the items Jose had asked you for earlier in the day and go to collect what you can.
It’s an hour to the show by the time you’re able to stop by the dressing room and check in with Jose after being sidetracked by different problems and tasks. You knock and enter the the dressing room after hearing Jose yell “Come in!”
You push open the door, balancing a small box full of different things Jose had asked for - a fresh lightbulb for the mirror, a new package of makeup wipes, spray bottle with water - and enter the room.
You quickly scan the room, taking in the manager sitting on the couch engaged in a phone call, Baekhyun holding up two shirts in front of a mirror while two stylists argue over which colour to go for and Chen sitting in front of the makeup mirrors while another stylist attacked his hair with a brush and gel.
But your heart doesn’t jump up into your throat until your eyes land on the one man you were hoping to find here. He’s sitting in front of the makeup mirror beside Chen, eyes closed as Jose attempts to dab some slightly glittery eye shadow on him without getting glitter everywhere else.
“Oh my GOD, you’re the best!” Jose says, seeing what you’re carrying, and Xiumin opens his eyes, “Xiumin, don’t you agree?” Jose grabs the box from you to push onto the counter infront of Xiumin, “I asked for all this this morning, I can’t believe you remembered everything!”
Looking at you in the mirror, Xiumin smiles “Yes.. you’re the best” he says quietly.
The subtext is thankfully lost on Jose who playfully smacks him on the arm, “I asked if you agreed but I did not say that you could open your eyes!”
You and Jose chat for a bit, Jose fluttering around Xiumin and Chen, finishing both of their makeup, while Chen and Xiumin start their own conversation. Baekhyun joins in a third chair, the stylists finally having come to a compromise and finding a completely different third shirt for him to wear.
Sounds of the crowd filing into the arena filter in, growing louder as the time passes. Down the hall, you hear the staff laughing in the common area, many of them trying to eat a quick dinner before the show starts.
Soon Sam checks in with you over your radio and you go to pop your head into the other dressing rooms, giving the 15 minute warning and checking that nobody needs anything last minute.
Another stage hand comes by to usher the members to the stage. You follow behind them in the hallway, trying to stay out of the way of dancers rushing to get to the stage and makeup artists trying to apply last minute touch ups to the members.
In the chaos, you find yourself beside Xiumin for a couple of seconds, just long enough for him to look at you and smile, your hands to brush and a wave of goose bumps to rush down your spine. With his makeup done, contacts in and his shirt unbuttoned like that, he is breathtakingly beautiful. Then he’s gone, carried forward by the wave of commotion heading toward the stage, toward the rising sound of cheers - no, screams - and the swell of the music.
You gasp, finally coming up for air, the rise and fall of your breath matching his, like two people who were underwater for too long. He meets your eyes, a low moan falling from his lips.
“Please, baby” he breathes out, “Please keep going.”
You blow cool air on his cock, moving your hand up and down, tantalizingly slow, enjoying the way his hips squirm as he tries to increase the friction and the way the storm in his eyes builds. One of his hands brushes your hair away from your eyes, gently. But the other grasps the sheets of the bed, muscles in his forearms taught and the veins in his hand jumping up, like he’s holding back the ocean with one hand.
You place your hand over his, releasing his grip on the sheets and intertwining your fingers at the same time as you lower your mouth back around his cock. He can’t hold back the loud gasp, or help the way his hips buck. The hand that one second ago was so tenderly brushing back your hair now pushes your head down.
Saliva fills your mouth as you try not to gag, taking as much of him into your mouth as you can with each push down of his hand. His fingers tangle in your hair as he guides you. You suck and swirl your tongue, glancing up at him every now and then. He can’t look away from you, he’s transfixed. It fuels your own arousal, and you move one hand down to touch yourself. Your other hand is still holding his, two drowning people clasping onto each other like a lifeline.
“Shit, I’m-“ he says, hips bucking again, “Fuck, don’t stop..”
Your name, mixed in with a string of curse words, falls from his mouth as he gasps for air, his voice deep and breathy at the same time. His hand leaves your hair, flying up behind him to hold on to the headboard. You pick up the pace, abandoning your own pleasure to pump him with your hand lower down his shaft while your use your mouth at his tip.
The wave crashes down and with low yell he releases. You swallow, continuing to work him until he gasps and pulls your head away. Then he pulls you up into a deep, long kiss, and you sigh, relaxing into it, relaxing into him. When you break apart, you pull the cover up over you both and rest your head on his shoulder. He kisses you on the forehead, mumbling something about the time and his alarm going off in a couple hours. Holding each other close, your breathing deep and again in sync, you fall asleep. Faint sunlight breaks through the crack in the curtain at the foot of the bed.
An hour later, the sunlight wakes you up, hitting you in the face. Now strong and bright, it had crept up the bed until it hit you square in the eye. Xiumin still sleeps beside you, his hair falling across his forehead, relaxed and blissfully protected from the sun.
A few moments later, you are closing the door as quietly as possible behind you, dressed but holding your shoes in your hands, ready to tiptoe to the elevator. The door closes and you turn, freezing in place, eyes locked on Chanyeol standing in an open doorway across the hall.
END (P3 maybe?)
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dreamylittlesugarcube · 10 months
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Genre: EXO AU
Characters: Yixing x Female Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2.2k
Summary: Your holiday stint as a food delivery worker isn’t going as well as you’d hoped. Will a chance meeting with a handsome bartender be just the gift you need? 
A/N: A very happy Secret Santa reveal to my giftee, @leewalberg. I hope this brings you some holiday cheer! It’s been great getting to chat with you about Yixing and our mutual love of baking and food! @exols-silver-christmas
*Please note: I do not own the image used, so credit should go to the original creator/owner.*
“I specifically said ranch, not mustard, you idiot!”
Sauce packets bounced off your helmet and for the millionth time tonight you wondered why you were subjecting yourself to this. 
Oh, that’s right–Christmas presents. Times were tough in this economy and gifts didn’t buy themselves. 
“ –um, HELLO, are you even listening to me?” Unfortunately. 
Restraining yourself, you fished a copy of the receipt out of your pocket and held it up for her inspection. “I’m sorry ma’am, but the receipt specifically said mustard and–”
“ –well you should have known what I meant!” she sputtered. “Who eats mustard on a pizza anyway? That’s so stupid!”
“Ma’am, I don’t tell anyone how to eat their food, I just deliver what’s in the bag.” You started to back away towards your moped, ready to be done with this conversation. “If there’s a problem with your order, please contact Food2You support and they’ll be able to offer you assistance.” With that, you got on your moped, strapped on your helmet, and backed out of the driveway, as the customer continued to scream about “lazy, good-for-nothings, don’t think you’re getting a tip”. 
And true to her word, you did not get a tip. She’d gone into the app and removed it. Sigh. 
Thankfully, the rest of your deliveries went without a hitch. You’d even scored an extra large tip from a heavy order of sushi platters to a penthouse suite downtown. With enough cash to add to your Christmas Fund, you figured you deserved a little treat of your own for what you’d had to deal with tonight. 
The craft beer passport burning your roommate had gotten you for your birthday was just burning a hole in the button of your purse, so you figured you might as well use it. Flipping through the pages, you noticed one included location was not far from here: The Black Sheep Bar & Bistro. It advertised itself as having local, custom brews paired with bites to complement the individual notes of each beer. Right up your alley.
As busy as it was downtown, you were lucky to find a parking spot not too far from the bar. From the outside, the bar looked welcoming with festive Christmas lights Upon entering, you were greeted by a friendly host, a tall dark-haired man who told you his name was Chanyeol. The dining room was dimly lit with pale yellow twinkle lights on the ceiling and a variety of booths and small tables that gave it a cozy, intimate atmosphere. Situated on the other end of the room, was a shiny, mahogany bar. The low hum of conversation was quiet, surprising, since it seemed like all the tables were filled. 
“It looks like we’re fully booked tonight, so unfortunately I don’t have a table for you.”
You were about to say “no problem”, when Chanyeol’s gaze shifted over your head. He paused for a second, then smiled. 
“ –unless you wouldn’t mind sitting at the bar? Looks like a spot just opened up.” 
It must have been your lucky night, as you soon found yourself promptly seated at the shiny, wooden bar, perusing the many drink and food options. Beer flights, specialty cocktails, and appetizer pairings with an array of global dishes that changed monthly, according to the menu. 
“So, what can I get started for you?” 
You looked up to see a handsome man, probably in his mid-twenties to early thirties. Blonde hair, dark eyes. Cute. Not that you were looking. He’s here to ask you for your order, not for you to ogle like a piece of meat. 
You cleared your throat. “Ummm…it’s my first time here and there’s so many good choices…do you have a recommendation?”
He took the menu and flipped through to the entree page. “We do small plates here, but some are more generous than others. If you’re hungry, the beep tenderloin with garlic potato puree is very popular. More adventurous, I’d recommend the bison barbeque sliders. And finally, my personal favorite, the loaded mini hotdog bites. They’re stuffed with cheese and caramelized onions.”
You scratched your chin in thought. “Hmm, I think I’ll take the hotdog bites, you made that sound really interesting.” 
“And to drink?”
“Whatever you have on tap that would go well with the buns.”
He finished scribbling on his little pad of paper. “Sounds good, I’ll go put this order right in. I’m Yixing, by the way, in case you need anything else”. He winked then walked away. 
You watched him as he went. Yixing. You knew his name!
After hanging your ticket at the kitchen window, he went about his business, taking orders, making drinks, chatting with guests who were clearly regulars. It was calming to watch him move about the bar; it was rhythmic and he flowed as though a dancer might. 
Finally, he came to you again, holding a pint of pale liquid and a plate of little bites made of what looked to be puff pastry. He presented them to you with a flourish. “Our brewmaster recommends a nice, amber ale to cut through the richness of the meat and complement the cheese and caramelized onions. Both the chef and the brewmaster are very open to feedback, so please let me know if it isn’t to your liking.” 
You dutifully followed his instructions, and mindful of his watchful gaze, attempted to take a some-what elegant bite out of the steaming mini hotdog bites. Not expecting to heat, you reached for your beer and chugged a third of the glass. Smooth. 
“Sorry, sorry! I should have warned you. People usually wait for them to cool off a bit.” Yixing said, pressing his hands together in repentance. 
You swallowed. “That’s okay, it’s my fault. They just looked so good that I couldn’t wait.”
“I’m the same way,” he said, grinning. “I’d rather look like a fire-breathing dragon, than wait a whole five minutes.”
You smiled, staring at his face and wishing you were better at small talk. Come on, think of something. You did improv in high school and this is what you have to show for it?
“...well, enjoy your first couple bites and let me know if you need anything else, okay?”
You tried to say something to get him to stay, you really did, but all you could manage was a small smile and a thumbs up. Oh my god, really, that’s all the game I have? 
He raised an eyebrow, returning your thumbs up with one of his own. You could swear you heard him chuckling as he walked away. 
You tried to eat your food slowly, taking small bites and even smaller sips of your drink to make your time here last longer. After an hour, you’d finally finished your food, taking your time to people-watch, well person-watch, without making it too obvious.  The bar had pretty much cleared out and only a few diners lingered in the restaurant. 
“Kitchen’s closing in five minutes, so last call for orders. Do you want anything else?” Yixing asked. He stepped towards you from the other end of the counter where he’d been drying glasses. Which you had not been watching him do. 
You were, in fact, very full. And honestly, at this time of day, you’d typically smash a bag of salty kettle chips and call it a night. 
“I think I’m good, I usually finish out my night with junk food, so I’m not used to eating rich food so late. I’ll take another order of the hotdog bites to go though, my roommate would kill me if I didn’t bring anything home for her.”
Yixing nodded and headed over to put in the order, but instead of stopping at the window, he went through the doors and all the way into the kitchen. Moments later, he was back and walking towards you. He stopped and thought for a second before bending down behind the counter. You heard rustling, as though he was looking for something. Finally, he popped back up with a look of conspiracy on his face. His eyes darted around, as though making sure the coast was clear, before shoving a small box across the bar to you. 
Peering in the box, you saw a variety of packaged snacks: Lay’s chips, rice crackers, Pocky, Kit-Kats, cream wafers, pretzels, and many more snacks you’d never seen before. You furrowed your eyebrows, unsure of what was happening. 
Having seen your confusion, Yixing leaned forward, to whisper. “I love junk food, but the brewmaster, Xiumin, is my gym partner and he’s very strict about food. I hide these here so I can eat them when he isn’t watching. You want one?”
Mesmerized at his closeness, you reached into the box and grabbed a snack, not caring which one you actually ended up with. You smiled, fingering the waxy material. “Well, then I appreciate you sharing your secret stash with me.”
“And you can’t tell Xiumin, okay?”
“Of course. I will guard your secret with my life.” You made a serious expression, thumping your hand over your chest in promise. It didn’t even matter that you had no idea who Xiumin was. You just liked the moment you were sharing. 
The sound of a throat clearing made you jump and you looked up to see a short dark-haired man with glasses wearing a chef’s uniform. He held a white, to-go box, no doubt your hot dog bites. His gaze shifted between you and Yixing, almost like he knew something was up. “You better put that away before Xiumin comes in here and sees that.” He jerked his chin towards the box of contraband. 
Yixing nodded, the box disappearing as though it had never been. 
The chef placed your food on the counter and slid it towards you. “Here you are ma’am, have a wonderful night and thank you for stopping at The Black Sheep Bar and Bistro.”
Taking that as your cue to leave, you slipped on your coat and grabbed the box. Looking up, you locked eyes with Yixing. “Thanks, uh, for the recommendation,” you held up the box and your bag of snack, “ –and um, thank you for the chat.” 
Yixing smiled warmly. “You’re welcome. Feel free to come back anytime. I’m always here.”
You nodded, feeling almost light-headed, before awkwardly stumbling out the door. Chanyeol bid you farewell, smiling slyly as you left, like he hadn’t just watched you stare at his bartender all night. 
Outside, you leaned against the wall, fighting off an existential crisis. He wanted you to come back. To see you again. Had he been flirting? Or was he just being nice, the same as he was to all customers? Did he give special secret snacks to all the girls at the bar? You hoped he didn’t. You texted your roommate that you needed some “girl talk”, hoping she’d catch on that there was an emergency here. 
Trudging up the stairs to your apartment, you let yourself in. And as expected, Jessica was waiting up with ice cream and an expectant expression. Handing off the takeout, you went to change your clothes, happy to get into some comfortable sweats. 
“Hey, did you meet a guy or something?” Jessica shouted from the kitchen. 
“Yeah, why?” you shouted back.
“Come take a look.”
You padded out to the kitchen, where Jessica was waiting with a gleeful expression. 
Look!” she exclaimed, turning the open takeout container, so you could see the open lid. The open lid with numbers written on it. Numbers that looked suspiciously like a phone number. 
“Are you seeing what I’m seeing?” you asked. 
“Yes!” Jessica squealed. “OMG spill, what happened? Because last time I heard from you you had mustard packets thrown in your face. This is SO much better than that!”
Jessica wouldn’t let you out of the room before you spilled all the dirty details. Not that there were any. 
“This is JUST like what happened in the drama I’ve been watching!” Jessica said, stamping her feet in excitement. “You HAVE to text him.” 
“And say what? ‘Hi, I’m the girl that you gave prohibited junk food to at the place of your employment that was staring at you all night because I think you’re hot?’ Besides, how do we know he even meant it for me?”
Jessica sighed. “Maybe because he wrote it on the back of your takeout container? Who else would it be for?”
“Okay, but what do I say?”
Jessica cracked her knuckles and patted you on the shoulder. “Thankfully, Big Sister Jessica is here, I don’t watch rom-coms for nothing.” She grabbed your phone and proceeded to type. 
You peered at the screen over her shoulder. “ ‘Hi, it’s Chips Girl.’  That’s what you came up with? No, ‘Hi, it’s Chips Girl, thanks for tonight, what are you up to? Want to get married?’.”  
“Nope, we’re giving an air of mystery, darling. He has to make the next move.” 
Your phone buzzed in Jessica’s hand. Jessica squealed while you tried to remember to breathe. She handed you the phone, staring pointedly, as you read what was on the screen.
“Hi Chips Girl ;). I was hoping you’d get my message. I was wondering…if you wanted more chips…maybe tomorrow at 6:00 at the movie theater next to the bar?”
“He asked you on a date, OMG!” Jessica screeched, running into your room. “Come on, let’s go,” she called, “outfits don’t plan themselves.”
You sent off a quick “Yes, that sounds nice!” text, holding the phone to your chest. 
Smiling to yourself, you thought perhaps this day hadn’t been bad at all. “Merry Christmas to me,” you whispered. A perfect present for a perfect Christmas. 
