#braedon makes one of his waitresses work his phone for him
chysgoda · 2 years
Okay more of a group HC but I’ve been having a lot of fun poking at it.
The tomestone smart phones are a piece of allagan tech that Nero reverse engineered. The phones have to be attuned to each other in order to be able to work. There are two test beds for this, the adventurers’ guild and Bel, her team, Art’imis and Grandpa Edmont. (Nero has a firm hold on the title of Bel’s favorite (non scion) uncle but also has no problem in making sure it stays that way through bribery)
They have settled into their group chat arch types
Edmont de fortemps: sends food pictures to the group chat
Art’imis Chysgoda : forgets the thing at home half the time and when she does pick it up she floods the chat with two days worth of responses.
Bel Aliender: attempts to communicate like a normal person.
Bianca Pelinore: has invented memes and is making it everyone’s problem
Asamar Oronir: communicates only in typed out emojis
Allie Baelsar: one word answers and surprisingly good landscape photography
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xicarcalii · 3 years
2194 Kripke Lane
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Summary: Can one man change the rest of the reader's whole day? A friendship maybe or even more. After the reader's car has a leak she pulls into Singer's car service and repair. Meeting a very handsome green-eyed mechanic named Dean.
Series Warnings: Angst, language, fluffy stuff yall, slow-burn...ish I guess? Awkward! Dean but he's still a cutie, drinking, mentions of sex, more angst, ex-boyfriend dick bags, hospital situations, mentions of domestic violence, death? I think that's it but if not ill just sneak more warnings in there.
Pairing: Mechanic! Dean x Waitress! Reader (eventually)
Other Characters: Reader x OFC (eventually), Sam Winchester, Anna Milton, Lisa fricken Braedon...., Bobby Singer, Jodi Mills (mentioned)
Divider by: @holylulusworld
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Dean heard the sound of a car approaching the shop. He rolled out from under the current car he’d been working on and walked outside. Putting his hand over his eyes, shielding them from the sun he tried to get a better look. A beige Toyota Avalon approached. He grabbed the grubby rag from his back pocket, wiping the grease off his forehead. You rolled down your window as he strolled up to your car. He leaned down leaning his arm up against the top of your car, "welcome to Singer's car service and repair. Are you here for gas? I could start up a pump.”
“Ah, no actually. My car is leaking and it won’t stop." Dean nodded slightly, “do you mind if I take a look at it?" You nodded enthusiastically. Jumping out, you grabbed your purse and maneuvered around him allowing him access to the driver's seat. As Dean drove the car into the shop's garage, you glanced down at your watch realizing It was a quarter past 3:00. You’ve been off your rocker all day today and it was starting to get on your nerves. With work, your parents, your ex, Jax’s behavior in school, and now this. You felt like screaming into a pillow. Hastily pulling your phone out of your pocket you called the elementary school. You swore you’d win the best mother of the year award right about now. Not. You forget to make sure that your son got picked up from school on time. You had so much on your plate but that wasn’t an excuse and you knew that. So you had every right to beat yourself up over this and feel as guilty as you possibly could for hopefully a long time. You loved Jax, he was your baby. However, recently he’d been showing some behavior you’d seen all too well before and you didn’t know how long it would be before the rest of it came to the surface. “Principal Braeden, speaking.” You weren't very fond of the Principle. She always was too snippy with you and you didn't even want to get started about the animosity she had against your parenting. You knew due to Jax's behavior at school, that was the main reason why. You knew she thought it was your bad parenting and your age but what the hell did she know. Not once did she ever take the time to have a real conversation with you. To try and understand why Jax was lashing out the way he was. To learn more about his background as a baby, ask about his father because it became evident to the other parents that you were probably a single mom. But, you knew how she perceived you as a mom. A 22-year-old waitress who couldn't control her 5-year-old son if her life depended on it. “Hi, this is Jaxson’s mom, (Y/N) Kenner.”
“Ah, (Y/N). I assume you’re calling about you forgetting to pick Jaxson? You know how bad that will look on your part.”
