#brennan o'challaghn
leoswritingcorner · 2 years
SW October Prompts Day 3: Sunset
ft. a royal brennan and nightsister kendra
It’s not often that there is time to let their guard down. Without having to constantly be looking over their shoulders, or keeping an eye out for anything or anyone unusual.
But here and now, on Alderaan, it was one of those rare moments. Kendra sits closely by him, her dark hair lifting slightly along with the blowing breeze, her eyes training on the horizon. The field around them lush with greenery, and endless colors of flowers.
Brennan sets the pack of intel that Kendra had brought just moments ago beside him, and follows her gaze to the sky that began to melt into a twilight. The information could wait. At least for a moment.
“I never seen one like it,” Kendra says suddenly. Her voice is soft. Almost as if she’s nervous she’d disrupt the sunset before them. Brennan looks at her, the markings along her face almost seem to glow against the sun’s last rays of the day. “Like it’s own magic,” She muses
“The sunset?” Brennan asks, leaning back. His hand brushes closely by her’s, and Kendra’s fingers twitch before shyly resting over his. He sees her nod, her amber eyes glancing to him before looking back. “I take it Dathomir didn’t have such impressive sunsets?”
Kendra snorts lightly, shaking her head. “No,” she agrees. “Nothing like this. On Dathomir there’s no other colors like this,” she says, holding her hand out towards the skyline. She begins to trace the blend of colors of the sky and clouds, Brennan’s eyes watching her every movement. “The dark blue, purple, pink, even the orange and red are different. They…it’s like it’s own magic,” she repeats “coming together as one,” she adds gently
Her fingers curl around his, and Brennan holds her hand back. They sit in silence, the winds sweeping from the Triplehorn mountains, and the emerging nightlife speaking for them as the stars above begin to appear one by one.
“When all this is over,” Brennan starts, catching the Nightsister’s attention, “I’ll take you to see every sunset across the galaxy,” he promises
Kendra feels a jolt of magic jump through her at his words, and the way his olive eyes gaze at her even in the light of the rising moon. Not dark and shadowy magic as she was taught and raised in, but something just like the sunset. Pure and light.
They’d be like the colors of twilight, coming together as one.
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leoswritingcorner · 3 years
tol and smol prompt 2
[ MELT ] for the taller muse to lean down so they can bury their face into the shorter one’s shoulder.
prompted by @headcanonsfromanelfblossom
He doesn’t answer. His eyes look over her face silently as guilt builds within his chest. Lucky feels her own heart weigh heavy and reaches up carefully to the bruise that begins to form over Brennan’s face, letting her hand lightly cup his cheek.
“Brennan,” She repeats gently. “We’re okay. We made it out.” Lucky assures, keeping her voice from wavering.
They always found a way, but this time, it wasn’t as easy. To Lucky, it was a miracle they were even standing here.
“I’m sorry,” Brennan finally breathes out. His hand covers over hers. She feels his fingers curl around her own and squeeze as if she would disappear, or he’d be back there without her.
Lucky sighs, a shakily smile coming to her lips. “What for?” She shakes her head. “Sugar, it was just as much of my idea as yours.” She glances around and gives a light tug to his hand. “Let’s go, we need to clean up.” 
They walk in a silence that leads to racing thoughts, especially in Brennan. He did not miss the forming bruises on Lucky, or the dirt that matted into her skin. What he had seen before, he hoped and prayed he’d never have to see again in his life. They had been vulnerable, and at the same time, never stronger. But to see the look that had been in Lucky’s eyes. A lump grows in Brennan’s throat and he slows his steps to a stop. His hand squeezes around hers again. Lucky pauses at the halt and turns to him questioningly. “What’s wrong?” She asks worriedly, looking over him for any other injury.
This time Brennan’s hand comes up and cups against her face, stilling her concerning search and guiding her gaze to his eyes. “Just…let me look at you,” Brennan says, his voice cracking slightly, his throat dry and raw still. Lucky leans into his touch, tears finally gathering in her eyes and spilling over her cheeks. She pulls his hand forward and presses a kiss to his palm. With a pull, he tugs her closer and leans down, until his head is resting on her shoulder. Lucky feels the warmth of his own tears soaking into her shirt. Her fingers move in gentle strokes through his hair, as she holds tight to his shoulder with her other hand. 
They stay that way and let their tears fall quietly.
They would be okay.
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leoswritingcorner · 3 years
the princess and the knight
an brenken idea that popped into my head
A crash of wood striking against armor fills the air, stunned cries echoes throughout the crowd as the knight tumbles from his horse. Kendra winces, and it feels as if the blow was dealt to her own chest.
“Princess,” The King warns in a low tone, his eyes halting her movement to stand. Kendra turns to face him abashed, and with a slight bow of her head, settles back into her seat. As a princess, she had to maintain her pose. Not just for the court, but all the subjects in attendance as well. It didn’t stop her fingers from gripping tightly into the armrests of the chair.
Swords begin to clash as the fallen knight continues to uphold his fight against his rival. Both vying for her heart. Kendra’s heart races and she can’t help but lean forward for a better view. The knights circle each other, taunting and insulting one another, before launching into another fight. Their swords slash and strike.
The battle seems to last for an eternity, as the crowd cheers rambunctiously. It’s all lost on Kendra as she focuses solely on her knight. Even from a distance, she sees the way his olive green eyes flash in intensity. “Please…” She whispers, silently pleading to him. “Please,” She closes her eyes as a loud clang rings out. The crowd’s roar is deafening and Kendra’s eyes fly open.
Her knight stands victoriously over his opponent. Ignoring the king’s protest, Kendra stands, and gives a joyous shout. The knight turns from the crowd’s praises and looks to her, giving her a smile, and bow. It took a while for him to earn the love of the crowd, but her heart had always belonged to him.
