ALSO uhhh ritadorcas..... do you see what i see.....
yes, I can see what you're seeing and I love it
dorcas has a thing for women older than her. they aren't likely to meet during their hogwarts years bc Rita is too many years above. they meet at dorcas's cousin's birthday party (hc that dorcas is related to mrs zabini who is friends with the black sisters and therefore their "friends")
dorcas spends years crushing hard. she reads everything rita ever publishes. she's her number 1 supporter. it's how rita grows aware of dorcas
dorcas starts off as rita's way to get her ego fueled. she knows dorcas likes her and uses it to her advantage... only she ends up actually falling in love with her
lucky for rita since she and dorcas are already "dating" she just has to make the relationship official. dorcas already thinks rita loves her anyway
everything is well and great and fine until one drunken night bellatrix confesses to zoya (mrs zabini) about Rita's (former) intentions with her cousin. zoya yells at rita and tells her to break up with dorcas bc of it. unaware that first of all, rita no longer has those intentions and is now actually in love, and second that dorcas is listening
...they somehow figure their shit out (after a lot of drama and miscommunication ofc) and get back together by making out in the rain <3
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ohwarnette · 4 years
oooh playlists! what about one for wesper and one for nina and inej from soc?
golden by harry styles
talk too much by coin
fools by troye sivan
dandelions by ruth b
sunflower vl6 by harry styles
glory and gore by lorde
so it goes by taylor swift
the archer by taylor swift
good job by alicia keys
bravedo by lorde
send me a ship (or friendship or familyship or rivalry) and I’ll make a 5-song playlist for them!
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nothingphobia · 4 years
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 ❛[ ✧ JACKALOPE] ≻ PRIVATE FILES: With every “!!” i get, I’ll introduce ramble to you about an OC! // HIGHLY ACCEPTING! - sent by @devilcharge​
                                   !! - Mad God   //  NON AFFILIATED OC
`THERE WERE PLENTY OF TITLES ASSOCIATED TO HIM ‘BIRTHED BY MORTAL MOUTHS AND ASSUMPTIONS. Whether they lay claim to him as a purveyor of KNOWLEDGE or MADNESS, it didn’t matter to him (THERE WAS NO IMAGE HE NEEDED TO UPHOLD IN THE FACE OF MORTALS / LESSER BEINGS NO HIGHER THEN CATTLE OR TOYS). Often times breaching the line of both. An old proverb of humans ‘don’t play with your food’ had no sway upon him.
`OF ALL THE PLANETS HE HAD PARASITED ‘EARTH WAS AMONG THE MOST BRIMMING WITH FOOLS. The individual in front of him was no different / FUMBLING, SMIRKING (BELIEVING THAT THEIR KNOWLEDGE OF THE GOD AS ABOVE THE MORTAL GUISE THEY PORTRAYED WOULD HELP THEM). In reality, he had let the clues slip- like creating a trail of honey to make they flies follow / BUT IN THE END THE SWEET SMELLS LEADS TO A FOUL ENDING. But he’d play along. He’d let them think they had a chance to LICK AT THE BRIMMING SAP OF KNOWLEDGE OF THE UNIVERSE. (AFTER ALL, WITH THE DEATH OF OLD CULTS AND WORSHIPS, IT WAS ALWAYS AMUSING TO FIND SOME STRAIN OF THEM).     ❝-—Lucky you- I’m feeling real giving today. And after all the lovely offerings you’ve supplied, I just have to give back.❞   Voice was thick but HONEYED, taking a few calculated steps forward. Keeping the air both THIN AND THICK between him and the ignorant prey.
