#bridget and ella
versusvirtuous · 23 days
More Youtube Videos because I got bored and made a bunch of them
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imahumashipper · 22 days
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rainbowcatz123 · 2 months
Bridget and Ella are so Good Luck, Babe
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txicyuri · 2 months
she doesn’t know in another timeline she turned out cold and abusive to the person she loved the most…
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rickybowen · 2 months
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asty-strauss · 1 month
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Bridgella brainrot goes BRRRRRRRRRRR
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saturnisaroace · 1 month
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📸 disneydescendants on IG
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aksandvks · 2 months
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According to the Book Disney Descendants: Up Close! Mal was born in 1999.
She was 6 years old when she wasn’t invited to Evie’s 6th Birthday Party, which took place 10 years after all the villains were banished to the Island. Which places it in 2005. (Isle of The Lost Novel)
That means that That Auradon was created in 1995.
It also means that Rise of Red takes place in 2025.
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mr-walkingrainbow · 2 months
DESCENDANTS: The Rise of Red! (or the REAL hidden story in the movie + what’s gonna happen in the sequel THEORY!)
So we ALL watched the movie right? We ALL thought the plot sucked and the movie ended abruptly with a underwhelming climax?
So I did some really deep thinking, and I figured, these writers can’t be THAT stupid? The director can’t be THAT idiotic, lame, and boring? That would just embarrass Disney, not to mention all the well respected actors that are in this!
So I thought hard. I thought hard and I thought long. Like hella long. And I tallied up all the plot inconsistencies, all the weird explanations, all the very specific lines in songs, and I did it. I fixed descendants rise of red! I FIGURED IT OUT!
So!! Here it is! What TRULY happened that crowncoming night! And what going back in time actually did!
(I intentionally put a keep reading so if anyone wanted to avoid spoilers they can)
So! Now that we’re under the keep reading. Anything spoilerly can be said!
So first things first. The biggest theory everyone is saying.
Yes! I said it! We all thought the movie was leading to this! So it was underwhelming when it was revealed it was Uliana and her crew were the origins behind the prank.
We all saw that once they opened the book; they were frozen. Because they were ‘bad’ and Merlin’s security system was set into place.
And many of you came up with the giant plot hole that this would have happened REGARDLESS of whether Red and Chloe interfered.
This sole reason, is why the group COULDNT have done it! Not only were they frozen, but they couldn’t read the recipe, and were properly sent to detention, ergo exonerating them from being at the dance! Meaning their was literally no way they could have been behind the prank!
So with them being withheld from the dance, who could it be? Who was the one person who was originally at the dance, but now no longer could be? What was the one actual change that Red and Chloe set off?
We all see that when the two go into Ella’s house, Chloe knocks over a Vase. Breaking it. Lady Tremaine GROUNDS Ella! Meaning that she COULD NOT go to the dance!
This DIDNT happen originally! Meaning Ella DID go to the dance in the original timeline! Which is proven when Cinderella (I’m calling Adult Ella, Cinderella) talks to The Red Queen (I’m calling Adult Bridget The Red Queen) about how the prank being pulled was wrong. She had first handed knowledge of the prank. AND she told Chloe she fell in love with Charming at the dance.
But! Since Ella is the only difference in the two timelines in regarding to the dance, this is PROOF that she was the one who actually pranked Bridget, NOT Uliana and her crew!
So here’s what I think happened!
Ella, who saw Bridget being bullied about the cupcakes, and saw Uliana take all the cupcakes. And promptly being threatened by Uliana. Decided to bake Bridget something to cheer her up. However Bridget literally has all of the cookbooks in auradon. As shown. So she snoops around and finds Merlin’s cookbook! (Because it’s also shown she’s okay with breaking the rules if it’s for a good cause. From her get our hands dirty song!) and double and, the book WOULD open for her because she is a good person. AND she was doing it for a good reason!
she flips through the book and finds some simple blase recipe that cheers Bridget up. Maybe gives her cool hair (Red hair??). Something simple but sweet.
However. While doing this, she happens to see the Monster food recipe. She doesn’t look at it for long of course. Just enough to remember it’s a thing.
Now! I swear to whatever’s out there that the person who played Chloe said there was a queer character in Dedcendants 4. I can’t find it now but it was some tumblr or insta post. I know cause I immediately told my friend afterwards.
Anywho. I think Bridget is the queer character! We see in the movie her only friend was Ella. Not only that but she YEARNS for someone to care about enough to ask her out (in a romantic way like charming just tried to do for Ella) Ella, who again. Is Bridget’s only friend. And ergo, shows her love no one else does, IMMEDIATELY asks her to go to the dance with her! (Might have said as friends in the other timeline too. Who knows)
But! This only makes Bridget’s crush on Ella even BIGGER. And she falls in love with her! She probably thinks they might have a chance!
