#brain cells aren’t doing much at the moment pls help
cocosummer · 2 years
sum: you've gotten yourself hauled into a tenryou comission holding cell with itto. and after an unsuccessful tussle with the tenryou guards, all you wanna do is sleep. or fuck. thankfully, best oni bf is willing to help with that<3
pairing: itto x gn!afab!reader
cws: established relationship, use of nicknames for reader (babe, baby), fingering, exhibitionism, porn with very little plot
>> minors/ageless blogs pls dni! <<
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You held your back, letting out a quiet whine as you stretched. Your shoulders cracked and you felt a little relief, but there was still some soreness from battle that could only be solved by winding down for the night. “Tiredd,” you moped, and you heard an equally beat sigh from where Itto had sprawled himself over a bench a few paces away and leaned his head into the holding cell wall. “Yeah. I hear ya.”
Even after being hauled in by the Tenryou commission (again) and getting his favorite gang member caught along with him in the process, Itto takes losses in his stride. He’s never down for the count for long. Eventually he started up, and patted his lap.
“C’mere babe,” He blinked crimson puppy eyes up at you, and the ends of his long fangs framed the corners of his wide, contagious smile. You turned to ease into him, nodding an ok. Feeling his large hands guide you into his lap, smooth down your hips, and furl around the base of your stomach. You felt him nuzzle his chin into the crest of your head, his chest heaving with a content sigh as soon as you were in his arms. The strong musk of his sweat enveloping you oddly comforting.
One of his hands slipped free to rub at your thigh in a soothing motion. Back and forth. And something about the casual touch awakened the woefully needy part of you, that often reared its head when you were really sleepy. You cleared your throat, fidgeting over your boyfriend’s lap.
“You ok babe?” When you turned around, there was an Itto blinking down at you with a worried pout.
“No! Yeah, I just. My brain kinda melds the feelings 'tired' and 'horny' together sometimes so. When you touched me it.. gave me butterflies”
“Ohh.” Itto paused to lift his mitts from your person for a moment and assess both you and his hand carefully. Meanwhile, a silence stewed in your corner of holding. Between that and the warmth rising in your cheeks, you felt the need to say something.
“It’s not a big deal, it’ll probably go away pretty quickly once I go to sleep-“
“Ohhh, oh. Ok.” You felt Itto nodding as he settled back down; he let himself rest his arms on your lap again, and his muscles felt a lot less tense behind you. Though you could hear a recognition steeping in his voice. And perhaps, you thought, a little bit of deviousness, as he let his long nails trace circles into the side of your thigh. It could’ve been taken as an absent-minded thing, if not for the practiced lightness of his stroking, and the repetition of the motion. Back and forth. As if he kind of.. wanted you to react again.
“Did you want me to do that uh, thing y’ like, babe? Y’know..” as he trailed off, his large hand wandered lower from the crease of your thigh, down to your crotch. And he gave you an inquisitive squeeze. “..this..?”
Your eyes widen at his grasp, and you choke on your breath trying to answer, “T- There are guards standing outside, aren’t there? What if they’ve already heard this much-“
‘Aww, babe-‘ The oni lowered himself enough to buck his head into yours, an affectionate attempt to nuzzle your cheek; the length of one of his red horns smoothed against the top side of your head.  “It’s alright, I know you want some o’ this? And the guards probably already know we're together; but, they don’t have to know the whole shebang if we’re quiet about it, right?”
“C’monn. Let this one n oni take good care of you, huh?”
God, he was cute.
At your ‘ok,’ he all too eagerly slipped a hand past the hem of your pants and pushed it under the curve of your ass cheeks, massaging at your sex. His fingertips pinching and squeezing fervently, rubbing circles into the thin fabric that guised your most sensitive point.
You arched your back, shuddering, “Itto-” You squirmed over the bulk of his hand, your thighs subconsciously squeezing shut and walls clenching.
You felt yourself starting to leak; if you weren’t wearing underwear, his fingers would already be drenched with your slick.
And maybe he’d been so lost in the sauce that he completely missed your wearing underwear and forgot about the whole ‘being quiet’ thing; or maybe this was all an intentional ploy to make you even more flustered.
But when he ripped (yes literally, ripped) the remainder of your clothes from your lower body to really get at your hole, you knew you were in for it. With the sharp sound of fabric tearing and the sight of you seated ass naked on Itto’s lap clearly visible through the cell bars, it was a blessing from the archons that no one seemed to be monitoring your cell at the moment.
And anyway, you weren’t really in a place to question Itto.
He slipped two thick fingers into your sopping entrance, stretching you out, and you practically short circuited; your body couldn’t decide whether you were choking out a gasp or high-pitch moaning. You slapped a hand over your mouth and shifted your weight anxiously.
But oh, the drag of his veiny fingers against the rim of your hole, the feel of the pointed ends of his nails pumping in and out of your spongy interior- You pressed your head back into his warm torso, curling your other hand behind you and reaching into his fluffy white mane, grasping a long tuft close to you. Doing anything to keep your vocals to a minimum.
If only you were face to face with your Itto; this boy was staring down his nose, enamored with your feverish squeaks and squirming, a bit of his pink tongue visible through his slightly parted jaws, pressed against the backs of his teeth.
He wasn’t even aware he was making a face; it was just, you were so dang cute. Beetle fights and gang tussles with the Tenryou were fun and all, but playing with you had quickly become his favorite thing to do.
“Feels good?” Itto had started bobbing his knee, the bulge of his cock standing up between your legs.. only adding to your stimulation. It’d gotten to the point where you could only whimper incoherently, digging your fingers into the sculpt of his toned thighs.
You realized you’d been nodding your head in response for far too long, and he chuckled at the way you closed your slacked jaw in your moment of clarity. “Hehehe. You’re so cute, babe.” Itto leaned in to press his lips to your cheek, and you felt his other hand rub supportively at your shoulder.
“I’m probably doin too good, huh.” He grinned, the warm breath of his ‘whispering’ stirring just inches from your ear. “Lucky you, you got yourself a boyfriend who’s good at e-very-thing!”
“Itto-“ you managed a little before the rest of your words were caught in a whine; before it felt a warm coil finally unraveled in your stomach, and you spurted cum through his fingers, down his thighs.
You gasped, leaning your head back into his chest, where he looked at you. Your cheeks flush, your face glistening with a sheen of sweat. Breathing heavily from his efforts. Saying some of the most beautiful words, “I want.. more of you..”
A throaty rumble that sounded something like a purr erupted from the oni’s throat. “Baby,” he swept you off his lap and into his arms in an instant, and it probably would’ve been scary just how soundlessly and swiftly he’d done it if you were one of the enemies he’d been facing today. If you weren’t being given the most darling, lovesick puppy look, a pink twinge to his cheeks, with him practically biting at the bit to cum inside you. “I thought you'd never ask~”
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jooyeone · 4 years
laying in bed trying to fall asleep but my brain keeps sending me down a thought spiral where hobi never role-swapped with taehyung, and we ended up with namgitae rapline and 2seokjikook vocal line... there's something to be said for the promise of alternate and parallel timelines, but for once this once doesn't feel so bad... THAT SAID there's something aesthetically pleasing about the prospect of the lines being split 2-4-6 and 1-3-5-7 instead of 2-3-4/1-5-6-7 🤔
oh god i think i’d have to be put on life support if we ever got a namgitae rap line. tae’s already on fire with the few rap-like lines he’s got, like in jump (does this count? kinda?) so i won’t even allow myself to think of what a whole ass cypher taehyung is capable of. especially if he’s joined by yoongi and namjoon 😳 and hobi singing... PLEASE that man has some great vocal potential that definitely deserves more attention!! a 2seokjikook vocal line!! wish they’d do this for festa or something, i would love to hear it :(
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sarcasticace · 3 years
TLovm reaction/thought dump, ep 7, 8, 9 let’s go!!!
- i like the flashback at the beginning of ep7. it really develops these character who were really... not much more than names previously. even if ander’s motivation is a bit on-the-nose. but he doesn’t really need to be deep. he’s just a regular guy who did a horrible thing because he’s a horrible person
- which is also why i still don’t like that stonefell was made into... the wiki says duergar. presumed of course. but they’re still considered an “evil” fantasy race and tlovm plays into that. idk why the change was necessary. just make them a regular human, elf, elc etc. 
- i know where vax’s anger is coming from, but that “i will not hesitate. I WILL kill you” sounds forced.
- ohhhhh the backstory behind the pepperbox is SO COOL in animation.
-”who’s the sixth barrel for” and the fucking shadow!!!!
- not that i dislike the thing vex, vax, and keyleth have going on, but can we also give grog and scanlan some more serious moments that aren’t comic relief.
 - i find it interesting how tlovm and the original campagin have two different takes on scanlan’s solo raid on the mansion. because originally scanlan is a badass bard who is disrespected by the likes of vex. he has moments of seriousness and strategy. his raid of the mansion is all panic and improv. tlovm kinda depicts him a bit of a clown. but also an underdog trying for respect. and his teammates do respect him to a degree, but only behind his back and in moments of hardship. both versions have the same endresult, but they are also kinda different characters. like tlovm’s scanlan seems like a younger version of C1 scanlan.
- im not the biggest fan of how much of a leader vex is depicted as. i mean, if it’s anyone, it should be her atm. but vox machina has one brain cell and she does not have custody of it that often. girl wanted to storm whitestone originally. 
- “never listen to me again” stop talking then.
- “let’s not be rash, percy” she says after assuming the worst of scanlan five seconds ago.
- im tired... of constant comic relief grog. pls i just want my goliath barbarian back. the scene with him turning on his friends is good and dramatic. i just wish they made him more serious more often. because i feel like... if i watched this having known nothing about critical role, it loses something. he’s only serious moment has been with pike (and that one short moment with vax). the rest of the time he’s just the big dumb idiot who wants to kill things played for laughs.
- i love everything about keyleth trying to heal cass. from her spell components, the mutterings under her breath, her surprise and excitement then rushing in to help her friends. marisha is really bringing her A game too. and then cass just passes out. 
-”you’re the face i saw when murder entered my heart.” holy shit taliesin. oh and the eye during the gunshot flash. there are so many screenshot worthy moments of percy. id love some background wallpaper of some of these scenes.
- you know, i wasn’t sold on cass’ design originally, but it’s grown on me. especially that single streak of white. and i love her VA. the deliver is really good. her soft voice, the sadness behind her words. it just really adds something that makes me love her more.
- i absolutely love pike’s arc. love how delilah’s attack was sort of the excuse for her mind to bring her issues forward. it’s not explicit, but i got the feeling this doubt was always there in the back of her mind. the broken holy symbol was just when it started coming forward.
- god it’s like... every other scene they gotta pause to give us more vax|eth moments. pls, im begging you, give us some bonding time with any couple involving keyleth that’s not vax. 
- archie’s death actually kinda hit me. i wasn’t expecting that. i mean, i knew he was gonna get killed off for character development, but idk just the... brutal way what’s-his-name just bisects him. it was effective.
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jade & Serena hugging 4?
Slight context for this snippet bc these are ocs lol: Jade and Serena are both anomalies (aka people with some sort of supernatural ability), who are currently living together with a couple other similar folks to avoid Discovery™️. Serena is basically an empath, and Jade can manipulate darkness (most relevantly; to hide herself). They’re also pining idiots pls enjoy
It isn’t that hard to find Jade once Serena knows how to look.
Maybe it’s practice, maybe instinct, or maybe it’s the humming power beneath Serena’s skin that broadcasts her peers’ emotions into her head like a broken radio, a skill that admittedly, makes it much easier to track down a woman wrapped in shadows.
Jade’s emotions in particular have always been a particularly interesting subject to Serena. As much as Jade excels in hiding her physical form when so desired, her emotions have never been difficult to access, and Serena has found that she always carries her feelings so tightly, so protectively, as if she can’t bear to let anyone else know how deeply they exist.
Jade thinks of herself as the leader of their little cell of outcasts, Serena knows, and as much as they all look up to her for it, it also makes her very anxious to appear too… affected. She can’t bear to slip up, and the perfectionism follows her, quite fittingly, like a shadow.
Serena’s grown to know the tug of it well, and, over time, she’s learned how to follow it. To trace the echo of Jade’s evergreen courage even after she disappears from sight, following the footprints of her isolation and her responsibility and her fortitude and her quiet pride. She follows it now, breathing in the lingering trace of her friend’s heart, and letting her feet follow.
She breathes in deeply as she comes to a stop before the panel leading up to the roof of the apartment, readying herself for the climb. She supposes this little escapade makes sense; Jade has always loved the stars.
Once she tugs herself up onto the rooftop, she looks around, feeling the echo much closer now, and yet still not seeing the woman she seeks. She does her best to focus, honing in on the sensations as they exist presently, and steps forward, approaching a section of the roof, tucked up right beside a protruding wall that houses another story of apartments.
The emotion in the air goes taught as she approaches, squeezing with fear, but then Serena whispers Jade’s name into the silence, her voice gentle as can be, and the anxiety dissipates like fog in the sunlight.
There’s a small chuckle, a warm exhale of sound, and then the shadows unwrap from around Jade’s shoulders, darkness falling away to reveal the shape of her, tucked in the corner. She wipes the lingering ink of the night from her hands and looks up, revealing a dark brown face and kind, weary eyes. Her eyes are always so dark, Serena notes, dark enough as to be nearly black, no matter the lighting. And oh, how those eyes always see her.
“Serena,” Jade says, holding her name like it’s precious, cupped in those kind palms.
Serena takes a seat next to the extraordinary woman on the tiles of the roof, and looks out at the sky.
“I thought you might be up here,” She says, quietly. “Stargazing?”
Jade looks at her for a long moment before her eyes dart away and she curls her knees up to her chest.
“Something like that. How do you always find me like this? That’s not something many people can do.” She’s trying to derail, to delay the inevitable, but Serena can’t help but answer her.
“Comes with the trade, I think. Feelings can be sort of like a beacon.” She shrugs slightly, drawing her own legs closer.
Jade nods, exhaling a snort. “Makes sense. Not even Blake knows how to keep up with me like this.”
Serena smiles. “Well, someone has to pick up his slack.”
Jade pffts and smiles, and the silence that falls over them is companionable while it lasts. For a moment there’s just the pair of them, shoulder to shoulder, sharing the autumn breeze.
Jade finally sighs and looks resolutely away.
“I was just… worried,” She admits, so quietly it’s almost hard to catch. “You can see the police and scientists from here, you know, the people who wanna pick apart our brains and- and blame all their problems on our gifts,” She looks down at her hands, holds them close to her. “I’m not worried for me, though. I’m good at escaping things like that, always have been, but there’s, there’s three of you now, and I don’t— what if I can’t—”
“Jade,” Serena lets the name fall like a prayer, interrupts Jade’s shuddering breath. “You aren’t responsible for us, you know that. We trust you, sure, I know I-” Her voice quiets without her permission. “I’d follow you anywhere, but you don’t have to carry that weight. None of us asked you to.”
Jade hugs her knees to her chest, shakes her head and rocks gently. “I know. But if I don’t…” She shakes her head, ventures on. “I’m so used to losing family. I don’t want to lose you too.”
Serena aches for her, feeling the pooling depth of loss that stretches down into the core of Jade’s history, the loss that has swallowed up so much of her life. Serena reaches out and takes her hand.
“You won’t lose us, Jade.” She smoothes her thumb over the woman’s knuckles, moving back and forth, brushing against her ace ring every now and then. “And you’re not alone. You won’t be.”
Jade turns her eyes on Serena with such a cautious reverence that it freezes Serena in place, and then strong arms are around her waist, and Serena’s sliding her hands over the gorgeous planes of Jade’s back, and Jade’s cheek is pressed against her own, breath hitching against her chest, and Serena closes her eyes and pours every bit of love she has into the embrace, squeezing the other woman and hoping she can feel just how loved she is for her vulnerability, not just her strength.
“Thank you,” Jade whispers into her hair, just a breath, before pulling back from the embrace and steadying herself on Serena’s shoulders. Serena frees a hand from behind Jade’s back to reach up and take one of her hands and press a careful kiss to it; meeting Jade’s eyes as she does so, her own expression reverential.
Serena fancies she can feel a flicker of affection in Jade’s heart as the woman blinks and then nods, bringing her kissed hand to her chest and holding it there, cupped against her heart.
“Not alone,” Jade says quietly, her words the echo of a promise she had given to Serena when they first met, and Serena is happy to gift the words back with open arms.
“Never alone.” She agrees.
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bobohunn · 4 years
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— summary : It was tough for you to trust and open up to people, after all you've been through. When you finally let your walls down, Chanyeol left you hanging. (part 1 of 2)
— pairings : chanyeol x reader
— genre : angst, fluff
— warnings : mentions of anxiety, alcohol, bullying, & gaslighting, hints of sexual assault & harassment, description of anxiety & panic attacks.
