#breeder's diary
pokeslut-breeder · 5 months
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Drawn by:
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visions-of-clarity · 2 years
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When you get to go to Breeders Cup in Lexington, you channel Grace Kelly in Keeneland green.
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jaggedl1ttlepill · 11 months
when my fairy lights glow behind your head
and your eyes are all wide looking into mine
when my smile makes you smile
and you almost look kind
do you love me now?
when i tell you the song playing is my favorite
and you press kisses to my lips to force a memory
when the song comes on during the day
and i can feel those kisses again,
do you love me now?
when you're telling me all your tricks
and about all the girls they work on
when you tell me this is just for fun
and i'm so cool about it all
do you love me now?
when i'm all by myself
mascara-staining the eyes you stared into
begging to know why, knowing there is no 'why' here
but never picking up the phone
do you love me now?
didn't think so
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darushi-chan · 2 years
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HOTD Modern AU where everyones dragons are some kind of reptile or amphibian.  Sooo, I finally gathered the courage to add my own stuff to the HOTD fandom, lol. I love reptiles, specifically Komodo dragons, I’ve made like 3 different college projects with them and it was impossible for me to not see Vhagar as one, I’ve seen other really good takes with old grandma V being a snapping turtle, an alligator and so on, and then I decided to imagine my own modern AU were all the Targaryan dragons in HOTD are some kind of reptile pet! -Because Targ shenanigans they do have a special bond with their reptile friend (Thats the only way you get a croc and a Komodo to dont eat you, lol). -The dragon keepers are a special reptile breeder company, the Targs are like one of their most important clients . -To add more lore and stuff I like the idea of them living in a made up european country called Valyria, like Genovia from the princess diaries, or at least just a modern westeros and Valyria being their something something big company where they work. -If they live in Valyria they do have the monarchy problems, but without the murder plis, Aegon ll its like fuck you all and runs away to Italy or France and starts a wine company called “The usurper” xD.  -Because I like Jacegon, Jace goes along with him so he doesn’t die from bad decisions and because I think he’ll be more reliable with the new company stuff hahahahaha, Aegon just tests the wine ok 😂?  -Lucerys its also like, the crown? No thanks, and goes to college to study literature, also in the some college as Aemond, who’s in a History major, they’re roommates 👀. -Joffrey its even less interested in the crown and decides to help his grampa Corlys with Driftmark. -I’m mexican, I dont know how Dukedoms and all that fancy european stuff works, Driftmark can be one of those or something, I’ll do some research after the reptile drawings ok xD? -That way the crown can go to little Aegon the younger without anybody dying yay. -Rhaenyra its not that ok with this, but she loves her kids, and hopes little Egg doesn’t run away too.... Im just starting with my favorite incest deranged couple, Lucemond 😚. I think its obvious this is not completed at all 😅, but I was really exited about it and wanted to talk about it after being working on it all day 😄.
More stuff about the not dragons! -They can’t live the hundreds of years of the dragons, so lets make them live as long as their owner lives, an average 80-90 years, for this HC sake hahahaha, specially because turtles, komodos and crocs are able to live long lives too! So lets make all the other special Targ reptiles/amphibians live longer too 😝. -This makes Grandma V, Vhagar ll, because Vhagar l was Visenya’s, when Laena dies in some kind of accident Aemond claims Vhagar ll so she doesn’t die, specially because she wasn’t that old then, wiki says Laena dies at 27, I havent thought that much about what happens in the Driftmart incident, but something happens 👀! -Then the Viserys l Balerion it’s Balerion ll too! Vissy T gets to keep his croc and makes him an awesome enclosure, lol. Alicent never goes there 😂, but Viserys likes to see when the servants feed him or to just chat with his friend, he has this really nice enclosure like in the zoos where you can go like underground and see them swim.
-Helaena’s kids can have little geckos or something cute like that, I need to think about it 🤔.