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`HUMAN FORM HAD YET TO BE STRIPPED ‘ONLY SLIGHT CRACKS UPON IT. Eyes held an unnatural blue, and the shadows seemed to circle / CRAWL / LIVE. Like lazy snakes squirming around each other, forming new shapes when they crossed over one another (THE ONE CONNECTED TO THE HUMAN RAN ITS HANDS ALONG ITS OWNERS BACK, DIGGING INKY FINGERTIPS INTO SHOULDER BLADES). Steady sapphires watched in a lack of interest as the man jumped, perhaps getting a hint that he has bitten off more then he could chew in this office room trapped with an ancient HORROR / BUT HE DIDN’T BACK DOWN (THE ONES WITH BRAVEDO WERE ALWAYS THE MOST ENTERTAINING TO CRUMBLE).      ❝-—Don’t bother telling me, I already know what you desire.❞
`THE SHADOWS HANDS MOVED ‘SWAM, TRAILED. Moving from the others neck, to chin, finally pushing BLACKENED FINGERTIPS PAST MAW (FORCING ITSELF INTO THE OTHERS MOUTH). It went down with the sound of choking and GASPS / LEAVING SHALLOW BREATHES TO LEAP TO THE AIR WHEN THE HUMANS MOUTH WAS FREE. The man now lacked any evidence of a shadow, anything natural, it swimming as the old ones poison filled the system.     ❝-—You’ll have all your answers and more soon enough.❞
`HUES LOOKED UP AT HIM, CONFUSED ‘PERHAPS HE COULD SEE HINTS OF ANNOYANCE. But then the familiar sounds of pain filled the air, soft groans and grunts at first / AND THEN THE DEITY COULD COUNT IN HIS VERY MIND THE AMOUNT OF SECONDS NEEDED FOR THE SHRIEKS TO ENTER THE AIR (AND THE HANDS TO GRIP AT HEAD / MY, HUMANS WERE SO PREDICTABLE). The sickening overdose of knowledge to a question UNSPOKEN but he knew resided within the other.     ❝-—There, exactly as I said. I give exactly what you wanted.❞
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`THE POINTLESSNESS OF HUMAN EMOTIONS ‘AND HOW THEY RELIED ON THEM. So many times was the human mind on things linked to that, and this man was no different / LOVE. (OF COURSE THE QUESTION HAD BEEN ABOUT LOVE / THEY FUMBLED UPON THE CONCEPT SO MUCH). What little distance remained was closed as the Mad God looked into the eyes of the pained, suffering mortal- all hollow, like the void itself was staring / A VOID OF BRIGHT, CELESTIAL BLUE.      ❝-—Your pitiful wondering of why you ‘cannot’ get love is funny. Really, it is. Because what’s love to a being that is meaningless as a grain of sand on the beach in the eyes of the universe. You can play around with your attachments, but in reality they mean nothing due to the temporary nature of you all. Why should you care who will and won’t love you if your clock is ticking, ticking- quicker now, even. Of all the questions you desired of the universe, that is the one that lay deepest in you? Mm, I love how pathetic that is. I’m thinking, perhaps, you should rip your heart out. Since it’s causing you so many issues, why even bother having it?❞
`HUES DIDN’T BOTHER TO LOOK AS HAND SHAKILY RAISED UP ‘AND IT WAS PLACED AT OWN CHEST. Waiting, the unnatural strength of FEAR / AND UNEARTHLY INFLUENCE drove through the man (NAILS DIGGING IN). Soon enough, vision threw to the action without moving eyes, ALL SEEING, when the organ was removed from its own CASING (AND HAND OUTSTRETCHED IT TO THE ABOMINATION WEARING A HUMAN SKIN). A smirk flitted upon his features, teeth showing a bit of sharpness to them- all fit with AMUSEMENT.      ❝-—There, isn’t that better?❞     He hummed, removing the still beating pump from hand and bringing it up to mouth / SINKING TEETH IN (TAKING A CHUNK OF THE ORGAN). Letting the body drop to the ground at feet / A FINAL CHUCKLE RELEASED.         ❝-—Pleasure doing business with you.❞
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asktranquilrahab · 8 years
Rahab’s vocalizations are controlled, he is usually soft-spoken with a natural baritone in his voice. Personally, the man finds speaking more loud than necessary to be a personal waste of energy and let his more forward brothers - Raziel and Dumah - to handle the bravedo. However, when the Inquisitor/Lord speaks with full vocals, he can be easily heard for a speech or suitable distance.
