#brain no worky-
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Black Antler Buck
This is absolute filth and I am not sorry.
Alastor X Doe! Reader. Rut fic. Word Count: 5K.

Absolutely no minors, Zero, zilch, na dah. I mean it, this is 18 + Adults only.
It always started as an itch.
Not in the metaphorical sense, it always started as a physical itch.
Alastor's skin would become hypersensitive to the point that any slight variation in cloth would cause his skin to itch. He had ripped out any tags present on his garments by the seams many many years ago. Yet every year his nerves always managed to find something. A raised stitch here. A pulled section of the weave there. A wayward thread.
Every year, without fail, he would find some ways to itch.
And that was only the beginning.
He hated the fall.
What was once one of his favorite times of the year became his season of torture. Memories of frightful masks and chilled air were replaced with hot skin and a boiling pot of lust read to spill over. Hell had two options, blistering heat or frozen wasteland. It was quickly on its way to the latter as Alastor made his way down the darkened street. The wind was cutting and cold would creep in to the bones of any uncovered fingertips. Yet Alastor was fine, the cold air felt rather pleasant on his heated skin.
The building and general crowd of the city began to fade as he made his way further and further into the outskirts. As the sidewalk ended it gave way to endless desert, which would become tundra as the cold progressed. Nothing. No building, no road, no person ahead as far as the eye could see. Or so it appeared at least.
Alastor allowed himself to slip into the shadows. Transporting himself to his destination in a matter of minutes. While it wasn't the flashiest of his powers, it was the most useful. The journey to his destination was at least a four-hour drive by car, supposing you didn't run into any trouble along the way. It would have been a full day of travel if you decided to walk there. How anybody else got there he had no clue, and that was by design. Anonymity was a key part of its existence after all.
Alastor manifested out of the shadows near a small collection of rocks. Completely innocuous to most anyone. Alastor checked the time on his watch before fastening up a black jacket over his clothes. He then pulled up its black hood over his head. Allowing the black mesh attached to the front to fall in front of his face before securing it to the jacket with the attached buttons. The hood was irritating on his ears, and the mesh was hot and hard to see through but it was mandatory dress code.
Now properly dressed Alastor knelt down to the rock, pressing a small custom coin onto a discoloration in the stone. The quiet click of a latch reached his ears as he lifted up the rocks. The hinge of the trap door was well oiled and silent as Alastor made his was down the stone stairs.
He wasn’t sure what triggered it this year. Normally he could handle his season. Or at the very least keep himself cooped up for the worst of it. But something about this year- probably stress from the hotel- drove him to near madness. He was sure he had worn down the finish on the floor from how much he paced in the night.
The stairs led down to a solid wall of stone. Another defense mechanism. Alastor found the crack in the stone and slid his coin through. It was clear this place was designed for animal sinners, considering it expected its guests to find their way to it with no light whatsoever.
Alastor waited for a few breathes, double checking the time in his mind again. He was at his assigned window of entry he was sure of it. Just as panic started to swell, the stone slid to the side, the low light of the room welcoming him as he stepped in. The lobby was empty, save for a singular woman who sat at the front desk. “The Watering Hole” was craved into the stone above her, lit with low warm fluorescent lights.
An establishment that catered to animal sinners seeking partners for their season. Completely anonymous and secure. Nobody outside of it knew about it and nobody inside of it talked about it. Alastor himself wasn’t even sure how he’d been selected to join. The coin and instructions written in code were slid under his door one day. Once he figured out the code and went to investigate, he had been stopped at the wall at the end of the stairs. A force unlike anything he had seen or felt before or since came over him and he woke up in a small room. A voice prattled off his information, aspects of his life that he swore only he knew. After being thoroughly intimidated he was made aware of the rules.
Everything is anonymous, unless an individual wishes to disclose their identity, which they do so at their own risk.
Everything is consensual.
And once you step out of the facility everything you heard, said or saw becomes something you didn’t hear, say or see.
Follow these rules to the letter or else, no exceptions bar one. Should something you do in these walls follow you out of them, the facility will contact you and handle the issue on a case-by-case basis.
For the longest time this vague clause in the rules confounded him.