— word count : 3.9k words (part 1)
— author's words : hi!!! I'm not really good with titles so this goes untitled for now 😅 I'll add the title when I post the 2nd part 💛 this is not proofread and edited yet pls forgive me. I'd really appreciate it if you tell me your thoughts on this! ☺️
It was a year ago today. The day when you were supposed to wake up with a smile, hearing your family’s thumping steps on the wooden floor on the way to your room. The day when your younger sister was supposed to be running towards you to attack you with kisses, your mom holding out a cake that says ‘happy birthday’, and your father following closely behind them, singing the happy birthday song with his awfully hoarse morning voice, just like the annual tradition. Rather, you woke up to the loud and thunderous knocks on your bedroom door, along with what you recognized as your father’s voice. And the second you turned the lock on the knob, the door flew and a hand met your right cheek.
You were scared, but you weren’t sure what you were scared for. Sure your dad looked scary, his face was blood red, his breathing uneven, and his hands clenched into fists, but you didn’t know what he was acting scary for. You held your cheek, trying to ease up the stinging sensation that lingered. 
“D-dad?”, you managed to stutter out. Your father shut his eyes close and sighed. 
You looked away and noticed your mom and your sister on the wooden staircase behind your dad. Your mom was holding her face in her hands, and your sister was rubbing her back. Only then did you realize that they were both crying.
“M-mom? S-stacy? W-what’s going o-on?”, you choked out, feeling the hot tears that were running down your face.
It was silent again, and you hated it. The silence was deafening and you swore you almost heard the cells in your brain die. You always hated situations like this, it made you feel so anxious and you were about to throw up.
“D-dad, M-mom what’s happening w-why are y–”
“You don’t have to call me dad anymore,” your dad cut you off, and you heard your mom cry louder.
“D-dad w-will you please at least t-tell me what’s going on?”, you said in between sobs, “please?”
Your dad let out another loud sigh, and you noticed his eyes getting misty. “Stacy, give me your phone. Your sister wants to know why, so I’ll show her why”, he said in a firm tone.
Stacy stood up from the stairs and took out the phone from her pocket. She handed it over to your dad, avoiding his gaze including yours. You were practically begging for her to look at you with your eyes while your dad was fumbling with the gadget, but she stood behind him, staring at the floor with her hair covering her face.
Your father handed to you the phone, showing a paused video on the screen. You pressed play, and turned the volume up. You were puzzled to say the least. The video had poor lighting but when the light source hit the surface of a very familiar face in the frame, you dropped the phone, leaving a small crack on the lower left part of the screen.
Your brain tried to put the pieces of information it recently gathered together, but you were about to pass out. Unconsciously shaking, you stumbled on your feet, and dropped to the floor. That was the last thing you remembered before your sight blacked out.
Your life today is a little bit different to how it was a year ago, yet it was still sort of the same. You moved to a different town, a different school, a different environment. It isn’t much worse now, but some people would still look at you and gossip as you pass by the same. Others don’t even stab you in the back, they hit you in the front now.
You moved with your family in the hopes of forgetting everything and starting anew, but unfortunately the news reached your new home too. Your parents insisted that you move places again when people in your school started talking, but you hated the feeling of being an inconvenience. So you did your best to heal and learn how to not a give a fuck to what others say, even if it burnt you out on most days.
“It’s okay, Mom. I’ll be alright, they’re not hurting me anyway,” you said in the softest voice.
“Are you sure? We can just move out of the country, baby. It’s best that we just go, hmm?” she held your hands in one, and caressed your face in the other.
“Yeah. We should just move if you’re uncomfortable here, my love,” your dad added as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders.
“Then we’d have to spend money again. I know you guys had a hard time adjusting as well, especially Stacy,” you fumbled with the fabric of your shorts, “I’m okay, really.”
But even though you’ve learnt to not give a shit and shrug off what bullshit other people— who don’t even know you, by the way— say anymore over the past months, there are still times when you have to endure how painful the words you overhear from conversations of people in your school are. And when you couldn’t, you’d have to run back to your only safe place in school, the comfort room at the back of the school library to turn into a ball and cry. On some days when you think you’re all better and don’t give a fuck anymore, you hear words you tried so hard to delete from your system, and it makes you want to throw up again.
You hate whoever did this to you. However, over the process of healing, you realized that you hate those people who try to act nice in front of you, act like they care for you, act like they support you, but actually talk rotten behind you more. And you hate people who try to control you into thinking that you are the one to blame, the most, because there are times that their words sting too much you begin to doubt yourself again after trying so hard to convince yourself that you were never at fault.
It’s the first day of the semestral break, and you couldn’t be more happy and relieved to be far from society. You don’t have to do anything but lie down in your comfy bed, and binge watch your favorite shows all day. You can read books you hoarded in the past but never really touched after, as well!
“Y/N! Stacy! Come here, give these apples to our new neighbors!” your mom shouted from the kitchen.
You and your sister, Stacy peeked out of your bedrooms at the same time, and when your eyes met you both sighed. 
“I was watching Stranger Things, I was in the good part!”, you whined.
“I was reading a good fic on Tumblr as well! I was in the climax of the story!”, Stacy stomped her feet playfully and you both giggled.
“Y/N! Stacy! Did you hear me?” your Mom shouted again, which made you and Stacy instinctively run down the stairs.
“Good afternoon Mister– uhmm?”, Stacy said to the man sitting on the balcony outside the house your mom sent you to for a quick mission.
“Park. Mr. Park,” the grown man smiled.
“Oh, nice to meet you Mr. Park! We’re from the house next to yours. We heard you just moved in, so my mom wanted you to have this!” Stacy beamed at him, while you stood behind her quietly.
“Oh I see! What are your names? You should come in! We had a feast for lunch, you should help us finish the food!” Mr. Park said while turning the knob of the front door.
“I’m Stacy, this is my older sister Y/n. My mom’s name is Rachel, and my dad’s is Samuel”, she said as she took off her sneakers.
“How old are you guys? I have a son who’s in the 11th grade, and a daughter who’s gonna be in her 2nd year in university.”
“I’m in 11th grade as well, Stacy is in 9th. We’re in Jungwon Highschool”, you said as you took off your jacket
“You should meet my son then! He’s transferring to Jungwon! But he’s not here now, he took the dog out on a walk in the park”, he said while grabbing plates from the kitchen.
After eating a few sweet fruits, you and your sister headed back home with two full plates of side dishes Mr. Park’s family offered. You passed by a tall unfamiliar guy carrying a black dog on the way back, and you figured maybe he was Mr. Park’s son.
It’s the first day of the spring semester, the weather's been really better the past few days and you couldn’t be any happier because it means you don’t have to wear a heavy coat to school anymore.
While walking to the bus stop, you saw a familiar guy crouching down to pet a kitten.
He picked the cat up and moved it to a spot away from the pavement onto the bushes, probably for its safety. The moment he turned to your direction, you realized he was the same guy who you passed by once, on the way home from your new neighbor’s house. He was wearing the same uniform as you, and there you confirmed he really was the Parks’ son.
The bell rang and your class adviser went into the classroom. He was with the same guy you encountered earlier, announcing that your class has a new student to welcome.
“My name is Park Chanyeol. Please take care of me”, the guy said as he smiled and bowed down. He took the empty seat in front of you and settled down.
“Pass your quizlets to the president after lunch. Late submissions will have deductions. Is that clear, class?” the 4th period teacher announced as she walked out the room.
The chime rang on the school speakers, and the lunch break started. All your classmates darted out the room, while you stayed in your seat, resting your head on the desk to take a nap like usual. Except, this time you aren’t left alone in the room. Chanyeol stayed, seemingly finishing the quizlet the teacher gave.
“Excuse me, can I borrow your eraser?” He asked, knocking on your desk to get your attention.
“Ah, sure. Here,” you pass him the black piece of soft rubber from your pencil case.
“Didn’t know they sell black ones. I should get myself one like this too. I actually hate when the white ones get dirty,” he rambled on while erasing whatever he had to erase and gave it back to you. You nod sheepishly as a response.
“I’m Chanyeol. What’s your name?” he pursed his lips while waiting for you to answer.
“I’m y/n. I actually live next to you,” you smile, scratching your nape.
Chanyeol was saying something but you weren’t really listening. Not when you heard some girls at the back door say, “what is she doing? Is she flirting with him?” “I seriously can’t believe her, after all that happened to her she has the guts to flirt with boys again?” “Maybe she thinks she can bait the new guy because he’s clueless” “and attractive, too”
You just smiled at him, and rested your head back down again, wearing earphones this time to block out whatever conversations you didn’t have to hear.
You were sitting on the bench outside your go-to place, the comfort room at the back of the school library, watching whatever random videos youtube recommended in the home section. A video of a band doing a cover of some other band’s song came up, and you suddenly heard someone clear their throat from behind you which made you jump a little bit from your seat.
“So, are you into bands?” Chanyeol asked as he sat beside you on the bench.
If you were to be really honest, you grew scared of meeting people through the past year. You really hate it when people bring up things which they are not in the place to talk about. You’d tell them if you wanted them to know, and if you wouldn’t then they just have to accept and respect it, not be a total nosy ass. And unfortunately, everyone who tried to talk to you in this school brought up things you wished they didn’t. It made you feel like they’re only talking to you to know the tea. So you shut them out immediately, afraid to be hurt by them again if you get attached to them.
Which is why you struggled to let out a response to Chanyeol’s curiosity.
Why does he want to know about that? What will he do with that information? What if he uses it against me in the future? I should be careful with what I say, I might give out too much information.
All sorts of thoughts, running in your mind right now.
“Are you okay?” he asked when he realized you were only staring with a surprised expression at him, “is something wrong?”
“U-uhm, yeah. And, n-no. I’m s-sorry,” you looked away, keeping your phone in your pocket.
Chanyeol chuckled, “why are you getting flustered? I don’t bite!”
“I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to,” you purse your lips.
“You’re a shy one, aren’t you? Don’t worry! I’m good at making people open up to me” he said as he placed an arm around your shoulder, to which you flinched at.
And Chanyeol was right, he was good at making people open up to him indeed. He made you feel at ease with his jokes, but more than that, you felt safe at how he doesn’t pressure you to talk about yourself, he just waits for you to willingly share things with him. He just keeps on going on and on about what he wants to say, but he listens attentively the second you open your lips to talk.
"Oh how I love animals so much! I have a dog, his name is Toben but he doesn't listen to me. So i kinda hate him" he said enthusiastically.
"I think I've seen you once with him, the black one?" you recalled.
"Yes that's him! I used to have a cat too but he ran away from home. His name was Bach"
"I actually have a hamster. Her name is Lilie. You should meet her she's a total fluff ball" you said as you took your phone out and show him a picture of your syrian hamster.
"Oh my god she's so cute!" his eyes grew wider than it originally is.
You chuckled, "You must really like pets that much."
"Oh trust me, I even brought a rat home. My mom scolded me so much," and it's you who has wide eyes now.
You grew close to Chanyeol in a span of a few days. You would walk to school and walk home together with him almost everyday. You learned a lot of things about him, while he was also able to slowly make you open up to him. The both of you would ramble about random things while doing homework or eating dinner at each other’s house, but he never crossed the borderline and asked you about your past. You couldn’t be more grateful that you found a friend like him. It’s the bare minimum, but it’s important to you and no one really does it like that anymore, not for you at least.
“What’s the square root of 441?” He asked, biting the tip of the pen he was holding.
“21, I think? Let me check,” you said as you took out the calculator in your backpack.
“It’s okay I got it aaaand— Wow! You’re right!” He jumped out of his seat and ruffled his fluffy brown hair in amusement. You chuckled and took a sip from the tea his mom made for you.
“You’re amazing, how do you know that? Did you just mentally solve that?” He sat back down again.
“Of course not. I liked maths so much as a kid, I memorized the perfect squares at some point.” you mumbled, redirecting your focus back to the homework in front of you.
“In many years of living, I never once met someone who memorized perfect squares” Chanyeol said as he held his face in his big hands.
“Now you did”
He chuckled, “Yeah, memorable. Anyway, are you free this friday?”
You bit your lip in sudden anxiety, “I-i don’t know. N-not sure. Why?”
“Some of our classmates are going to a party, and they invited me,” he hesitated a little before he continued, “I just wondered if you wanted to come? With me?”
You feel your heart beat faster, “No, sorry. I think I’ll be helping my dad on Friday.”
“Oh it’s okay. Don’t worry about it,” whispered Chanyeol, looking back down to his homework.
Friday came, and you thought it was weird to walk home alone for the first time. You got used to chatting with Chanyeol while on the way home, and now it was completely silent. When you got home, you threw yourself to your bed. You decided to get your laptop and binge watch another series on netflix.
It was around 7:30 pm when your phone rang. You looked at the caller ID and picked up hesitantly when you realized it was Chanyeol’s. “Why would he call so suddenly though?” you whispered to yourself.
“Chanyeol?” You said as you bring the phone up to your ear.
“hey Y/N! What’s up?” he chirped weirdly, probably drunk.
“Nothing much. Are you drunk?”
“I’m wasted. They tricked me, they said it was juice. They tricked me, y/n!” you cringed at how much he was slurring his words. It was obvious that alcohol was already in control of his system.
“How are you gonna get home?”
“I don’t know. Everyone is drunk here and–” he hiccuped, “they’re all nasty. I wanna go home”
You paused for a bit, checking the time on your laptop. “Turn on your location and stay there. I’ll pick you up”
Chanyeol nodded and hummed from the other line. You quickly ended the call to run to your closet to grab a jacket, and leave the house.
You didn’t know if you were dumb or stupid, but you were sure you were either. 
Why would you suggest picking him up? From a house party? Which you avoided so much with all your might?
When you reached the house that showed up on Chanyeol’s location— which took you 30 minutes to find, you had to pat yourself on your shoulders and remind yourself that you were doing it for a friend, and if you were just gonna walk away, this friend might get in trouble. You inhaled deeply before entering, a pool of evidently alcohol intoxicated bodies welcoming you.
It took you only a few seconds to spot Chanyeol, the only giant in the room. But it took you a few minutes to get to him because as he said, the crowd was pretty nasty.
“Alright time to go home now big buddy, let’s go” you tapped Chanyeol on his forearms, bracing yourself in case he’d stumble and fall.
“Goodbye my friends!” Chanyeol screamed over the booming music from the speakers. “You’re leaving already?” a familiar voice replied, and you realized it was one of your classmates, Max.
You only nodded at him after flashing a small smile. “Are you seriously going Chan? It’s too early! We haven’t been to the fun part yet!” Max said before taking a sip of whatever alcohol from his red cup.
“What fun part? I think I’m just gonna go home, Max” Chanyeol replied, seemingly sobering up a little.
“Oh you know, the fun part! When all the chics get wasted!” your mind was getting hazy at what you heard, and you nearly lost your balance. Your grip on Chanyeol’s sweater got tighter, which made him look at you.
But he didn’t answer Max, instead he turned away. You took that as a signal to go. “Yeol, the door is this way” you told him as you tug on the sleeve of his sweater.
The walk back home was messy. Chanyeol was silent but he was walking in zig zags and you had to hold him up a couple of times because he would fall asleep while walking.
“Y/n?” you hummed in response.
“Nevermind” he replied. Honestly you were nervous, what did he want to say? Is something wrong? But you only let it go.
“Yes Yeol?”
He stopped walking, “Why don’t you ever tell me anything about you?”
“What do you m-mean? I tell you about myself too,” you managed to mumble out.
“No, you don't,” he said in a tone an octave lower.
You held onto his arm again and dragged him with you, “Yeol, you’re drunk let’s go now.” He allowed you to pull him and just walked along, still in zig zags.
When you were in front of his house you took your phone out to call his sister, to help you get him in. You helped him sit down on the chair outside while waiting for her to pick up.
“Y/n, you know I’m not one to pry, right?”
You looked at him in confusion, you slowly nodded. You waited for him to continue.
“But I really have to ask this,” he said as he played with the zipper of his backpack in his hands, not looking at you.
“What is it?” you shivered.
“By any chance, were you from Hyundai Highschool?” he finally looked at you, straight in your eyes.
You didn’t know what to do or what to feel. He was sober now, and you could tell he knew what he was talking about. Many questions were popping in your mind, yet your brain felt empty.  You weren’t able to form anything to say. You only backed away from him, and then ran away.
You went straight to your room, ignoring your father’s attempt to hug you. You fell to the floor the moment you closed the door.
Why did he ask you that?
How did he find out?
Were people talking about you at the party?
Did someone gaslight you at the party, again?
Will he judge you too?
You spent the whole weekend locking yourself up in your room, overthinking about the same things over and over again. You were almost sure someone told him from the party, and he will probably think differently about you now. But you are honestly hoping that he wouldn’t. He’s a good guy, isn’t he? 
Monday came, and you were mentally preparing yourself to talk to Chanyeol while preparing your lunch box. You made sure to go out earlier than usual to wait for him so you could walk to school together, but to no avail. There was no sign of your giant friend going out of the house next to yours. You had to run to school or you would be late for the first period.
When you reached the classroom you looked around but Chanyeol wasn’t there. You caught your breath and sat down quietly on your seat. There was barely 2 minutes left before the first period, and you were worried for Chanyeol.
“Hey Y/n, where’s Chanyeol? You didn’t come together?” one of your classmates asked. You shook your head no, but suddenly the back door opened.
There he is
He took his seat in front of you but he didn’t spare you a smile, not even a glance.
The whole day went by with Chanyeol avoiding you and ignoring your attempts to talk to him. He looked at you at some point, but with sad eyes and a small smile. After that, you decided to give up and let him be.
