#bradley simpson fanfic
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Fated Encounters
Bradley Simpson x Reader
Imagine on fandom instagram?: No
Prompt or Request or Requested Prompt?: No
Style of Writing: Fic
Rating: G ~ For all the fluff and cuteness as well as safe for all.
Edited: Yes
Word count: 4,416
Post Date & Time: September 25th 2024 at 4:16 PM
Warnings here
Listen to the story be read out loud here {coming soon}.
Summary: Based off of the The Vamps: Secret Busker - BBC Radio 1 video. When the Reader, her Mother and best friend are coming home from a vacation they happen across an unusual moment with the Buskers in Waterloo station.

Reader’s Pov:
I feel a few good jabs to my arm, making me rapidly blink my eyes open and the light from the window of the train temporarily blinds me. I groan as I close them again for a moment before fully reopening them slowly, letting them adjust to the light. I stretch out in my seat while our train comes to a stop, letting out a yawn.
“Knackered much?” A voice asks with humor laced through it.
“Very. I’ll be glad to be home,” I reply as I look at my best friend Naomi, who laughs along with my mother.
“A vacation is supposed to relax you, not make you more knackered,” my mother jokingly comments, making her and Naomi laugh harder.
“I really had a good time, I swear, it’s just the journey there and home that makes me sleepy,” I argue before I let out a yawn while rubbing at my face and they both playfully hum at me.
“Oh, don’t we know it. Every trip we take, you nap when we get there and you nap as soon as we get home,” Naomi jokingly taunts me and I roll my eyes.
“Oh and don’t forget the sleeping on the transportation,” my mother jumps in and I groan as they laugh some more.
“Ugh, whatever. Gang up on me, why don’t you,” I groan out with another roll of my eyes as I huff, crossing my arms as I sink back into my chair, annoyed with them.
“We’re not ganging up on you, just giving ya grief is all,” Naomi jokingly empathizes with me and I groan.
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say,” I pungently agree to disagree and again they both laugh.
The train then fully comes to the stop and we all stand. We each grab our carry-on bags before heading towards the door. The guy that stands at the door asks for names, then hands us our suitcases before helping us out.
Once we each have our retrospective suitcase, we start to walk through Waterloo station. I sluggishly pull my suitcase behind me, my eyes heavy as we walk for a bit. Soon we come up to where the buskers tend to play and my mother comes to a stop.
“You girls wait here, I’m just going to run to the restroom after that long train ride,” she informs us as Naomi and I watch a new band finish setting up.
I nod at my mother, who smiles as she sets her bag down before walking over to the bathroom. I continue to watch for a few minutes as the Buskers finally start their set.
“It’s a one, it’s a two, it's a one, two!” One of the guys shouts into his bandmate’s mic before he sits on the box drum as the others lead into the song.
“Yeah!” The whole band shouts out and I cross my arms as I recognize the tune they seem to be covering.
♪ I used to wanna be living like it’s only me ♪ the man that seems to be the front man starts to sing the familiar song and Naomi bumps me with her elbow, bouncing her eyebrows at me.
“Isn’t that a Vamps song that you're always singing?” she asks and I nod as I watch on as the older man band continues to play.
“Yeah, it’s called Somebody to You. They sing it with Demi, remember?” I respond and she gives me a deadpan look before shaking her head, amused once more.
“You know everything about that band,” she comments with a smirk and I shrug.
“That wasn’t really much. Anyone who’s a starter fan knows they sing that one with Demi,” I tell her in a nonchalant tone and she giggles, shaking her head.
“Whatever you say, y/n/n,” she agrees to disagree like I had earlier, but she keeps an amused look on her face to continue messing with me.
A lot of people slowly stop and stand around us as they too start to become fascinated with the buskers. My mother finally comes out and picks up her bag that she’d left with us.
“Well that’s very interesting, isn’t it?” she asks as the band continues to sing on.
“Very. Seems they like the same band y/n does,” Naomi comments as she elbows me lightly again.
“Oh. Look, that guy must like it. He’s putting money in their case,” my mother points out as an older gentleman in a red coat goes over and gives them some money.
“We’re Route 66. We’re right here from Arkansas, a little town called Little Rock. We’re gonna play the show tonight. You’re the best crowd on the whole damn tour!” The guy with blue spikey hair shouts into his mic and my mother laughs.
“Let me see those hands! Yeah!” The lead guy jumps in and they continue with the song.
“What do you think of this version, y/n?” My mother asks with humor in her tone as she and Naomi snicker.
“Definitely good, but not as good as when Brad sings. He’s just got—” I start my normal rant and Naomi playfully rolls her eyes.
“Such a smooth and calming voice. Yeah, I know, you say it all the time,” she jokes with her arms crossed and I blush lightly.
“Shut up, Omi, I do not…” I argue with a blush falling over my face and she laughs dramatically.
“Ha! Okay. I’ll believe that when you stop saying it,” she retorts with a snort and I shake my head.
“That’ll be the end of the world, dear,” my mother adds in, making them both giggle some more when I give them an annoyed look.
“Don’t forget it’s so calming you fall asleep to it every night!” Naomi continues as she jabs her elbow into my side again and I blush, rolling my eyes.
“Do not…” I mutter out shyly and my mother laughs again.
“I’m sorry to say, dear, but Omi is correct. You do listen to that same playlist a lot to help yourself sleep,” my mother adds on and I roll my eyes again.
“I’m going to film this,” I inform them, ignoring as they continue to make fun of me, taking my phone out and they both shake their heads.
Just as I pull my phone out, they finish the song off and the lead singer turns away from the crowd. He holds his arm out and bends over ever so slightly as one of the others count the next song in.
♪ I’ve been up all night no sleep
Cause I feel like I’m always dreamin
All night No sleep ♪ They start the next song as the lead singer slowly starts to dance a little more and for some reason the dancing seems slightly familiar.
“Naomi… does that dancing look familiar at all to you?” I ask her and she pauses to watch a little more intensely.
“You know what, it does a bit…” she agrees as she watches the guy a little closer now and I shake my head.
“I must be seeing things…” I comment, blinking my eyes for a moment and she giggles.
“When are you not? You’re always daydreaming, dear,” my mother jokes and I roll my eyes as she laughs with Naomi.
“Whatever,” I reply, waving my mother’s comment off before turning back to watch some more.
“Any dancers in the audience?” The lead singer asks as he looks out over the crowd.
“I’m looking at you,” he points to me and I pause.
I point to myself as I raise an eyebrow before looking behind me, then back and he nods with an amused smile. I shake my head no and he gives me a dismissive wave. Another lady runs in and he dances with her for a moment before she runs off and another comes in. They dance side to side before he steps back and she too runs off. He sings a few more verses before pointing at me again and wiggles his finger for me to come closer.
“Oh, come on now. The guy just wants a dance,” my mother comments with a snicker and I smirk at her.
“Ya know what? I’m only gonna live once, right? If some old guy wants a dance and a flirt, what could it hurt,” I reply with a shrug before dropping my backpack.
I smile as I dance over to him and he grins, coming closer. We meet in the middle and he holds a hand out for me. I grin as I take it and oddly his hand is a lot softer and less wrinkled then an old man’s hand would be. He spins me before pulling me into his side as we sway. He takes the mic away from his face for a moment and suddenly a voice that sounds very familiar is singing the song to me in my ear as the guy dances with me.
It’s only a split second before he pulls the mic back to his face and continues to sing in the other (now that I realize who it is) horribly accented voice, but in that split second there was no doubt in my mind as I took a closer look at his face. The lead singer that I am currently dancing with is actually Bradley Willam Freaking Simpson himself.
My heart beats faster as I come to the realization that he’s danced with me longer than anyone else he danced with. He smiles at me and winks, almost like he knows I’ve caught on and the shock continues to roll over me. He spins me one more time before seemingly reluctantly letting go.
I walk backwards for a few minutes, keeping my eyes on his as he keeps eye contact with me. I then quickly turn around, walking back to Naomi and my mother with wide eyes as they give me a very amused look.
“What? Was dancing with the old guy that interesting?” Naomi jokingly asks as I gape, opening and closing my mouth, trying to explain for a moment.
“Yeah, y/n. You’re blushing kinda hard,” my mother jumps in with a laugh as she pokes me in the side.
“Did you fall absolutely madly in love with the older gentleman, y/n/n?” Naomi continues with a laugh and I just stare off at Brad, not really joking back.
“No. You don’t get it…” I tell them, shaking my head admittedly as I finally look back at them again.
“What don’t we get, sweetie?” My mum asks as she reaches over and starts to rub my back, now worried as they both frown at me.
“That wasn’t just some old guy flirting with me…” I inform them and they look at each other before looking at me.
“What do you mean, y/n/n?” Naomi asks skeptically and I shake my head again, still in a sort of daze.
“That was Bradley Freaking Simpson. As in The Vamps lead singer. The one I’ve been absolutely crushing on since I was fourteen,” I hurriedly yet harshly whisper out with wide eyes and they both look at me like I’m strange.
“I swear to you. It’s him. I knew his dancing looked oddly familiar, but then when we were dancing he sang away from the mic and to me directly. There’s no mistaking it, that’s his voice…” I quietly rant and rave to them in shock, making my mother shrug.
“Sweetheart, sometimes voices can sound like someone and it may not be the person you think,” she informs me in a very skeptical tone and I shake my head.
“No. I know it’s him,” I firmly inform her and she sighs.
“Look, I’ll admit I wasn’t sure from the voice until he smiled up close at me. I got a good close look at that face with a smile. It’s definitely a hundred percent Brad,” I continue to try and convince them and Naomi seems to be staring intently at the guy now.
