#breakfast in front of people who are over for coffee or whatever (i seriously dont know why)
newtness532 · 2 years
its 11. ive slept for less than 5 hours (my fault for sleeping after 6am, i know). my mom has people over and they are not even trying to not be extremely loud. i woke up, im hungry, i want to get up. i dont want to interact with said people (cause its people and im tireddddd). i feel like i might start crying.
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bnha-hcs · 7 years
Some Starbucks Rage
So me and @bnha-villians-hc-and-imagines​ were originally going to work on some Starbucks AU stuff because we both suffer in that hell but it became less of an AU and more of a rage induced ranting session so I’m posting it here so y’all can do with this as you will. Be warned there’s a lot of cursing and caps lock lmao
Me, Tiki:
You come in every fucking day and can’t seem to figure out how the creamer works for whatever fucking reason so I always end up having to pour it for you IT’s NOT THAT FUCKING HARD JUST UNSCREW THE CAP
You keep coming in and just saying “mocha” and I don’t understand what you’re asking STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE I’M STUPID WHEN I ASK YOU HOT OR COLD JUST ANSWER THE QUESTION PLS THERE’S A LINE
Lmao fuck,,, If you come in one more time and ask for a cup of whipped cream I will have you feel the wrath of god.png
You came up to the front counter and keep changing your mind about which mug you’re buying and I’m handing them back to you to put away like, you know, good people do and you’re getting mad at me saying you don’t want it PLEASE JUST PUT THE FUCKING CUPS BACK WHERE YOU FOUND THEM
“Is it too late to change my milk from regular to almond milk??” Me, holding the finished drink and about to set it down on the bar: “No, I guess I’ll Make a BRAND NEW ONE”
If you say “just a little bit” one more time while I’m toasting your fucking bagel I will shove it down your fucking throat oh my gods
I asked you about a million times if you wanted your (insert pastry item here) warmed up and you said no so I hand it to you and you suddenly go, “Oh wait,,, :c can I have it warmed up?”Me, inserting a gun into my mouth: “sure”
If you keep coming in and ordering off the fcuking “secret menu” one more time I’m going to launch you into the sun
You ate 7/8ths of the fucking panini and then came back to complain that it was cold NO I’M NOT GOING TO FUCKING REFUND IT
You and your group of friends came in completely drunk at 8 in the morning pls stop yelling at each other to shut up and just order something AND STOP FUCKING WITH THE DISPLAYS
I ask you if you want room in your coffee for cream and sugar and you either say “just cream” or “just sugar” and i don’t think you fucking understand that they’re the fucking same JUST SAY YES YOU NEED ROOM
If you spill your entire drink all over the fucking bar don’t just stand there and look lost for fucks sake julia CLEAN UP YOUR GODDAMN MESS.
“Do you have (insert breakfast sandwich) right now?” “no we don’t sorry.” “WELL WHAT DO YOU HAVE??” Me, two feet away from the display case: “We have whatever’s in the case” “Well what’s in the case??” I DON’T KNOW KAREN WHY DON’T YOU USE YOUR EYES AND FIND OUT??
Don’t get fucking mad because you have to wait two seconds for the pike to brew I’M SORRY WE HAVE TO BREW IT EVERY 30 MINUTES WOULD YOU RATHER NOT GET ANY AT ALL YOU MOLDY DONUT
Sorry i don’t know all the ingredients for every single syrup we own I DON’T FUCKING KNOW IF PEPPERMINT HAS DAIRY IN IT BUT I WOULD ASSUME NOT
nO i can’t fucking cut your panini or breakfast sandwich in half I don’t have a knife stop asking
You came in asking if you could buy a bag of chips that we don’t sell and you literally have the bag of chips what the fuck where did you get this bag of chips sir did you just STEAL A BAG A CHIPS TO BUY IT AT A STARBUCKS
No i’m not giving you a fcuking sleeve for your cold drink THIS IS WHY WE RUN OUT BY FUCKING NOON BC BOO BOO THE FOOL CAN’T HOLD A COLD DRINK APPARENTLY
FUCKING There aren’t any fucking soap suds in your goddamn coffee sir THEY’RE NOT SOAP BUBBLES It’s a goddamn reaction of when the carbon dioxide and the bean oils combine it makes the bubbles. It’s not soap. For fucks sakesIT GOES AWAY IN 2-3 MINUTES AND GUESS WHAT ASSWIPE THE MORE BUBBLES THE FRESHER THE COFFEE SO YOU CAN KISS MY CANDY SWEET CANDY ASS
You always mobile order but you dont fucking come get your drink until 45 minutes later and i H a T E you
You come in. Everyday. Asking if we have pumpkin spice. It is fucking march. STOP.
