-drags Cake back to his Bilbo for a feelsy thread only to read his reply and have ACTUAL TEARS in my eyes- -lays on the ground and sobs forever about BOFA-
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hawkearchive · 10 years
#and I bet Merry and Pippin would be proud#to have been called by those names
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          Was this what the end felt like?           Was this emptiness inside, this feeling            of numbness and yet, the pain that lingered           there, was this truly how it ended when someone           was grieving? She did not truly understand the meaning           behind such an emotion until he died. Until she watched           as that blade pierced through his chest and she saw it,           the world slowing down as she watched the light leave           his brilliant hues and in that moment, she lost her heart.           She lost her faith. What was one to do without faith?           Without belief that there was a better world out there?           Did that world still exist or was this the only thing it would           know? Was this war truly over? Would it ever truly end,           the battle of Good and Evil? She knew the answer to           her own question, yet she refused to face it and she           was thankful for not only the help her King gave in           burying the body of her lover but also in accepting           her back into his kingdom, however, she knew she           could not return home. Not yet at least. Kili helped           her open her eyes to the world around them and           she knew that there was more to life than the walls           and the woods she knew so well and found comfort           in. Wondering a path that lead outside of Dale,           she let her gaze stumble upon the hobbit and the wizard,           bags packed yet, they looked far too heavy for the           hobbit and it took no time for her to fall into step           beside them. 
"It might not be much, but would you care for help carrying those?" 
          There was a pause in her voice then,           debating here if she should explain herself           or let the thought linger. Would they ask or was           it wrote across her face clear as day? 
"I am sorry for you loss, Mellon. Many died today that did not deserve such a fate."
          She had fought in battles before, she had watched           both her kin and orc and what have you die before           her eyes and each loss was a great hit to her heart,           yet, she had never experienced such a pain before.           If this was how love felt, then she did not want it.           She did not desire it any longer and she questioned           how long this pain would last.
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#Jon Stark says: COW, FINISH HER
Overlord #Tauriel Stark says: OHMYGOD.
Overlord #Tauriel Stark says: THIS IS NOT MORTAL COWBAT.
#Jon Stark says: IT IS NOW
Overlord #Tauriel Stark had sex with Daniel Craig in the Dark Room. Such a Seductress!
Seductress Overlord #Tauriel Stark won the game!
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lostmyway-twice · 10 years
//shyly shoves "ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ" your way
Send me a ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ and I’ll rate your blog like this.
URL: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | SEX
ICON: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | SEX  (I really, really love that icon, what can I say >.>)
THEME: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | SEX
SIDEBAR: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless |SEX
POSTS: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | SEX
OVERALL: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | SEX
RATE: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | SEX
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darkingofmordor · 10 years
braverthanexpected replied to your post: I feel like Game of Thrones is the type of thing...
{I heard they did want a movie for it eventually. I also do believe that it may be redone. Not anytime soon, but I can see it happen}
shadowofmemory replied to your post: I feel like Game of Thrones is the type of thing...
they are planning on a movie actually
It's all very interesting. And I know that if I watched it, I would like it. I think that maybe, I should wait a couple of weeks until I get out for summer vacation, because then, my mother has at least two seasons on DVD. But. Maybe I should download the seasons onto my laptop before going home? Hrm.
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hauntedbymordor · 11 years
[Is it alright if I cut some of my replies from the asks they are a part of?
Because I just get really sick and tired of seeing my original reply tacked at the top of the thread, y'know?
I've hit my two 'let people answer this' things for the day, so maybe just like this post if I tagged you and it's alright with you?]