If the whole point is anonymity what would follow you out? At first, he thought this may be for a stalker situation. Only recently-- in part thanks to the hotel's resident porn star-- that it occurred to him this probably referred to STD’s.
Perhaps it was a catch all sort of thing, giving the facility and whoever ran it, grounds to meddle if they felt so inclined.
All could be true or none could be, Alastor wasn’t particularly worried about it at the moment.
Right now, all he wanted was the fog in his head to dissipate and the hard on in his pants to go away.
Alastor waited for the receptionist to wave him forward before placing the coin on the desk and stepping back. The woman grabbed it and placed it on a small square plate that glowed once it was placed. She then reached under her desk, the sound of a drawer pulling open and files being sorted through drifting up. She reemerged with a thin file, opening it and flipping to the second of the two pages that were in it.
She grabbed the page and placed it under the desk once more, a thunk sound could be heard, like the sound for punching in and out of a workplace. The page was then set back at home in the folder and put back in its drawer. Her movements were crisp and meticulous like this was all she did every day.
Maybe that is what she did all day.
The stone was placed toward him once more, the woman leaned forward, pointing to a hall off to the side.
“Down this way, turn right at the second hallway, third door on the right.”
Alastor retrieved the coin once more, beginning to make his way down when he heard the receptionist speak once more.
“So are you gonna...” She made a vague gesture to the top of her head with both her hands. Alastor was confused a moment before getting the hint.
Alastor closed his eyes a moment, feeling the top of his head shift as he allowed his antlers to extend out from there compact structure to the full spread. The bone slid through the top of the hood like butter, splaying out to the 8 points they currently were. 2 more were sprouting towards the ends, soon he’d be a proper 10 points. Internally Alastor chuckled, knowing in his life he would have loved to bag a 10-point buck. The thick bases, normally cumbersome felt comforting and natural in his rut addled state, focusing his mind back to the task at hand.
“Well well” the receptionist muttered under her breath as he passed her to head down the hall.
The room for the cervides was cool, ambient rustling and chirping noises being pumped out from some unknown source. It was a little too ‘on the nose’ for you personally. Just because you’re a deer doesn’t mean that the meeting room had to be a damn forest. You supposed however, that maybe some of your fellow deer demons, or deermons as you jokingly called them, needed that atmosphere.
In any case you appreciated the temperature control.
Your heat this year was killing you.
It was so bad that you’d finally took the time to rummage around your dresser to find that stupid coin that let you into this place.
It was clear you were the strongest in the room so far, by a large margin. The second you had stepped in your scent had overpowered everything. Most of the other females flocked toward you. As you settled atop a large stone structure against a far wall, they all settled near you, awaiting your judgement on any approaching males.
And approach they did.
Strutting, calling, posing, running into each other and locking antlers.
All of them perfectly serviceable, but none of them were what you needed. This heat felt different. Normally your heats consisted of a throbbing ache in your core, paired with a sensitivity and skittishness that was annoying as hell. This time it felt like a pain from the top of your throat to the tip of your hooves. Every time your walls convulsed, begging to be filled, your chest would follow suit causing spasms. You’d fucked yourself thoroughly with every toy you owned before coming here, just so you could keep a level head.
But that was only a short-term solution. You needed a buck, one that could properly chase you, pin you and mount you. Your heat craving power and protection, you needed someone as strong or stronger than you. To quell this heat, you’d need a near bombshell of a buck, and the only adequate spread before you simply wouldn’t do.
Leaning back on the stone you relaxed, allowing your mind to drift as you waited for something worthwhile to walk through the door.
An enclosed path greeted him as Alastor walked into the instructed room. Tight and narrow, foliage crowding either side. He’d always appreciated the attention to detail this place had. He moved swiftly following the sound of clanking antlers to find where others may be.
The path branched out to a ‘clearing�� in the room. A wall supported a large mound of rocks and before it bucks were showboating. As Alastor stepped out into the clearing, he walked into a wall of scent. It was addicting, sweet, salty and rich like some combination of sweat drying on perfumed skin and old leather. Distinctly feminine, it made his palms sweat and his dick twitch. His spine now stick straight, his head swiveled to find the doe that was emitting such a rich aroma.