You ordered a starbucks doubleshot on ice with 12 shots with no cream or sweetener. And asked for it to be filled with cold brew instead of milk or water. For the third time today. Are you okay? ... Seriously, are you okay?
I saw you stuff handfuls of our splenda and sugar packets into your jacket. Who are you and why are you like this?
No you cant hand me all your trash through the drive thru window, fuck you.
I'm taking an order over the head set, taking money from the window and struggling to also put a lid on this frappaccino- YOU CAN WAIT, PERSON AT FRONT COUNTER.
I was scheduled to work with two people over a peak period, both didn't show up. I am running the store myself, this isn't sweat these ARE TEARS. (Tiki im sorry u lived through this)
Please dont yell at me if your card declines. That is all.
Getting angry when I dont laugh at/agree with your racist/sexist/transphobic/homophobic joke doesnt make you right or a victim. I hope you drive into a tree.
No im not going to use my partner numbers on your order???? Who??? The fuck???? Do you think you are????
Stop smoking in drive thru. STOP IT. FUCKING STOP. STOP.
i cant pick out artichokes from your sandwich what the fuck? Is this subway? No.
I dont care about your diet. Stop telling me that its cheat day.
If im mopping. Dont. Walk. Through. My. EFFORTS. Please. Im not even finished with half the store. Just go to the other side its 3 steps away please.
Dont say “coffee” in the drive thru and drive off to my front window you fucking ignoramus.
Get off your phone when ordering. Fuck you. And your phone call.
Im not looking at your laptop while im sweeping don't give me a side eye, for fucks sake.
If i cant scan ur panini at front counter, it doesnt mean its free. Please stop making this joke. Im just going to put it in manually. Please stop trying to take it from me. I need to warm it- please- stop- ITS NOT WARM PLEASE STOP- please. Please. *4 minutes later once they have their coffee* “uh. No one warmed up my panini” *they hold up the panini that they SNATCHED FROM ME* me, stabbing myself and performing seppuku; “tell my mother i love her”
You walked into my store and cut in line. Why are you upset that i tell you to move? Why? Who are you? Who raised you?
Just because you call me “darlin’” doesnt mean i will flirt with u. You're like fucking 46. I am 20.
“I want a vintage (yes) white chocolate mocha with 3 pumps of raspberry” “venti?” “vintage” “..venti..” “VINTAGE” “okay.”
“Hi welcome to starbucks can you please hold on a moment for me” “CAN I GET A UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, TOASTED WHITE CHOCOLATE MOCHA WITH NO WHIP, EXTRA HOT WITH EXTRA PRIVILEGE AND I WANT IT DOUBLE CUPPED/// Me, Juggling 3 paninis and trying to take money from an old lady who doesnt know what silence is and is telling me about her 5th grandkid picking his nose; “hi welcome to starbucks i hope you fucking choke”
If one more god damn person looks at me, in my fucking eyes, and tells me they wanted their latte iced when i asked 459 times if it was hot/iced then i will choke a bitch.
“Can i add to my order. At the window. After i paid, and after you've given me my drinks?” me, crying; “okay”
You came in, ordered a kids temp hot chocolate, and now you are complaining that its. Not. Hot. Enough? Go die.