You know—you think you do, why he was acting that way, and you don’t blame him for it. But you at least need to hear it from him, rather than assume things which could be entirely wrong. 
You didn’t expect him to pull you to the school garden at dismissal, though.
“Y/n. I know I’ve been such a horrible friend today,” he paused. He looked down, avoiding your eyes.
“but I don’t think we should be friends.”
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randomcanbian · 4 years
(re: Fandom Meme) B, D, N, P, R, Y ??? (also if you feel like answering T again about anything else pls do (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) (also let the record know that your first answer was *chef kiss* wonderful and should've been canon imo (╯▽╰ ))
B - A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind
Felix x fem!Byleth from FE3H... I thought it’d be the same as f!Dimileth (the fandom version of it at least) where the man is like ~~ohhhh I’m a monster I’m so broken ahhh I push people away and go on berserker rages because of my tragic backstory~~ and the woman has to be gentle and kind, the epitome of femininity (despite being a mercenary who had been trained to kill since she was 11...), basically put himself above her on so many levels and the onus is on her to ~~fix him~~~...but apparently not??? The fancontent is so gorgeous and has them as equals, both lonely people who’ve had their childhood taken away from them, both who’ve closed themselves off from the world (or in Byleth’s case, has never known how to open herself up to it), both of them seeing themselves in each other, both taking it upon themselves to meet each other half-way and from thereon help each other process their past and walk forward into the future...damn man, the kinship and the partnership in this ship... (also it really helps that 1. Felix is awed at Byleth’s swordsmanship and tactical mind and pushes himself to surpass it, forming a foundation for a healthy rivalry 2. the fandom does not forget that Byleth is her own person and not just Felix’s partner *cough* Dimileth *cough* Edeleth *cough*)
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t
Hmmmm well sometimes I wished (in general) that I could actively ship mlm couples, just because there’s so much content for them :)) (don’t get me started on how fandom gravitates towards male characters and mlm ships...lmao someone way back then gave me the excuse that it’s because the actual creators put more effort into their male characters and that they end up becoming more complex and interesting and like *looks at my fandoms where there are just as many girls as guys, just as interesting (if not more so) backstories and dynamics and interactions for the female characters, looks at the sheer number of mlm shippers in those fandoms who squeeze the most out of every insignificant moment for their male characters while ignoring the depth and complexity of the female characters* sure)
N - Name three things you wish you saw more of in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice)
1. Fanfic with more “out-there” ideas :)) (Don’t get me wrong, there are fanfics that fall far from Glee’s high school/young adult/modern-coming-of-age setting, and even for fics that do fall under those spheres there are some that deal with complex, intricate themes in such an incredible manner or even if not that are just plain enjoyable but like,,, there aren’t enough for my ever-expanding hunger HAHA)(my last couple of fandoms were dark fantasy/sci-fi/whatever The Good Place is so I guess I just got spoiled lmao)
2. More analytical thinking LMAO I guess it just frustrates me that there are so many people in the fandom who take things at face value??? Given how biased the writers are and how shit they are at continuity it really doesn’t make sense to me that so many people take things so literally haha
3. More fanart unu I totally understand though that the fandom isn’t as big as it once was but a girl can dream, you know?
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas)
Something that I had wanted to write for Brittana (since 2012!) but never had the brain cells to: a sailor!AU where the characters live on a flat world and they’re trying to sail towards its edge (encountering so many mythical beasts and legends on the way) (may or may not be inspired by C.S. Lewis’ The Voyage of the Dawn Treader haha)
Special mention to this AU since I've used for at least three fandoms by now haha: Pygmalion&Galatea!AU wherein one character creates a statue and her love for it brings it to life :)))
R - A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships
LMAO I went through Bae Doona’s body of work (what was available of it at least) in 2015 and ended up shipping her character Park Hyun-nam with her best friend (Yoon Jang-mi) in 플란다스의 개 (Barking Dogs Never Bite)...I wrote a very small ficlet of them (I literally had to create the section for them in ao3...and lmao I just checked and I am still the only fic in there HAHA)(please don’t look for my account btw all my fics are so self-indulgent and atrocious huhu) and I also made this gifset of them :))) As far as I know I am literally the only one in the entire world who ships them HAHA
Similar story for her character Ri Bun-hui in 코리아 (As One)...although honestly if it turns out that a decent number of people have seen this movie I’d be surprised that no one else shipped Bun-hui with Hyun Jung-hwa??? Because they??? Tennis table rivals from North Korea and South Korea who have to team up to win at the Olympics??? Jung-hwa trying to get Bun-hui and her team to loosen up??? Them becoming closer??? When the Olympics are over and the North Korea team have to go home, and Jung-hwa chases after the bus and tries to reach for Bun-hui’s hand, realizing that they might never see each other again??? I??? (Just...I had to make this gifset of their hands: when they first meet each other, when one takes the other’s for comfort, the last time their fingers will ever touch...)(Also let’s ignore that it’s a re-telling of real life event akjsndaskj haha)
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all
(Thank you roseate ;u; I’m glad that you agree and are interested with my headcanons ;o;)
Santana’s a trivia nerd and is the type to deep-dive down Wikipedia pages which is why she makes all those obscure references :))) (Also a more specific version of this headcanon, not something that I’d die defending but like,,, something that I won’t let anyone take away from me lmao is that she’s a TV/movie buff, dabbles in comics (specifically, DC and follows character like Wonder Woman, the Birds of Prey, Poison Ivy/Harleyquinn, Batwoman, and Renee Montoya), and started getting a little into theater/musicals after spending time with Kurt and Rachel :))) She also has a record player back in Lima and has a bunch of vinyl records back home (back in high school she’d play a couple of slow songs and just slow dance with Britt in the privacy of their bedrooms uwu)(imagine this scene and this song playing in the background ;u;)
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)
BTS, because so many of my friends are KPOP fans
Genshin, also because so many of my friends are into it
魔道祖师 (The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation) because my close friend fangirls over them so much and we just exchange anecdotes with me and Glee/Fire Emblem and her and TGDC
Critical Role and My Brother, My Brother and Me podcast because my gf is a huge fan of them :))
Not quite there yet, but I am looking forward to having Dostoevsky’s extended universe as a secondhand fandom HAHA
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muwur · 4 years
Hiii and welcome!! May I please request for the lovable annoying baby Hinata who has a HUGE crush on this popular girl in his class and one day she sees him at the mall or something and rushes to him begging him to pretend to be her boyfriend because there’s a group of guys that won’t leave her alone and that’s when she finally realizes that this gorgeous sweetheart exists and Hinata is just on cloud 9 the entire time but then he remembers it’s all fake :((((( teeeee
✿ pretend boyfriend pt. 1
♡ scenario ♡ for hinata
❧ fem reader
✎ 3.2k words
a/n: aw hello ty for the welcome <3 also this request made me cackle AAHAHAHAHA. also this format is interesting lolol, im so indecisive about how i want it
anyways, hope u enjoy hehe >.> this came out a lot longer than i had originally planned but did i even have a plan in the first place buut i aint complaining LOL
also yes theres going to be a pt 2 firhfnxfwifj hehe
requests: open! pls bbys dun b shy i have summer skool soon fml i need this to make me procrastinate on work LMAO
-having been preoccupied with volleyball, crushes never crossed Hinata’s mind
-however, he was about to find out that he was quite clueless when it came to love
-he found himself speeding to school on his bike one morning, riding at breakneck speed to try to make it on time
-ahhhh, i was so excited about the first day of going to karasuno and seeing their volleyball team that i couldnt sleep until 4 am...!
-that explains why he overslept
-lost in his thoughts, he nearly failed to notice the girl who was walking in front of him
-and so, at the very last minute, he swerved. i nto a tree.
- “oh my gosh! are you okay??”
-if he wasn’t okay before, now he’s cURED because the most beautiful girl was looking down at him with an outstretched hand, concern in her eyes
-he jumped up instead and waved his arms in front of himself, blushing and nodding, “y-yeah, I’m fine! don’t worry about me, a-are you okay??”
- “you’re the one who crashed into the tree!” you responded with shock as you moved to pick up his bike off the ground (luckily, it was undamaged)
-he took the handlebars after you offered them to him
-you frowned slightly. “i’m sorry, i should’ve watched where i was going. are you hurt?”
-he was too busy gawking at you to realize his head started bleeding
-cue you yelling frantically “y-your head! it’s bleeding!” and rushing him to the nurse’s office
-in his head: ‘i-im holding her hand’
-nearly combusted on spot
-and that was how he met you
-later he found out he actually shared the same class with you!
-though you never seemed to notice LOL
-you sat on the opposite side of the room, closer to the front of the class
-he sat all the way in the back, so it’s not like you would’ve really seen him but it was the perfect spot for hinata to stare at you and not pay attention to class
-and during breaks or when the teacher left the room for a few minutes, everyone around you would try to spark up a conversation with you
-oh how he wished he could make you smile and laugh like that too
-and whenever he saw you outside of class, he hid immediately (behind walls, doors, lockers, people *coughkageyamacough* “hinata boke!”, etc) and admired you from afar, way too nervous to approach you after your first encounter several weeks ago
-he just kNOWS he’ll do something stupid and end up a stuttering, blushing mess
-besides, you probably forgot who he was ;((
-one day at lunch, he hid behind yamaguchi, who was confused until he followed hinata’s intent gaze to your form, which was walking by in front of the pair
-kageyama, who also took notice, smiled devilishly
- “pfffft, she’d never glance your way”
- tsukki deadpanned, “you don’t stand a chance. she’s way too pretty for you and people are lining up just to talk to her”
-cue hinata fighting kags n tsukki, blushing and with tears pricking at his eyes
- “aw, guys, don’t be so mean, I think he just has a crush!” yams snickered what an angel (no i am not in love w this man)
-one weekend, hinata was out in a nearby shopping area to get some snacks for natsu cuz she wouldn’t stop bugging him about it (“you ate the rest of my candy, so you have to go get me some more!”)
-as he was leaving the store, hand in his bag, he felt a tug on his sleeve and heard a “psst”
-some higher being must’ve blessed him that day because here he was, face to face with the girl who’s been on his mind everyday for several weeks
-he opened his mouth to say something, maybe like a:
-“h-hey! you look familiar, I totally don’t know your name or think about you before i sleep at night, s-so hOWS the weather???”
-but before he could humiliate himself speak, you gave him a small smile and asked, “aren’t you the guy i took to the nurse after you crashed into that tree?”
- “y-yeah, that was me!” he stuttered out
-he was trying so hard to keep his cool, but he could feel his palms get sweaty and his body quiver with pANIC
-you stifled a giggle with your hand (hinata: so cute dfghjfgljkl) "im glad to see you’re doing well. sorry, i never introduced myself. my name’s y/n, what’s yours?”
-you extended your hand as a greeting
-yet all he could do was stare at it, dumbfounded
-the two brain cells he owned said we ouTTIE
- “my name’s hinata!” he yelled dramatically for no reason. “sorry, my hand’s a bit sweaty, otherwise i would shake yours!” so instead, he bent forward in a bow
-eyes wide at his sudden outburst and gesture, you laughed in response and waved a hand, “it’s okay, really! nice to meet you again, hinata”
-a few moments of silence passed by, he was still bending over, and you were looking at your surroundings awkwardly
-risking a glance up, he caught a nervous expression on your face, and it made his eyebrows furrow in concern
- “hey, are you okay?” he asked as he straightened his body
-nice. smooth and direct.
-you sheepishly looked at the ground and absentmindedly itched the side of your head, twirling a strand of hair with your finger
- “this is kinda embarrassing, but um... could you do me a favor? i promise it’s nothing too bad!”
-little do you know he would literally do aNYthing for you right now
- “of course!” he replied a little too quickly. “w-what is it?”
- “soooo, i ran into these guys from school earlier, and they won’t stop bothering me, especially this one guy. a lot of girls like him and think he’s cool, but he’s such a jerk! i honestly don’t know what they see in him. he’s been so insistent on dating me the past few weeks that i try to avoid him as much as possible...”
-you shyly looked up at him and he had to refrain from exploding
- “could you please, uh, pretend to be my boyfriend?”
- “y-y-y-your b-b-b-boyf-f-friend?” he managed to sputter
-you clasped your two palms together in front of your face like a prayer and leaned forward slightly, closing your eyes. “just for today, i promise! i remember you were really sweet when i first met you, so i thought i could ask you! i need to get a few things and i know he’s still around here, so i might run into him and his friends again. also, earlier, i uh... kinda told him i had a boyfriend to see if he would back off, but i think it just made him angrier...”
-you were talking a bit too fast for hinata’s nonexistent brain to process, but he got the gist
-basically, he needed to pretend to be your boyfriend in front of some guy that wouldn’t leave you alone
-it almost sounded like a dream come true
-except for the fact this was all fake and he wasn’t actually your boyfriend
- “err, how do i do that?”
-you looked back up at him questioningly. “do what?”
-he looked off to the side in embarrassment. “w-well, i’ve never really dated anyone, so i’m not sure how to act and make it believable...”
-you clasped his hands making him even more flustered and jumped up in excitement
- “so you’ll do it??”
-he could only manage to nod in response
- “great! ahhhh, thank you so much! you don’t know how much i appreciate this! as for the acting... well, we just have to do couple-y things. y’know, hold hands, stand close to one another, feed each other, take pictures together, kiss, all that stuff. just follow my lead!”
-did his ears deceive him?
-did you just say
-he?? was going to get?? to?/ kisS yOu?//dfokgjif
-he definitely looked like an idiot right now
-wide eyes glazed over, mouth opened slightly for the soul leaving his body, a grey and sickly pale complexion, stomach twisting from nerves and butterflies
-noya and tanaka would be so jealous
-and possibly kill him so they could replace him as your pseudo boyfriend
- “hinata? what’s wrong, d-did i say something?”
-your concerned voice brought him back to earth
-gazing into your cute, confused eyes, he took a deep breath and exhaled
- ‘im acting so uncool right now! y/n needs my help!’
-he mustered up the courage to flash you a determined smile and a thumbs up. “i’ll be the best fake boyfriend you could ever ask for!”
-you could’ve sworn you felt your heart skip a beat
-you chuckled at his genuine display and smiled back. “then in that case, would you mind tagging along as i pick up a few things?”
-he could barely hold himself together when you clasped his hand and scooted close to him
-so close he could smell a pleasant scent wafting from you
- ‘i cant believe this is happening im holding her hand agAIN was this meant to be—‘
-and then his mind went blank for like the hundredth time in the last several minutes
-he followed you around, trying to steady his rapidly beating heart and ignore the warmth that remained on his cheeks
-how could you be so calm when you two were holding hands for so long?? (kags: it means she doesnt like u)
-he was both elated and terrified at the same time
-hinata couldn’t help but relish the way your fingers felt interlocked with your own
-how you slightly swung your arms together as you walked
-the way your eyes shone as you talked so casually with him
-the crinkle of your eyes and the sweet sound of your laugh when he said something that was apparently funny
- ‘fjjkdjnf i made her laugh‘
-he couldn’t help but notice the way your hair brushed your face when you leaned forward to inspect an item on a shelf
- “this is kinda cute, don’t you think?” you held up a small plush of a hedgehog
- “y-yeah, adorable!” but i’m not talking about the hedgehog
-it was no surprise to him, really, to see why you were so popular with everyone
-what’s not there to like? aside from your stunning beauty and intelligence, you were naturally charming and radiated an aura that just drew others in
-two hours passed and you both ended up sitting at a table, hands linked together across the table’s surface
- “ah, i need to answer this,” you breathed out, letting go of his hand to rummage your bag and answer your ringing phone
-ngl his hand was already getting cold and he missed your touch
-after a few nods and short replies, you ended the call and stood up
- “well, now that i’ve gotten everything, i have to head home now. ..”
- “oh... i-i mean, oh, alright! uhh, it was nice um, shopping with you!”
-his heart sank a bit now that this blissful time had come to an end
-disappointment seeped in hello darkness my old friend
-you, too, were a bit dismayed. you never expected to have enjoyed your time with him that much
-how come you never saw him at school? you definitely would’ve loved to get to know him more...
- “y-yeah, i had a good time, too! er, shopping, i mean! thanks again for following me around, though. you’re really sweet, hinata. i don’t know what i would’ve done without your help...”
- ‘come on, this is your chance!’
-boyo took another deep breath and opened his mouth to say, “y/n, could we do this again som--”
- “y/n! heyyy, i’ve been looking for you, sweet cheeks!”
-you both whipped around to see a group of guys approaching your table
-quickly, you pulled hinata close to you and whispered in his ear, “act natural.”
-nodding, he stood up straighter and hesitantly snaked an arm around your waist
-then stiffened in fear when you were both surrounded by a group of guys who were all way taller than him
-you gave the boys a suspicious eye and scooted closer into hinata’s touch
-“what do you want? for the last time, i am not going out with you. don’t you know anything about respecting other people? besides, i’m already with someone,” you huffed
-the one in the front cocked an eyebrow at the sight of you two
-he had silky dark hair, smooth skin, a captivating gaze, and a smirk that could creep right under your skin
-“you expect me to believe small fry’s your boyfriend? him? with YOU? you could do so much better, buttercup. I could make you feel so good.”