Suddenly she’s letting out a light squeal before covering her mouth and apologizing to those around us who give her an annoyed look. She quickly hugs me before pulling back and giving me an excited look.
“You're right, it is him and the rest of the boys. How did we not realize?” she whispers in shock and I grin in happiness that I’m not some crazed lunatic fan.
“I really don’t know, but I danced with him…” I say in another daze as I look back over to watch some more and he sends me a smile along with another wink.
“He just winked at you. Oh my goodness, he winked at you,” Naomi happily tells me as she shakes me and I just grin in my daze.
“Naomi, dear, don’t play into her delusions. She believes it even harder,” my mother jokes and I roll my eyes.
“Mum, I’m telling you it’s him,” I defend myself and she shakes her head in amusement.
“I hear it in his voice now too. The accent he’s trying to put on is absolutely ridiculous and horrible,” Naomi comments with a giggle as she crosses her arms and I nod in agreement.
“He’s trying to change the sound, but it still sounds like him,” I agree, making both me and Naomi laugh.
“Wait a second,” my mother starts as she pauses to listen for a moment.
“That does sound an awful lot like the voice that always comes from your phone,” my mother finally agrees, making Naomi and I smirk as she slowly seems to connect it all.
“See… it is him…” I agree with a light smirk at my mother before I watch on in memorization once more.
“Thank you very, very much. Peace and love,” Brad says as they finish off the slow version of All Night.
“This is Teenage Kicks. Let’s have some fun. If you wanna put some money in our guitar case here, then be my guest,” Brad tells the crowd, leading to the next song as he points at the case below him.
“We’re just trying to get home,” James adds on before Tristan starts to count in the next song.
Brad starts to dance around again as the music starts and they go through the opening of the song. A couple people go and drop money into the case as they continue to sing.
♪ I wanna wanna hold you tight
Get teenage kicks all through the night
Come on ♪ He sings as he dances around and I can’t help but grin as I watch on.
♪ I’m gonna call her on the telephone
Have her over 'cause I'm all alone
I need excitement oh I need it bad
And it's the best, I've ever had ♪ James takes over for the next verse as Brad just dances around.
♪ I wanna wanna hold you tight
Get teenage kicks all through the night
Come on ♪ They all sing together now and Brad moves all over the place.
“James, my mate! I mean Dusty!” Brad calls out and I giggle at his little mess up before looking at Naomi and my mother with a triumphant look.
“Okay. That’s definitely them,” my mother finally fully agrees without a doubt, eyes wide and a shake of her head.
“Oh my gosh. Y/n, you have to leave your number for him,” Naomi suddenly bursts out and I shake my head.
“No. I couldn’t, he wouldn’t even call,” I deny and my mother scoffs.
“Honey. He’s still watching you at this moment. Something tells me he definitely would take the opportunity,” my mother informs me with a knowing smirk.
“I don’t know…” I reply shyly, shaking my head and Naomi groans.
“You're unbelievable,” Naomi says in disbelief, shaking her head as she bends down.
She unzips her backpack and pulls her notebook out. She quickly tears a piece of the paper from the inside out and uncaps her pen, handing it to me.
“Here. Write him a cute message and leave it in the case for him,” Naomi demands, making me roll my eyes before starting to write on the paper.
“Hey Mr. Busker, or should I say Mr. Simpson? You seem sweet and you dance very well. Maybe message me sometime (—-) —- —— ;)” I write out and when I’m done, I cap the pen before giving it back to Naomi.
I fold the paper lightly then pull out a pound from my wallet before taking a deep breath and walking over. Brad again smiles at me and I smile back at him as I gently set the pound along with the note in the case before looking up again. Brad nods subtly at me, letting me know he knows I put something in and I nod back at him before standing up, smiling at him one last time.
I walk back over to my mum and best friend. They smile at me and I blush lightly as I pick up my bag.
“One more time!” Brad shouts as he continues to dance around.
♪ I wanna wanna hold you tight
Get teenage kicks all through the night
Come on ♪ They all sing as they rock their hearts out and as always, Brad is infectious with his crazy antics that make me grin.
“Come on! Thank you so, so much!” Brad calls out as the boys play the music out.
He runs forward and dances with four or five girls who came up and were dancing. As the music nears the end, he pushes back from them a bit and gives a few bows.
“Thank you so much! We’re Route 66, we’ll see you soon,” Brad calls out before doing a mic drop and I can’t help but laugh.
He spares me one last look with a wink before he along with the boys get led out by two men and disappear behind some door. With a sigh, I turn around and grab my stuff as my mother and Naomi do the same. We all start to walk back to where my mother had parked her car when I feel a nudge to my side.
“Can’t wipe that smile off now, can we?” Naomi jokes and I shake my head.
“I may still be smiling tomorrow. I can’t believe I just flirted with the boy I’ve been dreaming of since I was like-” I trail off as the shocked feeling falls over me again.
“Since you were like fourteen. Umm, I can’t believe it either. Especially since he’s all you really ever talk about,” Naomi jokingly exaggerates and I blush again.
“He’s not all I talk about,” I shyly mutter out, biting my lips as a blush covers my cheeks.
“Pffft, says the girl who used Mrs. Simpson as her Instagram handle AND password for practically everything at the time when she was fourteen to the age of twenty,” Naomi jokingly scoffs out with a dramatic eye roll and I blush.
“And she very well may be one day now!” My mum adds on and makes me blush harder.
“I don’t use it now…” I mutter out the quick lie and my mother snorts.
“Yeah, because that was so believable. Face it honey, you suck at lying,” she laughs as she pats me on my back and I huff, rolling my eyes once again.

Years Later:
I yawn as I walk through the hall of my mum and dad’s house, looking for a particular person. I smile tiredly to myself as I hug the oversized sweater I wear to my body. I walk into the living room and as I get closer to the couch, the very boy I fell head over heels for in the middle of Waterloo station turns to me. He turns away from what he’s watching to smile up at me and I can’t help but smile sheepishly back even though I’m tired.
“You look tired, love. Come here and get a cuddle,” Brad sweetly tells me as he holds his arms open for me, making grabby hands and I just smile more at him.
“I am tired. I need my post travel nap,” I reply sleepily as I get on the couch and we both get situated.
“Then take your nap, you jumper stealer,” he jokes with me and I grin up at him, my chin resting on his chest and pulling his attention away from whatever he’s watching on the tv.
“What can I say, stussy is comfy,” I joke back with a very tired shrug and he chuckles.
“I mean, I know. It is my jumper-” he starts, but I reach up and cover his mouth.
“No. It’s our jumper now,” I whisper as I take my hand away and he shakes his head, smiling.
“Whatever you say, sweetheart. You can keep it. It looks cute on you anyway,” he tells me and I smirk against his chest as he turns back to the tv.
“You think anything I wear of yours is cute on me,” I comment and he shrugs.
“Not my fault you're so adorable. Now go to sleep,” he demands softly as he leaves a kiss on my forehead before he starts to play with my hair while still watching the tv.
Slowly I feel sleep take over and I don’t know how long I actually sleep for before I’m being awoken by voices. I keep my eyes closed as I listen into the conversation.
“Some things just don’t change, do they?” I hear Naomi jokingly comment and I can only imagine her shaking her head as Brad lets out a chuckle too.
“No. Some things don’t, I suppose,” my mother adds on and I can imagine her wearing a cheeky grin.
“I mean I was hoping to see my best friend when I got in, but I guess it’ll have to wait,” Naomi playfully groans out and I can imagine her rolling her eyes super dramatically as Brad chuckles quietly.
“You can say hi when she wakes up,” Brad counters and Naomi huffs a playful annoyed huff.
“So she still takes naps after you guys travel then, does she?” Naomi asks and Brad hums softly, probably so he won’t wake me seeing as he doesn’t know I’m awake yet.
“Every single time. I find it very cute,” Brad quietly tells them and Naomi lets out a little chuckle.
“Of course you do. What don’t you find cute about her?” Naomi playfully jests with him and he shrugs lightly.
“Nothing,” he replies so nonchalantly and I smile softly, making him alert before anyone else that I am awake.
“Oh, will you two ever let up on making fun of my naps?” I groggily groan out as I cuddle farther into Brad’s side.
“Well, good evening to you too, you little eavesdropper,” my mother jokes through a laugh and I groan again.
“It’s not eavesdropping if you’re talking about me while I’m right here,” I mumble out, making them all laugh.
“I am so telling our kids about this one day,” Naomi playfully singsongs to me and I roll my eyes.
“And she’ll have video proof too!” My mum adds in and Naomi gasps happily.
“Oh my goodness, we should totally watch it again. Brad at the end stealing that note from Grimmy before he could read it was priceless to watch,” Naomi comments, laughing so hard where she stands in the foyer to the living room.
“Don’t forget how he goes ‘I think that’s for me,’ as he plucked it out of his hand!” My mother adds on with her own laughs and Brad rolls his eyes playfully.
“What? I wanted to get my girl. Is that so bad?” he asks to make both my mother and best friend sober up from laughing.
“No. It’s actually rather cute. I’m just glad we have the video evidence, thanks to my husband,” Naomi comments with a grin as she mentions Connor.
“What about me now?” Connor asks, raising an eyebrow as he walks in with two suitcases.
“I was just saying that we wouldn’t have the video evidence of Brad stealing that note if it wasn’t for you showing us the end of that video,” Naomi informs him and he grins.
“Well, we’ll leave you to it then. Naomi, you know where your room is?” My mother asks as she moves to head back to the kitchen.