Im sorry that we ran out of cakepops Sharon, but calm the fuck down. Please.
Hi i noticed you came through our drive thru/store at 9:58pm and I just wanna let you know that everyone in the store hates you with an unrelenting rage that will hopefully melt the skin off your face. Oh? You need 4 caramel fraps and 2 black and white mochas, both iced with no whip and half and half as the base? Fuck you.
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fruitpunchninja101 · 7 years
Perks of Coincidences Characters: Hanji Zoe x Levi Genre: Humor / Romance (AU)
Disclaimer: All characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended. 
A gust of frosty air blast trough every window in the city.The night was particularly calm and serene only to be interrupted by a loud explosion which pulled Nanaba out of her dreamless sleep.Swiftly,she put on her robes and rushed towards the laboratory downstairs.Upon opening the door,she found her best friend Hange crouched on the floor rocking back and forth,hands tugging on her scalp while wailing in frustration as droplets of blood and pieces of flesh slid down her face.Apparently,the pig's heart shes been experimenting on exploded while testing its limits.She approached her friend ignoring all the bits and pieces of gore splatterd on the floor and the tiled walls.Carefully,she crouched beside the brunette and placed a firm hand on her back making gentle circles to calm her down.
"You need to take a break" she whispered softly as she observed her friends face.Prominent dark circles formed underneath her eyes and dry cracked lips only meant that shes sleep deprived and dehydrated.No wonder her experiments are failing.
As if not hearing her,Hange fished a recording device from her labcoat pocket "Experiment number 65 failed"She murmured as she pushed herself off the floor.The brunette halted when she felt a quick pull on her sleeve.
"Hange!"The blonde raised her tone to snap her friend back to reality. "Nanaba?How long have you been there?" Nanaba let out and exasperated sigh while running a hand trough her scalp"fiteen minutes"she mentioned with mild reproach as she pushed herself upright.
Its the same cycle all the time.Hange losing track of time,missing meals and then the inevitable happens...something explodes.
Its been two weeks since Nanaba got enggaged,since then shes is in a perpetual worrying limbo for her friend.Hange tends to spend most of her days cooped up on her laboratory tinkering with god knows what,laughing creepily as she writes down notes.The blonde doesnt want her friend to hole up in her laboratory for the rest of her life.Her friend needed a good distraction. A new boyfriend perhaps?She asked herself as she guided the brunette to the sink stationed at the corner of the laboratory turning on the faucet and started helping her wipe the blood off her face.
"Whats up with that look?"The brunette asked her as she cleaned off her glasses.
"I need you to bring a plus 1 on my wedding day."Nanaba mentioned as she turned off the faucet.
"Sure,Ill ask Moblit if hes free."Hange inattentively replied as she pulled out paper towels from the dispenser mounted on the wall.
"No!Not your lab assitant Hange!A real plus 1...like a boyfriend or something."
The brunette simply crossed her arms in front of her chest and gave the blonde a questioning look."What this all of a sudden?"
Nanaba looked Hange dead in the eye and held both her shoulders."Hange,you need to meet new people.Once I get married you will be left alone and I worry about you." Hange can see how anxious the blonde was and she admittedly had the right reason to be.Hange knows shes not the most responsible adult especially when it comes to taking care of herself.Who has time to worry about trivial things such as showers and food when she could be saving lives by pressing on with her researches.The brunette took a deep breath.As much as she doesnt like where this conversation is going,she decided to help ease her friends concern by considering her request.
"Okay,how am I supposed to find a plus 1?"Hange replied with a soft smile.
"Oh I have a few Ideas..."
And thus began Hange's Blind date fiasco.
Its been three months since the pigs heart disaster.During that time Hange had been through six failed blind dates.Most of the guys she met run for the hills once the brunette starts talking about the morbid parts of her research.In her defense,she was never bothered by the fact that she scares people off by the aberrant details of her work.'Whats the point of spending time with someone who doesnt understand the importance of my contribution to humanity?'she recalled her usual reponse whenever Nanaba asks her to tone down her eccentricity.Shes unapologetically herself which is both her strength and weakness.