I hope you enjoyed reading “Delivery”. I love writing food and restaurant themed fics for EXO because it just fits so well! Thanks for reading!
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demure2 · 1 year
Blood is Thicker Than Wine _ FOUR
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— 1930s au
— yandere neighbor!chanyeol x reader || ft. best friend!sehun
— genre: angst, suggestive
— warnings: language, alcohol use, cigarette/substance use, mental illness, watching from afar, anxiety, gun, blood, older fella chanyeol
— word count: 3.5k
— note: hey guys, sorry i got caught up in schtuff. final smut chapter after dis one and then i will FINALLY BE ABLE TO START NEW WRITING. smut chapter IS coming soon. um YAY…!! open to suggestions and criticisms always :)
“Would you stop doing that, Chanyeol?” Your voice can’t help but come out small and innocently, not sure if he even hears you. You’re inundated by the pressure of his gaze beating down on you, the embarrassing urge to cry tugging relentlessly on your soft features.
“Baby, doing what?” His face softens. The gash across Chanyeol’s nose bridge looks more salient than ever, the dried blood glistening in the sodium light. His boastful posture deflates.
He inches dangerously close to you, until you can feel his emanating body heat. Blood on his lips threaten to spill over from teeth marks branded deep into his skin, eyes blown out and impatiently waiting for your response. A simple-minded man, he’s always been unsure of how to confront feelings meaningfully. If he could make himself think harder of anything better than easing it all with a smoke, he’d do it, but he can’t.
The yearning is sudden and impulsive on his fingertips, creeping down into his jacket. He’s ready to balance a cigarette between his forefinger and middle, but his pocket is vacant no matter how many times he runs the pads of his fingers over the patch of surface. Fuck.
“Stop telling me stupid things. Responsible for the death of Park Yoora? Sehun’s a mailboy and author, working part time as a mechanic. He’s never maimed anyone, never hurt a soul, let alone someone from your bloodline, Chanyeol,” it comes out harshly from your throat, crudely. “I have no reason to believe you and your lies anymore.” As if watching Chanyeol’s face falter and fall dramatically was too much to bear, you lazily shut your hooded eye, which have no problem sticking together easily due to the air’s stagnant moisture. The words are oddly visceral in his ears, cold and unforgiving all at once.
The townsfolk would agree that they’re used to, maybe unsettlingly too used to, Chanyeol’s eyes being void of much emotion. That’s the kind of man he is, after all, no one else can ignite unexpected life in them besides you.
And so, the gleam of betrayal in his eyes tonight is suddenly immediate, catching you off-guard nonetheless. His fitfully soft gaze hardens and his eyebrows scrunch angrily, watching your irises amplify with fear beneath him. “What’s so unbelievable about that, [Y/N]? Believe me, your little boyfriend’s maimed whether you want it or not, and he’s maimed my sister. Her husband couldn’t pay off a car loan and she was dead, just like that. Accept it, like I have.
You don’t have to be best friends with a murderer, you can come keep me company, bring me pastries or bake me an apple pie every weekend — I’ll take care of you. He's not your best friend. Don’t want him to be,” Chanyeol’s voice breaks, the weight of his acidic jealousy and grief awfully agonizing. He pauses to watch your stoic face carefully, searching for regret, but he won’t find any more than his own. “There’s bathtubs of our moonshine in front of you, aren’t there? Then what’s so hard to believe about that? Can’t you just believe me?” His firm tone becomes desperate, tender and divulging of his feelings.
“When it’s Sehun doing dirt, you don’t bat a pretty eyelash, you don’t think he could ever do it. When I tell you, you’re quick to deem me incredulous. You just don’t know everything like you think you do, bunny,” Chanyeol’s complexion toughens up just enough for him to not break down, an almost-sneer. The words come out in fragments, bits and pieces, his eyes still eager for validation in yours. The distance between your bodies makes you anxious.
You attempt to save your case, beginning to look crazed going back and forth. “Your lies are in poor taste. Let’s not forget that you’re villainizing Sehun, when you’re just as worse, Chanyeol — you’re jealous, aren’t you? You can’t bear the thought of me hanging out with him, because your filthy mind is convinced he’s fucking my brains out over the hood of one of his flivvers,” you hiss, voice tight and indignant. Chanyeol’s jaw clenches, teeth gritting together in his guise of red-eared anger.
“My ‘little boyfriend,’ Chanyeol? You think I’m a damned slut? He’s still my best friend, and I won’t let your apparent matters get in between us. And you said you'd take care of me? With what, with the criminal cash you’ve laundered? Why do you even do this filthy work? Where did you fuck up, Chanyeol? Tell me! What went wrong with you?”
The confrontation reminds Chanyeol of his roots. He bares his teeth, putting his hands up defensively. “No. Don’t talk down to me. I’ll take care of us. I will.”
“No, really, Chanyeol. Why else would you be working for bootleggers? You fucked up, and then you try to make it all better by making me think my best friend is just as bad.”
“I wouldn’t say that I fucked up. Would you rather have not known that he was doing those things? Would you have rather lived in euphoric bliss all your life, hanging out with a murderer? You should be thanking me, [Y/N]. Are you upset, baby? Maybe I did make you hate your little boyfriend and you’re afraid to admit it.” You flinch as he gets in your face, mere inches away. But the smell of ash is unusually absent from his breath, and on nights like these, where you’ve wandered too far away from home, it’s more unsettling than comforting.
Chanyeol feels his words pile on top of each other in front of you, unable to withstand his anger. Despite this, sweet relief merely washes over his anger for a second, like a crisp breeze. He hopes you can sense it, too. More or less, he’d tasted victory. He knows you’re sort of unsure now, insecure of your accords with Sehun and who you thought he was.
Men like Chanyeol are stupid, so he takes the chance to finally close the distance between you, taking you into his arms and murmuring into your hair. “You don’t like him anymore, do you?” Chanyeol is hopeful and gentle with his words, softly in your ear. “You don’t love him more than you love me,” he repeats. “You love me.” The feeling deep inside you that Chanyeol was right is acidic in your mouth, and it eats at you tenaciously.
You push him off of you and wipe your mouth, as if being that close to him was depraving, although you’d been pressed up to him before.
Over and over again, countless times before, but never close enough.
Sehun still occupied your mind without a doubt — how could he not, having known you for 4 years? You’d deeply cared for him since you first met in highschool — you, a junior, and him, a second year college student. Brought together by your close-rooted excursions home from school, he’d been your older brother figure. You remember it clearly, he’d bring along his two college friends with him to walk you home some days — Junmyeon and Yixing. They both had a crush on you that winter, red noses and all.
JUNMYEON’S ETHYL & GARAGE WORK’s formation was starting to make a lot of sense. Especially regarding their choice of hired hands.
By your senior year, Sehun had already been close to dropping out twice, but for some reason, stayed. Your momma liked Sehun all the same, wishful thinking that he’d end up somewhere.
You start hesitantly, worry etched into your expression. “I didn’t know he was like this. I didn’t know both of you were involved in this, Chanyeol, and if I did, I wouldn’t have decided to know you. I’m compliant. I am sorry, but I cannot love crooked men like you.” Again, the words reverberate twice as cruel in Chanyeol’s large ears, echoing over and over. He can’t find a solution.
Still feeling the phantom trace of both of your hands pressed up to his chest, pushing him away, Chanyeol doesn’t like the feeling of defeat. “Talk about compliance? With what, laws or rumors? Was it so compliant of you to loiter and trespass into my house at midnight? Are you so compliant when Sehun asks you to use your pretty skirt to sneak a few cigarette packs out from the store? Who cares about what we do for cash, I know sure as hell that you of all people fucking don’t, [Y/N].”
You’re stunned, defensive and cold, so the words blurt out of your mouth before you have the chance to fully apprehend them, swiftly and fleeting. "I have a right to care, do I not?”
But they’re nothing of swiftly and fleeting to Chanyeol, repeating over and over in his mind in your gentle voice. You almost clasp your hands over your mouth, feeling your teeth gnawing on the inside of your cheek. Gravity had pulled your senses together too late, long after the words had left your mouth. Chanyeol releases his heel, ready to turn around just seconds before.
The lull in his voice isn’t deceptive for once, something of a catharsis. “You’ve never cared. Aren't you scared of me, [Y/N]? You don’t think I notice? You don’t think I’m self aware? Of course I’m jealous, I know that I’m fucking sick, I’m in love with someone who I’ve watched for weeks." He says this in a tone matter-of-factly, but shameful in its meaning. He can’t help but feel allured to the thought of protecting your sugary elation from his potent, black tar of a psyche, despite eagerly desiring its corruption. “I just can’t help it, anymore. Men like me are stupid,” he says, and you notice that he says that a lot. “I always want what I can’t have," Chanyeol exhales, catching his breath. "You’ll never get it, [Y/N].”
Unsure of what to say, you look up at Chanyeol with demure eyes, tears threatening to fall at the motion of a blink. The cellar air is still cold yet saturated against your skin, harsh and unforgiving. You're just as destroyed, turning away from him.
You don’t think he does, but of course Chanyeol takes notice of you eyeing the stairway carefully, the center of each step slightly depressed in crescents after years of crude weight. You take one more look behind you at him, eyebrows still furrowed and focused on you. Then, holding your skirt down, you run as fast as possible. “I’ve gotta go.”
Chanyeol stays still, watching your form retreat up the stairs.
Making it back to the intermediate EMPLOYEES ONLY desk room, your eyes meet Jongin's. He's breathing heavily, his body already backed up against the door, barricading it with muscular leverage. Jongin smiles gently at the sight of you, sweat from the parching tension condensing at his cupid's bow. His eyes curve upward as he smiles. "Why don't you stay with Chanyeol, instead."
The sound of steady footfall echoes in the stairwell behind you, creaking the wood underneath. Desperately, you run up to Jongin. "Let me out, I have to leave." You whisper thinly, pushing Jongin's hair back to reveal his pink flushed ears. He pauses for a moment, allowing the stairwell noises to reverberate louder. Quickly, voice hitching in his throat, he quietly urges. "Relax. He’s gon' go mad if he sees you this close to me, sweet stuff. Let's back up, ‘kay?”
Discomfort vaguely reflected in your expression, you back away slowly, turning your gaze to the stairwell. You watch intently as Chanyeol's torso slowly emerges from the stairs, holding onto the left railing.
Your eyes grace each other instantaneously, doubtful and ashamed. He approaches you first, although timidly, head down. Then lowly, pulling you toward him so only you can hear, he murmurs a pitiful "I'm so sorry."
Chanyeol looks up to press his lips together into a quick smile, glancing at Jongin — slang for thanks! Jongin nods, subsiding his body from the door. "Sehun's in the back again tonight. Still working on that flaming ‘32 Buick."
When you two meet the night air outside, his smile collapses again, everything inside of him falling in on each other. “Let’s bring you to him, now. He can drive you home tonight,” Chanyeol asserts coldly, angry at himself. He didn't mean to tell you all of that, especially before he’d told you that he’d loved you. He didn’t mean to tell you all of that for weeks, but stupid men like me aren’t good at thinking before we speak. His hands are rough and calloused, the functional arm brushing against your shoulder before quickly retracting.
You make your way around the back together to the rows of vehicle hoists in the large outdoor garage, moments of stillness and night peeking through the open air on the sides. Feeling pissed, you make sure to walk in front of Chanyeol, so he can see the perfect ellipse your hips sway in when you walk. You know he likes it.
You see it all at once; a vibrant and lousy red car with stained white wheels, and beneath it, a quietly focused but normally lousy boy. Black hair pasted to his forehead with sweat, and eyes thin at practice.
“Sehun!” you call eagerly, desperate for his familiarity. His narrowed eyes snap to you in an instant, then darts to the taller man next you.
You run towards him, even against the emanating smell of gas and motor oil from his work station. Then, you fall to your knees on the rough asphalt, meeting him eye level as he sits there in baggy denim, one knee up and the other leg stretched out like a cat.
“He took you here, doll?” His voice is shaky and concerned for the both of you, glaring at Chanyeol from a distance. Sehun’s face is covered in sweaty dew from exposure to the close heat, hands diligently buried in the car’s hind suspension beam and axle.
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner that you work with him?”
Sehun’s gaze hardens intensely, his dark brown irises piercing the scene behind you. You turn around quickly, realizing Chanyeol was now close to the car as well, having walked to where you two were.
Sehun draws back his hands from the machinery and hoists himself up to the other side, out from sitting underneath the raised car. He dusts off his knees, standing up to reach Chanyeol’s height, separated only by the flaming red Buick between them — and you, sitting at Chanyeol’s feet. They stare at each other menacingly in the dim garage light momentarily. Their mannerisms are similar in this way; backs straight like soldiers for war, eyebrows furrowed and heaving chests. What could you do?
Chanyeol breaks the silence. Snarkily, he’s unphased, unmoving and still. “Just wanted to show your sweetheart what you were up to. Car fixing, wine selling, killing innocent families for patriarchs’ loans. She actually really missed you, Sehun. I’m so jealous, really.”
“Still caught up on big sissy? That happened months ago, don’t be so brash in front of [Y/N], now. Does she know that you taint the liquor you sell, Chanyeol?”
“She knows what my tongue feels like,” Chanyeol cocks his head to the side, sticking out his tongue to bite down on it. A taunting demonstration in Sehun’s face, the mockery is jarring. He’s taken aback momentarily, but that doesn’t stop him from putting his arms down onto the Buick’s hood, triumphantly. “What’s your fucking problem?”
“That someone I’m forced to work with keeps fucking with things I care about.” Sehun fucks up on the job, and he gets away kindly with a lengthy talk from Junmyeon about not killing innocent people for fear. Sehun fucks up off the job, and he’s got no one left to clean up for him. These things are still foreign to Sehun, still young and unsure of trivial matters. Like if the way his dick curves to the right will make him die sooner, or if he’ll ever grow any facial hair.
Your eyes dart between the two men and their exchange, though its difficult to see Sehun from your position, so you stand up.
Sehun throws his denim jacket to the garage’s floor, nothing underneath except skin slick with grease. The buttons make contact with the cement, clicking and clunking. Their eyes are locked, not parting for a second.
“You wanna go? Fist to fist like men?” Sehun clenches his fists with bruising grasps. Chanyeol laughs, “not really.”
He’d lose anyway, with one functional arm, the other in a sling to his side.
Sehun seethes, seconds away from lunging at Chanyeol anyway. “What’s got you so pent up? The girl here has your panties in a twist?”
“Every man’s own right to go and have his own wife.”
Then, Sehun frowns upon reaching an epiphany. “So pitiful of you. You dragged [Y/N] along so she would hate me.” Chanyeol smiles shamelessly, not completely a lie. “Some of it.”
Sehun begins to make his way around the hood of the car, nothing in between you now to shield against his vexation. The denim jeans he wears are dirty and caked with dirt at the knees, and the baggy fabric folds between his legs at every motion.
“Why don’t we put this in the past, Chanyeol? You always let all your emotions get the best of you, except anger. You always let the anger bottle up! Even now I know you’re not angry at me, even though I can’t bring Yoora back for you,” Sehun contends, strangely assertive behavior for him. “Let’s start over, Park Chanyeol. I’ll hang out with [Y/N], and you can go back to that Mélis doll. We’ll work together from now on, I’m not bargaining with you, now.”
From the corner of his eye, he can see Chanyeol raise his hand up from his hip, slipping into his coat.
You almost would have missed it if it weren’t for the proud blood splatter on the cement, the vehemently loud noise over in the span of a blink.
Sehun jerks his body away from Chanyeol’s at once, your heart thundering in your chest. You watch stock-still and he wretches an agonizing groan, clutching his lower abdomen and collapsing onto the bloodied cement. Sehun calls out your name faintly, but you try not to look. His stomach makes an obscene sticky squelch.
Your scream makes Chanyeol wince with an eye closed, though the gloating smile tugging at his lips is harder to hide. “He’ll be fine, ready to work in a week. Just in the hip. Jongin and Baekhyun heard it, it’s nothing,” nonchalantly, he returns the hand to his side.
You rush to Sehun’s side before you have the chance to puke all over the pavement, holding his face in your hands. His eyes are hazy, but eyebrows still furrowed in a fit of silent rage, teeth hissing. “Hurts so bad, [Y/N]. You need to run,” he pants in your ear, tucking his head in between your neck and your collarbone. He’s lightheaded because of the blood loss, blooming through his denim jeans. His eyes plead, and he manages a small “love ya.”
“You’re gonna be okay, Sehun, I’m here.”
The silence makes you twist your head to find the older man, quickly. “You did this to him! You sick creep, he’s bleeding out, he’s hurt, he’s in pain. He’s going to die!” But Chanyeol is already leaning on a concrete pillar haphazardly, without a care in the world, “let him.”
