#breeze x hammond
i'm gonna start a new blorbo club called the Association of Professional Associates. members must be in some form of professional business together, and partners. that's it.
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sazed-s-faith-crisis · 3 months
Im pretty sure all the older crew members have fucked Kelsier at least one time in differing stages of relationship regardless of gender
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carpexdiemm05 · 4 months
Whispered Vows (Mistborn x Reader) Masterlist
Also read on Wattpad!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
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norabrice1701 · 2 years
Coincidence - Ch. 2
Dr. Alan Grant x Predoctoral Student Fem!Reader
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Ch. 2 Warnings: Explicit language; inappropriate crush; minor Alan Grant/Ellie Sattler references; dinosaur PTSD
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Astonishing reports are surfacing out of Costa Rica about creatures that have been extinct since the Jurassic period. Several local sources are coming forward to say that not only have they worked at a facility that supposedly breeds dinosaurs, but they have also personally seen the large reptiles. 
“Those eyes,” one man told reporters. “I’ll never forget those eyes. Cold… like the worst winter ever. Cold and utterly without remorse.” 
“I worked there for the money. Why else do you think?” Another man claimed. “I guess there was hazard pay in there – I heard at least one man died at the facility, mauled and eaten, so I heard.” 
“I saw them when they were little – kind of cute, in a reptilian sort of way with their little screeches.” Yet another man reported. “But within six months, they towered over us with zero restraint or control. Deadly in every way – even the herbivores. Though, the triceratops and brontosauruses were more likely to step on us than eat us.” 
All the interviewed individuals referred to an island off the Costa Rican coast, though none have named it. In total, Costa Rica has approximately 80 small islands and authorities are weighing whether or not to open an official investigation. 
Immediate suspicion has fallen to Isla Nublar, under lease from the government to InGen. Perhaps it’s coincidental that the former CEO of InGen, John Hammond, has just been terminated and replaced by Peter Ludlow. Perhaps this change in power will reveal more of the biotech company’s undertakings on the island or lead to further investigation of the surrounding areas. 
“Fucking reporters.” April grumbles next to you, distracting you from the newspaper article. “They can’t even get it right. Dinosaurs have been extinct since the Cretaceous period, not the Jurassic.” 
You chew a bite of your sandwich, glaring over at her in the shade of the mess tent. “Seriously? Of all the ludicrous claims in this article, you’re calling it out for a factual error?” 
She shrugs as she sips her water. “I like my journalists to at least have some integrity.” 
You snort around a mouthful of food. “And you say that about an article that seriously implies that dinosaurs are alive in our world today… unbelievable.” You glance back down at the article as the paper’s edge catches in the midday breeze. “They make it sound like some corporate cover-up operation – or like a James Bond villain. Recreating dinosaurs on some tropical island…” 
April offers an incredulous laugh of her own as she lifts her sandwich. “How would they ever even go about such a thing? Even the intact eggs with fossilized embryos on Dr. Grant’s ‘Egg Island’ didn’t offer enough clues about their DNA.” 
Re-folding the newspaper, you shake your head. “That makes it sound more like a sci-fi fantasy film than anything that a respectable scientist would actually endorse.” 
“The thought is incredible, though.” April muses with a wide smile. “I mean – to actually see a T-Rex… or a stegosaurus! Are they as big as we imagined? As ferocious? As gentle? As fast or slow? God, the questions are endless.” 
“I think I would be too busy arguing with myself whether to stay or run away if I ever saw one… not that it really matters because these are all completely hypothetical questions.” 
Hypothetical, maybe, but the dig site has been buzzing for at least the last hour. Ever since the two-day old newspaper arrived this morning with a food restock, everyone’s been speculating and whispering. Of course, the small mention of the InGen CEO also raised some eyebrows. It’s no secret that InGen is one of the department’s most generous donors and largely responsible for funding this year’s dig, and maybe... well, like the paper said, it’s just coincidental. But it's still curious that an article stirring up rumors of dinosaurs in the modern world just happens to discuss a company that funds dinosaur fossil excavations. 
You take another bite of your sandwich even as your stomach sours with the impossible implications. It doesn’t make sense… how could it? Even the thought of bringing prehistoric animals into the modern world just seems horrifically ill-advised. 
The din in the mess tent falls silent around you, and you glance around with confused curiosity. Over your shoulder, you notice Dr. Grant coming to a stop in the center of the tent. Despite his evident exhaustion, his eyes hold thunderous frustration and bitter disappointment. His mouth pinches to a tight line as he surveys the assembled crowd of increasingly interested people. 
He braces a hand on his hip, drawing a sharp breath. “By now, I’m sure that you’ve all read the newspaper from two days ago.” His sharp gaze lands on you before darting down to the newspaper resting in front of you. “And I’m sure that you’ve all figured out that the InGen discussed in that inflammatory article is the same InGen who so graciously funds our department. Or, rather…” The muscles of his jaw visibly tighten as a swallow works down his throat. “They used to. Our dean was just informed that with the change in leadership comes a new change in direction.” 
Your stomach drops to your feet, heavy with dread. 
Dr. Grant exhales a deep sigh. “We’re told to expect significant cutbacks effective immediately. And until the department can reassess impacts and proper funding allocation,” his voice tightens with choked emotion. “I’m afraid to say that we… we’ve been shut down.”
Gasps and groans of disbelief echo around you as your face falls. 
He raises a hand in an attempt to placate. “I know how disappointing, heartbreaking and absolutely frustrating this is.” If he tries to strike a positive, supportive tone, he fails as he continues. “Especially after all the progress we’ve made. Especially when we have such a prime specimen within our grasp….” The tension in his voice shows on his face, aging him ten years older - and you want to give him the biggest hug. “But, that should just be all the more motivation for us to secure more funding, get back out here, and get back to digging.” 
“Dr. Grant,” one of your fellow students pipes up. “You said effective immediately… so, how long until we have to leave?” 
He sighs with heavy reluctance as he scans over the group. “Unfortunately, we’ve been directed to start making immediate preparations and teardowns.” Another wave of groans echo in the tent, intermixed with cries of protest and scoffs of disbelief. Exhaustion weighs heavy on Dr. Grant’s shoulders as he nods and continues. “I completely understand - trust me, I didn’t just take this lying down.” He darts a glance over at Dr. Sattler who stands silently on the tent’s periphery with her arms crossed and a carefully neutral expression. “We told the dean exactly what we think of this order to disband, and we were still shot down. So now,” his tone sharpens with an acerbic edge. “After lunch, we must each start doing our part to return to campus before we all lose our privilege to work and study at this esteemed university.” 