“Yeah, I know mum. Don’t worry, I still remember,” Naomi playfully groans out as she hugs onto Connor.
“Good, now don’t forget dinner is in an hour,” my mother reminds us all with a strict look, making Naomi and I nod before bursting out into laughter.
“Don’t worry, I’m sure you wouldn’t let us forget it, mum,” Naomi jokingly mocks your mother, who just shrugs.
“Can’t say you aren’t right. I taught you well, young one. I am going to find Arden and make sure he will be in for dinner,” your mother jokes back, making you and Naomi burst out laughing before she disappears on the hunt for your father.
“Well, we’re going to take our stuff up, see you guys in an hour I guess. Put the baby back to sleep so she’s not insufferable at dinner, would ya Brad?” Naomi jokingly asks and I moan out an annoyed sound.
“Don’t worry. She’ll get plenty of sleep,” Brad jokingly promises and I snuggle closer to him as Naomi hums before she’s pulling Conor to her room that mom deemed hers years ago.
“I always get plenty of sleep with you. Even before we were together, you could lull me to sleep,” I mutter into Brad’s neck, making him chuckle at the tickling sensation.
“Is that so? I guess that means we were meant to meet,” he softly whispers back before leaving another kiss to my forehead.
“I’m so thankful I decided to dance with you,” I tell him and he smiles against my forehead.
“I’m very glad you decided to dance with me too love,” Brad whispers into my ear and I snuggle closer to him, making him chuckle lightly.
“I love you, B,” I tell him in a sleepy tone and he grins again before leaving a feather like kiss to my head.
“I love you too, miss sleepyhead,” he responds as he starts to rub my head again and without hesitation my eyes slowly start to close once more, letting sleep take me over again.
The End
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Top Gun: Maverick Fic Recs
Hey y'all! Here are 21 of my favorite TGM fanfics of all genres and ships, listed in no particular order.
Some of these fics are 18+ so read at your own risk. None of these works are mine and all credit goes to the amazing authors! <3
Safe Zone by @sunlightmurdock — (Series // Rooster and Hangman x reader)
A team of elite naval aviators holding down the fort at the North Island Air Base while they wait for reinforcements after a virus sweeps the continental U.S. - only, it’s been three months and no one has shown up.
Hold My Hand by @labyrinth-runner — (Series // Cyclone x Reader)
Jag! Reader is assigned to defend a pilot, finding the job to be more complicated than she thought.
Rooster’s Flight or a Manual for the Marooned by DontLetThemTakeYouAlive (Series // Rooster x Reader/OC)
"Rooster's Flight: A Manual for the Marooned" follows Madeline, a pastry chef escaping scandal in Amsterdam, and Bradley, a lost naval aviator stationed in Japan. Fate brings them to sunny San Diego, where their friendship blossoms amid career challenges and a clashing of characters. Madeline's culinary journey intertwines with Bradley's self-discovery, navigating love and loss.
Resilience, self-discovery, and the unpredictable paths of career and matters of the heart shape their narrative in this tale of second chances and unlikely connections.
Fine Piece by @dragon-kazansky (Series // Cyclone x Reader)
You have it bad for Vice Admiral Simpson. But to prove you’re fit for the job; you need to put that aside and focus on the flying.
Someone Special by @fanboygarcia (Oneshot // Cyclone x Reader)
What happens when the Dagger Squad catches on to the fact that known grump turned lovesick fool Admiral Simpson has someone special in his life?
Invisible String by @halfway-happyyy (Oneshot // Rooster x Reader)
the one where rooster’s about to leave on a mission he doesn’t know if he’ll be back from, and he wants you in every way imaginable. as always, soft feelings ensue!
Do you wanna make somethin’ of it by @theharddeck (Oneshot // Rooster x Reader)
turns out, our favorite WSO has a side hustle, as quinn's favorite cowboy.
@bullet-prooflove's entire TGM masterlist
Everything she writes is outstanding, but the Beau x Ally fics (The First Time Series, The General Series, Deployment!Series, and Syria!Series) are something I think about literally everyday.
i don’t know, blame the air force? by @gretagerwigsmuse (Oneshot // Rooster x Reader)
in which lieutenant commander bradshaw feels his girlfriend’s wrath after she gets her year end bonus and uncle sam takes a pretty penny out of it
There Are Rules by @tongue-like-a-razor (Series // Maverick x Reader)
Your risky flying seriously pisses off your instructor at Top Gun and you're about to find out why.
Through the Hourglass by @bratshaws (Series // Rooster x OC)
Rooster x Plus Size OC!
Happy Birthday, Mr. President by @rhettabbotts (Oneshot // Bob x Reader)
after a hard week, the last thing bob wanted to do was attend his birthday party. so instead, he plays out one of his biggest fantasies with you.
Whoever's in Lemoore by @cherrycola27 (Oneshot // Bob x Reader)
A fic based on the Reba McEntire song "Whoever's in New England"
Angels Don't Always Have Wings by @bradshawssugarbaby (Series // Rooster x Reader)
a series of oneshots revolving around baseball player!Bradley Bradshaw x reader (nicknamed Angel)
Do I? by @bradshawssugarbaby (Oneshot // Cyclone x Reader)
Inspired by Do I? by Luke Bryan. (this fic was so good I had to go take a walk after reading it for the first time)
Road to Perdition by @sailor-aviator (Series // Hangman x Reader)
The Great Depression wasn't called a depression for nothing. Jobs were scarce, and the price of food and other necessities were rising higher and higher with each passing day. What little money you were able to make went straight to the bank and out of reach from your booze-swilling lech of a brother. It's on one such run that you come face to face with members of the infamous Dagger Gang; a group of, admittedly handsome, men who steal from the banks to hand it back out to the poor. You want nothing to do with them, but that blond-headed devil might just have something to say to the contrary. (1930s!Mobster!AU)
His Best Friend's Wedding by @ereardon (Series // Rooster x Reader)
Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw has been your best friend for a decade. He’s also your fiancé’s best man. So when he shows up at your hotel room the night before your wedding, it’s just because he’s your friend, right?
Mistaken Identity by @ladylanera — (TGM x Mission: Impossible crossover)
What should be a joyous homecoming quickly unravels after it's discovered a nefarious, unknown group has put a hit out on Captain Mitchell, mistaking the Navy captain for being a covert IMF operative by the name of Ethan Hunt who has an uncanny likeness to the captain for some reason. Enter a twisty web of lies that threaten the very existence of the family as we know it.
**Fic contains spoilers for Mission: Impossible Dead Reckoning Part One**
Flower Power by ReformedTsundere — (Icemav)
Flowers, Pete reminds himself, slamming the last of the books closed, are the worst.
New Chat Created: North Island Daggers by Comin2U — (gen fic)
Harvard: why Whatsapp and not just a basic text message? Hangman: because one of us has an android and ruins the ability to message with just internet. Coyote: Screw you too hangman. ________________________________ In which 12 daggers, the best of the best of naval aviators, are all a bunch of kids and thrown in a group chat.
come fly with me (let's fly, let's fly away) by GatheringBlue — (TGM x 9-1-1 Crossover)
It's a common misconception that Buck trained to be a Navy SEAL. For as long as he could remember, flying had been his dream. Most little kids wanted to be a firefighter or an astronaut, but Buck had always wanted to be a pilot. He wanted to fly far, far away from home, where his parents’ comments that might as well have been slaps for how badly they stung couldn’t get to him. Flying was his way out. His escape. If he was thousands of feet up in the sky, way up with the clouds, then his parents couldn’t touch him. No one could. When Buck got pulled from the reserves just after the lawsuit, it seemed like perfect timing. There was nothing left for him in LA. Not anymore. So, it looked like Buck was heading back to Top Gun.

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Behind Closed Doors 18+
Request: Hey sweetie 🥰 would you do an imagine for me where you're Phoenix's best friend and share an apartment with her (you're not a pilot) but have a secret relationship with Bradley which she doesn't know. One time you think you're alone at home when he is over so you have some fun, but when you both leave your room nearly naked you find her sitting there. You try to explain but she just glares at you both, but after a while she gives in and explains how happy she is for you?
Pairings: Bradley Bradshaw x Simpson!Reader
Warnings: smut, fluff, swearing
First Installment- Behind Closed Doors
Second Installment- Out in the Open
You are a high school teacher at Miramar High School on base. You had already lived in California for some years now and were loving it but you needed a roommate, rent on a teacher's salary was hard. You debated on whether or not to get a roommate but didn't want to end up with someone strange or serial killer. You had almost given up when Natasha came to Top Gun looking for a place to stay she called you up, and you immediately said yes.
Natasha took you to the hard deck when you finally had the night off from grading papers and essays, that's when you met the handsome stranger with a mustache and a Hawaiian shirt. She said that she wanted you to meet her friends and fellow coworkers and you were all for it. You both walked into The Hard Deck on a Friday night and the first thing you see where a sea of khaki uniforms, flight suits, and civilian clothing. You weren't a stranger to The Hard Deck, not in the least bit, you had come here a lot with other teachers and friends. You were no stranger to the Navy, not the least bit either, your father being none other than Vice Admiral Beau 'Cyclone' Simpson. You had really thought about going into the Navy but decided against it since the love of teaching and helping kids won over. She dragged you over to her group of friends to say hello. They introduced themselves and you did to them but your gaze lingered on Bradley Bradshaw.
"Hey guys! This is my friend and roommate Y/N!" Natasha said over the loudness of the music and you gave them a wave.
"Hi, I'm Bob. Natasha has told us a lot about you." Bob spoke up first and you turned to look at her.
"All good things I hope." You answered but looked at her and you both smiled and she turned her head.