You take off your slip-on coat quickly, then your tight, long sleeved blouse. The tourniquet you make resembles a bloodied kitchen rag, but it will make-do until Jongin and Baekhyun flood the scene. The slip-on coat makes it back on your form before they arrive.
When the men reach Sehun’s side, they work hastily and efficiently, before hefting his weight onto their backs.
You slip next to Chanyeol, still gazing at Sehun’s disheveled form. He’s still conscious, but in shock and daze held up. “You still want him to take you home tonight?”
“What is wrong with you?”
Chanyeol had gotten into the illegal trade while youthful, following his discharge from the militia. A jarhead, blunt and unsure, he’d reluctantly majored in business. When it all came crashing down in the midst of the roaring 20s, he’d decided that he’d work in law enforcement customs — an easy job that brunt men could understand, watching the crime rate reach an all time high. During these times, he observed Mr. Kim Junmyeon, a sophisticated industrialist, audaciously bringing in wooden crates of illegally distilled liquor crossing between Montreal to Manhattan. He wasn’t worried, because he knew it would work out in the end — and he was good at networking, even with the authorities.
Really, he admired Junmyeon’s work and dedication to the craft, lacking his own ambition. He'd let Junmyeon slip through easily, beginning to lack integrity. Junmyeon knew this, so he’d go back and forth with new bottles every two weekends, sparing Chanyeol a few for his kind gesture. Now, they hand out laundered money together at the pubs like candy, and crash autos like they’re nothing more than just carnival bumper cars. Sell wine like water, corrupt what you need to in order to get what you want.
Out of all, though, they don't meddle in each other’s businesses.
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columbineyaoi · 4 months
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love is in the air again 💞
maja/vicky-t (cobra starship)
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this is a golden pairing at this point.
axl/slash (guns n roses)
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joey and johnny ramone (the ramones)
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enemies to lovers?
baekhyun/chanyeol (exo)
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the founding fathers of omegaverse.
josh farro/hayley williams (paramore)
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now you remember joshayley.
ot5 cobra starship
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only 90s' kids lived through this (none of you guys)
lyn-z (mindless self indulgence)/jamia
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this was nana for mentally ill middle schoolers.
gerard/frank (my chemical romance)
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embrace tradition (mladysailing) reject modernity (any other frerardie truther)
g-dragon/seungri (bigbang)
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i can't believe seungri cheated on gd with those poor ladies. jail time (oh wait)
kirk/lars (metallica)
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The Curious And "Sensual" First Meeting between Lars Ulrich and Kirk Hammett.
bam margera/ville valo
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guys bring my family back.
hiroki kamijou/nowaki kusama (junjou egoist)
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what i like about this paring is that it's not the typical dynamic of an abusive seme and a submissive uke that used to be the norm in og bls. ukes should #empower themselves like hiroki.......
laura/massimo (365 do not interact)
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this garbage trilogy reminds me of any og bl/og fanfictions that have og bls as a reference so i feel amusement for it.
hanbin/lee hi
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i used to like it back in the win days and i had no idea they are married now (i mean i actually have no idea if they really are and i don't care enough)
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if you ever shipped namsong after 2016 you are a failure.
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honestly i'm just supporting my local emos.
park bom (2NE1)/t.o.p (bigbang)
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creepy dude and ditzy girl are better as friends tbh #fuckygentduo
quinn/bert (the used)
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this is a generation defining pic.
billie eilish/y/n (not olivia rodrigo)
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i put my brown messy hair into a bun as i walked downstairs. it was my sixteenth birthday. my mother was selling me to my new owner. when i reached the bottom of the stairs, i saw a tall, young handsome man. “olivia, meet your new owner, billie eyelash”
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jinmindeulle · 1 year
if we love again | byun baekhyun (epilogue)
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𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 byun baekhyun x fem!reader x park chanyeol
𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 0.8 k
𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆 angst | inspired on the song 'if we love again' (chen, chanyeol)
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 major character death
part 1 | part 2 | epilogue
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚* **•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚* **•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚ **•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚ **•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚
“I didn’t want to write you a letter this time. It just feels different. It’s the first time I don’t need to write a letter, actually. I think it feels more real to just talk to you, despite the fact that I haven't been able to have a real conversation with you for more than fifteen years. I still miss you, I still long for you, and I still love you. But as you used to tell me, moving on is part of the human race. I’d like to think that I finally did. 
I didn’t bring Chanyeol today because he’s staying home with Jihoon. We… we had a baby, Baek. And he’s the most precious thing. He’s just like his father and I love that so much about him. He keeps us awake most of the nights and you cannot even imagine the dark circles we both sport to work every day. But I would never change it for anything else. 
I know Chanyeol has been worrying about me more than usual. He’s seen me crying when I cradle our baby to sleep, and I am aware of the fact that he knows why I do it. There’s only been one instance in our five years together that he has questioned whether I will ever love him as much as I love you. From my end, I was waiting for it to happen. From his end, he hoped he had never said those words to me, because he knew. And that’s why I had let him in in the first place. 
It feels different with him. It’s passionate, heartwarming and intense like ours. He’s romantic, thoughtful and funny, just like you were. But I’m not as lively. I cannot watch romantic movies anymore. I will never go to study rooms ever again. 
Still, I don’t want to be the same as I was with you. Because Chanyeol is not you, and I never wanted him to be you. I want him because he’s my husband, and because he makes me feel like he can take care of my fragile heart for the rest of my days.
I came here to finally say goodbye. Or at least that’s what I want for now on. You may see me back next month, in ten years, or never again. Who knows. 
I need to say goodbye to you in a way that allows me to live for my son and my husband. So that I can cry out of happiness for I have a healthy and bubbly child and not out of grief because I will never know what kind of baby we would have made together.
I hope I have made it clear throughout the years together and apart that you will always be my forever love. That you gave me a new perspective, a reason to wake up every morning. But when you no longer could do that, someone else did. And that someone deserves to have the wife I want me to be. 
He respects you, and as he has already told you, he thanks you for everything you’ve done for me… for us. Chanyeol was the one who said that you were our cupid, and now he also thinks you brought Jihoon to our lives. Though it’s kind of cute, I had to laugh. We both know how babies are brought to the world.
With that laugh, I also wanted to let him know that you’re not always the reason for our happiness. We are the ones who make it work. The ones who wake up every morning and feed, bathe and love our son. The ones who love each other through anguish, uncertainty, and inexperience. 
I have to visit my friends more often than I visit you. I have to tell my parents I love them more often than I tell you. You will always be here, but they won’t. And if we have to meet again, I hope it’s up there and not around grown grass and muddy graves. I know you’re with me every step of the way so I’m not worried about this decision. I’m hopeful it’s the right one for my family and I.
I am happy. I am fulfilled.  I want my husband to feel the same way. I need my baby to grow up with a strong mother, and I know you will understand that. Oh, and I will tell Jihoon about you. Chanyeol is fine with it. He says you’re also part of our story, and that your prayers worked. The love between him and I exists without pain. The grief that has accompanied me throughout the years was never successful in tearing us apart. 
Anyways, I don’t want to rumble any more. I love you, Byun Baekhyun. I will always keep you in my heart. I would be lying if I told you I won’t. Keep resting in peace. We’ll see each other when my time comes. For now… I want to live the life I have created here."
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exoluxionlove · 11 months
231104 xblushmagazine Instagram Update
Q1. Chanyeol seems to like camping and goes on camping trips often. Please recommend a song that's suitable for camping to listen together with your friends! Whenever I go on camping, I tend to enjoy the quietness and stay relaxed. I think a song which embraces that kind of emotion would be good. The one I could think of now is d4vd’s “Romantic Homicide”. It’s really good. Q2. Recently I’ve encountered many difficulties in my studies and I always feel that I’m not doing well enough. I’m very stressed about it. I believe everyone will have to go through this kind of phase in their life. At those times, don’t blame yourself too much. Have a look at my XBlush photoshoot and listen to my songs. Just keep your head free of thoughts and take a rest. I hope you can figure it out after that. Q3. My girlfriend has liked Park Chanyeol for 11 years. I want to propose to her this year. Is there any EXO song suitable for it? Among EXO songs, I think “Lucky” will be suitable. The lyrics are impressive. The line “meeting you was my luck” was beautifully written. Yeah, I recommend “Lucky”! She is gonna like it. Q4 is about chanyeol’s fashion choices for the recent weather. He advised to dress up warmly and to always carry a jacket due to the unstable weather. Q5. Visiting Seoul with a friend, recommend a place? Actually I don’t really tour around in Seoul very much. Still, among the places I have visited, now I could think of Han River. You can simply daze out there and the ramyun eaten at Han River is super delicious! You can have ramyun and feel that kind of emotion? Yeah, I recommend it. Q6. Horror movie recommendation? I’m not very fond of horror movies, so I’ve watched only a handful of them. Among those, the memorable one was “Paranormal activity”. I watched it during high school and it had a huge impact on me. There’s a possibility that you might have watched it already but I recommend this movie. Q7. My birthday is day after tomorrow. I’ve been repeatedly reminded by my parents that I’m in my 30s, that I no longer look forward to my birthday anymore. But I’m over 30 and I still look forward to my birthday. I truly believe that age is just a number. Just push your mindset back to your younger days when you celebrated your birthday happily and thank your parents for giving birth to you. Just enjoy your day! I’m so excited for my birthday this year. Q8. Its my parents’ wedding anniversary soon, what gift would be good? Without letting your parents know, you can secretly find out, like the memories related to their first date or the kind that will bring back old memories. Maybe make an album out of it and gift them. If I were that parent in question, it would make me very happy. Q9. Lost interest in everything, how can I make myself happy? I’m sure there is always that friend who does everything, likes to play outside often, loves to work out. I’m sure you would also have…or maybe not. But usually there is someone like that around us. If you hang out with them and get closer, you will definitely find something interesting. Translation
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sooinbloom · 7 months
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The Kingdom of Us
Chapter 8
pairing: kyungsoo x OFC genre: Royal!AU, nonidol!soo, crownprince!kyungsoo, romance, drama theme: arranged marriage, modern royalty, enemies to lovers, war, betrayal, fluff word count: 4,527 description: on the day of Kyungsoo and Alina’s wedding, Kyungsoo realizes just how deep he fell for Alina. Chanyeol takes a big step. Alina misses the presence of her brothers and sister on her special day. warnings: none this time (:
author’s note: hello dear reader (: We made it to Kyungsoo and Alina’s wedding! I felt like I planned this wedding like it was my own lol, I had to make sure everything was perfect and how I envisioned it in my head. Two songs are mentioned that I highly recommend, All of My Life by Park Won (their first dance song) and Por Amarte Asi by Cristian Castro (ending scene). I really do appreciate all of your love and support. Just the fact that all of you are reading this work means so much to me, my heart is warm at your likes and reads. Thank you so much! Photos are not mine. Dividers by @saradika-graphics . Enjoy!
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The day has finally come that I had prepared for quite literally my entire life. 
By the end of the day, I will be Crown Princess Alina I of the Seoul Kingdom. 
Kyungsoo’s wife. 
From the moment I woke up to the moment the makeup artist, Ofelia, finished with my look for the day was a complete blur. Ofelia moves on to Mami and the hair stylist starts working with me. Mami got here late last night with Papa just for the wedding ceremony, then they have to go back to Valencia. There’s too much happening at the borders with Azteco that they can’t be away for too long. 
Though I understand the reasoning, it still makes me sad that they have to leave so soon. Not even my brothers or Ana could come. Ana is too pregnant to travel, and my brothers are fighting a senseless war. As for Maria, she just isn’t invited for obvious reasons. I try to not think about it too much, because this is going to be a beautiful day. I take a second to realize that this isn’t a dream or a nightmare anymore. It’s a reality I’m happily living. 
I open my eyes and watch my hairstylist, Belen, braid my hair and collect it in a low bun at the nape of my neck. Loose, curled pieces were pulled out of the braid to create a soft look, I opted to mix tradition with modern style. 
“Oh, Mija, you look so beautiful.” Mami glances over at me with tearful eyes, Ofelia laughs and dabs Mami’s eyes.
“When my daughter got married, Your Highness, my eyes were constantly watering. We will wipe your eyes as much as we need to, and I was sure to bring waterproof makeup just for this occasion!” Ofelia wipes Mami’s eyes and the women laugh together.
“Princess Alina is a gorgeous girl, a lucky one too. Crown Prince Kyungsoo is very easy on the eyes.” Belen adds as she finished my hair. 
“He has to be the most handsome Crown Prince, wouldn’t you agree?” Lisette giggles and takes my dress out of the garment bag it sat in. The glittering and glowing of the jewels and the accents of lace and tulle remind me that this is really happening. Colors dance in the mirrors surrounding us as everyone else giggles and talks amongst themselves about how handsome my fiancé is. 
Nerves intertwine with the curiosity of how Kyungsoo and I getting married is going to change not only us, but the world. Kyungsoo’s words linger in the air around me, softly working me through my anxiety. The thought of what he did to me in the library makes my cheeks warm. The memory of his lips touching other places on my body is etched in my mind forever. He made me want more, to feel that good again. Lisette’s fingers snapping in my face jolts me back to reality.
“Are you with us, Princess?” She asks in a concerned tone. I nod mindlessly and the room choruses with laughter.
“Sorry, everyone.” I lower my head.
“Not to worry, hija. It’s your wedding day, you’re nervous. I have something for you from your brothers.” Mami takes her phone from the makeup counter and places it softly in my hands. 
“Lina! Congratulations on your wedding and coronation! We are so proud of you and miss you. We’re sorry we couldn’t be there, Papa assigned us here and of course, no leave for the Princes.” Ignacio grins, pettiness dripping in his tone.
“Regardless, we will see you soon, we promise! We’re having Lisette send us pictures. And you better tell that Crown Prince that if he for one second thinks of not treating you well, he’s dead.” Santiago leans into the camera, then his eyes soften. “Baby sister, do good things. Please, be happy. We hope to see you soon, a war must be fought to protect our kingdom. Well, your former kingdom. Traitor!”
“What we’re trying to say is that we love you and we are so proud of you. Be the strong, wise, fearless leader we know you’re going to be. We’ll see you on the other side of this war.” Ignacio announces, and they wave goodbye as the video ends. 
“Wow, of course I would still get teased on my wedding day.” I laugh softly, wiping my eyes. “Ugh, I can’t mess up my makeup!”
“Princess, we have arrived to help you dress for the ceremony.” Maids come and help me into my dress.
“Thank you, please forgive me. It’s a very emotional day today!” I shake off my tears. I step onto the platform next to the makeup counters and allow the maids to dress me. 
“It’s quite alright, Your Highness.” Once the buttons are fastened along my spine, I look at myself in the mirror, not even surprised with how lovely everything came together. The lace dress sleeves fit just right and complimented the dress perfectly. The neckline dropping down to my chest and fit my torso and waist like a glove. The skirt fanned out and cascaded down to the floor in a perfect A-Line. Lisette once again didn’t disappoint. I turned around and the room fell silent… Except for Mami’s soft sobs. 
“What do you all think?” I ask hopefully. 
“You look lovely, Princess.” Ofelia smiles. Choruses of compliments fill the room and I blush at the attention. Mami approaches me with my Valencian crown and I kneel before her, allowing her shaking hands to place the crown on my head. I stand up and Lisette appears at Mami’s side.
“This is a gift from your sister, Ana.” Lisette approaches me and opens a velvet box in front of me. A gold bracelet with an “A” and “K” charm sits in the box. I smile up at the ladies surrounding me, Mami reaches for the bracelet and fastens it around my wrist. 
“It’s perfect, Mija. Are you ready for your wedding?”
“More than you can imagine.”
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“Today is the day!” Baekhyun grins. 
“How are you feeling?” Yixing asks. 
“Ready, nervous.” I exhale, tying my tie and buttoning up my military uniform coat.
“I heard she’s looking gorgeous, Kyungsoo.” Baekhyun nudges me. I stare him down and without a word, he gives me the answer I was looking for. “I heard from the maids!”
“You’re such a gossip.” Yixing rolls his eyes. I slick my hair back and listen to Baekhyun and Yixing bicker behind me as usual. Chanyeol enters the room with a serious look on his face. I stiffen and straighten my posture at the sight of him. His lip is healed, I hope I won’t have to reopen the wound. 
“Crown Prince, may I have a word with you?” Chanyeol asks with a lowered head. I groan and adjust my cufflinks. 
“Fine.” I get up and walk outside of the chambers with Chanyeol, a nervous look in his eye. “What did you need to talk to me about? On my wedding day?”
“I wanted to apologize for how I treated Alina. It was selfish and wrong of me to think I had any right to be near her like that. I disrespected you and her. I don’t have any secret feelings. I don’t want to be punched again, please don’t ever do that again. I… I found someone I’m actually interested in, and I won’t be coming after your bride ever again.” Chanyeol nervously explains. 