It has been three nights since Hange slept.At this point, shes literally sitting in a pile of garbage; dicarded pages from her past researches,bottles of booze,coffee and energy drink cans were disorderly spread across her floor. Suddenly,a loud thud echoed the room when the back of the door hit the wall.
"Hange what happned to you!?"Nanaba stood by the door and gave her friend distraught look.
"Hey Nanaba!"Hange sang out as she peeled her eyes off her laptop screen and gave her bestfriend a gleaming grin reasurring her that shes fine.
"Your assistant called me he said you havent left your office for three days." she mentioned with slight anguish as she desperately tried to shuffle off the mess splayed on the floor.
"Three days already?" Her eyeglasses sat slightly askew resting at the tip of her nose.Gently,Nanaba pushed them into its right place while tsking."Seriously Hange how did you become an adult?"
"Beats me."Hange chuckled as she stood up and streched her limbs for the first time in a couple of hours.She gave a sigh of relief as she heared her joints click into place and felt blood coursing trough her limbs once again.
"I brought lunch."The blonde mentioned as she settled a paper bag on Hange's desk.
"Whats the occasion?"
"Do I need an occasion to bring lunch for my bestfriend?"Nanaba responded as she walked towards the window opening it letting the sunlight slip trough the room. Despite the unquestionable concern the blonde has for her,Hange cant shake off the doubious vibe Nanabas throwing at her.She only uses the term "bestfriend" whenever she needs something. Seeing that Hange has her all figured out, Nanaba decided drop the act."Okay! okay! you caught me.You see,I set you up with Mike's friend at work."
"Not this again"the brunette said as she face palmed herself with the thought.
"You seem really hungry.Did you skip breakfast again?You look paler than before.Seriously Hange,You need to take better care of yourself from now on.Especially now that Im not gonna be around you all the time."
"Youre starting to sound like Moblit you know."Hange gulped swallowing the last of her food "Im gonna be fine.You dont need to-"
"I know youre gonna be fine,but youre still not getting out of this date.He's gonna meet you at Sina Cafe 2pm.He says hes gonna wear a black pullover sweater."
"Thats a pretty vauge description.Can't you just show me a photo of the guy?"
"No!That will ruin the surprise!I met with him last week,Hes a real sweetheart and handsome too!You're gonna love him."
"You said the same exact thing about the 6 other guys you've set me up with.None of them worked out.''
"Give this guy a chance...I have a good feeling about him"
" Whatever you say Nanabannana."The brunette tiredly responded.She knows this one is gonna be a disaster just like the other blind dates that shes been before.But shes doing this to ease her friends anxiety so shes going to try her best not to fuck this one up."Oh and by the way,I have a presentation for my research tomorrow so I might go over a few pages while Im there.You have to warn him."Hange added as she typed away from her computer.
"Can't it wait until after your date?"
"Science never waits for anyone!Besides,I'm pretty good at multi tasking."
Nanaba released a sigh of defeat.In the end,nobody can tear Hange Zoe away from her precious work.
Its 3:00pm and Hange's late for her date.So much for not fucking it up this time she thought.Clutching her satchel bag to her chest she used her right shoulder to push the cafe door open only to end up slamming against it.It took her a few seconds to realize her mistake,the door clearly says pull.Its as if the heavens are giving her a sign not to push throughthis date.A coffee shop employee opened the door and offered his hand to help her stand up."Thank you uhmm.." she pushed her glasses back to place in order to read the metal name plate pinned on the mans chest."Eren" she continued."No problem maam!"The kid smiled as he held the door open for her.Hange gave an apologetic shy smile as she entered and took in the welcoming aroma of rich coffee the cafe provided.Her eyes roamed around the place.The walls are lined with aged brick and provided fancy leather chesterfield sofas partnered with sturdy mahogany tables.Good thing the whole place practically screamed "This place is for serious adults.No whiny brats allowed".Which meant she doesnt have to deal with too much noise while working on her paper. She scanned the place looking for a guy that matched Nanaba's description.There he is,the only guy sitting alone in the whole shop.Wearing a black pullover sweater and jeans.His legs crossed while his brows were knit together,obiviously enthralled by whatever he's reading.Hange tilted her head to the side to peek on his book."Dark tower...nice"She whispered.She took a deep breath and flashed the biggest smile she can muster as she walked towards the man.