"Very good things. I'm Bradley." Bradley spoke up and you turned your head to meet his gaze and you could've sworn you fell in love right then and there. You both locked eyes and the rest was history. Your attention was torn away from him when another voice came through.
"I'm Jake. You can call me anytime. You’ll be remembering it when I have you screaming it later tonight. " Jake said with a smirk and you just rolled your eyes.
"I won't be calling you at all or screaming your name because I don't do cocky aviators. Just be glad Penny didn’t hear that." You told him and everyone's jaw dropped there weren't very many people that could take Jake down a peg but they found one person. Jake was silent but still had that stupid smirk on his face.
"Oh, I like her." Jake said then another voice came through.
"I like you. You got Jake to shut up for once. I'm Javy." Javy said and you smiled and said hi back. Finally the last one spoke up.
"My name is Mickey. Sorry for Jake's behavior now and in advance." Mickey said and you laughed.
"No worries. I know how to deal with over confident cocky jocks." You said and Bradley spoke up.
"Oh? What do you do?" He asked curiously and you smiled at him.
"I'm a high school teacher on base. I deal with a lot of teenage testosterone every day." You told him and somehow moved closer to him Natasha saw this and shook her head and moved to stand between you and him.
"I don't think so. You're not taking my best friend." She said and grabbed your arm dragging you away from him "You don't have a drink. We need to get you a drink." She said and dragged you to the bar. Penny came over and met you. You told her your order and Natasha ordered hers and everyone else's. While you wanted you and Bradley stole glances at each other. That's how it went on for the rest of the night. Natasha tried to keep you away from Bradley but every now and then you would make your way over to him and both of you would flirt. It was funny when Natasha noticed you weren't there and would find you and grab you and drag you away, you would smile at Bradley and wave.
By the time everyone was ready to go come most of everyone was drunk. Except you, Bob, and Bradley. Bob assured you that he would get everyone else home safely and you nodded and you told him you would take care of Natasha. Bob started to round up everyone else while you rounded up Natasha that's when Bradley came up to you.
"You need any help?" He asked you and you shook your head but spoke up before he could say anything.
"You can walk us to the car though." You said and he smiled. You would come back later and close out your tab. True to your word he walked you to your car while you put Natasha in the passenger side. She was mumbling incoherent words but you just shook your head and shut the door after making sure she was buckled in and went to the driver's side where Bradley stood. You leaned up against the door and he took your hands and held them.
"So is there a chance I'm going to see you again?" He asked you and you nodded.
"There is a very good chance." You smiled "Give me your phone." You said and he dropped your hands while he dug his phone out and you did the same you both exchanged phones and put your numbers in. He saw your lock screen and wall paper.
"Wait.... that's Cyclone on there. Why would he be on there?" He asked curiously but not mad. It was true your dad was on there it was taken when you had graduated college.
"Because he would be my dad." You said in a matter-in-fact tone. "Don't tell the others. Only you and Natasha know." You said.
"Your secret is safe with me." He said and handed your locked phone back to you and you did the same. You smiled and he opened the door to your Jeep Wrangler. You got in and rolled down the window once you turned the key.
"Have a nice night Bradley." You said with a soft smile and he smiled back.
"You too, Y/N Simpson." He said and you laughed softly and backed and headed back to the apartment. Natasha was knocked out.
You arrived back and woke her up and helped her inside. You made sure the window was closed and the car locked. You helped her to her bedroom where she fell on the bed and went to sleep, you just shook your head and removed her shoes and socks. As you were getting ready for bed your phone buzzed with a notification.
Bradley Bradshaw: I'm really glad to have met you tonight. Any chance I can take you on a proper date?
You: Absolutely. Tomorrow night?
Bradley Bradshaw: Really? Tomorrow night is perfect. Favorite choice of food?
You: I'm not picky but love Thai.
Bradley Bradshaw: It's a date. I'll pick you at 7. I'm looking forward to it. Have a good night.
You: Sounds perfect. I'm looking forward to it too. You have a goodnight too.
You smiled and plugged your phone in and laid down. Looking forward to tomorrow night.
Saturday morning rolled around and you were the first one up. You started making coffee and breakfast when Natasha rolled into the kitchen looking hung over.
"Good morning sunshine." You said in a normal voice but she winced and you chuckled and smirked.
"Oh my gosh. I shouldn't have let Mickey talk me into tequila shots." She said and sat down at the counter and put her head down. You felt bad for you really did.
"Yea I noticed." She looked up when something warm hit her hand.
"Thank you so much." She said and took sip and practically moaned.
"Hey listen. I have a date tonight at 7 tonight. I won't be home until late." You said and that perked her up.
"Oh? With who?" She asked and you smirked.
"Someone I met at the bar last night. We really hit off." You said and she started to try and guess who it was but you denied her each time. She dropped it when you placed pancakes, eggs, and bacon in front of her. "Eat up. It'll help with your hangover." You said and started to clean up.
Once you cleaned up you walked past her and pushed her a little bit and got ready for the day. You got dressed and started cleaning the house. Natasha was currently in her room curing a hangover which you didn't mind honestly. You told her that you were meeting your dad for lunch and she gave a thumbs up and you laughed and headed out to meet him.
You met him at a little cafe. It was a tradition you had every Saturday afternoon. You walked in and he got up and hugged you when you met him.
"Hi, daddy." You said to him.
"Hey, sweetheart." He replied and let you go as you both sat down. It was silent for a moment. The waiter came and took your order and they left. Then came back with your drinks.
"I have a date tonight." You told him and he looked at you from putting sugar in his coffee and you did the same.
"With who?" He asked taking a sip, you were hesitant but loved your dad.
"You know him. He's an aviator. Bradley Bradshaw." You said and he stopped drinking.
"Sweetheart-" He started but you stopped him.
"No Dad. I really like him and we're going on a date tonight. You will also not give him a hard time at work understand?" You said making it clear. Right now you sounded just like your father and he was proud of that, then again you dealt with testosterone filled teenage boys.
"I understand." He said just as your food arrived. You all ate and talked and once you were done he paid and you both left. He walked you to your car and hugged you and kissed your head. "Drive safe sweetheart. I love you" You smiled and let go of him.
"Of course Dad. I love you too." You both got in your cars and took off. You ran a couple of errands and stopped by work to grab something and then went home. When you got there Natasha was up and sitting on the couch watching TV with popcorn.
"How was your lunch with your father?" She asked and you smiled while putting away your stuff and kicking off your shoes. You walked to her and joined her on the couch and she passed you the popcorn bowl.
"It was good. Told him I had a date. He didn't get much say in it." You said taking a handful of popcorn. She laughed you were probably the only person to make Cyclone go silent. He would do anything for you. The rest of the day and leading up to 7 PM you sat on the couch with Natasha watching movies and gossiping.
When it hit 5:50 PM you started to get ready for your date with Bradley. You walked to your closest and stood there looking at it then an outfit you absolutely adored made its appearance. You grabbed it and other things and headed to the bathroom conjoined to your room. You took a shower and then applied light makeup and put on the outfit. Your outfit was a pair of jeans with a cute flowing blue short-sleeve shirt. You looked at yourself in the mirror and smiled you were ready. Your hair was naturally wavy so you didn't have to do anything to it.
7 PM came around and Natasha had other plans so it all worked out. Bradley came to the apartment door and knocked, you opened the door and he had flowers in his hands and that made you smiled.
"You're so beautiful." Bradley said and you blushed.
"Thank you." You replied.
"These are for you. I hope you like them." He said and gave you the flowers.
"They're beautiful. I love them. I'm just going to put them in a vase." You said and did just that and welcomed him in. You had your back to him when he started to speak.
"I found this awesome Thai place just right outside of the base. You're going to love it." He finished as you turned around and smiled.
"I've heard some good things about it. I've always wanted to go there but never have the time." You told him and he smiled.
"Well I'm glad I'm the first one that will be taking you." He said "You ready to go?" He asked and you nodded.
"Absolutely." You said and the both of you headed out the door and to his Bronco. You got there and he opened the door for you like a true gentleman. He shut the door and got into the driver's side and started it up and started to drive toward the restaurant.
You arrived at the restaurant and he killed the engine and got out and was at your door before you could get your hand on the handle. He held out his hand and you took it letting him guide you out and into the restaurant. You were taken back to your seats and sat down.
"So how do you know Natasha?" He asked you and you smiled.
"I met her when she first came to Top Gun. We hit it off pretty well. I was going to school and helping Penny out. She moved on but we stayed in contact." You said and never nodded. "I hope my dad isn't giving you any problems." You said to him as the waiter came over and took your drink orders.
"No, he's not." He laughed slightly. The waiter came back with your drinks and you were ready to order which you both did. "Does Nat know you're on a date with me?" He asked you and you shook your head.
"No, she does not but my dad does. Don't worry he's ok with it." You said when you saw his panicked face. "What do you say we keep this to ourselves and see how long it takes people to figure out?" You asked him with a mischievous glint in your eye.
"Let's do it. Nat is going to flip her lid." He said and your food arrived. You ate and talked making easy conversation.
The night ended too fast in your opinion because the next thing you knew you were back at your apartment. He gave you a goodnight kiss on the cheek and you both said that you would like to do it again.
This is how it went on for 7 months but each time it got more intimate and staying over at his apartment started, you couldn't stay at your apartment because of Natasha. You both would be sneaking around behind Natasha's back but everyone else knew. Everyone else knew because they figured it out especially when you came to give your dad something during your lunch break and waved at Bradley, who smiled and waved back. Nobody else knew you were a Simpson either but they found out that day.
