#brief musing
blacksunscorpio · 2 months
This full moon at 29 degrees Capricorn is conjunct the great conjunction that occurred in December of 2020.
[Astrology can be quite literal and very intense]
The great conjunction occurred at 0 degrees Aquarius (also ruled by Saturn), which coincidentally happens to be the sign where Pluto, planet of transformation, is right now. 1 degree away from that is 29 degrees Capricorn
Which exactly where the moon is right now.
This is evoking all the sensibilities of the great conjunction from the last election year. This particular conjunction has always been famous for shifting leadership on a small and larger scale. This includes but is not limited to government infrastructure.
So what can we expect?
Elected officials deciding not to continue their run of the country.
New leadership stepping in.
Managers taking on new responsibilities or taking on other roles/jobs.
Your toxic boss/a toxic boss at your workplace quitting (always nice when the trash leaves.)
On a personal level- the culmination of hard karmic cycles and lessons.
Releasing unhealthy relationships.
New and healthy relationships starting.
Purging and shadow work.
Saturn is also still retrograde folks. He's running the skies right now. Expect karma to keep doing its thing for worse and, of course, for the better.
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heartofbusan · 2 months
The sun's radiant vibe.
Rebirth and the declaration of Park Jimin.
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Over on Twix, a quietly renowned translator named Colin delivers his version of lyric translations for nearly all BTS songs. He just posted his translations of MUSE and boy..🫠...be sure to read them as they are well thought out and nuanced. It's just beautiful the way he seeks to find the most fitting word to convey a feeling. His translation made me realize that people been sleeping on Rebirth. Not only streaming wise, it's kinda lagging behind, but lyrics wise as well.
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It's been my clear favorite since I first heard it. It reminds me of church music, say I the atheist. But it's the way that choirs can move your soul with those soaring compositions and exalted professions of love for the glorious in a harmonious coming together of voices. It's just so beautiful. I can hear you screaming: THERE’S AN ACTUAL CHOIR SINGING ALONG, OH, so that might just be it, Sherlock 🧐 ok ok. Noted.
It's also that line: "With you. I will be your reason, reason." He's singing his promise, his praise.
Rebirth is Jimin laying his love at the altar, ready to be either burned or scorned or blessed. In any case, he's no longer hiding. He's professing. He's been through utter despair, and there was his love, arm outstretched. He wants to be as one.
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Furthermore, i think Rebirth is kind of a coda to the closing song of FACE: Letter.
If Letter is a quiet confession, whispered from one lover's lips to the other's ear, warm breath tickling his hair, then Rebirth is Brat.
Rebirth is one hell of an opening song. Bold and bravely confident, utterly romantic in the meeting your lover at dawn kinda way. But the irony lies in that it would be an amazing closing song of an album. The way the choir lingers and the music resonates long after the song has ended. The clapping! It screams, ending concert song, and the audience is absolutely weeping, hugging their seat mates, mascara running, chimmy headband drooping.
There's probably a technical explanation for why, but I'm telling you, a closing song. Because once Showtime (interlude) hits, we're in a totally new environment audibly and emotionally. Yet it had to be the intro because it's the seed that was planted in FACE.
Rebirth is this Jimin:
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"Both he and the object of his affection have feelings for each other." It's mutual. Equal. I am you, you are me much?!
"So that I can sing as we lock eyes." Insert TTU 'But I still want you.' gif here
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"...implying that the other person won't let him remain hidden."
'In my despair, you act as light. Like the sun's radiant vibe, You pass by me tenderly.'
The sun is tenderly beckoning him with its warmth, to finally step into the light. We all know who has been there for Jimin throughout 2022/2023, encouraging him both publicly with his simping and privately.
Jimin told Namjoon in MMM that JK diligently helped him, assisting him when he spent two months re-training his voice for longevity.
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I don't want to read more into the lines of a song that could also be totally make-believe, but it's Jimin were talking about. A man who is willing to break down himself, piece by piece, to rebuild himself back stronger, more confident, and with his eye firmly set towards the future. Do we think he wouldn't speak in these exalted terms about his good love? Have you heard Letter!?!
No wonder Jimin wants to give pay back in bedtime cuddles. 🙂‍↕️
Rebirth is so confident, and it's not only the lyrics mind you. It's also the way he sings notes we haven't heard him sing this brazenly before. I will scream into the void once he performs this live someday. CAN YOU IMAGINE?!
Stream Muse and Rebirth for Real Love.
TLDR: Jimin is GOAT, author a simp.
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ravensroleplays · 11 months
"Kind of funny to think that I've been in love with two princesses now. One is a wonderful, incredible, kind, lady who's beautiful inside and out. The other is Vanessa."
Annnnnd...he's now screaming into his paws thinking about the elf princess he's fallen for.
