#brazilian women national team
sccpmccabe · 8 months
It took me a while but I finally got a video with good video quality (at some point the audio gets shit, but that's what I managed to find) of the speech Marta gave when receiving the honor during the FIFA The Best awards ceremony today.
(I did my best to translate, but it's worth remembering that my first language is Portuguese (BR) and I don't usually speak English that often, so the text/speech may contain some errors)
"I'm sorry, but I'm going to speak in Portuguese because I want you to understand what I want to say at this moment".
"It's always difficult to go on that stage and not get emotional. I was fortunate enough to receive the best player award a few times and I think it's much easier (to receive this award) because you'll base yourself on what you did throughout the year and thank your teammates, thank everyone staff, family, but this (the tribute) is, without a doubt, much more special, it's difficult to even find words, but I want that, just as I see in this tribute, I want all women to also be able to see a promising future where it is not only directed towards football, sport, but any activity because what we seek daily through what God destined us to do is to seek to make the world a better place for everyone without distinction. It's about seeking equality, respect and I leave this message here for all those who have the power to transmit this message through what you do: do it, do it because the next generations will thank you. They will thank a Ronaldo (R9), a Zagallo, they will thank a Pelé [...] They will thank Jenni (Hermoso), who I had the pleasure of playing with in 2013 and who has evolved so much and has been doing her job on and off the field as a citizen of the world. So I want to thank FIFA and the entire football community for the honor that I am receiving in life and still in activity and I want to say that this, without a doubt, is a great motivation for us to continue seeking to evolve, because there is always the to learn and in a year of the Olympics (it inspires me to) who knows, maybe not play another one. After that I'll have the answers as to whether I'm going to continue or not, but for now, thank you very much. I'm very happy, my heart is just grateful".
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jardani-snow · 19 days
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Brazil Women's Volleyball Team.🇧🇷
Priscila Daroit, Thaisa Daher, Rosamaria Montibeller.
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pinkyqil · 1 month
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- Childhood Memories Present Time Treasure
Pairing: mischievous!r
Summary: mischievous!r back story and how she comes to choose Brazil as the national team you want to represent.
A/n: a little bit of r's childhood story and to how she is and if you want more back story before she joined the team feel free to leave in a request, you can always leave in requests, hcs or ask I'll try my best to get them to your standards and hope you guys enjoy this chapter even though it short
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Most people know you as a trouble maker someone who could never stay out of the heat. someone who always lights up the mood a protective person but most of all other's who know you knew you were always his daughter...
You were always your father's daughter he would always teach you different things and of them was to stand up for yourself no matter what, he also taught you about your Brazilian root and lineage to love and respect no matter what.
If anyone was to ask who inspired you to play football, you would tell them it was pai .
He was not only your dad but your forever superman the man who risked his life just for you to counting living on.
It was one cloudy day and you had asked your day to take you too the Brazil vs Colombia women game that was happening. You we're being persistent that he should take you after your mother had said no anyways.
But him being the good father that he was decide to take you either way.
On your way to the game,weather was already getting bad the rains where becoming more and more violent. And that's how you remembered vividly how another car came rapidly flipping over your car.
Everything felt like it was happening in slow motion until you guys had gotten flipped.
Creating a huge collusion crash between both cars. you remembered your screams that were so loud but your pai holding your hands and guiding you to breathe properly and telling you everything was going to be alright. You felt scared and unable to move your body as you saw another car about to hit you guys again but all of a sudden you felt two pair of hands protecting your body with there's.
And that would be the day that you lost your father who died protecting you and stil tried comforting you no matter how bad the circumstances was.
Hence why from that day you vowed to always be proud of your Brazilian side no matter what and that would be a reason why you choose to represent the Brazilian national team because you would not also be representing Brazil but the country your father loved most.
You may have been born in spain but Brazil was also apart of your heritage and you want to represent it.
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lazycats-stuff · 9 months
I had read a fic of yours where Batson was Australian, I don't know if you have other requests like this but if you accept, make one with Batson being Brazilian and he likes football, carnival and who likes to listen and dance to music by the great diva Anitta
Okay, that's cool. I never really knew a lot about Brazil, but I love learning more about it. Bruce is really mister worldwide lol.
Summary: (Y/N) is Brazilian.
Warnings: none
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According to Jason, Bruce has become mister Worldwide. Why, I might hear you asking? He, as a playboy, sleeps with a lot of women. One of those women was a Brazilian model and the two had a son together. Bruce took a DNA first because he didn't want to take any type of chances.
It wouldn't be a first time that a woman tried to claim that a kid was his, but wasn't. Turns out, DNA came back telling him that (Y/N) was his son. Thankfully, the woman was very understanding and Bruce sent her money every month and he would visit when he could.