You had just walked into the building where your dad worked. You saw the group of pilots, besides Natasha. They saw you walk in and then Bradley locked eyes with you, you smiled and waved which he returned. You walked off towards the offices and everyone turned to Bradley.
"What was that?" Jake spoke up just as surprised as everyone else.
"You're going to have to be more specific Jake. She waved and I waved back." Bradley said while looking back down at the work that laid in front of him.
"Oh no. That wasn't just a wave to say that was a wave like you've been together and been sleeping around." Javy spoke up and Bradley stayed quiet not wanting to give anything away.
"Wait....... are you dating her?" Javy asked but Bradley stayed quiet.
"You are!" Jake practically screamed
"Keep your voice down." Bradley said finally looking over at the pilots. He didn't get to speak much more because Cyclone came walking in with his always neutral look and you on his left side. Everyone shoots up and at attention.
"At ease." He said and everyone relaxed and sat down. "This is my daughter, Y/N. I'm dropping her off here right now before she has to go back to work and because I need to get to a meeting. Be nice to her." He said and turned to you.
"If I don't see you again after I get out of this meeting, be safe driving back and I love you." He said and kissed you on the cheek everyone was surprised.
"I will. I love you too." You said as you pulled away from kissing his cheek. He turned and walked off. Everyone was looking at you. After making sure he was truly gone you tackled Bradley in a hug and kissed him hard. Everyone was shocked.
"Oh stop your staring. We're fine with it as along as Nat doesn't know. She'll flip her lid." You told them and they all nodded. You sat on Bradley's lap and you all talked about anything and everything until you looked down at your watch. "Oh shit! I got to go!" You said and scrambled off of Bradley "I'll text you." You told him and you were out the door. As you were hurrying Natasha popped up but you didn't have time to stop and chat. "Hey, Nat. Bye, Nat. I'm late." You said and she waved as you sped down the hallway. She just laughed.
Back in the room, everyone was shocked. Jake quickly got over it and a sly smirk came on his face. "You sly dog. You're fucking her aren't you?" He said and Bradley couldn't help but smile. "I can't believe you're hooking up with the Vice Admiral's daughter." He continued "Does he know?" He asked and Bradley nodded his head.
"She told him that we were going on a date. She said that he was good with it." Bradley said looking up at him just as soon as Natasha walked in having not heard any of the conversation and it was dropped but they gave Bradley a knowing look.
Every now and then Bradley would come up to meet you in your classroom just to see you or have lunch with you. On many occasions, he was still there when students started to roll in. Many of the female students stood there gawking at the handsome male aviator, who was either in his flight suit or khaki uniform.
Natasha did find out a week after that. It had just become your and Bradley’s 8-month anniversary of dating. You had thought she was going to be gone for most of the morning staying at the base for something she had to do that night, even though it was a Saturday night and Sunday morning. You thought you were clear and you were for the night but not the morning when she came back earlier than what was planned.
You and Bradley had just come back from dinner and sat down on the couch and turned on a random movie. You both weren't paying attention to it too busy with each other. It started with you wanting to watch the movie but then Bradley started by kissing your neck and then he was slowly turning you so that you were facing him. The kissing was slow and passionate. You could feel his one hand that wasn't holding your neck start to creep up your thigh.
"Wait wait." You said and he pulled back with a confused look on his face.
"Is something wrong?" He asked sounding hurt.
"No nothing is wrong everything is perfect. But if we're going to have hot passionate sex I want it to be in the bedroom and not on the couch." You said and watched his face relax.
"You got it, darlin." He said while effortlessly picking you up which made you let out a squeal and clung to him. He started to kiss you again and you kissed back. You could feel how hard he was getting and it only turned you on more. He stumbled his way to your room all of a sudden you felt the mattress on your back and he climbed on top of you kissing you and touching you. It was all too much but it was perfect.
"You're perfect darling." He said as he slowly took your shirt off followed by your bra. He attached to your left nipple and started sucking and gently biting it, which had you moaning and grabbing his head. Your fingers raked his scalp. He moaned and that sent vibrations through your body. He pulled off your left nipple and gave the right one the same attention.
"Bradley." You moaned his name. You could feel him smirking he suddenly pulled off and kissed down your sternum to the start of your jeans and then he started to unbutton the buttons looking up at you.
"You're amazing. You deserve everything." He said while looking up at you as he took off your jeans and underwear and you lifted up helping him.
"You're amazing too. You should be shown appreciation too." You said starting to get up but he wouldn't let you. He quickly shed his clothing and climbed on top of you. He kissed you and you kissed back then he attacked your neck which had you a moaning mess. He quickly made his way down your sternum and to where you needed him the most.
"Later but now it's all about you." He said and you could feel his breath hit your vagina. He licked a broad stripe up and you let out a photographic moan and you felt him smirk. You were wet already but this just made you wetter. He kept going and then he was suckinf on your clit which had that familiar rubber band feeling coming to you. Occasionally he would tease your opening with your tongue. What made that rubber band snap was when he gently bit your clit and your vision turned white and stars could be seen.
After a few minutes, you came down from your high and he was crawling up and kissing you letting you taste yourself. You only broke apart when you needed air. "You're amazing." You told him and he smikred.
"You are too." He replied as he moved one hand down to his now leaking pre-cum cock giving it a pump and lining up with your entrance and pushing in. You threw your head back and your hands when to his back and raked your nails down his back leaving marks, he hissed out but in pleasure. "You're always so tight. It's like you were made for me." He said through the pleasurable pain.
"Oh fuck." You moaned out "More." You said almost demanding.
"Yes, ma'am." He said loving that you were making orders. He started to thrust into you and he hit you in all the right places. He brought one hand to catch both of your wrists in his large hands and brought them up above your head. He started to attack your neck with hot passionate kisses. He used his other hand to attack your sensitive clit which had you spreading your legs further. By doing that he started thrusting deeper and hit your g-spot. You were quickly coming to your second orgasm. "I'm close darling." He said and you knew it was true by his thrusts getting sloppily.
"Cum in me." You said and he nodded. He started to pick up his speed in thrusting and on your clit until you both hit your peak. His hips stilled as his cum painted your walls rope and rope and you came on his cock.
You both came down and he gently pulled out and laid next to you and you laid your head on his chest. The room smelt of sex and all that could be heard was both of you heavy breathing. "I'm so glad to be with you. I love you." You said and he dropped a kiss on your forehead.
"Me too darling. I love you too." He replied and both of you fell asleep.
It was the next morning and neither of you had to work since it was a Sunday. So you decided to pay Bradley a favor and show him the attention he deserved. You woke up before him and slowly kept down until you were at his flaccid cock. You slowly wrapped your hand around him and started to pump him until he was semi-hard, he started to moan but he was sleeping still. He took him in your mouth and started bobbing up and down and dipping your tongue into his slit. He started to thrust into your mouth and you hallowed your cheeks to take him further. It was a good thing that your gag reflex was almost nonexistent.
Bradley slowly opened his eyes and looked down at you. You had your eyes closed but sensed he was watching you and opened them and looked at him through your lashes. He put one hand on your head but didn't press down. He was close. He was moaning and almost panting. "Yes, Darling. I'm close." He said After a few minutes, you came up for air, but immediately went back and swirled your tongue around his tip, and that is what sent him over the edge. He came into your mouth, and you could taste his salty cum and swallowed it all. You pulled off of him when he was down and wiped the excess into your mouth. "What was that for?" He asked you.
"Well, you took such good care of me last night that I decided to repay you the favor." You said and he pulled you up to him and kissed him. He could taste himself. You pulled away for air.
"Get dressed, I'll make breakfast." He said and helped you get up. You slipped on your underwear after you found it, and on his oversized shirt, you forfeited the bra. He got up and pulled on his boxers. As he followed you out into the hallway you stopped short, because right in front of you in the kitchen was none other than your roommate, Natasha Trace. You stood there like a deer caught in headlights.
"Natasha. I thought you weren't supposed to be back until later this morning." You said and grabbed a pair of sweatpants that just so happened to be in the hamper. Bradley had gone back to the room and grabbed his pants. You were wearing his shirt so he forgot about it, it's not like she hasn't seen him thought a shirt.
"I got done early." She said slowly back "What is Bradley doing here? Why are you wearing his shirt?" She asked she had a feeling what the answer was going to be.
"I think you should sit down." Bradley said from behind you and you both walked into the kitchen and you both sat down on the barstool and she sat down at the table.
"Ok. I'm sitting." She said glaring at the two of you.
"I'm just gonna come out and say it." You said, "Bradley and I have been dating for 8 months." You finished and waited for her to blow up but she was just glaring at the two of you.
"Do the others know?" Natasha asked and you nodded.
"They found out last week when I went to drop something off to dad." You said.
"Why was I the last to know?" She asked still glaring.
"I know you wanted me to stay away from him but he's been so sweet to me. I know you were just trying to protect but Nat, I love him." You said she was still glaring but nodded and then turned her attention to Bradley.
"If you dare hurt her or break her heart. I'll be coming after you. I know where you sleep, and work, and you know how I am in the air. Not to mention I know her father." She said to him and he nodded.
"I'm not planning on doing any of those things. I love her too much." Bradley said looking at you dreamily and you looked back at him with the same look. Natasha saw this and finally stopped glaring.
"I am really happy for you guys. Still upset that I was the last to know, but that can be settled with you two buying me a drink at The Hard Deck." She said and you both looked at her and nodded.
"Deal." You and Bradley said at the same time.
"I'm gonna start making breakfast. Nat why don't you go and change?" Bradley said and she nodded and got up and headed off down the hallway. As she was walking she called over her shoulder.
