#brendon urie transparent
scoutsunset · 1 year
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here's a transparent png of him, in his honour.
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You gotta love fanart
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ifitstorture · 2 years
if you think the taylor swift fandom is bad, the “emo bandom” (mc, fob p!atd) is even worse i promise you
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Yer a wizard, Urie!
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ohitstransparent · 6 years
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Panic! At The Disco - Logo
White version on the right.
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trippingeyes · 7 years
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golden days - panic! at the disco
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sterlingarcher · 2 years
i genuinely whole-heartedly believe that the majority of people who come in guns blazing about the brendon urie speak up twitter hashtag never actually read any of the shit in there, because i just have such a hard time believing someone would earnestly go down swinging over any of that shit. just the idea that anyone with any amount of cognition would die on the hill of poorly written tweets claiming they were severely traumatized by brendon uries hand brushing past their ass during the death walk, or shockingly transparent threads that read like an ao3 fic tagged “dead dove: do not eat.” like these people couldnt even bother to google what the green room of the venue they were referencing looked like, or the distance of the venues they were using in their stories to the closest public transportation stations. these absolute fucking goons just peppered in the word “grooming” because they knew it was twitters new buzzword that they learned that week and it was the most effective way to get people to share and retweet unquestioningly. all logic and reasoning flew out the window with those allegations, these people never had any intention of being believable. with the overwhelming majority of those people going on record to say “oops, i lied for fun,” i think there was almost a challenge present whether it was active or passive to see how ridiculous or easily fact-checked they could make an allegation and still be implicitly believed. that whole hashtag inadvertently created the most insane commentary around weaponized morality, internet literacy, and naivety in the age of social media. like all of those accusations were just so like… mind-blowingly offensive to anyone who possesses even a single iota of critical thinking skills. i refuse to believe anyone has consumed all of the information available from that hashtag and come away passionately believing that brendon urie is a vicious, calculated, abhorrent abuser and child predator. like im begging you please be serious. if you tell me it was all just a huge joke and a massive longcon that you were running with i wont believe you but ill grant you the quiet indignity of the cowards way out
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ice-cream-nekogirl · 5 years
lay us down, we’re in love (Tokoyami Fumikage X Reader)
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I’m a slut for fluff!! I wrote this because I was going through an existensial crisis!! And I thought about Tokoyami, he’s one of my favorites... and this song is so soft and romantic and it reminded me of him!! That and I can’t stop listening to Brendon Urie’s beautiful voice...
SO PLEASE ENJOY THIS!! This also features Taromaru!!
Summary: Time’s moving too fast for your liking but Tokoyami’s love for you remains the same.
Wintertime was a season you were oddly fond of. It was nice and chilly outside, which meant you could just cuddle up in the warm blankets and get close to people you actually cared about, all the while enjoying a nice hot beverage.
You smiled and sighed in content as you opened the window to feel more of that cool air filling the empty common room, and made your way to the couch to snuggle into your favorite (D/S) blanket. As happy as you were getting comfortable, at the same time you felt a little bit sad knowing that another year had gone by and now you were starting all over without a clue what to do.
However, you didn’t want to think too much about that, you just wanted to get comfortable and feel the cool air in the room while you were wrapped up in your blanket, watching American Horror Story on Netflix. Something about Netflix that made you forget about the fact that January was already almost over and that it was still fucking 2020...
That was a disgusting thought... how could it be 2020 already? How could January almost be over already? How could Winter almost be over? Ugh you hated how fast time was moving and you just wished that you could be trapped in some never-ending show where time didn’t matter...
“Woof, woof!” The sounds of barking made you perk up as you saw Taromaru looking up at you with his adorable eyes as you giggled a bit and patted the couch to encourage him to jump up. Standing on his little hind legs, the puppy launched himself upwards and quickly made himself comfortable in your lap. “Hee-hee you’re one of the best things I ever got Taromaru...” You said rather lovingly to your puppy as he yawned happily while he lied in your lap.