-hinata could tell this guy was bad news. really bad news. he was the type who wouldn’t take no for an answer
- ‘ahhh, what do i do?? if i just stand here, he’s gonna keep harassing her! and possibly even hurt her...’
-the guy inched closer to you, much to your obvious discomfort as you stepped back, and he reached out to touch your cheek
-but hinata was quicker, and he slid in front of you before the guy could lay a finger on you
- “leave her alone! she obviously wants nothing to do with you.”
-the fiery glint in his eye was almost enough to make the other guy back off, but his pride wouldn’t let him
-angry, he instead grabbed fistfuls of hinata’s collar and spat in his face, “say that again, shorty.”
-hinata continued to stare into the other guy’s eyes daringly and grabbed a hold of his wrist in response
- “she said no. quit harassing a girl who’s made it clear she’s not interested, or else.”
- “or else what.”
-his grip on the guy’s wrist tightened and his eyes sharpened. “you’ll have to get through me, first.”
- “tch,” the taller male scoffed. he let go of hinata, pushing him back and glaring as he did so. then he glanced over at you still standing behind the orange-haired boy
- “bet you’ll get bored of shortstack over here soon enough. i’ll be waiting,” he remarked with a wink
-then he and his friends turned and walked away, disappearing from view
-hinata, who’s been running on pure adrenaline during this whole encounter, then collapsed on the floor from all the excitement and terror he tried to contain
- “h-hinata?!” you gasped, using your arms to support his sluggish body
- “ahhh... i thought he’d at least swing at me, but i got lucky...”
-he sounded breathless
-however, the last thing he expected was the soft press of your lips on his cheek
- “thank you, hinata. i really appreciate the way you stood up for me back there. no one’s ever really done that for me.”
-how many times can you die and come back to life in the same day?? p sure hinata’s broken the record for that by now
- “o-o-o-of course! i couldn’t just let him keep thinking that going after you like this is o-okay! i-i didn’t even do much, i-i mean you’ve been standing up to this guy for weeks, this was the least i could do to help--”
-and you were huGGING HIM
-he awkwardly returned the gesture, eyes wide with shock as he patted your back
- “i mean it. thank you. i hope he backs off, but...” you bit your lip and pulled away
- “w-what’s wrong...?”
-you sighed. “i have a feeling he’s still going to be bothering me for a while. i hate to ask this of you, but...”
- “could you pretend to be my boyfriend for a bit longer? at least until he gets the hint and stops...?”
-did this mean...
- ‘dating’ you at scHOOL???
-kageyama and tsukki will never let him live it down, he could already imagine their comments
- “why’d she pick you of all people for this job?? you’re so?? you???”
- “couldn’t she have chosen to be with someone more believable??”
-he shook his head from his thoughts
- “i-is that a no?” you asked worriedly
- “n-no! i mean, yes! i mean, ignore that! i can pretend for as long as you need, y/n.”
- “ahhh, thank you so much, hinata! i promise i’ll treat you to something in return!” you brought him back in a hug, swaying side to side in glee
-you both stood up after you let go. “we should exchange numbers!” you suggested
- ‘oh my gawd, im getting her number rdftegiuofref’
-tanaka and noya would be so proud tho
-you quickly typed down your contact information on his phone before handing it back to him. “alright, here you go, just give me a text! i have to go now.”
-you picked up your bags and gave him a parting smile. “i’ll see you at school! get home safe!”
-and with that, you were on your way
-he stood there and watched as you left, holding onto the cheek you had kissed earlier
-he couldn’t believe it
-he had texted you after he got home, giggling like a lovesick preteen (was he not thooo LOL) as he was reading your messages and sharing memes with you
y/n 乁( ⏒ ͜ʖ ⏒ )ㄏ : oh ye btw, who’s your teacher? also, where do you usually hang out? just so i know where to find you. i never c u around school for som reason
me: oh rlly? thats strange... (pretending like he doesnt hide from you lol) im usually in the courtyard during lunch or in the gym for volleyball practice, and i have class with ms. akio
y/n 乁( ⏒ ͜ʖ ⏒ )ㄏ : WE’RE IN THE SAME CLASS??? omg im so sorry, i never noticed :((
me: oh no its okay! i sit all the way in the back, so
y/n 乁( ⏒ ͜ʖ ⏒ )ㄏ : well, i’ll make sure to greet you next time :) ! we’ll be seeing each other a whole lot more now, so
-he was still smiling like an idiot when natsu burst open his bedroom door
- “where’s my candy?!”
-shit, you probably took it with all your other bags by accident
- “uhhh....”
- “shoyooooo! you owe me, big time!”
-he rolled his eyes. “yeah, yeah, i know, i’m sorry, i’ll buy you twice as much tomorrow.”
-he went back to typing away at his phone
-natsu raised her eyebrows in curiosity. “whatcha doinnn?”
- “nothing, go away.”
- “you’ve been on your phone all day!”
- “and?”
- “are you talking to a giiirrrlllll?”
- “n-no!”
- “then why are you blushinggg?? moommm! shoyo has a girlfriend!” then she added to her brother, “can i see her?? is she pretty??”
-he just groaned, putting a hand up to his face to cover his blush, and nodded
a/n: OKAY this def took me longer than i thot AAHAHA but no ragrets. ty for your request, anon, i rlly enjoyed writing this and i hope you liked it! there will be a part 2, ill try to get that done soon >.> stay tuned hehe. msg me or send me an ask if you wanna be in the taglist cx <3 have a great day or night, lovelies, wherever you are
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gifti3 · 5 years
ayy im back again with another jjba and game crossover! I’ve had this idea for awhile and I’m finally getting most of it out of my system now!
It’s pretty much huniepop but with jjba characters, and Bruno is your love fairy! so yea warning this is 18+  ——
Summary:  You’ve never sexted before but no worries cause your love fairy Bruno’s here to help!
You sat on your bed, staring at your phone, putting every single brain cell  to work. You were texting one of the many people you were currently fooling around with.
Bruno places his chin on your shoulder as he reads what you’ve typed so far.
He tuts at what he sees. “You aren’t very good at this…”
You huff. “Well, it’s not like I’ve ever sexted before!”
And you were only in this situation because of this man–er fairy!
You had met him about 2 weeks ago in the lounge bar near your apartment. That day had been stressful and you decided to go out to unwind and maybe meet someone new. Unfortunately, the moment you had arrived in the bar, your body decided to get cold feet, as usual. So you sat at the bar and began ordering drinks, keeping to yourself.
You had only been two drinks in when a man had approached you–Bruno. He had a disguise on, but you hadn’t known that at the time. The way he approached you was kind of strange, but you weren’t complaining. In fact, you were grateful since you were planning to stay in the same bar seat the whole night. 
He tried to flirt with you, but you totally failed at properly reciprocating. However, he still smiled and looked at you for a couple of seconds. “I think I can make this work.” 
After uttering that strange and somewhat curious statement, he left. You simply shrugged it off and continued to drink to help get over your disappointment.
You were sure you wouldn’t see that same man again, but later the next day he showed up in your room! Wig gone and with intricate, lacy looking wings, he looked like something otherworldly and straight out of a fairy tale. 
That day you learned that he wasn’t actually a man but a fairy, a love fairy to be more specific. He told you he was there to help you seduce as many people as possible and get into their beds as quickly as possible.
It was a strange experience, to say the least, and you were honestly still trying to completely process it.
You focus on the message on your phone, back in the present.
Bruno chuckles in that stupid attractive way that makes you feel kind of giddy. He flitters his wings before moving away from you. “Okay, let me help then.”
He snaps his fingers and you start levitating about a foot off the bed. 
The man doesn’t reply as he positions himself in the spot you were sitting. Once he’s settled, you float down and land on his lap.
You wiggle a bit on top of him. “What are you doing?”
“Helping you, amore.” He gently pulls you against him. “Now let’s start over.” He deletes everything you typed so far.
“I’m not going to just do this for you outright, but I’ll try to push you in the right direction. I still want you to learn.”
You groan. It really felt like you were being tutored at times.
“This person doesn’t know how to be subtle. What would be the best approach for someone like this?”
You think for a second. “Uh…to be straightforward too?”
“No. Well not yet. Try teasing them first, it’s more fun that way.” As he finishes that thought, he smiles mischievously and begins dragging the fingers of one of his hands along your side, giving you goosebumps.
You gulp and try to ignore the fairy’s caresses and type something simple. “Is this okay?”
“Oh? What exactly do you mean by that winky face,” Bruno reads.
You feel embarrassed hearing it out loud .
“That’s cute, but it could be better.”
You pout, something you were doing a lot ever since Bruno appeared in your life. “This is too hard Bruno.”
Bruno was still touching you. It was a nice feeling but distracting. “It might seem like that at first, but you need to keep going.”
You try again and type ‘oh ur going to give it to me? how exactly?’
Bruno hums approvingly. “Good. How would my cute human like it?”
You blink. “…I guess slowly?”
He places his chin on your shoulder, looking pleased. “I’ll be sure to remember that.”
You stare at your phone screen so you wouldn’t have to make eye contact. You could feel your heartbeat picking up in your chest and you knew he could feel it too. 
Bruno tended to act like this when he got a bit too excited but today he didn’t seem to be trying very hard to hold back.
Your phone vibrates in your hand. “Bruno you’re supposed to be helping me,” you complain.
“I am amore. I’m just taking a more direct approach.” He looks at the reply you had gotten on your phone screen.
as fast as you want it ;p
“So they like it when you lead. Tell them exactly what you want…Maybe throw a pet name in there too.”
You did as he said and, when he gives you the okay, hit send. Bruno was really good at his job when he wasn’t messing with you. All this was second nature to him.
His lips brush lightly against your ear. “Do you like it when I call you pet names amore?”
Before you could reply, your phone vibrates again. That was quick. You raise your eyebrows as you read the extremely explicit message. “Holy shit.”
“They’re probably gonna start wanting pictures soon so we might as well beat them to the punch. But I’m assuming you’ve never sent nudes.” He paused for a moment. “I wouldn’t recommend it unless you’re 100% sure.”
“I want to,” you say.
“Okay, you should keep it a little tasteful. It’ll definitely drive this person crazy.” Bruno starts fiddling with your bra before unhooking it. “Take this off.”
With some awkward movements, you remove your bra from under your shirt and toss it to the side.
Bruno goes back to caressing your sides before moving his hands onto your chest. He softly drags his fingertips across your hardening nipples.
You close your eyes and completely relax against him. You hated when he teased you like this but it felt good.
“Don’t get too relaxed. You still need to send a picture.”
Slightly frowning, you open your camera app. Your texting partner won’t be able to see Bruno so you don’t bother moving from your comfortable spot.
You snap a photo of yourself, your nipples pushing against the thin fabric of your shirt.
You type a short message.
“You’re quickly improving,” Bruno said.
You take that as an okay to send. 
Bruno presses a kiss on your neck and you shiver when you feel him lick a stripe up your neck.
Bruno purrs. “You taste fantastic.”
He places his hands near your inner thighs. “I bet you taste even better here.” He hand moves towards your warm center and you spread your legs wider for him.
Your phone vibrates but you really couldn’t find it in yourself to check.
Bruno nips at your ear. “What do you think you’re doing? Don’t keep any of your targets waiting.”
You reluctantly look at your phone. You had received a lewd photo. Definitely, much more revealing than yours. “W-What do I do now?”
“What do you think of the picture they sent?”
You decide to be straightforward. “Well, they have a nice body and it makes me feel excited.”
“Reply with something similar to that,” Bruno says.
After you send the reply, Bruno suggests you remove your bottoms and helps you pull them off.
The moment you’re back in his lap his hands are back on you. Bruno massages you through your blue panties. You push your hips insistently against his hand.
“You should send a photo of yourself like this,” Bruno tells you.
You purse your lips. This was beginning to frustrate you, but you hurry and take a photo of yourself, making sure to angle the phone to mainly focus on your lower half.
A wet spot was beginning to form on the blue cloth.
You type i hope blues ur favorite color ;) and send.
Bruno laughs at your message. “Are you sure you haven’t sexted before?” He pushes his hands past the elastic band of your underwear.
He brushes his fingers against your slit before spreading you open and teasing your wet entrance.
Your entrance clenches, begging for more friction and heat.
You turn your head towards Bruno’s face, desperation in your eyes “Please, more.”
“What exactly do you want more of? I’m just helping you with your sexts.”
If you could think more clearly you would yell at him. But apparently, Bruno was feeling generous today and moved his fingers to your swollen and sensitive clit and begins rubbing.
“I like how little it takes to get you like this,” he says huskily into your ear.
You moan in reply.
He stops his movement and slowly pushes a finger into your entrance. His other hand cups your breast and begins kneading. 
He kisses your cheek and you turn your head towards his. He presses his soft lips against yours and you immediately let him push his tongue pass your lips. You could feel him grinding his hips against your ass.
He slips another finger in and begins to thrust into you faster. The sound of him pushing against your wet walls filling your quiet room.
Soon enough you begin repeatedly tighten against Bruno’s slender fingers–the warm feeling in your lower stomach beginning to overwhelm you–and pull away to catch your breath. 
Your back pushes against his firm chest. “C-Close, don’t stop.”
“Where are your manners tesoro?.” He sounded a bit out of breath himself.
“Pl…Please Bruno”, you say before he could edge you.
“That’s better.” Bruno’s other hand begins rubbing against your clit and with a couple more thrusts of his fingers your body tenses, toes curl, and you moan as your climax washes over you.
Bruno’s fingers continue to work you through your orgasm, thrusting in and out of your throbbing pussy.
As you come down, you try to slow your breathing.
After a while, Bruno breaks the silence. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have done that…I got carried away. You need to answer your messages.”
You couldn’t care less about that right now.
And yea you might have just came, but you were already ready to keep going and you needed–wanted to be closer with this satyromaniac.
You turn towards him on all fours. Your hand moves up his thigh nearing the obvious bulge that had been pressing against you.
Bruno softly grabs your wrist “Sorry y/n but you haven’t earned this yet.” His face seemed like he was internally struggling.
He gives you a peck on the lips before moving from off the bed. He looks at his watch. “And there’s some business I need to attend to. You should answer those messages.”
With a final “Stay sexy and keep it classy” he was gone.
You stare at the now empty space. “You bastard!”
Keep it classy your ass! Crossing your arms, you fall back into your bed. 
You look at the multiple messages you had not been paying attention to.
i wish i was there with you
can i come over right now??
Oops. Well, you’d make sure to make it up to them later.
You sigh.
That fairy really blue balled himself.
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Awkward (part 1)
pairing: tom holland x reader
summary: you and tom meet at a gym in new york and from there, things escalated
a/n: this series with a different name was posted before but now it’s more refined and with added content. part 2 will be coming out soon. if you like it pls reblog or like it cause its the only way for me to know that you liked it. remarks are always appreciated. if you want to tagged pls let me know also up for suggestions
masterlist  part 2  part 3
According to your planner, it was to be a quiet day at work and it was a calm day in New York so you decided to take your workout clothes to your workplace so that you could go to the gym after work. It was around 5 in the evening so you decided to take off from work and go to the gym. The gym where you went was a shared gym between your workplace and a fancy seven-star hotel. It was because the place where you were interning in Manhattan was an interior designing company which was recently assigned to redesign the interior of the hotel. You had free access to the gym of the hotel because of the redesigning otherwise you wouldn’t be able to afford a gym at Manhattan.
 You started with running on the thread mill, you had run three kilometers which made you a bit tired, to be honest, when you decided to stretch before your favorite part of the so-called workout session. So, you sat down on the floor and did some lunges then, while you were opening a side split you sensed someone’s eyes ogling at you.
 You tried to see who it was through the corner of your eyes and what you saw was like unbelievable to your only seven brain cells functioning at the moment because of the long day. It was Tom freaking Holland.
 You quickly looked away before there could be any eye contact between you and Tom Holland.
 You sort of panicked and moved towards the wall to help stretch your legs. You sat on the floor with your head facing towards the wall and your legs trying to stretch as much as they could with the help of the wall. Suddenly you heard a small voice, you removed your headphones and turned a bit to hear it clearly. “…excuse me?” Tom said with his British accent said. He stood there waiting for your reply. “Yeah?” you said trying to act cool but your heart was in your mouth. “Umm…I saw you stretching and wondered if you could help me stretch?” He said.
 You took a moment to get your heart out of your mouth and admire his beauty but then you replied: “yeah, sure”. He continued by introducing himself with a charming smile on his face “by the way I’m Tom”. Even though you knew who he was, you tried your best to act cool, “hey” you replied and raised your hand towards him to shake his hand. He had a confused reaction when you raised your hand but you guys eventually shook each other’s hands. “You’re quite the shaker if that’s even a word?” he said with his still confused face. “You…have a nice grip” which he indeed had.
 He sat down on the floor with his legs stretched out, you moved towards him to stretch his legs with your feet on both of his ankles. You both could feel the tension rising, more like awkward tension. So, to break the ice he asked you whether you were staying at the hotel. “No, actually the company which I’m interning for this summer is redesigning the interior of the hotel,” you said. “Oh, so are you from New York?” he asked, “Not really, I just moved to Brooklyn from Seattle”.