Brennan groans as he lifts his shirt and looks at the forming bruise on his side. The cold night air chills his skin and he shoves his shirt back down. He was going to have to talk to the other knight actor about the force he used in his jousting. But then again, that was one of the hazards of working a medieval themed dinner show. The sound of footsteps catches his attention, he spots Kendra wandering to him. Gone was her royal gown, and elegant hair style. Sweatpants and an oversized hoodie that suspiciously looked like his now covered her. Her hands work at tying her hair into a quick ponytail.
“B!” She greets when she sees him. “Almighty Green Knight of the Realm,” She says in a dramatic voice, giving a sweeping bow. Brennan scoffs, rolling his eyes, though a grin plays across his lips.
“Princess,” He greets back, moving as Kendra unlocks the car. “You broke character a bit,” He points out teasingly, recalling her cheers from the balcony. 
“Nuh uh,” Kendra insists with a huff. “I totally had a story in my head, the Princess is hopelessly in love with the Green Knight, so she celebrated accordingly.” She explains, leaning against the car, looking up to him. Brennan rests his elbow on the roof of the car and raises a brow as he looks at her. “Besides, it was your first win in a month!” She adds.
Brennan rounds to the passenger side with a chuckle, “You know that who wins changes each week, right?” He asks, getting into the car. He watches Kendra slide in. “So, she’s in love with the green knight?” He buckles in, and sees a red tint color her cheeks, and Brennan has a feeling it has nothing to do with the cold.
“Completely,” Kendra answers softly. An easy beat of silence goes between them and Kendra clears her throat. “So, I’m tired of smelling the show’s roast chicken and potatoes. Wanna grab a pizza to celebrate?”
Brennan nods, resting back, smiling to himself. “I’d like that a lot, Princess.”
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leoswritingcorner · 4 years
Autumn Prompts
Autumn Dialogue Prompt #17 “I’d let you haunt me all night long.” for Brenken as requested by @headcanonsfromanelfblossom
autumn prompts found here! still taking them!
“Babe,” Kendra whispers gently, nudging her elbow into Brennan’s side. In the glow of the TV screen, she sees his olive green eyes flick over to her questioningly before looking back to Casper the Friendly ghost playing on the screen. “Baaaaabe, I need to ask you something.” She insists, nudging him again.
“What is it?” Brennan relents quietly with a sigh, finally turning his full attention to her. He sees the funny look on her face and already knows the next thing that would come out of her mouth. “You’re gonna ask me if I’d still love you if you were a ghost?” He beats her to the punch. He’s heard it all from her. ‘Would you still love me if I was the moon?’ to ‘Would you love me if I was a worm?’ There’s a second of Kendra’s dark brown eyes widening before she scoffs and shakes her head.
“No, totally wasn’t going to ask you that,” Kendra states, keeping her voice hushed. “What I was going to ask is...would you if you’d let me haunt you if I was a ghost?” She asks matter factly. 
Brennan closes his eyes, his shoulders shaking with a muffled laugh. Okay, this one was new. “I dunno,” He finally admits, his voice barely reaching a whisper. “Depends on what kind of ghost you are.” Brennan shrugs lightly. “A poltergeist, I’d have to draw the line.”
“No way,” Kendra shakes her head, leaning against him. She scoops up the last bit of popcorn from the bowl and pops them into her mouth. A sly look crosses her eyes and she grins. “A succubus.” She confirms.
At that, Brennan feels the tips of his ears burn. “Well…” He says, tilting his head.
“If you were a ghost, I’d let you haunt me all...night...long.” Kendra hums, nuzzling her nose against his neck. When Brennan turns his head, she catches his lips in a quickly but soundly kiss.
“Ugh. Mooooooom, Daaaaaad,” A small voice groans from the floor. Under the mass of quilts and pillows their son Benji’s head pops out with a pout. “You’re bein’ gross! I can’t hear the movie” The six year old complains, turning back to the TV. Kendra and Brennan share a look and laugh quietly.
“The last few times I ‘haunted’ you all night, we ended up with that ghostie down there and the one sleeping upstairs.” Brennan points out. 
Kendra smiles and winks, pausing the movie. “Who's up for pumpkin waffles and ice cream?” She asks. 
At that Benji perks up and jumps to his feet. “Me, me, me!” He calls excitedly, bolting for the kitchen. 
Kendra stands and stretches her arms, looking to her husband lovingly. Once she was sure Benji was out of earshot she leans down and kisses him again. “How about you haunt me again and let’s add a third little ghostie to our bunch?”
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leoswritingcorner · 4 years
the shadows that bind - pt 1
a continuation and canon events that stem from this! i’m excited to start a yj longfic. more heroes and villains to appear as we go.
part one of ?
May 3rd, 2014 Mount Justice
Kendra feels like she slept for days, and yet barely at all. Her body aches from twisting and turning, and her skin is damp from a cold sweat. She stands in the bathroom, hands braced against the sink counter as she tries to focus on the sound of the shower running.
“I can’t even look at you,” She mutters tiredly to her reflection. She begins to strip her pj’s off slowly, wincing at the growing bruises that marr her skin. Klarion really did a number on her. But the worst of them all had to be the reddish burn left behind from the chains that had been around her neck. She gently brushes her fingers against them and winces at the blistering sting that pulses through her.
Kendra grunts, pushing away from the sink. She ignores Shade’s annoyed growl and slips into the shower. The spray of the water hits her back and Kendra lets her muscles relax under the warm rush.
Hungry. Eat now.
Kendra snorts, tilting her head back. The water soaks through the thick locks of her hair. Again, Shade lets out an irritated growl. Kendra opens her eyes and sees a dark wisp wafting through the steam of the shower. Through its inky swirls, endless eyes of red flash through. Years ago, she remembers, the sight would have sent a chill of fear through her. But now, it was just plain aggravating. “You’ve got some damn nerve,” Kendra says lowly, narrowing her eyes.
Hungry. Eat now. Shade repeats, it’s scratchy hiss oddly soft.