"Dad-a-chum? Dum-a-chum? Ded-a-chek? Did-a-chick?"
The raven haired man didnt repond but instead he peeled his eyes off his book and scoweld at the woman who inturrupted him.
"Lobstosities...Dark tower?"She sang out as she pointed on his book.
"I know what lobstosities are.I'm reading the fucking book."he responded matterfactly.
"Geez!You kiss your mother with that mouth captain grumpy pants?"She teased still beaming the most charming smile.
"Didnt your mother tell you thats its rude to interrupt people minding their own business?"
"Its also rude not to ask a lady to sit down...Mind if I join you?" Nonchalantly ignoring his cold response.
"Yes."He replied in a monotonous tone.Apparently,his answer had no use.Shes already pulling up a chair from the table accross them.She dragged it out across the room earning a screeching sound that obviously garnered looks from the other tables.He opened his mouth and closed it.Its not worth it he thought as he returned his gaze on his book. Hange sat infront of of him. She placed an elbow on the table and propped her chin on her palm.She stared at him waiting for him to say something about her tardiness.
"Well?"He mentioned plainly.
"Well what?"The brunette asked.
"Don't stare four eyes.Just do whatever you need to do."
Hange felt relief.It seems Nanaba warned him about her reports.Maybe,he was also forced unto this date.Either way shes glad hes cool with it.
"I wouldnt call it staring per se.Id like to call it observing.Dont be such a grump shorty I'm just analyzing if Im sitting with a nice person."
"Shorty?"He lifted his gaze from his book and stared at her one eye twitching with irritation.
"Just an observation,Averaging your eye level and shoulder height youre probably like...what?5'3?"
The man responded with a glare.Not even his closest friends dare exploit his insecurity in his face like that.
"And a half?"Hange added gingerly.But all she got was an angry stare "I'll take that as a yes!"She gave him a triumphant smile.
The raven haired man did not respond and continued glaring at the eccentric woman as she started setting up her laptop,struggling to detangle knotted cords.How was this woman able to mess up cables like that?Her efforts to straighten them out are only making her problems worse.His hands are aching to yank the cords away from her hands and detangle it himself.'Tch..pathetic'He thought.
"Now look whos staring"she mentioned without looking at him still trying to figure out how to solve her cord problem.He simply scoffed at her and got back to his book.When shes finally done wrestilng with the cords,the brunette bent to plug her laptop on the outlet on the floor and when she sat back up she hit her head under the table almost spilling the cup of tea sitting on top of it earning an exasperated sigh from the man infront of her.
Thank God shes done talking.Levi thought to himself.He started feeling relief when silence engulfed them for a while.He can finally get some peace and...nope.Shes done talking and moved on to murmuring accopanied by creepy laughter as she typed on her laptop.Levi rolled his eyes.He wasnt even reading at this point.Hes just staring on his book reading a sentence over and over desperately trying to block out everything shes mumbling.After a while,he gave up and shifted his attention from his book and glanced at her.
"Do you really need to mumble while doing that?"
"Doing what?" "Whatever it is that youre doing?"he said as he gestured to her laptop.