Unfortunately, (Y/N)'s mom passed away when he was a teen and he came to live in the USA with his father and half brothers. It was a little bit weird at first, a new city, a father who is a vigilante, his brothers too, a butler who is their handler so to speak...
Either way, it was weird, but he was happy to be here with his family. That was something that he thought that Americans were lacking sometimes. That feeling of tight nit love and family. His family, including grandmas, grandpas, aunts and much more lived within a walking distance from him.
Okay, that may sound like Americans don't share that same sentiment about family, but (Y/N) didn't really see it. It may that in Brazil that is just amplified by 10 or it could be something else of course. However, his family is tight knit and very loving.
(Y/N) didn't think that he would have that here in America, but hey, he can't really complain can he.
However, there is a single thing he will fight until the day he dies. His fellow Brazilian men and women, his brothers and sisters would agree. Soccer is not football. Football is football, you play with your feet. That's why is so popular.
And that's why Europeans and Latinos went nuts for it. Honestly, (Y/N) watches every game with Brazil's national team, even if Bruce had to pay more for the program. He has the money. He can't let his son suffer, can he?
Also, American Football should be named American Soccer, because the ball is never on the ground. (Y/N) will die by that statement and he will fight everyone he needs to fight with to prove it.
Until his last breath and last drop of blood.
One thing he loves more than anything, alongside the football of course, is the famous Rio de Janeiro carnival. He made Bruce and the rest of the family go every single year with him. Thankfully, he still has his Brazilian passport with him.
And the family has a translator for when they go, because not a lot of people speak English, only in bigger cities and popular tourist sites. It's fun to see (Y/N) speak his native language with so much passion and everyone has decided to learn it to talk to (Y/N).
(Y/N) was proud and nothing but supportive, even though at times they were butchering the language, but it's always the thought that matters. And Portuguese is an easier language to pick up. (Y/N) even had some rewards for them.
Every time they could hold a some what correct conversation when it comes to grammar and vocabulary, they would get a dish from the Brazilian cuisine. It's the famous Feijoada and it's just (Y/N)'s favorite. Everyone loved when (Y/N) made it and it was with his grandma's recipe.
That's what motivated them to learn, because even Damian swore by that dish and he loved it the most. Bruce and the rest loved it, it was different then the rest of the American cuisine. Of course, (Y/N) introduced them to another dishes, but everyone loved the Feijoada.
(Y/N) knew it.
One thing he loves is listening to Anitta. He loves her music and they would often find him dancing while he was cleaning, dusting, vacuuming and other times. It made him happy and Bruce found (Y/N) humming the melody and the lyrics every day.
Everyone soon knew the lyrics to the songs and the melody. And besides, they are all learning Portuguese and it was fun to learn it that way. Dick found her songs great and listened to it during his workouts and Dick loved it.
And one thing that Bruce was proud of was the fact that (Y/N) didn't decided to assimilate. He still has his values and he wasn't afraid to say that he is Brazilian. If he has an interview he is often found correcting people and he is not afraid to say it.
Due to the fact that he is not afraid to say he is from Brazil, people of Brazil have claimed him and whenever he comes, they just shower him with love. He is extremely popular and Bruce knows he shouldn't worry about it, but still.
Bruce worries about his children all of the time, especially when they are in another country, especially on vacation. (Y/N) often told him not to worry and did Bruce listen?
One thing more thing that made Bruce love Brazil more than anything in this world is the fact that they take their hygiene more than some Americans do. (Y/N) said to everyone that during the summer he would take 3 showers per day sometimes.
Damian found that interesting. Brazil is a humid and hot country, considering that it's a tropical country and the heat is often unforgiving.
(Y/N) said that the shower made him slow down and think about relaxing. He often clears his head and feels less stress afterwards. He has explained the shower routine, but still, the family they don't really understand it, but hey, as long (Y/N) is happy.
And one thing that Brazilians love doing that Bruce found nice was the way that they are affectionate. Kisses, hugs and touching. Of course, with consent. (Y/N) understood that not really liked it, but his family loved it.
Damian would often get picked randomly and hugged from behind. Damian would often grumble about it, but he loved it. Bruce loved the hugs and the rest loved the hugs too.
Bruce was just happy that one of them was normal emotionally. (Y/N) was trained in martial arts to protect himself, like everyone, but decided to not be a vigilante. He just couldn't be and Bruce respected it.
(Y/N) was their safety net and nobody would have it any other way.
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outsideratheart · 1 year
Welcome to Colney (Leah Williamson x reader)
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Summer 2022 changed your life. Winning the Copa América wasn’t new to you nor the Brazilian national team but this year was the first tournament where you was the captain of your team. It was an honour and a privilege to wear the armband but it came with pressure and responsibilities that you weren’t expecting. Your performance caught the eyes of several clubs but one stood out from the rest, Arsenal. The decision to move to the legendary English club was made easier when Rafa told you they made her an offer too. It was chance to play football with your best friend at club level for the first time in your careers.