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evajellion · 8 years
Part 6, beware of salt
Richie decides to taint MOTHER, so one of my friends can rip him a new one once they read it.
Let’s get the most painful part out of the way first… Ness and Lucas.
Ness and Lucas were busy exploring the ruins of Porky's labs.
"Any luck?" Lucas called.
"No. Nothing yet. It's seem that someone has destroyed most of Porky's army and left its sleeping capsule where Porky is trapped in unscathed" Ness said.
Are we going to get an explanation as to why Ness knows about this? Did he travel to the time period Lucas is in? Also, why is he talking?
OOC Counter: 19
I’m gonna try to avoid spoiling anything MOTHER 3 related, even if the game is over 10 years old now.
"But who would do such a thing?" Lucas asked. Ness touched the rubble and sees something shocking and he fell over. "Ness, what's wrong?" Lucas ran to him.
"The Hands, Master and Crazy!" Ness gasped "They did this, but they seemed to be controlled by an ever greater evil."
"But who could have controlled the hands?" Lucas was shocked.
"I don't know but right now, many of our friends and some unknown people are fighting towards that place. We gotta get there first! Lucas, I need your help!" Ness said getting up and straightening out his hat.
"Of course I'll help but where we're going?" Lucas asked getting up and following Ness out of the ruins.
"We're gonna help the Hands and defeat this evil which controlled them. I only hope we're not too late" Ness said as they set off.
Just leaving this here for my friend to make fun of really.
"This is the place" Ness said as he and Lucas walked into the arena. "This is the place where the evil one is."
"Wow. Sure look spooky" Lucas said a bit scared.
"Spooky? You're gonna wish for spooky when we're done with you" came a voice which make them spun around. Evil Cole and Radec were behind them.
"Argh!" Lucas hid behind Ness who stood firm.
In which Lucas summons his inner pirate.
"Tell us who you kids are, and why we should let you walk away" Radec said.
"We're here to save the world. And I suppose you are with this evil too right?" Ness snarled.
"If we are, what would you do?" Radec said.
Ness then shot a PK Thunder at them but Evil Cole blocked it with his lightning.
"If you two want to play, then I'm gonna tear you two apart" Evil Cole said.
"Not a chance! Lucas! Don't be scared! Give them everything you got!" Ness called.
"R-Right..." Lucas said getting his bravedo back as they face off against the two.
Had to just copypaste from Sir Daniel’s rival scene, huh Richie?
My friend pointed this out actually, the meeting between Lucas and Colonel Radec? Could have been much, much more interesting. 
For those not familiar with Killzone…
“The Helghast homeworld is a hostile, harsh world dominated by ferocious storms and electrifying skylines. Over the years, the Helghast have proudly embraced their formidable planet and have adapted to the dangerously toxic environment.”
(from the page on Helghan)
[1/9/17, 11:22:46 PM] Batan Q: originally, Tazmily was a nice, clean place with no pollution and very nice people [1/9/17, 11:23:03 PM] Batan Q: at the end of the game, you get to New Pork City, which is crowded, polluted, and awful
(from my good friend on Skype)
Combine this with the fact Colonel Radec wears a gas mask and is a high-ranking official, Lucas would probably have some bad flashbacks to what happened in the events of MOTHER 3, and assume Radec is a threat. Not helped by how Radec can be a bit cruel.
… Richie unintentionally made something that could have been clever, but botched it.
Boring Polygon Man scene, moving on.
Returning to Onett, they sat at a coffee table.
"Well, that is something different" Lucas said.
… I can’t take this seriously. After all that, they’re sitting at a coffee table. I mean, that’s a thing in Earthbound I know, but pfft.
