#braiden wood imagine
ohholyfanfics · 6 years
Old Post Masterlist: Part 1
Hey loves, here’s a part one of the old posts I’ve collected over the few years. Mind you these dates back to my high school days, the mass post will stop once we reach 2017. Hope you all enjoyed these as much as I enjoyed writing them for you all! 
Jovani Jara:
This Town
Aaron Carpenter:
Why isn’t that me Part 1
Why isn’t that me Part 2
The Sweet Life
Marry Me
Taylor Caniff:
Beach Day
Cameron Dallas:
I Love You
Envy Isn’t a Pretty Color
But They Like Each Other
Lazy Day
The Tag
Car Rides with Cam Be Like
It was always you
Imagine For Val
Imagine For Lara
Imagine For Monica
Matthew Espinosa:
It’s Alright Baby
You Can Do Better
Connor Franta:
Better Together
Cause You’re The One
I Shouldn’t Be Missing You
Tronnor Blurb
Carter Reynolds:
I Can’t Imagine a Day I Won't
Nash Grier:
I Love You
Instagram While Dating Nash
Your Relationship With Him
Hayes Grier:
Hayes The Bae
Levi Randall:
Jack Gilinsky:
Crazy For You
Shawn Mendes:
So Much Love (lost link)
Fool For You
Paper hearts
Sometimes It ends in love.
Need (lost link)
Jacob Whitesides:
Jon Klaasen:
Her Love
Chris Ganoudis:
One Of You
Conor Maynard:
Just A Little Push
Dylan O'Brian:
Not Like That
Justin Bieber:
Tell Us A Story
Is This The End
I Missed You
Fun In The Sun
Strong For You
Braiden Wood:
One and Only
David Scarzone:
Spencer Sutherland:
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portuscale-hq · 5 years
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Braiden “Bambi” Green Leaves | 30 | Fixed --> Greater Good
Realm: Enchanted Forest
Occupation: Biotechnologist for the Wildlife Rehabilitation Park
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: Up to player
FC: Brenton Thwaites
He is: Gentle --> Brave --> Protective
But also: Carefree --> Clumsy --> Shy
Based on Bambi from Bambi
Wake up, it’s happened! The new prince is born. ||
Born in one of Enchanted Forest’s monarch families made Braiden receive the Prince of the Forest title, not that it meant a lot, for everyone knew that Yen Sid was the great ruler of that realm, even so, he was indeed born on a important family of some sorts. While growing up little Bambi always saw his father protecting the main forest of his realm and do everything he could to make the enviroment a good place to live, with such an important job he had never much time for his little son, but that didn’t matter, Bambi would always have his mother, or at least that´s what he thought. At a young age Bambi lost his mother to a terrible disease, and since then Braiden found himself reconecting to his father. 
Growing up wasn´t hard, for Bambi had a lot of friends to make him company, he would spend his childhood runing and playing around whithin the big forest woods. His father even taught him how to be aware of his surroundings, listening to everything that was going on on his domains. Braiden always loved to be surrounded by the trees and the animals, so learning about his family´s business was a natural thing for the yound lad. 
As the years went by, Braiden started to be the one protecting everything and everyone, because of that, Yen Sid himself went to speak with Bambi and asked him a very important thing: to follow Velkan Chernabog to a whole new realm called Portus Cale and not let him spread his darkness to that new land. Being a gentleman of course Bambi did what he was asked for, he couldn’t imagine that his beloved Faline and his friends would go after him, so now, Bambi needs to find a way to stop Velkan before he succeeds with his evil plan. He settled himself in Portus Cale by working on his favorite place the Wild Life Rehabilitation Park, trying to be undiscovered by the others disguised as a simple biotecnologist.
Everything in the forest has its reasons. ||
Velkan Chernabog  --> Beware of the men! 
Growing up Bambi always heard about the perils of Chernabog family. However he never thought he would be the one who needed to stop their atrocities. Being a gentle soul Bambi doesn’t like confrontations that much, but he’ll do everything he can to sttop Velkan, even if it goes against being gentle to all things. 
Faline Green Thump --> Love is a song that never dies.