"You better not have fucked anywhere in the kitchen or on the couch!"
You both laughed and shook your heads. You haven't yet but time will tell.
Tag list:
#bradley bradshaw x female reader#bradley bradshaw fic#bradley bradshaw imagine#bradley bradshaw fanfiction#top gun fanfiction#top gun imagine#top gun x reader#top gun fandom#top gun fanfic#top gun maverick#top gun fan fiction#top gun fic#top gun fics#beau simpson x daughter!reader#cyclone x daughter!reader
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top gun threesomeissance 2023 masterlist
wow y'all!!! i'm so sorry for how late this is but you guys blew me away with each of these pieces. thank you to everyone who wrote, read, reblogged, liked, commented, and just in general encouraged their friends to write. so much love, and i hope everyone enjoyed!! now, in no particular order...... the masterlist:
bradley, jake, x f!reader
Up the Ante - @sometimesanalice Rooster had heard the whispers. He knew what the stories were about- the ones that had followed him and Hangman around for years. You, however, are more than happy to find out for yourself if all the rumors were true.
jake, f!reader, x f!reader's friend
You and Me and She Makes Three - @roosterforme Jake had feelings for you. And that was a problem, because he didn't do relationships. He was going to have to choose his independence over being with you. At least that's what he thought until he was presented with the opportunity to enjoy you and his freedom at the same time.
bob, jake, x reader
three tender lovers - @sebsxphia bob proposes a solution to jake’s remarks to the marks on bob’s back. all three of you find resolution and something else. love.
(im)Patiently Waiting - @callsign-cacti You and Bob have been dancing around one another for years. Now, with Jake and Bob eyeing each other, you have a plan. Hopefully, it ends with both of them in your bed... or any bed.
mickey, bob, x f!reader
Two Turns Into Three - @foreverrandomwritings You and your boyfriend Fanboy propostion your close friend Bob with a threesome request.
javy, bradley, x f!reader
Merrier the More - @sylviebell Jake strikes out at the bar, but you hit a couple of home runs
javy, natasha, x reader
The Last Unicorn - @thedroneranger Getting caught between Natasha and Javy leads to a unique experience.
javy, mickey, x f!plus size!reader
"It was always gonna end this way" - @briseisgone [no author written summary but!] smut, polyamory, boys being bisexual boys, and a whole lotta fun
beau, jake, x f!reader
The Magic Number - @wkndwlff Beau and his fiancé discover the magic of threes.
#top gun threesomeissance 2023#top gun: maverick fic recs#top gun: maverick fanfic#top gun: maverick fic#top gun maverick#bradley 'rooster' bradshaw#jake 'hangman' seresin#robert 'bob' floyd#mickey 'fanboy' garcia#beau simpson#javy 'coyote' machado#natasha 'phoenix' trace#jake seresin x reader#bradley bradshaw x reader#bob floyd x reader#javy machado x reader#natasha trace x reader#mickey garcia x reader#beau simpson x reader#sushi speaks#fic recs
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Guys I need to WRITE please ask me about my WIPs.
I have a hangster proposal fic, I have a cymav established workplace shenanigans ;) fic, hangster getting back together with miscommunication obviously fic, hangmav angsty getting together(?) fic.
So many ideas, so little motivation but I wanna talk to people about them 😔
#hangster#top gun maverick#jake hangman seresin#bradley rooster bradshaw#cymav#beau cyclone simpson#pete maverick mitchell#hangmav#top gun fanfic
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𝙍𝙀𝘾𝙊𝙉𝘾𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝙃𝙀𝘼𝙍𝙏𝙎 | 𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐝 𝐬𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
summary | from the beginning, everything had been sunshine and rainbows, but now, all hangs on the line. after you and brad get into a heated argument and all is about to break, brad begs for your forgiveness.
pairings | brad simpson x fem!reader
warning | swearing, kissing, angst, fluff, mature themes, arguing
The room was tense, the air practically crackling with the charged energy of an argument that had escalated far beyond its original point. You and Brad had found yourselves in a heated dispute, your voices raised and words like arrows striking their mark. The once warm and cosy temperature of your shared apartment now felt suffocating, each corner echoing with the remnants of your heated exchange.
The catalyst for the argument was a date that should been etched into Brad's memory: your birthday. Yet, he had forgotten, and the disappointment that washed over you was palpable, turning the day into an emotional battlefield.
"I can't believe you forgot, Brad!" Your voice quivered with a mix of sadness and anger, your eyes glistening with unshed tears.
"I know, and I'm truly sorry," Brad's voice carried a weight of remorse, his expression a reflection of his regret. "It was thoughtless of me."
The argument had spiraled from there, unraveling years of shared memories, trust, and affection. The wounds you both inadvertently tore open during the heat of the dispute ran deep, leaving your relationship hanging in the balance.
Silence descended upon the room, both of you catching your breath, emotions still raw from the intensity of the argument. Brad's initial defensiveness had given way to genuine regret as he gazed at your tear-streaked face, the pain he had caused etched into your features.
"I never meant to hurt you like this," Brad's voice was laced with sadness and self-reproach, his own heartache evident in his eyes. "I messed up, and I can't even begin to express how sorry I am."
You blinked, anger beginning to dissipate as you took in the depth of Brad's remorse. "Why didn't you just tell me if you were preoccupied? We could have made other plans together?"
Brad's shoulders slumped, and he took a cautious step forward, his gaze fixed on your eyes as he reached out, his fingers hovering in the space between you. "I should have communicated better. I let my own negligence overshadow how much you mean to me."
Your expression softened as you listened to Brad's confession. You could see his genuine remorse, a mirror to his own regrets and vulnerabilities.
"I wanted your birthday to be special, and I ended up ruining it," Brad continued, his voice heavy with regret. "I love you more than words could say, Y/N, and I can't imagine my life without you."
Tears welled up in your eyes again, your emotions in turmoil. Taking a tentative step forward, you closed the distance, and Brad enveloped you in a tight embrace.
"I'm sorry too," you whispered, your voice barely audible, the weight of your own mistakes heavy on your conscience.
You held each other in silence, the weight of the argument and the pain gradually giving way to the warmth of your shared embrace. When you finally pulled apart, Brad cupped your tear-streaked face in his hands, his eyes brimming with sincerity.
"Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?" Brad's voice was a plea, his vulnerability laid bare.
You gazed into his eyes, seeing the sincerity and love there, the same love that had woven your lives together. With a shaky breath, you nodded.
"I forgive you, Brad."
Relief washed over Brad's features, and he pulled you into another tight hug, as if afraid to let you go.
From that moment on, you both vowed to communicate better, to treasure each other's emotions and cherish the time you had together. Your love proved unbreakable, even in the face of the darkest moments. As you both worked through your issues, your relationship emerged stronger, a vow to the power of forgiveness and the resilience of two hearts intertwined.
#brad simpson#bradley simpson#the vamps#connor ball#tristan evans#james mcvey#brad simpson x reader#bradley simpson x reader#imagine#one shot#fanfic#fanfiction#the vamps imagine#bradley simpson imagine#brad simpson imagine#brad simpson one shot#the vamps brad#the vamps band
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What if the dagger squad were stationed as a permanent squadron at Top Gun. All of them teach, some more than others, they train together, and still go on missions and all that. They start to get closer because of work and they live close to one another. One day in class, the students decide to prank the instructors by messing with the paperwork, they didn't get caught, but unfortunately they did the prank when the dagger squad were in a bad mood. Jake comes in the office and notices the bad mood and makes a joke to lighten things up, but it ends up with the squad snapping at him and even blaming him for what happened (probably Rooster and Phoenix starts it). Jake tries to defend himself saying something along the lines of 'I don't even know what happened, and my paperwork got messed with too', but no one believes him. Even Coyote and Mav were disappointed in him, hell even Hondo pulls him aside and tells him he should stop messing with the squad. He feels hurt and decides to stop arguing because 'it's not worth it.' The next couple of days the students notice how tense the dagger squad is and managed to piece together what happens based on tactical information gathering (eavesdropping). They start feeling bad, but thinks Hangman deserves it for being a dick sometimes. Cyclone finds out what happened and thinks, 'that doesn't sound like Hangman' because Hangman is very precise with his paperwork, he was also in charge of making most of the lesson plan that week, so the prank would have harmed him the most. He manages to talk to Hangman, who says he doesn't know who did it, but nobody believes him, and he waves off Cyclone's concern saying, 'it doesn't matter, anyways'. However, Cyclone sees how withdrawn the younger man is, and how the dagger squad was getting more pissy with him. Cyclone gets even more concerned and pulls up the CCTV footage and finds out what happens, and pulls the dagger squad and the students to rip them a new one. How disappointed he is in top naval officers not investigating properly and acting like children, and how the students just let it fester. He turns to Hangman and asks how he would like to proceed with punishing the students, and Hangman shrugs and tells him to let the rest of the dagger squad decide because 'you guys were the most inconvenienced by what happened, so you guys chose.' To the students he says, 'I get it, I messed with my COs too, I would say not to let it go on for this long next time, but we all know that ain't happenin' ', he gives them a smile and leaves. The dagger squad bends over backwards trying to get Jake to forgive him, but he tries to stay strictly professional. Cyclone becomes more involved in Hangman's life, and even acts as a mentor. Invites him for dinner or drinks and all that. Hangman is confused, but happy Cyclone gives him the time of day. Eventually Hangman starts becoming more open with Cyclone, and hangs out in his office much more, and Cyclone enjoys the kid's company. One day after a successful mission, Beau pulls Jake close for a side hug and a hair ruffle instead of shaking his hand, and after Jake gives him a small smile, eyes filled with wonder, Beau knew that he wasn't gonna let him go.