“Are you nervous?” Rafa asked as you pulled up to the training facilities. There would be no training today but the club wanted to celebrate the players who had been crowned champions over the summer.
You shake your head.
“Not even to play with a new team in a new country?”
Truth is you were nervous about learning a new style but you also knew you had to lead by example.
“I welcome the challenge”
“Of course you do”
You arrived to find the entire team, both men and women, outside the front of the building. The sight itself was a little bit daunting but you would let them know that.
“Y/N! Rafaelle!” Jonas is the first to spot you and calls you over.
He introduces you to the team but there seems to be one person missing; your English counterpart Leah Williamson.
It is only when you see Beth Mead and Lotte Wubben-Moy sporting their medals do you realise that you have left yours in the car. Rafa volunteers to go them and in her absence you find yourself gravitating towards your fellow Brazilians on the men’s team.
You are so deep in conversation with Gabi that you don’t realise the women’s team has gathered for a photo.
“Desculpe” you quickly run over where you are instructed to stand in the middle.
Seconds before the photo is taken you feel a hand grab your waist and it sends a shockwave through your body. When you turn to face the owner of said hand you see a shy looking blonde with flushed cheeks.
“I’m Leah” she holds her hand out for you to shake once the photographer says she’s happy for the shots she has.
“Y/N” you shake her hand, a motion in itself lasts a little longer than it did with everyone else “It’s a pleasure to meet you Leah”
There’s something about the minuscule moment you had just shared but you couldn’t put your finger on it.
“We’re very lucky to have you here at Arsenal. I can’t wait to play with you”
“I’m sure you’ll be playing more with Rafa but I look forward to sharing the pitch with you”
It was a compliment face off. It's clear both of you are fans of each other but it is when Beth wanders over do you realise just how big of fan Leah is.
“I see you’ve met your biggest fan” Beth wraps her arms around Leah’s shoulder “Leah here couldn’t stop talking about you when we found out you had signed”
Leah’s face said it all. The embarrassment was clear but you liked it. What you didn’t like was the way Rafa appeared out of nowhere and joined in Beth’s game of expose my captain.
“Oh please, don’t act like you aren’t a fan of hers too. Y/N came her a few weeks ago because she wanted to meet you but when she arrived you were with your team mates on holiday”
“Rafaelle” it was a warning, one which she was all too aware of “I came here to sort out our house whilst you were off celebrating with the girls”
“You didn’t celebrate your win? You were incredible” Leah, once again, pays you a compliment.
“I had a lot on my plate. Like Rafa said I came to unpack and decorate our house but before then I had back to back interviews and photoshoots in Brazil that I couldn't get out of"
“I understand that” the sorrow in Leah’s voice was concerning.
“Being a first time captain leading your team to a championship comes with its downfalls”
Leah only nods her head. The weeks following the euros was nothing like Leah expected. The tournament put her on a pedestal and for the first time since she lifted the trophy she didn’t feel alone at the top.
Of course both of you could relax a little knowing that while here at Colney and at meadow park, Kim Little was the captain and it didn’t take long for you to be reminded of that.
“I see the captain of England and the captain of Brazil have met but we all know who is in charge around here” Katie joked.
“We are team full of leaders. Leah is one of the captains too and I hope Y/N will bring some her her leadership skills to the team” Kim joins the small group which is forming.
You cannot bring yourself to respond. Not because you don’t want to but you don’t want to place yourself with the top players of the team when you haven’t even stepped foot on the pitch.
During the offseason trip to Germany you found it surprisingly easy to fit in with the team. You got along well with the team but more so with Leah. Despite being from different countries, you had similar tastes in music so you would often lounge around listening to your favourite playlists whilst Leah showed you how to play Sudoku.
Things changed when you were back in London. You unconsciously began to close yourself off. It was as if Y/N the human being didn't feel at home in London which wouldn't be a problem given that you had only been there for a month but Rafa seemed to be blossoming in the country's capital. Several players picked up on your change of behaviour so Katie suggested a team bonding night at a restaurant of her choosing.
When she sends you the address of an all you can eat Brazilian you are filled with excitement but the restaurant itself didn't quite live up to a native's standards. The gesture is kind and you make sure to thank her for her efforts when you leave.
"You didn't like it?" Leah nudges you as you and few of the other team members walk back to where the cars are parked.
"It wasn't really Brazilian. It was just a lot of meat" you whisper as not to upset the irishwoman.
"I told you Katie!" Leah shouts much to your failed attempts at telling her to not to say anything.