Paying closer attention to the center of the action, Alastor noticed that it was only bucks on the ground before him. All of them trying to win over females that weren’t there.
That was until he paid even closer attention. Following his nose, he moved closer, at first what he thought were shadows of the rock pile were actually the cloaked figures of does. Heads all turned to the action in front of them.
Yet strangely none of them moved.
Not a wave or sound, not a single inch of acknowledgment.
None of them were as great as him, but these bucks couldn’t be that bad, could they?
As he pondered the peculiar scene a nasty little scrap finished. A slightly smaller buck with blue antlers having successfully pushed his opponent aside, the other conceding defeat.
The head of the victor, and the heads of the does all lifted up to the top of the rock formation. Following their line-of-sight Alastor noticed a singular doe perched at the top. Casually reclined, her head tilted back to drive home the point that scene in front of here was completely uninteresting to her.
Ah, now Alastor saw what was going on here.
A pecking order had been established, and the lesser does were waiting for their leader at the top to pick her mate before they pursued theirs.
Their leader at the top who was most likely pumping out that devilishly pleasant perfume.
Well if it was a show she wanted.
The heat was cooking you from the inside out you were sure of it. You’re only comfort the cool stone beneath you, cutting through the fabric of your anonymous attire to provide its soothing chill to your heated skin.
Gods above why did this lot have to be so average.
All of the struts and battles were barely worth a passing glance.
Perhaps it would be better to go home at this point so at least the rest of your fellow does could get some.
A crack, like a strike of lightning rang out, sitting up you tried to locate the source. A buck with a thick sprawling black rack had just used said antlers to rip a limb, the width of your torso, off a tree.
You were glad you didn’t leave earlier.
He turned his head expectantly, waiting for one of the other bucks to challenge him. The previous victor began to charge, but he didn’t even get to lock onto him. All it took was one swipe of his head and the black antlered buck had thrown the other to the ground. He raised his head and squared his shoulder preparing for another challenger.
Two bucks, one on either side of him charged, apparently going for a team attack. The black antlered buck was too fast and clever for it though. He ran quickly toward one of them, locking antlers. Then with a mighty swipe he lifted one challenger and swung him into the other. The two crashing into a heap.
You’d seen all you needed to see. Your heat wouldn’t hold out much longer, and things were turning just a bit too violent for your tastes.
Perhaps he had been wrong about his earlier assessment.
Maybe these bucks truly were that bad. The second Alastor made his presence known, a majority of them stepped back, conceding then and there. And the three that had tried to fight him were pathetic. One with a blind charge and the other two with a cheap double team tactic.
No wonder the doe at the top was bored.
Peering up to see her reaction, only an empty spot at the top of the rocks greeted him instead.
Alastor felt his rage begin to stir. He took a deep breath in just before it could rise through and he was hit with that scent, infinitely stronger now. It made him want to buckle his knees and jump into the sky simultaneously. Sensing someone behind him, he turned quickly, expecting to face another challenger.
The doe from the top of the rocks greeted him instead. He had been correct before, that salacious scent was coming from her. It caused his heart to skip and his breath to hitch. Every instinct in his body begging him to grab her, puller her down and mount her right on the spot, but he quelled it just barely.
Her hand raised, and Alastor swore he almost heard the does behind him gasp in anticipation.
Her hand hovered just next to his face; in almost any other context Alastor would have assumed he was about to be slapped.
Maybe he was.
Mercy was on his side however as the doe’s hand moved down, tracing the outline of his arm without touching him. Diving down, down till it finally moved and grabbed his hand. Lifting it up, the doe then splayed her palm against his, seemingly comparing the size difference. Then she held his hand in her own once more and began to lead him along. Walking backwards for a few paces, slowly, giving him time to retreat if he so wished.
Fat chance.
Once it was clear he had made his choice, the doe turned forward, continuing to lead him to the path leading toward the exit.
The hall with the suites could only be described as plush. All red and brown and dark lacquered wood. Once they reached a room that was free, each deer moved to their respective door. Each suite at facility came with private rooms for either partners, each containing a small living area and bathroom. The room proper would have the bed, a fridge and other necessities both for living and for pleasure.
