ladyfranlly · 3 years
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come back!
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twin-books · 4 years
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tbriddle · 6 years
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I love these two and they deserve nothing less than unconditional love. 
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ladyfranlly · 3 years
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hola otra vez, este  es mi verdadero estilo ya q forzaba mucho al estilo pv creeme cuesta mucho
en  fin volvere la proxima pero ya  digitalizados  
hello again, this is my true style as it forced a lot to the pv style believe me it costs a lot anyway I'll be back next time but already digitized
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ladyfranlly · 3 years
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ladyfranlly · 4 years
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(I see that most people this platform in English well ... I will write 2 languages ​​hehehehe although I don't speak much English) anyway I have a devianart page where I show my drawing was a year ago it was my last digitizations of devianart of ladybug pv since there I will not do for ladybug pv if not from another fandom and here only ladybug pv
the truth is I stay great! (I took a week to do it)
 tengo una pagina devianart, donde muestro mi dibujo, fue hace un año fue mi ultimas digitalizaciones de devianart de ladybug pv ya que alli no hare para ladybug pv si no de otro fandom y aqui solo ladybug pv
la verdad me quedo grandioso! (dure una semana en hacerlo)
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ladyfranlly · 4 years
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el Dia de hoy fue mi mejor cumpleaños de todos una amiga Xd es venezolana como yo heheh me hizo el mejor regalo <3 amé como quedo el dibujo de LADYBUG PV, aunq sean de distancia hay que ver lo q te aprecian y nunca dejar este tipo de amistades gracias Danna <3
Today was my best birthday of all, a friend Xd is Venezuelan like I heheh gave me the best gift <3 I loved how the drawing of LADYBUG PV was, even if they are away, you have to see what they appreciate and never leave this guy from friends thanks Danna <3
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ladyfranlly · 4 years
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fan art en proceso.... aunque tengo problemas con el de frente. expresiones de ladybug y chat noir  
fan art in process .... although I have problems with the front. expressions of ladybug and chat noir
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ladyfranlly · 4 years
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esta es mi primer digitalización mejor mi fan art ladybug pv :c aunque la original se me perdió en sai esta la versión chica es de 2017 que lindo...el día que pueda lo redigitalizo mejorandolo
this is my first digitization better my fan art ladybug pv :c although the original was lost in sai this the girl version is from 2017 how cute ... the day I can I will redigitalize it improving it
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twin-books · 5 years
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Hi, I decided not to put these on my art account since I have no intention of finishing them, they were just fun little sketches. The bottom is what I think Bridgette (concept Marinette) would look like in the CGI show.  The top is self explanatory and my favorite.
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twin-books · 5 years
Discord Seemed to Really like the Story I Wrote
So here it is, on ao3; https://archiveofourown.org/works/22324228 And fan fiction net; https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13481536/1/Just-an-Umbrella Inspired by @edorazzi‘s Mentor AU and a chat I had with people in the PV discord. Enjoy.
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twin-books · 5 years
I gotta nice crossover AU for ya guys
Alrighty, so technically this AU is part of an even BIGGER AU I have deemed the “Zagtoon Theory” inspired heavily by the Pixar Theory. But anyway...
Miraculous Ladybug and Power Players. Hear me out... Alright if you haven’t heard of @edorazzi​‘s mentor AU please check it out because its kind of heavily inspired by it but don’t take it as “canon” to her AU at all, this is entirely separate. Credit goes to my friend @ratheroddranger for the help and inspiration in this AU. It was fun. 
Anyway, so Bridgette and Felix had a son. That son is Axel. The business trip Axel’s parents have to go on is a fashion emergency in Paris at first but then it kind of goes on longer than expected when they discover Adrien is trying to figure out how to be Chat Noir all alone.
Bridgette and Felix entrusted an old friend of there’s, Axel’s uncle, to take care of their son while they were away. Axel’s uncle used to be Sparrow and that would explain his amazing skills at tinkering.