He winces in the wake of his words, as if he just realizes what he said. As if he realizes he’s supposed to set some sort of example but just epicly failed instead. Another heavy sigh leaves him and he shakes his head - and goodness, you honestly don’t know how Dr. Alan Grant’s day could get any worse. 
Or yours, for that matter. 
A bead of sweat rolled down the side of your face as you worked. Between the sweat and sunscreen, dust and sand clung to every inch of exposed skin as you guided the brush over the carefully preserved skeleton. 
Pursing your lips, you continued working away at the rock matrix surrounding the fibula bone, flaking the rock away with a paintbrush in one hand and dental pick in the other. Quiet, easy conversation floated around you as others also laid prone in the dirt with their own tools, excitement building as the skeleton yielded more of its secrets with each layer of removed sediment. 
The rock continued to flake away, and surely, you must be close. The plane of weakness always revealed itself when least expected, and finally, your pick chipped through the invisible plane. Your brush swept the rest of the loose sediment away, finally revealing aged, brown bone. Satisfaction welled in your chest and a smile brightened your face as you continued to separate the final layers of rock and bone, revealing the long, tapered, thin leg bone. 
Or, perhaps… it was too thin. Or, no…? You stared quizzically down at the fractured bone embedded in the earth, at the two snapped fragments that shoot phantom pain down your own leg. You blew gently to dispel some loose sand granules as you brushed over the brittle ends and licked your top lip. “Dr. Grant?” 
He lifted his head at the sound of his name, searching your voice out with aviator-shaded eyes. You met his gaze, motioning him over. Giving you a quick nod, he looked back down to his own work, carefully setting his tools aside before rising to his feet. Sand coated the front of his clothing as he stepped around other team members to walk towards you. As much as you enjoyed the sight of him in a lecture hall, this was easily your favorite version of him - bedecked in his signature straw hat, aviators, and perpetual layer of dirt. 
“Is something wrong?” He asked, crouching down beside you for a closer look. His shadow offered some temporary relief from the sun as you motioned with your brush towards the broken bone. 
“The fibula, just here.” You said before turning to glance up at him. “I think this one might have been injured.” 
His face creased with open curiosity as he lowered himself to the dirt alongside you for a closer look. “Brush, please?” He held out a hand, and you didn't hesitate to pass it over.
His skilled hands at work never failed to mesmerize you. The delicate brushstrokes, the deliberately careful touches of his fingers, the tandem dance they wove together as the sediment yielded its treasure to him. A gust of hot wind washed over you, bringing his scent with it - exertion, earth, and plain soap. It heated your blood on a primal level, and the arousal stirring in your belly snapped you back to yourself. 
Goodness, this was hardly the time or place for your body to run away with you. 
“This bone is too fragile to move.” He said, lifting his head to look up the length of bone. “It’s clear something happened here - was this a fracture that caused the animal’s demise? Or did it occur after death? Perhaps from a stampede?” He rolled onto his right arm, glancing out over you and the surrounding dig site. “From the other specimens retrieved so far,” he paused to wet his top lip in thought. “It stands to reason that maybe they were on the move - possibly, even on the run - but yet, this one was able to keep up even with a broken leg.”  
A smile came to your face as you listened - and God, this was exactly why you’re out here. “I think the clean break would suggest injury,” you said, leaning back in towards the bone. “If it were an impact - like from a stampede or other heavy weight, I think the bone would be more splintered.” You looked up at him before scanning ahead and behind him. “We also don’t know how much larger this group - herd? Pack? - was. With time, we might discover that these three specimens were outliers or outcasts… just natural selection still at work even among global catastrophe.” 
He regarded you for a long moment, and eventually the corner of his mouth lifted with a smirk. In the shadow of his hat and the tint of his aviators, you couldn’t tell if he was proud, amused, or… something else. The heat simmering in your blood favored the latter, wanting him to see you as more than just his student, as his intellectual equal, as someone who could - 
“It’s certainly an intriguing discovery you made.” Your name rolled off his tongue, and your heart fluttered as he turned back to the skeleton. “But the bone is still too fragile to move. We’ll have to reinforce it.” He shifted again to reach into the side pouch of his belt and withdrew a small bottle. “This won’t be enough, but it’s a start. Now, we need to be careful - this resin sticks to sand and sediment just as easily as bone.” He handed back your brush, motioning you forward as he leaned in. “We’ll start with this end and work inwards, before we reinforce the other end.” He paused, glancing up at you with an encouraging lift in the corner of his mouth as he uncapped the bottle and hovered close to the bone’s surface. “Now, if you can keep the sand and dust away, we’ll have her ready in no time.” 
The fond memory nearly brings tears to your eyes. Out of all your days in the dust, it’s easily your favorite and easily the closest proximity that you’ve ever worked one-on-one with your mentor. Even now, you can still see his face so clearly, hear his voice, and recall that smirk directed only at you. If you’re perfectly honest with yourself, you have hoped to get one last chance for a similar moment with him - or, rather… you were hoping. But if the dig is well and truly disbanded, then this is it. 
Your last dig with the department ends like this. 
“One more thing,” Dr. Grant’s voice cuts through your disappointment and you glance back up at him with a heavy gaze. “Over the coming days, weeks or even months - if any of you are contacted by the media or requested to give any public statements, say nothing and direct whoever asks to the university public relations office.” 
An immediate flurry of curious questions erupt - and you can’t blame your fellow students. It’s such an odd thing to say, such an odd request, and it stirs questions of your own as you watch Dr. Grant deflect incoming questions with increasing frustration. 
Just what does he know? 
Just what else isn’t he saying? 
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sockhatingsapphic · 3 years
evil evil evil that no one on this hellsite posts about breeze and hammond. those bitches are so gay! why are there only TWO AO3 WORKS???
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I FINALLY found time to actually write something! There’s probably a few mistakes, but oh well. I actually really enjoyed writing this, and maybe I’ll edit it later. Probably not, but ya know. 
Anyway, here’s what was supposed to be written on the 30th!
Apex Legends
Fuse x Bloodhound
         The sun had set hours ago, the moon taking its place high in the starry sky. Crickets chirped in the distance and a warm breeze blew. Walter absentmindedly picked and strummed at his old guitar.