-Im not very sure about Caraxes being a red Tegu, they’re awesome, but I don’t know if I should make him be something else, any thoughs anyone 🤔? If you have any other ideas that are different from the ones I have so far let me know 😉!! The only ones that Im very sure about are Vhagar and Arrax, I’m really in love with the idea, and I also like them all being something different, except for Silverwing and Vermithor uwu.
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direwolfrules · 2 years
I just think it’d be funny if Tarre Vizsla left a holocron diary or two for his descendants, and sure the last half of the entries are all “Mand’alor-ing for Dummies” with political essays, detailed accounts of his recruitment of various clans, and a explanations of various laws he enacted and why they were necessary, but the first half is just utterly ridiculous Jedi nonsense.
“Dear Diary,
Today Fay took on a padawan. They are a Wookie, and they told me my hair is stupid in Shyriiwook. Since the Council told me I’m not allowed to fight any more children, I have to go find a padawan and get them to beat up Fay’s padawan”.
“Dear Diary,
Today my padawan accidentally was possessed by a Sith artifact (I told her not to touch it!!! 😡😡😡😡), but it’s okay. I threw it against a wall really hard and she snapped out of it. She’s claiming she woke up cause she fought off the essence of a dead Sith Lord in her mindscape, but I think it was the throwing that worked”.
“Dear Diary,
Today the Council called me into a meeting. I thought they were gonna congratulate me for my awesome campaign against the Sith army besieging Ryloth, but nooooo. Instead, I got a warning to stop giving the crèchelings man-eating predators as pets. It’s not my fault I happened to liberate a litter of strills from an unethical breeder! And strills like children! Sure, there was one little incident, but it’s really Master Vizzople’s fault for smelling like nerf beef all the time!”
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avissapiens · 9 months
Jockbull Summer Final Week Set A (1/1/24-7/1/24)
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Model Used is Tsonghan Wu
Here we are bros. I decided to end it early since I accidentally started the Jockbull summer in like the last month of Spring. So we’ll call this a season. 8 weeks and then onto the next. Additionally, interest largely seem’s to have waned and I wanna focus on giving some more stuff that’ll keep your attention rather than flooding your dashboards lol. These will be my last set of diary write ups. And then next week I'll have a retrospective detailing how things went and what I'm likely to keep
I’ll be straight and real with yall. This was probably the worst week yet lol. Mentally i just wasn’t here. Lots of stress and strain. I do have a new workout structure, that includes AMRAP pushups near the end. Diamond push ups that really tire you out by the time you finish all your other training, but its not quite the same or for the same purpose. I tried to sort my time table so that Pushups were combined with the times i wanted to work on my PT cert early in the day. But that has yet to really work out.
Keeping with the smite idea from previous weeks I managed to go on a 3 game win-streak. Total ez streak, possibly because my Elo was reset from not playing in such a long time. But dunking is still dunking and you still get the mental endorphin rush from winning. Only thing that broke the streak is that my Duos partner (yet another Muscle brained Gym bro that i’ve known for years) had to dip mid game. Tragic.
Since this is the last week and its even I didn’t throw anything out. But I am going to have one final push to get some of the last chunks of shitty oversized clothing out of my life. Gonna make an attempt to throw out 4 more pieces of clothing and then the lot will be going to the charity/thrift shop.
I’m good enough at this. I’ll use it more often. And I am 100% going to do that Bro voice file at some point in the future.
There is an episode of Baki where the main character is lying in bed with his girlfriend horny as hell, and they are about to fuck when Baki’s father, Strongest man in the world Yujiro, appears out of the darkness to cheerlead them fucking. And more than cheerlead. This man encourages the most relentless rauchy unending stream of fucking bitches from his 18 year old son. Literally morning noon and night boning down. It sounded like a passage from Alpha breeder. Unbelievable. Why doesn’t this show have more fanart?
A kind of gymbro failure story which makes me sound like a bit of a douche but i also don’t care.