"What!" Katie comes skipping over to the two of you "I thought you would like going to a Brazilian restaurant"
"That wasn't Brazilian, it was —“ Rafa comes to plead your case.
"A lot of meat" Leah says earning a smirk and a shake of head from you.
This leads to Rafa inviting the team over to the house you shared and offered a home cooked Brazilian feast which you found rich considering you were the chef out of the two of you. The team happily take her up on her offer and as you walk down the streets of St Albans you gaze remain fixed on a certain individual and how her hips swayed with every step she took.
"So you and Leah?" Rafa snuck up behind you. She had seen the way the two of you conversed the entire night. You barely showed anyone else any attention but the sight Rafa saw was rare and she knew that you must have opened yourself up to Leah if you were willing to get this close.
“She —“ how do you describe Leah?
"Ticks every single one of your boxes" the fellow Brazilian finishes your sentence or at least she tries.
"I was going to say she is beautiful"
You couldn’t deny Leah’s beauty. The way her blonde hair brought out the colour of her eyes; it puts the bluest oceans to shame. You were attracted to Leah and you knew it from the first day you met her but the passion she has for the sport you both love led you to fall deeper for her. She understood your mind more than anyone else given that she recently faced the same pressure as you.
"You should ask her out"
"I'm going to"
And that is what you planned to do the next day at training, that is until Beth officially gave you the low down on the couples within the team. Of course you had your suspicions and those had been right. What did catch you off guard was when Beth started talking about Leah and her history with Jordan Nobbs. From the signs Leah had given you, you thought she was single but Beth's explanation of their on off relationship thus far gave you reasons to doubt the moments you and Leah had shared. It’s the reason why you never asked her out that day or the day after that. In fact months passed and you still didn't ask her out even though your feelings never changed. You did keep her close though, just close enough to allow yourself to think what if.
It was during the final away trip of the year that the truth game to light. The team had met for breakfast, Leah observed from a distance as you watched Kim make a coffee with her latest contraption. The look on you face resembles that of a child watching a magic trick whilst figuring out how it’s done. She found it adorable the way you closed you eyes, inhaled the sent of the freshly poured cup then smiled widely as you swallowed your first mouthful.
“You’re drooling” Rafa jokes as she joins her fellow centre back at the table “Leah?” She waves her hand in front of the blonde to get her attention.
“I’m sorry. Did you say something?”
“You stare at her a lot for someone that turned her down”
Leah drew a blank. She had no idea what Rafaelle was talking about. She hadn’t turned you down, she wouldn’t and it’s not like she has had the opportunity to because you haven’t asked her out. She is just about to ask her to elaborate but both her and Kim gets called over by Jonas. You mumble a short and sweet ‘hi’ as you take her place at the table.
Rafa’s words stuck with Leah for the next few days as she tried and failed to think what could have made her think that. In the end it is the culprit herself that confesses when some of the girls are at Lia and Caitlyn’s for a game night.
“It’s been 5 months Leah and you have yet to make a move on Y/N. We can see the see you look at each other” Lia begins her friendly interrogation.
“and the sexual tension is disgusting” Katie fake gags.
“She told Rafa that she asked me out and I said no” Leah explains.
“You turned her down but I thought you liked her?” Viv questions.
“It’s not like Leah would have said yes, She is still with Jordan” Beth says.
You would have though the blonde had confessed to a murder the way all heads turned to her with a movement that could have given the owner whiplash.
“Beth, me and Jordan broke up before the euros. It’s done, we’re over for good this time”
Beth looked like a child that watched on as a problem they caused gets unveiled.
“What did you do?” Viv asks her girlfriend.
“I might have told her that you were already taken” 
Leah couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Had Beth really sabotaged the relationship before it even had a chance to begin. It made Leah realise one thing, you did like her because you were going to ask her out. She tried calling your phone but it went straight to voicemail and despite her trying numerous times after that, the results were the same no answer.
In an attempt to redeem herself, Beth offered to drive the blonde to your house. It was an offer that Leah happily accepted. She knew from overhearing a conversation between you and Stina that you were going back to Brazil for the holidays, she only wished that she could see you before you leave.
With her friends in tow Leah knocks rapidly on your front door hoping with every fibre of her being that you answer it. A Brazilian answers the door only it isn't the one she hoped for.
Rafa notices Leah peeping behind her and its then that she realises the blonde didn't come for her.
"You're here for Y/N?" she asks earning a nod from Leah "She isn't here"
Leah's face fell. It isn't the end of the world but she didn't want to spend the next two weeks wondering what you're doing in Brazil and more important who you are doing things with.
"Where is she?" Caitlyn asks.
"Airport" Rafa then looks down at her watch "Her flight leaves, well right now actually"
If it wasn't already, the way the other girls looked at each other made it obvious that something was going on and Rafaelle was in the dark.