That’s right... you got Taromaru as your new puppy. Before him you also found yourself the most wonderful boyfriend in the world. He was a little on the gloomy side but you were pretty gloomy at times yourself so it worked out perfectly. 
And from the corner of your eye you could see said curious boyfriend emerge from the shadows of the dim hallway, clearly, he was looking for you since you weren’t in your dorm-room.
“Hey Fumi~.” You waved to him with a smile to let him know that you weren’t oblivious to him being there, and he pretended to look not surprised and resisted the urge to shiver when he felt how cold it was in here.
Oh, the window was open. That’s right, he knew how much you enjoyed getting warm in the cold…
“Good evening (Y/N).” He said in that deep voice that made you feel things… especially when he said your name. It took quite a while to get him to call you by your first name instead of your last name, but you got him to, and you fucking loved hearing him say it. And he was only partially oblivious to this as he looked right at you with such intense eyes that withheld curiosity.
“Couldn’t sleep?” He assumed, since he was well aware that you didn’t have the best sleep schedule, because he didn’t really have the best sleep schedule either. It’s why he was up too.
You chuckled somewhat shyly as you nodded, “Yup… so I’m just sittin’ in the dark, watching AHS with Taromaru… maybe it’ll help me go to sleep.” Sighing, you looked pretty relaxed and then patted the spot next to you, gesturing for your avian boyfriend to come over and sit with you. Tokoyami took this offer without hesitation, while he certainly wasn’t the most expressive type, he didn’t miss a chance to be with you. You two had been together for over a year, and Tokoyami hoped that it would stay that way for quite a while. 
Sure he was a hero of the night and a creature of the darkness, but you were a constant source of light for him and you were never far away from him. He didn’t enjoy being too far away from you because you always brightened up his cloudy days and his darkest nights.
Not only that but he loved this show, it literally had ‘Horror Story’ in the title, plus it was American. America made some pretty classic horror movies, and all of these seasons never ceased to amaze him. Asylum was his favorite, and to his delight you were watching the first episode of the second season. “This will never not be the best season… but murder house is pretty close…” You thought outloud as he nodded.
“The first season was shrouded in mystery, and there was no way the audience could predict what could happen or what had happened until everything would unfurl. But Asylum is a grim representation of the darker nature of humanity and the madness that lies within.” Tokoyami wasn’t one to speak much, but he did whenever someone actually shared one of his interests, and you were the lucky one who got to hear him actually share, show and tell his opinions.
“Ohh yeah…” You tried not to giggle at how dramatic he sounded, because you agreed with him, “Ain’t that the truth? It’s so wicked~. But I love Coven too~.” You sang-songed a little bit, and the raven had to agree that Coven was also a really good season. It had witches in it!
Although he couldn’t fight the blush heating his cheeks when you leaned against his shoulder and nuzzled him a little bit. He was so glad he had the feathers to hide his blushing so he was less transparent, but at the same time he was certain that somehow you knew when he blushed. Still, he was able to be a little more open around you, it’s what he adored about you. He could be him with you, because for some reason, you liked him even when he was a bit of an oddball who enjoyed these kinds of shows.
Of course, you liked these kinds of shows too and you were an oddball too, it’s why you and him got along so well. Birds of a feather watch horror shows together.
You hummed in content as you watched the first three episodes of Asylum with your dear Tokoyami, giggling when Dark Shadow came out to lay down his head onto your shoulder and you happily pet him, much to his host’s annoyance. 
“Arf~.” Taromaru then had to stand and put his paws on your chest so he could reach up to lick Dark Shadow’s beak. You quietly cooed when the shadow giggled and pet the puppy, “Who’s a good doggy? Whose a good doggy?!” 
Tokoyami sighed in annoyance when his shadow just had to play with the puppy. Now it’s not that Tokoyami disliked Taromaru, in fact he did find the pup rather cute, but stealing his underwear was certainly NOT cute at all, and then sometimes it felt as if the puppy deliberately stole your attention away from him on purpose.