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hawkearchive · 11 years
εїз {HI AM I LATE TO THE PARTY? are you still doing this? I don't care I send this anyway}
url: Troll | Dreadful | Poor | Average | Exceeds Expectations | Outstanding |icon: Troll | Dreadful | Poor | Average | Exceeds Expectations | Outstanding | THATS PROBABLY HOW HE LOOKS WHEN HE'S LOOKING UP AT FAE BAHAHAtheme: Troll | Dreadful | Poor | Average | Exceeds Expectations | Outstanding | posts: Troll | Dreadful | Poor | Average | Exceeds Expectations | Outstanding | Overall: Troll | Dreadful | Poor | Average | Exceeds Expectations | Outstanding | Following: No | I am now | Yes | Always
Comments: I never really thought I'd like a theme with such bright colours but yours looks so nice! WAIT NO IM NOT COMPLIMENTING YOU, YOU'RE A BUTT 8I no but Ilu and all your muses and your writing is spectacular and yOU'RE JUST REALLY GREAT OKAY. FLAWLESS RPER AND I'LL REPLY ASAP BECAUSE I BET BILBO WOULD LOVE TO SEE FAE SERVE SOME WEIRD BLOKES IN THE HANGED MAN.
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braverthanexpected replied to your post: .
{Baggins cuddle pile}
y e s good v good
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braverthanexpected replied to your post: “As far as tumble goes, do you have any best friends here? If so, who and why?”:
{it took me a few seconds to figure out it's you. But gosh YOU'RE BEING FAR TOO KIND YOU MARVELOUS HUMAN BEING //snuggles ;u; you flatter me, my friend bfkjjskdz}
LOL I like stalking people from different accounts. ;] SHHH. YOU DERSEVE IT OKAY, JUST BASK IN IT. -cuddles you- I just speak the truth. =3
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thebirdsarein-blog · 11 years
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"Hm!? Oakenshield was not expecting you! What is it you need?"
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braverthanexpected replied to your post:wake up and check tumblr and the first thing i...
{Hnn those feelings are the worst. But dear, know that you are lovely and amazing <3}
Hnng -- //sitson
Thank you very much, you~ ; v ; 
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As far as tumble goes, do you have any best friends here? If so, who and why?
Ohlord this question is just as hard to answer as what’s my favorite song/band. I have met so many amazing and wonderful people on tumblr and a lot of them I consider to be extremely special in my life and I know I’m probably gonna forget people but I’ll give this a shot and if you’re not on this list, please know that it is just me being forgetful and that I love you immensely.
Krislyn - We’ve known each other for over twelve years now and she’s my closest/best friend. I love this girl like a sister I’ve never had. She means more to me than RPing or reading or music and that says a lot. She got me into tumblr RPing but I got her into Indie RPing and she’s always there for me when I need her, even if we’ve never met in real life. She’s my bestie, my Wonder Woman to my Batman.
Mel - We’ve known each other for a year now and she’s given me quite a lot, starting off on her Jeremy. I love this girl with everything that I have. She knows how to make me laugh with random things, let’s just say, do you wanna S my D? ;] Unfortunately she no longer has her Jeremy and that saddens me but her Damon is just as amazing. She’s my buttercup and I’ll cut anyone that goes after her.
Chello - Holyshit, I don’t even know if it’s been a year or not, it feels like longer that we’ve known each other. Actually, I was timid to start following her and talking to her at first because of her quality but I’m glad I started. She’s amazing and she always speaks her mind, which gives me confidence enough to speak mine, no matter if no one agrees with me or not. Her quality of Elijah is through the roof and I love her to bits.
Evie - Evie is my Pokemon even though everyone else tries to catch her. I caught her first so. =P She’s amazing and one of the most creative people that I know on here. She stands up for everything that she believes in and that pushes me to continue doing that, despite getting jumped for standing up for what I believed in in real life. She knows how to make a person smile even on their darkest days but I suggest you don’t piss her off.
Kara - My baby. This woman I’ve known for a year and she always knows the things to say to make me feel beautiful when I don’t feel like that at all. She’s the one that pushes me to talk to a guy I find attractive at a con, and to find who they really are. She pushes me to be not as shy in real life than what I am, even through a computer. She doesn’t deserve all the hard times she has and the anon hate that she gets. She’s so beautiful at the things she does and as a person as well.
Ash - Okay, I have two Ash’s in my life but that’s why I’m linking all their pages on this, but this girl also runs a Pippin and a Lucifer and a Smaug and holyshit her writing bypasses everything I’ve seen. She’s so beautiful at what she does. Like J.K. Rowling style and she motivates me to write better. She deserves all the love in the world and I really hate when I see her get sad and feel unworthy because she’s anything but. She’s amazing and I love her views on things.