These two were always dancing around each other while growing up, everybody knew what would happen when they got older, the thought og the two of them being together has always been a certainty on his mind, nonetheless, he doesn’t want to drag Faline into this mess that’s his life right now, he doesn’t know if he’s strong enough to avert her. 
Theodore “Thumper” Vanserra --> Come on, you can do it!
As long as Bambi can remember Thumper was at his side acting like his best friend. The two young men were inseparable as children, because of that Bambi also got real close with Thumper’s sisters, acting like a big brother to them as well, so of course when Theodore asked if he wanted help Bambi didn’t think twice when he accepted his help. Now the two of them are doing everything they can to return as soon as posible to Enchanted Forest.
Florence “Flower” Archeron --> He can call me flower, I don’t mind.
Florence was always around while Bambi was growing up, so it was natural that the two of them became friends. It was a surprise for him, however to find out that Florence is also in Portus Cale, and that mistery is still something that Bambi is trying to solve. 
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synosuresarchive · 6 years
♞ & ☻ for BRAIDEN bitch
♞: caring for the other while ill
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“webMD says you have radiation sickness… or pancreas inflammation,” aiden joked, setting the hot tea on her night stand. he watched her face scrunch, assuming her must throat ache too badly to fire back at him. brooke was undoubtedly in the peak of her sickness, her nose rudolph-red with swollen eyes. taking a seat on her bedside, he pushed the hair from her face as the pad of his thumb rubbed a circle against her cheek. “at least you’re still so pretty,” aiden sighed. “it just really sucks that this will probably kill you. snot is not supposed to be that color, you know.”
☻ our muses on their wedding day
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after twenty minutes of solid pacing, aiden counted 348 steps from one side of the room to the other. it was a good enough distraction from the idea that he would quite literally be hearing wedding bells in about forty minutes. the idea of his impending marriage to brooke didn’t scare him or cause an ounce of doubt in his mind, but his hands shook and his heart raced at the thought that it may for brooke.
he’d always had the white picket fence in his mind’s eye for himself, the american dream. brooke had always wanted to carve out her own specific path. she could change her mind at the drop of a hat and always had the idea that she could make her own dreams — and she always did. the fact that she allowed aiden to be apart of whatever dreams she had weaved for herself was something he thanked the universe for every day. but just in the recent weeks as the wedding approached ever-closer, the thought that she could be doing this solely for his benefit and comfort made him feel sick. his own selfish introversion made any time he tried to bring it up nearly impossible, but now felt as if he had no real choice.
aiden tried to not think about the negative as he bee lined for the bridal suite, ignoring the calamity that racked around his brain. if not having a marriage or a wife was a sacrifice he had to make for her happiness, was it that big of a deal? obviously not, as he edged closer to the door and gave it two hard knocks. the door cracked and he quickly turned around as he suddenly remembered the superstition. “i know, i know — don’t yell at me yet. i know i’m not supposed to see you or even be here, but we both already know we’ll probably get married and divorced twice just to make the news if we actually do this anyway.” ignoring her questioning, he backed up until he felt the wood of the door frame against his back. moving his hand in the open door way, he reached toward her. “can you hold my clammy hand please?” pausing until he felt her hand in his, aiden let out a deep breath, “i feel like such a loser, sitting in that room all by myself and counting my steps. all i want to do is see you, you know? but you’re in here, putting on a dress that you’re going to make me help you go to the bathroom in, and this is all such a big deal and i know you hate that. you hate that, don’t you?” he heard brooke begin to speak and a lump immediately jumped up to his throat, “just… wait. before you say anything,” he interrupted. “i don’t want you to do this for me — this whole wedding thing. i know that you’re probably doing it for me, and that really sucks to think about.” the male sighed, squeezing her hand tighter as he continued, “i used to want to get married when i was younger because i thought that was just what you do. as much as i talk a big game, i never imagined anything spectacular for my life or myself until i met you. then, after you, i really just wanted to get married so when i was having a shitty day i could look down at the ring on my finger and think of you.” not looking at her was growing harder and harder, as aiden squeezed his eyes tightly shut. “our whole life together has been an uphill battle and i still am not blind to the fact that i don’t deserve a single day with you, not to mention a whole life time. and if there’s even a part of you that doesn’t want to make a commitment like that today, then that’s okay. there’s a huge tax cut for married couples, you know that, right? like, that shit sucks. and i’ll even go outside and tell everyone it’s off. pencil dick will probably be disappointed he couldn’t object during the ceremony, but who gives a fuck? and also, who the fuck invited him?” feeling himself continue on a spiral of digression, aiden let his body fall into a small slump as he now leaned on the doorway for support. “i just love you and that’s all that matters. and if you have any doubt in your mind, any at all, i’m happy with you as long as i’m with you — that’s it.”