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sincerity is perhaps the most important thing in the world
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outofangband · 9 months
Thinking constantly of “her heart was not faint and patience will break at the last”
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reallyrandomtj · 29 days
What if I said that my Gepard is ONE STEP away from a villain arc?
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One more of his men 'dying' in front of him?
One of them DYING to protect their Captain in the Fragmentum?
The pressure to be the perfect citizen/role model?
Enduring another fight/falling out with Serval?
Pushing himself to be the best he can be in an attempt to protect his men and citizens of Belobog from those that wish to disturb the peace? Be it other people or MONSTERS.
The constant 'silent killer' fear of the citizens turning against him?
The best way I would describe my Gepard? THIS SONG!
Gepard is ALWAYS trying his best to benefit the safety/freedom of other people BUT in HIS reality... at the end of each day he is ALWAYS on the edge of breaking down into tears and mentally claiming that Belobog, and even his siblings, deserve better than what he has already given. Only he can't or else everything he has done would be undone and the innocent would suffer! By this I mean his lack of wanting to take time off from his duties ~
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decidentia · 8 months
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Give this post a ♡ for something short and spicy in your inbox.
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cadavertrolls · 9 months
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" Would you like to see a magic trick?"
A well dressed hemoanon approaches you, dripping in silver and platinum jewelry standing out over black on black. Fabrics with magical patterns, ancient scripts that are visible only when the light catches the silk embroidery drape in all the right places, and pooling onto the ballroom floor in a way that makes it seem like he's floating when he walks.
Will you say yes?
Reblog with your problematic highbloods (or anyone you choose, really) attending the ball to be cursed judged by ""The Telestic"", a title that doesn't ring any bells... Strange.
[Sunday, in his annual pranking event, will be approaching highbloods or anyone highblood passing and inflicting his own form of petty revenge against the hemocaste system. By reblogging you're agreeing to your troll being cursed with a relatively harmless inconvenience of his choosing, which will wear off within a few days after the event, no permanent harm done! 18+ muses only, muses attending the ball but without pictures of their outfits welcome! I and Sunday will pretend they are dressed for the occasion 🖤 Multiple reblogs welcome, but one at a time please!]
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ethaneldritch · 7 months
Starting to think my LoK ideas are veering too far from the source.
I have a tendency for lightheartedness in my storytelling that hasn't been sitting well with me as of late. Maybe I've just had too much Land of the Lustrous influence leak into the mix, but I almost feel guilty for headcanoning as much wholesome stuff as I do.
LoK is a gothic tragedy, steeped in grey morality and predestination with the faintest tinge of hope on the horizon. I feel like my work, both written and visual, can't do that atmosphere justice anymore.
It was funny in the beginning: "Hey look, the big scary vampire is being silly!" But that's become almost all I contribute. I'm straight-up awful at writing angst, and yet I feel like a fraud constantly putting a positive spin on something so dark. It just feels...unrealistic. Unnatural.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I can't seem to remedy my own headcanons with what I think I "should" be headcanoning. There's no right or wrong in fandom, but because LoK's is so close-knit I fear I might "ruin" something if I stray too far from canon.
I see headcanons I disagree with all the time, and yet I somehow can't allow myself the same grace to freely play with ideas. I'm always prefacing my thoughts with phrases like "I imagine" or "I like to think", because I'm constantly wary of writing something "wrong". It's confusing, isolating, and maddening.
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anthromimicry · 5 months
hellooo, everyone! i hope all of y'all are having a good day so far... because i am here to once again lore dump on all of you all, which i apologize in advance for. but to expand more on that part in my doc where i wrote that one of misao's weaknesses is that she has an addictive personality, i mean that she is a 'love junkie' so-to-speak — and when i say that, i mean that she is very much an adrenaline seeker and/or actively seeks out adventure, which translates into her having this ongoing search for the dopamine rush that comes with starting a new relationship with someone. and whenever the original infatuation misao sometimes feels towards other people 'fades' ( since she has a fear of getting too close to someone and then having them abandon her... she often times will not allow herself to actually consider the possibility of getting into a deeper, more intimate relationship with someone, and stays stuck being in this phase where she's in love with this person in question but not in LOVE love with them if you catch my drift ) , for lack of better words, thing's go on to crash and burn because there wasn't enough of an emotional connection between them to keep the relationship they have going.