“No,” Kendra bites back. “and if I were you, I’d shut the hell up and stay out of the way, Sh’ydha’n.”
At the sound of its true name Shade quakes and groans. The wisp loses its form the spray of the shower and all is quiet. If she hadn’t been so worn out, Kendra would’ve felt more surprised at Shade’s easy resign.
“Kennie!” Louise’s voice calls in a sing-song tone from outside the bathroom, matching the knocking rhythm she makes on the door. “Breakfast, girly! I made waffles and bacon!”
Kendra almost expects Shade to lunge her body out of the tub at the mention of bacon, but it remains unexpectedly still, and silent. “Yeah, lemme finish my shower!” she calls back finally. For once she enjoys a quiet shower. So why did it make her feel so uneasy?
“Ow...ow...owwww,” Kendra whines dramatically. It earns a light swat on her shoulder from Zatanna.
“You’re such a drama queen,” The magician points out as she continues to twist and turn Kendra’s hair into a neatly tied braid. “You’re the one who asked me for help.”
“Beauty hurts, and when things hurts I whine,” Kendra counters, lifting her chin with a good natured huff. Zatanna rolls her eyes, with a light scoff. “Looks like it’s gonna be a slow day.” Kendra says hopefully. So far, there was no call to a mission, or even a spotting to stop a crime. It was all seemingly normal. But again, an uneasy feeling settles in the pit of her stomach.
Zatanna finishes the braid with a proud sigh, patting her handy work. “Don’t jinx it,” She warns teasingly, settling back on the couch .Her eyes wander over to Brennan for a moment, seeing him catch onto Lucky in time as the newest member of the Team begins to lose control over gravity again. “But how are you doing?” She asks, turning her eyes back to Kendra.  
Kendra props herself up, and sinks back into the couch by Zatanna, shrugging a shoulder. “Like I got my ass handed to me by a bitch-boy. Sorry witch-boy.” She grumbles, crossing her arms. “But also everything he said about Shade…” She trails off, going quiet. Zatanna watches as Kendra struggles, as if trying to find the right words to say, or even if there was anything she could say at all. Klarion had shaken Kendra, not only by ripping Shade from her body, but by revealing Shade was so much more than just some monster who lurked in the shadows…
“Silhouette.” A deep voice calls. Kendra freezes, her eyes widening at Batman’s figure appearing in the doorway. “I need to speak with you. Now.” He says shortly, his tone firm and low. To Kendra it seemed more so than usual. He doesn’t wait, leaving for her to follow.
“Dammit,” Kendra breathes, standing up. By now, all the Team’s eyes were on her. Worried and unsure. Kendra wanted to sink into the shadows, and not come back. She does the only thing she can think of. She wanders to the door, turns and finger guns. “I’m screwed.” She declares cheerfully, before following after Batman. Out of the Team’s sight, her shoulders slump. “I am sooo screwed.”
Kendra pops another knuckle on her finger nervously as she watches Batman stare her down, and clears her throat. “Is...is this about the toaster I broke?” She asks. “I can replace it.” She offers quickly. Batman holds up a silencing hand and Kendra stops her next rush of words by biting down on her lip.
“Silhouette, what is Shade?” He questions. Kendra feels her heart leap into her throat. Oh no. 
“Shade is...an annoying shadow spirit,” She answers carefully. “I-I don’t know.” She says with a shake of her head. “It’s just something that’s been with me since I was thirteen.”
“Why would Klarion want it?” Batman continues. “He had mentioned to you that the Light could use it.” His words caused a prickle of nervousness to pinch at the nape of her neck. Kendra squeezes her hands together and nods wordlessly. “Why?” Batman repeats steadily.
“I don’t know!” Kendra blurts out. “I don’t…” She sighs, tilting her head back. For once, Shade was silent, not daring to feed on Kendra’s growing anxiety or anger. It was strange, and all too worrying. “He called it Sh’ydha’n. That’s all I know.” She replies, trying to calm the waver in her voice each time she speaks it’s true name.
Batman’s arm cross tightly over his chest. “You mentioned when you first joined the Team that Shade came to you in an old family heirloom. Why didn’t you know about it’s true origins then?” He doesn’t let up with the questions, or his unmoving look trained on her face.
“Well I don’t know, sir. Shade didn’t come to me with an instruction manual.” Kendra retorts defensively. “Listen, Klarion thinks anything spooky can be used as a weapon. It’s his gimmick. I got Shade back, there’s nothing to worry about.” She tries to brush off, waving a hand. But Cameron’s warning echoes in the back of her head.
‘The Light…they’re really are interested in Shade’
“If Klarion has brought Shade and its origins to the Light. It is bad news. For all of us.” Batman says suddenly. “We, especially you, its host have no idea about it. We cannot take any risks. We’ll need to learn and discover about Shade ourselves, and really see if it will prove to be an asset or threat.”
Kendra pauses. “Threat?” She echoes, her throat going dry. “Wh-what are you saying?”
Batman shakes his head. “If Shade can be used against us…” He stops himself. “I’m sorry,” He says more gently than she’s ever heard him before. “But, we cannot afford the risk, until we know more. Until then,” Batman starts, his next words hit Kendra harder than any she’s taken in years. “Silhouette, you are resigned from your duties and the Team.”
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leoswritingcorner · 5 years
lucky’s yj-verse debut. ft the dream team (brennan, kendra, garth) coming to her rescue. this got long but!!
October 29th, 2013 9:30 AM Location Unknown
“Good morning, Ms. Day.”
Lucky looks at the speaker. Someone different from yesterday. It had been a middle aged white man then. He had been very stern, and kept his questions clipped. Today, it’s a younger woman, again white, but much more pleasant. The room is the same; small, off white and empty save for a mirror, the table and two chairs. Lucky doesn’t answer her right away and turns her eyes to the voice recorder on the table. Her throat is dry as she answers, not daring to raise her voice above a whisper. “Good mornin’.”
The woman smiles. “How are you feeling today?”