Pretty sure what Lucas said was ripped from Ratchet & Clank’s ending too.
"Yeah, some warriors are very interesting" Ness said "The important thing, the Hands have been freed and the world is safe again."
"Why would that whatisname been calling people from all over the universe?" Lucas said.
Damn, that’s fucking sad. Even Lucas doesn’t remember Polygon Man’s name.
Gonna slap an OOC Counter for how Lucas is acting in general.
OOC Counter: 20
And yet, Richie managed to spell the bolded part wrong too.
"I have a theory, but it may be incorrect" said Ness but then Paula ran up to them.
"Ness! Lucas! You're back! We got a problem!" Paula cried.
"Paula, what's wrong?" Ness asked concerned standing up.
"It's Porky's Army. They are coming over here again!" Paula said "Poo, Jeff and the others are holding them off as we speak."
"Again? But don't worry. We're prepared for them this time" Lucas said as he and Ness glowed blue.
"Let's go!" Ness called and they head off for battle again.
… I’m just gonna let this one sit here. Anyone who has played MOTHER 3 probably know what’s wrong with the above exchange.
Here you go Paula!
OOC Counter: 21
Now for Radec and Evil Cole, where I’m gonna be… mildly upset, fair warning.
Evil Cole was sitting around the ruins doing nothing, watching the destruction. Suddenly, a Helghast air-cruiser appear before him.
Doing nothing??
Not taking the lives of people, or searching for more power? Just, plainly doing nothing?
"Heh, well look who comes out to play" Evil Cole said as the cruiser landed and Colonel Radec came out "Leader of the Helghast. Why are you here? Are you here to be destroyed by me?"
"Of course not. But I do bring you news" Radec said "As the war between the ISA and the Helghast goes on in my world, I do sense another battle going on. A battle between dimension, and all with great power."
"And? What does that have to do with me?" Evil Cole said.
"I just thought you be up for a challenge" Radec said "You can take their energy as well as well as the huge being who has returned again. I do hope this time, they have worthy opponents."
No, no no no… no.
OOC Counter: 22
Radec would NOT be this “sporting” to someone who sucks the lives out of others for power! He would be very cautious. He may be a dick, but he’s smart.
He recognizes Evil Cole’s power, then he should be able to recognize Evil Cole would also betray him at the right chance. Radec would only turn to him, if he was desperately running low on options. Like, his other options would have to be Fat Princess, Sir Daniel, and Dont-- excuse me again, Dante, in order for him to pick Evil Cole instead.
Like, Radec would try to recruit Emmett Graves first (and force him to cooperate) probably before going to Evil Cole. Unless, Radec knows very well how to manipulate Evil Cole.
"Well, you fancy my tickle" Evil Cole said as he goes up to him "And you want to team up with me to crush them?"
Uh, I think you mixed your words up, Evil Cole. I mean, if your intent wasn’t to flirt with Radec that is…
"Exactly. Those who oppose the Helghast and you shall be eliminated. What do you say? A temporary truce for now?" Radec said.
"Why not" Evil Cole agreed "Sound like fun. A lot of special people huh? Let's find them."
"Good" Radec said as the two head off "We'll will find them, and we will show them what true power looks like!"
No mentions on how Radec should be on his toes about the whole thing? Richie, c’mooooon, I’m seriously not gonna get off your back about how bad you are with writing him.
"I'm afraid our search for a worthy opponent may have been in vain. If this is the true threat to the Helghast, we have nothing to worry about" Radec said as they reach their destination. He then saw Evil Cole saw someone and he saw Ness and Lucas coming up to them. "Well... now they sent kids after us, huh?"
Did Evil Cole or Radec say that? It sounds more like something the former would say.
Copypasted from their own rival scenes too. Ugh.
"Good afternoon, kids" Evil Cole said approaching them grabbing their attention "Anything we can help you with?" Lucas hid behind Ness a bit afraid as Ness glared. "It was a simple question".