then misao is likely to just go look elsewhere for a new 'crush' or infatuation afterward; when, confronting herself as to why she is afraid of commitment and why she keeps on finding herself running from a relationship whenever she starts feeling even a bit 'too comfortable' around them, would probably be the best thing for her in reality. however... misao isn't really in a good place mentally in her current arc, so i feel as if it'll take a while for her to even acknowledge that this is indeed kind of a concerning behavior of hers. but i also meant that she has an ' addictive personality ' in other ways as well. like, i'm not going to lie, misao does overspend and could probably be considered as a ' shopaholic. ' and this behavior could have some linkage to her past seeing as she didn't have a lot as a child; not to say that anyone is at fault for that, of course. i just feel like misao feels this subconscious need to want to get things she likes the second she sees them now because she has the necessary resources to get them now ( which would be money, in this case ) when she didn't have them before. and the fact that buying something gives her this sense of instant gratification doesn't really help her case if i'm being honest. so, you could also definitely say that misao has a bit of trouble with controlling her impulses as well.
and speaking of impulses, there was also a time where misao very much overindulged in alcohol, particularly when she was still in japan + traveling with the japanese pirates that i had talked about a bit in one of my previous posts. this couldn't just be attributed to how abundant it was on the ship though; it also served as an unhealthy coping mechanism for her after her mother died and misao felt both like she was going nowhere in life + like she could go anywhere she wanted at the same time. the best way i could describe why misao felt like this was because she had never had that amount of freedom before in her life and that was quite the intimidating as well as somewhat harrowing thing to her to have to deal with. because although she might've felt alone before, misao did have her little half-brother with her and her mother, as well. but now she was running off with a bunch of pirates that she didn't know and although that part of her that craves adventure was very much satiated by this; pirates can honestly be very terrifying people.
though, once she had fallen in love with reika, thing's had certainly changed for her in a way. however... it couldn't erase that underlying emptiness that she felt in her heart at the time that was making her ask herself questions like ' why are you doing this? shouldn't you be doing something else, like taking care of ryu, for example? ' but misao kind of got swept away in all of the freedom she felt in the end ( which, she admittedly felt a bit selfish for ) , i think, and so these thoughts just started getting buried in the back of her mind. especially when they were coupled with alcohol. killing also provides her with a thrill, but she knows she has to be more careful now with when / where she does it. so that has kind of discouraged her from using it as an outlet in which she can seek her adrenaline rushes through... but yeah. i hoped y'all liked this little drabble of mine, though i know that it was actually super long and not actually ' little ' at all LOLLL.
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prettyinpunk · 1 year
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A progression of matt getting eaten by confetti
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Open Visiting Starter (Female or futa only)
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A soft sigh escaped the lips of Bulma as she heard someone call out towards her. She was currently on the island scouting out a place to build her own little paradise and expand Capsule Corp. She wanted to join in on this little legion of MILFs who lived on the island and had their own little slices of luxury. Of course that also meant following the island's rules and as such here she was, naked as the day she was born. She was hoping she could keep this as just a personal journey, but it seems fate wanted her to go through the embarrassment. She spun herself around, her breast clapping together a bit with her ass following in sync.
"Oh wow... what a surprise... I didn't think you would be interested coming to a place like this... eheh..."
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visdiefje · 9 months
I'm pretty sure my experiences haven't changed from when I last asserted my identity labels but my view kinda has I guess
#in the sense of. who cares about an orientation label if nothing ever really comes from it yknow.#it's fruitful yearning towards individuals my brain latches onto. that's the extent of it#there's no reciprocated dynamic that allows it to ever get to grow into sexuality#so like yeah I'm demi but 99.9% of the time sexuality just doesn't play into anything at all#and when it does it's brief blips that also don't go anywhere#and I have a pretty good idea of the pool of people I'm theoretically attracted to#but that also just. doesn't matter much once my brain latches onto someone and runs its tiring one sided course#and my gender is still accurate technically but I also have Nothing to say or think about it. it's all whatever#basically all the labels are still accurate it just means very little to me anymore.#it's weird cause it used to be an identity point right. of like hi! I'm [gender] [sexuality] and it's rooted in how you see yourself#and now if I think about how I would introduce myself. well. I wouldn't know but those elements aren't really on the radar to be honest#it comes into play so rarely that like. literally who cares#it's just wild cause people my age who I used to share online spaces with are still strongly debating over what it means to be x or y#and it just. doesn't matter to me anymore. I'm Anders and I like people out of my league generally speaking. hi etc#anyway musing rambling. it's okay if you feel different also#I guess those posts about how definitions matter less when you're older and more in irl spaces were right#bien rambles
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bhaalsdeepbat · 8 months
Astarion and Karlach are perfect foils showing how trauma from having autonomy ripped from you, your body forcibly changed, and then used as a pawn serving a master can present wildly different, but still with that same under layer of RAGE.
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pestilentbrood · 1 year
would it be beneficial for y’all for me to make a brief overview post that explains each of my clans . And then link to it in my pinned post.
The problem here is that There Are Many of them. Because I’m ill. And I never stop making groups of guys. perhaps all u need to know is incompetence funny. Ignore the like. 10(??) or so other clans
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hellizens · 8 months
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