Out the corner of her eye Leah saw a photo frame hanging on the wall. It was a photo on the two of you taken in Germany, a small chuckle escaped her lips at the difficulty that came with the getting to pose for the photo but just as quickly as the happiness flood her systems, it is replaced with sadness.
"I'm about to put a movie on and order a takeaway if you guys want to stay" your best friend points to the takeaway menus that were scattered on the kitchen countertop.
Everyone was up for an impromptu movie night, everyone but Leah who quite frankly just wanted to be alone. She politely declined the invite and left your house with her head hanging low.
The moment she steps outside her body crashes into another sending her to the ground.
"Leah! are you ok?" you help the blonde to her feet.
Leah meanwhile didn't understand what was going on. How was you there when you were suppose to be on a plane to Brazil.
"Leah?" you wave you hand in front of her face "Did you hit your head?”
"What are you doing here?"
"I live here" you chuckle a little at obviousness of her question.
"I know that" she smacks you playfully "I mean in England, Rafa said you were going to Brazil"
"My flight was overbooked so I'm taking the next one which is first thing tomorrow morning" you explained.
You are just about to enter your home when Leah stops you. Her hand rests on top of yours on the door handle. You remove you hand but keep Leah's intertwined with yours. You knew something was wrong. First she was leaving your house alone and now she didn't want you to go in.
"Linda" you look deeply into those blue eyes you like so much "What's wrong?"
"Beth was wrong when she told you about Jordan. We are not dating, that chapter of my life is done"
Your head dips slightly as a smile tugs at your lips. If Leah wasn't with Jordan then it changes everything.
"But she said that you were" you try to remember the exact wording "she said it was on and off. I like you Leah but I won't ruin your relationship"
"There is no relationship, me and Jordan are done. There is something between us though and that is the only thing on my mind"
There something about the girl you like telling you how she feels and it aligning with your own feelings that brings you pure happiness.
"Would you have said yes if I asked you?" Leah nods enthusiastically "then let's go"
She could't believe your spontaneity. It didn't match your every day personality but she liked this side of you.
"I would love that but you should know Rafa and some of the girls are inside having a movie night and since this is your last night here before winter break, maybe we should join them?"
You didn't like to share and given that Leah had all but admitted she had feelings for you, you really wanted to spend the night with her alone. You are just about to tell her this when you hear laughing from the other side of the door.
"We can but only if you let me take you out for breakfast in the morning?"
"I would like that"
When the door opens, the girls on the other side freeze. All eyes are on the hallway as they wait to see who enters.
"Y/N!" Beth shouts "and Leah! who are holding hands?"
You pay no attention to the forward’s observations. Instead you go straight to your place on the sofa which funnily enough remains empty and Leah settles in beside you. Throughout the night you struggle to pay attention to the movie because the woman in your arms in much more interesting. At one point she catches you staring and with the way you are sat your faces are incredibly close. You have to bite your lip to stop yourself from kissing her but when Leah reaches up to caress you lower lip your hesitation goes out the window. Her lips are soft against your own and you relish the moment you have been waiting for since the first say you met her at Colney.  
"Minha Linda" you place a soft kiss to her hairline.
"What does that mean?" Leah had been learning Portuguese from Rafa but it was a slow process.
"My beautiful"
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another-mexico-oc · 15 days
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Al parecer fue buena idea preguntarle a dos de las naciones expertas en gatos cómo deshacerse de la maldición, porque Brasil se llevó al final una medalla de plata en fútbol femenil, junto con otras 19 medallas.
Brazil and the Cats
A few hours before the start of the 2024 Olympics in Paris.
Brazil: Türkiye! Greece! You know a lot about cats... Do you think you can help me make peace with them?
"The Cat Curse" : It is believed that since the Press Manager of the Brazilian National Team threw a cat off the table, Brazil has had a very bad luck in soccer. Moral of the story: Respect cats. Or haven't you read The Black Cat by Edgar Allan Poe?
Apparently it was a good idea to ask two of the cat-savvy nations how to get rid of the curse, because Brazil ultimately took home a silver medal in women's soccer, along with 19 other medals.
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hey! can you tell what happened with Gio at Barcelona? I know she was playing there when she was young but I don’t know how she left. I read during the Olympics bunch of tweets from the Brazilian fanbase about how they lost respect to Alexia after her position as a captain towards the incident of her departure and how awfully she went along with the club and remained silent even tho they are known for treating Brazilians badly (I think they were referring to the current Roque situation which I unfortunately understand)
yeah, there's no love lost between gio and barça, nor between gio and culers 😬
(and i'm sorry but this has nothing to do with brasilians.😂 if barça can treat messi and spanish club legends on the women's side the way it has done, then no one is safe!)