"Oh,this?Sorry!Its just I had this really interesting project.You see,Theres this animal that doesn't secrete feces and we are trying to figure out if it can help us improve bowel programs for paralized people or better yet,build better artificial organs." His head perked up a little.something about what she said piqued his interest and before he can even stop himself words came tumbling out of his mouth. "Theres an animal that doesnt shit?" He immeditely wanted to punch himself in the face when he saw her eyes lit up like christmas lights.'Goddamit Im supposed to shut her up not encourage her!'He internally berated himself. The raven haired man didnt hide his unwillingness to listen as the woman started explaining scientific things which he doesnt have any idea about.Still,he quipped and threw retorts to her statements every now and then. The brunette turned her laptop to him and showed him a photo.
"These babies are called Demodex Mites.They're microscopic animals that dont have anuses.They basically store their wastes inside their body till they die".
"Well thats a shitty way to live."He answered as he placed his hand on the rim of his cup took a sip of his tea.
"Wow,Is that a pun? I'd better write that one down. "she sarcastically replied as she beamed a smile. He ignored her and went back to reading. The brunette let out a small chuckle as she tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear dug trough her remaining paper work.
They fell in a comfortable silence after that,with occasional mumbles from Hange from time to time which at this point Levi got used to and was able to tune her out.Hange tilted her head a little to take in his facial features.Dark raven locks in a neat undercut and pale blue eyes which hid behind his dark circles.Hes definately not the sweetheart Nanaba hinted at,but his snappy comebacks and dry responses amused her.
"You are staring again."
"I just realized that never got your name.Mine's Hange...Hange Zoe." She extended her right arm.
"Levi" He mentioned plainly.Staring at her offered hand."I'm not touching that.You just said youre working with shit animals"
"Well,technically they dont deficate so..."The brunette stopped herself midsentence when Levi gave him a look which she cannot place if its confusion or annoyance.
Hange pulled her arm away chuckling."Fair enough...No last name?"
"Why do you wanna know?"
"Why nice to meet you Levi Why do you wanna know.Thats a pretty uncommon last name"
"Youre the worst."
"So I have been told...You know what,I was very skeptical walking over here a while ago since I was late and all but good thing Nanaba set this up."
"Late with what? and who's Nanaba?"Levi asked her while his eyes were still on his book.
"What do mean late with what? and how come you dont know Nanaba?"
"Four eyes,theres 7 billion people on earth.You cant expect me to know everyone of them.And I couldnt careless with whatever it is you're late for."He shifted his gaze from his book to Hange.
"What?Wait!Aren't you here for the date?"
"We're on a date?"He raised an eyebrow.
A thousand questions ran trough Hange's head. but before she can even open her mouth Levi's phone rang.He held a finger as he answered the call. "I'm on my way."Levi responded to the person on the other line.The man looked a bit disoriented as he looked at her with outmost bewilderment with what she just said. Hange heared a faint click as the call ended.
Levi took a last sip of his tea and stood up."See you around four eyes"
"Yeah,See you around shorty"Hange responded faintly almost sounding like a whisper.Watching the man fish his car keys out of his pockets and leave the cafe.
Hange was left dumbfounded as the realization dawned upon her.She sat with a random stranger on a cafe and assumed he's her date.
Hello Everyone!
This is my very first fanfic so it will be a bit rough around the edges.I'm very hesitant to post this since I'm not much for writing but I really want to practice and learn.Hey!Nothing ventured nothing gained right?I had this story idea in my brain for almost a week now and I just have to share this with my fellow LeviHan shippers out there!I wrote this on my phone so theres probably a lot of spelling errors etc.Please bear with me.Ill definitely try to transfer the rest of the chapters on a word document next time. I'll also do my best to update this every week.(I dont promise that but I'll try my best I swear.)
Contructive critisism is very much appreciated!(Please go easy on me.)Also,I'm not a native english speaker so theres that.
Check out chapter 2 on AO3 !
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itsthisgirlfanfic · 4 years
Chapter 4
Two weeks later
“I think that’s the last one”, I said to Lucas, hanging up another cheetah print Golf Wang Tee. A new stock of tees came in today and we’ve been organizing them all morning.
“Good shit.” Lucas sighed and got up.