“So, how do we want to do this?” Alastor spoke before you could open your door, his voice was low and deep, hoarse from heavy breathing. He’d stopped himself from producing the radio static just before speaking. Reminding himself that this was all anonymous after all
“Heh” you let out a small laugh. “Normally I’d just advocate for dropping trou and getting down to it, but...” you walked over to the tall buck. Getting into his personal space, basking in the raw musk and power that was rippling off of him. He dwarfed you, and your pussy couldn’t help but clench at that fact.
“After that little display, I think i need every piece of you I can get. So, I say we turn off the lights, take off our clothes and you show me exactly what your made of.” The laugh he gave in response sank into your ribcage, bouncing around causing your heart to flutter.
“I couldn’t agree more” he replied.
You sauntered back to your door, hazarding on final glance at the thick antlered buck’s cloaked figure.
“I’ll meet you on the other side then.”
The bottom of the bed was rimmed in red lights. Far too dim to be of any use outside of marking where the bed was. Still, you were able to make out the faint silhouette of your buck’s sprawling rack in the dark. As your door closed, the silhouette turned to face where you were. Hooves met hardwood as he made his way toward you.
Your palms were splayed out in front of your naked torso so you could stop him before he bumped into you. The sudden shock of warm skin caused your shoulders to jitter. His hands met yours giving himself a reference point as he then moved higher and higher. Cradling your neck with one massive palm he squeezed slightly in warning before pulling you into him. His lips were plush, pillowy and soft as they crashed into yours. His other arm snaked around you, hand against your back so he could pull you even closer to him.
The kiss was a mess of passionate chaos, the two of you pushing into one another in a fervor. Your hands began to wander, mapping out his torso as his tongue pushed forward to map out your mouth.
He was thinner than you’d expected, his figure being helped greatly by his massive shoulders. As your hands wandered up to his head, mirroring him by splaying your hands on his neck he began to dip you backwards. The pleasant feeling of your thighs meeting his causing a small gasp to escape you.
He returned the noise with a pleased hum before moving his head down. Sharp canines bit at your neck before those plush lips attached themselves to the thin skin just under the base of your ear. Sucking and nibbling, your toes curled and chest convulsed at the sensation. Getting to hear in high definition the delicious noises he was making as he devoured your skin. The vibrations from the noise causing a shiver to run up your spine. Digging your nails into his shoulders, you desperately tried to ground yourself as he chuckled. Releasing your skin, he licked his way across your jawline before diving tongue first once again into your mouth.
You couldn’t help the moan that left you, the way his lips crashed into yours once more. You could taste the salt from your skin on his lips. He relented a moment, allowing you to breath before attacking the skin underneath your other ear.
Becoming jittery once more at the sensation you began moving a hand along his side. His ribs were prominent. You let your fingers ghost over them, feather light touches on the little hills and valleys. You swore you heard him laugh slightly before a sharp bite to your jaw caused you to grab his hip.
Your fingers found the divot there, allowing it to guide you lower and lower to your prize. Just as you began to feel curls of hair he spoke up.
“And just what do you think you’re doing?” He asked, his voice somehow lower than before.
“This” you replied moving before he could stop you to grip the base of his cock. Just like his antlers, it was thick. A vein bulging out at the bottom. You followed it with the tip of a finger, reaching his uncut tip before following it back down. You could hear how ragged his breathing was becoming, his rut surely making him sensitive. You leaned your head into his neck, allowing him to feel the smirk on your face before you moved lower.
His balls were hot in your hands, heavy with seed as you began to squeeze and massage. Experimenting till you’d found just the right pressure, knowing you’d found it by the moan he let out, quickly followed by a growl.
“Watch it little doe” he warned.
��Or what? You gonna stop me? Buck?” you taunted. You knew challenging him, riling him up was a bad idea, but it was the only way you were going to get what you wanted.
What you needed.
The tension was palpable as neither of you moved. If you were going to back down now was your opportunity.
Fat chance.
To prove your point, you squeezed his sack once more at that exact pressure again, lips finding purchase on his chest as you sucked, surely leaving a deep hickey on him.
The growl he let out shot through you as in one swift motion he grabbed your ass and hauled you over his shoulder like you weighed nothing.