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anyway, gio joined barça back in 2020 and left in 2022. she was technically part of the first champions winning team in 2021. in 2022, she accused the club of abusive behaviour, following her first call-up to the brasilian wnt, specifically due to the club's covid quarantine protocols.
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she claimed: “after completing the quarantine imposed, i received authorisation from fifa to join the brasilian national team in the united states, with the full knowledge of the club. before traveling and during the concentration period, i carried out several pcr tests, always with negative results. when i returned to barcelona, they called a meeting with the club director. at that meeting, i was accused of having committed serious indiscipline and that, therefore, i would be removed from the team and suffer serious consequences."
she then accused barça of punishing her after that incident and created an atmosphere ‘work assault and psychological violence against women' and said that the club subjected her to illegal confinement by the head of the club’s medical services.
barcelona then responded by saying:
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and most culers took barça's side after all was said and done and accused gio of breaking covid rules and wanting special treatment. but some barça fans view gio as a problematic player, and with her stint at arsenal and not being able to be registered last season and the murkiness surrounding her agent interfering or what not with an earlier loan, who knows? the truth is always more muddled.
and alexia has nothing to do with anything. why are brasilian fans dragging her into this?! literally alexia is blamed for all the problems in the world when this was a decision by the club medical staff during a global pandemic.
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holdmybvbeer · 1 year
The brazilian national team landing in Australia for the women's world cup on a plane with the images of the murdered Jina Mahsa Amini and the imprisoned player Amir Nasr Azadani and the inscription "No woman should be forced to cover her head".
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Brazilian civil servants granted time off to watch women's football World Cup
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Brazil's government will allow federal public servants to take time off work to watch the women's national football team play the upcoming World Cup in Australia and New Zealand, Agencia Brasil reported. The tournament takes place between July 20 and August 20. The measure is already customary for the men's squad games.
On match days when play starts at 7:30 am, the workday will start at 11 am. On match days starting at 8 am, the workday will start at noon. The document also provides for the compensation of the hours not worked by December 29, the Ministry of Management and Innovation announced.
The resolution, which comes after a request from Sports Minister Ana Moser to President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, is to be published next Tuesday in the Official Gazette.
Brazil play Panama at Hindmarsh Stadium in Adelaide on July 24, at 8 am (Brasília time), France on July 29, at 7 am at the Sydney Football Stadium, and Jamaica on August 2 at 7 am at Melbourne Rectangular Stadium.
Continue reading.
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sccpmccabe · 8 months
The tribute to her and Marta's speech made me sob with tears, she did and still does so much for women's football and doesn't get a third of the recognition she deserves. I'm very proud to be Brazilian and to be able to say with all the words that I saw the best in the world play with my country's colors and shirt, there will never be a name as big as hers. Marta is synonymous with football and passion and is now immortalized in the sport once and for all.
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jardani-snow · 11 days
"ℜ𝔬𝔰𝔞, 𝔮𝔲𝔢 𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔡𝔞 𝔢𝔯𝔢𝔰.🎶"
"Rosa, how beautiful you are."
Rosamaria Montibeller.🇧🇷
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Those of you who don't closely follow the US Women's Soccer Team may not know what's going on recently. You may remember the team being both very good and very gay, lead by purple haired lesbian Megan Rapinoe. Unfortunately, this is no longer the case and things with the team have quickly gone down hill following Rapinoe's retirement.
The Olympic roster was recently announced and included in it is a player who is openly and largely unapologetically homophobic. No public repercussions or criticisms of her views have come from the team. Rather fans are being shamed by the new head coach and told we should "learn to embrace" a player who so openly hates so many of us.
So I am here to inform you about some of the top queer players from other teams you should be rooting for if you, like me, do not want to support the US team during the Olympics this year.
#1 Marta (she/her)
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Truly what is there to say about Marta that hasn't been said. The Brazilian Goat and the queen of women's soccer. The Olympics will be her last major tournament with the Brazilian national team and the world of soccer will be much poorer when she leaves.
She is also joined by many queer teammates including Debhina, Lauren, and Adriana
#2 Quinn (they/them)
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In 2021 Quinn became the first openly nonbinary athlete to a win a gold medal, when Canada defeated Sweden for the top prize. Canada's strategy last Olympics was to be a defensive powerhouse and Quinn, as a defensive midfielder, played a huge role in that effort. They will very likely be on the roster this year to defend Canada's gold, joined by queer teammates Kadeisha Buchanan and Kailen Sheridan.