I’m pretty regularly one of the bigger guys in the gym at any given time. Not always. And that’s not really a compliment to me and more of a dunk on the kind of establishment that my gym is. So this one dude has kinda latched onto me as his story for hope cause of all the weight i lost and how much i’ve grown. I think he’s convinced i’m going to give him the secret formula and not just tell him “Just keep training and eat properly.” He came up to me this week and asked if he could come and workout with me another day. Gave some spiel about needing someone to motivate him and keep him going. He’s another immigrant too. So I commiserate with that and I told him sure, even tho i don’t particularly like training push with other people. But then on the day he was supposed to come at the time we had set up he just…didn’t show. Which makes sense. I tried telling him, motivation should be internal. Consistency comes from discipline. But he didn’t want to hear it. And so the outcome made sense. I wasn’t super broken up about it, Just meant i got to train push on my own in peace and quiet.
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
Idk why but your post about if Nebul would read pearls diary intrigued me. Would any of the monsters read their s/o’s diary? I’ve been thinking about it and I feel like Breg would and possible Morell and Vinnel??
[For the purposes of this ask, I'm going off the assumption that the diary is physical.]
Breg definitely would try to read your diary. Come on, he regularly snoops around your home, he touches you while you're asleep, reading your diary is like the least offensive thing on the list of privacy violations he regularly commits. But here's the thing, Breg's shit at reading. He can, but it takes some effort for him to process the words, given he's had to teach himself to read and write at an already advanced age. If you have a very stylized cursive, the breeder will struggle and maybe even give up entirely, as much as it irritates him. Otherwise, he inhales everything he can about you. He's very obvious however, you'll know something's amiss because Breg casually mentions things he shouldn't know.
Morell is not the type to needlessly surf through your diary. He thinks diaries in general are kind of wasteful, or maybe it's just his fast-paced lifestyle that doesn't allow the mushroom to understand the importance of a diary for venting and introspection purposes. Nonetheless, your diary is left alone in most circumstances. I can however, see the chef flipping through it if you're going through particularly hard times together. He'll want to find anything he can in it that could possibly help him make you more fond of him. If you write out what's currently upsetting you, he'll pay attention to that. This isn't a frequent occurrence though.
Vinnel cannot resist flipping through the entirety of it. He just can't, it's second nature. He wants to know your deepest secrets and rub them into his skin, it's the most invasive, exhilarating thing the performer could do and he knows this. Vinnel is definitely cruel about this, making it no secret that he reads your diary, taunting you about intimate moments and oftentimes holding it over your head in a childish game. He likes keeping it, it feels like the slime is carrying a part of your soul, of you as a person, immortalized in paper.
Some others who I think would do this are mainly Patches, Grimbly, Fank-e, Gallon and Shags.
Patches is not only going to read it, he'll print your diary and overanalyze the shit out of it, treating it like any other manual of his and even putting notes in certain sections. All in an effort to know you as well as possible, to pick you apart like a live vivisection.
Grimbly and Gallon do it just because they're nosy. There isn't any nefarious or overly creepy intent behind their action, just an impulse to open it. They are, however, very subtle at this. You won't know they've been reading it unless they let you know.
Fank-e screenshots everything he can and stores it in his memory to be picked up later according to his necessity. He may, however, forget entirely that he holds said information for months on end. He's the robot equivalent of a cluttered desktop.
Shags sees diaries the same way Vinnel does. It's a piece of you, an intimate, raw, beautiful part of your soul- It's you! He all but squeals from merely holding the thing, reading every word of it with bated breath, like it's a grade-A novel, a best seller. It's easy to tell he's been messing with it, especially when you spot random ink dots in the corners of some pages.
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pippindot · 2 years
Things I want to remember about Silkenfest 2023
Moments from Pip's win:
Being pulled out of the lineup and hoping we were in the running for an Award of Merit. Being sent to the far corner to stack up and wait. The judge finally gesturing to us and saying, "Best of Breed, take your class around." (I didn't know we were supposed to stop at the judges table and just kept running--we got to the far corner before I understood what happened and started crying)
A cheer coming up from the audience after our selection and so many people coming up to hug us, some in tears themselves.
Someone later telling me they told the judge Pip's story after the win, and he said, "That explains why she was crying."