“That's nice to know, but is he still there? My car started leaking and I got a flat,” you tried everything in you to ignore the weasel; trying not the cop an attitude. Most times you failed miserably but this time you think it worked just because your main concern was Jax not dealing with this idjits attitude. “He already got picked up. By who I don’t know?” You nodded your head to the woman’s last string of words. “You don’t know?! Isn’t there some sort of policy there? If they aren’t on the list then my son stays?!” You got a little louder which drew Dean to glance over for a minute and you did the same. He could see the wheels turning even after you stopped speaking. He could see it in manly in your eyes that you were struggling. Noticing his attention made you lower your voice again, rubbing a hand over your face. “Miss Kenner, I’m sure he left with someone he knew. The school’s guidance counselor; Jodi Mill’s was in charge of the carpool this evening. You’re familiar with Jodi, aren't you? I know she wouldn’t have let him go anywhere with someone she didn’t recognize.”
“Yea, I’m very familiar with Jodi but that isn’t the point!”
"Miss Kenner..." you scoffed knowing damn well she was acting like this because of the hatred, jealousy maybe? You had a clue that if she kept moving her cake trap there was going to be a bigger problem. So, you simply hung up. Shoving your phone back into your pocket you put your hands behind your head and began pacing back and forth. You don't know what came over you today. You normally have everything under control. Maybe the weather today? You always hated Fall, took you back to too many memories. It's been chilly and rainy all week. Needless to say, it was shitty outside and it's exactly how you felt on the inside. Your phone rang suddenly, making you jump a bit. It was Anna. 
“Hey, (Y/N)? Are you okay? Jax said you never showed up.”
You sighed over the phone in relief, “oh my god! He’s with you?! I called the bitch of the principal and she said he wasn’t there - that someone picked him up and I thought maybe-” Whilst working on the car Dean kept glancing at you out of the corner of his eye. He didn’t know you but he felt for you on a personal level when he heard the heavy amount of stress in your voice. “Of course, I picked him up, we just got home, actually. Stopped to get some groceries. I figured something had to have happened. " You sighed in relief pinched the bridge of your nose, “he’s okay then?”
“Yes. Don’t worry, Jax and Ava are in the living room watching TV. Are you okay, though?”
“Yeah!” You could hear the unconvincing tone in your answer; pretty sure Anna and Dean heard it too. You let out a quiet chuckle, moving your hair behind your ear as you eyed Dean’s movements for a moment, debating a response. “It’s-it’s nothing, Anna really.” It sure as hell was something, but you and Anna have known each other for years and she knew you all too well to know you were the type of person to doge your feelings from left to right. She sometimes called you hedge for the fun of it because of how closed off you were; even to your best friend. “Sure…”
You stayed quiet. You didn’t want to answer the question she was trying to pry out of you just because you didn’t want to come to terms with the answer. After scrutinizing the leakage, Dean came to the conclusion that the engine needed to be replaced as well as the flattened tire in the back. "Um, ma’am?” You turned around when you heard his voice. “Anna, I'll call you back." You hung up the phone and took a deep breath praying the price was as low as you would've hoped. You were a waitress at a crappy Diner in town and you only carried the tips you made as pocket money. You had money, believe me, you did and it was from your parents for reasons not to discuss as of right now, but never in a million years would you use that money unless it came down to having to move. Again. “Your car needs a new engine, and the tire needs to be replaced." You ran your hands through your hair, frustration evident on your face. It was already 4:00 and you just wanted to get home. It felt like your legs were going to fall off, you felt gross and sticky. Sticky because you ran into another coworker when carrying some pop to a table. “It’s getting late and I have to be at work by 6:00 tomorrow morning.” You did consider using your credit card for a moment, you were just not trying to fuss at him but when about to ask about the ATM you noticed it was broken so that was not even an option anymore.
"I understand, but you can't go rolling around with a busted engine and a semi-flat tire, sweetheart. If you leave now, you won't make it far." You placed your purse down onto the hood of your car. Rummaging through it until you found your wallet. "How much is it going to cost, exactly?" Dean grabbed the toolbox to get started. "Well, the flat tire is going to be $10." You nodded take your purse off the hood with your wallet in hand so he could have room. Watching him work you started pulling out cash counting it, “okay, that's no problem, and the engine?"
Dean opened up the hood inspecting the engine whilst simply stating, "$260..."
"Two hundred and sixty bucks?!" You blankly stared at him. You were hoping at least in the hundreds but what did you know. Running your hands through your hair again, you sighed in frustration. Dean looked up at you and noticed that seemed to be a habit of yours. "I don’t' have that type of cash on me. Can you just fix my tire then?" Dean reluctantly nodded his head with a tight smile.
"Sure, won’t take me less than three minutes."
