Briishers must me stopped
Even the younglings
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Max Mayfield + Blue for @briishere
It has been lovely getting to know you this year over on the Stoncy discord! I think you’re awesome!
I hope you have a good New Year and that 2021 treats you better than 2020 has! 💗💗💗💗
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gatefleet · 5 years
DC Comics: Lucifer; Mazikeen, Linda Word Count: 472 (T)Warnings: None A.N.: I’m so sorry this a) took so long and b) if it’s not exactly what you were looking for >< My writers block has been horrific lately. Request: Yes. “ Writing prompt: Some cute Linda & Maze friendship feels? Or the whole girl squad.” - @briishere
Although extremely wary and petrified at being so involved with someone related to a client at first.  Linda had grown to enjoy her little ‘girl sessions’ with Mazikeen.  Maez still scared the crap out of her, and she most definitely wary of Maez’s temper, yet she still grew to love her.  She loved how carefree she was, how she didn’t care what anyone else thought of her and was more than willing to kick the ass of anyone who dared to insult her.  That was the kind of friend that Linda had always hoped to have growing up, one that inspired confidence in those around her.
It wasn’t unusual for Linda and Mazikeen to end up drinking in a bar, Linda preferred the music volume there and Mazikeen enjoyed the change of scenery from Lucifer’s club, even if she wouldn’t admit it.  Linda had felt bad recently, she had hated lying to Maez that she and Amenadiel had been a couple while she was otherwise occupied, but she had felt like she had no choice if she wanted to stay on the demon’s good side.  Although the weight that was lifted from her shoulders when Maez found out was more than amazing, it came with a huge price… that brings us to the girls first night out since Linda had discovered that she was pregnant with an ‘angelic blessing’.
Mazikeen couldn’t lie, when she discovered that Linda had in fact been an item with Amenadiel, HER Amenadiel!  She felt like she finally had some sense as to what her victim had felt in Hell whilst they were being tortured, that sharp, stinging sensation she felt in her whole body was the first semblance of humanity that Maez believes she ever felt. When she discovered Linda was pregnant her feelings toward the event seemed to shift.  She didn’t feel as bitter and betrayed as she previously had.  She was happy for her friend for finally having someone to show love and affection towards.
Although she would never admit it, Maez was ecstatic that Linda had asked her to join her for ‘drinks’ and couldn’t wait to be ‘auntie Mazikeen’.  The night started of slow, both feeling awkward after how things were left between the two of them, but as the night went on and Maez drank more, the awkwardness began to fade, especially when Maez decided to get straight to the point and ask Linda why she would be involved with someone that had previously been involved with a close friend.  This led to some tears being shed by both women (while Maez tried furiously to prevent it from being visible), and Mazikeen admitting to Linda that although she was hurt by Linda’s betrayal, she was still happy for her friend and promised to protect both Linda and the baby from any harm.
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(GIF Credit: @magicwithcolors) 
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wmhalliwell · 6 years
"Come ask me for things" I was *summoned* by the potential for drabble requests. Might I suggest some Clarice & Marcos bonding set after they leave the Morlocks, and maybe some light needling about Glow? Thank you!
They walked silently next to each other away from the Morlock base. It was apparently rude to portal out of the tunnels, so they had to take the long way.
“So…” Marcos said, breaking the silence of the dripping pipes, sloshing water and rumble of mechanics. “That was…something else.”
Clarice pressed her lips together and glanced over at him. Like many mutants, Marcos could pose as human. He didn’t quite understand the need and desire to be yourself like the Morlocks could. He probably also didn’t understand what many of the former hospitalized mutants had done with that M on their faces…they were making a choice with their freedom, even if their choice left them down in the dark.
“Yeah. That’s one way to put it,” she mused. Her mind felt scattered between many things: worry for John, the words Erg said, her part in stealing from that warehouse, Marcos’s face when he held that girl’s hands as she got marked…. “Did I see you getting chummy with that…orb glowy girl?”
Marcos raised his eyebrows and looked at her sternly. “Glow? No I just…”
“Wait, her name is Glow? Is that the best she could do?” Clarice snickered, pushing down her emotions with sarcasm and harsh with like usual.
Good thing Marcos understood. He waved a hand. “She just helped me understand that our fight…it isn’t black and white.”
“No it is not,” Clarice agreed with him, taking a sharp right and ducking under a low pipe. “Speaking of names…what’s the deal with mutants and their names? I just don’t…get it.”
Clarice continued, cutting him off. “I mean, why choose Glow if you’re gonna choose any name. At least make it cool. Like…Eclipse. Pretty cool.”
“You’re welcome.”
He hesitated before speaking again in case she had more to offer. She didn’t, so he answered her first question. “It’s just…taking back our identities from people who hate us. Or it’s about separating yourself from your life before you manifested. Or it’s just a name you feel more comfortable with. It’s not like it’s required, but it’s not meant to dehumanize anyone either.”