I want this as a happy ending of course, and probably change it a bit to make it more "realistic" and all that. Will I actually write it? Who knows, it's just thoughts dump. I just like giving Hangman angst and a chance to have even more found family. (He and the dagger squad will be cool eventually, they spoil him more later on.)
#jake hangman seresin#jake seresin#fanfic#mavdad#pete maverick mitchell#top gun#top gun fandom#top gun maverick#bradley rooster bradshaw#dagger squad#beau cyclone simpson#hangman angst#angst#fluff#found family#brain dumb#word vomit
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There's a spot at the dinner table for you
Chapter 5
"Cruising home with delicious leftovers in the passenger seat and a sense of achievement on his shoulders is a pretty good way to head into the weekend."
#top gun#top gun maverick#ao3 fanfic#bradley rooster bradshaw#beau cyclone simpson#rooster x cyclone#past hangman x rooster
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Hey I got a request for Brad i understand if you don’t want to do it
So you and Brad are together and brad was on stage and you was having these pains and turns out you was in labour and you didn’t know and Brad was as shocked as you and the next day the boys walked in and was really shocked you had a baby in your arms hope that makes
Here you go!
I had always been Brad's biggest supporter, attending every concert and cheering him on from the front row. Tonight was no different, as I stood among the throngs of fans, my heart swelling with pride as Brad and his band took the stage. The energy in the venue was electric, and I could feel the bass thumping in my chest. However, as the night went on, I began to feel a different kind of thumping—a dull, persistent pain in my lower abdomen.
At first, I brushed it off, thinking it was just nerves or maybe something I ate. But as the concert progressed, the pain grew more intense and frequent. I clutched my stomach, trying to steady myself, but the pain was becoming unbearable. I glanced up at Brad, who was lost in the music, completely unaware of my distress.
Suddenly, a wave of realization washed over me. Could I be in labor? The thought seemed absurd; I hadn't even known I was pregnant. Panic set in as the contractions became more frequent and intense. I knew I had to get help but didn't want to cause a scene and distract Brad from his performance.
Just as I was about to make my way to the exit, another contraction hit, and I doubled over in pain. Kirstie nearby noticed my distress and asked if I was okay. I shook my head, tears streaming down my face. "I think I'm in labor," I managed to gasp.
Kirstie's eyes widened in shock, and she quickly flagged down a security guard. Within minutes, I was being escorted backstage, where medical personnel were waiting. Brad, noticing the commotion, glanced over and saw me being led away. His heart skipped a beat, and he quickly wrapped up the song, apologizing to the audience before rushing off stage.
When Brad reached me, I was already being examined by the medical team. The look of shock and concern on his face mirrored my own. "What's happening?" he asked, his voice trembling.
"I'm in labor, Brad," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't even know I was pregnant."
Brad's eyes widened in disbelief, but there was no time to process the information. The medical team quickly prepared to transport me to the hospital. Brad held my hand the entire way, his mind racing with a million thoughts and emotions.
Hours later, in a whirlwind of pain and confusion, I gave birth to a healthy baby. Both Brad and I were in shock, unable to fully comprehend what had just happened. We spent the night in the hospital, staring in awe at the tiny life we had brought into the world.
The next morning, the rest of the band arrived at the hospital, their faces a mix of concern and curiosity. When they walked into the room and saw me holding a baby, their jaws dropped.
"Is that...?" Tristan stammered, unable to finish the sentence.
"Yeah," Brad said, a proud yet bewildered smile on his face. "We're parents."
“She's so tiny.” Connor added in awe.
“Everyone, meet Eloise Ann Simpson.” I cheerfully said.
The room erupted in congratulations and laughter, the shock slowly giving way to joy. It was a moment none of us would ever forget—a night that had started with music and ended with the miracle of new life.
#brad simpson#bradley simpson#bradley will simpson#the vamps band#the vamps brad#vampettes sessions#fandom#fanfic#brad simpson imagine#bradley simpson imagine#writing#writers on tumblr
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If I were to write a one-shot next, which would you prefer to see? Intentionally not including anything for Jake since his inclusion usually skews the results...
Still working on my two series (one is wrapping up soon) and just curious who else you'd like me to see write for.
#bradley rooster bradshaw x reader#beau cyclone simpson x reader#bob floyd x reader#top gun fanfic#bradley bradshaw#beau cyclone simpson#robert bob floyd
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Hello to the readers that read this imagine I’m sorry it’s been like two or so weeks since I posted my last one. I have been busy with school and getting my SACE so I can finish school successfully, also I have been reading a lot more lately and I lose track of time when I do so.
I hope you enjoy this imagine and I am currently in the middle of working on another one ready to post next week or maybe sometime this week. Please feel free to leave suggestions, ideas, or even requests.
I walk into my apartment after work to get ready for tonight's movie night at Zara’s with Tristan. It was a regular get-together thing after Zara moved out into Tristan's place. They were engaged and thought it was finally time to move in with each other. Brad was still living there with them while trying to find another place to live.
After my shower, I got into comfy clothes and grabbed my keys to leave. While on my way I picked up some snacks since I didn't want to go empty-handed again like I did last time, and I didn't eat a thing that night because I felt like shit for not bringing anything even though Zara and Tristan never cared. I pulled up to their house as Zara runs out to me and pulls me into a big hug.
"Hey girl, I was wondering where you were" Zara laughs.
"I went to the shops first, I'm sorry I'm late" I smile as I grab the bag and my other belongings.
"You did not have to bring anything, we made Brad do the shopping this week and he brought a lot, he also has someone over" My heart dropped as I continue smiling.
"Oh, is she nice" I ask.
"See for yourself me and Tris don't know about her" She shrugs as I lock my car and we walk into her house.
"Y/N you are here" Tristan pulls me into a hug "How was work" I place the bag down on the counter.
"Good" I nod as I look over at Brad and the blond woman next to him "Hi" I smile.
"Y/N meet Sarah, Sarah this is Y/N" Brad smiles.
"Hello" I nod to her and give her a light smile.
"Hi" She rolls her eyes as I look down, great she doesn't like me.
"Well let's get this rolling, Y/N wanna help me set up" I nod in response as Tristan, Brad and Sarah go to the couch and set up in there "I am so sorry about her, shes been here for two nights and has given me attitude as well it's disgusting, she clearly doesn't get that I'm engaged to Brads best friend" Zara shakes her head.
"Maybe she's scared to lose him" I shrug.
"No she's fake, like come on look at the lip job, clearly her boobs are fake and her ass, come on Brad could do better, and I hope he opens his eyes one day and notices she is right in front of him" She laughs.
"Zara shh" I nudge her with my shoulder as she giggles.
She wasn't wrong, Sarah was not someone I thought id ever see with Brad but if she makes him happy then it's worth it. Don't get me wrong I was jealous because I was in love with Brad but I knew how he was with women and how he got bored and didn't last a week with them so it was nothing new to us but it was also the reason I never told him how I felt.
Once we set up I sit down and we all decide on White Chicks for the movie, Zara and Tristan laughed and whispered to each other as I noticed why, I felt so bad but it was funny. Halfway through the movie, I felt eyes stinging the side of my head, I look over and see Brad staring at me as I give him a light smile but he just looks away.
"Wait, where is your boyfriend Y/N" Sarah pipes up.
"I.. I don't have one" I respond.
"Must be lonely, no one to cuddle, or kiss you while whispering cute things to you, I mean I can see why you are single but like have you tried dating apps that's how Brad and I met" She shrugs.
"I uhh.. I have before but didn't work out" I shrug. "Oh must suck, guess it's not for everyone" She giggles "Tristan you did amazing, but keep her away from Brad I see how she looks at him"
"I don't look at him in any way besides an idiot" Zara rolls her eyes.
"That's enough" Tristan shakes his head.
"You scored a model baby" Brad just nods as I look back at the TV holding in my tears, to be honest, it felt lonely now.
"Hey guys I'm sorry but I'm not feeling too well, im gonna go" I say as I stand up catching Brad's eyes on mine.
"Oh okay, are you sure do you need anything" Zara asks.
"No, I'm alright, thank you though ill let you know when I'm home" Zara pulls me into a hug.
"I'm so sorry about her" She whispers.
"It's okay, it's not your fault" I smile softly and leave to my car trying to hold it till I got in my car but failed.
"Wait wait" Brad runs after me "Im sorry I should have said something to her I'm sorry"
"It's okay, as long as you are happy that's all that matters to me okay" I turn around to face him.
"No you didn't deserve to be treated that way and I'm sorry" He walks closer to me.
"Please go back inside and enjoy the rest of the night, I just wanna get home I'm not feeling well and I just want to go to bed" I open my car door.
"Let me come with then, I know you hate being by yourself when you're sick" He says.
"Brad please I will be okay" A tear slips as I quickly wipe it away.
"No I know you, when you're sick the first person you go to has always been me, so I could just come with you and keep you company while you sleep" I hated that he was right, but he always dropped everything for me when I was sick.
"I'm fine, I just wanted to leave really" I sigh.
"Because of her right, I knew you were feeling fine" He asks with a grin.
"I mean yeah, did you hear how she spoke to me, I mean I can see why after I told her I wasn't seeing anyone, that really fucking hurt Bradley" I cry.
"But you know it's not true okay, anyway though I need to move I walked in on Zara and Tris last night and I never want to do that again, so since I know you hate living alone because it gets lonely, and I'm looking for a place to stay-"
"No" I shake my head as I cut him off before he finished his sentence.