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byesoldiers · 11 years
Imagine for Erin: Braiden
You were practicing a song you were going to do for the talent show. You made sure you were alone before you practiced though. No one outside of school never really knew you sang. You especially didn't want to tell your boyfriend, Braiden, that you could sing. You knew he would be supportive there were just other reasons. You started practicing in your room. You got lost in the song. When the song ended you heard clapping behind you. You quickly turn around and see Braiden standing at the doorway. "What are you doing here?" You ask. "I always come over at this time." He says. You sigh. "You're really good." He says. "You weren't supposed to know." You say. "Know what? That you sing? Because you're amazing." He says. "You weren't supposed to know." You repeat. "Why not?" He asks. "Because you just aren't." You say. "What's so bad about me knowing that you sing? You aren't bad. I mean you should be signed you're so good." He says. "I just didn't want you to react like you are and try to help me get a career in singing. I don't want you to think I'm using you." You say. "I would never think you were using me." He says. "You wouldn't?" You ask. He shakes his head. "What were you practicing for anyway?" He asks. "This talent show." You say. "Well I bet you are gonna be great." He smiles. "And I'll be in the front row to watch." He says. "Thanks Braiden." You say. "Anytime. I love you." He says. "I love you too." You say. He leans in a gives you a long meaningful kiss.
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ohholyfanfics · 8 years
Braiden Wood Blurb 🎄
Day Four of Christmas Loving: 
🎄Song(s):Loves Is Christmas by Sara Bareilles 
She huffed slightly, resting a hand on her slowly growing bump, she watched as her husband watched her with an adoring smile. Three months ago they had found out they were expecting their first child together . She had made him promise to not let anything spill to anyone about the news, she wanted this to be something special. 
Once inside everything was in full swing, friends and family gathered around the Christmas tree, they were the last to arrive. Both their parents had been waiting for news like this for a while, she was surprised at the fact that neither of their mother’s had figured out making this much more exciting. 
“Alright, mom, dad..” Y/N mumbled as she pulled out a small box. She watched as Braiden did the same. She looked back at him waiting for him to explain. 
“We’ve pulled our minds together and decided to give you both the same gift.” He stated as they both reached over handing them the small box. He stood back taken his wife in his arms as they awaited their parents reaction. 
“Wait..” Her mother gasped, they watched as all four of them looked from the box to them before cheers broke out into the room cause them both to erupt into laughter. Inside the small contend a framed picture of her most recent ultrasound. 
“WE’RE GONNA BE GRANDPARENTS!” They shouted with excitement as everyone took turns congratulation the parents to before all the questions started flowing. 
🎄 Request Blurbs/Imagines/Preference for Christmas Loving here x 🎄
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byesoldiers · 11 years
Imagine for Nora: Braiden
Your boyfriend, Braiden, was taking you to a basketball game. You weren’t really into sports but you said yes because Braiden seemed really excited about it. You heard a knock at your door. You walked down the stairs and opened the door to see a smiling Braiden standing in front of you. “You ready to go?” He asks eagerly. “Yep. Just hold on.” You say grabbing your jacket and shoes. “Okay let’s go.” You say closing the door behind you. You both hop in his car and head to the game. You arrive and see it was packed. You go and take your seats. “This is exciting huh?” Braiden asks you. “Uh, yeah.” You say. “What’s wrong?” His smile soon grows into a frown. “Nothing. This is great. I’m just not that into sports.” You say. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t know.” He says leaning back into his seat. You laugh. “It’s completely fine.” You say. “No it isn’t. I thought you would love this.” He says. “Trust me. After we can just go back to my house and watch a movie.” You say. He sighs. You give him a soft kiss and his frown automatically turns into a smile. “I love you Nora.” He says. “I love you too.” You say.
Sorry this one kinda sucked. I had a little bit of time to write it.
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