“Tired.” Lucky responds, making a show of rubbing a hand over her face. She rests her elbow on the chair, and looks to the woman through her fingers. “I’d like to go home.”
“I’d imagine you do. Your family does miss you.” The woman says feelingly, as she begins to write on a notepad. There’s a sympathetic tone in her voice, but it does not reach her eyes. It makes Lucky want to shudder. Was she even telling the truth? Were any of these people being honest? 
The scratches of the pen against the paper begins to irritate Lucky. “Do they?” She asks, sitting up straight. 
“Do they what?” The woman asks back, not bothering to look up from her work. That made a flash of anger heat up Lucky’s skin. A soft jolt sparks between her knuckles as she clenches her fists.
“Ya just said that my family misses me.” Lucky responds exasperated. “Do...do they even know that I’m here?” She gives the woman a steady look. 
The woman gives Lucky a smile that again does not reach her eyes. “Ms. Day, I assure you that-”
“Don’t lie!” Lucky cuts off, there’s a surge of energy that flies through her veins, and it almost feels unworldly. She doesn’t notice the woman’s eyes widening, or glancing at the mirror “Don’t…” She trails off, sighing shakily. The surge is gone. Lucky’s body tilts forward as she rests her elbows on the table, her hands coming to cover her face. “Please, can I just go home already?” 
“I’m sorry. That is just not possible.” The woman shakes her head and watches Lucky closely. “You need to tell us-”
“What happened that night.” Lucky finishes. She wipes her eyes clean of the forming tears. “I’ve told the same thing to the others before ya and I tell ya as well...I don’t know.”
The woman’s smile falters. “Ms. Day.” She says, taking a breath. “We are here to help you. If you’d like to leave here, we need answers.” The pleasantness in her voice began to chip away.
A chill comes over the room. Lucky swallows and slowly clears her throat “I was stargazin’” She starts.
“Cause I like to and I wanna be an astronomer.” Lucky shakes her head with a shrug. It was the same old back and forth bit she went through ever since she got here. She remembers being wheeled out, still in a haze from the newest medicine the doctor had given her. When she woke up, here she was….wherever this place was, and whatever it was.
The people had been nice enough, helping her to get back on her feet steadily. Lucky was surprised to not have any left over scarring or open wounds. They never did answer her about that. But it was day in a day out of tests, questions, the same thing over and over.
“Then what happened?” The woman’s voice cuts in through her thoughts. 
Lucky sits back. “A meteor hit. About,” she sways her hand side to side in thought “100 feet away. I was runnin’, from it and then I wasn’t. That’s all I know. That’s all I remember.”
“Did you see how big it was. What color was it?” The woman begins to inquire more urgently.
“I was runnin’ for my life.” Lucky shrugs. “I didn’t get too good of a look.”
The woman scoffs, writing more forcibly. “I see you’re just here to waste my time.” She says in a curt tone. Gone was all the friendly features to her. She even began to look like a stone. Lucky breathes out stunned.
“Your time?” Lucky says quietly. “Wastin’ your time?!” She stands, the chair falling over. “You’re the ones who brought me here. Where the hell am I anyway, and who are all of you?!” She demands.
“Until you accept our help, we will not allow you any information. Your family better get used to missing you.” The woman says lowly. This time, her cold smile reached her eyes.
Something snaps and Lucky feels the surge come over her once more. It crackles through her veins and a force pulses through her body. In a blinding hot light there’s a hole in the wall. Not too far from the woman’s head. 
The woman shakes as she stands and frantically bangs at the door.
Lucky barely has time to react before a swarm of men come in and surround her. The surge pulses again as she screams. The men fly back from her from the burst of light, their bodies crash against the walls. She whips around and freezes at the sight of herself in the mirror.
Her body was covered in a mixing light of blue and silver. Her eyes completely glossed over, she swears she sees a whole galaxy within them. It was then that she noticed how her body floated over the floor. “What...what did y’all do to me?” She asks her voice hitching. She touches her hair where her brown curls were now atomic blue. “What did ya do?!” She yells, veering on the woman. The surge begins to crackle again and Lucky lifts her hand.
The woman screams. A stinging pain comes against Lucky’s neck, and everything goes black.
October 29th, 2013 5:00 PM Location: Mount Justice
Kendra flips through the file again and studies the picture of the young woman. Lucky Siddalee Day. Missing. Poor thing. Being kidnapped was never fun. Especially being kidnapped by some super secret, super evil government agency.
“Most likely obsolete and banned.” Brennan says out loud as if reading her thoughts. He points to a part in the copy of his file. “Started up again without real government consent or knowledge.”
Kendra nods. “Nightwing says we just need to go in, grab her, get out. Why do I have the feeling that’s easier said than done?”
Garth is the next to speak up. “When has any of these missions been easy?” He counters with a small smile. “Especially if Nightwing says so.”
“Let’s just get this done. We’ll plan our strategy on the way there.” Brennan mumbles, tossing the file down. He stands up and heads towards the hanger, not bothering to wait for his teammates. Kendra sighs, pulling her hair forward then pushing it back over her shoulder.
Garth rolls his eyes. “Guess he’s in charge.” He mumbles sardonically. Kendra watches Brennan’s back before following along with Garth.
October 30th, 2013 12:30 AM Location Unknown
“We can’t keep this up.” “She’s dangerous.” “If we are going to use her, she needs to be on our side. Completely.” “You know what needs to be done. Make her a soldier. One that obeys.” 
Lucky hisses in pain as she opens her eyes. There’s a dull pain in her head that seems to throb with every breath she took. It’s dark. How long has she been out? What did they do to her? A gasp leaves her when she finds her hands strapped tightly to the arms of a metal chair.
“No. No! Hey!” Lucky rasps out, wincing at her sore throat. “Let me go!” 
No one answers.