“Thank you, because I’ll kill you if you ever try again.” I nod, lips pressed into a thin line. 
Silence sits in between us, then we burst into laughter. This is how we always were, in the few times we disagreed. Chanyeol brings me into a hug and pats my back. I’m honestly glad this is over. It was unnecessary and stressful. “She’s going to make you a happy man. I’m glad you’re seeing that now.”
“Crown Prince, it’s time.” A Royal Guard bows to me. 
“We’ll be there straight away.” I reply. 
This is it. 
I’m marrying Alina. 
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Standing at the altar waiting for Alina was the worst form of torture. The urge to pace tingled my legs and I had to grip my wrist to stay still. For 60 seconds, the entire world fell silent, and my heart stopped. 
Yixing and Baekhyun opened the doors to the Ceremony Hall, a soft piano melody playing through the air. Alina is standing at the doorway in her beautiful white dress, her bouquet clutched tightly in her hands. The light pouring through the windows was envious of her, she baffled and amazed me with her beauty. I had to blink and remind myself that she was even real in the first place, not a dream. My jaw drops as King Ignacio walks her down the aisle, I adjust my posture which earned a small laugh from the guests. 
Thoughts race through my mind as Alina reaches me, handing her bouquet to Lisette sitting in the front row. King Ignacio patted her hand and wiped his eyes, it was the first time he cried at one of his children’s weddings from what I’ve ever seen or heard. I often surmised that Alina was their favorite daughter, neither of them looked this emotional at Maria or Ana’s wedding from the press photos and videos I saw. Out of their entire family, I’m happiest that they’re here for Alina.
“You’re a beautiful bride, Mija.” King Ignacio whispers as he embraces his daughter in front of me. I bow to King Ignacio, taking Alina’s hand from the emotional king. He looked at me with fire in his eyes. “You need to take care of her, she’s our precious daughter, our Kingdom’s most prized possession.”
“Papa…” Alina blushes. The statement is true, I just wish she’d believe it. 
“I will do nothing but take care of her, Your Highness. I promise she is safe with me.” I lower my head and offer a handshake. King Ignacio receives it and steps down to stand beside Queen Evelina. The Queen dabs her eyes and smiles at me, assuring me kindly. My focus turns to Alina, she takes my breath away. I’m moved to kneel before her with her hands in mine, pressing my lips on her knuckles. 
“You’re so irrevocably gorgeous, darling.” I shiver. Nothing and no one can make me shake this way, and of course she is the one who managed to do this to me. A man is never to bow before a woman at the altar, it is the woman who must be at the feet of the man, as they say. I don’t care, any man would be a fool to not bow before Alina. She giggles and caresses my cheek, that earns more camera shutters than before. I rise to my feet and kiss her hands one more time, holding them tightly in mine. 
“On behalf of the Valencian Crown, the King and Queen offer their daughter to the Crown Prince Kyungsoo I of Seoul. Is your betrothed one of whom you accept?” The Ceremony Master looks at us. 
“Yes. On behalf of the Seoul Crown, I accept my betrothed.” I nod slowly, not taking my eyes away from my princess. 
“Dearly beloved, we are gathered together to join two nations in unity, bound by the marriage of Crown Prince Kyungsoo I of Seoul and Princess Alina II of Mariposa, Kingdom of Valencia. The world shall rejoice at the union of these fair nations, especially in these times of war. King Ignacio III of Valencia and King Bonhwa VII of Seoul, do you accept the union of your nations by means of the Crown Prince and Princess?” 
“We accept,” our fathers call in unity. 
“Your Highnesses, please be seated with your lovely Queens.” 
My heart pounds as Alina smiles at me, she somehow did it. She managed to have me fall in love with her. I want to give her the best life I could give and treat her better than anyone else in this world has. She deserves it, she deserves every single good thing that this world had to offer. She didn’t have to do much, her existence was enough for me to be captivated. Neither of us were paying attention during the Ceremony Master’s speech, but our attention turned as Alina was set to kneel before my parents. 
“Today, marking the welcoming of our new Princess, we coronate Princess Alina II of Mariposa, Kingdom of Valencia, as Crown Princess Alina I of Seoul. Queen Hyunae, please replace the Valencian Crown bestowed on the head of the Crown Princess with her Crown of Seoul.” 
Alina folds her hands and lowers her head. Mother replaces her Valencian Crown with the one Alina chose before the wedding. She looks gorgeous in my Kingdom’s Crown. Alina looks up to Mother, her eyes quickly downcast at the stoic, disappointed look on Mother’s face. Now the Crown Princess, Alina bows to the King and Queen, then bows to me, her Crown Prince and future King. I take her hands and nod happily, wanting to kiss her right then and there. 
“Now, for the vows. Please, repeat these vows after me, Crown Prince.” I listen carefully to the vows and nod. I didn’t like the vows, I never liked how any of it was phrased because I would have to demand that Alina obey me. It felt wrong to ask any of this from a woman. I didn’t want to hear Alina say that she would “serve” me, “bow before me with honor”, “be obedient to the Crown Prince.” It’s ancient, it’s wrong, and it’s not something I’d ever expect her to do. The wedding vows needed updating and it was up to me to change them, starting with my vows to Alina.
“I, Crown Prince Kyungsoo I of Seoul, take thee, Crown Princess Alina I of Seoul, to be my lawful wife and princess to my Kingdom. I will serve your every need, bow before you with honor, and listen intently to your input in all decisions moving forward. I promise to protect you with my life and keep you safe from any harm. I will love you with all of my heart and never make you feel inferior to me. You are to be my compliment, we will be dedicated to each other and to the Crown, for as long as we are alive and into eternity.” I disobediently vow, Alina’s eyes widen. She bows her head in respect, also in an attempt to hide her laugh.
“That is certainly new…Very well. Crown Princess, please repeat after me.” Alina’s eyes were calm, but nerves riddled her face. She always did what she was told, but this time I hoped she’d think for herself. I rubbed her palm softly, a silent encouragement to say what she wanted to say to me.
“I, Crown Princess Alina I of Seoul, take thee, Crown Prince of Kyungsoo of Seoul, to be my lawful husband and my honored crown prince. I will stand by your side and support you in every decision. I promise to take care of you and respect you as you respect me. Today, I give you my heart and will never betray this promise. I will be your compliment, your trusted confidant, and closest friend. I will love you with all of my heart and never demean you. We will be dedicated to each other and to the Crown, for as long as we are alive and into eternity.” Alina smiles at me and basks in my silent praise. Murmurs ensue around us and Father gives me his disapproving look, but I could care less. If I’m not going to follow his path, I have to forge my own and it starts today. The Ceremony Master offers rings to us, and we slide them onto each other’s fingers.
“These rings symbolize the union of The Crown Prince and Crown Princess. They also symbolize the unity of the Seoul Kingdom and the Kingdom of Valencia. It is with great honor that I pronounce the Crown Prince and Crown Princess as husband and wife. Crown Prince Kyungsoo, you may kiss your bride.”
I gladly bring Alina closer until our lips gently melt together. The world fell away from us, we couldn’t hear the applause, we couldn’t feel the people around us, it was just Alina and me. We break apart and I proudly present my bride to everyone in the room. Taking the lead, I bring her down the aisle and across the front lawn to the front of the palace where hundreds of people are waiting to greet the new Crown Princess of Seoul. Though it was freezing cold, we greeted our subjects. I held Alina’s waist tightly as our subjects take pictures of us, mainly her. I didn’t mind, she is so beautiful that she deserves to be preserved in photographs for centuries to know how gorgeous she is. 
“Kiss! Kiss!” They chant, Alina shyly turns to me, holding my hand and silently asks me to take the lead. I grin down at her and dip her down, kissing her lips softly. The press captures the moment in the cold autumn air, the Crown’s photographers whisk us away to take official photos for the archives. We take a few photos with our parents, then the entire Seoul family. I noticed that Alina looked uncomfortable between pictures, her hands were shaking in her lap. She shivers and my attention immediately goes to her. I rub my hands up and down her arms as the family clears out for our couple photos. I lean down and wrap my arms around my wife, attempting to soothe her chill.
“Are you cold? Should I have them bring you a coat? A blanket?” I say lowly in her ear. She looks up at me and quickly shakes her head no. I know she doesn’t want to feel like an inconvenience. That should be easy, because she isn’t. 
“Your Highnesses, please face the front. Is Her Highness cold? We can bring the heater closer.” The photographer suggests. 
“No, thank you, I’m…”
“Yes, bring it closer to her. She’s freezing.” I firmly insist. Alina squeezes my hand and I laugh to myself. “Sorry to speak for you, but I will not allow you to stay cold, my beautiful bride.”
Alina relaxes and we started to take our photos. She followed the direction of the photographer and took my lead, thawing out under my touch. I held her in my arms and pressed my forehead against hers, our crowns clashing against each other. I smile and rub my nose on hers. The camera flashes in front of us, we laugh at a silent joke and kiss once more. I pull back and caress her cheek. 
“You’re beautiful.” I whisper.
“You’re handsome.” Alina whispers back.
“Perfect, Your Highnesses. Please, enjoy your reception.” 
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As soon as we walked into the room, applause bounced off of the walls. Immediately, our ceremony song starts to play. It’s tradition for us to dance first, before the celebration can commence. The singer we chose begins vocalizing softly and Alina smiles at the lyrics. 
“If I translated it correctly in my head, is he talking about a man that falls in love with a woman and she becomes his reason for living?” Alina questions with a smirk on her face. I turn her and bring her back to my chest. 
“Yes, darling. That’s exactly why I picked this song. It’s all of the words I’ve tried to say to you. Every single day, I’m so grateful you were promised to me. I don’t think I could be this happy with anyone else.” I sweep my lips over hers, causing a sharp reaction from our guests. 
“I feel the same, amorcito.” 
“Amorcito?” I ask. 
“You gave me a nickname, it’s only right I give you one.” Alina’s cheeks redden. I laugh and we dance across the floor. 
“I love it, especially how gorgeous the name sounds coming out of your mouth.” I can’t stop smiling. Murmurs start up again of how I’ve never been this happy, and everyone in this room is right. Alina starts to look around, and my heart breaks instantly. 
“I’m so sorry your brothers couldn’t be here today.” I say, trying to console my wife. Ah, my wife. It’s heavenly to know Alina is now my wife. 
“I know it’s stupid that I believe they’re going to walk through that door any minute. They’re halfway across the world. It’s not fair Papa made them go fight in Azteco. None of my siblings are here. The only one I could accept not being here is Ana, she’s going to give birth any day. It’s a beautiful day, a perfect day, I just wish they were here to celebrate with us.” She sighs, the immediate need to fix her sadness overcame me. I offer another slow kiss as we danced. 
“I’ll be sure to extend an invitation to them to our home once their tour is over.” I nod, Alina’s eyes brighten. 
“Our home?”
“Yes, darling, our home.” I smile. 
 “I like the sound of that, amorcito. Nothing would make me happier than having everyone I love under the same roof. Mmm, to think just a couple months ago we hated each other. Who would’ve thought we’d be this happy and falling in love?” 
“Being in love with you feels right. My princess, I will stop at nothing to make you smile, make you happier than you’ve ever been. And for the record, darling, I never hated you.”
The song ends and we bow in thanks to everyone in attendance. Alina bows to me and I bow in return. I watch her smile at me, the jewels in her dress glowing under the lights. I never imagined that the love of my life would be my betrothed, but Alina has proven to be full of surprises. Time passes and we made small talk as we watched our families dance together from the vantage point of the banquet table. No one seemed to be paying attention to us anymore, which is perfect timing for what I have planned for Alina. 
“I need some air, care to join me, Princess?” I offer, and Alina excitedly nods. “Let’s go.”
I get her up and guide her out of the reception, Lisette and Daeun await her at the exit. 
“Crown Princess,” Daeun bows her head. “Crown Prince Kyungsoo has asked us to take you to change your dress.”
“Change my dress?” Alina asks curiously whilst tilting her head. Lisette laughs and takes Alina’s hands. 
“Yes, Crown Princess, it’s a must for this part of the wedding.” Lisette smirks, offering a wink to me. The two women rush Alina away and I loosen my tie, wondering what Alina will look like in the dress I had made for her. My mind wanders as I make my way to the outer door, taking off my uniform jacket and push my white dress shirt sleeves up to my elbows. I unbutton the first few buttons and slick my hair back from my face, a few strands of hair brush against my brow. 
“Your Highness?” I hear Alina’s voice behind me. I turn and drink in her gorgeous figure in the light blue gown I’d chosen for her. Alina’s long, luscious hair cascades around her body, falling softly on her back. All of the words I was going to say escape me at her presence. I smirk and wrap my jacket around my wife and extend my hands out to her, softly brushing her back with my fingertips underneath the coat. 
“Come on, darling.” I manage to say, leading the way into Alina’s favorite place: the garden. For the wedding, the castle had lights strung about in the bushes of flowers. Small lamps in the shape of flowers light the way to a small section that is lit up more than the others and lined with heaters to keep it warm. I stop Alina and take my phone out of my pocket, tapping it a few times. 
“What are we doing here?” Alina asks. Then, the song starts. Alina looks around and wonders where the music is coming from, but her demeanor changes from confusion to happiness when she hears the lyrics. 
Siempre serás la niña que me llena el alma…
I holds out my hand and shyly motion for Alina to come to me. I take a shaky breath and offer a smile. “Ven a bailar conmigo, mi amor.”
Alina’s eyes widen at my attempt to speak Valencian, grinning with approval. With watery eyes, Alina takes my hand and we dance, swaying to the lyrics. Dancing together is slowly becoming our thing. If I could, I’d dance with her forever. I twirl Alina and pull her closer, humming softly. This song is completely in Valencian and is one of her favorites. Once I learned the lyrics, I understood why.
“This is magical,” Alina grins. 
“You are magical.” I breathe, pressing my forehead against Alina’s. I turn her again and dip her down slowly, kissing her as I bring her up. I drown in the taste of her kiss, falling deeper into her. We part and I gaze nervously in Alina’s eyes, worry filling me. This fluttery feeling is settling in me, and I’m not accustomed to it. Only this woman in my arms has made me feel this and that alone has taken ahold of me and grips tightly around my neck. “Darling…”
“Yes?” Alina curiously asks.
“I know without a doubt that I love you. I know it’s fast to say that, but this entire situation has been anything but traditional. You made me fall so fast, darling. I didn’t think it could be so.” I admit. “It’s a new sensation, loving you.”
Alina serenely smiles and kisses me again. “I love you too, Kyungsoo. Without any doubt in my mind. I know this is all new, but we’ll figure it all out together.”
“Yes. From now on, every single step we take will be together.” Alina nods. 
“I want that, I really want that.” I turn Alina and holds her in my arms. “You look so beautiful in blue. I love it when you wear this exact shade of blue.”
“I’ll wear more of it. Ah, this is a perfect night.” 
“It is a perfect night, darling. We have forever together. I’ll spend every single day learning how to love you.” I sigh through a smile.
“Every single day will be a gift. And you… You made this whole day absolutely perfect. I love this moment. I want it to last forever.” Alina’s dreamy tone stops my heart. She could make me do anything if she asks me in that tone. 
“I’ll do whatever it takes to make it last forever, my darling,” I assure her, “whatever you want, I’ll do it.”
Alina presses her hands onto my cheeks and just smiles at me. “Let’s get through this war and live happily together.”
I wish I could’ve done so much more to keep this promise.
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Sudden Rain, Chapter 2
Kyungsoo's POV
“Oh, hell no!” Eunbi’s brother, Chanyeol, belted when she tried to sit next to me in the back seat. “You are not leaving me in the front seat, Eunbi. I am not your chauffeur!” Eunbi rolled her eyes, and Chanyeol said, “Grandmother told you to stop rolling your eyes at me!” 
“She also told you to stop yelling in front of guests,” Eunbi retorted. 
Chanyeol blinked at her. “Alright. Sit up here with me, and we’ll call it even.” 
Eunbi looked at me as if to ask for permission, and I nodded. “Go ahead. I don’t mind.” 
So, Eunbi obeyed her brother, and we headed to their grandmother’s inn. Uncomfortable with the silence, Chanyeol glanced at me through the rearview mirror. “Hey. Where did my sister pick you up from?”
“Don’t ask like that.” The tips of Eunbi’s ears turned scarlet as she cut her eyes at Chanyeol. “You make it sound like I invite strangers into your car every other Tuesday.” 
I answered, “We met in the airport gift shop. My flight was grounded because of the storm, and Eunbi told me about your grandmother’s inn.”