Marching over to the bed he threw you down onto it, a hand reaching out and grabbing an ankle before you could get your bearings. The dim lights underneath allowed you to see more of his silhouette, though no real distinguishing features. Gripping your ankle tightly he wretched your leg out of the way, pushing it as far as it would comfortably go.
Then a swift sharp slap smacked against your pussy lips. An audible wet sound could be heard as he growled and smacked you again.
You hadn’t even realized how wet you were. The sting from his palm causing you to spill even more. In this moment you very appreciate that this wasn’t your own bed you were ruining.
As his massive palm gave your lips one last love tap, he kept his hand still. Using his outer two fingers to splay you out, your walls pulsed at the sensation of open air. Before it could become uncomfortable, he sank his two middle fingers into your pussy without warning. A sharp gasp ghosted out of your mouth. After feeling so empty, finally, finally warm thick skin was coming to fill you.
He wasted no time as he began to drive his digits in and out of your hole. The sounds in the room now a mix of wet, gasps from you and creaking as he leaned forward above you on the bed. An overture of sin, lust passion and desire. He began biting at your chest, pain blooming as he played with skin of your breasts in his mouth. Your clit switched in irritation, his hand angled away from it, and his torso blocking your arms so you could not take care of it yourself. The rhythmic pumping of his digits, in and out, forward back, filled and empty was driving you swiftly toward the edge.
You became restless underneath him, trying to wiggle and adjust yourself in such a way that you could get some friction on your poor neglected clit.
By the grace of the gods he got the message, a smug and amused chuckle spilling from him as he adjusted his thumb to press against your bud. Your heat addled brain turning to mush, making you convulse and jolt under him. Anything to get him closer, faster, deeper, all you wanted was just more of him. Finally, you reached your crescendo, walls clamping down on his digits in a vice like grip, that you knew would only get tighter with the heat. As pleasure surged through your body your back arched off the bed. A high pitched whine rattling out of your skull.
As you came down from your high, his hand did not stop. Overstimulation now poking at you, scratching the raw parts of your freshly orgasmed brain. You huffed at him to stop, kicked your legs out but he kept going.
Finally, you’d had enough, lunging forward you grabbed the black antlered buck by his shoulders and pulled him on top of you. Removing his hand from your depths to steady himself on the bed. Your grip shifted as you dragged clawlike nails, or nail like claws down his back, while you lifted up and began biting on his neck.
You need him to mount you and you needed him to do it now.
Locking your legs around him your rubbed yourself against him, wet arousal coating his hard on. He made no movements for a moment, small whimpers and moans leaving his lips as he took in the sensation. They almost sounded... staticky?
Your lips moved up to bite at his jaw and he seemed to snap out of his trance. Dipping down he lined himself up with your hole he pushed forward. Your previous orgasm and heat allowing him to enter with minimal resistance. His head neck to your, large antlers keeping you down, unless you wanted to lose an eye, he began shallow thrusts. Sighs let the both of you as your instincts were being satiated.
You felt hot and cold running up your back, dancing between your shoulder blades. Hands itching to roam you moved toward his ribs again. As you made contact, he stiffened, back rod straight. A low growl rumbled through his chest, he removed himself from your walls and lifted you. Pivoting so the pair of you were lengthwise on the bed.
On his knees between your legs once more, your felt hands grip your claves, lifting them out and up so eventually your ankles rested on his shoulders. As he entered you once more, he took a sharp breath in. Those massive hands grabbed your arms, his grip sturdy and sure. A warm comfort as your chosen mate for the season began brutally pounding into you.
Those strong muscled legs thrusting him forward, burying his cock deep into your core. While those lithe arms simultaneously pulled you back, impaling you on him, forcing his length to go even further into your channel.
The pace was constant and quick, the head of his member pushing over and over against the entrance of your womb.
You were redeemed and gone to heaven, or at least that’s what your heat was telling you. Bliss coursed through you as he grunted above you, cockhead bullying your cervix. HIs body rubbing against your button with each thrust. Long loud gasps and moans left you involuntarily. The room filled with moans from the pair of you, wet slapping and thrusting. The symphony grandiose and full.
You were much, much to far past the point of common decency to mute yourselves. If the people running this place didn’t think to soundproof the rooms, then that was on them.