A shutter of film startles her. The light of a projector fills the room. Lucky tries to steady her breathing as she hears an eerie sound play. Echoes of strings being pulled begins to vibrate around the room and in her ears. Lucky whimpers before crying out in pain. Her arms shake as she tries in vain to lift her hands to block away the noise.
The noise grows louder till it sounds like shrill ringing. She can vaguely hear the counting of numbers through it all. 
 ‘3 1 5 4 5 6 5 3 5 9’
“Stop…” Lucky pleads, tears coming to her eyes. Her mind slowly begins to fade. “Why are ya doin’ this?”
A static voice over the speakers speaks back finally. “Are you going to be a good little soldier?” 
“Wh-what?” Lucky looks around. “I’m not a soldier. I never-” She cringes as the numbers being called grows louder. 
‘8, 1, 5, 4, 5, 6, 5, 9’
“Are you going to be a good little soldier?” The voice demands. Lucky trembles, breathing deeply. Again she feels her anger build into a wave, pulsing through her body. That familiar crackle of energy begins to charge...
A loud crash rocks the building. 
“Comet!” Kendra whispers frantically over the comm. “Dude, what the hell?!”
Brennan doesn’t answer her, but she can hear grunts and punches being thrown. There’s a gunshot or two. Garth’s voice comes up instead. “Do you think they noticed us?” He asks dryly.
Kendra puts her hands on her hips. From the shadows of the forest, she looks at the giant hole in the building that Brennan made. “Nah, not at all.” She replies just as sarcastically. She rubs her fingers to the bridge of her nose. “Do you need me to come in?”
Inside, Garth dodges another punch swung at him and knocks the guard out. “Only if you don’t want to miss all the fun.” He replies. “We should be close to finding her.” He adds, looking around. Before he could speak again, a winded grunt leaves him as Brennan’s body collides against him. The two heroes topple over, and instantly, are surrounded.
The sounds of guns clicking fill their ears and Brennan narrows his eyes. Garth sees the spark of energy growing in his arm and hand. It’s one of the unlucky guards who stood by too closely who gets the worst of it. His body goes sailing through the air like a ragdoll, slamming into the others. Brennan is on his feet again, back into the fight with full force. Garth takes the chance to slip away and search through the rooms. 
Another blast shakes the building. Harder this time. Through the wreckage Garth sees a glare of light coming down the hall. “Silhouette, be ready. I think this place is about to come down.” He warns over the comm. His steps are quick but careful. Guards and various workers scramble by him to evacuate. Finally, he reaches the room and pauses.
Lucky faces him and the light coming from her vanishes as her body falls to the floor. Garth hisses a few swears in Atlantean as he rushes over. He’s careful to lift her in his arms. Lucky’s head rolls against his chest. “Comet!” He calls out. “I’ve got her, we need to get out!”
Brennan is there within seconds, he moves forward and raises his fist. Another charge of energy comes through his arm as he slams his fist against the wall. A clear opening opening breaks through. “Right through here.” Brennan nods his head towards the hole. Garth doesn’t bother to give him an exasperated look. Without another moment to waste, they run through.
Kendra meets them halfway as they run back for their transport. “Is that her?” She asks, glancing at Lucky in Garth’s arm. “Why do you think they took her?”
“Let’s not stick around to find out.” Garth says as they reach the transport. 
Lucky remains out cold. The light from her skin is gone, her hair normal once again. But a few zaps of light jumps between her fingers. All she sees in her unconsciousness is stars, and eyes purple like the twilight sky.
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leoswritingcorner · 5 years
summer vibin’ - pt 1
just small drabbles/blurbs all summer inspired. they’ll go off in different fandoms and pairings and so on. just to keep me going with writing! 
late night slurpee run ft. brenken. based off this meme and this song 
It’s late and it’s hot. 
Brennan glances over to the passenger seat and sees Kendra leaning forward. Her eyes shut as she enjoys the cool blast of the AC. Her dark hair breezing over her neck and shoulders that were damp with sweat. He quickly looks back to the road.
Street lights reflect off the windshield, as Brennan drives further out of town. Kendra was particular about the 7-Elevens that she liked. One had the best chili dogs, and one had the best Slurpee. Which happened to be the one eleven minutes outside of the city. 
He still doesn’t know how she convinced him to get off their route home to head off for a Slurpee that she ‘honestly, desperately needed’. Her words. Maybe it was the puppy eyes she gave him, or the small kisses that starts on his hand and up to his neck.
Brennan bites the inside of his cheek and drives a bit faster.
Kendra opens her eyes as the bright lights of the convenience store glow against the window. She lowers the radio when the car parks and looks to Brennan.
“Okay, go get the Slurpee that you desperately need.” He says, motioning to the store. Kendra sits back, and purses her lips.
“B…” She starts with a small hum. “I don’t wanna go in. My feet ache from all the running around we did. Can you go get it?” She asks, holding a five dollar bill to him.
Brennan pauses, staring at her. “Kendra.” He groans, rolling his head back against the headrest. “Really? You’re the one who wants the Slurpee, not me.” 
Kendra huffs, and looks at him. Brennan knows what’s coming next. Puppy eyes, followed by a pout. Sure enough, she bats her eyes a few times before pouting her lower lip. “Pleeease?” She asks, squeezing his hand lightly. “I love you, you’re the best boyfriend. Like ever.” She begins to butter him up.
He stares at her a moment longer before sighing. “Fine.” He grumbles. “What flavor?” 
“Black Cherry Pepsi, please!” She replies. Leaning over, she presses a kiss to his cheek before he gets out of the car. Kendra watches as he trugs into the store, blowing him a kiss. 
A few minutes later he comes back out to see Kendra leaning across the seat, smiling brightly to him as he opens the door.
“One Black Cherry Pepsi.” Brennan says, sliding the cold refreshment into Kendra’s hand. He tosses a bag onto her lap. “And some candy and snacks.”
“Aaaw, Bren!” Kendra beams. She tugs him closer, kissing over his face. “I’ll share with you, I promise.”