         The other legends had all gathered around the fire hours earlier bringing marshmallows and good spirits. Even the simulacrum Revenant had joined, something that Bloodhound had found amusing. They noted as he has watched the others as they told tales of their homelands or bragged about their exploits outside of the games. The velafolk interested them, even if they did not understand his ways. There was a deep sadness in him, something the hunter understood all too well.  
         “Mate?” a heavily accented voice called, snapping them from their thoughts.  
         They quickly turned to the Salvonian. “My apologies, Walter Fitzroy. I was lost in the stars.”  
         “Ya okay there, Houndy?” Walter asked, setting his guitar to the side. “Somethin’ on ya mind?”
         Bloodhound sighed, their respirator whirring softly. “I am alright.” It wasn’t a lie, they thought. Just not quite the whole truth.  
         Walter cocked his head, watching the flames reflect off of Bloodhound’s dark goggles. He wondered for a moment, how they were able to see out of them, especially at night. Something he’d have to ask later. Bloodhound was unusually quiet. Well, quieter than they normally were around him. “I know ya ‘lot better than that, Houndy. You know you can talk to ol’ Fusey.”
         “I do not wish to bother you with my problems, Fitzroy,” they responded after a moment. They felt a tightness in their chest, and suddenly their binder felt even more crushing. They set their jaw, intent on keeping their emotions at bay.
         Fuse stood, gently making his way over to the small hunter and sitting beside them. “You don’t have to carry your burdens alone, ya know?”  
         They felt themselves cracking, the fear of opening up being swallowed by sadness bursting to be released. They felt tears begin to gather in their eyes. “I-” their voice broke softly. “I have failed. I have failed everyone. The gods. My people. My family. Uncle Artur.. Boone.. I have failed him..”
         “Houndy, darlin’, it ain’t your fault. None of this is,” he said, hearing the hurt in their voice. “You can’t save ‘em all.”
         The hunter broke. “It is! I should have never touched that illt vopn! Uncle would still be here.. and maybe he could have helped stopped this.. Stopped Hammond. But he is not, and that is on my hands. And Boone.. Dear Boone. I slatra in the games for him so that he might walk the halls of Valhalla one day, but I fear he is already lost. I fear that he is lost because of me.. Because my heart seems to have forgotten him.”
         Walter listened as they spoke, trying to understand their native language when it slipped through and fill in the blanks. After a moment, he reached for the hunter’s gloved hands, gently taking them in his own, rough, calloused ones. “Do ya really think you’d be this upset if ya truly forgot the bloke?” He gave their hands a slight squeeze. “Houndy, it’s okay ta move on. Just ‘cuz he ain’t here no more don’t mean that’s on you. Ya’ll had your time together, and then it was done. Nothin’ wrong with that. And there’s no reason why ya shouldn’t try ta make yourself happy, darl. You are allowed to breathe. You are allowed to only take responsibility for ya’self.”
          “I-I am not worthy of your kindness, Walter Fitzroy,” Bloodhound said after a moment. Their goggles started to fog, the fire becoming an orange blur. They gently pulled away from Fuse’s comforting grip, something they and the grenadier both felt a tinge of disappointment from. Almost hesitantly, they reached up to their mask, and slowly undid the buckles securing it to their face.  
         The respirator let out a hiss, the pressurized air escaping it’s confines and into the warm night. Walter watched in awe as the hunter’s face was slowly revealed. Goggles were pulled down from their eyes.
          Years of fighting, of creating the perfect bombs, the biggest explosions, and yet none of those could compare to the absolute beauty that was Bloodhound.  
          Their skin was pale, almost glowing in the dim light. Faint pink scars covered their thin lips and soft skin. A single silver stud adorned their bottom lip, and red and black lines were painted across their chin and cheeks. Their face was rounder than Walter had expected, something that he found simply adorable.  
          Bloodhound’s helm cast a shadow a shadow over their face, ending at their Grecian nose. Tear streaks glistened in the light of the fire.
          They turned, meeting Walter’s gaze. Their lips moved, speaking to him, but he was lost in their eyes. Bright amber eyes with dark rings and heavy black eyeliner made his heart absolutely race.  
          They were even more beautiful than he could have ever predicted, and he briefly wondered if he was in the presence of divinity.  
          Hound’s sudden movement snapped Walter’s attention back. They stood quickly, beginning to fasten their mask back on.  
         “Wait, wait, wait!” Fuse said quickly, scrambling to his feet. He gently caught the hunter by the arm.  
         Bloodhound kept their face away from him, staring into the dying flames. “I apologize. I did not mean to offend you. I shall remain masked in your presence.”
          Fuse shook his head, “Houndy, ya got it all wrong. I ain’t.. I didn’t mean ta stare. It’s just..” he stepped in front of the shorter hunter, taking their mask and gently setting it aside. “You are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever laid me eye on.”
         His words caught them off guard, as they had always tried to hide their scars, believing them to be hideous. But Walter’s words were heavy with honesty. For once, Hound was the one caught off guard.
          Time seemed to slow around them as Fuse gently caressed their scarred cheek, Bloodhound leaning ever so slightly into his touch. A single thought crossed the Salvonian’s mind, and he was never one to deny an impulse.
          Tilting Bloodhound’s face up, Fuse pressed his lips against theirs, his metal arm pulling them closer.  
         They let themselves be pulled closer, their arms finding their way around the taller man’s neck and deepening the kiss.  
         After a moment, they pulled away nearly breathless, and rested their helm against Walter’s warm chest. Strong arms held them in a comforting embrace, and Bloodhound felt a smile find it’s way onto their face.
They were so going to finish him off tomorrow.
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plutoscosmoss · 5 years
The Song of Songs
@princessofthefandomrealm asked:
Heyy so would you do a Game of Thrones fic? I was thinking perhaps reader is a singer and she is paying a visit to Castle Black. Jon falls in love with her when he hears her sing. Because I love Tormund, perhaps a bit of him teasing Jon for getting heart eyes.
A/n: I hope this is okay. If you have any more request let me know!  (Y/N- your name,y/e/c-your eye color. For this, I decided to have Jon not be the Lord commander but still part of the night's watch.)
Pairing: Jon Snow x Singer!Reader
Summary: You are a singer for Castle Black and go back after years and meet a new face. 