A friend muttering, "Well no one can say shit about that" after Pip's selection.
The judge's comments after I asked him if he wouldn't mind sharing what he saw in Lil Pip: "She's the whole package. Balanced front and rear. Good layback of shoulder and return of upper arm. Two strong columns of support in the front. Nice croup. I could pick her apart but really, she's just the whole package."
A cheer for us during the banquet, which almost made me cry again, including friends starting a chant of PIP PIP HOORAY. The judge praising our community as the most supportive he had judged in all the 25 specialties he has attended.
During Obedience, the judge kept telling us we were AMAZING after each exercise, and cooed over how sweet and lovely she is during her SPOT test. She also complimented my handling during OB (198/200!!)
Other Things:
I handled a dog for Pip's breeder who had never been in the ring before and has a quirk of refusing to walk on the left. While we didn't place, he did awesome in a very large Open class. No one had ever really noticed him before, but she said three people asked about him afterward.
Someone referring to the wild turkeys in the distance as the "dumbest fucking animals."
Pip's breeder majorly going to bat for me after someone made some unkind remarks to me about our win.
Two breeders with extremely successful programs asking if I will breed Pip anyway. The answer is still a heartbreaking No, but I appreciated their interest.
Two people with dogs I admire offering me a puppy.
Staying in a really fun house with good friends and sweet dogs. Narrowly losing at Anomia to a very competitive @intriga-hounds. Being forced to draw The Taint during Telestrations.
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niuniente · 1 year
Have you ever heard of a podcast called Monstrous Agonies? It's an advice segment for creatures of the night, and I think it's really good. (They're also here on tumblr @monstrousagonies.) Asking because I realized you've reblogged the same types of posts as they have, which tells me you have similar tastes in at least some things, and also because I always want to share things I think are awesome. (All their episodes have transcripts, so one can read the stuff if listening to it might be a problem; great for ADHD, also great for when there was noisy construction going on outside.)
I listen to non-fiction podcasts (and videos) a lot! Especially when drawing. I will give a try to this podcast series, even though it's fictional.
I typically listen to peoples' experiences, like near-death experiences, cryptid encounters, paranormal encounters etc. My newest favorite is The Why Files, which is an investigating journalism channel or various topics as different paranormal encounters, CIA, UFOs, conspiracy theories like is the Moon a man-made object, secret USA military projects, time traveling etc. Always with the question "Is this REALLY true and if not, here are the facts supporting it and if yes, here are the facts supporting that". Highly fascinating and well composed, unbiased series!
Other channels I listen to are
Mom on the spectrum Taylor, a mom of 2, tells about her journey to autism diagnosis at the age of 32, and about life as an autistic, adult woman. Very informative, not a v-blog.
Weird World Stories of peoples' paranormal encounters, glitches in the matrix, past lives etc. unexplainable.
Darkness Prevails The best channel for all kinds of paranormal encounters! Contains tons of cryptid encounters, too.
Dogman Encounters An online "radio" program which interviews face-to-face people who have encounteres dogmen cryptids.
Raven Reads Tons of paranormal encounters of myriad of kinds! Typically sent to Raven directly. Raven also makes 5-10h long video compilations.
Absolute History Super amazing British history channel with short episodes of varied historical topics! These are made to be watched but you can follow them by listening, too.
What Lurks Beneath I haven't been listening to this channel much after it changed its format but the older episodes, which are just read compilations of peoples' paranormal experiences are amazing, especially the military encounters. These helped me to stay sane when I was recovering from a surgery and was in agony.
Paranormal Rising Another excellent channel for all kinds of paranormal experiences people have reported to have!
Anita Moorjani Official I love Anita and listen to her videos whenever I can. Anita is a spiritual speaker and a teacher, helping people to discover their own joyous lives.
Irish in Finland As it says, an Irish man lives in Finland with his Finnish wife. He makes lots of videos about Finnish mythology, history and ancient culture. Probably the best source for Finnish folklore history!