This is also somewhat proven by The Red Queens song ‘Love Ain’t It’
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Title ; Love Ain’t It
Red : “With all the Grief you’ve experienced”
Red (Speaking of Cinderella) : So you Knew her?
The Red Queen : I saw through her. Cinderella and I were classmates in a way.
(Notice how she uses Ella’s mocking name after she has time to recover from the interaction. She said ELLA originally when she caught her off guard. Also. The line. I SAW THROUGH HER. It’s a double edged sword. Saw through her fronts. Saw the hurting girl inside. Saw through her LIES saw the mean girl behind)
Proven by the next lines
The red Queen : I spent way to much time in this place
So I had to escape
the people might smile
but their two faced, too fake.
Girl was relentlessly bullied and betrayed by someone she loved
And Ella Knows it.
Cinderella : Some people act mean at first, because their too afraid to feel
[the reverse is also true]
Cinderella : Look hon. Back in high school, a mean prank was played
And ever since that fateful day
She was never the same, it’s quite a shame.
So the Red Queen sings a whole song about how Love isn’t it. And we ALL KNOW that her only connection to love as a kid was through ELLA. meaning Bridget HAD A CRUSH on Ella. Was IN LOVE. With Ella.
So. How did Crowncoming originally happen you ask?
Here’s my theory
Ella and Bridget go to the dance. They are happy! They have fun. Bridget falls further in love with Ella. Meanwhile. Ella falls in love with Charming!
Her and Charming hit it off. And Ella starts to feel loved and appreciated for the first time in her life.
Then, Bridget performs her ‘Shuffle of Love’ dance. All the attention is on her! Even Charmings.
Ella feels robbed. She feels jealous. She feels angry that her friend is stealing the one good moment she is finally having to herself.
And so she briefly remembers the spell. And in a moment of error, she either A. Remembers the recipe already and makes the recipe. Or B. Re-Sneaks back into the office to see it. However I’m going with A because the book wouldn’t have opened again for Ella because of her bad intentions.
Whichever way. Bridget eats the baked treat. (I think it was a cupcake. Ella could have lied and said it was from the earlier batch)
And then. IT HAPPENS! Bridget is turned into an ugly terrifying monster. Everyone LAUGHS at her. Everyone makes fun of her
And Bridget, who is confused, understands only ONE person could have done this to her. She looks at someone she was in love with. And just sees Ella and Charming laughing. Laughing at her. Bonding over laughing at HER.
Bridget runs off. In tears. Broken inside. With an equally broken heart.
Maybe if Ella had immediately realized her error and run after her she would have turned out differently. But no. It is proven that Ella stayed at the dance and stayed with Charming. They wouldn’t have had the chance to fall in love if she left.
So Bridget. Spends the rest of the night terrified. Looking like a monster. And being laughed and screamed and made fun of everywhere she goes. And not only that. But her ONLY FRIEND. Her CRUSH. Someone she TRUSTED did this to her
Now THIS! THIS is something can break a person. This is something that can change their views on the world. On humanity itself. She was a kind girl. Was kind to everyone no matter how meanly they treated her. But through it all, Ella was her rock. Her friend. Her secret love. Someone who was good and kind through it all.
But she betrayed her. Tbe one nice person betrayed her. Showing that being nice doesn’t do it. Being nice does not mean good things happen. Being nice doesn’t is worthless if this is what it gets you. Everyone is two faced. And the only thing that’s real. The only thing she CAN feel. Is hurt. And pain. And fear. And so that’s what she swears to become. That’s what she swears to do. Be mean and cruel and heartless so she never has to feel all this pain ever again. So her eventual DAUGHTER never has to feel this again. It’s better to be alone and feared. Then alone and broken.
Ella probably realized the error of her ways the next day. But as she said. It was too late. Bridget was never the same.
This Explains why they had so many odd interactions. The raw feral burning chemistry between them. All the odd phrase. Why The Red Queen would be okay sending her BEST FRIEND to death. Why she would be okay killing her. And taking over auradon. To Her? Cinderella is the one who made her this way.
but also part of her still remembers. Still cares. It’s why she gave her once chance to kneel to her. (And as we’ve noted in the books and movies. She doesn’t give ANYONE else a second chance. She punishes I’m immediately and harshly)
And so! With all of this happening. Theirs gonna be some catylist in recent times. The Red Queen might be nice now. But something will have changed. Ella never went to the dance. (She clearly fell in love with charming somewhere else cause otherwise Chloe would have disappeared) but something happened when she wasn’t at the dance. Something that caused another problem. And THATS gonna be the sequel to this movie. Descendants : Rise of Red part two.