Warnings: none (I don’t think) 
Word Count: 1046
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Riding up to Castle Black was the most nerve-racking feeling a person could have. Even after being there multiple times throughout your life you still got chills. Your eyes ran up and down the enormous wall, and your brain couldn’t begin to fathom what work and skill went into building the wall. Being sent to Castle Black wasn’t a new situation for you, but having not been back in quite some time due to your mother falling ill and having to watch over her, your nerves were higher than ever.
After each battle at the wall, they brought entertainers to calm the men's nerves. Whether it be by their voices or other needs, both men and women were welcomed in secret by the men of the Night's Watch. You could hear the clashing of swords from what felt like miles away and the noise only grew louder as you approached the gates of Castle Black. The snow under your horse's hooves, and your fellow members' horses, crunched as he came to a stop in front of the gate. It took almost a minute before you heard the snow shift as the gate opened up. You could see the men still having some sword practice before they took a break for supper.
Jumping off the horse, barely managing to not slip and fall on the ice, you situated your heavy cloak on your shoulders as you walked your horse along with the fellow members of your group to the stables where your horses would remain until you were told to leave.
As you took off your horses saddle you spotted a man with a scar running along his left eye watching you. He quickly turned away when you acknowledged his presence with a slight wave. He must have been new since you would have remembered someone who looked like that. Not many men at the wall looked like that nowadays, you turned to Hammond one of the men who joined the group this time around,
“Do you know who that man is? The one with long dark hair and the scar along his eye?” You asked. Hammond was also new but he had been to Castle Black more recently than you had.
“That’s Jon Snow, Ned Stark’s bastard. Don’t tell them I told you that though.” Hammond said as he was beckoned over by a member of the Night’s Watch.
Your eyes widened ask you grabbed your bag and walked inside the living area for the entertainment of Castle Black. You placed your bag down on one of the cots and pulled off your cloak and pulled on a long-sleeved grey dress that went down to your feet. You left your fur boots on since they weren’t able to be seen and you walked to the dining area to start your portion of the entertaining.
With every trip, there are two female singers and a plethora of both gendered entertainers for the men's pleasures. These days where the groups would come were blocked out by the Lord Commander because even he would take part in the ‘events’.
As you entered the dining area you situated yourself near the Lord Commanders table and began to sing. As you sang you felt the breeze from the door being opened. When you turned you saw the man who you now know as Jon Snow enter the room. You took your gaze off of him but still felt his chocolatey eyes on you among the many other eyes. You sang for what felt like a fortnight when in reality you got through a couple songs. You needed a water break and asked to switch with your fellow singer for a few minutes rest.
The Lord Commander agreed and let you go. You went to get Freya so she could take her spot on stage when you ran into a wall or at least you thought it was a wall. When you looked up from the floor you were looking into the eyes of Jon Snow.
“I’m so sorry ma'am, here let me help you,” Jon spoke as he reached his hand out to help you up.
You took his hand as you spoke, ‘Thank you, now if you will excuse me I have to retrieve my fellow singer.” You started to walk away as you felt a hand lightly grab your arm, “I heard you singing, you have a lovely voice.” You turned to look in his eyes and you finally got the chance to take in all his features. He had a very muscular face with the softest of eyes, the features made you take a sharp intake of air.
“Thank you.” You responded in almost a whisper, “What’s your name?” Jon asked as he looked into your y/e/c eyes. “It’s y/n y/l/n.” You spoke and asked your name fell from your lips, you felt his warm hand slip from your arm. “I’m Jon Snow.” He said as he stepped forward, looking down at your lips then back up to your eyes. “I know. I mean I’ve heard people say that that’s your name. I have to go, but nice talking with you.” You spoke as you rushed off to the sleeping quarters to relax and tell Freya to go sing. As you reached the room you shut the door behind you and let out a gust of air from your body. “My turn?” Freya asked.
Bonus Scene
“Who was that?” Jon jumped at the sound of Tormund's burly voice coming around the corner.
“One of the singers. She fell why?” Jon responded trying to come up with a cover story because he didn’t want Tormund to overthink what was happening. “She is a beauty, don’t you think? I saw your heart eyes from across the room when she was singing.” Tormund responds while smirking slyly. “She is beautiful yes, but I-” Jon was cut off by Tormund, “You two would have beautiful children. With her complexion and yours, they would look like gods.” Tormund said and finally broke Jon. “Oh shut up” Jon said as he pushed past Tormund making sure to knock into his shoulder in a joking manner. “I mean really, people would bow where they walked.” Tormund continued chasing after him.
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fatbottombucky · 6 years
Myself When With You 2/2
Requested by Anon: Hello! If you can, I hope you can write a story about male!reader breaking up with his Bf/Gf and going to Peter for support and then gets love! (If not I totally understand)
Pairings: Male!Reader x Female!OC & Male!Reader x Peter Parker
Warnings: Angst-slightly and some fluff/ a male x male kiss- if that makes you uncomfortable, then this is not the fic for you friend-o
Word count: 1459
A/N: I hope you guys like the ending. I had a bit of trouble wording this how I wanted, think it turned out nice. Incredibly fluffy, I know. But, I feel like when people write Male x Male it’s always angsty or smut, where all the fluff at, am I right? So hella fluff!!!! - Rosalie
Part One
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Avoiding. That’s what you were doing; avoiding Peter, avoiding Daisy, and avoiding virtually everyone. It was surprisingly easy for you, you got focused on training with the football team and focusing on the upcoming game.
You knew you had ruined everything with Peter. You practically beat yourself up over it when you got home for being so stupid, why would he want to be with you? He had been crushing hard over Liz Allen! You could pretend it was just emotions playing on you, you had just broken up with Daisy, you needed comfort, that’s all. Peter was there, you were overly emotional, he was there and it just happened- emotions took over, that’s all- yeah, you could use that excuse if needed.
If you could go back and change everything you would; ask for a different partner, not break up with Daisy, and hopefully stop yourself from kissing Peter.
You were able to be yourself when with Peter. You had such a great connection, a strong friendship, you didn’t have to be anything but yourself when with him. He didn’t see you as the “popular boy” like most or treat you any differently, he was just… himself. He invited you to hang out with Ned, who is also your friend now, you were able to nerd out with them both. Plus, he always laughed at your stupid jokes, you loved puns and he never failed to not laugh at them.
“Y/N?” A soft voice brings you out of your thoughts, you glance up and see Daisy walking slowly through the bleachers to you, where you are doing last minute homework. “Can I sit here for a sec?” You nod as she slowly sits down.