Including right now as you seemed enthralled in watching Taromaru happily whining under the shadow’s surprisingly soft petting and you just found it adorable. “Awww~...” You shamelessly cooed even if your boyfriend wasn’t amused.
Still, Tokoyami kept close to you and he was happy you shared your blanket because it was really cold in here. He wasn’t a physical person, but he felt comfortable being near you, and touching you, being so close to you made him feel warm inside as you hugged his arm.
As tempting as it was to stay warm with you holding him and watch another episode, it was about to be two o clock and you knew that someone might wake up and catch you both still up at this hour.
At least it gave Tokoyami the excuse to make his quirk retreat, and as he stood up he felt a little more tired than he was earlier. And you gave a rather vocal yawn as you tiredly stood up from the couch and made sure to close the window, “Mmmkay… I’m goin’ to bed now…c’mon Taromaru...” You mumbled, and yet you moved over to the raven and put your hands on his shoulders as Taromaru perked up with a bark.
“Lead the way…”
This somewhat surprised Tokoyami, but he knew what you were getting at. “You wish to sleep in my room tonight?” You said you were going to bed, but didn’t specify you were going to YOUR bed…
“Yeah!” Despite being sleepy, apparently you had enough energy to chirp out an excited but quiet ‘yeah’, and Tokoyami couldn’t help but sigh as he wordlessly led you to his room while your puppy followed. Although the inside of his room still embarrassed him, you didn’t mind it at all. You thought his room was awesome because you were into that gothic stuff, sure some of it was a little edgy, but it was still cool!
He had a freaking sword just like Game of Thrones!
“Fumikage you’re my dark angel…” You smiled drowsily at your boyfriend, and he refused to let himself get so flustered at your flattery. “Get into bed (Y/N), it’s late.” He said a bit firmly, but only so you could go to sleep already because it was clear you were tired. His face was hot over the fact that he was going to share his bed with you, but he wasn’t going to just kick you out of his room. He was always your gentleman and he wouldn’t dream of kicking his girlfriend out of his room.
“Okey~…” Without complaint you got under his covers and already got comfortable and took your own blanket under with you just in case you wanted to put it at your feet. Tokoyami then shakily sighed as he forced himself to get into his bed with you in it. This was no problem he was just getting into his bed with his very cute, very sweet girlfriend in it…
He swallowed hard as he got into his bed and realized that he was lying down right next to you, and did his best not to tremble but ultimately failed. Somehow lying right next to you was a little bit different than just sitting right next to you. Calm down, calm down… he wasn’t going to get so nervous about this, but oh gods it was too late…
Oh Thank God for Taromaru. The puppy made himself at home in the room and climbed onto his bed, but instead of taking your attention he just happily lied at the foot of the bed and circled himself into a ball as he gave a little yawn.
So much for that help...
“Awwww...” You did coo at your sweet little puppy, but then you diverted your somewhat flirtatious eyes back on Tokoyami, who immediately felt the nerves now that your attention was back on him.
Even when tired you weren’t completely oblivious to your poor boyfriend’s nerves so you smiled a little bit and held his hand, turning to face him as his eyes widened a bit when they looked into your (E/C) eyes and you suddenly started to softly sing.
“Hello darkness my old friend… I’ve come to talk with you again…”
And Dark Shadow popped out from under the covers and sang, making Tokoyami jump ever so slightly as he glared at his shadow for coming out without permission. But Dark Shadow didn’t pay him no mind, he loved singing with you and happily snaked right beside you as you giggled and kept on singing with the shadow.
“Because a vision’s softly creeping… left it’s seeds while I was sleeping…”
Despite Tokoyami’s annoyance with his quirk, you just kept on singing as the shadow nuzzled you as you happily sang with him. Tokoyami would have been entertained by your oddly comforting voice if not for his shadow hogging you and singing with you…
“And the vision that was planted in my brain still remains within the sound…”
Almost getting lost in the song you and Dark Shadow sung along as you nodded your head along with him, but then you and he came to a pause at the last part and turned to face Tokoyami with smiles on your faces. The raven resisted the urge to sigh as he had no choice but to humor you both.