(as we’ve seen the official script for the movie is literally called Descendants : Rise of Red part one. MEANING they wrote it with the purpose of being part one to either a sequel or a threequal)
And THAT! Ladies and Gentleman, is what I think the REAL plot behind Descendants : Rise of Red is! A movie that is not idiotically not thought out at all, but really something so secretly genuis is blows your mind!
Hope you enjoyed!
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shuffleoflove · 2 months
"red and chloe were so gay for each other!!" guys. come on. how did you miss what was in front of you the whole time??
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fishyupmywishy · 2 months
I watched Descendants: Rise of Red AND OH MY GOD???
The entire movie is so gay.
You can’t tell me that Bridget didn’t have a crush on Ella. You CANNOT tell me CHLOE DID NOT HAVE A CRUSH ON RED.
they are homosexuals. They are IN LOVE
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versusvirtuous · 27 days
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desperately wanna write a childhood friends to lovers au w chloe and red in the timeline where bridget never goes evil and is still besties w ella
like imagine all the hangouts and sleepovers they have, crying and whining when they have to be separated because red, dear, we really must return home or chloe, love, we've been in wonderland for a week already
imagine little chloe bursting into her parents' bedroom declaring that she'll always be red's knight in shining armour, because every princess, especially a crown princess, needs a knight to protect her and ella and christopher just KNOWING that chloe is gonna stay by red's side forever and ever
so they start planning the wedding with bridget, thrilled to have the opportunity to bring their families even closer together. they're gonna be in laws! a family, just like they've always dreamed.
imagine little red telling her mum that chloe has a really pretty smile and really pretty eyes, and it makes her happy to see chloe happy, and that chloe is the bestest friend in the whole wide world and bridget has to stop herself from squealing and pinching red's adorably flushed cheeks, because her daughter was so in love already, even if it was just puppy love. that doesn't stop her from screaming gleefully into her pillow later that night tho
imagine them growing up together, attached at the hip, never straying from the other's side. imagine them going to auradon together, everyone already knowing that red and chloe, chloe and red, are a package deal. you can't get one without the other, a known fact since the duo were old enough to travel through the rabbit hole on their own
imagine chad walking in on them cuddling, watching a movie and cooing at them, snapping pictures on his phone before they notice him, yelling at him to leave them alone. alright, alright, I'll leave you lovebirds alone and red flushes in mortification and shut the fuck up chad, we're completely platonic and you know this because little miss goody-goody would definitely be rougher around the edges, growing up with red, and she'd definitely cuss up a storm at chad, but she loves him, she swears, just maybe not as much as she loves red
imagine them going through all the motions of a romantic relationship, cuddles, cheek kisses, hand holding, cute dates and all that, but insisting that it's just platonic, and that's how they've always been because they're best friends and their parents are so very done with them, just praying for them to get together, and chad has even started a betting pool for when they'll realise they love each other. he thinks it'll take them until at least their second year at auradon prep - at least, it'll take chloe that long
imagine chloe and red having matching lock screens, and having each other set as their home screens as well. imagine red baking chloe anything she asks for, like peppermint cookies and flamingo feather cupcakes and blueberry muffins, because chloe, her princess, her knight, has a raging sweet tooth that red can't help but indulge every time. imagine chloe taking red on ice cream dates, because red LOVES ice cream, and refusing to let her pay for it because red was a princess and deserved only the best treatment, thank you very much and red has to point out that chloe, you're a princess too. but, red, you're the crown princess and im your loyal knight <3
imagine red finally realising her feelings and ranting at the council of parents because holy shit aunt ella, your daughter is so dense?? and christopher can't help but cringe because he knows exactly who chloe got that trait from and he's like I'm sorry but while we charmings are quite, charming, we're also quite oblivious, especially to matters of the heart and bridget can't stop laughing because darling, you may need to hit her with glass shoes for her to figure it out, which makes ella blush because that's exactly what she had to do that night at castlecoming
god I have so many feels about this I am totally normal about glassheart. final part absolutely inspired by @strugglingsapphic's recent post bc I love the idea of oblivious chloe not knowing shit
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weaponizedducks · 2 months
not bridget immediately turning into an evil dictator after one failed wlw situationship. she just like me fr
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flamingoofeathers · 2 months
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pairings: james hook x mermaid!reader
summary: Uliana finds out the big secret and goes crazy.
genre: hurt/comfort, fluff
one shot; wc: 1.7 k
main masterlist j.hook masterlist
a/n: here’s part two of the james hook x mermaid!reader, that i didnt expect to get any attention at all, so i wanted to THANK EVERYONE who read it and left a like, i really appreciate it and it gives me motivation to write. I hope you enjoy this one too!