Brennan grins slightly, stealing a small kiss. “You better. Also, these late night trips for Slurpees are not gonna be a habit.” He adds, starting the car. The summer playlist Kendra had put on started up again. He feels her head lean against his shoulder.
“It won’t. But I appreciate it this time.” She says.
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leoswritingcorner · 5 years
6 + brenken / 11 + Brennan/lucky / 2+ Zelda/garrett
so i did both a small headcanon and a prompts based on it!
6: Training - Brenken. They’ve gotten better over the years. Always making small bets, like loser buying lunch/dinner/etc
Brennan has to wince, and catch his breath for a minute. Across the room, Kendra stares him down, waiting for him to make a move. The side of his torso aches, but still he shifts his leg back and lunges toward her.
She sees the energy glowing in his hands, and only has mere seconds to react. With a fluid motion, she whips the baton in her hands and blocks his punch. Metal meets pure energy and Kendra flies back. A good roll or two across the floor, before Brennan is over her body, pinning her down with his legs.
“Nice one, B.” She compliments with a grin.
He smiles back, and lifts a brow. “Does this mean you give in?” He asks. Kendra scoffs, pushing a hand against his face, shoving him off of her.
“As if.” She answers, rolling onto her knees. “One more round. Then I’ll ask you the same. Also, loser buys pizza” She adds quickly.
Brennan groans, but pushes himself up easily. He remembers the first time they trained together. Years ago, when he first joined the team. He and Kendra could barely stand after the first forty minutes. Now they were well into two hours, and no collapsing in sight.
Kendra bounces on her toes, wiggling out her limbs and tilts her head side to side. “Ready?” She asks. Brennan nods. Kendra blows him a playful kiss, then seeps into the darkness. Brennan pauses, his eyes darting around for any sight of her.
A swarm of shadows surround his body from above, and Brennan yelps as his body is carried upwards towards the ceiling as Kendra’s amused laugh echoes out.
“Looks like you’re buying pizza tonight, B!”
11: Bathing/Showering - Brenluck. Absolutely chill. Lucky’s got the works with scented bath oils and candles. They’ll wash each other down lazily, and just enjoy each the down time they have together.
The sound of the bath water running already relaxes begins to relax Lucky. Light scents of lavender and eucalyptus mingling together begins to fill the air. The bubbles float against the rising water, and Lucky is nearly aching to feel its warmth on her body.
10:30 PM ticks on the hanging wall clock. She had only arrived home twenty minutes ago, with work at the NOAA station dragging on until she was able to escape between meetings. Brennan wasn’t home yet, and she doubted he would be anytime soon. Lucky allows herself to sigh happily when she sinks into the tub.
The light was dim, only enhanced by the few candles she lit up, slow music playing from the radio in the room. Lucky hums, closing her eyes and sways her legs lazily in the water. This was almost the perfect bubble bath…it was just missing something.
“Enjoying your bath without me?”
Lucky squeaks, sitting up quickly. The bay windows of the bathroom were open, and Comet sat there, grinning her way.
“Bren.” Lucky breathes, rolling her eyes. “Ya scared the lights outta me.” She says with a pouts. He moves, shutting and locking the window. He wanders over to the tub and kneels down. He pouts back to her.
“You didn’t wait for me.” He says. Lucky smiles and reaches up, gently slipping his mask off. Gone was Comet, and there was Brennan.
“Ya can join me now.” She offers. “I’ll wash ya down and ya can tell me about your day.” She says, splashing a bit of water at him. Brennan chuckles, stealing a quick kiss before he stands up, undressing.
“Just that?” He asks innocently, but she knew better.
Lucky blushes. “Yes, just that. I ain’t moppin’ this entire bathroom like last time.” She huffs, scooting back as Brennan slips into the tub. She pulls him to lay back against her chest. Rubbing his shoulders with suds, she listens to him talk about his day, that started normally enough until Comet was needed. Lucky smiles, nuzzling the crook of his neck. This is exactly what the perfect bubble bath was missing.
2: Kissing - Moonray. They try to outdo each other. Who can make who the weakest in the knees and melt over kisses.
She’s wearing that peppermint flavored chap stick again. The one that made her lips even softer. Garrett pulls away for a second, licking his own lips. Zelda lifts her brows, giggling. She avoids his next kiss, and instead moves her head to press soft kisses around his face.
Garrett snorts, chuckling at the attack of kisses she showers on him. He finds her hand somewhere in the large sweater- which was really his, that she wore. Their fingers lace instantly and he pulls her hand out from the sleeve. He places slow, long kisses from her wrist, down her arm, shoving the sweater up as he moved along.
Zelda shivers both at the coolness of the room and from the kiss he lays on her shoulder. Her lips lift to his jawline, tracing the shape of it with light skims and even lighter kisses. Garrett tries to bite back the groan rising in his throat. This is the one teasing move she always went to. Those light and skimming kisses against his skin, especially there.
He has her on the pillows, and captures her lips fully. Zelda melts instantly. He grins, and moves for his payback. He enjoys the strangled gasp he hears from her as he lips barley skim and kiss around her navel.
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leoswritingcorner · 6 years
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yj high fantasy au costumes!! i tried sticking close to their hero costumes. heavy on the word tried. i can’t believe i forgot louise the first time around!! i think she’d come from queen dinah’s kingdom
i didn’t mean to give b long hair the random doll came up and it looked right?? aah
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leoswritingcorner · 6 years
7!!!! FAKE MARRIED!!!!!!!
“we’re assigned to this mission in which we have to pretend to be a married couple, but i’m actually really in love with you”
ft mutual pining brenken cause its my jam 
they’ve gone on plenty of missions together before. from the easiest and simplest to the most intense and life-threatening, but always having each other’s back, no matter the difficulty.
this one, however, was much different.
batman had explained to them how this one could either make or break their work against the light, how it could take a matter of months to a year, or even longer. both brennan and kendra knew the costs but still agreed. then after that, was when batman dropped the next piece of information.
