leoswritingcorner · 7 years
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Brennan/Kendra AU: Single Parent
“Back again?” Brennan asks surprised as Kendra and Skye come shuffling back into the building. Though he really couldn’t say that he was upset at the sight of them. Just moments before, they’d been in here piratically celebrating at the safe return of their beloved hedgehog.
“Ah, yeah.” Kendra says, there’s a slight flush on her cheeks as she gives Brennan a small smile. “It was really awesome of you to save Pudge today. I mean, I guess that’s your job and all…” She says with a wave of her hand, motioning to the animal shelter room behind him. “Well, anyway, we…uh, we just…”
Skye comes over to the desk and leans up on her toes, her light eyes peeking over the top as she struggles to balance herself and hold Pudge closely. “D’ya wanna come over for pizza?” The six year old asks cheerfully. “As a thank you and also, mommy hasn’t been on a date in ten-ever.”
“Skye!” Kendra snaps quickly, a mortified look on her face, and her flush even deeper. 
“That’s what you say, mommy!”
Brennan looks between the two, and feels a flush covering his own face. “I mean…” He finally says. “It really wasn’t a problem saving the little guy, there’s no need to reward me.”
The mom and daughter both stop short in their small argument, and an identical crestfallen look covers their faces. Brennan feels a little something in him break. 
“But” He adds. “I-I could always go for pizza.”
Skye cheers, her feet doing a little dance. “Yes! Tonight!” She peers at Brennan as if to just confirm. Brennan grins slightly and glances to Kendra.
“Is tonight all right by you?” He asks. Kendra nods.
“More than alright by me, B.” 
@headcanonsfromanelfblossom  💕
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leoswritingcorner · 7 years
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The Candy Kids (and Phaedra!): Monster Hunters AU
Well, not exactly ‘hunters’. Orion, Vaughn, and Zelda mostly kept monster in check. Sometimes Big Foot would get too close to a campsite, or a kelpie lurked around in a popular lake.
Their main day job was in the local candy shoppe, but they were the ones who were seemingly brave enough to chase chupacabras off with brooms from the trashcans out back. Even though she didn’t work in the shoppe, Phaedra did have some knowledge and know how on the various monsters that roamed around town. Maybe cause she worked at the library. Maybe that’s why she and Orion would go on so many long walks together through the woods
Anyway, if mothman had swooped in and grabbed your picnic, or those creepy black-eyed kids come around, just head down to the candy shoppe, either Orion, Vaughn, or Zelda will be happy (or grudgingly) to help. 
( @endlessbrainchatter 💕)
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leoswritingcorner · 7 years
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Jasper/Jean: 1920’s Murder Mystery AU
Jasper knows he should just hang up. No good could come from this call. She was a wanted woman. A con artist who parades around like some grand spiritual medium and tricks suckers out of their money. Suckers who wind up dead. She could also very well be a murderer.
“What do you want?” Jasper says gruffly. From the other end of the line he hears her sighs shakily.
“I need your help.”
Jasper scoffs. “Jean, you have a lot of nerve asking me for that. Let alone calling me.”
“Please, Detective…Jasper.” Jean whispers his name. “I’m begging you. You have to believe me. It’s not me.”
In all the years Jasper has known her, he’s knows she’s many things. Sly, cunning, proud, willing to play dirty for what she wanted. But never a beggar.
Against his better judgement, Jasper finally relents. “Fine. I’ll take your word. But this doesn’t mean you’re out of the fire, Jean.”
It just means Jasper threw himself right into with her.
for @readyallthecanons 💕
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leoswritingcorner · 7 years
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Kenny/Vivi AU: International Thief and Detective
It always ended like this.
A chance encounter, over flowing champagne, their clothes strewn across the floor, all concluding with guns aimed and fingers on the trigger.
Kenny waited till Vivi at least had her heels on, and clicked his gun in warning. “One night, Vi. I’m going to have to bring you in one night.”
“I’m sure of that, detective.” Vivi said, keeping her gun aimed at him as made her way to him.
Kenny’s eyes fell to the way her hips swayed that he didn’t notice how close she got till he felt the barrel of the gun under his chin.
Vivi adjusted his tie “But some'zing tells me that you enjoy this game too much.”
“And you’re not?” Kenny countered. His free hand slipped behind her, zipping up her dress.
“I never denied that, not for one moment.” Vivi smiled. “This is the most fun I’ve ‘ad playing cat and mouse.”
Slowly they lowered the guns, and Vivi took her chance to slip away, before casting one more glance to the man she knew would chase her to the ends of the earth.
“I’ll see you when you ‘catch’ me again, mom amor”
@rainys-shipsandcanons 💕
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