Her glossy, wavy dark hair blows in Queen’s breeze, her blue eyes capture yours as she really looks at you. Despite everything Daisy always had an uncanny ability to know you, you had been friends for years before dating, if there was one person to know what was up… it is her.
“I know,” You frowned slightly, “Peter… I know,” you stop breathing for a minute, your chest tightening.
Has Peter told people what happened between you both a few days ago? Does the whole school know? Why would he tell people? Peter is the last person you’d think would out you.
“Stop!” Daisy sighs, placing a delicate hand over yours, “I’ve had an inkling for a while, I just thought you two were best friends and that friendship was making you distance yourself from me. But… the way you talked about, look at him, that was how you were with me and I kind of pieced it all together. What happened?” You exhaled slowly, nodding and looking out across the playing field, trying to collect your thoughts before speaking them to Daisy.
“You sure?” She just nodded, a smile pulling up on her pinks lips. “I kissed him… after I broke up with you, actually.” Daisy raised her eyebrows, scoffing at that, “Yeah, sorry. Should have waited, I was kind of… crying and… overwhelmed. Sunday was weird, everything sort of hit me in a few hours, I don’t know, ran out of his apartment and haven’t talked to him since.” You shrugged with one shoulder.
Daisy nodded, following your gaze across the field, “You need to talk to him, Y/N. As your best friend, foremost, you need to talk this out with him. Whatever you’re thinking in that head of yours, it’s not true. Peter… I  know he has feelings for you,” You scoffed, “I’m serious. He’s like a puppy in love, it’s adorable, yet disgusting.” She chuckled, slinging an arm over your shoulders, trying to pull you to her - and failing- “I love you, you’re my idiot boy still, okay? Nothing has changed, well, you’re gonna have to help me get with Kyle.”
You scrunch your face up in disgust, “Kyle? Hammonds? Gross. Daisy, please, you can do so much better.” She rolled her blue eyes, standing up and ruffling your (H/L), (H/C), hair with her hand. She waved, giggling as she walked away from you.
“Talk to Parker,” She points walking down the bleachers, “otherwise I’ll be talking to him in your honour.”
You didn’t talk to Peter, you actually avoided him even more because of Daisy. You sat on the roof of your house, staring at the neighbours' dog, barking into the night. It was almost two in the morning, you hadn’t been able to sleep, mostly due to stress. You had a million thoughts running through your mind all at once; how would the game go this Friday? What would you even say to Peter? How are you two even able to be friends after this?
“Hey,” you jumped almost falling off the roof but was stopped by a hand, you looked up frowning to see Peter beside you, “Saw you up here… figured you’d want company.”
“Peter!?” Is all you manage to get out, shaking your head, “It’s two in the frigging morning, what the hell are you doing on my side of town? How did you even get up here?” You looked around for a possible way he could have managed it.
He doesn’t answer, his eyes are cast forward and he has his arms wrapped around his knees, which are being held to his chest. You study him in the moonlight, longer than you should, but you can’t help yourself because in this moment… it’s peaceful. It’s perfect. You’re just two boy’s, nothing has changed or weird between you both, it’s nice; too good to be true.
Peter ruins it first, “Why did you run off?” His voice is soft, almost innocent and unsure like he didn’t understand why you ran away from him.
“I think it was pretty self-explanatory,” You mutter out, equally as quiet, “I had just kissed my best friend, ruined an entire friendship within a matter of minutes… the same day I had broken up with my girlfriend, I was a mess. Still am, honestly.” You tried to humour the situation, it didn’t work.
“Wait, you think you ruined stuff between us?”
You sighed, “Yeah, Peter, I did. I assumed wrong in the moment, I’ve made things awkward, I shouldn’t have gone to your place that day. I’m sorry.”
Peter shakes his head, mostly in disbelief at you, “You’re an idiot. You haven’t ruined anything, in fact, made it better. I’ve never… I haven’t really, yeah. I’m not good with emotions, I mean, ask Liz Allen. That went so well between us,” you chuckled slightly at the sarcasm, “I… like you too, is what I’m getting at.” Peter manages to stumble out, glancing at you from the corner of his eye.
You nod slowly, eyebrows furrowing as you look away and back to the barking neighbours' dog. Unsure and slightly confused by the conversation. Peter likes you? Peter actually likes you back? Peter was just too nervous to kiss you back.
“I mean, pretty much everyone finds you hot at school anyway. But I used to just ignore you, I found both you and Liz attractive… I don’t know what I’m saying anymore, then we were partnered, and you’re smarter than you seem - no offence, of course, just didn’t expect it, I guess. AND you like Star Wars, plus you like the same video games as Ned, it was just one thing after another, kind of ended up liking you… more than just finding you aesthetically pleasing.” You smiled as Peter rambled his reasoning like he even had to explain himself to you.
Peter blushed as he stopped talking, looking straight ahead, avoiding eye contact. “I’m going to take all of that as a compliment,” You chuckled nudging him lightly, “I’m just myself when I’m with you, a nerd.” He blinked, shocked and playfully offended as you laughed lightly. “So, does this mean you’ll see that Solo movie with me after the game Friday?” You asked shyly, looking down slightly, the fear of rejection still fully there.
“Like a date?”
“No, why would it be a date after you just confessed your feelings to me?” Peter rolled his brown eyes at your sarcasm, “of course, a date unless you don’t want it to be? I can ask Ned to tag-”
You’re cut off by Peter’s lips being pressed against yours, it’s an innocent kiss. A light brushing of lips, yet it’s the most intense and intoxicating kiss you’ve experienced. This should have been your first kiss, you think to yourself. His hand lightly holds the back of your neck, fingers playing with the short baby hairs there. He pulls away slightly, air mingling with you both as you breath hard.
“It’s a date,” he mutters, lips brushing against yours as he speaks softly.