I chuckled then went to the front of the store and sat down on the well-used green couch. Sudden satisfaction, because I was on my feet all day. I pulled my phone out and it alerted that I had 5 missed calls, 3 messages. All from Aaron. I really was tired of him but I guess because he texted me so much I might as well check them.
1:Baby answer my calls.
2:It’s important.
3:Fine, dont answer…but me and Yara is coming to Cali. I got a gig out there.
When I read the last one, I immediatly got excited. My best friend is coming! I texted back:
Cool, but I’m only excited that Yara is coming…and you probably suck at rapping…
Then I texted Yara:
Why the hell you did'nt tell me you were coming hoe!?
After .5 seconds someone replied..it was Aaron:
Feisty baby, wait until you see me.
I rolled my eyes. This dude really thinks he can just roll up to Cali, without me knowing what his lying ass is doing. Then there was another vibration.
It was supposed to be a surprise!
Yara responded.
I chuckled to myself just thinking about it. As soon as I got up…
I turned around and just in time jumped out the way, barely missing getting hit by Taco and Jasper speeding on there skateboards into the store.
“WHAT. THE. FUCK!”, I screamed, my face red. I thought I was about to die the speed they were going. My second time about to get hit by some nigga on a skateboard. They ran right into a rack of T-shirts, knocking them all down. Dang and all the time we spent on them shits. Taco and Jasper were laughing hysterically. Then I heard Lucas’s faint laugh right with them. These niggas are crazy, I thought. Just then Tyler ran in with a bunch of other niggas laughing.
“These niggas is crazy! These niggas is crazy!”, he kept repeating, his hand on his face.
There was like complete chaos in the store, because all these dudes were in there. Music started blasting out of no where from the speakers.
Waka Flocka…wait no..some nigga named Chief Keef.
Literally the place got so packed I was being pushed from them jumping up and down.
A few minutes passed and if was still going on. Oh no, I need to get out of here. I pushed my way thru, and spotted Lucas with Left Brain and Hodgy, looking at the new boards that also came in. I hurried toward them.
“Hey Stephanie-”, Left said
“I’m taking a break!”, I had to yell to all of them.
“Dang you look like you got your nipples twisted.”, Hodgy said laughing.
“Fuck off!”, I said trying not to laugh with him.
Then I sighed. “Oh sorry Left..heyy”, I said, brushing a curly strand away from my face.
He nodded and winked.
“You can just go home if you want, after your break, because all these dudes.”, Lucas said.
“Ok thanks”, I smiled. Then out of nowhere Lego came and snapped my pic. “What the?”, I asked. He shrugged then walked away.
I manage to get myself out the sweat filled, enclosed, no female should be in store, jumping over a bunch of bikes and skateboards, and took a deep breathe. I looked down the strip to see various stores, and my eyes landed right on the Starbucks sign down the street. I needed coffee…now.
I started walking, still in somewhat awe of the people in Cali. Some who walked down the street with 5 inch stilettos and high priced designer bags, along with the occasional stoner who freely smoked his “medical” weed. That’s when I heard a “Wait up!” in the distance behind me. I turned around and found Tyler. Staring back at me with this grin.
“Why the fuck you leave?”, he asked still grinning as if he was about to laugh.
I gave him a emotionless look, then turned back around. But what do u know…he still followed. I really needed alone time and he was being annoying.
“Tyler, I appreciate us being neighbors and shit, and the job is really cool, but I really need some alone time.”, I glared at him, hoping my green eyes pierced his soul. But he didn’t budge.
“So do I.”, he said then opened the door to Starbucks waiting for me to walk inside.
I was definitely taken aback. He’s so…weird.
I don’t know what the fuck I was doing. I am not bout this life. But I went out there anyway. Mostly because I still wanted to see her face, and she had to go and leave the store. She walked into the Starbucks and I followed right behind her.
Awesome, I thought. The shit was nearly empty.
“Can I have a Vanilla iced coffee, really sweet.”, she said in her fucking gorgeous mouth.