“Is that right?” Chanyeol grinned at me before turning to Eunbi. “So you can do something for the inn! Who knew?” He winked at her; she stuck her tongue out at him. Looking at me through the mirror, Chanyeol said, “Grandmother will be happy to welcome another man to the inn.”
Before I could ask what he meant, Eunbi turned around in the passenger seat and explained, “Most of the people who visit the inn are women.”
“Elderly women,” Chanyeol added.
Eunbi assured me, “That’s not a requirement to stay or anything.” She told Chanyeol, “There’s no reason why Kyungsoo shouldn’t feel welcome.”
“Kyungsoo?” Chanyeol gawked at Eunbi. 
She turned her attention out the window and said, “You should keep your eyes on the road.”
Initially, Chanyeol obeyed. As we carried on down the road, I noticed his glances in the rearview mirror became more frequent. The suspicion in his glances lessened as the curiosity crew. “So, Kyungsoo—” I squirmed—“what brings you out to the middle of nowhere?”
Although my work felt like a taboo topic in this corner of the universe, I figured I owed him answers as payment for the ride. Straightening in my seat, I started, “I, um—”
Eunbi came to my rescue. She scolded, “Stop being so nosy!” “I was just wondering!” Chanyeol scowled at her. “Don’t you want to ask him something? Like what he’s doing here of all places?”
Eunbi shrugged. “He told us that his flight was grounded because of the storm.” Then, I strained to hear her whisper, “Why do you have to question miracles?”
I couldn’t understand what she meant, but her frown made me frown. I stared down at my hands pressed flat to my rain-soaked pants. 
“Before that, I mean,” Chanyeol muttered. “Aren’t you a little curious about where he was going before his flight was grounded?”
I suppose I wanted to hear her answer. My hands balled into fists, and I leaned forward in my seat. I didn’t think I was interesting, but I was surprised that Eunbi hadn’t asked anything about me before inviting me along. 
“I don’t want to bother him with a million questions,” she finally answered. “Besides, it’s very rude to talk about him like he isn’t here, so cut it out.”
“Whatever,” Chanyeol huffed as he pulled into the inn’s parking lot. 
The inn was a relatively small building. It couldn’t have hosted more than ten rooms. It looked more like a home than a place of business. 
Once we were out of the car, we dashed onto the front porch. There were three front doors, and Chanyeol barrelled through the middle one. He beckoned for me to follow, but I followed Eunbi to the left door because I had to tell her, “It wouldn’t bother me.”
She gave me a bewildered expression as she dug her keys out of her yellow raincoat’s pocket. “What?”
“If you asked me a million questions,” I spoke over the rain, “it wouldn’t bother me. Ask me whatever you want!” 
I prepared myself to answer a question about the book tour and the manuscript deadline because that’s all anyone asked me about anymore. I wasn’t ready for anybody to ask, “Are you happy?”
But Eunbi did. 
Clutching my rain-stained notebook, I wheezed, “What?”
Eunbi observed, “That is not a yes.”
I think I would have tried to say, ‘Yes, of course, I’m happy!’ if I had been able to catch my breath. 
Before I could catch my breath, Eunbi said, “Goodnight, Kyungsoo. It was enchanting to meet you.”
She had almost closed the door when I cried, “Wait!”
She looked at me from her side of the open door, and I couldn’t lie. I couldn’t tell her that I was happy, but I couldn’t tell her the truth either. Her gaze was expectant, though, so I said the next thing on my mind. “Do you have plans tomorrow?”
“No.” Eunbi shook her head. “The weather’s supposed to be awful, so I’ll be here all day.”
Although Junmyeon’s voice in the back of my mind screamed for me to take the opportunity to write, I dared to ask, “Do you think we could talk tomorrow?”
I think— hope—she had to bite back a smile to ask, “What do you want to talk about?”
“Anything,” I suggested. “Everything.” “I don’t see why not,” Eunbi decided after a few moments of silence. Silence, except for the sound of rain hitting the earth. “I think you should get checked in. Chanyeol isn’t exactly the most patient person.”
I glanced into the door Chanyeol walked through. He stood beside a coat rack, back pressed to the wall, tapping his foot. 
“Right.” I started to walk away, but Eunbi called my name. 
When I turned to face her, she smiled at me. I realized that she had been giving me half-smiles all day. “Goodnight, Kyungsoo,” she said again. “It was enchanting to meet you.”
Only then did I notice that night had fallen around us. Standing at the edge of the front porch, I looked up at the sky and wondered if the stars were sparkling behind the storm clouds. I knew that they must have been, but it was hard to imagine. 
I returned Eunbi’s smile anyway. “It was enchanting to meet you. Goodnight.”
. . . 
After I closed the door behind me, I shed my rain-soaked jacket and hung it on the coat rack. Chanyeol pointed to a sign on the wall. It warned: “Danger! Oxygen in use. No smoking or open flames!” The bold red, black, and white sign stood out against the surrounding photographs and framed cross-stitch patterns. 
I hadn’t seen a cigarette in over a year, but I nodded at Chanyeol as he walked behind the check-in desk. I set my notebook down on the desk and dug my wallet out of my back pocket. “I’m not sure how long I’ll have to stay.”
“During an April storm?” Chanyeol squinted at the computer screen after frantically typing. “This website is taking forever to load. But I can tell you from experience that when it rains around here, it pours. You’ll probably be here for about a week.”
“A week?” I hollered, surprised. “That’s ridiculous!”
I flinched at the noise. 
Unfazed by my outburst, my wide-eyed and slackjawed stare, and the CRASH, Chanyeol nodded. “I’d say a week at least. You’ve heard or read what they say about April showers.” 
“No.” It wasn’t easy to frown while Chanyeol smiled. “I haven’t.”
“Really?” He raised an eyebrow. “A big city writer like you hasn’t heard or read that April showers bring May flowers?”
My face flushed. “Big city writer?” Based on the consumer reports Junmyeon shared with me, Chanyeol didn’t look much like my average reader. 
An elderly woman attached to an oxygen machine rounded the corner, calling, “Chanyeol!”
Chanyeol jumped and reddened. He looked like a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar, but she looked too sweet to punish anybody. Her smile was brightened by a soft pink lipstick. Her smile melted something in me—the block of ice in my chest that I’d grown aware of after Eunbi asked, ‘Are you happy?’
The woman told Chanyeol, “You and your friend are being a little too loud in here. Ms. Oh got started and dropped your mother’s vase again.” “Grandmother, you promised to tell her to leave Mom’s vase alone.” Chanyeol frowned as he rummaged through the desk’s drawers. “I can only glue the vase back together so many times before Eunbi starts to notice the cracks.”
“I know, I know.” The woman sighed. “You know how Ms. Oh is. She thought it would be nice to bring a few sunflowers from her garden for Eunbi’s party.”
Gripping a bottle of super glue that he fished out of a drawer, Chanyeol said, “Well, that is nice.” His frown persisted. 
It was unlike me to interrupt a family conversation, but I asked, “Eunbi is having a party?”
Her grandmother turned to face me. “You know my Eunbi?”
“This is Kyungsoo,” Chanyeol told her. “For the record, he’s more like Eunbi’s friend than mine.” 
Bowing, I explained, “I met Eunbi at the airport gift shop after my flight was grounded. She told me about your inn and, well, here I am. It’s a pleasure to meet you, ma’am.”
Chanyeol and his grandmother studied me for a moment. They looked similar. They shared the same wide brown eyes, arched eyebrows, and dimples around their mouths. Chanyeol towered over her by at least a foot. 
“I always figured Eunbi would have good taste,” her grandmother said just loudly enough for me to her.
“She usually doesn’t,” Chanyeol said flatly. “I guess there’s just something striking about this guy.”
I blushed. Even the tops of my ears burned. “I think she just felt bad for me. I was having a rough day before we met.”
Chanyeol grinned. “My sister will love to know that you blush while talking about how she made your day so much better.”
His grandmother swatted him in the gut, and he wheezed. She said, “Go fix your mother’s vase. I better not catch you teasing this young man again!”
“Yes, ma’am.” Chanyeol held the super glue in one hand and his stomach in the other. He left me alone with his grandmother. 
“Don’t mind him,” she said while shaking her head. She walked behind the desk, opened a drawer, and handed me a key. “You’ll be in Room 2. It’s up the stairs, the first door on the left? Yes, the left.” 
“Thank you, ma’am,” I said, “but I haven’t paid for my room yet.” 
She said, “Don’t mind that.” 
I shook my head. “I have to mind that, ma’am. Also, it’s my fault that your friend dropped that vase. You should let me pay to replace that too.”
“That’s very generous, but the vase is irreplaceable.” My face paled, and she must have noticed. She hurriedly explained, “Eunbi’s mother made it for her when she was away at art school many years ago. My, that must have been seventeen years ago!”
I asked, “Is Eunbi’s party a birthday party?”
“It is,” she nodded. “You’re invited to join us if you’re not busy! We’ll gather in the dining room around six o’clock for dinner and cake.”
“Thank you, ma’am.” I asked, “What should I call you?”
“Grandmother, Grandma, and Granny are all okay.” When I blinked at her, she added, “I’ll answer to Ms. Park.”
“Thank you for your hospitality, Ms. Park,” I said. “You really have to let me pay for my room. Please?”
“Alright,” she sighed, “but I’ll only accept your payment by the day.” 
After I paid for my room, Ms. Park led me into the dining room. She introduced me to the six elderly women who gathered around Chanyeol as he glued his mother’s vase back together. 
“You’d love my grandson!” Ms. Oh told me. “Chanyeol, don’t you think he’d love Sehun?”
“What?” Chanyeol grimaced as he looked up from the vase. “Oh. Yes, of course, ma’am.” When Ms. Oh looked away, Chanyeol met my eyes and shook his head.
I excused myself and went upstairs to find my room. The walls were yellow. The floors were old; the wood creaked when I walked. Above the bed, fitted with a red patchwork quilt, was a framed cross-stitch pattern that read: “Murphy’s Law: Nothing is as easy as it looks. Everything takes longer than you think. If anything can go wrong, it will.” That’s what it was supposed to say, anyway. “Murphy’s” was misspelled as “Murph’s.” I laughed. 
On another wall hung a painting of a sunset reflected on a lake. I sighed. It reminded me of the afternoon I proposed to Soo-Ah. I remembered that I had forgotten the mid-summer heat of that love. It was lost. It truly was. I wanted to miss it. 
As I sat on the foot of the bed, I noticed a folded piece of paper sticking out of the floor. I picked it up and read: “I can’t sleep. If you find this, please write back. —Eunbi”
I wrote back: “Are you sleeping yet? If not, please write back. —Kyungsoo”
She wrote: “It’s hard to sleep when it rains like this. How do you like your room?”
I wrote: “I like it a lot. I’ve never been good at home decoration. The “Murph’s Law” cross stitch is my favorite thing haha. 
She wrote: “Hey, don’t make fun! Cross-stitching isn’t easy!”
I wrote: “Did you make it?”
She wrote: “Maybe…”
I wrote: “You did!!! That makes me like it even more.” 
She wrote: “Stop making fun! We can’t all be great artists!”
I wrote: “I’m not a great artist. 
She wrote: “It’s not cute to fish for compliments.”
I wrote: “Sorry. Will you forgive me?”
She wrote: “Hm… Alright. What are we talking about tomorrow?”
I wrote: “Do you really want spoilers?”
She wrote: “Not when you phrase it that way…”
I wrote: “I haven’t decided on any topics yet. I just want to talk with you. Meeting you today was a surprise, the good kind.
She wrote: “I think the same way about meeting you. I’m looking forward to seeing you again! I’ll try not to disappoint.” 
I wrote: “Disappoint? That’s impossible.”  We wrote to each other throughout the night. At one point, I was bold enough to return her question: ‘Are you happy?’ I fell asleep on the creaking floor while waiting for her reply.
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byunbhyunz · 1 year
K-Pop drabbles
Bitten by a Spider (Park Chanyeol/Reader, fluff, smut,Halloween!au, comicbookfan!Chanyeol)
A lot of jokes starts as “A man walked into a bar”. Well, this is not a joke, but a story which easily could start with “Deadpool and Black Widow walked into a bowling alley”. And I bet you can’t guess the punchline – if there’s even any.
Being Fond of You Comes Naturally (Park Chanyeol/Reader, fluff, angst, hybrid!au)
Five years went by since hybrids were introduced to the world. Half-human, half-animal beings, who needed to be taken care of. Most people treated them as pets, just as lovingly, but sometimes also just as bad. Yet, you never sparred them a thought until your roommate decided to bring home a tall Labrador Retriever hybrid.
Castle (Taeyong/Reader, fluff, slight angst, Part 1 of the Badlands Series)
Being in a secret relationship with an idol has its dark sides and hard days.
Coming Down (Taeil/Reader, fluff, bestfriendstolovers!au, Part 2 of the Badlands Series)
The One looks differently in everyone’s mind. You thought you know how The One looked for you, but oh boy, you couldn’t be more wrong.
Haunting (Johnny/Reader, angst, fluff, exfuckbuddiestolovers!au, Part 3 of the Badlands Series)
Working in Ikea, you try your best to avoid your ex-fuck-buddy, who comes in regularly, and his specialty is driving your colleagues crazy with his ridiculous questions.
Ghost (Yuta/Reader, slight fluff, slight angst, swimmer!reader, fromstrangerstoprefirstdaters!au)
Yuta likes to flirt. He thought he was really good at it, and his prize was always a blush and a shy smile; the first step on the road to kissing, and more. But when he crossed paths with you, he couldn’t understand why his winning tactics didn’t work. You just ran away from him. Literally.
Roman Holiday (Kun/Reader, angst, exlovers!au)
The hardest point of a break up isn’t when it happens. It can come even a year later too.
Hold Me Down (Doyoung/Reader, fluff, runningawayfromresponsibilities!Doyoung)
Running away was never the kind of thing Doyoung would do. Not until his responsibilities started to eat him alive, and the only thing on his mind was a night free from anything and everything.
Lead and Gold (Eunhyuk/Reader, mafia!au, eventual smut)
There were a lot of gossips about your superior, Doctor Jung’s secret works, where he invited surgeon residents to his private clinic to help him out. Afterwards, no one talked a word about it. Then, your time came. He took you there too, and you did your best to do exactly what your job was in the hospital: saving people’s lives. You just didn’t know who’s life it was this time.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
Aemond Targaryen
Witches Burn, Dead Man Walks (Aemond Targaryen/OC, fix it fanfiction)
They used to call her many names: 'Little Selira', 'Selira, The Whore', 'Selira, The Tease'. But when they started to call her Selira, The Witch, she knew it was time for her to go. No matter how much gold she earned under her Madame, no matter how she could pick which man she would take to bed, she fled the Street of Silk and didn't stop running until she reached Harrenhal. She knew she had a purpose to her life, and that couldn't be found in any brothel. After all: witches don't die. They burn.
Prologue | 1 | 2
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phenomenalgirl9 · 2 years
Renascence: Hwang Hyunjin x OC
Part 2
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Summary: The arcane are everywhere around you they are actually more normal than you think, but what of the anomalies in the arcane like Y/n? It definitely isn't easy. Specially when the nature is always out there to get you and the ones one you love. Loosing a loved one is difficult but when you've done it a couple of times. No matter how many births he took, watching Hyunjin fade wasn't easy for you. How far are you willing to go this time to protect him? Would things be different this time round?
A/n: there are mentions of violence and blood.
<- Previous
21st Century
"Hey" You see Seonghwa's head peeking from the door.
"Wait a minute" you told the boys in front of you as they nodded and you got up and walked the door.
"They traced the unauthorised shipper" Seonghwa said but you knew there was more to it "It's a lycan"
"A lycan? Call Chris" you whispered.
"Already here" you heard Chris' voice
"Aren't you always on time?" You teased
"Always, for the lady" he said beating his fist on his chest.
"Wait" you said.
"Okay, you do as I told you" the two boys nodded "Jungwon, no violence, or I swear I'll have you grounded for a century"
"That was one time!" He protested.
"Dude, even I have to say that's a lie" Jeongin said chuckling.
You shook your head and said "Okay, off you go now" and signalled Chris and the other Lycan with him to enter.
"Why would a Lycan get involved in this? Do we know who he is?" You asked
"No ma'am, but we have our suspicions" the Lycan said, you looked at her trying hard to rake your brain to bring out her name, as if sensing your thoughts she said "Its Ryujin, by the way, I'm new to the pack but it's an honour to meet you"
"Oh god Ryujin, please don't call me ma'am it makes me feels old" you said.
You heard Chan cough but heard the words "you are" in middle
"Yah!" You scolded, resulting to the two break into laughter.