#3 Barbara Banda (she/her)
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Barbara Banda, the Zambian phenomenon, is a fast, intelligent, and technically gifted player who is currently leading the Orlando Pride (NWSL team) to crush every record in the book including a 6-0 victory last weekend, after the first goal of which she ran directly to the pride flag to celebrate:
There are many many more queer players who are going to be at the womens soccer tournament during the Olympics, but these are three that absolutely deserve your support
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pumukli74 · 3 months
Singing heart
Part 2
Pairing: Jude Bellingham x Reader
Summary: You work in a club in London, where you meet Jude, who is celebrating a Champions League victory with his teammates. Jude is a true alpha, handsome, rich, famous, living a life of comfort and luxury that others can only dream of. He was a man from head to toe, down to the smallest detail. He towered almost two heads above you, looking down at you from the clouds with his radiant eyes. Every movement of his muscular body, a wry smile flashing at the corner of his mouth, a wink drove his fans and opponents alike crazy. You wanted to touch him, hug him tight. Hearing his voice, tingling with his breath flipping over your skin. You wanted to laugh. To kiss. Lying next to him, waiting for your heartbeat to return to normal. You were happy because he didn't need anyone else. Only you. For a while.
a/n: This is my first time writing about Jude , so hope you’ll like it
( english isn't my first language )
Jude stood clutching the railing of the upstairs balcony as he surveyed the realm below. It was one of the most extravagant places he had ever been, at least in England. Lots of glitter for those who can really dig deep into their pockets. Tonight, the events took place under the sparkling light of crystal chandeliers, greed mixed with beauty and depravity, dressed in gold and diamonds, sipping free drinks.
Vini appeared next to him at the railing, grinning and pressing another glass of whiskey into his hand.
- I think I should congratulate you on a successful evening, kid - Grinning, he patted him on the back a few times, and Jude had to be careful not to spill the precious juice. It would have been a great shame for him.
- I can't complain - he nodded, but he didn't pay attention to his friend, he was still thinking about the young girl hiding behind the dressing room door, meaning you.
- My friend, I am extremely grateful that you thought of the team - Vini grinned at him, Jude just waved.
- This is the least.
- Yes for you, but it's a gold mine for us - The Brazilian soccer player's attention wandered. "Or heaven.
Yes, he was right. Heaven. Camavinga was standing next to one of the tables, his black jacket had already been left somewhere, his white shirt stretched over his muscular body. Next to the French man stood Dutch model Laura Celia Valk in a piece of fabric that could hardly be called a dress. They were talking to a couple. The man had short brown hair and a well-kept beard, covering a pale, middle-aged face and a sneer-smiling mouth that was clearly visible even from a distance.
- Rhys Ifans.
- What do you know about it?
- He is a famous actor. I'm not surprised to see it here.
- Blessed Gods! - Jude hit Vini on the shoulder. - I'm curious about the young woman!
- That would be me too. Good, good... Forgive me! - Jude's look could kill. His eyes, which were usually brown in color, thickened to black.
All the women in the club were the same, there was nothing unique about them. They are exotic and sweetly enticing, just like the black-haired beauty at his side before. He knew it was all just an appearance. Members of their kind have already flooded the streets of London, dressed in cheap clothes, bejeweled with fake jewelry, the paint on their faces a thick, colorful plaster. The superficiality of the sultry whispers burning his ears bored him to death. Finally there he was. Ifans had his arm around the waist of a stunning red haired woman. Jude couldn't take his eyes off her. Those full red lips and damn that silver scale covered body with full breasts and shapely butt.
And then you looked up as if you sensed someone staring. You held his gaze for a moment before turning back to rejoin the conversation. You were breathtaking, a real beauty and you knew that about yourself. You could have wrapped anyone around your finger, but not even one man caught your attention tonight. Until now. You already noticed him before, the English national team player, the savior of Real Madrid, he was the devilishly beautiful Jude Bellingham. You caught the eyes promising a thousand pleasures again, and you immediately knew how much your body and soul thirsted for him. You would helplessly accept the attack of his lips, the curious roaming of his palm on your sensitive body.
Rhys Ifans' arm was still clinging like a snake to the beautiful woman standing next to him, his fingers pressed deep into her hip. Jude beckoned the passing waiter over for another glass. He pushed it up quickly, wanting to dull his mind for the short time his groin took over alongside his heart. He wanted to kiss your soft lips, run his fingers through your fine hair, feel your arms wrapped around his neck and legs around his waist.
You would helplessly accept the attack of his lips, a strange but familiar tingle would run through you at the invitation of your tongue to dance, thickening as a knot in your stomach, only to rage like a storm later. Your breathing would become more and more frequent. Obeying your burning body, you would watch as Jude's fingers tore the flimsy material of your dress to shreds.
- Hold on to me! - would pick you up, to which you wouldn't even have the strength to react in your stupor. He would sink into you without any tenderness as he nibbled on the sensitive skin of your neck, marking it as well. You would be his property! You would move with pleasure, panting loudly, above you the wondering moon and the envious stars, under your feet the blessed mother earth red with your passions.