“So it’s not all about hiding your identity.”
“Sometimes it is. It’s just…a name. Names hold power.”
Clarice pursed her lips as they started the upward climb toward the surface, the sloped concrete slick from water and gunk. “I like my name.”
“I like my name too.”
She squinted her eyes at him and glared. “Erg christened me or whatever with a mutant name down there. Before the marking ceremony.”
“Christened you? Maybe don’t say it like that when you tell John.”
She nudged him with her elbow. “Shut up.”
“So what’s this name he gave you?” Marcos prodded.
“I didn’t choose it, so I don’t know if I’ll use it but it just got me thinking,” she babbled as he waited patiently for her actual reply. “Blink.”
“Which, you have to admit is slightly better than Glow. Not as badass as Thunderbird though,” she mused, tapping her chin.
Marcos laughed at that and pushed open the grated door, stepping out into the sunlight. “It suits you though,” he said, just to give her something to ponder.
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pterawaters · 2 years
Tag Game: Last Line
Post the last line you wrote and tag the same number of people as words. 
Thanks for the tag @mrs-steve-harrington !!
“We’ll cut through this way and find Rick’s from here.”
I’ll tag @chocoholicannanymous @briishere @p1013 @purpleyin @ivycross and anyone else who wants to join in!
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icountcards · 5 years
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anyway, @briishere and I were talking about poly Desi and this is where my mind went
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first line tag game!
tagged by @tuntematonkorppi​ ty <3
Post the first line to your last 10 fics (or chapters) and see if you can spot any trends. Then tag a few other writers to do this with you!
small note, i did a slight cheat when the first line was very short...
Waking up coughing was never a good sign. Especially when Illya didn’t remember falling asleep. the thinner the air becomes (the more we feel), The Man From Uncle 2015
Mainlining horror films was a Halloween tradition for Amanda. a light to find the way, dghda
It was hard to know if Purgatory itself was frozen or not. second chances are for demons, Wynonna Earp TV
Painfully loud music thumped through Amanda's body and she knew she wouldn't be able to hear properly for a few days afterward. that’s so punk, dghda
Mornings had never been a favourite of Amanda’s. easy mornings, dghda
Betrayal wasn’t anything new. Pain was an old friend by now, a cold and unwanted companion, but there nonetheless. we don’t talk about before, dghda
It was dark and cold and he was bound tight, limbs strapped down, his shoulders pressing painfully into the board against his back. (untitled at the moment), dghda
“Damnit!” Amanda slammed the eject button on the toaster but it was too late. Charcoal emerged. (untitled sequel to ‘that’s so punk’), dghda
Standing in front of the mirror, Amanda sighed. Her cheerleading uniform was flattering, sure, but the skirt was just so small and the sweater was so damn tight. (untitled college au with a hint of glee inspiration), dghda
The quiet was unnerving. Amanda was used to echoing metal floors and constant air filtration and the hum of thousands of people around her at any given moment. (untitled sequel to ‘find what fits’), dghda/pacific rim au
lmao ok so trends include really short opening lines? and i write about amanda a lot but that’s not news... and i also seem to write about men suffering, also not news. tagging @briishere​ @takadasaiko​ @kimbus-the-whimbus​ @hubcaphalo​ @thatfaerieprincess​ and anyone else who wants to play <3
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For the fic thing: "Starbursts, Starbucks, and Star gazing"
Plot: It would be a road trip fic.
Character A is in charge of food for the car and they just bring a ton of junk food and character B is NOT IMPRESSED because “there’s starbursts all over my car, dammit!” (to which character B replies: “starburst wrappers. I ate all the starbursts.” And then character B almost drives them off the road). 
They stop to sleep at a cheap motel and in the morning they get coffee from Starbucks even though one of them is super opposed to getting coffee there (because they’re a coffee snob). 
They’re determined to make it to their destination by the next day so they’re driving through the night and the car stops (could be because it’s broken, or maybe one of them forgot to get gas) and they argue but then eventually call a tow truck. While they’re waiting they do some star gazing. It’s a beautiful night after all and sometimes you just have to slow down and enjoy what life throws at you.
Possible fandoms (off the top of my head): 
The Librarians (knowing me it would probably be a jazekiel fic)Leverage (but then I’d alter it so it was the OT3 going on a roadtrip)Supergirl (Sanvers would be amazing, but it could also be a danvers sisters fic - maybe Alex and Kara when they’re younger and going on their first grown-up roadtrip on their own)
Send me a made up fic title and I’ll tell you what I would write for it!