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The morning after Castlecoming was spent in Hook's dorm after they had gone back there after the dance and cuddled all night long.
Hook woke up before Y/n, stared at her with so much longing and love, yet sadness for the girl. He was worried about what's about to come, he knew that the word of his infatuation towards a certain royal would reach the whole campus, then reach Uliana, but for now all he cared was the girl wrapped in his arms, dressed in his pj's, his love, his princess, his y/n.
A small groan was heard from the girl, slowly opening her eyes and smiled when she saw her boyfriend staring at her “good morning” she rasped before snuggling back into his chest.
“morning, darling” Hook caressed her head before leaning down to kiss her forehead.
They stayed in silence, both dreading the moment they need to talk about what had happened between the two of them even if they didnt want to.
“So-“ Hook got caught off by the ear-deafening scream from outside the dorm.
Hook sat up immediately and grabbed the girl, pushing her towards the door “you need to go, y/n, now!”
Y/n stumbled, confused “what? Are you going to hide me again, James?” Y/n said getting madder, she thought that after what happened last night, they would be alright.
“I promise you, my love, i won’t, you know how Uliana is, i dont want you to get hurt” Hook pleaded to her as he opened the door and lead her out right as Uliana was rushing down the corridor with the rest of the Vk’s rushing from behind her.
“YOU!!” Uliana yelled pointing at Y/n.
“Go. Go! I love you” Hook kissed her cheek before urging her to run away.
“YOU! I SAID STOP” Uliana was about to run after her, but James blocked her way “you got a problem with her, you talk to me, yeah?” James said getting in Uliana’s face with a menacing glare.
Uliana was lost for words, cuz how dare he talk back to her.
“J-james, i’m sorry, we tried to stop her” Maleficent said out of breathe as she and the guys caught up to them.
“It’s fine, Mali, thank you though” James smiled at her “but we need to talk alone” he sighed as he entered his room, staring expectantly at Uliana to enter.
Uliana rolled her eyes before begrudgingly entering the dorm, slamming the door close.
“What were, no, what ARE you thinking, Hook!? Dating a royal!?” Uliana was livid, for a reason even he doesn’t know.
“Why? Why does it matter to you?” James sighed, already tired of this conversation.
“WHY!? SHE’S A ROYAL-“ Uliana got cut off.
“AND!? SO WHAT IF SHE’S ROYAL!? HMM!?” James yelled back
“AND I AM! Just….just not with her” Hook’s voice got softer at the mention of the girl he fell in love with.
Uliana scoffed “You’re pathetic, Hook. Going all soft for that pitiful little mermaid”
“Dont. Don’t talked about her like that, when 𝘺𝘰𝘶-“ hook scoffed “you’re just 𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘤𝘶𝘳𝘦 and 𝘫𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘰𝘶𝘴 of Ursula, why? Because you’re weak and powerless compared to her. If anyone here is pathetic and pitiful, it’s 𝙮𝙤𝙪.” Hook provoked while Uliana just stared at her friend with a shocked look on her face.
“It’s her or us, Hook.” Uliana said in a tight voice.
“Get out.” Hook said opening the door.
“Her or us!” Uliana yelled.
“You know the answer to that. get out.” Hook rubbed his temple, he can feel a head ache coming.
“You really are useless” Uliana scoffed before stomping her way out the room.
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After getting, basically, pushed out of her boyfriends, or at least she thinks her boyfriend, she doesnt know anymore, she walked back to her dorm.
She dropped to her bed, confused about everything that had happened, when a knock was heard. She stood up, opening the door only to be pushed back in by a pink and blue hair.
“Y/N! OH MY GOD!!” Bridget screeched as she grabbed the girls arms and shook it continuously.
“YOU AND JAMES! WHATTTT! THATS CRAZY” Bridget was overly excited while Ella on the other hand was just awkwardly smiling at her.
“YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER” Bridget was jumping up and down with Ella trying to stop her.
“I’m sorry about her” Ella apologised, as she got Bridget to calm down as much as she can.
Y/n startled by what had occurred waved it off “no no, uh, dont worry about it and i’m sorry, you know, for dating one of your bullies-“ Bridget cut her off.
“Oh no, they don’t bully us, they’re just messing around” Bridget brushed off like the nice person she is, meanwhile Ella just stared at her flabbergasted.