A knock was heard and you said "Come in" to see Minho walk in galantly, he immediately came to hug you and kissed your cheek with a "hey babe". You were about to hit him with a classic 'Im not your babe' but remembered it's Minho and that won't work. Soon Seonghwa joined and the meeting started.
Seems like Ryujin and Seonghwa had worked out a few pieces of information and he told the rest of you about.
"There are actually three prime suspects, one would be Park Chanyeol" Seonghwa said pointing at the "Some leads say he's been working with our rival"
"Jackson? But I don't think he'd get to that level, he plays safe. This, if it gets out, it could blow up his face infront of the arcanium" you said
"Here comes our second suspect Bambam" Seonghwa said
"That's a new face" you said
"He was recently thrown out of his pack" Ryujin said "He belonged to a neighbouring clan"
"Why was he thrown out?" You asked out of curiosity
"Infidelity to the alpha, he was conspiring to throw her off with another wolf" Chris said making you frown.
"That bitch" you cursed "It is the 21st century, yet the Misogyny in wolves don't get any better in some clans. Anyways, can he have that much strength to attack 3 vampires at night?" You asked
"Momo is a strong one at that" Chris said
"Okay next?" You asked
"Kai, he has a growing business in antics and artefacts, mostly stolen" Ryujin said "His people were seen lurking the docks close by"
"But, he-he is a delegate with the Arcanium!" You said.
"Well the Arcanium isn't as pure and true as it used to be" Chris said.
"Minho?" You suddenly called
"Yes?" He said softly
"You've been quiet" you pointed out.
"Actually, I have a working theory" he said "What if they are all in it together?"
"If so then we better take every step carefully" you said.
You were sitting with Charlie beside you on your couch, gazing at the city lights in the evening. When the door bell was heard, you go up to answer the intercom and found a familiar face.
"He sweetheart" Minho said slyly as you opened the door and let him in.
"Hey Min" you said and took a seat beside him on the couch, Charlie quickly got up and relocated himself to Minho's lap, whoever thought or wrote vampires are bad with animals were idiots. Minho himself had three cats, but somehow we get along with cats better than with dogs.
"Hwa sent you cause he's busy?" You asked
"Mhm" he nodded
"How are you of any help?" You asked chuckling
"Jus because I don't fight, doesn't mean I won't. Besides two pups are minding the boundary" he said. You made you way to the window to see a familiar petite figure. "I hate it. Going to such lengths for me" you said
"Someone is after you! You're difficult to hurt but not impossible. We need to be careful okay!"he said. You didn't say anything, soon the two of you got engaged into various talks including different places and business and lost track of time. It was around 3 O' clock in the morning when you notice Minho slowly dozing off and you smiled thinking he must be tired. Yes, every supernatural needs sleep, that no sleep crap is shite. But, all these was until you caught a smell.
"OH NO!! MINHO!! MINHO" You rushed to his side and tried to wake him up, slapping his cheek.
"Y/.....n?" He slurred "Y/......n-ie~"
"Fuck!" You cursed you knew he's already intoxicated. You tried to reach to the window but your door flew open. You rushed to grabbed the silver spiked baseball bat you had at the corner as a decoration. Its an antique but it's the only weapon available. You swung it at the intruder who was wearing a mask, but the wet dog smell told you that this was a werewolf. He tried to grab you by your hand but you swung you bat hitting his jaw as the guy growled at you. His movements were clear enough to tell you that he was after you. And he ran towards you to tackle you to the ground, but just as he was about to hit you, you moved and hit his leg resulting him to fall down on his face with a huge thud and you took that chance to hit him unconscious.
"Y/N! Y/N!" you heard Minho say in panic, but before you could react you felt a blow through your stomach that made you shriek in agony as you fell to the ground, you felt as if your insides were burning.
You heard was Minho's panicked but slurred cries "Y/N! Y/N! FELIX!!!! AMBER!!!!!! ANYONE??? Y/N!"
and there was darkness.
You woke up to a sharp and excruciating pain in your stomach and screamed. It was to much, almost unbearable.
"Y/n-ah!" You heard a very familiar voice as you felt blood in your mouth.
"Y/n" you heard another voice.
"D-dad?" You said weakly.
"Sssh! Don't speak!" The new voice, who smelt to be a werewolf said.
"Amber? Put-put pressure from bith sides" Minho said
"Aaahhh. Aahhh! It's burning Dad! Make it stop!"
You said glancing at Jin who quickly, jabbed out the icicle from Minho's chest, specifically the heart, which was probably placed there by the second intruder. Then, he rushed to you. Amber lightly picked you up and put pressure on your wound from both sides.
"Ah!" She flinched but kept pressing.
"Belladonna aconite" you said "It burns"
"I- I-I" you see Jin fumbling not understanding what to do "There's so much blood" he sayd in tears.
"Sir! Call for back up! Call Chan to get the antidote, there's always some in the pack house" Amber said, and Jin straight away went to his phone and so did Minho
"Dont!" You said "Dont call Ju-jungwonnor Jeongin or Mo....mo. anyone from the docks. This has to be a double sided plan" hearing you Minho lowered him phone, and Jin nodded.
Both Amber and Minho tried their best to leep you awake. Jin couldn't stand seeing you the way he was waiting outside for the other wolfs and Seonghwa, who came in first. And immediately rushed to you.
"I'm fine Hwa" you said "Its just burning"
"The blood flow is lesser" Amber said. Seonhwa touched you arm and went into more panic
"Of course the blood flow is less, she's barely left with any!!" Seonghwa said uncuffing his shirt.
"Y/n! I asked you to drink" Minho scolded as he had told you numerous time.
"Do you have a better choice?" Seonghwa said
"No!" You said, knowing what she was inching towards.
"Minho, put pressure on the wound" she said, and she brought her wrist to her mouth and made a cut with her teeth. And held it near your mouth. It's true you were thirsty, it's been ages since you last tasted fresh blood from a human or an Arcane and Ambers blood was enticing, the smell almost putting you in a trance. She held it closer and you opened you mouth and put your lips to suck out the sweet and warm liquid. It filled you body with warmth and soothed your pain. Amber almost let out a moan and you were pulled to the real world as you immediately left her wrist.
Almost on cue Bangchan entered with a vial of the belladonna aconite antidote.
"Sorry. It wasn't in the pack house, I had to get it from the neighbouring pack" he said.
Jin came in and made you drink the antidote, the bitter taste erasing the sweet lingering taste of the liquid you previously consumed. You coughed at the after taste, and you were offered some water.
"But the blood is still flowing out, the healing should have kicked in" Minho said.
"I think it got blocked due to the aconite" Bangchan said
"We need to trigger it" Amber said and immediately took your hand in hers "Do you trust me?" She asked looking into your eyes.
"Yes" something from within you said
And you felt her tighten her grip as she mumbled a "sorry"
You screamed, you felt a few of you bones breaking in your palm, but as soon as she left it you felt it. The healing was actually kicked in and you finally let the sleep take over.
You woke up in your bed, Minho on one side and Amber on the other, both holding your corresponding hands. You raised you head to see Jeongin and Jungwon sleeping by the foot of the bed. You slowly got up, carefully not waking any of the four and left the room.
"Dad?" You whisper yelled.
"My sunshine!" He whisper yelled too and opened his arms for you to crash into them
"Thank god I reached, when I did. Who knows what those muts were up to" he said.
"How were you here? And how did you know something was wrong?" You asked.
"I wanted to surprise you, but I found Felix wounded and knocked out by the perimeter and the pungent mutty smell. You know the disgusting kind? Yeah, that told me something was wrong. I stepped in to find Amber trying to fight a big one with you unconscious on the groud and Minho pinned with an icicle. That coward fled, but he" Jin paused "He killed his partner who was on the ground, before leaving"
"Ki-killed?! But killing of own kind outside a fight is a taboo! And where's felix?" You asked.
Jin pointed behind you and you notice the white and grey wolf on your couch, its shoulder was bandaged.
"Chan tried to take him but he didn't budge" Jin said.
You smiled and went to the wolf and stroked his head. It immediately eased under your touch and looked at you with big pretty eyes cooing st you.
"I'm okay" you said "Just a little worn out"
"Noona!" You heard and turned to find the two maknaes. You extended you armes and they hugged you carefully. You noticed tears in both their eyes.
"Why didn't you call us? We got so worried when we reached home" Jungwon said.
"I thought I'd loose you!" Jeongin added.
"Nobody is loosing anyone" you assured.
"How was the mission?" You asked.
"It seems to be a pack of rogues. Momo thinks they have been hired as mercenaries" Jungwon said and the two settled on two couches and you sat beside wolf Felix whose head was now on your lap. As you wondered while eating the food cooked by your dad 'what the hell is going on!'
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cherryeol04 · 11 months
Looking for RP Partner
 Hello wonderful people! 👋
I'm looking for some roleplay partners. I don't really have a limit on how many I want to take in or anything, so if you're interested, then let me know in the dms! But before you message me, please kindly read the following notes about me and what I'm looking for. Even if you don't meet all the criteria, I'm more than willing to give you a chance! Though age is a hard requirement that has to be met! Anything with a * next to it is a requirement I’m looking for in a partner.
Most, if not all roleplays will be NSFW
Yes, it'll have some spicy times in it, but it's mostly deemed NSFW because of the themes I like to write.
Dark themes, triggering situations, adult content - everything, of course, will be preplanned with long discussions of triggering topics, hard limits and such.
🔞 Partners must be at least 19+!🔞*
My style is 3rd pov, past tense.
I’m looking for someone who also does 3rd pov, past tense, but I will also accept present tense as well!
Semi to Literate*
I love long replies and I do enjoy giving them as well. However, I understand that sometimes you can't always give long responses, and that's okay too. I just ask no one-liners
Currently looking for MxM pairings and plots!*
I do not stick to one plot!
This just means I'm open to having more than one plot going with many different face claims. So if you would like to plot a pirate au with Hongjoong from Ateez and a wolf au with Chanyeol from EXO, I'm the person for you!
Currently there is no limit for the amount of plots I will do with one person.
I control more than one character
This is different from god-modding
This just means that in our plot, I can (and prefer) to control more than one character. So while my main face claim may be Chan from Stray Kids, I may also play Felix and Seungmin to add a little more substance and character development to the plot. 
While I would like for you to also have more than one character, I don’t expect it of you if you’re not comfortable with it. 
With regards to NPCs (the barista working at the café they visit, or the random people they meet along the way), either one of us can control them at any time as long as it’s to move the plot along.
Preferred platforms:
As of right now, I think that's everything. Again, if you're interested, pm me! If you have any questions, also pm me!!
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⚜ OC Information ⚜
Age: 25+
Time zone: -5 EST
Work Schedule: Mon-Fri 8-5
Replies may be sporadic throughout the week, with the majority of replies coming in the evening time.
Weekends will bring more replies, unless I have plans with friends/family or I’m on call for work
My face claims are never set. So if you're looking for a specific person, please review the list of face claims I rp and let me know. Otherwise I'll base my face claims on what the plot is.
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❣ Preferred Plots, Themes & Genres ❣
Fantasy Au
Omegaverse AU / Wolf Au / ABO Au
Fluff, Romance, Humor
Dystopian AU
Post-Apocalyptic AU
Academy Au
Boss/Employee AU
College/University AU
Disney Movie AU
Mafia/Gang Au
Magic AU
Pirates AU
Royalty AU
Soulmate AU
Arranged Marriage
Class Difference
Exes to Lovers
Fake/Pretend Relationships
First’s (date, kiss, ect.)
Forbidden Love
Male Pregnancy
String of Fate
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💫 Face Claims 💫
*There is no specific faceclaim I want at the moment. Most of my face claims will be male. Looking for more Stray Kids plots!!!*** The 🌸 next to the name indicates my preferred face claim from that group.**
Stray Kids
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🖋 Writing Samples 🖋
OC Character - Kayden Park
Kayden was overjoyed. He hadn’t thought tulips would grow at this time of the year, but entering the garden he found a wide variety of them, pristine and in full bloom. They were the one flower that Kayden had really hoped would grow because after he read what their meanings were, he knew almost instantly who he wanted to give them to.
Specifically the red tulips.
Some might say he falls too easily and others might say he loves too hard. But in reality, Kayden couldn’t control who he was or how he felt about people. When he found someone he liked, he became attached to them, trying to be as close as possible while nurturing their growing relationship - whatever it might be. Even if that person got on his nerves all the time, or they ended up doing things that very honestly scared him, ending a relationship just wasn’t in Kayden’s vocabulary.
Red tulips symbolize true love, or a soulmate. Kayden had a specific person in mind and while he wouldn’t say it was true love - hell Atreyu could barely stand him in a good - he did think the other was his soulmate. Despite their ups and downs and the multitude of times he was locked out of the dorm and left to fend for himself for the night, Kayden knew that what he had with Atreyu was special - indescribable even.
And while he couldn’t find the words, he knew the flowers would do the best job. So after carefully plucking five of the tulips, he handed back inside and to his room where he had left his roommate. Atreyu had been in one of his moods again, refusing to speak to Kayden, so hopefully the flowers would double as something to cheer him up.
“Atreyu~!” he sang happily as he opened the door, hoping he hadn’t disturbed the other but knowing he probably did. He braced himself to be hit with a pillow or something, even a “go away” in his harsh and icy tone. But when he got no greeting in return, Kayden took a moment to actually look around the room.
It was empty.
And not just in a way that said Atreyu left to go mope somewhere. It was truly empty. The smile on his face slowly fell as he stepped into the room. His bed was made, but it lacked a lived-in feel - as if a maid had come in and just fixed the bed to make it look presentable. The nightstand next to the bed was barren, everything Atreyu had kept there gone.
Kayden didn’t want to jump to conclusions but his mind was already racing. He crossed the space quickly and yanked open the drawers. Barren. Turning, he moved to the closet next and opened it. Nothing. Everything that had belonged to Atreyu was gone.
He was gone.
As Kayden stood there, reality slowly came crashing down as he realized he was alone. No note. No text. No goodbye. He clenched the tulips tightly in his hand before releasing them and letting them drop to the floor.
He had been so stupid and this is what he got.
Silently, Kayden walked over to his bed and sat down on it gingerly, eyes staring blankly ahead.
No matter what he did, he was always going to be alone.
ABO AU - Chan, Jisung, Seungmin, Changbin
Jisung laughed and nodded, pulling back some from the other. “Tonight…supposedly.” He said and shrugged. “But my body has been weird lately, so it may hold off another day. I hope it does cause I wanna be able to spend time with you. It’s been so long.”
Jisung had honestly missed the omega. He hadn’t seen Hyunjin since the night of the attack. The last thing Jisung could recall was rolling on top of Hyunjin to protect him from the blade before calling for help. Chan had told him already that if it weren’t for him, Hyunjin probably would have ended up dying. 
So if that meant Jisung suffered from nightmares and a sore side (with a near death experience of his own), then so be it. It was worth it. 
He grunted when Felix suddenly tackled them both, hugging them tightly. “Yeah! What Lixie said.” He said and whined. “Felix, my side.” He hissed softly. 
Chan watched the three, smiling fondly. He walked over and patted Felix’s head gently. “Come in Lix, be careful with them.” He said gently. “They’re both still healing.” 
Seungmin peeked his head out of the kitchen before hiding once more, afraid to face Hyunjin. He felt so guilty still for turning his back on the omega so fast. Things from that had been hectic, chaotic. Feelings were hurt, people were hurt and Seungmin may have chosen the wrong side. 
He still fully believed how things were handled was inexcusable and that was mostly on Chan’s part but knowing the other was Hyunjin’s soulmate and seeing first hand what a soulmate bond looked like through Jisung and Minho, Seungmin sort of understood where everyone was coming from. It couldn’t be helped, the attraction.
He wanted to apologize for being such an ass but he was afraid Hyunjin wouldn’t accept it. He didn’t want to cause discourse in the pack because the others seemed so hellbent on getting Hyunjin in the pack and they were happy. He would be happy too, he just wasn’t sure if Hyunjin would be happy around him. 
Meanwhile, Changbin made his exit from the kitchen and smiled. “We’ll looky here.” He called. “Chan really did bring us a present.” He teased. 
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If you have made this far down, thank you so much!!! If you're interested at all in rping, please send me a dm or an ask! I'm looking for long term partners to create beautiful worlds together! 💖
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heartcravings · 5 years
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Bali Sunset with Chanyeol | studio.nng ㄴㄴㄱ
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averyfromzero · 3 years
In The Studio
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gif: @bloomingyouths​
pairing: park chanyeol x male reader
summary: reader visits his friend and fellow idol colleague Chanyeol in his studio, but things get hot as Chanyeol requests for a little “relaxing” time from his friend to get his mind off work for a little bit. reader is happy to comply.
notes: friends with benefits, smut, 18+ nsfw content, reader is in his early 20s
words: 1509
(y/n) loved visiting his hyung when he was in his studio. Sometimes he'd go there because he had nothing to do at the dorm. It was nice, even if he had nothing to do in the studio as well. Sometimes Chanyeol would let him play around with the instruments and keyboard, and even record some stuff. But sometimes all (y/n) did was lay on the couch, face mushed in the cushion as he scrolled through his phone while Chanyeol worked on his stuff.