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sugarpenchant · 5 years
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Tagged by @setmeatopthepyre to describe myself using photos already on my phone and yknow what, this is fairly accurate 💖 tagging @princessparadoxical @raeseddon @raptorkin @briishere
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echo-bleu · 6 years
Tag game
So I got tagged in two of these recently (thanks girls), I’m gonna do them both (two posts) and tag people and they can chose one if they want to do it?
Tagged by @ittybittymattycommittee
Rules: Tag 10 people you want to get to know better.
NAME: Emma. Though it’s a pen name. Real name has to do with flowers.
SIGN: Cancer
GENDER: Uh. I don’t even know. Agender or something, socially female.
Height: 168 cm
If I have a say in it, doing linguistic research somewhere. And art. And disability advocacy.
I’m good where I am!
FAVORITE 90’s SHOW: I don’t really have one.
YOUR LAST KISS: Like, romantic kiss? Otherwise French people kiss each other at every greeting (which I hate, btw).
HAVE YOU EVER BEEN STOOD UP? Stealing @ittybittymattycommittee‘s answer: I think that would require going on actual dates.
EVER BEEN TO VEGAS? Never been to the US.
FAVORITE SHOES: I have a new pair of Doc Martens with etched leaves <3
YOUR FAVORITE BOOK: Hard one. Fiction: Possibly LOTR, but I love a lot of books. Non fiction: currently Loud Hands, which is an incredibly powerful anthology of autistic voices.
STUPIDEST THING YOU’VE EVER DONE? I try to avoid using the word stupid this day (too easily ableist) but I would say, paraphrasing @ittybittymattycommittee again, thinking I was a broken wuss for twenty years or so.
YOUR LOCKSCREEN: A pic of northern lights I took last October.
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE GIF? Currently any of @ittybittymattycommittee‘s Gifted whump series.
I’m tagging: @eveningspirit @briishere @themutantunderground
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So my AU for this season would involve pieces of the original idea I had for writing about this season before it came out.
Anywho, I’d love to do an AU where Gambit shows up and demands that John and Clarice help him break some people he knows out of a highly locked down government facility. They’re reluctant until he explains that John also has a good reason for breaking in: they’re holding James there as a potential prototype for an improved super soldier.
Cue a massive rescue and a Proudstar reunion and whump and X-men possibly showing up and lots of Thunderblink and Gambit being Gambit and yeah!
@randomdcrambles @briishere (tagged y’all since you were curious, hope you don’t mind! 😁)
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rainbowkarolinas · 6 years
@briishere replied to your text post
I kind of like a blend of way 1 and 2? Idk if you write poly ships but Marcos and Lorna staying together but also each dating another person could be cool
!! I was literally just thinking about doing this!! I think I’m gonna do it!!
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gatefleet · 5 years
Writing prompt: Some cute Linda & Maze friendship feels? Or the whole girl squad.
Thank you so much for your request, I’m so sorry it’s taken me this long ;-;
I also deeply apologise if it’s not exactly what you were looking for (please let me know if your not happy with it and I can try a different approach if you prefer)
Thank you again for your request!!
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unhinged-girls-stan · 6 years
fave female characters ask
 Tagged by @themoonandsappho #thebesturlever 😍
rules: list 10 of your favorite female characters from 10 different fandoms and tag 10 people
1- Joan Watson (Elementary)
2- Rosa Diaz (Broklyn 99)
3- Blue Sargent (The raven Cycle)
4- Regina Mills (Once Upon A Time)
5- Sara Lance (Legends of Tomorrow))
6- Diana Prince (DC)
7-Peggy Carter (MCU)
8- Daisy Johnson (Agents of SHIELD)
9- Rosaline Capulet (Still Star Crossed)
10- Eleanor Shellstrop (The Good Place)
That was so cool, and i still have soooo many ladies to put on that list, but those were ones that really resonated with me 😍
I tag the lovely: @isaravia98 @maggiemae873 @come-on-ace @bluesidedaydream @missair-in @trans-willbyers @x-winging-it @louisearcher27 @briishere @mythicalquill
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pterawaters · 4 years
Anyone interested in a discord writer’s circle/support group for original fiction writing? Does anyone know if that already exists? I found an inactive one full of writers with instagram accounts, but I feel like a tumblr-oriented one would be more fun.
Tagging people who I know are doing original fiction. Feel free to reblog and tag others so we can build a nice-sized group. Also, feel free to mention your interest even if you’re not doing original fic at the moment. Having a cadre of cheerleaders and/or beta readers would be super helpful as well.
@briishere, @quicklikelight
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jedijenkins · 7 years
happy anniversary to the litmasons groucphat! my life would be so dull without you!
@outruneverything @fangirlandtheories @flynnscarnation @ethereumwinds @sanzochan @excaliburfeels @likeaustralianotcrosby @hamelott @briishere @battlships @slythekiel @isaiahmustafa @conversationslikeminefields 
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