NDE Diary People tell about their near-death experiences. This is one of the best NDE channels if you ask me, as some of the American run NDE channels concentrate on NDEs which align only with Christian values. I want to listen to all kinds of experiences, not just something which supports one religion's views.
Thanatos TV EN An English version (dubbed) of a German channel, which interviews face-to-face German people who have had near-death experiences. Updates rarely but the quality is good.
SPECIAL MENTION - TO WATCH うさぎ村Ch - UsagimuraCh Usagimura - literally Rabbit Forest - is a Japanese breeder who breeds small rabbits. She always introduces newborn bunnies and follows their growth for a month. Videos have English subtitles, if you click them open. This is my happy mood channel!
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pokeslut-breeder · 1 year
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breeding-benders · 1 year
Long ago… the four nations lived together in harmony… peace promoted by the Air Temples and their monk’s free love had made the world a much more perverted place than it once was… then everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked.
The Fire Nation wished to rule the rest of the world, make them submit to fire benders and follow their way of life, of suppression and submission. Only the Avatar, the nations breeder could truly stop them… but when the world needed them most, they vanished.
It’s been a hundred years, with no sign of the next Avatar. While some areas still practice free love and sex, most parts of the world follow the Fire Nations rule. Most have lost hope, most have lost the will to fight back… but I haven’t.
I believe we can be free once more, truly live and love like before, and then we-
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“Yo Sugar tits, you done with your diary yet, we gotta get going.”
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“I’m coming Toph, would it kill you to be a bit more patient.”
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“You’re the one who told us we had to leave early, if I knew you would be writing more of your porn novel I would have slept in with Suki.”
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“Hey this novel is more than just smut, it’s a perverted retelling of our lives, leaving in all the heavy smutty details.”
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“So porn with plot, fun. Now come on, I don’t want to miss stretching out the kyoshi warriors this morning.”
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“Ok ok… heh who knows, maybe we’ll get some inspiration later~”
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farmsthetic20 · 5 months
Chicken diary🐔 (1): Is this chick an australorp or another breed?
We ordered 50 black australorp eggs for hatching, but between the chicks there are three grey ones (you can see on the pictures). I wondered what kind of chicks they are, so I posted them on a chicken forum. People said that maybe they are lavender orpington, or blue australorp. I think that they are maybe blue australorp or blue plymouth, because the breeder, from who we bought the eggs, also sells blue plymouth eggs for hatching.
Anyone has any ideas about the baby chickens breed?🐣
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ricmlm · 6 months
The Alentejano Pork Fair is an unmissable mark of our Rural World, of the knowledge, flavors and skills of the women and men who work to the best of the potential of our lands.
In 2024, the XVI edition of the biggest event in Ourique, Capital of Alentejano Pork, will once again count on the convergence of wills of the Municipality of Ourique and ACPA — Association of Alentejano Pork Breeders, for another event that will take place on the 22nd, 23rd and March 24th.
This is the time to record in your diary the dates for meetings, reunions, gastronomy, musical entertainment and the unique spirit of a party that brings thousands of people from the region and the country to Ourique.
As a result of the commitment to rescue and enhance the Alentejo pig sector, the Fair established itself in the regional and national panorama as a moment of affirmation for the Rural World and Ourique, which is projected at other moments throughout the year.
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glassboxdiaries · 6 months
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Dive Into the Colorful World of Guppies: Explore Different Types for Your Tank! Unleash a rainbow of possibilities in your aquarium with this pin, showcasing the dazzling array of guppy types available to hobbyists. From the elegant flow of the Endler's Guppy to the vibrant patterns of the Fancy Guppy, discover the diversity that these hardy and lively fish can bring to your aquatic world. Our blog post is a deep dive into the unique characteristics, care needs, and breeding tips for various guppy types, helping you choose the perfect mix to brighten up your tank. Whether you're a seasoned breeder or new to the aquarium hobby, click through to our blog for inspiration and guidance on selecting the best guppy types to create a mesmerizing, dynamic fish tank environment. Let's embark on a journey through the vibrant world of guppies!