 The next few moments were quiet. You checked your watch and it was around 6:30, you thought that you’ll be late. “I should get going,” you said to tom and stood up leaving him on the ground. You were very much excited about your favorite part which was dancing. So you lurked around in the gym to look for an empty room. Finally, you found an empty room with a big wall-sized mirror on one of the wall. The room looked like it was made for dancing.
 You entered the room and decided to put on your headphones back on and weirdly decided to hear ‘replay’ by Zendaya because you had just met her co-star from the Spiderman franchise. You danced to that song till you got into the groove, the next song was ‘nonstop’ by Drake. It was one of your favorite songs so you had some moves to that song, by moves you mean you really knew your shit around that song. Some songs went by and suddenly your ears heard a sweet melody of ‘even the nights are better’ by air supply. It took you no time to change your moves to solo waltz. One of your hand was up in the air pretending to be on an imaginary man’s shoulder and the other was on the imaginary waist. You moved around the room doing your solo waltz with your eyes closed imagining a person with you. All of a sudden you felt a person underneath your hands and it made you open your eyes.
 He pulled you closer to himself by your waist with a smirk on his face. The sudden force on your body made you gasp. His brown eyes were locked to yours and his body quickly coordinated with your steps. Honestly, you thought it was kind of romantic. You both waltzed around the room with the music only in your ears. It was sweet dancing with him but then the song ended and you quickly pulled away. You paused the next song and removed your headphones. “You’re quite the dancer,” he said with his very charming smile on his face. You froze, you didn’t know what to say or how to act. “Umm, I should get going it’s late”
 You turned right around and started moving towards the door when you heard him say “I didn’t get your name?” you trying to be cool in front of a celebrity replied, “it is because I didn’t give it to you”. “So what is it? Your name, what is it?” he said. You started to walk towards him and whispered in his years “its y/n” and kissed him on his cheek.
 You turned around with your hair grazing Tom’s cheek and walked away with your head held high. You did something ballsy and didn’t want to show any distress on your face. You went straight to the locker room to get your stuff and sign out of the gym, because of the redesigning the hotel people were asking to write down your information in a guest book.
 Before leaving for the subway to go back home to Brooklyn you decided to stop by at Starbucks which was right across the building where you currently was in. There was still some paparazzi outside the hotel building. When you got inside the Starbucks you noticed that there was a surprisingly long line to order and it was not in your best interest to join the line but you still did. You were close to getting a chance to order when you got a phone call from London. You answered the phone thinking it was your sister who was currently living in London and changed her number. You had no reason to think otherwise but you were wrong. “You won’t believe who I just met,” you said not knowing who was actually on the other side of the line. “It’s Tom actually,” a guy with a British accent said from the other side.
“You won’t believe who I just met,” you said not knowing who was actually on the other side of the line. “It’s Tom actually,” a guy with a British accent said from the other side. It was at that moment when you really lost your shit. “Fuck” you said regretting the very next moment.
 “How did you get my number?” you asked.
 “From the gym guest book truthfully” he replied, “do you wanna grab a bite?” he asked.
 “I’m at Starbucks, the one which is across the hotel” you replied. “Ohk…I’ll be there in bit” he said and then hung up. You went in total panic mode and decided to order because you knew that some hibiscus tea would definitely help you soothe your nerves. You ordered your tea and went on to find a table for two. By the time you were waiting for your tea and Tom you decided to read your email. You didn’t have many emails so you decided to open your Instagram since your Instagram account was private you had some following request pending and the most recent one was Tom’s. You still were not able to get around the fact that you had danced with Tom Holland and was about have tea with him. You thought this was all so surreal and unbelievable.
 “One hibiscus tea with pomegranate pearls for Y/N” one of the staff members screamed making you snap out of your thoughts. You got up to get your tea when you noticed Tom already there to get it for you, he looked towards you and passed you a smile saying that he’s got it. It was so charming, you were beguiled by him.
 He sat in front of you. He was wearing a tight-fitting white t-shirt with a black hoody and denim jeans, he looked perfect even with his hair undone. “How did you get past the paparazzi outside the hotel?” you asked sipping your tea. “Well I use the service entry when I’m having some personal business” he replied. “Aren’t you gonna order something?” you asked again taking a sip of your tea. “Yeah I have already ordered coffee” he replied, you immediately started laughing after hearing him say that. “What are you finding so amusing? Care to share?” he asked. You responded “Don’t you find it funny that you are British and you’re having coffee and I, on the other hand, am American having tea” “Good point well made” he said.
 “One Americano extra short and a croissant for Haz” that same person screamed again. “That would be me” Tom said and got up to get his order. You were a bit confused to why he had used another name instead of his but you decided not to ask him. “How is your ‘quackson’?” you teased him “you too, seriously…thank you so much for asking, this ‘quackson’ is amazing I must say” he said in a sarcastic tone.
 You checked your phone to see the time and it was around 7:30. “Well I should go because I have to take the subway back to Brooklyn” you said. Tom immediately asked, “can I walk with you to the subway?” ”Yeah sure” you replied without any hesitation.
 You and tom were walking very close to each other, there was a very little gap between you two. Your hands very often bumped into each other. For a little while there was awkward silence but this time you decided to break the ice instead of him. “So what is your next stop after New York?” you asked. ”LA actually” he replied. “So there is this thing tomorrow, it is like an after party. Do you wanna come?” he asks removing his brown curls from his face. “Afterparty to what exactly?” you inquire. “The empire state building is lighting up in Spider-Man themed lights for the Brother’s Trust tomorrow”. “Oh, I see” you replied nodding your head. “So are you going to come?” Tom asks again “I think so” you answer him. “Very well, it’s a date then” he says in excitement. You pause your movement in shock because this beautiful British celebrity boy sort of just asked you out on a date and it was unexpected as fuck.
 When he realizes that you have stopped walking he stops too, he turns towards you “What happened?” he asks you with a concerned face. “Tom, did you just ask me on a date?” you ask to confirm. “Yes, darling” he replies with confidence, “okay then” you say and continue to walk.
 “That’s me” you say pointing towards the underground subway entrance. Tom turns towards you and goes in for a hug, you and Tom hold on to each other for a hot second, just when you start to pull back tom kisses you. “Goodbye Y/N” Tom says when he pulls himself out from the kiss, “Goodbye Tom” you reply back. You still in shock decided to turn towards the stairs leaving him alone on the grey concrete pavement of New York City.
 The ride back home was supposed to be only 45 minutes but it sure felt like an eternity. You were so anxious about what had happened and what could happen in the future. Like always you were overthinking the situation. You knew that the kiss meant a lot to Tom because Tom was ready to risk it all with the paparazzi. People had already been shipping Tom with Zendaya as a couple and earlier you too thought that they were together but you were wronged.
 You decided to grab a salad for dinner, from one of the seven eleven which was on the way to your house. You get a ping from your Instagram DM, it was Tom.
 tomholland2013: hey! The party is downtown at Molly’s bar
 Your handle: okay…I cannot wait to meet you soon
 tomholland2013: me too love
 Your handle: well I got to go have my dinner
 tomholland2013: ok. Also one more thing, I’ll be sending you a town car to reach at the venue tomorrow so send me the address from where you want to be picked up
 Your handle: you really don’t have to do this, I’m a grown woman, I can come on my own
 tomholland2013: I know that but I just wanted you to do something for you
 Your handle: OMG you are so adorable to even argue with
 tomholland2013: are we arguing?
 Your handle: I don’t know…also fine I’m sending you my home address. It’s (y/h/a), Brooklyn
 tomholland2013: thanks…later love
 You woke up with a big smile on your face. You were so excited for tonight that you couldn’t even get through your day at work. Almost five times your colleagues had to bring you back from your imaginary world to planet earth. The town car was supposed to pick you up at 7 from your apartment in Brooklyn so you decided to leave work at 4:30 since the ride back home was for 40 minutes. The way back home you tried to sleep so that you wouldn’t look sleep-deprived because last night you couldn’t sleep with your anxiety and your scourge through Pinterest for some outfit inspiration.
When you reached home you threw your bag and shoes on the ground and rushed towards the bathroom for a quick shower. When you came out of the shower you were in total panic mode because you still wasn’t certain about you were going to wear. You looked towards your closet which was very unorganized and decided to wear something semi-formal so that you wouldn’t look neither overdressed nor underdressed. You finally decided to wear a grey plaid skirt with matching jacket along with a white shirt and a black bralette under it. In the case of makeup, you decided to go with a basic natural look.
Just when you were putting on your red heels you heard a knock on the door. You rushed towards it thinking it was the driver since it was almost time. When you opened the door a boy with red hair and freckles on his face was standing. “You must be y/n, I’m Harry Tom’s brother,” the said “hey harry, I thought the driver was going to pick me up,” you said with a smile on your face. “Yeah the driver is downstairs tom sent me to escort you” “it’s really nice to meet you,” you said with a nod. “Likewise, are you ready?” “Yes let me just grab my bag” you replied and then turned around leaving your door wide open.
The car ride with Harry was not that long, you guys mainly talked about each other’s jobs and Harry told you that how Tom couldn’t shut up about you the whole day. On the way, Harry told you that the empire state building was lighted in blue and red color today for Spiderman and The Brothers Trust. You even saw it through the window of your black town car, it sure looked very pretty.
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arcadeguk · 5 years
elegance and ramen
prompt: “what can I say, I was trained by the best” + “funny, I don’t remember training you”
genre: fluff. oh yeah, luna’s back folks.
pairing: idol!hoseok x you x the dance studio x teeny jimin
a/n: this is my first scenario in literally a year pls be kind n remember me 
if hoseok had to sum up his day into a single phrase, it would be what the youth call “an assbreaker”. he was damn near certain that his poor, sweet ass was in fact, broken. he had no hope of sitting comfortably for the next week, at least. after 7 hours of trying to perfect jimin's fluffy, contemporary “no-hoseok-convey-your-feelings-with-your-BODY” routine, hoseok was wholly and entirely done for the day. jimin was trying to work new choreography into their latest single - a routine that would emphasize the tenderness and gentility of fresh, young love. watching jimin perform the routine this morning was mesmerizing and hoseok felt enchanted by jimin's every step. but after stumbling around the studio all day - toppling into the mirrors and losing his “elegant” footing more than once - hoseok was hot, sweaty, and beyond irritated. 
with jimin’s insistent mantra of “delicately, hobi”, throbbing in his head, he finds his way over to the tiny black couch that’s tucked away in the corner of the studio. his belongings were flung all over – a sweatshirt here, a backpack there, and he was 24% sure his keys were buried somewhere among this mess. he frowns as he remembers this morning – or rather remembers the blurry disaster that was dashing out of the house with barely a kiss from you.
he lets the track continue to play in the background as he hums along to the melodies, hoping that the extra time spent listening to it will somehow send the message to his feet and solidify the movements. he bends over with an audible groan, one hand reaching back to grip his strained lower back muscles while the other swipes for his phone. he plops down on the couch, most definitely crushing the muffin he forgot to eat this morning and the sandwich he’d neglected at lunch. hoseok unlocks the phone and with a few quick taps, he opens up your message thread.  
he can’t help the fond smile that spreads across his face as reads through your messages from the day. his heart beats just a tiny bit faster as he reads each text - all sent at various times, all filled with hearts and smiley’s and “xo” ‘s.  you’re more than understanding of the expectations placed upon hoseok, and know that sometimes long days in the studio with hardly any communication with the outside world is demanded of him. when these days roll around, you never fail to text hoseok with hourly updates about your day. you share how the bus was 5 minutes late and you had to jog to your office, how the latte you’d had at lunch was arguably better than the ones you two had gotten in greece last summer, and how much you missed him and hoped he was taking care of himself. every text included that last sentiment in one form or another - he knew you were busy that day if they included just “ily :)”. but he also knew you’d snuck an extra 5 minutes at lunch when you included a thinly veiled threat about changing the netflix password if he hadn't had a break yet. he can’t help but be a little disappointed when there’s no mention of you snapping his kneecaps as reparations for not resting, but he figures that you’d get around to dismemberment at some point tonight.
as the last notes of the track die in the background, hoseok mutters a quiet “fuck it”, and quickly decides that he’s earned a break. he allows screaming muscles and stiff joints to relax back into sticky leather and clumpy sweatshirts. his head flops backward, the back of his neck catching on the top of the couch, landing with a definitive thud. he runs a hand through his fringe, mussing up the bits that stick to his sweaty forehead and brushing them backwards. his eyes droop to a close and he swallows hard, trying to relax the stress and tension in his neck. his phone vibrates in his lap and he tosses it with a whine. your last text had come in more than an hour ago - reporting that you’d gotten home safe and couldn’t wait to see him. he had a sneaking suspicion that the most recent text was from jimin, and if he had to put into words how fucking awful the routine was looking, he was sure he’d decompose on the spot. to save himself and his last functioning brain cell, the phone has been listlessly thrown and left to buzz incessantly on the soft wooden floor, just out of reach of hoseok’s hearing. another track begins to play on the studio speakers - and it’s one of hoseok’s new favorites. loud, full of thumping bass and tinny additives. the beat settles nice in the top of hoseok’s head and eases him into sleep. 
it’s not the speakers that continue to blare that wake hoseok up, nor is it the heavy studio door opening with a creak. it’s not even the crinkle of take-out bags or the strong scent of spices that stir him. instead, it’s your whispered “baaabyyy” that drags him out of his slumber.
bleary eyes crack open and hoseok’s barely granted an inch of sight before your lips are pressed firmly to his. you giggle into his mouth and a small smile crosses his face. He nearly starts to glow as his exhausted mind begins to put the puzzle together.
you, dancing, music, food, sleep…
he blinks once, twice, and then a third time for good measure before your face really comes into view. there you are, sat on his lap with a leg on either side of his hips, hands pressed to his chest and nose smushed so endearingly close to his. you can feel the warmth radiating off of hoseok’s body – and it makes you remember how much you missed the sunshine today.
“hi”, you whisper softly.
“hi”, he coos back.
“aren’t you surprised to see me?” “to be entirely honest, I’m not too sure I’m completely awake right now.”
hoseok is dead serious as his lips morph into a full blown pout, eyes somehow twisting downwards to create the perfect mixture of confusion and sleepiness.
“oh trust me, it’s really me and I really am here. and I really did bring a ton of that god-awful spicy ramen from the restaurant down the street. I don’t understand how you can eat that stuff and not have your intestines fall out of your ass afterwards.”
hoseok lets out a deep and throaty laugh, one that starts out as a nasally snort but soon turns into a guffaw that he has little hope of controlling. you beam down at him as he lets out the rest of his giggles, cupping his face in your palms. he lets his neck roll to the side, using the couch and your hands as a safety net to catch his head. hoseok smiles softly and nestles further into the softness of your palm, seeking nothing more than comfort and warmth. you lean down, landing a kiss square on his lips. your kisses travel upwards – if they can even be considered kisses. they’re feather light, simple soft presses of your lips to tired skin. cupid’s bow, nose, cheekbones, eyelids, temples, eyelashes – they all fall victim to the delicate onslaught of your gentle love. you come to leave a final, firm kiss on his forehead – followed with a unyielding “eat. food. now… please.” hoseok hums, snaking his hands between both your bodies, palms finding the supple round of your hips and massaging soft circles into the skin.
“hoseok, c’mon,” you say with a gentle flick of your fingers to his tummy, “you’ve got to be hungry.” hoseok doesn’t grace you with a response, instead he just whines again and raises his hands up higher, hitching underneath the hem of your t-shirt and scratching blunt nails along the expanse of your lower back.
“it’s getting cooooold…” you continue to tease, only to be met with a grunt and a flick from hoseok himself.
you take a moment, letting hoseok’s wandering hands find all the soft dips of your back before you lean in with a rather menacing statement of: “eat the food right now or the hulu password gets changed. You’ll never watch the end of game of thrones, you insipid toddler.”
hoseok smiles. there it was.
one minute, you’re nestled comfortably in hoseok’s lap, his hands languidly feeling you up while he simultaneously falls asleep. the very next minute, you’re being hoisted into the air and your pelvis is forcefully sat upon slender hips. two firm forearms come to settle underneath your ass and your torso jolts forward from the volition. your chin rattles on a firm shoulder and your nose bumps into hoseok’s soft and sinewy neck. you offer your thanks for the rather unwelcome ride with a quick nip to the corner of hoseok’s jaw, an injury that you quickly smooth over with a brush of your lips and a lick of your tongue. he sighs at your ministrations, doing his best to ignore your kitten licks as he carts you over to the table that holds the glorious (and ridiculously cheap) feast. before he plops you down, hoseok turns his head to nip at your earlobe and nuzzle the ticklish spot right behind your ear. “bitch” he hisses, with every ounce of love and sarcasm in the world. “your bitch,” you purr, and he just rolls his eyes with a muttered “fuck”.
hoseok can’t move. there’s no possible way. containers among containers were scattered around the studio, discarded napkins were hiding under the table, and there were at least 6 grease stains on the floor that he was gonna have to hear about tomorrow. but for right now, hoseok’s happily struggling through his 5th container of ramen and watching his favorite form of entertainment: you.
“so you never told me about your day”, you say, walking back to hoseok. you’d begun collecting the trash and trying to shoot 3 pointers from the mid-studio line. you were such a horrible shot that hoseok had to ask you to stop after he snorted ramen into his nose for the second time.