And that's what he was doing this time around. Chanyeol had been sitting in that chair, working for a couple hours on some music while (y/n) was laying on his stomach on the couch right behind Chanyeol's chair, face turned to the side to look at his phone while he scrolled through Twitter lazily.
After a few minutes (y/n) heard Chanyeol sighing, taking off his headset and turning around. "Man, I'm drained. I can't think of anything else to put on this song I'm doing," he said, frustration showing slightly on his tone. (y/n) just hummed in response, not taking his eyes off his screen.
Chanyeol stayed there for a moment and then thought of something that could take his mind off his issue for a while. Smirking, he conveniently placed his hand on his crotch and spoke up, a little pout and whine in his voice. "Ah, wish we could do something to make me forget about this song for a while."
Finally looking up from his phone, (y/n) wasn't surprised at the sight before him. Chanyeol was sitting on his chair, legs spread wide, hand on his crotch and a fake pout on his face. Horny ass. They've done this countless times. Sometimes (y/n) would be the one asking for it, and other times it would be the older man.
"Hyung, if you wanna fuck, just ask," he replied, chuckling at his hyung's pout.
Chanyeol's pout then gave way for a smirk, knowing he was getting what he wanted. He then started massaging his member over his shorts. "Come here then. I really want a blowjob right now."
(y/n) didn't need to be asked twice, he immediately left his phone behind and got up from the couch, approaching his hyung and dropping to his knees in front of him.
Wasting no time, (y/n) pulled Chanyeol's pants down and freed his erection that jumped out desperately. He was already rock hard, the head red and spilling pre-cum.
Chanyeol was really big, long and thick, but (y/n) grew used to the size eventually. Still, he loved to just stare at that cock every time it jumped out from its confines, standing straight like a mast. Not only that, he loved playing with the wiry hair at the base. Sometimes Chanyeol would let it grow and (y/n) didn't mind the bush, playing with it nevertheless.
Done observing, (y/n) proceeded to wrap his hand around the shaft and stroked a few times before bringing the head to his lips. He licked the top of the dick, lapping at the pre-cum, and then wrapped his lips around it, sucking at the area. Chanyeol couldn't help but moan.
(y/n) kept sucking while stroking the shaft with his right hand. His left one moved up to feel Chanyeol's abs under the shirt. The older one then grabbed at the fabric and pulled it off of him, exposing his toned body.
(y/n) explored the abs and chest with his left hand while his right kept stroking the man's erection, lips still wrapped around the head.
Soon he pulled away and licked the cock from top to bottom, feeling the vein that ran down the shaft. Reaching the bottom, (y/n) played with Chanyeol's balls for a while, before moving back up and once again wrapping his lips around the head. Chanyeol kept moaning, loving every move the younger did on his dick.
(y/n) then lowered his head, taking as much as he could of the other's cock into his mouth. He went halfway until he felt full. Chanyeol was too big to take in all the way, and he loved it. He felt his mouth full but still had the other half of the shaft to play with. While sucking the top half, (y/n) started stroking again the rest of the dick, making Chanyeol moan louder.
They stayed in that position for a while before Chanyeol grew close to his orgasm and tapped on the other's shoulder, signaling him to get off his dick before he came. And (y/n) obeyed, taking his mouth and hand away from the older's cock.
"Wanna ride me?" Chanyeol asked, breathless. (y/n) didn't even think about it before replying. "Of course," his voice almost a whisper.
He stood up and took his pants off, underwear included. Knowing where Chanyeol kept his things, he reached for the bottom drawer of his desk and grabbed the bottle of lube and a condom that the older had stocked there, always prepared.
Before climbing on Chanyeol's lap, (y/n) opened the condom and put it himself on the other's cock, already used to it. After he finished, he finally sat on top of the other's thighs, straddling his hips.
Chanyeol then took the bottle of lube from the other's hand and squeezed a good amount into his hand. He brought his finger's to (y/n)'s entrance and started to circle it, making the other moan at the feeling, lube making him feel cold. After a few seconds, Chanyeol finally started inserting his index finger inside, not failing to hear the younger moan on his lap.
Soon, he was two fingers in, and then three. (y/n) started to get lost in the feeling of his hyung's fingers going in and out of him, the lube making the movements even more satisfying. (y/n) couldn't help but let out a frustrated sound when Chanyeol pulled his fingers away.
"I'm going in, ok?" Chanyeol asked, always caring. (y/n) responded with a nod and buried his head on the other's neck as he felt Chanyeol's head touching his entrance.
Carefully, the older started going deeper, but slowly enough that he wouldn't hurt (y/n). The younger couldn't stop letting out huffs of breath as he felt his insides getting fuller and fuller. To help him relax, Chanyeol would rub his hands across his back, muttering things like "it's okay" and "you're doing great" in the other's ear.
Eventually his cock was all the way in, stretching (y/n)'s nicely. Not wanting to rush things, they stayed in that position for a while until (y/n) was comfortable with the shaft inside of him.
When he felt ready, (y/n) lifted his head from the older's shoulder and slowly started moving his hips. Going up a little before bottoming out again, the action pulled a moan out of Chanyeol.
The older had his hands placed on (y/n)'s hips as he helped him move up and down more easily. Soon, (y/n) started bouncing faster, searching for his orgasm as he took Chanyeol's breath away with each movement.
They were a moaning mess as both of them approached their highs. (y/n) felt the other's cock brush against his prostate several times and couldn't help the loud moans that left his lips.
It didn't take long until (y/n) came, cum landing mostly on Chanyeol's chest, creating a beautiful mess. The older man moaned at the sight in front of him and soon shot his load inside the condom, filling it to the brim, still inside (y/n).
Now desperately looking for air, the two remained in that position until they caught their breath. Foreheads glistening with sweat even with the AC on in the room. Tired, (y/n) buried his head once again on his hyung's neck, arms hugging him like a teddy bear.
Trying not to disturb (y/n) as much as he could, Chanyeol lifted the other's butt away from his dick, hearing a whine of protest from him. "I know, I know, I'll put it back in a sec," he assured. With his dick free, Chanyeol carefully took the heavily soiled condom out and tied it with a knot, throwing it in the trash right after.
He then placed his hands back on (y/n)'s butt and guided him back onto his cock, now softening a little. He inserted the shaft in once again and caressed the other's hair, letting him know he was finished.
(y/n) loved to cockwarm him after a good round of sex, and Chanyeol liked it too, letting him cling to him, cock deep inside, as the younger drifted off to sleep, head still buried on Chanyeol's shoulder.
And just like that (y/n) fell asleep peacefully. Like a good hyung, Chanyeol didn't budge, turning his attention back to his computer, going back to work after having one hell of a good break.
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mybiasisexo · 2 years
Entangled - Part 5
Pairing: Chanyeol x f.Reader
Chapter Warning: Language | Alcohol Consumption
Word Count: 5.3k
Author’s Note: Just a heads up... shits hitting the fan yall and its going e v e r y w h e r e 🔥! i feel like the story is going so fast haha. The wildest part is we are still only on day 2 in the story!!! so much happening in 2 days, could you imagine irl🥵? oh girl needs a long rest after this vacation is2g 😴!
Autumn is slowly approaching and I am so glad! I got my pumpkin candles LIT and my sweaters OUT lol 🍁. And who is excited for Minseok's solo??!??? lets goooo 🏃‍♀️!!!! ill enjoy whatever he does, but i am begging! Kim Minseok!! Give us cunt! Give us whips and chains! body rolls!!! I want to be devoured 😩
Enough with the babbling, I am sooo excited and nervous for this chapter. Its one of my favorites, so I hope you enjoy it! As always, reblogs and replies are always appreciated! I LOVE feedback and your thoughts and theories on the plot! Also lmk if youd like to be tagged!! Cheers to seeing our soldier boy soon 🥂! Much love! Have fuuUUUUuUuuuuun~~!
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Twenty minutes later, you rush into your suite with three bags full of soju of various flavors.
Yerim sits at the island, head in her hands. You catch her shoulders bouncing slightly, but can only hear the occasional sniff. Seulgi sits beside her, rubbing her back consolingly. Her head turns towards you once she hears you enter, relief evident in her whole body.
Without saying a word, you tear open a bottle and lay out three shot glasses, filling them up to the brim. The sound of the tiny cups hitting the counter catches Yerim’s attention, and she reaches over for a glass with a slightly shaky hand. She gulps the contents down and you pour her another one, which she empties as soon as it’s full again. You take this one with her, but Seulgi only takes a sip of hers before placing it gently back on the table, her focus solely on her sister.
You’re throwing back another shot when Yerim finally speaks.
“I don’t even know why I’m crying like this.” Her voice is nasally, eyes bloodshot, face blotchy. “He had been practically ignoring me since we touched down and it’s not like we were official or anything. I just… I just really liked him.” 
Chanyeol did have that effect on people, you knew all too well.
Yerim sounds so broken, you can’t help but sympathize with her. You find yourself tearing up as well.
“What did he say exactly?” Seulgi asks slowly, as if she’s afraid she’ll trigger her.
Yerim sighs and cradles a bottle to her chest, letting the coldness calm her. “He told me that being here was putting a lot of things into perspective for him, and that he wasn’t ready to be in a relationship with me. I told him that it was okay, that we could go slow, pick this up again once we were back in Seoul, but he told me no. He said…. He said he didn’t want to continue this at all. That he didn’t want to be with me at all and that–that bringing me here with him was a mistake!”
She starts sobbing, and her wails make your shoulders drop. You feel helpless, standing there watching your friend’s heart break. That helplessness makes you restless, makes you overthink. You want to do something, want to protect her. You want to storm right over to the guy who did this and make him suffer for hurting her. But, being that the man at fault is Park Chanyeol–-the same man you can’t seem to be alone with for two minutes without wanting to suck his face off, disrespectfully–you remain still, contemplating your options.
He did mention that he was taking her out to ‘make things right’. Now that you’re thinking about it, you should have seen this coming. He practically told you what he was planning on doing. You can’t help but to think that yeah, Yerim is suffering right now, but it is for the best. Could Chanyeol have gone about it in a better way? Absolutely. But Chanyeol has never really been one with great hindsight. He goes with how he feels, worries about the consequences later. Clearly. 
There is one thing though, that you believe he still has failed to tell Yerim. The true reasoning behind his rash decision. 
“I can’t do this anymore,” you mutter. It’s time Yerim knew the truth. You take another shot of soju for courage, knowing there are a few ways Yerim will take the news, and some of the options are not pleasant. You sit the glass down with slightly more force than intended, startling the sisters, and cutting of Yerim’s cries.
“Yerim.” Your voice is the most serious it has ever been. You lock eyes and hold it, making sure you have her full attention. She holds your stare, albeit with confusion. “I have something to tell you, something I should’ve told you sooner.”
“What is it?” She asks hesitantly. 
“It’s about Loey,” you reveal. “The truth is, well, him and I–”
“Knew each other in college.” Seulgi loudly interrupts.
Her outburst startles you and you blink at her in surprise. She shrugs, curling her palms up and widening her eyes, helplessly. You know her well enough to gather what she’s trying to say. Now is, in fact, not the time.
“You…did?” Yerim asks, pulling your focus back to her.
“Yeah,” you let out in a huff. All the urgency leaves your body and you slump over the counter in defeat. “All of us did. He’s Baekhhyun’s best friend.”
“Why would he lie about that?” She asks, voice small.
“Because he’s an asshole,” Seulgi says. You nod in agreement.
“So, you were all friends in college?”
“Yes.” You supply. “That’s why he’s a groomsman with the rest of them. Chanyeol was pretty close to all of us but… was closer to some more than others.”
Both you and Seulgi squint your eyes and lean closer to the clueless girl, watching to see if she catches your drift.
“Oh.” She simply says. You both lean back with large sighs.
Her eyelids flutter rapidly before she’s going back for more soju. Once she’s got her fill, she’s gazing up at you. “His name is Chanyeol?”
You nod carefully, still trying to gauge her reaction.
She does her iconic deadly scoff and it’s enough reassurance for you. Your Yerim is coming back. “He didn’t even respect me enough to tell me his real name. He didn’t respect me at all. Was anything he told me even true? Is he even a producer?”
“No, he actually does do that,” Seulgi admits with a wince.
“I need another shot,” Yerim says. You don’t hesitate to fulfill her request.  
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“The boys should be back soon,” you say, laying your slightly spinning head against the back of the couch. Sehun texted you about fifteen minutes ago, letting you know that they were heading back. The plan is for the boys to come to your suite and drink a bit more before heading to their respective rooms to get some sleep for the big day tomorrow. Luckily, the wedding is going to be around 2pm so that you all can get some rest.
You asked Yerim if she was okay with the boys hanging out at your suite, and she said that as long as Loey–’oh yeah, that’s right, it’s Chanyeol’–wasn’t going to be here, she had no qualms. Plus she likes Sehun.
You don’t think she’s going to make it. She polished off three bottles of soju and is absolutely wrecked at the moment, making you from last night seem sober in comparison.
She’s sprawled out on the couch, head resting on Seulgi’s lap. Seulgi runs her fingers through her hair dotingly. Yerim’s eyes are already closed, breath evening out. You’re about to suggest hauling her off to bed when you hear a bunch of voices outside your room.
“Looks like they’re here!” You cheer, excited to be reunited with your favorite people.
There’s a loud bang and a bunch of people exclaiming. You share a confused look with Seulgi before you’re rushing to the door to further investigate. Seulgi lags behind, having to slip from underneath a snoring Yerim.
What greets you is the furthest thing you expect.
Jongdae and Baekhyun are a door down, struggling to carry a deadweight Chanyeol. His arms slung over their shoulders, feet barely touch the ground as he stumbles towards his room. He’s very obviously drunk, if his loud deep voice echoing through the halls is any indicator.
Jongin and Sehun lean against the wall across from you, quietly watching the shit show in amusement. 
Curious, you venture out into the hall, leaving Seulgi to hold the door. She takes in the scene wearily.
“What’s going on?” You ask in a hushed tone as you greet Sehun. He looks agitated, but as soon as he sees you, he’s standing up straight, fear in his bright eyes.
He hisses your name. “Get back in your room. Hurry before he sees you.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Don’t question, just go. Go!” He starts pushing you back to your room, but you’re too confused and defiant to oblige to his request. Instead, you fight back, making it difficult for him to shove you away.
Unfortunately, this draws the attention of the others, and as soon as Chanyeol notices you, you realize what Sehun was trying to prevent.
He wails your name, louder than he had been a second ago.
“Fuck,” Sehun mutters.
“Too late.” Jongin whistles lowley. 
“Mel!” Chanyeol cries. Baekhyun and Jongdae struggle under his shifting weight, scrambling to keep him above them. “I fucked everything up. I should’ve never brought her. Now you hate me for good.”
Now is a good time to take Sehun’s advice and run for the hills, but you can’t feel your legs to make an escape. Your breath hitches at his words and your heart starts beating so hard you can hear it in your ears, nearly drowning out his next words.
“It’s my fault,” he continues. His legs buckle beneath him, giving out and dropping him to his knees. Your heart shatters at how broken he sounds, how defeated he appears with his head bowed in shame. “I didn’t fight for you. I thought that’s what you wanted, so I didn’t. I’m sorry, Mel. You have to believe me, I’m so sorry.”
Each word that leaves his mouth chips at your heart, creating cracks on the wall you have built to hold in the dam of your emotions. Slowly they leak through, causing you to shake, your throat to itch, your eyes to burn–all a telltale sign of tears. You have to clench your teeth together to keep the sob in your throat from spilling out.
“I wish you didn’t hate me,” he continues in a broken whisper. “I wish you never left. That’s why I brought her. Because you left, and I couldn’t…. I couldn’t do it, Mel.”
He looks so small, like a lost child. It makes you want to walk over and drape yourself over him. Makes you want to pull him into you, feel the soothing softness of his hair between your fingers, his hot breath at your neck, and tell him that it’s okay. You can forgive him. You will forgive him.
Taking a shaky breath, you go to do just that. You shift your weight so that you can take that step–
“Who’s yelling?” You stiffen at the voice and catch in your peripheral Yerim squinting beside Seulgi, yawning as she scratches her head, very obviously just waking up. “Who’s Mel?”