(Hope you liked this :) I had a lot of fun writing it, send in some more requests and I’ll slowly get through them. - Rosalie)
321 notes · View notes
hammondcast · 3 years
Hammond Report September 3 2021 From Pandemic Quarantino Jon Hammond
#WATCHMOVIE HERE: Hammond Report September 3 2021 From Pandemic Quarantino Jon Hammond 
Jon's archive https://archive.org/details/hammond-report-september-3-2021-from-pandemic-quarantino-jon-hammond 
Youtube https://youtu.be/PFrhxYyOmKw 
FB https://fb.watch/7OjQlyIb1V/ 
Hammond Report September 3 2021 From Pandemic Quarantino Jon Hammond
 Jon Hammond 
Knut Benzner NDR Radio and Jon Hammond Blohm + Voss Hamburg
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 Hammond Report September 3 2021 From Pandemic Quarantino Jon Hammond - Daily Music and Stories from the organ player & accordionist Jon Hammond, today's music story I'm playing my original tune No X-Cess Baggage Blues with the NDR Horns on the band, featuring my dear friend the late great Lutz Buechner greatly missed! Fiete Felsch alto, Michael Leuschner trumpet - in the rhythm section Heinz Lichius drums, Joe Berger guitar and yours truly Jon Hammondat the organ in Auster Bar Hamburg Germany - TGIF, I hope everybody is OK after the horrendous Hurricane Ida, which one Louisian resident described: "Hurricane Ida: Storm made Katrina look like a “warm summer breeze,” Holy moly!
Stay safe everybody, have a beautiful weekend and come back tomorrow for another Hammond Report Saturday edition!
Jon Hammond 
Publication date
 Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International
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 Hammond Report, 3 September 2021, Musician Stories, Hamburg Germany, Baggage, Lutz Buechner, NDR Horns, Jazz, Blues, Auster Bar, podcast, travel photography, Hammond Organ Jon Hammond, bye bye now
 2021-09-03 20:56:08
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Willits, California - when you ask for coffee, mmm-good Nescafe clasico + Coffee mate!
Jon Hammond
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Best coffee and fresh focaccia from Liguria Bakery!
Jon Hammond - Caffe' Puccini - Little Italy San Fran CA
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Hammering Man is still hammering!
Hammer Down (or up) Frankfurt, Germany - Jon Hammond
"The Hammering Man sculpture in Frankfurt, Germany is 21 metres (68.9 ft) tall and was commissioned in 1990, for the new Messeturm (exhibition tower) building at the Frankfurt Trade Fair (50°06′45″N 8°39′10″E).[4][5] An unofficial 6 ft tall copy of the Hammering Man appeared in Frankfurt in the 1990s in the Hülya-Platz (in the district Bockenheim, 50°7′25.29″N 8°38′23.00″E). It was donated by a citizen's group against neo-nazism to commemorate the Solingen arson attack of 1993, and its hammer was designed with a hand crank that demolished a swastika emblem. This stealth sculpture was often vandalized and in April 2007 it was removed and scrapped after becoming so badly damaged and corroded that it was considered a danger for public safety.[6] It was later replaced by a successor"
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Hilton London Metropole - big night in London, England (UK)! - Jon Hammond
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I just told Patti Smith a really lousy joke, she got a great sense of humor! Jon Hammond
"Patricia Lee Smith (born December 30, 1946)[5] is an American singer-songwriter, musician, author, and poet who became an influential component of the New York City punk rock movement with her 1975 debut album Horses.[1]
Called the "punk poet laureate", Smith fused rock and poetry in her work. Her most widely known song is "Because the Night", which was co-written with Bruce Springsteen. It reached number 13 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in 1978[1] and number five in the U.K. In 2005, Smith was named a Commander of the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres by the French Ministry of Culture.[6] In 2007, she was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.[7]
On November 17, 2010, Smith won the National Book Award for her memoir Just Kids.[8] The book fulfilled a promise she had made to her former long-time partner, Robert Mapplethorpe. She placed 47th in Rolling Stone magazine's list of 100 Greatest Artists published in December 2010[9] and was also a recipient of the 2011 Polar Music Prize." 
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 Hammond Report, 3 September 2021, Musician Stories, Hamburg Germany, Baggage, Lutz Buechner, NDR Horns, Jazz, Blues, Auster Bar, podcast, travel photography, Hammond Organ Jon Hammond, bye bye now 
Hammond Report, 3 September 2021, Musician Stories, Hamburg Germany, Baggage, Lutz Buechner, NDR Horns, Jazz, Blues, Auster Bar, podcast, travel photography, Hammond Organ Jon Hammond, bye bye now
0 notes
rocktails · 4 years
Vuelta al mundo en 13 canciones – JULIO 2020
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Estamos del otro lado de la mitad del año y la barrita del loading ya amenaza con ocupar todo el espacio. Como ya saben, cada día llegan a Rocktails decenas de canciones de todas partes del mundo, de géneros y estilos diferentes. Como este 2020 decidimos reseñar diariamente solo producciones en habla hispana -sí con excepciones de artistas brasilerxs y latinxs bilingües-, agrupamos mensualmente los tracks que más nos gustaron en otros idiomas acá. Estoy seguro de que es música que nunca pero nunca antes escuchaste. Todos los tracks se acumulan en esta hermosa playlist en Spotify.
Hoody Hawi x Gash
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– ‘Crash’ 
Hoody y Gash, dos artistas de la costa californiana se juntan para tirarnos toda la vibra del verano encima. Si también estás en invierno como yo tenés dos caminos: escuchar y cerrar los ojos para proyectarte en pantalón corto, reposera y con una lata helada en la mano; o bien agregarlo a una playlist onda “Verano 2020/21 – todo va a estar bien”. No, no sé si todo va a estar bien, pero en caso contrario tendremos hermosas canciones como ésta.
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– ‘No Smoke’ 
LU KALA es una artista que nació en la República del Congo y a los 3 años se mudó con su familia a Canadá. Es desde Toronto donde esparce su “in your face pop” a todo el mundo. Y destaco su autodenominación dentro del género pop pero con una vuelta de tuerca. Es un pop que golpea, claro que sin dejar de ser sutil y -por momentos- amistoso. Súbanse al barco de LU KALA, hay lugar y no tiene obstáculos a la vista.
  Ari Árelíus
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– ‘Miðnætti (Shakti)’ 
Si son habitues de Rocktails entonces bien sabrán de la música de nuestro amigo islandés Ari Árelíus. Ya disfrutamos de sus lanzamientos anteriores y cada vez que nos llega una nueva canción desde la tierra del hielo nos ponemos felices. En cada composición hay elementos nuevos y referencias a -lo que yo imagino- su paisaje sonoro. Si tuviera que elegir solamente una línea de este track, me quedaría con la percusión. Escuchen, escuchen. Pero no sólo de música vive el humano, también necesitó de las formas de las palabras y acá la nueva data que nos provee el bueno de Ari: la tipografía Krot & Krass.