You could feel your pleasure scaling once more, calling out to your mate.
“Fuck i.... Buck please...” You had no idea what you were crying out for.
“Doe” he gasped out to the air “let me fill you with fawns”
“Yes, Yes” You cried out, finally losing yourself to pleasure once more. A whine, bordering on a scream left you and your walls clamped down, milking the buck still thrusting into you.
“Ah, ah, fuck doe, take it take it.” He moaned above you, thrusts stuttering as a final choked moan left him and you could feel the hot release of his seed filling you. He let go of your arms, dropping forward and caging you under him as your both caught your breath.
As your breath steadied, sleep began tugging on the edge of your brain. Normally the idea of sleeping like this, sweaty, smelling of lust, covered in spit with seed dripping out of you would be gag inducing. But right now? Right now, you were a heat heavy deer, content for the time being, freshly mated, with your chosen buck next to you.
Right now, sleep seemed ideal.
The black antlered buck seemed to agree as covers moved under you, arms searching you out to drag you next to him.
Your heat would still be a few more days, as would his rut. But now that prospect didn’t seem as daunting.
Small breaths against your neck told you and your inner doe that now you were safe and now could sleep.
#alaska writes#alastor x reader#alastor x doe!reader#I'm slowly trying to get better at spicy writing#This fic is titled “One shot cuz brain no workie” on my laptop#I know too much about deer hunting to write Alastor fics#That being said this thing is not accurate at all regarding mating practices#I just liked the plot point better.
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something something Logan "my best friend on the grid is Oscar" Sargeant
and Oscar "I know Lando the best" Piastri
and Lando "Oscar doesn't play golf or Padel (like me and Carlos)" Norris
and Carlos "most physically affectionate with Charles" Sainz
and Charles "my best friend on the grid is Pierre" Leclerc
and Pierre "why are you all so weird about your teammates I fucking hate my teammate" Gasly
#another day another time pierre beats the gay for ur teammate allegations#fuck wait I forgot about yuki post cancelled pierre also doesn't beat the gay for ur teammate allegations#kevin magnussen you are our only hope#formula 1#formula one#f1#lando norris#mclaren#ferrari#charles leclerc#logan sargeant#oscar piastri#carlos sainz#pierre gasly#also before u say 'oh oh but fin carlos was physically affectionate with lando too' shut up. you ever think about that.#my joke wouldn't land unless i could get to charles and that was the only way i could think of it's past midnight brain no worky
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Steve is a body positive fitness streamer with a focus on flexibility and reducing pain.
Eddie is a gaming streamer who sits cross legged at an angle on his gaming chair for hours on end and, on camera, seems to suffer no particular after effects.
Steve does a video including a clip from one of Eddie's streams on bad posture with stretches on how to correct it and avoid severe back pain and get a dm only an hour later from a very grateful metalhead who was on his third dose of ibuprofen of the day and sounded like a rice krispie when he moved.
Steve clearly takes this as a challenge.
#steddie#eddie munson#steve harrington#fic prompt#my writing#someone write this please#my brain no worky
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no idea where this would go, truly just wanted to make the title card
#my art#fishfingersandscarves#the sandman#the sandman netflix#lucienne the librarian#lucienne (the sandman)#mervyn pumpkinhead#mervyn (the sandman)#comic#brain no worky rn
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ZB1 Reaction to you having a neck/hand kink
A/n: Gifs could have been better but I been going through it so this is the best I can offer ;-;
Jiwoong: *Loves to tease you about it. Pretends his pictures are innocent when you call him out on it.*
"I'm wearing those rings you bought me." He typed out with a smirk as he hit 'send'. "They look good, don't they?"
Hao: *Thoroughly confused when you're drooling over him. He doesn't get it, but he's not hating.*
"It's a simple chain?" He raised a brown when you wouldn't leave him alone. "Wh-?"
Hanbin: *Always wears a low-cut shirt with necklaces. Nothing completes the look like his tattoos.*
"We're finally home." He showed the camera while you video called, panning it lower and pretending like he's tired.