“What she means, is that, you don’t need to apologise, you can’t control what you feel, i should know, i never thought i’d like a royalty but here i am” Ella said blushing.
“Oh, right! Congratulations to you and Charming, you guys make such a perfect couple” Y/n said, remembering the cute couple.
“Thank you, but as i was saying, he might be mean to us, but as long as he’s good to you, then that’s all that matters” Ella said as Bridget rushed to hugged the both of them, startling the both of them.
“OHHHH! YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTEEEE!” Bridget squealed as she squeeze the two girl.
When they pulled away, y/n took her hand into hers “You’ll find that perfect someone for you too, Bridget” y/n said with pity, because she knows how much the girl wanted someone.
“Don’t worry about me, y/n!” Bridget said, still cheerfully and just then door creaked as a figure emerged, It was Hook, who stood awkwardly at the door, he wasn’t expecting to see Ella and Bridget.
“Umm, you know, we should go” Ella said noticing the sudden tension, pulling Bridget with her who said “oh my god, you’re so cute together” before the door closed behind Hook.
There was a beat of silence before Hook broke it.
“Well, Bridget seems nice” he said hesitantly.
“Are you serious?” Y/n said shocked.
“I always thought she was just annoyingly positive” Hooks said explained.
“Yeah well, you would know if you actually talked to her besides making fun of her and Ella, but what do you want, Hook.” Y/n said with a hard voice as she walked towards her bed.
Hook set down the girls dress she had left there last night before kneeling down in front of the seated girl.
“Please don’t call me that, anything but Hook” he pleaded but the girl just stared at him with the same annoyed expression.
“I talked to Uliana” he explained.
“And?” Y/n said.
“Well, i guess, we’re not friends anymore” he let out a small chuckle.
“What!?” The girl said shocked “why?”
“She made me choose between you and them, Y/n” Hook said confused at the girls reaction, he thought she’d be happy.
“And…you chose me?”
“I would 𝙖𝙡𝙬𝙖𝙮𝙨 choose you, my love” Hook said before kissing the back of her hand and the girl lets him.
“But-“ the girl was confused, so so confused “just the other day, you were ignoring me, for gods know why”
“I was a coward, ok? The day i was supposed to meet you, Maleficent stopped me, apparently she already knew about us, along with Morgie and Hades, and they’re cool about it too” he smiled at the thought of his three friends “but Uliana didn’t know and she was starting to suspect something, apparently she’s been following me around for days before that, because i was acting weirdly and i was scared that if she found out, she would hurt you, so i distanced myself from you and it got her off my back, but 𝘨𝘰𝘥, was it torture to be apart from you, for so long, i missed you” Hook said cupping the girls face and brushing off the tears that started to fall from her eyes.
“You could’ve told me, James” she whispered, afraid that her voice might break “i could’ve handled her bullying”
“Yeah, but I wouldn’t, y/n. I wouldn’t have been able to take seeing you get hurt” hook said desperately “but its okay now, because anyone who hurt you would come through me first, I don’t care anymore, y/n… i just want to love you publicly and now we can” Hook’s voice broke as tears of joy ran down his cheeks, y/n catching them before kissing him.
“Everything’s going to be okay now” Hook said to her lips.
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Week’s has passed and the couple has never been happier, going out in public, sharing kisses in front of everyone, some might say that they’re worse than Jasmine and Aladdin but the two didn’t care.
There were a few of the rebels who tried to bully y/n when she was alone but Hook always arrived before anything happened. He soon found out from Morgie that Uliana was the one to send them to which Hook wasn’t even surprised. Although as time went on, the attacks soon lessened until they were left all alone.
What did surprise the couple was on one faithful day, Uliana approached them nervously with the rest if the VK’s behind her, trying to give her encouragement as she apologised for how she reacted and for the attacks she sent towards the girl.
Y/n forgave her as she noticed the honesty in the girls eyes but Hook was still skeptical of the witches behaviour.
Hook eventually forgave her and went back to being a VK.
Everything went back to normal but better. Y/n and Hook was finally together publicly and the bullying lessened, cuz they still needed to keep their reputation even if they only played harmless pranks towards Ella and Bridget.
Uliana was still weirded out to see the two but she can live with it.
They were living their best lives. Soon they finished school and went to college, relationship still going strong. It was a dream come true.
Their 𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙮 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙖𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧.
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marigoldwriter · 27 days
Bridget: Why is everyone so obsessed with top or bottom? Honestly, I’d just be excited to have a bunk bed.
Red: I'm gonna tell her.
Ella & Chloe, in unison: Don't you dare.
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