“it’s been this,” he says, gesturing with a greasy chopstick to the expansive studio. “these same 4 walls. I don’t even know what the weather was like today. the fucking sun could have not even risen and I wouldn’t have known,” he grumbles, his speech garbled from a mouth halfway full of food.
“that’s unlike you,” you say softly, plunking down in front of him, legs crossed while your hands cradle your cocked head. “what’s wrong?”
“jimin, this stupid routine that I can’t get down, my shattered ass, the bruises I’m gonna have for weeks, and don’t even get me started on my ruined pride… ‘delicately, hobi’” he says with a snarl, rolling his eyes and poking at the leftover noodles.
the room falls into a comfortable silence and hoseok is quietly grateful you don’t say anything right away. he doesn’t need every problem to be fixed all the time, just listened to. a beat passes, then another, then a third before you pipe up with a confident “show me”.
“show you what?”
“the routine. show me what jimin did. I’ll perform it for you and then you can tell me what I did wrong.”
hoseok squints at you and you can tell the idea went straight over his head.
“wait, just hear me out. you know how you are hoseok. mistakes are so much easier to spot when other people make them. you can watch me from every angle and doing each individual step, instead of just catching a glance of yourself in the mirror. you’ll be able to tell me what doesn’t look right and then fix it when you go to try it.”
hoseok pouts, but you can hear the gears turning in his head.
“you know what they say. those who can’t do, teach.”
hoseok’s container hits the floor. 
 the sky is beginning to lighten by the time the both of you call it quits. you’ve ran through the routine a countless number of times and your knees and ankles are burning from the effort. but you can tell by hoseok’s confident smile that it was all worth it. he understands the steps in an entirely new way after watching you stumble through them for the past 3 hours. now, you’re no dancer (not unless you count the tap class that you quit when you were 5), but your tiny contribution has made all the world to hoseok. the transitions, the steps, the whole body elements – they all come together in his mind, blending into one seamless piece of art.
your feet clomp down on the last step of the routine, the music dying out behind you. you expect to hear “that was great, but this time, y/n, I wanna see if you can,” coming from behind you as the track starts again, but this time you’re met with silence. you turn around and see hoseok silencing the speakers and sauntering up to you with a satisfied smile.
“good?” you ask.
“great, baby” hoseok beams. he takes in your flushed cheeks, the sheen of sweat covering your skin, and the accelerated rise and fall of your chest.
you return his grin and shrug, “what can I say, I was trained by the best”.
“funny, I don't remember training you. In fact, if I remember correctly, we’ve been watching jimin this entire time…”
this rebuttal earns him a half-hearted slap on the chest. you drift forward, resting your head on his shoulder and peering up at him with tired, but happy, eyes.
“you’re sure it’s good enough?” you check.
“trust me babygirl, I’ve got it down now.”
“good.” you hum tiredly, leaning up to rub your nose against the column of his neck.
“thank you. for everything. you could never know how much I appreciate it. the food. your time. you’re…. incredible. you’re just fucking incredible.” he coos quietly. he wraps his arms around your waist, hugging your sweaty body to his. his heart pounds against your chest and sure, he’s trying to show you how grateful he is through physical affection – but mostly he’s just trying to figure out if you really are real, and not some figment his hopeful imagination dreamed up.
“I know, I’m like, pretty fucking awesome, huh?” you quip, and you’re quickly rewarded with a giggle and a kiss.
“by the way,” you drawl against hoseok’s cheek as you smother him in kisses, “did you ever take any breaks today?”
hoseok grins as he reports, “I did actually. I took a nap right before you came.”
“good,” you yawn, “someone gets to watch game of thrones.”
hi that’s all! thank you! :) 
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And so I continue on my epic re-read of that nonsense royalty AU mixed with a teen movie except gayer-- uh, I mean, Misadventures
Chapter 6 here we go
I already remember that when I wrote this chapter I wanted to throw my laptop out of the window because it was impossible, so now I’m scared
Kim actually doing exercise in this fic was me directly calling myself out for lazing around all day
He tries to get out of detention by pulling the “but I’m a prince!” card ashfskdjhkf that won’t work on Lady Mendeleiev!!
Speaking of, I’ve had Ms Bustier called “Lady Caline” in this thing but Mendeleiev’s still referred to by her surname? Can’t remember what I was thinking tbh
Kim you dumb idiot, the nobles aren’t moving out of the way because you’re royalty, they’re moving out of the way because MENDELEIEV IS WITH YOU
Ohhhh my god stop accusing your own classmate of murder, I think Alix would have much more than a detention if she’d fricking killed someone
Sidenote: Alix did not deserve detention. The rules didn’t say anything about rollerskates so she did nothing wrong and this was very unfair
And there’s me showing off how much research on cobras I did lmao
...I’ll be honest, 90% of the reason I wrote this fic was because I wanted Kim to have to walk with a book on his head
goddammit you know when you notice symbolism in your writing that wasn’t there before? this fic is hecking doing it already. striking a BALANCE between being a stupid idiot and being a thoughtful goodbean is legit a running theme in this thing, and,, that’s,, their detention,,,sdskgkjf
I’m the noble who fell off the balancing beam. it’s me
Kim... I’m going to hit you on the head with that book I s2g STOP BEING A JERK
the symbolism gahhh I’m dying, he needs to be more patient and less reckless just like his life skjdhksjd sjdghbsjfhsk laksjflad
How did Mireille end up in detention, you ask? Simple. Aurore framed her. Those two have a real hecked up relationship in this thing and oh boy it’ll take a front seat in the sequel if I ever write it
well dammit now I ship Kim with Mireille I mean they held hands
“If someone doesn’t get over here to help me finish this stupid thing right now, I will throw this book at someone’s face hard enough to send their teeth into the back of their brain.” pls... alix... hit ME with the book I’m begging you
I’m. having an allergic reaction to Kim’s crush on Alix. I know what happens later in the fic and I’m already breaking out in hives
Chapter 7 is called “90% chance of death” which is an accurate statistic to describe the mortality rate of reading it
This reads like a game of Civilization and yet I hadn’t even played it yet at the point when I wrote this part
And Kim stop trying to be tsundere, you’re so bad at it. everyone knows the real tsundere in this fic is Alix,
There’s me showing off about knowledge I learned on wikipedia again
“That would be the coolest way to die. Agonizing death by snake bite. I would love that.” Juleka you can’t just SAY that to Alix oh my god do you even know what happens in chapter 25???
Kim being good at archery is 100% a shoutout to Dark Cupid btw also he’s a sagittarius like me and I’ll fight you on this
Max just got bored and straight-up left the sports day lmaooo that’s the biggest mood
I can’t wait for chapter 60 where the Other sports day happens and it’s like the total inverse of this one
she’s highkey lying. she cannot order someone’s execution, she may be a pharaoh but she really doesn’t have much power lol, she just pretends she does so people will let her do what she wants
only chapter 7 and Kim’s already crying over something dumb (aka the threat of being eaten alive by a venomous cobra)? nice
“I guess me suddenly storming in here and lowkey threatening to kill you may have been overboard” uh yeah, you don’t say?? he kinda deserved it tho lmao
I love how Kim’s all like “ayy there’s plenty of other cute girls at this school for me to fall for!” when the two people at school he falls for next are both BOYS
alright chapter 8 now baby, and yes the title “Chick???” makes perfect sense in context I swear
Oh here’s one of those boys already! Kim’s crush on Adrikins is so damn obvious I love it
The umbrella scene happened except with a parasol
the whole “you four seem to make a good group” thing was me thinking how Marinette/Adrien/Alya/Nino is a god-tier ot4
oh god I want to hug Nath
OKAY OKAY SO. Nath and Alix don’t make friends until like chapter 44 or something, but the reason she knew already that he liked Marinette was because Juleka told her in the snek scene earlier, and then Alix used this knowledge to force people into giving her chocolate
Alya your gaydar is so broken... almost none of the girls in your class are straight
I’m also going to hug Alix, I know what it’s like to be a confused baby aro -- in fact I was at the time I was writing this skdjfhksdjhgkjf
Kim’s homework was just me typing out a bunch of intelligent-sounding words I remember seeing in Crusader Kings II tbh
ohohoho chapter 9 here we go
noooo Alya noooo don’t trust Theo!!! you’ll find out why in like chapter 47 but just!! don’t trust him!!!!!!
Alya I s2g... of course Marinette likes girls, she’s bi af
Chloe and Sabrina are wlw too... please fix your gaydar I’m begging you
same with Rose, good grief, she really does love Juleka omg
I love how I called the kingdom of Couffaine “mysterious” and “distant” because I hadn’t decided where it was yet, because I’ll have you know that for the sequel I’ve decided it’s the non-distant and non-mysterious Orkney Isles
Alya just knocks on Juleka’s door like “YO ARE YOU A LESBIAN?” skdjhkjsdhg I’m sobbing
No Alya, Couffaine isn’t a morbid kingdom, Juleka’s just really goth. Couffaine is just like how Scotland really is lol
Kim wtf you can’t just ditch Max like that good grief...
and there I go teaching the readers about geography, because that’s definitely what normal people talk about in their conversations
Alix’s ringtone is definitely a rickroll by the way
I love that these characters are in fact completely aware that they’re idiots who should not be in charge of a country, what they’re unaware of is all that precious, precious character development heading their way nyehehhehehe >:D
Look... I know I said I was having an allergic reaction but hugs with height differences are Very Important to me so just this once I’ll let it slide
Phew, chapter 10, and then I’ll stop because holy shoot I need time to process the ridiculousness of this mess
oh my god Kim literally burning the letters his parents send him in order to avoid his responsibilities is?? such a mood?? I’m basically doing that myself right now
This is the only time Emperor Gabriel even has any lines until like almost the last chapter lol
btw Chloe’s oracle question was “will I marry Adrien?” and of course the answer was no, so that’s why she was upset lol (idk what Marinette’s question was, I didn’t think of one oops)
more geography lessons!!!
Max being irrationally mad at Alix’s country having a higher GDP than his was inspired by him being mad about losing the gaming tournament to Marinette in the Gamer episode, by the way
Alix... is a reptile scalie I’m gonna regret saying that aren’t I
I love how her oracle question is literally just a stealth “I’m aroace, right?” and that makes the irony of the next bit so much funnier omg, poor Kim lmao I was so so cruel
(also I finally fixed that inconsistency... Fu said he was 186, but technically everyone in this fic is about a year or two older than they are in the show at the beginning, so he should be 187 instead)
Kim has just accepted that he’s going to die young by doing something reckless and stupid, that’s such a gen z mood wow
I’m genuinely losing brain cells because of Kim right now, I’m contracting the bubonic plague as I type, I’ve already lost 3 years off my life and so has Master Fu,,,, ask a sensible question you idiot
No Kim, it won’t be CPR, she really will kiss you, you’ll just know okay... now if you’ll excuse me I need to go bang my head against a brick wall for several hours
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bbparker · 7 years
I Found You Part 4 (Loki Laufeyson Soulmate AU)
Summary:  (Y/n)’s soulmate tattoo is Loki in Nordic runes and now thinks fate is playing with her and he doesn’t exist because they gave her a mythological god. During the battle of NY (y/n) happens to meet him but what occurs once the battle is over? Her soulmate is the most hated man on the planet.
A/N: So omg this took me ages and its okay but I am in pain from writing this oml aha enjoy!
ANNOUNCEMENT: If I can’t tag you more than two times you will be removed, it gets little tiring guys :/ Sorry but we got a system here 🙂
Warnings: Uh some torture stuff, blood, death
Read [Part 1] > [Part 5]
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Heavy breathing filled the room, sweat dripped out of their pores as two pairs of eyes stared each other down. 
Another round of screams and clenched jaws throughout the room. The young female agent switched the machine off at her leader’s signal and looked towards the ceiling as if praying for forgiveness for her actions.
“You enjoyin’ this? I hope you are because I certainly am. You think you can come to our planet and start blowin’ shit up, killing our people and expect no-”
“I would rather the girl turn on that machine again than endure your petulant talk.” The harrowing voice echoed throughout the concrete room. The tall bald man sneered at him before turning to face the young agent, nodding at her once again. 
The two agents watched, one in horror and one in amusement, as Loki’s muscles convulsed and jaw clenched so he didn’t release screams. Switching the machine off, the bald older man got closer to Loki’s now hung head. 
“You enjoy that now, you horned bastard?”
Loki’s smile grew manic as he slowly tilted his head to come eye to eye with the Commander. 
“No more than I enjoyed killing your precious mortals, children, mothers, fathers.” A manic laugh escaped Loki’s mouth, some spit hitting the older agents face.
The Commander’s face grew red and before the young female agent could consider the situation, his hand swung out and hit Loki on the side of his face. “Commander!” the young agent exclaimed, staring wide-eyed at the superior officer. 
“Listen, Carson, you want to be in S.H.I.E.L.D sometimes you have to see and do the dirty work. This isn’t a playground, you hear me?”
“Y-yes sir!”
“Good, then switch it on again.” 
“But sir-“
“What did I just say?” Carson pushed the red button and as electricity ran from the wall and into the metal chair strapping down the god. Loki couldn’t hold it in this time as the shocks snaked their way throughout his body and invaded his mind. Loki felt a liquid drip down the side of his face and drip from his nose. 
“Kill it.” Then the pain was gone. The coppery taste slowly infiltrated his mouth and coasted his teeth in red.
“I know they call you a god and all, but I will break you eventually.” Hunching over, Loki couldn’t deny this form of torture was brutal but he’d been through worse, it’d take a lot more to break him.
As Loki’s mind wandered to the mysterious girl with powers much like him and loneliness in her eyes, just like him; he couldn’t help but wonder what happened to her after Thor caught her. Closing his eyes, he tried to recount their moments together. 
What she looked like as the wind swept her hair and that gaze stared up at him as if he were the most amazing creature she’d ever lay her eyes upon. He couldn’t help but let a small smile slip at the way her body shivered slightly when he touched his name branded forever behind her ear.
His name, in the old language. The way she’d fired up at him and shot back her retorts in his native tongue. How had she known? No human had ever been taught the language nor were there any recordings of it on Earth. Well, at least there shouldn’t be.
“Oh, there’s someone you care about. You’re thinking about her right now, aren’t you?” Eyes snapping open, no longer filled with mockery. Instead, they mirrored that fire like of the girl he had often thought of in his time within this cell.
“You know nothing mortal.”
“Oh, but I do, I do, I do!” He laughs throwing his hands in the air, the young agent stepping back slightly before gulping, looking between the two men. 
Carson didn’t agree with this, when she’d signed up she’d never even thought S.H.I.E.L.D would do this sort of thing; even for war criminals. The Commander turned back to Loki and puts his hands on either side of the chair and leaning in. 
“I’d appreciate if you didn’t get this close to me, the girl behind us might assume you’re into some certain many other things. Not that I mind of course.” Loki didn’t smile, he stared into the Commander’s blue eyes of steel, not daring to back down against this weak man. A slight cough of laughter trying to be covered up came from behind him.
The Commander slammed his hands down, only managing to frighten the agent, who returned to her straight but nervous façade. 
“I know about the girl, the one who was with you before your little ship went BOOM!”
Loki’s stare didn’t waver, “which girl? I’ve killed multiple of them so you’re going to have to be a bit more specific Agent Nicolson.” The slight shock at Loki knowing his name disappeared as quickly as it came. 
“I heard you were the god of lies… but it seems the shocking treatments are making that fade away. I see through you Laufeyson, like smoke.  Your brains in a jumble, I can see it in your eyes.” 
Loki’s mind reeled, there was no way he had faltered, this agent was trying to get him to doubt himself. Loki’s grin finally returned, tables turned and now he was seeing all the lies. With blood coating his teeth, he’d never looked more insane then at this very moment, Carson giving him a side glance.
“I wouldn’t smile like that. Your little girl is upstairs. Has been for the past month, just like you. Who knows what they’re doing to her. Soon they’re going to try… a little experiment.” He laughed as Loki’s rage seeped through and he jumped forward slightly, quickly reigning himself in. But Agent Nicolson had already caught the subtle movement.
“Oh, we’re touchy on this one. Don’t worry I’ll take good care of your little soulmate. Don’t know if she can handle as much as you but… guess we’ll find out!”
He laughed as he left the room, telling the young agent to pack up the machine but leave the god in it. Loki fumed, green wisps seeping out every inch of his body but rendering ineffective due to the new shackles they had designed specifically for him. Loki heard the young agent behind him but couldn’t find it within himself to care too much.
The green disappeared as Loki registered what the agent had said. Yes, he’d known about them, he’d been here thousands of years ago and often his worshippers had them. They, however, did not exist on Asgard due to something about the atmosphere and certain chemicals in the air or something along those lines. In all honesty barely anyone, even the Asgardians, knew how the soulmate marks came to be or how they were chosen. Never in all his time (which is a long time) had he encountered an Asgardian having a soulmate.
“Soulmate?” Loki whispered. Carson, having heard the god, came to the chair to see his wide eyes looking around frantically as if sorting through his own mind in front of him. 
“H-hey, you alright?” Carson’s Australian accent rang throughout the small room. She knew that it wasn’t allowed, her a junior agent talking to a prisoner, let alone a war criminal to ask if they were ‘okay’ but she held some empathy.