Axel likes to think his parents are spies since fashion is boring and they seem to be keeping secrets from him. They have no idea he can turn into a little superhero action figure.
Axel gets his bubbly energy from his mother.
Adrien is initially surprised to find out Bri and Felix have a son but after finding out he constantly begs to meet him somehow. Their hesitant at first but eventually realize they miss their son and would love to have him visit since due to the rise in akumas lately Adrien needs more help than ever.
Axel takes one of the power players with him, because they insist that the power bands need to be looked after even though Axel thinks they should focus on stopping Madcap. He is really excited to see his parents, though, but hopes they don’t try to make him stay in Paris. Of course his uncle comes along.
Chat Noir visits Bridgette and Felix’s balcony as per usual but sets his gifts aside when he discovers both of them, along with a man he doesn’t recognize, are hovering around someone. Felix notices Chat enter and introduces Axel to him, and introduces him as Chat Noir. They eventually let Axel and his uncle get their stuff unpacked and pull Chat aside to talk.
They both don’t want Axel knowing Chat’s identity and they don’t want Axel knowing they are helping him with his powers. They want Axel to be under the idea that Chat Noir just comes to check up on them every once and a while and Adrien is just a young model they are helping. Chat is kind of sad but understands.
However after several visits from Chat Noir, Axel eventually becomes too curious and when Chat happens to visit while his parents are away, Axel takes this opportunity to follow Chat to school, where he discovers Chat and Adrien are the same person.
Adrien only notices when Nino points out a kid followed him onto campus and Adrien becomes sheepish, mumbling something about Axel being his cousin, inwardly screaming and hoping Bri and Felix don’t kill him later.
Marinette believes Axel to be Adrien’s cousin and tries to get on his good side but she mentions something about babysitting him and Axel doesn’t take to kindly to her after that.
Adrien has to explain to the teachers that he’s supposed to be watching Axel since Axel’s parents could not find a sitter to try and keep them from calling Nathalie.
Axel’s toy bud experiences a negative emotion, however, and is akumatized. General problems ensue and Axel tries to dawn his suit to help his friend but Adrien tells him to stay out of trouble and he’ll stop it with Ladybug.
Axel gets in trouble however and Ladybug is kind of annoyed with this kid already as Mari but Chat screams something about that being his brother and Ladybug just panics so Chat jumps in to try to save Axel but that’s when Axel uses the power bands.
They save the day but Axel pulls Chat aside and asks him to not tell his parents about his magical powers or his living toy friend and begs him to tell them he was the one akumatized as Felix and Bridgette race up on the scene to make sure their son (and secretly Chat Noir) are okay. Ladybug has already run off by this point.
Chat decides to keep Axel’s secret because he understands but he does tell them that Axel followed him and he now knows who he is so they are ticked at first but are just glad Axel is okay and now Adrien and Axel have a little secret.
Meanwhile Marinette is left wondering if Adrien and Chat are really cousins.
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twin-books · 6 years
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I saw this meme and this was the first thing I thought of. I am not sorry, I shall never be sorry. The folks on the PV Discord Chat and I have been talking so here’s their lovely contributions; bri: i cant believe felix is proposing to me! felix: ... i cant tie my shoe around you anymore can I? Me: Best part about all of this is Felix doesn't seem to have any actual shoelaces so what the heck is he doing. XD His sock fell down Me: Bri: YESSSS Felix: pulls up sock and stands up What? Bri: blushes Yess! Go! You pull up that sock! runs off Felix: She gets stranger and stranger everyday. LOL"Yes felix of course I will!" "Will what?" "Will... support you pulling up your sock" darts off Me: To be fair, that's probably the best proposal she'll get out of Felix. XD bonus points is if that's how he goes to propose years later~years later~ felix goes down on one knee bri: (YES HE'S GOING TO PROPOSE) felix: damn rock in my shoe bri: (nooo) felix rummages around in his shoe for a second felix then pulls out wedding ring
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ladyfranlly · 6 years
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