‘you two need to remain as unsuspecting as you can, you both will pose as a married couple.’
kendra wanted to sink into the shadows and never come out.
“how long have we been married?”
“five years.”
“what’s the date of our wedding?”
“september twenty-fourth.”
“where were we married?”
“hawaii, at the andaz maui” brennan finishes his answers with practiced ease. 
kendra flips to another page of the file and snorts. “i can’t believe we’re that couple.” she lifts her chin, and flips her dark hair over her shoulder. “ooooh, we’re so rich and oooooh we only eat caviar and drink champagne.” 
from beside her, brennan chuckles. “money talks to these people.” he says with a small shrugs. his father having that political background, brennan knew that better than most. kendra catches the way his face falls, and she reaches over, her hand gently squeezing his. 
there’s a glint from her left hand, the diamond ring catching the light of the bedroom lamp. it was real (and really expensive), batman pulling no stops to make sure that brennan and kendra passed as a legitimate married couple, even going as far to set them up in a house halfway across the world where their mission was taking place. they had a backstory, they had new jobs, they even had staged wedding photos taken of them.
they both won’t forget the picture where they had to share a kiss. kendra presses her lips together at the memory of it. for too long, she thought of what it would be like to kiss brennan, for real. to have his arms around her, feeling his heartbeat matching against her’s…
“maybe we should head out, explore the city a bit.” brennan says, pulling kendra from her thoughts. “check out our marks.”
 “oh.” kendra blinks, standing from the bed. “uh, yeah. just lemme grab my coat. we’ll make it a real date night.” she jokes as she passes him, hoping and praying he missed the nervous tone etching her voice and the color that came across her cheeks. 
she missed the color on brennan’s own face. he turns his head slightly to watch her over his shoulder. for years, lolly had pestered him over and over to ‘just ask kendra out already! jeez!’, but each time he’d put it off, nervous he could hear her reply be no.
kendra comes back, her coat on. “ready to head out?” she asks. “…hubby?” she adds, unsure and eyes wide.
brennan stares at her for a moment before dropping his head, his shoulders shaking in a quiet laugh that began to grow. instead of embarrassment, kendra feels a flood of relief. she blows of puff of air, laughing along with him. sure, the marriage may be fake. (and who knew, maybe one day it wouldn’t be) but their friendship and feelings were totally and completely real.
“ready as i’ll ever be…wifey.” brennan answers finally. kendra’s laughter echoes in the hallways as they head out into the evening.
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leoswritingcorner · 7 years
i am avoiding chores! please have some brennan and skye bonding in single parent au!
Brennan didn’t expect to find Skye awake so early in the morning. But there she sat, wrapped up in a bright purple quilt, Pudge in her hands and Saturday morning cartoons on the TV. The six-year-old perking up the moment she saw Brennan.
“Morning, B!” She greets, wiggling around as she tries to shove off the quilt. Carefully, she sets Pudge down and darts over for Brennan, her arms hugging around his legs. “You wanna watch cartoons with me?” She asks hopefully. Brennan presses a finger to his lips, and motions to Kendra’s bedroom.
“Ooooh.” Skye whispers, nodding. Brennan kneels to her, his hands coming to hold hers.
“Want to help me surprise mommy with breakfast?” He asks quietly. The bright look that comes across her face is enough to make Brennan grin as Skye nods, and tugs him towards the small kitchen. Brennan stumbles, before getting back onto his feet and lets her lead the way. With a quick scoop, he lifts her up and set her on the counter.
Brennan begins searching through the fridge and pantry, collecting various things to make. Bacon, eggs, bread… anything that wasn’t frozen pizza, or pizza rolls, or pizza bagels.
Skye pats the cabinet where the pots and pans where kept and watches as Brennan begins to cook.
“Mommy likes eggs sunny-side up.” She informs him. Her little legs swing from the edge of the counter, as she watches him. Brennan smiles, wrapping an arm around her, holding her up. Skye’s arms instantly come around his neck.
“How about you?” He asks. Skye wrinkles her nose and sticks out her tongue. “Not a fan?” He figures.
Skye shakes her head. “Eggs are icky.” She sniffs, lifting her head. “I like waffles!”
Brennan hums, easily cracking an egg with his free hand, pouring it into the heating pan. “You know waffles are made using eggs?”
“Nuh-uh!” Skye argues. “They come from the freezer!” She points to the fridge. Brennan bites back a laugh. Skye huffs, her cheeks puffing in a pout.
“I’ll make you some waffles then.” Brennan says. Skye smiles, hugging Brennan more as she watches the eggs fry.
“I like when you come over, B.” Skye says suddenly. “Mommy gets all happy, too. She sings and stuff, all loud.”
Brennan glances to her, feeling his face warm. “She does? I’m happy too when I can see her and you.” He answers.
Skye giggles. “Do you sing too?”
Brennan snorts, shaking his head. “No. I’m not good at singing.”
“You can sing with me and mommy!” Skye says happily, then lowers her voice. “Mommy isn’t good either.”
At that Brennan laughs, bouncing Skye a bit. “Oooh, careful. She might make eggs tonight.” He teases. Skye gasps.
“Nooo!” She shakes her head, pushing at his face. “You won’t let her, will you?”
“I won’t.” Brennan promises. Skye sighs in relief, and lets her cheek rest on his shoulder, as he starts to place the eggs into a plate.
In the hallway, they both miss Kendra pressed up against the wall. Tears brimming her eyes, a wide smile on her lips. She can barely type out the text she sends off to Louise, before she joins the two people who held her heart.
‘Without a doubt in my mind, Lou. Brennan’s the one.’
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leoswritingcorner · 7 years
single parent kendra + animal shelter vet/volunteer brennan??
AAAH YEEEEAH (went a little crazy on these aah)
1. Brennan and Kendra find out they work only a few blocks away from each other, and always meet up for lunch at a local deli.