Loki didn’t respond, stuck in his mind and thoughts. He had a soulmate? Did it even count if he didn’t have the mark? In some way, Loki was pleased that somewhere, something granted him the blessing of being able to have someone specifically made for him. Another part sought to destroy her for proposing a weakness and putting him in this predicament. 
“Hey… god-dude. She’s uh…she’d safe. For now.”
Loki’s head snapped up and Carson saw nothing but sadness and a hint of anger. 
“Where is she?” Carson looked towards the door, knowing she should have left when she’d finished packing up. “I shouldn’t be telling you this…”
“Pl…” Loki hand to clench his jaw and almost physically push the words out. “Please.” The simple word made him feel weak like he’d finally told all his secrets and all to a simple mortal. Carson considered Loki’s eyes and saw pleading, longing and pain but she also knew he was the God of lies and could mirror such emotions.
Taking a deep breath, Carson knew there were camera’s in here but no audio, luckily. 
“She’s on one of the above floors. She has food, water but she’d not allowed to leave.” 
“She’s in a cell? Like me?”
The concern in his voice made Carson’s heart hum, she couldn’t deny her loving nature and nurture for things that are broken. 
Smiling softly, “actually she’s got a much nicer place than you… with clothes.” Carson laughed lightly at the sight of Loki’s ripped open shirt, an exposed torso for all to see. Loki smiled slightly before sincerely saying, “thank you.”
“It was no problem. I’ll see you tomorrow Loki.”
The door shut and lights turned off as Loki was left in a chair with his own sweat and blood making him uncomfortable.
The next day when the Commander returned with Agent Carson, Loki cringed. Another day of torture and although he was cringing at the thought, some part of him was comforted by what Carson had told him. She was safe and now there was nothing more than this pull he had. It was as if it was giving him the strength to rip himself away from the chair and travel upwards to find this girl.
‘Damn’ he muttered in his head, this girl was proving to be a lot more trouble than he had bargained for. 
“Good morning, sunshine! Ready for another day? Well, guess what, we’re not staying in here today! We’re going on a field trip!” Turning towards the Agent, 
“Carson, bundle up the equipment and put it out of sight, we don’t want another angry Asgardian on our hands.” Carson nods, making quick eye contact with Loki before looking away and gathering up the equipment.
Loki heard him before he saw him, thundering footsteps echoing down the hall. The door to the room opened and Loki’s eyes took in the sight of his brother who smiled lightly at Loki. Loki remained straight-faced as he watched his brother approach him and begin undoing his bindings. Loki’s head shot forwards as he head-butted Thor, sneering at the mere thought of his ‘brother’ being remotely close to him. 
Instantly a small but strong hand shot out to grip his wrist a small blue glow and instantly he was calm. Coming around to face him, Loki was surprised to see Carson bending down in front of him and in a soft voice asking, “may I take off your bonding’s, Loki?” Carson’s enticing accent suddenly becoming smoother then the slight twang it had in her normal tone. Loki mind became foggy and calm like she was the god instead of him. 
Slowly Carson slid her hands to his wrists and undid the straps as he watched her. “Can you stand for me please Loki?”
He did as told and stood, watching her curiously. In his mind, he asked for the release from this spell. Never had his mind been this quiet his demons this far from his mind. The weight of the new chains snapped him out of it, seeing Carson on the other side of the room, her Commander scolding her. 
“I told you not to use that party trick on anyone but who I tell you to. You remember what happened last time?” 
“Yes, Commander.”
Thor spared Carson a curious look. “Interesting accent you have. Do you not hail from here?”
“A-Australia, actually.” Thor smiled slightly before grabbing Loki’s new chains.
“I’ll have to visit sometime.” The Commander scolded her as she sank back into the shadows and Thor leads Loki out of the room.
 Loki’s eyes focussed on the hallway and curiously, Agent Carson continued to be reprimanded by others behind him as the group made their way to the elevator. 
As they continued, Loki observed. Watching how the operated the systems, pressing buttons here and there, Loki made sure to keep those in his memories. After getting in and out of the elevator, noticeably twenty floors up and above ground.
“Where are we going?” Loki asked but received no response from anyone within the group.
When they arrived at the end of another hall and came to a viewing window, Loki couldn’t have been more confused until the sight of a woman seated on a window seat caught his eye. She was curled up in a ball and didn’t move except for the occasional blink and eyes moving to look at something else in the window.
“They tell me this is your soulmate, Loki. Is it true?” Loki said nothing as he stared at the woman by the window, slightly taking a step forward. He glanced around her room, seeing untouched water and food, before returning his sights to her once again. 
“Asgardians don’t have soulmates, so tell me, why do you?” The Commander sneered from beside Loki.
But this time Loki didn’t have an answer, he knew he didn’t deserve one after what he had done. The number of soulmate pairings he’d destroyed in the execution of his plans. ‘What if she had died during the battle?’ Loki thought and some part of his ached from it and another side of him questioned his weak behaviour.
“Loki, answer the question,” Thor demanded. 
“I truly do not know.” 
After a moment he asked, “Is she unwell?” Thor turned to his brother in surprise after hearing his tone of concern, never in their thousands of years had Loki talked about a mortal so easily, without contempt.  
“She’s stopped eating.” Carson piped up as nobody was willing to answer him. A glare came from the Commander yet again as Loki turned to face the woman. 
“Why?” He demanded, staring her down.
��Agent, close that mouth of yours or you’ll be on cage duty for the rest of your career.” Carson quickly shut her mouth and backed down, providing Loki with a sympathetic look.  
“Your little bitch of a girlfriend found out who her soulmate was and decided she’d rather end it earlier than be with a monster like you.”
Loki’s mind twisted and turned the thought in his head. What did he expect, after all, he was the one who destroyed her home, killed hundreds of people. How could anyone accept him if his own soulmate could not? 
“That’s quite enough Sir. Loki, what do you know of this mortal?”
 Thor looked at his brother unbelievingly, “Let’s get you back to your cell.” The whole journey, the Commander gave Loki sinister smirks as Carson attempted to tell him something through a look.
When Loki was re-strapped, Thor grabbed the Commander by the shoulder and led him out in the hall quite noisily. Carson remained in the room looking at Loki as he tossed and turned everything he’d seen. “Loki…”
“Be quiet mortal! I don’t-”
“Shut up!” Carson whisper yelled, quite sick of all these men telling her to keep silent, even when she was trying to help. Kneeling in front of Loki to look at him. 
“She’s not doing it because she hates having you as her soulmate!” Carson quickly looked towards the door before looking Loki in his eyes and smiling lightly. 
“Loki, she accepted you as her soulmate, that’s why she’s not eating. She griev-”
“You realise why that makes no sense-”
“Oh, my gosh, be quiet you dingbat!” Carson laughed before placing her palm on Loki’s arm and a feeling he couldn’t describe overtook him. It was bitter and it was heart pounding at the same moment. It was self-destructive and beautiful as if watching a flower bloom and die on repeat. 
Something swelled within Loki before he quietly asked, “please, stop.” As Carson quietly released her hold on Loki, she watched as something beautiful formed before her. Hope lay within his eyes, the feelings exposed to him at that moment.
“That’s what she feels every moment since she found out you were her soulmate. She doesn’t hate you Loki, she loves you already, she’d been waiting for you a very long time.”
 Loki watched the warm brown eyes glance back at him, ones that showed this girl was pure and happy, naïve almost. 
“She’s not eating, Loki, because they’re practically torturing her by telling her you’re dead.”
Loki watched her as he thought about it, she was broken because of him. Something within him burst in joy at the thought of her, but seeing the state she was in, she needed food soon.
“Why are you helping me?” Loki blurted out. She was like a little cupid and now that Loki thought about it, hated that guy from the first time he met him.  
“I-I hate seeing what they’re doing to her… because I’ve lived through something similar, with someone I loved. But it's the broken things I tend to have an affinity for. ” She whispered as Loki watched her curiously.
“They’re holding someone here that you love.” Loki’swords were not a question, but a statement and the shiny eyes that kindly glanced up at him confirmed it.
“Not S.H.I.E.L.D but-” However, the storming of footsteps coming down the hall had Carson backing up quickly.
The Commander entered red-faced with anger, stomping towards the god and instantly smashing a fist against his face. 
“Stupid blonde freak thinks he can tell me what to do.” Loki spat out the blood coming from his mouth and looked back up at him. This man must have been somewhat enhanced, barely anyone had ever made Loki bleed. 
“Let’s go, Carson, Pierce wanted us to check up on that vault.”
They left and didn’t return until the following day, leaving Loki to wallow in his thoughts of the girl upstairs. The one destined for him and only him. Something grew within Loki at that moment and he’d be damned if anyone stopped him from discovering what it was.
The next day came and Loki had not slept a wink in the couple hours granted to him. It had to be around midday before a great screech louder than any Bifrost surrounded Loki. He squeezed his eyes closed feeling a terrible tearing within himself, something was very wrong. Pain shredded throughout Loki’s body before it became incredibly weak and he coughed, blood splattering in his pants. Staring wide-eyed at the liquid Loki looked right up as Carson slammed into the room wide-eyed. 
“What’s happened to her?”
“They… they wanted to try and see how far your connection went. She’d already started developing similar abilities to yourself and they wanted to see if it was physical. I see now that it is.”
“Is… is she alright?” Loki leant forward, genuine concern ripping through him. If what this mortal was saying was right then he was coughing up blood because she was.
“The Avengers got her out.” Though he hated them, he was grateful for her to escape but judging by his condition, she was severely injured. Looking down he found multiple bruises on his chest, more blood seeping out of his mouth. Evaluating his condition, he noticed a broken rib or two, a concussion and possibly internal bleeding. Knowing that if he could feel her pain there was no doubt she felt his as well. The shock torture and the face beatings.
An uncharacteristic whimper left him as he surely knew (y/n) would be in worse condition than himself. Then he felt it. Fading, some part of his was turning off. Like a light.
“She’s… she’s dying.” Carson’s eyes widened, “that can’t be they had medical equipment-”
“I can feel it, she’s dimming…” Loki couldn’t yell nor barely talk but when another tear of pain went through him before another cough Loki cried out. 
The one person he finally could have had to himself, to study and learn how far their connection went was disappearing and there was nothing he could do. Fear, true fear rippled throughout his body once he realised he was losing her. Hate, fear and anger built up until like a wildfire, Loki ripped himself from the straps and stood.
Carson watched wide-eyed backing up as he approached the door. She quickly stood in front, “I can’t let you leave, Loki.”
“I’m not asking permission, little one. Now move.” Picking her up by her throat, she clawed and tried to use her powers on him but it seemed his soulmate won over Carson’s abilities. Loki threw her across the room, watching as her head hit the wall and she passed out cold. 
“I am sorry, but nothing is going to get between me and her.” 
Leaving quickly, Loki’s rags provided little cover as he made his way towards the elevator. Already having seen this before, he pressed the button and waited; luckily nobody was in the elevator when it arrived. 
Pressing the ground floor and arriving in minutes, Loki barged through the lobby, knocking people over and throwing anyone away that dared to try and hold him down. (Y/n) had awoken this new strength within him, it wasn’t from hate, anger or greed. It was something else, like a magnetic pull Loki ran onto the streets and kept running. His feet seemingly having a mind of his own.
There was not but one thing on his mind. 
[Part 5]
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Being Friends with The Losers (IT)
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Summary: Your personal relationship with each loser
Word Count: 1.9k
Author’s Note: I’ve been in the IT Fandom for a while so I just whipped this up because BOY do I love each Loser with all of my heart!
I did this in like an hour pls dont hurt me!!!
- There isn’t a group of friends that are closer than the loser’s club
- You loved hanging out with the Loser’s club whenever you had the chance and it didn’t take long for you to develop a close relationship with each and every one of them
- Bill was your neighbor and the first person you met when you moved to Derry
- you two would hang out pretty often, most days consisted of running errands for Bill’s mom on your bikes
-if you had enough money you two would take turns paying for snacks at the convenience store and Bill would always let you keep his leftover change because he hates the feeling of coins in his pocket
- on weekend nights, Bill would always invite you to have dinner with him and his parents so he wouldn’t be alone or lonely at the table
- you both leave your windows open so that way if there needed to be an emergency meeting between the two of you, I’d be as easy as throwing a shoe into the other person’s window
- you’ve definitely woken up to Bill sleeping at the foot of your bed whenever he had nightmares or couldn’t sleep
- you have  the tendency to kick and turn in your sleep so there are times when you’ve kicked Bill in the face
- when his “sleepover” became more frequent, you made it a point to leave space on the bed so he wouldn’t have to sleep near your feet
- out of all of your friends, your parents love Bill the most because of how respectful he is but when you two are hanging out, he never hesitates to roast you
- “ You’re actually an idiot Denbrough.”
- “ This is c-coming from the s-s-same girl who t-thought Chicago was in P-Pennsylvania s-so shu-shut your mouth.”
- You’re pretty smart in school but it’s mostly because of  your study buddy Stan Uris
- You two share most of your classes together and if you fall asleep in class, Stan always has your back and takes notes for you
-  whenever the teacher announces that you can choose your partners, he leans over his desk to flick your ear asking, telling “hey be my partner.”
- most study sessions are at his house in his living room since his parents don’t trust him to have a girl in his room
- Stan always has flashcards and his textbooks are always labeled with sticky notes which makes studying with him super easy
- if you’re reading the textbook silently, he’ll just shout random questions that he thinks will be on the test like  " QUICK! what’s the Stamp Act of 1775?“
-” Wrong answer.“
- You two love using big words around the other loser’s to try and seem smarter, even if you have no idea what the word even means
- ” Quit being so hematopoietic all the time Richie"
-“  Cut him some slack Stan, he can’t help but feel ceruminous all the time.”
- “Okay what the hell does that even mean?”
- The only time you ever saw Stan cry was because of how much he hated Chemistry and he then proceeded to throw his textbook at the wall
- but you were always there to comfort him as best as you could with your chemistry jokes
- “hey Stan, what do you call an acid with an attitude? A-mean oh acid!!! Get it like amino ac-”
-9/10 times Stan would never laugh but he would at least give a small smile or stop pacing the room and pick up his book
-speaking of books, BOY did you get along with Ben Hanscom
- when you first saw his room, you were in awe of all the news clippings and articles scattered along his wall
- he was so happy when you asked about what other things he thought were interesting, causing him to pull a box of conspiracy theories from his closet
- you two spent a whole month reading theories about the death of Marilyn Monroe, the JFK assassination, and the moon landing
- while most of your theories made sense, you two would always debate on whether or not Aliens were real 
- “If Aliens are real how come we’ve never seen one? The closest flying saucer I ever saw was the plate that Stan threw in his house.”
“ There are UFO sightings all across America! Do you think those people just made those stories up?”
- “ YES! I think that’s exactly what they’re doing!”
- other than that, you two would always get along since you both shared a love of reading
- you two would always recommend and exchange books and you had days where you both would go to the library and just read quietly
- he always made you bookmarks out of old newspapers or tree bark
- long story short you two always have something to talk about and you’re glad someone enjoys reading as much as you
- next on the list is my boi Eddie and don’t be fooled this boy has amazing taste in music
- everyone thinks Richie has the best playlists but that’s only because Eddie recommends the songs to him
- you and Eddie share the same type of music, he said you are his “music soulmate”
- when he found out you were going on a weekend road trip, he made you a mixtape with songs he thought would keep you awake
- you never went into Eddie’s house since his mom is pretty strict about girls and who he hangs out with so you two just jam out at your house
- no one knows Eddie’s big secret: BOY can he dance, he has so much rhythm in his bones but if you ever told anyone he would kill you
- the only person who knows is you and Bill since Bill catches you and Eddie dancing through the window
- you aren’t a big dancer but when you’re around Eddie, you dance like there’s not a care in the world
- some days you two will lay on the ground side by side and go through the “sad days” mixtape that he made when he was feeling down
- other days would be the “Dance it Out” playlist where you would grab his hand and dance around your room, jumping on the bed and acting like a bunch of hyper kids
- when you’re walking to class in the morning, you’ll feel a pair of headphones go over your ears
- “Y/N you HAVE to listen to this song! Tell me this isn’t the best song ever!”
- “Africa by Toto? Are you serious?”
- if we’re on the subject of Africa by Toto, let’s talk about you and Richie
-it’s not surprising that Richie hit on you when Bill introduced the two of you but the big surprise was how quickly you two got along
- whenever he wants to watch a movie he’ll beg his dad for money and take you to the theatre where you two make comments about the movie and throw popcorn at each other
- however, when you two watched I Was A Teenage Werewolf, Richie clung onto your arm and tried to crack jokes to lighten the mood
- “Hey gov'nor! I didn’t know you were the lead role in this movie! You’re acting is phenomenal Y/N!”
- “Beep Beep Richie.”
- you loved dragging him to horror movies and you can bet when Jaws (1975) came out, he avoided jumping into the Quarry for a whole two weeks, no matter how many times Stan told him “Sharks can’t get into the Quarry”
- even though Richie is such a huge flirt, you’re definitely his wingwoman and vice versa
- when a classmate had a crush on the famous Trashmouth, Richie begged you to put in a good word for him
- it was going well until he told you of the attempted date he had
- “Wait! You told their dad ‘the only hot thing I put in my mouth is hot sauce, peppers and [Classmate’s name]?!?!”