Matthew: *Purposefully takes pictures of new rings/necklaces he gets. A whole tease about it.*
"I bought these rings, recently." He sent you a text with a picture. "I can't wait to see how they look wrapped around your neck."
Taerae: *Doesn't know what's going on. Truly. He thinks you just have a knack for jewelry.* (What he doesn't know won't hurt him amirite)
"They gave me these to choose fro-" He started before you cut him off, choosing for him.
Ricky: *Takes you shopping with him because seeing you worked up does wonders for his ego."
"What about this one?" He smirked as he posed to show off. "I'll take that as a 'yes'."
Gyuvin: *Loves watching you put different rings/necklaces on him. Thinks of it as cute little date.*
"Having fun princess?" He chuckled as you clasped the fifth necklace on him before taking photos.
Gunwook: *He's all for it but he can't help but be mildly confused by it from time to time.*
"A...chain?" He cocked his head to the side at the present you gave him. "Because it makes my neck..look good?"
#this isn't even pure smut so idk what to tag it#brain no worky#kim jiwoong reactions#zhang hao reactions#sung hanbin reactions#seok matthew smut#matthew smut#kim taerae reactions#shen qingqiu smut#ricky smut#kim gyuvin reactions#zerobaseone#zerobaseone reactions#zb1#zb1 reactions#kpop#kpop reactions#mine
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(Late 90's action movie trailer voice) What if every fleeting thought that popped into your head felt like the most important thing in the universe
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nate would probably try to explain his whack polycule to his dad in layman's terms and then jimmy ford would just turn around and say something like "you know son, the word 'poly' means 'many' and i have put 'many' bombs in the car across the street"
#leverage#nate ford#idk sorry brain no worky :(#he would say it differently but the idea is the same
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you...don't do that? (larissa memes neurodivergent edition)
#my diagnoses are rich and varied#depression sun anxiety moon autism rising#etc#lmao#larissa weems#brain no worky#shitpost#gwendoline christie
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There's something about weak vending machine coffee that adds insult to injury. If a person made this coffee I'd think "well, perhaps they didn't have sufficient supplies or equipment or maybe they don't know how to make coffee."
But when a machine unfeelingly presents you with a white paper cup and dribbles painfully see-through coffee into it. There's something insulting about that. I gave you my credit card and you went through all these steps and told me not to touch the cup until you were done and this is what we've arrived at, huh? Plus, you kept warning me the cup was hot. The cup is not hot.
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Edit: who let me post this? I think I had a stroke writing this. Anyway. I try to be as non-racist as I can be. What I said in Discord was the only thing that I ever had to take back. I recognized that it was possibly (at the time) racist, I legit questioned it in the Discord as soon as I posted it (did the person who screenshot it get that part to or did they conveniently leave that out?) which probably should have told me to delete it immediately. I sat with it, read some more posts here, and came to the conclusion that 'yes it is actually very racist of you' and deleted it, & I apologized to the people in the server that saw it. My past posting here has shown that I do my best to be a good person and be non-racist, uplifting the voices of POC and I will continue to do so. I unintentionally said 1 thing that turned out racist, and again I apologize.
Earlier today in Discord I did question why it is okay to write Pedro characters as murderers, cannibals, violent, disgusting, a rapist, and a whole bunch of other things - but we draw the line at racism.
I'm not going to excuse what I said. But I will try to explain.
I was coming at it from a very white perspective. As a white person I have internalized racism that I have to fight all the time and unfortunately it just snuck out this morning.
But after rereading what I wrote and digesting it better (bc I did write it immediately after waking up) I understand what I said was that internalized racism, and I deleted it and apologized in the Discord that I had posted it.
In this current state of the US with the rising fascism, and the rising rampant racism - there was no reason for the Confederate flag to be in a fic unless it is being thrashed. There's no reason to make any character be racist who has not outwardly been shown to be racist in their canon (skit, commercial, movie, etc). There were plenty of other ways to make Kermit not a good person without bringing racism into it, if making a flawed character is what you wanted to do.