… So it was Radec saying that first bit? Then…
OOC Counter: 23
"I can sense dangerous powers within you two. Are you in league with this evil?" Ness said.
"Even if we are or not, you two seemed to be worthy opponents. Now, are you going to stand there mumbling, or do you know how to use that power of yours?" Radec said taking out his knife.
Holy shit, Radec, they’re just kids!
OOC Counter: 24
I’m pretty certain he would be thinking “do not mind them, they are children”, then be attacked by crazy, PSI attacks or something, so he changes his mind about it while Evil Cole is ready to take their powers.
Radec wouldn’t care for someone younger and under his league. Only if they were intentionally picking a fight with him to begin with, or fought their way up, would he perhaps let them “humor him”.
Remember, he’s not at war with ISA here, and… he kinda can’t kill anyone here. Radec’s just curious about what opponents can match his talents, all while reaching Polygon Man.
Evil Cole just wants more power, and wants to see what weirdos are around.
"I guess we have to fight" Lucas said.
"We won't let you get away with this" Ness said "we're gonna teach you a lesson!"
"OK, kids" Evil Cole said, getting fed up with them "How about instead of candy, I stuff my foot in your mouth!" He then spark electricity in his hands.
"Good. Let's hope this provides more than a momentary diversion, though somehow I think it won't!" Radec said as they prepared to fight.
Copy and paaaste, copy and paaaste.
Just press control-C, then a V,
And you’ll copy and paaaaste.
… That was my copypaste song, I hope you liked it.
"You two again? Not after my power are you?" Polygon Man said.
"Ah, the threat to the Helghast, we meet again" Radec said.
"But not for long" Evil Cole said as they prepared to fight.
Polygon Man just sounds irritated here, like “ugh, I don’t have time for you two, go home”. It actually kinda works though for his character.
As for their endings?
Interesting turn of events where Evil Cole betrays Colonel Radec? Or maybe he can’t, and reluctantly only takes half of the power, but wants to find a way to pursue Radec?
Nope! Richie was out of any “creative” steam I guess.
Uuuuuuugh… Okay, now…
How much should have been changed? A lot. In fact, there are three fucking different ways to rewrite this.
Scenario 1: Change this rivalry, so it’s Lucas and Toon Link, against Colonel Radec and Sir Daniel Fortesque.
For Lucas and Toon Link’s story intro, Lucas finds himself warped to the Great Sea, which is stormy. Tetra doesn’t understand how the heck Lucas boarded her ship, or why the Great Sea is so chaotic, so they set course for where the source of this madness could be. Although Lucas is unsure about the circumstances, Toon Link makes it clear that they’ll work together to stop the stormy weather.
In a last ditch effort to find someone to help him, Radec threatens his rival to cooperate with him, knowing that Sir Daniel cannot rest again because of Polygon Man’s coming back. Radec does not plan on sharing any power with Sir Daniel, and will drop him back to his grave once he’s finished.
In their rival scene, Lucas can tell Colonel Radec is probably not a “good” character, and is reminded of the Pigmasks a bit. Toon Link, reckless as ever, thinks Sir Daniel is a monster, so he attacks. Sir Daniel is confused as to why children are attacking, and asks them what’s wrong, only to be not understood. Colonel Radec tells him to stop messing around with children, and that they should be disposed of if they’re going to get in the way.
Alternatively, Radec questions Lucas and Toon Link on what they’re doing, in which Sir Daniel says to go easy on them since they’re young… which is followed by Toon Link firing an arrow into Sir Daniel’s empty eye socket. The undead knight is annoyed even further when Radec mockingly asks if Daniel really believes they’re “so harmless” now. In both cases, a fight breaks out.