You were so engrossed in the promising brown eyes that you completely forgot about the people standing next to you. You only woke up to a blood boiling smile and a warm palm caressing your waist.
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calciopics · 1 year
Obrigada, Marta!
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"It is hard to talk. It wasn't in my worst nightmares the World Cup I dreamed of. It's just the beginning. Brazilian people asked for renewal, it is being renewed, the only old woman is me and maybe Tamires next to me. Most of the team is made up of talented girls with a huge road ahead of them. I end here, but they continue.
We now have players to look up to [in women's football], and that would not have happened if we had stayed still at the first hurdle we faced. It's about being persistent, and it didn't just start with me but with other players back then and I'm very proud and we ask the new generation to continue where we left off, continue to inspire even more girls and boys no matter what age they are.
When I started playing, I didn't have an idol, a female idol. You guys didn't show any female games. How was I supposed to see other players? How I was I supposed to understand that I could arrive at a national team and become a reference?
Today we have our own references. This wouldn't have happened if we had stopped in the first obstacles that we faced. ... And it didn't start just with me, but with a lot of the women back then.
I'm happy to see that sort of thing because 20 years ago, in 2003, you all met Marta. Twenty years later, I'm a player that inspired many women [to play football], and not just football but journalism as well. I see many female journalists here today that we just didn't see back then, so we opened doors to equality."
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laismoura-art · 1 year
You know what's funny to me? How Brazil is all about football. Like, we were once The Country of Football.
We take the World Cup seriously! The country literally stops and drops everything for it! The days Brazil played in the World Cup were treated as HOLIDAYS. There were breaks and days off, so people of all ages could watch the games.
And even people like me, who couldn't care less about football, cares for the Cup! I dress yellow/blue during the games, and I cheer on every goal!
Football is in our blood!
And YET! We literally have to BEG for men to watch the Female World Cup! To support and cheer for the girls!
They dare say the Female National Team is "amateur" compared to the Male NT, when we literally have Marta on the female team! The woman is literally one of the best football players in the world! Considered the best SIX TIMES!
The latest Brazilian game was on Monday, and there were no days off. Some schools were kind enough to let the children take a longer break and watch the game. But that's nothing compared to the whole event we make out of the Male World Cup.
And the worst part? We WON! 4x0 victory! And the game was BEAUTIFUL!! And we still get to hear men saying the female Cup is "of less importance", that the game is "boring" and the team is """amateur"""
Every time someone hypes the team up, some entitled man comes acting like he's some expert, starts diminishing and looks down on it, ignoring the effort, the talent, the victory! Because these men just can't stand the thought of women doing what they do and SUCCEEDING on it! They can't stand things not being about them 100% of the time!
I'm just so GRRRRR!
Please support your Female National Team!
Also, fun story: Marta was once named as the best player in a game, and she was gifted freaking HOUSE CLEANING SUPPLIES. From Bombril :)
Men get gifted medals and trophies. Women get house cleaning supplies.
It also happened with a Paraguaian player. She was gifted a kit of pots and pans.
Honestly, f*ck these men!
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As a Brazilian, I wonder how the Spanish national team and especially Jenni will be received at the 2027 World Cup here in Brazil.
After Hope Solo's comments making fun of the Zika Virus in Brazil, (at the time there was an epidemic of the disease in our country) during the games every time she touched the ball the whole crowd shouted loudly "ZIKAAA", as well as booing her every touch of the ball at the 2016 Rio Olympics.
For context: https://youtu.be/_cy3tGrUdF4?si=wKEoLdPTCf51pBsD
For many who think that whether Brazil wins or loses something will improve (regarding the comments), whether they win or not, it won't.
And about the World Cup in Brazil: It's going to be something like Hope Solo's, but since the comment was directly about the Brazilian team, I think it's going to be a lot worse 😭😭💀 but not to the level of violence or anything like that.
If you're fed up now, and rightly so, I can't stand the comments either, imagine the World Cup 💀💀
As a fan of Alexia and Marta, i just wanted a picture of them together 😭😭🙏🏻🙏🏻🇧🇷
yeah, that is going to be an interesting tournament. given the expanded qualification and increase in teams, i have to imagine that spain will qualify for the group stage. the question is how many players will make it to 2027 for spain and whether brasilian fans will focus on certain players or the entire spanish team.
but i have to imagine there will be at least friendlies played between the two countries before then. either way, like i said before, we need more intense rivalries in the international game in women's football and this is a good one! 🙏🏻
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oh for sure. there's so much to learn even from the rivalries and derbies in one country's league let alone across international football as whole. it's super interesting for history and anthropology nerds like me, especially when we get into the different styles of football and what it and is not a part of footballing culture, as we see from the spain v. brasil backlash.
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