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– ‘Find a Way (feat. Alex Mali, Radio Ahli, Bayli)’ 
Hay raperos que saben cantar, sí. Es el caso de DUCKWERTH y todo el equipo que se armó (las voces femeninas son una lo-cu-ra). Y esta nueva canción viene con un plus: un videoclip que parece salido de una película de Dreamworks. El trabajo de animación es increíble y teniendo en cuenta todos los videos “en confinamiento” que vimos, éste pica en punta. Crear un universo sonoro para crear un universo visual digital. Qué lindas herramientas nos da el desarrollo tecnológico.
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– ‘All in (feat. Che Lingo)’ 
Me encanta escuchar rapear en otros idiomas, pero si además lo hacen con el flow de Kartell, me vuelvo loco. Barras en francés con un beat que juguetea con el funk y el R&B, estribillo hitero en inglés, un acertado featuring con Che Lingo y a otra cosa. Me hizo acordar a las nuevas canciones de Paco Amoroso. Ojalá algún día se crucen.
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– ‘Voyager’
‘Voyager’ es el primer track del productor japonés bajo este a.k.a. y, como anticipa su nombre, nos propone un viaje. Recorreremos sonidos eclécticos y una atmósfera calma que poco a poco nos irá haciendo avanzar. El beat deja aire para nuestros pensamientos e incluso, si te animás, te podés tirar unas rimas en modo chill lo-fi.
No, no es todo, aprovecho que ya te enganchaste con CLAYRANGE para mostrarte otra de sus recientes canciones (si esto es su comienzo no quiero imaginar lo que se viene). ‘Loulan Kingdom’ nos muestra el sonido de instrumentos clásicos del mundo oriental y, a través de la música, nos cuenta la historia del Reino de Lou-lan, una especie de ciudad/oasis clave en la ruta de la seda de la antigua China. ¿Escucharon? Es la historia en forma de sonido.
  Bootleg Rascal
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– ‘Oh So Cool’ 
A los Bootleg Rascal los tenemos desde su fresca canción reggae ‘Tracks (Back To You)’ publicada en 2018. Pero no viene por acá la cosa, aunque sí mantienen la frescura -su rasgo estilístico más distintivo-. ‘Oh So Cool’ es un homenaje a los Beastie Boys, al juego de fraseos, a las guitarras distorsionadas como colchón de un flow pegadizo y melodías insistentes. A veces pienso que todos los australianos están cortados por la misma tijera de la psicodelia. Bootleg Rascal no escapa al prejuicio, qué bien.
Boy Pablo
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– ‘honey’ 
Ya les dijimos que Boy Pablo es un viejo conocido de la casa. Después de publicar ‘hey girl’ y ‘i just wanna go home’, llega esta miel para nuestros oídos (?). Las nuevas canciones de este artista noruego siempre son una buena noticia -qué ganas de verlo por estas tierras. Ah, el video nuevamente no tiene desperdicio, es hermoso.
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SAVI MINDS es el proyecto solista del productor con base en Los Ángeles Mikale D’Andrea. Si quieren acariciar lo más profundo de sus oídos y no saben cómo; acá la solución. Sientan la suavidad con la que se suceden las melodías vocales, que a su vez se encuentran encerradas por un beat de ensueños pop. No me despierten, quiero seguir en coma escuchando esta canción.
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– ‘Chakchoka’ 
¿Qué sale de la mezcla de dos productores parisinos apasionados por los vinilos, la cultura club y el género de música argelina Raï? La respuesta es Samoun. No, yo tampoco sabía hasta este momento de la existencia del tal música, suena así. Esta dupla tiene al género como objeto de estudio pero además como inspiración y guía sonora. Es interesantísima su reinterpretación e intención de llevarlo al palo de la música electrónica. ¿Sonará en los boliches franceses cuando todo esto pase? Ojalá que sí.
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– ‘Cool As The Breeze/Friday’ 
Tantos años escuchando artistas jamaiquinos y tanta influencia de la isla que llega a la música de nuestros días me dieron ganas de saber un poco en qué andan los artistas contemporáneos. Escuchen esta canción de CHONIXX, que aunque vive en Reino Unido, lleva con su música las raíces jamaiquinas tan grooveras como identificables. ‘Cool As The Breeze/Friday’ se fusiona en un R&B moderno para sonar actual e -incluso- novedoso. Nada fácil para la cantidad de música que se publica por día.
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– ‘Ain’t Too Worried Yet (remix)’ 
Nuestro recorrido por tierras jamaiquinas nos deja más de una canción para guardarnos. Este remix del estadounidense Mettā tiene todo la vibra reggae de Beres Hammond, pero al reforzar los drops,quiebres y repeticiones, le da un toque súper especial. Atentxs a los múltiples soniditos que se panean dentro de nuestro cerebro para transportarnos al más allá. Si justo son 4:20, este tema te vino como anillo al dedo. Ah, encima tiene un halo de lo-fi hip hop que te va a hacer sentir como en el lugar más cómodo de tu casa.
  Conecta con Martín en Twitter.
Conecta con Rocktails en Instagram.
La entrada Vuelta al mundo en 13 canciones – JULIO 2020 se publicó primero en Rocktails.
from Vuelta al mundo en 13 canciones – JULIO 2020
0 notes
rocktails · 4 years
Vuelta al mundo en 13 canciones – JULIO 2020
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Estamos del otro lado de la mitad del año y la barrita del loading ya amenaza con ocupar todo el espacio. Como ya saben, cada día llegan a Rocktails decenas de canciones de todas partes del mundo, de géneros y estilos diferentes. Como este 2020 decidimos reseñar diariamente solo producciones en habla hispana -sí con excepciones de artistas brasilerxs y latinxs bilingües-, agrupamos mensualmente los tracks que más nos gustaron en otros idiomas acá. Estoy seguro de que es música que nunca pero nunca antes escuchaste. Todos los tracks se acumulan en esta hermosa playlist en Spotify.
Hoody Hawi x Gash
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– ‘Crash’ 
Hoody y Gash, dos artistas de la costa californiana se juntan para tirarnos toda la vibra del verano encima. Si también estás en invierno como yo tenés dos caminos: escuchar y cerrar los ojos para proyectarte en pantalón corto, reposera y con una lata helada en la mano; o bien agregarlo a una playlist onda “Verano 2020/21 – todo va a estar bien”. No, no sé si todo va a estar bien, pero en caso contrario tendremos hermosas canciones como ésta.