#personal#this was previously tagged as fandom wank and I took that tag off because it's not fandom wank technically#this is a more serious discussion that should not be categorized as wank#but also I have no other idea how to tag this to categorize it correctly#brain no workie
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hey folks
popping in to say a lover’s pinch part four will probably be shared more towards the end of the month
my personal life is down the shitter at the moment and im sad and stressed, so in the minimal time i've spent writing i am simply producing the most depressing angsty shit i've ever created lmao
so yeah just a heads up that an update is still like two weeks away
to those who've sent things through to my ask box or dms, i am seeing it, i adore you and your ideas and i will get to answer them soon i promise ! thank you to those who are so excited for the coming parts of the series (i am too!)
(and ???? to the person who commented “waiting…” on part three of ALP... you’re on thin ice with me pal)
#sorry brain no worky#do people say down the shitter in other countries#or is my australian showing#love you all friendos#ALP#personal#tbd
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I also have an oddly specific reason for having a hc that dream has golden blood
Because of the Dream's strong association with the sky, birds, and the color gold, he reminds me of the fairytale The Golden Goose. I think it fits him, since there is the phrase "chasing the golden goose" which is an "unprofitable action motivated by greed." To me, people may greedily want to stay around dream or have his assistance, but it's truly futile because the positive emotions they feel arent "real." The villagers only see dream as an object, just like the golden goose, merely a stepping stone for profit and not a living thing. People don't truly care for him, but rather see his "golden feathers."
#dream sans#just me yapping#toffeesbabbles#i may edit this post later#brain funky words no worky#LMAO
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some little guys, i'm very late but whateverrrrrr #mooglaritavilleAP
#ffxiv#MooglaritavilleAP#drawing#other oc#i once again do not know how to tag art party stuff#elezen#lalafell#miqo'te#i wanted to draw more#but there were so many people#decision paralysis#my brain isn't worky enough for that lol
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#herasoka#armorsoka#sunwolf#sokabine#ao3 writer#help me decide#my brain no workie#the barrissoka/bosoka fic can wait#less inspired by that one#plus there's plenty of barrissoka already#and less engagement on that one
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Nur's only friend in college (SO FAR!!) can't exactly help with her biology presentation but she can help her make it prettier!!
ft overwhelmed npc
#ts4#the sims 4#simblr#ts4 gameplay#Nur#I need to remember her name but uh I didn't name her myself so brain no worky#GONNA GIVE HER MORE ARTSY OUTFITS#but her sleep outfit looked so comfy and unbothered it was perfectly timed#i just realized Nur's wearing a maid costuME IT WAS HALLOWEEN OK
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Quick Patreon Update
Posted this on my Patreon but wanted to post this publicly here as well!
Just wanted to let everyone know that unfortunately due to personal matters, I had to pick up two additional jobs that will leave me with very little free time until June.
I have Roman and Torch's short stories both partially written and Naomi and Ricin's story fully outlined, I've just been deeply struggling to have time to write anything.
My plan in regards to Horsemen after discussing with my editor (she's currently taking a vicious red pen to A Masque of Shadows, would LOVE to publish that in time for the winter holidays!) is I'm writing books two through four (War, Famine, and Death) all at once and plopping them on her. I want her to be able to read all four books as a cohesive whole so that all character arcs, foreshadowing, plot developments, and so on flow properly from book to book.
As a result I'm just writing what I can from that quartet in my free time.
I'm sorry to not be able to continue with Tales from the Scorched Lands this entire time as I had planned, but unfortunately I have people other than myself to support and there's been quite a lot of bad news in my real life that has necessitated taking on some projects/jobs I had sincerely hoped I would never have to work again. Fingers crossed this is the last year I'll have to do so!
I plan to return to sharing those short stories in June, and in the meantime know that I am still writing (the Horsemen quartet) when I can, and that my editor is working on MoS, so I am not idle!
Thank you all again for your support and see you (most likely) in June!
#lincoln writes#mortal leviathans#a masque of shadows#horsemen quartet#I simply cannot work to any kind of deadline with my novels right now#I've been barely sleeping#struggling with migraines#I was doing SO WELL posting regularly once a week too!#and then I had to take on these additional jobs and I thought I could keep going with the updates#ha. ha ha. hahahahahaha.#nope!#brain no worky#so here we are#UGH#I feel like all I do is let people down but unfortunately I and my loved ones#cannot afford for me to turn down this money#dontcha just love late stage capitalism?
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