Yo she really needs to stop. She then looked at me, assuming I was gonna order something. I really wanted a milkshake or some shit. But it’s whatever.
“Do you guys still have the rice crispy shits?”, I asked, I noticed Stephanie chuckled.
“Yes sir, would you like one?”, the clerk said. Dumb Nigga.
“No I want the new Trick Daddy Cd.”, I said sarcastically.
“Oh…well we don’t sell that here.” Stephanie started laughing.
This cool, chill laugh I can’t even explain. It was hot.
“I want a rice crispies treat, I don’t care if I have diabetes nigga, I still get bitches!”, I type screamed.
The clerk then hurried and got me the rice crispie thing. I smiled and said thank you in a gay ass voice, and then paid for it. Stephanie was still laughing.
“I don’t understand what’s so funny.”, I said seriously.
“You!”, she said still laughing.
“Is it because I’m beautiful?”, I said then smiled a lil kid type smile and blinked my eyes.
She still laughed. “Yes it’s because your beautiful.”, she said still giggling the taking a sip of coffee.
Then she looked at me all serious.
“On the real though, why did you follow me here?”, she asked keenly.
I follow you everywhere, I caught myself from saying. Ok I exaggerated. But this bitch stays on my mind and I don’t even know her that well.
“I don’t know…you looked cool.”, I said. She giggled some more.
“You are very odd Tyler,” she said then smiled. The sun shining in her eyes, making her eyes glisten. The table we sat in was right next to the window, and it was going on 6 pm. Perfect sun set.
“I try”, I said, squinting toward the sun, then bit on my rice crispie. I then looked at her and noticed her outfit. A white Tron Cat shirt, black jeans and her red vans. Her hair down with black Ray bans chillin right with her curls. Fuck.
“Uhh, You look nice in my shirt”, I said.
She then looked down…blushing. She’s like a baby. Like she tries to be hard, put on a front, but in the inside is that real girl. Eww did I just think some gay shit like that?
I started laughing.
“What’s so funny?”, she said.
I shook my head. I had to say it.
“Because you come off as being all bad ass, but inside your like fucking cake.”
“What!?”, she said laughing with a confused face.
“No seriously. Like your parents probably wake you up every morning, like "Stephanie Breakfast is ready!, and they like give you money every week, for fucking walking the dog or something”.
All of a sudden her expression changed.
Fuck, Tyler you really messed up now.
She gave a grim laugh.
“I wish.”, she said lowly, then took another sip.
I knew there was more shit to it, I was too curious.
“Well, shit, I wish I had that too.”, I admitted.
“What your life isn’t like that? Mr. Tyler, the Creator, who owns his own fucking store.”, she said, her voice different, like she was mad.
She must have been through some shit. I don’t know why I thought this, but I think it had something to do with her father. That faggot when they just moved here kept putting boxes on boxes when she was clearly struggling. Aren’t all fathers just faggots. Look at my non-existent one.
“Haha, yes of course it’s like that, my mommy makes me cookies everyday.”, I said sarcastically.
“Hmph, I guess we both have our share of dick familes.”, as she caught on and spoke emotionlessly.
It was silent after she said that. Her words still lingering in the air, as both of us were in deep thought, verging onto a feeling of aqwardness.
“Soo, ummm, this is aqward….”, I got up, lifting my hat off my head then putting it back on. I went to go throw my shit out, then-
“Wait.”, she said getting up and walking towards me.
I started laughing, hysterically.
“For what?”
“For judging you.”, she got up.
“It’s alright.. I mean…like everybody does that shit. But you can’t do anything about it.”
Then she looked at me, biting her lip, as if in deep thought. Then out of nowhere she punched my arm.
“Ow! What the fuck!”, I said laughing, surprised she even did that.
“Your awesome.”, she said then walked out the store.
I was there still dumbfounded.
“Sir are you ok?”, the same Starbucks guy asked.
“Do I look like I’m ok?! Gosh your so mean!,” I said in my Emotional Patrick voice, then ran out the store.
She was already two stores down.
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