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droolysub · 8 months
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Good evening perverted people!!! Rn i'm eepily typing from bed, nakey under my fluffy robe and mostly treating this post as a personal diary entry. Feel free to read my late night thoughts if you're feeling nosy/interested or just bored!
Stressful school is back in session now (*throws a rotten tomato* boooooo!) and I'm extremely depressed as is, which means I'll probably be masturbating/hornyblogging even MORE often to cope. Look forward to it since my blog will be full of sexy content as a result 👀 ⁼³₌₃⁼³
Technically I should already be asleep if I want to make it to class on time but I can't get myself to rest just yet...
Cumming super hard might help.
Confession: I miss posting tease vids/photosets online and getting worshipped by strangers... The amount of sweet messages I got from interested subs, switches and doms alike made me feel so wanted. Not all of them are loving but I think that makes the ones who were even more special to me. A little bit of attention means a lot to a little orphan girl like me, okay? It did wonders for my self esteem and personal outlook on life. Who knew sharing my sexuality would make me feel so much better in all these ways
Btw, @staff DESPISES when I post sexy vids of me stuffing my cute pussy, so I decided that I'll be doing none of that this time around ۹(๑`^´๑)۶ N-O-N-E! 🚫 sorry everybody- blame @staff. Until further notice, I'm playing it safe! (• ̀ - • ́) .... I'm hoping that this blog won't be deleted if I comply with the ToS... Having to tone myself down in the name of compliance is lame AF and sucks hole 🕳️ but fiiiineeee... ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)
Good News: ass/tiddy, censored images and sexy text posts are still good to go~ so yay! I'll be making more of that content (ㅅ´ ˘ `) ✨
ALSO! This feels like a good opportunity to share that I made a lovense wishlist for whoever is interested in spoiling me for long distance play!!!!! Daddy doms, owners, breeders, etc. who like my blog and share similar kinks should check it out 💖🙈 if they like!!! Please only spoil if you're willing/able
SHAMELESS SELF PROMO!!! As per usual, if you like what you see and would like to request for more, my custom content is available at a premium, just DM me 💸💰
I'm still recovering from a failed suicide attempt last week. I have a lot of painful throbbing all over my body and especially a few organs. It sucks and I sincerely do not have a single family member or close friend who cares to offer anything but pity... but I'm just really grateful to still be here. That's the only way things can improve. Nobody will listen, so I'll just blog. I'm scared that I have breast cancer from how long I've been neglecting myself. I'm scared to get checked. I really don't want to. I'm too afraid. But it hurts and I should if I'm serious about wanting to live. Even now, my chest hurts
Yesterday I was lucky enough to have my begging work. I was able to get food last night thanks to a generous daddy so that was good. The delivery guy delivered it to the wrong address so I had to run around in my robe looking for the order and was so happy when I found it just down the street. I haven't had that good of a meal in a long time and I'm so full now. I can go to bed feeling full. That's always a good feeling
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drgnbld · 9 months
She's watching him quietly, smiling as she watches how he interacts with his Pokémon. The breeder was trying to get her courage up! "Um... Lance... I was wondering if you might want to go to a cafe with me sometime? Get some coffee and maybe some poffins for our Pokémon?"
gaze flickers from malachite to bella ( though, his hand and some attention stays occupied by the smaller dragonair, who would simply refuse to be silent until Lance started up his petting again ) with a soft glint and smile to match. at first, only the slight rise of his brow indicates he's heard and processed her question, taking a few seconds longer to stand to his feet to be at some similar level as her. that gentle look doesn't leave though - lance wasn't about to reject the offer after all.
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" I'll have to double check both personal and work diaries before being able to give you a solid answer but I'd be delighted to join you sometime, " finally the hand petting malachite stops and instead finds itself stroking lance's chin in thought. malachite is audibly gutted - head trying to reclaim the heat of his masters hand by trying to gain his other.
" if you'd like to exchange numbers we can get in touch to plan it for, hopefully, the foreseeable future? "
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