2. When Kendra is super busy at work, Skye hangs out with Brennan at the shelter and she LOVES it. She helps him feed the smaller animals like puppies, kitties, baby birds and other critters
3. Skye starts adding Brennan in her family drawings just a few months after he and Kendra start dating. Brennan has a few pictures pinned up on the wall of the shelter, along with animal drawings she’s done4. Kendra is super nervous about dating Brennan seriously. She’s only been with Cameron and got her heart totaled by him. Also, what dude would go for a single mom? But Brennan takes things slow, at Kendra’s pace, and instantly clicked with Skye
5. It’s when she found Brennan and Skye making breakfast together one Saturday morning and both being carefree and laughing, she knew he was totally the one for not just her, but Skye too
6. Cameron and Brennan never ever click or get along. Especially when Skye only sticks close by Brennan
7. Brennan may have teared up the first time Skye called him ‘dad’ (Kendra outright bawled)
8. At some point, Brennan and Kendra get married and find out they’re having a baby. Skye gets upset, thinking the baby is replacing her and that she can’t have Brennan as her dad anymore. But both he and Kendra assure her, no matter what ever, they’re always a family
9. Aunt Bennie, Aunt Louise, and Aunt Lolly. Brennan sometimes is ready to have a stroke when he and Kendra leave Skye in their hands, but they wouldn’t trust anybody else
10. They all adopt a puppy from the shelter as a gift for Skye on her birthday. It’s a black lab that Skye names “Bats”
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leoswritingcorner · 7 years
Brennan and Kendra!! 22, 26, 30, 40!
22. Does their work ever interfere with the relationship?
at times work does put a limit on them. sometimes it brennan who has to go on a covert mission across the world, or kendra has her hands full with a tough case. but they always make it work for them. secret skype/phone calls. they always text and always keep in touch somehow to let the other know that they’re okay and safe. 
26. How do their friends feel about their relationship? Their families?
‘about damn time’ would be a lot of their friends reaction to them? especially from louise. bennie threatening brennan if he ever messed up with kendra and he’s like ‘but ..but your my sister why?’ as for families, kendra doesn’t have ties to her mother or that side of the family any longer, so whatever. but she thinks her father and grandfather would have liked brennan and approve of what he and kendra have. ainslee does like kendra and thinks she’s pretty great. if only kendra could make herself known before appearing out of the shadows like that
30. Could they manage a long distance relationship?
at least 99.98% sure they’ve had to, cause again, who knows how many missions they’ve had to go on without each other. some taking months to complete. the super secret skype calls and texting helps, and sometimes just maybe if they could get away with it, they may surprise each other by appearing in whatever random city or country where brennan or kendra may be in. they’d really make it work
40. Any special memories? Do they have a special place they like to go to?
wherever they can be alone together. the park, on patrol, at either of their rooms/houses. but there is this old lifeguard tower along the beach that’s a few miles away from the cave that they found walking one night, maybe when they were keeping the relationship more under wraps batman can’t know, but batman know and they just stayed in there, maybe first said ‘i love you’ in quiet whispers
imma stop i’m getting emotional
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leoswritingcorner · 7 years
to b with much love - k
epic sax guy - the ten hour version 
the duck song
it’s peanut jelly time
crazy frog
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leoswritingcorner · 7 years
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Brennan/Kendra AU: Single Parent
“Back again?” Brennan asks surprised as Kendra and Skye come shuffling back into the building. Though he really couldn’t say that he was upset at the sight of them. Just moments before, they’d been in here piratically celebrating at the safe return of their beloved hedgehog.
“Ah, yeah.” Kendra says, there’s a slight flush on her cheeks as she gives Brennan a small smile. “It was really awesome of you to save Pudge today. I mean, I guess that’s your job and all…” She says with a wave of her hand, motioning to the animal shelter room behind him. “Well, anyway, we…uh, we just…”
Skye comes over to the desk and leans up on her toes, her light eyes peeking over the top as she struggles to balance herself and hold Pudge closely. “D’ya wanna come over for pizza?” The six year old asks cheerfully. “As a thank you and also, mommy hasn’t been on a date in ten-ever.”
“Skye!” Kendra snaps quickly, a mortified look on her face, and her flush even deeper. 
“That’s what you say, mommy!”
Brennan looks between the two, and feels a flush covering his own face. “I mean…” He finally says. “It really wasn’t a problem saving the little guy, there’s no need to reward me.”
The mom and daughter both stop short in their small argument, and an identical crestfallen look covers their faces. Brennan feels a little something in him break. 
“But” He adds. “I-I could always go for pizza.”
Skye cheers, her feet doing a little dance. “Yes! Tonight!” She peers at Brennan as if to just confirm. Brennan grins slightly and glances to Kendra.
“Is tonight all right by you?” He asks. Kendra nods.
“More than alright by me, B.” 
@headcanonsfromanelfblossom  💕
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leoswritingcorner · 7 years
2 5 8 for Kendra and Brennan!
2. Kissing
kendra loves, loves, loves kissing and being kissed. she’ll wake brennan up with kisses, sneak a kiss when he’s not paying attention just to see the look on his face. brennan in turn will kiss the heck out of kendra just to get her to be quiet and still for a moment and she DIGS that
5. First Kiss
on some chilly night, at the diner they always end up at after a super long day. kendra feeling all glum and brennan just watching the way she’s pouting and whining about the diner being out of hot chocolate and his hand covers hers and she wastes no time wrapping her fingers to his, they look at each other and before they even know it they’re leaning over the table. it’s a chaste kiss, but a lingering one 
8. Fighting
why erica
so maybe they don’t yell or raise their voices that much. but there’s lots of hissed and sharp words. they can barely look at each other, so they may let themselves tear up, shaking and pacing. they’ll argue for hours till one of them just locks themselves up in the room. more hours are gonna pass till one of them is either banging at the door and begging to just talk and let them see them, or coming out defeated and tired and falling into each others arms 
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