- “ Should I have said your name instead honey?”
- but no matter how annoying Richie can be, he’s still one of your closest friends
- You were always busy with school but you made it a point to bring lunch to Mike everyday on the weekends at the farm
- you didn’t get to see Mike much since he was always telling you he was busy doing chores but you decided to volunteer and help him around the farm
- it took a little bit of convincing but he accepted your help
- one day you two had to clean the barn and move some of the machinery out to make room for more animals
- bonus Mike Outfit which is ACTUALLY CANON: Mike shows up in corduroys, a white tee shirt and black high-topped Keds
- Some of the machinery was hard to lift by yourself so you would ask Mike to help you
- “ I swear Hanlon, after all of this heavy lifting I better be as ripped as you!”
- after a hard days work, you two would sit on the grass and eat your late lunch, staring at the field and horizon as the sun went down
- your discussions were always deep and about the future, you envied how Mike knew exactly what he wanted to do with his life while you had no clue
- Mike always comforted you, telling you that you had so much time to decide what you wanted to do and that there’s no point in worrying about the future when you’re still young
- “Y/N, you’re smart, I know you’ll figure it out someday but you shouldn’t worry about how much money you’re going to make or who you’re going to fall in love with. Just live in the moment and live day by day you know?”
- “ You always know what to say, you  big nerd.”
-  Mike was always grateful for your help and presence since he knew how tired you always were after helping him out
- but you were even more grateful for having him in your life
-Last but not least is your girl Beverly who you were close to for obvious reasons
- you two were always surrounded by the loser’s club and you both would share a sigh or a groan when the boys said something incredibly stupid
- “ I’m losing brain cells being around so much testosterone, you wanna blow this popsicle stand?”
- you could always go to Beverly to talk to her about boy troubles and when she and Bill shared a kiss, you were the only person she told
- but you two didn’t always talk about boys, it seemed that there was no limit to what you two would talk about whether it be home life, the terrible thing called puberty, funny events that happened at school etc.
- one day, the boys were going to the Quarry and you were cramping so Bev decided to take you to get ice cream and you both walked around town the whole day laughing and cracking jokes
- your style was pretty different from Bev’s so it was always interesting when you would borrow clothes from her closet and vice versa
- the only person who noticed the outfit swap was Stan and it annoyed him because he thought his mind was playing tricks on him since “I just saw Beverly wearing that yesterday…”
- you love every single member of the loser’s club with all of your heart and while some days you love one of them more than the others, each of them have a special place in your life
- even if they annoy the living crap out of you sometimes
- *cough cough* Richie Tozier
-nonetheless, you couldn’t ask for a better group of friends
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Okay, I am totally digging your idea of the shimada dragons being eldritch horrors. How do they work besides being total agents of destruction? Can they converse with their hosts? Do they feel affection for them? Pls tell me ur headcanons. And hanzo having two dragons, oh boy. Is this still sticking with canon or is it veering off to au territory where the clan uses hanzo as a weapon? If we stick w/ the original timeline, obvs hanzo is still alive and kicking. But hes already nearing forty...
So, I tried to explain some of thisin a fic about Genji getting his dragon, but it’s not done because it’s beingsuper uncooperative. Imagine that, Genji being uncooperative. Anyway.
The whole exercise was essentiallyme and my friend trying to figure out how the fuck blizzard gets off havingliteral magic dragons in their (admittedly al-dente) sci-fi universe, and yeah,I’m trying to make it not directly conflict with canon or the current timeline.Luckily canon is pretty vague about a lot, so I have a big sandbox to play in.If it becomes explicit lore that they’re literally magic, I invite Chu orKaplan to fight me behind the nearest Denny’s. I’m pretty sure I can take them, what I lack in height I make up for in sheer rage.
So, I looked at the dragons, andbeing a terrible person who loves sad things, my first thought was “Those definitelygive you cancer. That’s some high energy bullshit. These Shimada guys are turbofucked.” Next question, what the fuck do weird glowing cancer snakes care abouta random subset of the Japanese population? Well there’s something, probablygenetic because it’s only just them, about them that’s of interest, there hasto be. 
Enter, two of my favorite things,multiverse and aliens! This shows up a little bit in the Hellboy comics, Tanis, and The City at the End of Time(which should have been so much better than it was). Also, uh, cough, a fandomthat I spent waaay to much time in despite the many, many problems. Anyway, ifthe dragons aren’t from this universe and need some kind of conduit to comehere for Dragon Reasons, then the Shimada clan could be that conduit. Eitherit’s something about their genetics or something about the place they’re allliving, but something about these people made them more attuned to whateverwavelength the dragons are on. So I think the Shimadas themselves representthin spots between their universe and ours, with the Well being the crossoverpoint where it’s easier for the dragon and the host to entangle, and the entanglementlasts until the host dies. (Sidebar: That all grew out of the antenna model forontological dualism) (Sidebar: I think they’re only dragons because the ancientShimadas expected dragons so that’s what they got. They could be anything, and theyinhabit more than just 3-space. This is kind of the vibe I’m thinking of. If they’d shown up in medieval europe, they’d probably look like angels or saints.) It seemed weird to me that they’re just hereto kill. They could be eating people, or some facet of people (heat, electricalimpulses in the nervous system, etc.) but that seems super inefficient. There’senergy everywhere here, once the meat people let you in, why would you let thembe your gatekeepers? But that got me thinking, what if they’re here to getsomething and the Shimadas are acting as an antenna or foothold for them? Is theirkilling for the Shimadas more of a side effect? If they do need the Shimadas tobe alive, then it makes sense they would protect them.
Circling back to multiverse for amoment, what if their universe is dying, undergoing its heat death?  They seem to be beings made of energy, atleast partially, (pulling from CatEoT, there were beings there whose minds transcendedmaterial form and were fucked whenthe heat death began.) Point of interest, there are supervoids in our universethat just seems weird. Fun fact, Earthis in the largest supervoid known to science, the KBC Void. What if the dragonsare actually here to strip mine energy and entropy and take it back to theiruniverse to keep it alive longer? A heat death is just the end of alldifference in energy levels, so if they’re stealing more energy from here tomaintain differentials to keep going, that would be a reason for them to behere that isn’t a weird crush on the Shimada clan.
Okay, but, uh, they’re killing thehosts. They give them cell-degrading radiation exposure when they manifest, becausethe Shimada doing the summoning is at ground zero for a second, roasting alive.Well, I don’t think the dragons actually grok that point! They’re beings madeof energy, and I think they mostly view the Shimadas as a web of heat and electricalimpulse and chemical activity, but I think very few of them understand them asconscious creatures because the way they think is so divergent. It’s like wonderingif your car has feelings. It’s real damn complicated, but is it thatcomplicated? Maybe, but probably not. So, like when your car squeals and you dosomething to fix it, that’s kind of like what the dragons are doing when themantra is repeated. But in using your car, you are damaging it through wear andtear, and that’s what the dragons are doing through repeated summoning. TheShimadas understand this as a kind of tit-for-tat, obviously the spirits wouldwant something so their lives must be it. And if this all started in prehistory youcan’t really blame them, when the conceptual framework for talking about the multiverse scientifically is so recent.
I don’t think they communicatelike humans do, through body language, touch, and vibrating the air withspecialized organs. I think they communicate feeling and intent more directly, probablywith energetic impulses. So, the mantras that the Shimadas recite (which varyfrom person to person) act as a sort of trigger or alert. Thinking about specific thingsexcites parts of the brain in a specific way, and there is some low levelelectric current involved. If the dragons learn to recognize that, kind of inthe way we recognize our phones have low battery because the meter changes,then they manifest and attack to protect their host. If the host dies theylose their foothold in this universe, so they do what they can to keep them alive.I don’t think the Shimadas grok that this is a side effect, I think theygenuinely believe them to be spirits. (My understanding is that a thought likethat wouldn’t be out of line with Shinto. A very devout Christian would believein angelic interference, for instance.) I do think the dragons recognize otherhosts, and try not to attack them generally if they’re in the line of fire, andthat the dragons, after a while, learn to pick out what their host thinks of asfoes. So, Genji’s dragon wouldn’t attack a friend (let’s say McCree is standingbeside him, providing covering fire) because it’s learned that the kind ofattention Genji is paying McCree is good attention, but will attack the guyjust as close trying to stab Genji, because that’s bad attention. It does takea while for that to set in, and some dragons are less discerning than others.
They can, however, learn to ‘talk’.They mostly just don’t bother. It’s a pain exciting the aural nerves in theright way, learning what the right way is, and they usually misinterpretfeelings when shared directly and dump a bunch of cortisol and freak out. Imaginetrying to learn to talk to your cat. (Spoilers for a fic I may never finish, Ithink Genji’s does talk to him. I think Genji has a very close relationshipwith his dragon, and that is basically unheard of. He’s a natural adorcist andlearned more from his dragon that the clan had in hundreds of years. Genji’sdragon is enamored with him, and Genji with her. It’s part of why he’s stillalive, she shielded him from a lot of the damage Hanzo’s dragons would havedone and shunted a lot energy away from his vitals because she learned from himwhat to protect. Genji would probably have just been burnt to a crisp if she’donly been on the offensive. She also helps soothe some of the phantom pain bypulling strings in his nervous system.)
(Okay, this section is pretty dark.)
Hanzo’s dragons think there’ssomething wrong with him. He keeps hunting down other hosts, making it harderto do their work, and keeps getting damaged. I don’t think Hanzo thinks hedeserves to do the honorable thing and kill himself directly, but I do thinkonce or twice he’s thrown down his weapons to let someone kill him, right afterGenji. His dragons won’t let it happen, they come on their own and attackeverything around him. They do not trust his judgement, and they’re harder forhim to summon and sometimes come when he doesn’t want. They don’t understandthe family politics that when into attacking Genji and then attacking the others,they think he’s just a malfunctioning machine they have to put up with.
(Uh, that’s over)
So, with two dragons, I do think theclan wanted him to be their weapon. I think, in the lull after the Crisis,there had been a kind of status quo with the various yakuza clans and Sojirowas content to maintain it. Others, now that they had a WMD in their pockets, wantedto expand territory and influence. Sojiro was like “HARD FUCKING PASS” and as long as he wasalive, he prevented Hanzo from going on more assassinations than necessary, and kepthim to more administrative things, even if that meant doing more work withdragons himself and dying faster. (Sidebar, I think the assassination thing iskind of a secret. Only people in the know would ask, and they don’t take money,they take favors. Money can be tracked. Favors can’t. Only the family is involved at any stage of planning orexecution. The client families and client organizations and random mooks haveno idea, because the rest of the clan’s business is grey market brokering or smuggling.) That’s also part of the reason the elders were so adamant Genji getin line, because if Hanzo died young they needed him to take charge. Sojirokind of let Genji be a useless fuckboy because it would keep Hanzo safer if hewas the only viable heir. It broke his heart to do it, because it ruined hisrelationship with Hanzo and the brothers’ relationship with each other, but hewasn’t going to bury Hanzo. Hanzo never puts it together, he thinks his dadjust liked Genji better and he wasn’t a good enough leader to bring him in line. Genji didn’t fuckingcare, because he was a spoiled brat, but kind of kens the truth in Nepal afterhaving to sit down and actually sort through his life and his choices.
So, because Hanzo has fuckeddirectly off, he’s done less damage to himself with the dragons than he wouldhave otherwise, but he’s still getting sick. (For a long time, it was a realworry of Genji’s that Hanzo would die before he could kill him. And then, whenGenji forgave him, that’d it’d be too late.) Nobody in the clan actually doesanything to fucking TREAT the cancer, because they think it’s part of somemagic bargain. The dragons do not fucking care if you get chemo, Genji knows asmuch. So, Hanzo’s bought himself some time by running away (and killing otherShimadas by being sneaky rather than dragon fights when he can, since hisdragons are flaky, per the dark paragraph.) If Genji can bring Hanzo to Dr.Ziegler, she can absolutely get it under control. (He’s probably got someconcerning nodules, but not full blown malignant tumors in all of his him.) Hermethodologies could absolutely target and destroy cancerous cells and repair thedamage, if Hanzo will accept the treatment. So he’s not doomed, if he doesn’twant to be. (He’s trying to race liver failure and cancer on his own though, soGenji needs to get the lead out if he’s gonna put out this tire fire.)
I think I answered most of yourquestions? I love talking about this, so if you weren’t clear I’m happy toelaborate! Please forgive any spelling/grammar fuck ups, I wrote this all downkind of stream of consciousness.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 7 years
Already chip designers have to think about the problem in its full complexity, it would still be important to release quickly, because for a startup that's going to die, here it is: The Men's Wearhouse was at that moment running ads saying The Suit is Back. Then when you reach $150k you're more than half of one round before securing the next. Life is too short for x have great force. It is an evolutionary dead-end—a wire service article whose first sentence is your own ad copy. Though the first philosophers in the western tradition lived about 2500 years ago, it would be bad advice. Do you have to quit and start your own company can be fairly interesting. When I was running a startup you could make much more money from it. Because they personally liked it. This is essentially a way of saying what they really mean is that their interest in a company who really have to, but there's usually some feeling they shouldn't have to—that their own programmers should be able to say to investors We'll succeed no matter what, but raising money will help us do it faster. Certainly I do. If you follow the trail through the pointy-haired boss's brain to Java and then back through Java's history to its origins, you end up with: def foo n: s n def bar i: s 0 i return s 0 return bar Python users might legitimately ask why they can't just write def foo n: lambda i: n i and my guess is that a hundred years?
The Men's Wearhouse was at that moment running ads saying The Suit is Back. When you talk to investors your m. Launch fast and iterate. The area under the curve is small, but its shape jabs into your consciousness like a pin. The company that says they're going to give us in the next sentence you'll actually explain what you've made more effectively than any verbal description. Many employees would like to do, instead of letting it drag on through your whole life. Traditionally phase 2 fundraising is to get a job.
If you start a startup and Steve Jobs wanted to invest in startups founded by eminent professors. But airports are not so bad: most of the extra computer power we're given will go to waste. For nearly all of history the success of your company. Don't be evil. Fundraising usually takes off fast for the startups that are likely to make it even more attractive. The example of a useful, general idea, consider that of the controlled experiment. Your primary goal should be to get it over with and get back to them when you're fundraising; but do not get sucked down the slippery slope. This is in contrast to Fortran and most succeeding languages, which distinguish between expressions and statements was entrenched. But of course their main job is to build version 1 of their software. Which means no alarms go off when he takes on grand but vaguely understood questions and ends up getting lost in a sea of words. We want kids to be innocent so they can try him out—and then a month later as employee #1.
What's important about startups is the speed. The more of a language you can write any program in any of them. I didn't realize it would be used to express Lisp programs in practice. What, besides clothes and toiletries, do you make a point of packing? Younger would-be founders are often surprised that investors expect them either to sell the company or go public. If this were true, he would have answered with as little hesitation as he does today. I've written this, everyone else can blame me if they want.
I made the list there turned out to be widely applicable. So the language is likely to have happened to any bigger than a cell. But those aren't the only reasons parents don't want their teenage kids having sex. Venture funding works like gears. A fundraising, and decide they should raise money too, since that seems to be run by a committee. Once an essay has had a couple thousand dollars in legal work and registration fees, and the living expenses of the founders. Many are stunningly bad, but that's not its goal. The unusual thing about Lisp—both in the sense that their main purpose is to shield the pointy-haired boss miraculously combines two qualities that are common by themselves, but rarely seen together: a he knows nothing about: the problem you're solving and what you've built so far. Historically, languages designed for large organizations PL/I, Pascal, Ada, C.
It not only won't cap the amount you hope to raise. As long as you're profitable. Life is short, as everyone knows. I don't want to destroy it by feeding them mere propaganda. And how soon? A lot of the most common form of failure is running out of money and the only place to get more of it, like music, or tea, but I didn't learn any magical truths compared to which everything else was mere domain knowledge. But this is to be fanatically attentive to customers' needs. Who cares if hackers like Apple again? Inexperience there doesn't make you unattractive. And so in starting a startup means the particles they're attracting are getting lighter.
For example, it would be hard to undo, you couldn't switch management companies. It runs along the base of the hills, then heads uphill through Portola Valley. You could just say: this is what you end up with a bunch of guesses, and guesses about stuff that's probably not your area of expertise. But reporters don't want to destroy it by feeding them mere propaganda. Joe Kraus says you should try to eliminate it if you let them. I grew older, suburbia started to feel suffocatingly fake. In a startup you're judged by users, and they try to push you toward making something that makes a few people deeply happy. Market. The word essay comes from the French verb essayer, which means a you don't have this protection, as we asked for more details, they were compelled to invent more, so the deal fell through.
The most important reason to release early, though, is that you shouldn't relax just because you have no revenues. The answer probably depends on the application. Just go to their web site and send them an email. What they mean by blogger is not someone who publishes online. You may need to. So the average quality of writing online isn't what the print media were in serious trouble, and that you'll get back to work anyway. But that doesn't mean you should actually use it to carry a payload of beneficial beliefs, and they also have more brand to preserve. Code size is important, because the two are only loosely coupled.
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