In the ending for Lucas and Toon Link’s scenario, they head back to Tetra’s pirate ship. The storm has cleared up, but Lucas has not found a way to return to his era. Tetra is about to suggest sticking around for a while, but Lucas realizes that upon defeating Polygon Man, he obtained a new ability. With it, he opens a goddamn portal back to his era. Toon Link bids him farewell, and Lucas hopes to see him again, wondering if he can now save his own world with the new power. Tetra doesn’t understand what’s going on, but sets off with Toon Link, leading to the events of Phantom Hourglass possibly.
In the ending for Colonel Radec and Sir Daniel, Radec drops Sir Daniel back into his time period, where the undead knight lays to rest. Radec makes a speech about power making its way to him, and how the Helghast will win this war… until he figures out, only a shred of Polygon Man’s power is with him. It instead, was more attached to Sir Daniel, for being a noble hero. Furious, Radec attempts to turn back, to wake Sir Daniel back up for his power, but the knight’s soul has already ascended back to the Hall of Heroes.
Scenario 2: Radec and Evil Cole face Wolf O’Donnell and Wario… yeah, I know. Hear me out on this though.
On the side of the Smash Bros, Star Wolf finds unusual activity going on in the Lylat System, and wonder if it has to do with the Aparoids, even though they were all destroyed. Wolf suddenly gets a contact from Wario somehow, of all people. Wolf is annoyed, and says he’s going to turn it off, until Wario explains that there’s some crazy stuff going on, with “those two gloves” being taken away by “a giant head”, and that it could mess everyone up. Although Leon says not to trust him, and Wolf is reminded of Pigma’s greed every time he sees Wario… he has to give him the benefit of the doubt, as Wario suggests that if he saves the galaxy, Wolf and his gang could remove the bounty on their heads, while Wario can go back to making Microgames with nothing bothering him.
Radec is far more wary and threatening towards Evil Cole, saying that he could use someone with power on his side for now, but is willingly to dispose of Evil Cole, should he betray Radec. Otherwise, mostly plays out the same.
In the rival scene, Wario says they shouldn’t be far off from the source of the craziness, but they run into Radec and Evil Cole. Wario tells them to get out of the way, and pushes Radec without a second thought, while Wolf tells them that the one responsible is “his target”. Radec and Evil Cole… don’t take it well, and start a fight, without even saying a word to Wolf and Wah.
Alternatively, Radec has his sniper pointed at Wolf, but he manages to avoid the shot, and Wolf questions Radec on what he’s doing exactly. Radec explains that he just wanted to see if the “hairy mercenary” was as skilled as he appeared. Evil Cole taunts Wario (who is picking his nose), and Wario says he wants some of the power that Polygon Man has, which amuses Evil Cole, saying he’s got some interesting competition. Leads to a fight either way.
In the Smash ending, Wario betrays Wolf, and takes all of Polygon Man’s power for himself, saying he’s going to use it make as many Microgames as possible, replace "that red-capped idiot” as the main hero, and become rich. Wolf is tempted to shoot him, but when contacted by his teammates, Panther tells him it’s not worth it, and that Wario isn’t going to be able to handle that power… Panther ends up being correct, as Wario is sent flying, Polygon Man’s power cannot be contained by him.
In the All-Star ending, Radec and Evil Cole pause for a moment, knowing each other well enough. Evil Cole is clearly going to pursue Radec if he takes all that power, and he’s aware. With no other way around it, much like in Heihachi and Zeus’s ending, Evil Cole says he’ll fight Radec for it, and the loser walks away… without power, and without their life. Who exactly wins, is up to the reader.
I would have also said… Ness and Lucas maybe fight Kat with (Good) Cole or Emmett Graves, but I just didn’t want to try fixing this mess anymore. Plus, Kat is so friendly, that I don’t think their rivalry would work.
Too bad this fan-fic was made before Smash 4, because I think we can all agree that Dark Pit vs. Evil Cole is the fight we want to see.
Next time is… Snake and Sonic, against Raiden and Good Cole. Prepare for a load of “meh”.
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