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You stood watching Dean finish tightening the bolts on the new tire. Fixing your strap on your shoulder you decided to break the silence. "I really appreciate you replacing the tire, at least.” You wrapped your arms around yourself, awkwardly standing to the side. He looked back up at you, “don’t sweat it, It’s kinda my job.” Dean was satisfied on the outside, but on the inside, he felt pretty bad. And on top of that, he didn’t know what happened on the other side of that phone call but it didn’t seem too pleasing. From the looks of it, you had a kid, too. He could pick up you had a lot on your plate and he also knew you didn’t have that kind of money, seeing you were just a waitress. So, he thought to hell with it. Besides, he couldn’t turn down a beautiful girl. He thought of it almost as him being your knight and shining armor you know, with you being the damsel and all. He began to hand you back your keys but his consensus stopped him from doing so. He sighed in defeat dropping his hand. You furrowed a brow, “is there a problem?” Dean put his greasy hand on your shirt quickly removing it. Realizing he was going to leave a greasy handprint on your shoulder. "Hey, uh... I'll knock the price down. I don't want you breaking down in the middle of the road. Having no car for work, alright?”  You listened to him with furrowed brows, letting out a small sigh as you pondered his offer. You concluded with a small nod you gave him a small smile, "thank you, uh..." He chuckled quietly. Dean noticed your body seeming to relax for the first time since he’d been willing to come to some sort of agreement, satisfying the both of you in the end. Nobody hadn't really cared about your situation except for this mechanic. “Dean. Names Dean. And uh, I’d shake your hand but...” He glanced down at his hands, acknowledging the grease. You giggled, pointing down at your name tag. Dean. It was a good name though, and it went perfectly with his face. Which you couldn’t stop looking at; you didn’t want to get started in those green eyes. He glanced down smiling when he actually notice your name tag. "(Y/N). I like it. Well, replacing an engine usually would take hours, but you came to a professional.”
“Uh-huh, sure I did.” you teased. “So, how much would you need now?" You had no idea how low he was willing to accept, "how about $70?" Your heart skipped a beat. Thank God you thought to yourself. You reached in your pocket, pulling out all the tips you made today. $100 dollars was all you could give him. Hesitantly you handed him the money. He shrugged, "meh, good enough, sweetheart."
"So, you're not mad at me for not paying the full price then?"
"I'm not mad. I get it, money's tight. And I wasn’t tryna be in your business or nothin' but you have a kid to take care of. And not that it means anything coming from me but you're doing the best you can, and don't let the one who pizza-rolled Tinkerbell get to you." You knew he was talking about Lisa. Dean knew his words wouldn’t make things any better at the moment. But you needed to hear them. He almost saw you roll your eyes at his comment but the laugh that came after that; on the other end had brought a small smirk to his lips.
"But, I know my boss is gonna want you to eventually bring in the rest of the cash."
“I will, I promise. I don’t get paid in tips often, but I can save up the tip money and go from there. And plus, for someone to have dropped a price down that low for me...” You paused, “don't sweat it, (Y/N)." He said Sincerely. You blushed, looking down which Dean did in fact notice and he held back a smile. Scratching his head awkwardly he smiled at the ground for a moment. “Well, if that’s it, (Y/N) … I guess I’ll be seen ya.”
“Yea, you will.” You commented before looking at the road, your thoughts on what to say next. “Thank you, again Dean … truly. You made my afternoon a lot better after the shitty day I’ve had and I’m kinda glad my car got screwed to hell now that I think about it” Dean smiled at the kind words. You didn’t mean what you said but then you did. Something about a possible friendship coming from this made you feel a little happy. Having more than two close friends would've been nice. And from this interaction, maybe so? However, even though he was still just a stranger who had enough sympathy to cut a price down for your car didn’t mean anything, you told yourself keeping your guard up no matter what was the best thing to do from now on. Your conversation stilled, but there wasn’t an awkward silence. It was easy for you to lose yourself in the scenery around you. It was still chilly outside but the sun was setting and from the shop, it was the perfect view. He followed you up to your car and opened the door for you to get in. Your attention drew back to him when he spoke, “don’t be a stranger, sweetheart.” He grinned at you, “and take your time with the cash, no rush.” You smiled widely before you laughed, "I won't, Dean. Pretty sure you’ll see me again soon. Have a nice night.” He shut the door before responding, “yea, you too. And get home safe.” He stepped back, giving a slight tap on the top of your car, and waved with a small smile when you pulled out of the garage.
Making your way back onto the road you honked twice before driving out of sight.
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tag list: @thatonecurlygirl @wearywinchester @justkending @iris-nicara
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