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– ‘No Smoke’ 
LU KALA es una artista que nació en la República del Congo y a los 3 años se mudó con su familia a Canadá. Es desde Toronto donde esparce su “in your face pop” a todo el mundo. Y destaco su autodenominación dentro del género pop pero con una vuelta de tuerca. Es un pop que golpea, claro que sin dejar de ser sutil y -por momentos- amistoso. Súbanse al barco de LU KALA, hay lugar y no tiene obstáculos a la vista.
  Ari Árelíus
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– ‘Miðnætti (Shakti)’ 
Si son habitues de Rocktails entonces bien sabrán de la música de nuestro amigo islandés Ari Árelíus. Ya disfrutamos de sus lanzamientos anteriores y cada vez que nos llega una nueva canción desde la tierra del hielo nos ponemos felices. En cada composición hay elementos nuevos y referencias a -lo que yo imagino- su paisaje sonoro. Si tuviera que elegir solamente una línea de este track, me quedaría con la percusión. Escuchen, escuchen. Pero no sólo de música vive el humano, también necesitó de las formas de las palabras y acá la nueva data que nos provee el bueno de Ari: la tipografía Krot & Krass.
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– ‘Find a Way (feat. Alex Mali, Radio Ahli, Bayli)’ 
Hay raperos que saben cantar, sí. Es el caso de DUCKWERTH y todo el equipo que se armó (las voces femeninas son una lo-cu-ra). Y esta nueva canción viene con un plus: un videoclip que parece salido de una película de Dreamworks. El trabajo de animación es increíble y teniendo en cuenta todos los videos “en confinamiento” que vimos, éste pica en punta. Crear un universo sonoro para crear un universo visual digital. Qué lindas herramientas nos da el desarrollo tecnológico.
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– ‘All in (feat. Che Lingo)’ 
Me encanta escuchar rapear en otros idiomas, pero si además lo hacen con el flow de Kartell, me vuelvo loco. Barras en francés con un beat que juguetea con el funk y el R&B, estribillo hitero en inglés, un acertado featuring con Che Lingo y a otra cosa. Me hizo acordar a las nuevas canciones de Paco Amoroso. Ojalá algún día se crucen.
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– ‘Voyager’
‘Voyager’ es el primer track del productor japonés bajo este a.k.a. y, como anticipa su nombre, nos propone un viaje. Recorreremos sonidos eclécticos y una atmósfera calma que poco a poco nos irá haciendo avanzar. El beat deja aire para nuestros pensamientos e incluso, si te animás, te podés tirar unas rimas en modo chill lo-fi.
No, no es todo, aprovecho que ya te enganchaste con CLAYRANGE para mostrarte otra de sus recientes canciones (si esto es su comienzo no quiero imaginar lo que se viene). ‘Loulan Kingdom’ nos muestra el sonido de instrumentos clásicos del mundo oriental y, a través de la música, nos cuenta la historia del Reino de Lou-lan, una especie de ciudad/oasis clave en la ruta de la seda de la antigua China. ¿Escucharon? Es la historia en forma de sonido.
  Bootleg Rascal
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– ‘Oh So Cool’ 
A los Bootleg Rascal los tenemos desde su fresca canción reggae ‘Tracks (Back To You)’ publicada en 2018. Pero no viene por acá la cosa, aunque sí mantienen la frescura -su rasgo estilístico más distintivo-. ‘Oh So Cool’ es un homenaje a los Beastie Boys, al juego de fraseos, a las guitarras distorsionadas como colchón de un flow pegadizo y melodías insistentes. A veces pienso que todos los australianos están cortados por la misma tijera de la psicodelia. Bootleg Rascal no escapa al prejuicio, qué bien.
Boy Pablo
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– ‘honey’ 
Ya les dijimos que Boy Pablo es un viejo conocido de la casa. Después de publicar ‘hey girl’ y ‘i just wanna go home’, llega esta miel para nuestros oídos (?). Las nuevas canciones de este artista noruego siempre son una buena noticia -qué ganas de verlo por estas tierras. Ah, el video nuevamente no tiene desperdicio, es hermoso.
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SAVI MINDS es el proyecto solista del productor con base en Los Ángeles Mikale D’Andrea. Si quieren acariciar lo más profundo de sus oídos y no saben cómo; acá la solución. Sientan la suavidad con la que se suceden las melodías vocales, que a su vez se encuentran encerradas por un beat de ensueños pop. No me despierten, quiero seguir en coma escuchando esta canción.
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– ‘Chakchoka’ 
¿Qué sale de la mezcla de dos productores parisinos apasionados por los vinilos, la cultura club y el género de música argelina Raï? La respuesta es Samoun. No, yo tampoco sabía hasta este momento de la existencia del tal música, suena así. Esta dupla tiene al género como objeto de estudio pero además como inspiración y guía sonora. Es interesantísima su reinterpretación e intención de llevarlo al palo de la música electrónica. ¿Sonará en los boliches franceses cuando todo esto pase? Ojalá que sí.
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– ‘Cool As The Breeze/Friday’ 
Tantos años escuchando artistas jamaiquinos y tanta influencia de la isla que llega a la música de nuestros días me dieron ganas de saber un poco en qué andan los artistas contemporáneos. Escuchen esta canción de CHONIXX, que aunque vive en Reino Unido, lleva con su música las raíces jamaiquinas tan grooveras como identificables. ‘Cool As The Breeze/Friday’ se fusiona en un R&B moderno para sonar actual e -incluso- novedoso. Nada fácil para la cantidad de música que se publica por día.
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– ‘Ain’t Too Worried Yet (remix)’ 
Nuestro recorrido por tierras jamaiquinas nos deja más de una canción para guardarnos. Este remix del estadounidense Mettā tiene todo la vibra reggae de Beres Hammond, pero al reforzar los drops,quiebres y repeticiones, le da un toque súper especial. Atentxs a los múltiples soniditos que se panean dentro de nuestro cerebro para transportarnos al más allá. Si justo son 4:20, este tema te vino como anillo al dedo. Ah, encima tiene un halo de lo-fi hip hop que te va a hacer sentir como en el lugar más cómodo de tu casa.
  Conecta con Martín en Twitter.
Conecta con Rocktails en Instagram.
La entrada Vuelta al mundo en 13 canciones – JULIO 2020 se publicó primero en Rocktails.
from Vuelta al mundo en 13 canciones – JULIO 2020
0 notes