That’s enough to shatter the illusion, bring you back to your senses. Fear quickly takes over as you realize the situation you’re now in. You want to tell her to go back inside like Sehun did to you earlier. You want to tell her to not worry, to ignore everything and go back to sleep, but before you can say anything, Chanyeol gets a bout of energy and tears away from the guys holding him.
It’s almost in slow motion, the way Chanyeol comes barreling towards you, hands outstretched for you. You can hear the others’ rejection, but their voices sound muffled, as though you’re underwater. Jongdae and Baekhyun rush to try to catch up to him, but his legs are too long for the shorter men.
Chanyeol’s massive hands cradle your head, tilting it back enough to give him the leverage he needs to press his lips harshly against yours.
He’s kissing you.
The shared contact speeds up time, making everything happen so quickly, you can hardly process anything going on. All you are aware of is a blur of warmth and nostalgia and hurt and regret and pain and love–so much fucking love.
You don’t even have time to close your eyes or succumb to the kiss you’ve been secretly craving all this time. No time to react before Chanyeol is being torn away from you with a loud wet pop.
Jongin has jumped in this time to drag Chanyeol back to his room. He’s fighting the whole way, trying to slip out of their grip, begging them to let him go because he wants to be with you. When he realizes his pleas are falling on deaf ears, he turns his attention back to you, reaching out as he gives you the saddest puppy eyes you think you’ve ever seen.
“Come with me,” he pleads urgently. “I want you to stay with me. Mel, please. Please! Give me another chance. You have to give me another chance!”
You can only watch as Baekhyun opens his door, throwing you an apologetic glance as they all tumble inside.
The silence that follows has your ears ringing, but the sound–or lack thereof–has you remembering yourself. Quickly, you spin around to your door, immediately locking eyes with Yerim. She doesn’t look an ounce as drunk or tired as she had before.
“Why did he just kiss you?” She asks, voice dangerously calm.
“Yerim,” you start, but find you’re at a complete loss for words. Your brain is still trying to possess the last few minutes.
“Why did he just fucking kiss you?!” She finally explodes, face red and shaking from the power of her vocals.
You all wince at her volume and guilt swallows you whole, smarting your eyes. You’re just so overwhelmed, everything’s happening so fast and you have no idea what is going on.
“I–I don’t know–”
“You don’t know?” She asks mockingly. “You don’t know why the man I brought here as my date, who just fucking dumped me, ran up and kissed you as if he wanted to be with you the whole time?”
Her words seem to connect some dots, you can practically see the light bulb spark to life over her head as she straightens up, eyes far away as realization dawns on her.
“Holy shit,” she mutters to herself. “It’s you.”
Her wide knowing eyes take you in. It’s almost cruel, the disgust now coating her face as she acknowledges you. “You’re the one he was talking about. The ex-fiancee. Aren’t you?”
“Yerim, please, just let me explain,” you plead.
That’s enough confirmation for her. She takes a step back, away from you. “So, all of you have been lying to me, not just him? You’ve all been in on it. How hilarious it must have been, watching me fall for a man you all knew loved someone else. You probably got together after dinner last night and shared a laugh over how much of an idiot I am.”
Her voice thickens as she speaks, lips quivering and eyes sparkling in the most devastating way. “I know I’m just Seulgi’s little sister to you all but this…. Isn’t this a bit too far?”
“It’s not like that at all.” Seulgi finally speaks. Yerim turns to her and she flinches at the anger aimed her way.
“And you,” Yerim vilely spits. “You are my sister! You’re supposed to protect me! Why didn’t you say anything?”
Seulgi attempts to answer her question, but is also left speechless, unable to conjure an answer that would appease her sister.
Yerim scans all of you. Jongin and Baekhyun have returned, leaving Jongdae to babysit Chanyeol, and silently watch the fight, trying to catch up on what has transpired so far in their absence. “What is wrong with you people?”
“We didn’t say anything because Chanyeol and I are over,” you reveal in a rush, pushing through the tears coating your esophagus. “Yerim, please, he’s just drunk. The wedding is messing with his head, making him nostalgic. I doubt he’ll even remember any of this. We were wrong to not tell you about our connection sooner, and I’m sorry about that. It just took us all by surprise and we didn’t know how to bring it up.”
She glares at you, but it doesn’t hold as much fire as it had prior, so you continue.
“And your sister wanted to tell you. She was pressuring me the whole time to do it, but it never felt like the right time. God, Yerim, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean for this trip to become such a mess.”
Your body is shaking again, and your voice wobbles as you push through that damned lump. God you hate this. Hate that Chanyeol had to go around and kiss you, hate that your connection to him is causing someone you care deeply for to hurt. Hate that despite everything, a part of you is wanting to answer his call and run to his room, to apologize for everything and wrap yourself into his familiar embrace. 
As if one of your friends could tell you need comfort, hands are pulling at you, spinning you around to crush you against a firm chest. The action calms you, allows you to focus on your breathing.
“You should have told me,” Yerim continues coldly. “You’re the reason why he kicked me out of our room, the reason he broke off whatever this was we had. If you had told me I wouldn’t… I wouldn’t have….”
She finally breaks. A sob leaves her body involuntarily, and she covers her mouth in an attempt to hold them in. Seulgi takes a step towards her to comfort her, but she holds up a hand, warding her back as she tries to calm down. 
The urge to cry has passed and you think you can stand on your own. Lifting your head, you see Baekhyun gazing down at you sympathetically, one of his hands rubbing your back soothingly. You give him a small smile as thanks, and he matches it in reply.
“I want to go home.”
The statement makes everyone’s head turn to the little girl breaking down in the doorway.
“What?” Seulgi is the one to ask.
“I said I want to go home. Now.”
“But the wedding….” Sehun starts.
“Who gives a fuck about the wedding!” Yerim shouts. “These are your friends, not mine! You’ve made that perfectly clear! I don’t want to be here anymore! I don’t want to see any of you again!”
“Let’s go inside,” Seulgi offers, voice gentle and calming. “Let’s just sit down and think through everything, okay?”
“Fine,” Yerim huffs before stomping back into the suite, having everyone share a glance before tiptoeing in after her, piling around the living area.
Yerim slouches on the couch, arms crossed defiantly, eyes on the floor, refusing to acknowledge any of you.
Understandable. Hell, you can’t seem to meet anyone’s eyes either as you slide onto the floor, leaning against one of the large windows, far away from the girl, guilt gnawing at you.
“Seulgi,” Yerim starts, everything about her exhausted. “Will you please search flights for tonight?”
“It’s too late,” Seulgi argues. “And you brought such a beautiful dress for the ceremony. How about I find something for later? You can leave after the wedding, before the reception.”
Yerim lets out a long resigned sigh. “Whatever.”
Taking a deep breath, you draw up your legs, resting your chin on your knees. The silence is overwhelming, and you need to fill it. 
“Chanyeol and I met in our first year of college.” Everyone’s head whips over to you, but you don’t notice, eyeing your knees as though you just discovered them. This is not what you thought you were going to say, but now you have to continue. “We met through Baekhyun. That’s how I met pretty much all of them, actually. How I met Seulgi. Sehun was the only one I knew before. Anyways, I’ve dated before but Chanyeol was different. He always was. I knew. From the moment we were introduced, I knew that he was the one. We both did, I think. It didn’t take long for us to start dating, and it was easy to be with him.”
You take a deep breath and try not to get lost in the past. “We were together all four years of college, and it was at the end of our senior year that Chanyeol proposed, right before our graduation.
“That’s when everything started falling apart,” you reveal in a small voice. “There was just so much we were juggling. Finals, graduation, careers, and now planning a wedding. We were fighting a lot, and I started to doubt the strength of our relationship. I also started to doubt myself. A part of me always felt like I was never good enough to be with Chanyeol. That he would grow tired of me, or find someone more beautiful, someone who understood his interests more, who didn’t call him stupid whenever he made a joke. And because of that fear, I just became Chanyeol’s Girlfriend. For four years, I was constantly by his side, trying to be perfect for him, and I lost myself along the way. Once I realized I was planning on doing that forever, I started panicking. The ring around my finger started feeling like a trap, like it was constricting me. I needed to discover myself, find out the things I, as an adult, as a woman,as me, enjoyed. I needed freedom. So… I called off the engagement.”
You hear numerous gasps throughout the room and remember everyone else. Well, it’s about time the others knew anyway. Neither you nor Chanyeol ever revealed the true reason behind your separation. You did it out of selfishness, afraid you’d be labeled a villain and lose everyone over your decision. When it comes to Chanyeol’s silence, well, you don’t know for sure. But, knowing him, he probably did it for the same reason you did. He was always protecting you.
“That was three years ago,” you press on, lifting your gaze to Yerim so that she knows you’re now addressing her. “Yesterday was the first time we’ve spoken or seen each other since. I’ve had zero contact with him. I had no idea he was bringing a date, let alone that it was you, and I doubt he even knew your connection to us. This wasn’t some elaborate plan to hurt you, Yerim. None of us would ever do that to you, especially Chanyeol.”
“He may be an asshole,” Baekhyun speaks for the first time tonight. “But he’s not cruel. If he ended things with you, it was because he didn’t want to lead you on. Knowing him, it was probably an attempt to protect you from himself.”
It’s eerie how Baekhyun’s statement mirrors your thoughts, but it’s truly just a testament of Chanyeol’s character.
He’s not a bad guy. Just a big idiot.
Now that your story has been told, all eyes are on Yerim as she absorbs all this new information. 
“Okay,” she says so quietly you nearly miss it. “Okay. Thank you for telling me.”
You can only nod.
She goes to stand. “I’m going to bed.” She points at you. “I don’t want you here.”
Your shoulders slump for the nth time today, but you understand. Just because you finally confessed your past affair with her ex whatever-he-is doesn’t mean you automatically gain her forgiveness.
“She can stay with me,” Sehun says.
“And you.” She turns her attention to her sister. “You can stay in her room.”
Seulgi deeply frowns, but nods nonetheless, aware of the role she played in all of this.
“Night. See you all at the wedding, I guess.” Yerim shuffles out of sight, softly closing the door behind her.
“We should get going also,” you say. “Big day tomorrow.”
You head over to your room, changing into some pajamas and grabbing your purse and phone charger, the essentials. 
When you’re back in the living area, the boys are all hovering by the door, waiting for you, while Seulgi slumps on the couch. Her legs spread wide, arms limp at her side, and head tilted over the back of the couch, staring blankly at the ceiling.
You call her name and she turns her head down to gaze blankly at you. “I’m sorry. I know, I should’ve done this yesterday.”
She waves off your apology. “You were going to tell her earlier and I stopped you. It’s my fault just as much as yours. See you tomorrow.”
You all give your farewells and exit the stuffy room. You take the few steps to Sehun’s, he opens the door and you’re slightly surprised when the other boys trail in after you.
You crowd around Sehun’s island.
“So….” Baekhyun purses his lips as he fixes you with a knowing look. “The mystery is finally solved.”
“Do you hate me now?” You ask quietly. You trace random patterns into the cool marble face of the counter. 
“Why would we hate you?” 
“For not telling you. For being the one to break Chanyeol’s heart. He was your friend before I was, I understand if you want to be on his side now.”
“Hey now,” Jongin starts gently, rubbing your arm. “We have always respected your relationship. It’s none of our business why you ended, which is why none of us asked. I mean, of course we were all devastated, and have told both of you as much, but at the end of the day, we aren’t the ones dating. I’m just glad cheating wasn’t involved. That’s what I have always thought happened.”
“Yeah, and about tonight.” Baekhyun shakes his head. “That’s all Chanyeol. We told him to stop drinking the whole time we were out, even going so far as to hide the bottles from him, but he kept finding them! Tonight isn’t your fault, this trip isn’t your fault, so don’t beat yourself up over it, alright?”
“Why was he so drunk anyways?” You ask, leaning more heavily onto the counter.
The boys all share a look.
“He ‘broke up’ with Yerim,” Sehun explains. “And everything started hitting him. That Myeon is getting married and that, well, he didn’t.”
“I think a lot of things he had been shoving down just came out all at once and he didn’t really know how to handle it.” Baekhyun shrugs.
That doesn’t make you feel any better. Another ball of sorrow grows in your throat and you clear it, not wanting to cry, especially for other people. Licking your lips, you swear you can still taste him there, the bittersweetness of nostalgia and your own neglected feelings. 
“Are you going to be okay tomorrow?” Jongin asks, knowing you’re also going through the same thing as Chanyeol.
You nod. “Of course. I’m happy for Junmyeon, I’d never miss this.” Speaking of Junmyeon…. “Is…is Myeon okay?”
They all nod in affirmation. “He understood. Kept telling us to just let Chanyeol drink. He had a fun time, besides all that.” 
“Good. I’m glad. If Chanyeol had ruined his bachelor’s party, I’d have no choice but to kick his ass.”
“We’d have to jump him, for sure,” Sehun agrees.
You chat for a little bit longer. There’s a soft knock and Jongdae slips in with a rather large bottle of soju. You all drain it as you catch him up on all that he’s missed. The shock on his face from your revelation is enough to bring out a chuckle from you, which only grows when he holds a hand out to Baekhyun, demanding him to pay up. Apparently, Junmyeon will be getting some winning money as well. Assholes. 
Once the bottle of soju is empty and the boys are satisfied with the smile on your face, they take their leave.
The couch is large and comfortable enough to use as a bed, and after some back and forth with Sehun about your sleeping arrangements, you climb into your makeshift bed with the intention to finally give into the urge and cry yourself to sleep.
Sehun has other plans.
He crawls in after you, slipping soundlessly under the blanket he had room service bring up, and faces you wordlessly.
“Sehun,” you whine with a yawn. “What are you doing?”
“Making sure you don’t beat yourself up over what just happened.”
“What would make you think that?”
He rolls his eyes. “You can fool the others, but you can never fool me.”
“True,” you relent. “You know you were the only one that knew the truth, right? Not even Seulgi knew I was the one who called off the engagement.”
“Of course, I was. You can’t hide anything from me. I’ll admit, I did get a kick watching the others scramble and try to solve the mystery. Though, I’m shocked Chanyeol never told Baekhyun, even after all this time. It makes sense though. He’ll always put you first, even if that means ending things with his wedding date the day before said wedding.”
You bury your head into your pillow. Drunk Chanyeol consumed your mind. His desperate need for your forgiveness, the way his voice broke and his eyes searching for you as though your presence alone was enough for him, and that kiss…. 
“I can’t believe he kissed me.”
You wish he hadn’t. Not just because it exposed your shared secret to Yerim, but because of the implications of it. With that kiss you are forced to admit that Seulgi was right, that Chanyeol still has deep feelings for you, and that you—
“It was bound to happen.” Sehun breaks your train of thought. “He was fucked up. Like, he would not shut up about you. As soon as he got a little tipsy, it was you this, you that. How much he missed you, how proud he was of you. ‘How is it possible that she’s gotten even more beautiful since college? Baekhyun, didn’t you tell me she got fat?’ Junmyeon was like ‘she’d still be just as beautiful if she had gained weight’ and this fool goes, ‘god, I know’ and takes two shots back to back. It would’ve been funny if it wasn’t so damn pathetic.”
You let out a breathless laugh at Sehun’s terrible impersonation of Chanyeol, but peek up at the man. “He really said that?”
“Yeah.” Sehun says your name. “I know we had this conversation earlier, but you have to talk to him. All the things that were holding you back then don’t apply now. You both have grown a lot and are in better places. It’s never too late to start again. Chanyeol wants it, and I know you do too. You’re just latching onto a grudge you created against him to keep you away. It’s baseless, you know? And it’s a lie. You’re very obviously still in love with him. Soulmates work that way.”
“Soulmates,” you repeat skeptically, before sighing. “You’re right though, as you always are—”
“Finally, some gotdamn recognition around here,” he interrupts.
“Anyways, I should have talked to Chanyeol earlier. Really talked to him, not this back and forth dance we’ve been doing. But, there was no way I was going to talk about us when he had a girlfriend, who just so happened to be my friend. The best option was to just ignore him.”
“That was smart of you, but he doesn’t have a date anymore. We’re going to be here for three more days, the two of you still have plenty of time to talk. Get your closure and figure out what you want with him. If there is one thing the past couple days have shown, it’s that both of you have a lot to get off your chests.”
“You’re right.”
He smirks. “I know~”
“Ugh.” You finally settle into the blankets and close your eyes, expecting Sehun to head back to his bed, but he makes no point to move. “Are you going to stay here all night?”
“Are you going to cry soon?” He counter asks.
You check. To be honest, you feel a lot better after talking to Sehun. Your mind is a lot clearer. “No.”
“Either way, I’ll just stay here until you sleep. That way I know for sure.”
You groan. “How the hell am I supposed to sleep with you watching me?”
And he is right. Once you’re comfortable, you’re out like a light.
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