“Of silence…”
Tokoyami softly sang the last two words as you couldn’t help give a little squeal and snuggle up to him when he did it! He sung the song! Two words but still! You were happily nuzzling your now flustered Tokoyami as he trembled a little more and tried not to glare at how comfortable Dark Shadow looked just resting on you like that.
As comfortable as you looked petting the shadow, and having Taromaru resting happily at the edge of the bed, for some reason you still couldn’t bring yourself to fall asleep and Tokoyami knew. “What’s the matter?” He was aware that you were very sleep-deprived and he had no doubts it’s because you couldn’t sleep, however there was always an underlying reason to it and he felt the need to try and help you with that.
Sighing, you rested your head on the pillow and stared up at the ceiling, hand still stroking the top of Dark Shadow’s head as he purred. “Can I ask you a bit of a personal question?”
“Of course you can.”
That question made him a little bit nervous, but the raven nonetheless would hear you out. “Do you ever just wish time would stop? So you can just have a goddamn break? I swear… every second passes and it feels like I’m just slowly getting more and more ancient… and then I think too hard on it and begin to wonder just what the point is and why I’m even here. I mean… you know… I’ve always had a lot of self-doubt, and people who liked to make me feel low… sometimes I think I am low, and then I think about just where I am in life and contemplate if it’s good enough. You know me I’m an overthinker and once I think about that I can’t stop…” You admitted, and you didn’t see the thought swirling in your boyfriend’s eyes.
He understood your words, even if they were a tad bit depressing, he knew and understood that. In fact, he wasn’t ashamed to say that he’s had thoughts like that too whenever he in particular felt like he wasn’t very successful in a particular endeavor, or when the things he hoped for weren’t here yet even when he desperately wished for them to come sooner so he wouldn’t have to wait anymore.
Along with the occasional existential crisis Tokoyami, like many an edgy teenager, felt on a somewhat daily basis whenever he felt any of those things. Why was he even here? He didn’t know why, but then again, being with you reminded him that maybe he was here for a reason.
“That’s a hard question to answer.” He replied truthfully and you chuckled with a small nod, “But everything happens for a reason, isn’t that what you like to say? I believe it’s true. Everything does happen for a reason.” Tokoyami remembered you always saying that everything had to happen for a reason, and he found himself starting to believe that. There had to be a reason, he knew there had to.
“You found Taromaru for a reason. You and I started dating for a reason…” He trailed off that last part a little awkwardly as you giggled a little bit, “Because I couldn’t resist you, you’re just so handsome and sweet~.” You grinned a little as you could see Tokoyami’s feathers starting to preen as he started to get flustered. That reason he didn’t understand, but didn’t argue with it because it made him feel good.
“S-See? There’s a reason for everything. There’s a reason why we are here, there’s a reason why I’m here at UA. I understand what you’re feeling. I too have had people tell me before that I wouldn’t qualify as a decent hero because of my dark quirk.” You couldn’t help but frown when you thought about it. Tokoyami didn’t necessarily have the easiest childhood and you knew it because he had told you about it in private so you felt so bad that your dear raven had to go through all of that.
“I’m… sorry Fumi. I’m sorry that they made you feel that way.” And you couldn’t help but apologize to him, but he didn’t really seem all that saddened thinking about it.
“There’s no need to be sorry. If I was never told those words, I never would have realized that I want to be a reliable hero and let people know that they don’t need to fear the dark. I never would have worked hard enough to make it into UA, I never would have met our classmates, and I never would have met you.” The raven continued with a thoughtful gaze that he gave to you. He would always be honest with you, and so he felt just a little less flustered as he confessed that he felt that this the reason he was here, because he was meant to meet you. That you and he were meant to meet.
