tzufcallsmeshomps · 11 months
Hello there! I don’t have a specific prompt, but if you’re able, could you draw Brain (KHUX) or Namine? Stay well 💚
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Why not both?
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allengreenfield · 8 months
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the-chaotic-snek · 1 year
me after posting 2 posts in a row on The HellsiteTM: Am I.... Fake??!! Maybe I've never had my own emotions and this is all just a ploy to get attention, I know I'm not, but why does it feel like it, maybe i should top posting for today? but then i have so many thoughts .jhhdyewd8widwhy
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transcaster · 2 years
Oh no mlm solacemancer character forming, rolling around in my brain like a pearl
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I could not sleep… so there are a few
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—— Basic info ——
Name - Brian
Age - 53
Pronouns - she/her
Species -
Profession - @pea-brain-warlock-for-hire 's Lawyer from Abyssal claims
Magical aptitude - Terrible at Magic
—— personality ——
Likes - donuts
Dislikes - Donut holes
—— Inventory ——
1x contract to work for @pea-brain-warlock-for-hire (filled out)
—— Relations ——
@ignisuadaroleplay @local-pickpocket @serious-tabaxi @sorcererest-sorcerer @the-mighty-dalob @goblin-wizard-in-the-making @yeast-wizard @fattocatto-wizard2 @confused-sorcerer-2 @pukicho @the-pea-braned-warlock @longshrimp @profeshinul-wizurd @song-de-lune @magikmaelstrom @the-moth-wizard-of-mayhem @bobateaboo @plague-doctor-on-tumbler @fattocatto-wizard @confused-sorcerer @the-final-knight @the-final-knight-2 @mr--zer0
Who is this?
Also if you want to rp with any of these send an ask
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People i wanna meet:
Taxonamists (I wanna fight ya)
I decided to start 2 more blogs just to keep things tidy, so we have got:
@the-pea-braned-warlock: main blog for just things really
@pea-brain-warlock-for-hire: wizard rp blog
@pea-brains-cursed-artbook: for my drawings and other things
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Thanks to @novatheassholeofacat for the banner
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xxx-angie · 2 months
Hi, hun! (Can I call you that?)
I'm rather new to your blog, and I'm so sorry if this is offensive, but why do you speak so... strangely? If you answered this already, I'm so sorry for asking again.
if u meen da reesin mis-spelins, im a age regressur. basikly m brane go yungur dan m fisikal age n pawt of dis fur me is dat wen m smal (m like... 4.5?? rn) i hav hawdur time spellin tings coweklee.
i we-ly on sowdin dem owt mosty n bcuz m finkin n baby vose rn wowds r put thru a filtur sowta. i can still spell right if i want to, but its eeseeur 2 do dis + i finks da big spellin gaves m smal hedake + keeps m in m lil space, wich i like!!
most da time i on dis bog u won' see dis jus wen m browsin dis bog wile in dis mindset n wan say sumtin n don feel wike doins big tawk
translation cuz dis a lot o baby talk n visually seems like it be hard 2 read in general
if u mean the recent misspellins, im a age regressor. basicly my brain goes younger dan m physical age n part of this fur me is that when im small i have a harder time spellin things correctly
i rely on soundin them out mostly n bcuz im thinkin in baby voice rn words are put thru a filter sorta. i can still spell right if i want to, but its easier 2 do this + i thinks the big spellin gives me a small headache + keeps me in my lil space, which i like!!
most of the time i on this blog u won see this just when im browsin this blog while in this mindset n want 2 say somethin n don feel like doins big talk
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edgingbambi · 29 days
i need 2 edge
squeeze thighs and cunt muscles
i need to ache
squeeze thigs and cunt mussels
i need my stupid brane to brake
i need 2 edge
i need 2 ache
i need mystilid brain 2 brake
i need 2 edg
i need to ache
i need my stupid brian tk braek
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fellshish · 9 months
fells i’m having a brain not braning moment you might be able to help with
i could’ve sworn i had started watching the sandman awhile ago but stopped. i just now picked it up and i’m not connecting dots
a. i could’ve sworn this was on amazon, not netflix
b. …was there a show about cats ? like a cat meeting. idk how else to describe it
i’m probably crossing my wires but i’m so confused thanks in advance bestie <3
There was a cat meeting but that was the very last episode (or like the bonus episode so separate from the rest of the season) so if you saw that, you probably either finished watching or only watched the bonus ep. But it was always on netflix. 😘
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sukimas · 11 months
Do you just have bits of Hifuu CD stories on hand always at all times like a wizard's spellbook? And what was she going one about with brane worlds- are they worlds of particles we can't interact with? My 'net searches were limited.
The membrane stuff is a hypothesized type of object in string theory (which is a functionally-unfalsifiable type of quantum mechanical theory, for those not in the know. Basically a phantasm.)
Essentially, she's saying that Gensoukyou's made of particles that interact with dimensions above our own in similar ways that electrons (for example) interact with our own, and that's why things are weird there. Complete pseudoscientific bullshit, but it's fine. Gensoukyou exists as a world of illogic anyway.
As for the CDs, yes, I do. It's called touhouwiki dot net. I also have a memory that isn't quite as good as Akyuu's, but when I commit things to the record, they stay there. I can recall essentially any event of any importance that's happened to me, in great detail. Anything unimportant goes out the window, and I don't decide what's important, so it's not that useful. But Touhou lore is apparently one of those things my brain has decided goes in the "important" pile. So it goes. (I also have the same practices going on for the other print works and the game scripts- though it's much harder to scan for specific manga panels than specific lines, since you can't ctrl+F for an image, sadly.)
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fl0ptrait · 4 months
i have a couple of asks i need to reply to please be patient, my brain isn't braning and I can't write any lore.
if you know me from my previous tumblr account you'll know I don't write anything down and so it's a mess.
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cambriancutie · 4 months
what if brain was spelt brane lol
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hyunjilicious · 1 year
I was like 90% done with a 4.6k BFF!Chan angsty fic when I decided to throw my entire existence into the trash and start another fic but it's dark!vampire!BFF!Chan x clueless!reader and 🥴mindcontrol🥴mean!chan🥴some noncon stuff🥴 + i have some plot ideas for another member too 🥴🥴🥴 my brain isn't braning anymore.
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Ok, so like "akoomin" or "ackoomin" iz when sumwon is reel good at sumthin' speshal, lyke they gotz smarts fer it. But not jest eny smarts, like speshal ninja-brain smarts. Lyke wen ya kno eggzactly wut to do an wen to do it, and itz reel inportint, lyke super-dooper inportint! So yah, akoomin iz like wen ur brane haz super-powers fer doin' stuff reel good. Uhhh, I think dats wut it iz... I hope dis makes cents!
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louisshalako · 7 months
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rydrake6 · 7 months
Is bran brianing? Does brain not brain properly? If brian brained a think, then does brain is brian? How does brain bran properly when think not brian!? Does brain is braining!?!? DOES BRIAN IS BRAINING THE WAY BRAN SHOULD BE BRAWNING!?!? IS BRANING THE BRAIN EVEN A POSSIBLY!?!?
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