Nina - MY NINA. MY THOR. MY THUNDER CAT. I love this girl far more than anything and let me tell you, when she’s sad, I wanna tear down the world to make her smile again. She’s so perfect at the things she creates and writes and when she says no one RPs with her, I wanna shove her into everyone’s faces and make them notice this flawless woman. She pushes her problems aside for you even though she won’t talk about her own. I’m always here for her and I know in return she’s here for me.
Kristal - Where do I start? She’s always there for anyone that needs someone to vent to or to listen to their problems that have happened. She’s one of the most caring people that I know. Despite all the accounts she makes and whatnot, she’s always willing to RP my crazy ideas with me and she’s so perfect at her muses. This girl deserves everything too.
Ash - This woman right here is fucking amazing. She’s helped me through so much that could have led me to deleting. She shows me random youtubers that she knows will make me laugh, like Markiplier and if it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t even know who he was, or Yami for that matter. She tells you the truth, no matter what and that’s something people need when they’re having a hard time. She’s so amazing and she also doesn’t deserve all the bullshit that she goes through. She’s so damn beautiful and creative.
Lexa - This girl knows how to make a person laugh, especially when she hasn’t had any sleep. She allows me to put all my feels on her and she returns them. Her writing is just like Ash’s, it’s amazingly beautiful and pushes me to write better in my replies. I know she gets things piled up and doesn’t reply quick but it’s worth the wait. She’s far beyond creative when it comes to her muses and she’s the reason I continued watching AHS.
Kennedy - The O’Connor to my Mia. I’d be so lost without her. She makes me smile when I’m down and I love gushing to her about all things Bioshock and I need to attack her about Frozen as well. She’s one of those writers that you sit and stare at their reply and you cannot possibly fathom a reply because they’re just so flawless. She’s amazing and if anyone hurts her, I’d cut them in a heartbeat.
Cams - The Letty to my Mia. The girl I can fangirl over anything Fast and Furious wise and so much more. She understands her muses and despite all the hard things she’s gone through/going through, she’s always there for others to make them smile. She stands up for her favorite character and ship even when everyone else despises them and don’t even get me started on her fashion choices.
Bekka - My husband. We have taco and pizza nights. She was probably my first Jeremy ever and I love her far more than my own muses and that says something. At first, we didn’t talk much OOC but that all changed and ugh if you could have seen the smile on my face when I got your card in the mail. I love you, husband.
Cat - MY KIT-CAT. The first Damon that never left me for another. This girl, let me tell you about her, she’s one of those people that are a rare find. She’s always there for you, to listen or to give you advice and she worries me with her heart problems because I am so afraid to lose her, just like everyone else I’ve named off.
Mac - My Mac-Attack. I love you, I’m going to do this one as if I’m talking to you because we’re rebels without a cause. No, but you make me smile especially when we discuss horror movies and laugh at the ones that scare everyone else. You’re so amazing at all your muses and I want to RP with each of them.
Cake - Okay, for those of you curious, Cake is not his real name but he prefers to be called Cake(yes I know his real name. =P) My cosplay buddy. The Bilbo to my Tauriel. He’s showed me so much, that not all people are bad and that sometimes you can met rare gems that show you the light again. He showed me an amazing game called Board Game Online and his writing is fan-fucking-tastic. He is the perfect Bilbo and one of the most amazing people I’ve had the chance to meet here.
Elena - The Thranduil to my Tauriel. The King to my Captain. She doesn’t like talking much OOC cause she always gets distracted, but what we have talked OOC wise, she’s fucking amazing and she’s so gorgeous, plus this girl can draw too! She always makes me smile and she was the first and the only one I can find myself shipping any and all muses with, especially Tauriel. She gave me confidence to keep going on her account when I wanted to give up.
Olivia - This girl, let me tell you, she’s fucking amazing. I started off stalking her personal account until I finally got the guts to talk to her. She’s amazing in every way and I know a lot of people call her a bitch but even she calls herself that. She’s one of those people I can fangirl over to about Kolanna and she joins in and writes fanfiction about it.
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