You could feel your face turning hot at such a humane confession and how surprisingly optimistic your boyfriend sounded about everything. Wow, you had never thought about it like that. Now you were starting to believe that maybe that was true, that you were meant to meet your Tokoyami and be with him because of how everything you’ve been through led to being with him.
With flushed cheeks you tried not to snicker and smile but you couldn’t help it, “God… Fumi… people always say Todoroki’s the heartthrob… but I think it’s you… way to make a gal feel special…” You sounded very touched as you had to lean in to kiss him on the beak as he perked up and grew even more flustered. 
A contrast to how calm he had looked as you giggled when his feathers floofed up a bit. “I think… you’re right… that has to be the reason… makes everything… all the bullshit… worth it. I’ve got my reason right here.” You warmly said as she had to cuddle up closer to him and Tokoyami felt a little bit warmer having you so close to him.
“Me too.” Was all he could bring himself to say as you sighed in content, “Sing with me Fumi~.” You weren’t quite tired yet, but a nice little song would definitely do the trick and Tokoyami didn’t complain as he let you start humming.
“Whether near or far, I am always yours… Any change in time we are young again…”
The raven held you in his arms as he sang this song for you, it was his song to you. He never wanted you to feel like you weren’t worthy of love, no matter how fast time moves, he would always be yours.
“Lay us down… We're in love... Lay us down... We're in love…”
It took all your willpower not to tear up as you thought about Brendon and your sweet boyfriend as you gladly sung and harmonized with him. God you loved Panic! At The Disco, their songs moved your heart, but when Tokoyami sang their songs, it moved your heart just a little bit more.
“In these coming years many things will change, but the way I feel will remain the same…”
He wasn’t Brendon Urie, Tokoyami knew he would never be Brendon, that man was a God, but he could at least try to be your Brendon. And you were his Sara. The one he always wanted to see smile, and he would make sure that he could be the one to make you smile. And for once he didn’t have any caveats when Dark Shadow remained cuddled up at your side and purring into you affectionately. 
“Lay us down… We're in love... Lay us down... We're in love…”
You were smiling the entire time as your eyes slowly started to close as you rested your head on his shoulder and hugged his arm, and Taromaru was cuddled up at your legs. “Good night Fumi~.” You whispered your soft good nights to him when he finished the song you loved and Tokoyami sighed as he gave you a little smile when you looked at peace beside him.
“Good night (Y/N).” He whispered to you gently before his eyes started to close and for once in a while, he was able to fall into a peaceful sleep because he was lied down right next to you. Still very much in love with you, and you were still in love with him.
Lay us down… we’re in love…
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fandomtransparents · 7 years
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Transparent Charlie Price from Kinky Boots
Requested by @paigeisfanatic
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feverryden · 7 years
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made some brendon icons! please credit if you use x
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dreamofyouandi · 5 years
Me on my tumblr: I want to be at least somewhat transparent on my opinions of certain people because I don't want people to gang up on me esp considering im one of the larger blogs in this community
Me on my twitter: I hate brendon urie
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Made this for my friend @ college. Happy birthday, A!
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Credits (because the PNGs technically aren't mine):
Brendon Urie PNG: https://www.nicepng.com/maxp/u2q8o0i1a9t4t4e6/
TØP PNG: https://www.pngkey.com/download/u2e6y3u2y3o0r5t4_twenty-one-pilots-transparent-background-png-tyler-and/
Flower Crown PNG: https://www.nicepng.com/downpng/u2q8w7r5a9u2u2t4_flowercrown-flowers-flores-corona-transparent-red-flower-crown/
Calligraphy: https://fontmeme.com/calligraphy-fonts/
Picture of A: Me!
Lyrics: TØP : Chlorine
             P!ATD : Dancing's Not A Crime
Program used: Autodesk Sketchbook
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Brendon Urie pngs
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ohitstransparent · 7 years
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Panic! At The Disco
Asked by @getusedtopanic
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