"Because I don't wanna hear you fucking a new chick each week, and I don't want to be bullied in my own house" I state.
"Is that really how you see me" He asks.
"You can't blame me, you have a new girlfriend each week, Zara tells me" I sigh.
"So you keep tabs on me now do you, so moving in would be great you can keep tabs on every little thing I do" He laughs "I knew you had a crush on me just admit it love" He backs me into the car as my back hits my door.
"Go please, I know you don't feel the same otherwise you would do something about it or you would stick up for me" I cry "You know what fine you're right, I'm so in love with you and I'm terrified" I admit.
"Why are you terrified" He frowns.
"Because you would treat me like you treat them, use me till you're bored and then toss me to the side and boom I'm a new name to add to your list" He stared deeply into my eyes not believing a single word I just said.
"I hate that, that is how you see me, love, I would drop everything for you, everything, I come over late at night just because you call and ask me to stay because you are paranoid or lonely, I look after you when you are sick, and I do stand up for you that's why I ran out here after I told her to leave and that I want nothing to do with her, which I do not know why she hasn't left yet, but you can go ask Zara and Tris and they will tell you what I did, id risk my whole life for you, so don't tell me id throw you to the side like a number, because little do you know I fucking love you more than anything this world could offer me, ill always choose you, you are the reason they never work out because it's you, you own me, I will always be yours" He cups my face in his hand.
"Bradley" I whisper.
"Shhh" He plants his lips on mine softly and the kiss tells me so much more than what he has told me, I knew he meant it "I will spend the rest of my life proving to you that I'm yours, that I would risk my life for you, okay, now please come back in" He asks.
"Can you whisper sweet things in my ear" I giggle.
"Of course, I can, also she doesn't know what she's talking about you're perfect in every way possible, but love, can I take you out to dinner tomorrow night as an apology and a date" He asks as we walk back into the house as Sarah leaves.
"Wow you move on fast" I giggle "But yes you may"
"It's about time you two finally opened your eyes, was gonna ring the hospital for laser eye surgery for the both of yous, especially you Bradley" Zara and Tristan laugh "Thanks, I think you calling me an idiot finally made me realise something" Brad laughs "Good, should have said it earlier Zar" Tristan plants a soft kiss on Zara's cheek as we go back to the movie and I cuddle up to Brad till I fell asleep.
#brad simpson#bradley simpson#bradley will simpson#connor ball#james mcvey#the vamps#tristan evans#fanfic#fanfiction#imagine#light angst
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the poll results had first one for pt2 for love.jpg. and i've been editing and finishing up pt2 (though i will do all four as asked in the poll the previous week). soooooo
y'all ready for this??
#formula one#f1#f1 fanfiction#f1 drivers#f1 drivers x reader#f1 drivers x you#f1 imagines#f1 fic#f1 fanfic#f1 one shot#f1 oneshot#f1 drivers one shot#lando Norris#lando norris x reader#lando norris x y/n#lando norris imagine#charles leclerc#bradley simpson#bradley simpson imagine#the vamps brad#charles leclerc imagine#charles leclerc blurb#charles leclerc fanfic#f1 imagine#charles leclerc x reader#brad simpson x reader#the vamps imagines#brad simpson imagine#brad simpson x y/n#brad simpson
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Em! I love this. HAPPY ROOSTER DAY!
The fact that Cyclone and Mrs. Simpson were there? And Hondo? And Mav? I'm crying laughing. Bradley just can't wait to fuck his wife, huh? I'm obsessed. I can't believe that he just outed his whole kink to his entire squadron and superiors (not to mention his pseudo-dad).
Only this man. Only him.
- XOXO Star
Sufficiently Surprised | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley loves dirty quickies with his wife. Between his work schedule and yours, that's often all there's time for. But when he rushes home from work on his birthday, ready and raring to go, he's in for a bit of a surprise.
Warnings: Fluffy and smutty and swearing
Length: 2600 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
Check out my masterlist for more!

Bradley checked the time as he hit the third red light in a row. "Come on," he groaned, tapping his fingers impatiently on the steering wheel. He was sure you were getting ready to leave for work, and he wanted to get home in time to see you before you did.
Really, he was hoping to get there in time to do more than just see you.
He hated that your schedule at the hospital consisted of mostly overnights, because he selfishly wanted to spend all of his free time with you when he wasn't deployed. He was thinking about taking you nice and slow in bed, but there wouldn't be time for that right now.
When the light turned green, he zipped around the corner and pulled into the driveway next to your car. Excellent. You hadn't left yet. He jogged up to the porch, and when he opened the front door, he called out, "Baby, I'm home! You ready for me and my big dick?"
"Yes!" you called from somewhere in the house, and he grinned, already getting hard for you.
He was unzipping his khaki uniform pants when you rushed out of the kitchen with your bag and a travel mug of coffee. You set them down as Bradley lowered his pants and underwear to his knees. You kissed him and laughed softly against his lips, running your fingers through his hair and draping your arms around his neck.
His wife was always down for a quickie between work shifts. This was all part of your shared routine now, and he loved it.
"Did you have a good day?" you asked him, stroking your hand down his body and along his cock while he untied your scrubs and let the material pool around your feet. Then he yanked down your plain cotton underwear, and you bent slightly at the waist, planting your palms against the wall next to the front door.
You were ready to get fucked and go to work full of his cum. He groaned, taking your hips gently in his hands and thrusting into you. "I had a pretty great day, Baby. And it just keeps getting better."
You turned to smile at him over your shoulder. "I love to hear that." Then he was kissing you while he fucked you hard, filling the small entryway with the sounds of grunting and his thighs slapping against yours.
You moaned and arched your back while he palmed your ass a little roughly and went harder. Bradley could see the next door neighbor outside pulling weeds through the glass window pane in the front door. The guy across the street was getting his mail. Someone was out for an early evening run.
And he was fucking his wife where any of them could see if they happened to turn and look through his front door. It just made this even hotter.
"God, I love this pussy," he groaned as you took him so well. "You gonna cum for me?" he asked softly as you got louder.
"Yes," you whined. "Keep talking dirty."
Bradley smirked and reached his fingers around to your clit. He spanked your pussy while he fucked you until your cheek was bumping the wall between your hands. "You look gorgeous when you bend over for me. Taking me like a fucking champ, aren't you? Gonna wear my cum all over your thighs at work tonight."
"Bradley," you gasped, eyes closing as you enjoyed the build. He brought his other hand up to wrap around the front of your neck, tilting your face closer to him.
He licked your neck and whispered, "When we have a night off together, I'll let you wear it all over your pretty face."
And then you came for him. He rubbed his middle finger up and down along your clit until you were crying out and trying to stand up before he could overstimulate you. But he wouldn't let you as he grasped you by the hips once more and filled you up as he groaned your name. And sure enough, his cum leaked out of your pretty pussy as you stood up and turned in his arms.
You kissed his neck and chin softly, still catching your breath and making delectable sounds at the back of your throat. And now your perfect ass was on display along with your cum covered thighs, if any of those neighbors happened to be paying attention.
"I love you," he swore, his voice deep and raspy as you ran your nails along his scalp.
When you eventually released him to pull your underwear back up, Bradley enjoyed the sight of his sticky, white mess. Then you leaned up to kiss him as you tied your scrubs. "Dinner is in the fridge. Don't forget to go grocery shopping. I love you. And next time I see you, it'll be your birthday!"
Bradley chuckled. He didn't care much about that as long as he got to see you. "Have a good night, Baby," he whispered, kissing you one last time before you ran out the front door to get to work on time. He stood with his cock on display and his hands on his hips as he watched you pull out of the driveway.
Working opposite shifts definitely did have its perks; there was never a shortage of rough, dirty quickies in this house.
The following afternoon, Bradley was ready to rip his hair out. Maverick and Cyclone were riding his ass nonstop. And now they had just assigned him two hundred pushups with Hondo for seemingly no reason.
On his fucking birthday.
There was definitely no way he'd manage to get home in time to see you before your shift started. He was only twenty pushups in when he started thinking about how cute you had looked when you got home this morning, just in time to wish him a happy birthday before collapsing into bed. And now he'd have to wait until tomorrow when you were both off work for the birthday blowjob you'd promised him. But that was fine, because he'd be able to actually sleep in bed with you for two nights in a row as well.
So he wrapped up his pushups as quickly as he physically could, and then Hondo dismissed him. He decided to skip the locker room and just head home to shower there. Maybe he'd go grab a beer with Nat later to celebrate turning thirty nine.
But when he pulled up to the house and saw your car was still there, a bright smile broke out on his face. He checked the time. Maybe he would only have the chance to give you a quick kiss before you left, but that was all he really needed.
But just in case there was time.... when he opened the door, he was already unzipping his flight suit.
"You better be fucking ready for me, Baby! Bring that ass over here. We only have twenty minutes before your shift starts, and I'm ready to go! Flight suit is coming off!"
But he was met with silence, and then you poked your head out of the kitchen doorway, eyes wide, gaping at him. "Bradley."
"What?" he asked, hand pausing on his zipper which was pulled down to the bottom of his black tee shirt. "What's wrong?"
Then you stepped fully out into the room, and Bradley saw that you weren't dressed for work at all. You had on jeans and a cute little top. And now his eyes went wide too, because Nat, Bob, and Mickey all popped up from behind the couch. And Mav was standing next to you now. And Jake was staring at him from behind the curtains with a look of amused horror.
"Surprise," you muttered, looking mortified and cradling your forehead in your hand. "Happy birthday."
"Oh.... shit," Bradley whispered, quickly zipping his flight suit up a few inches and silently praying that nobody heard him announce that he was ready to fuck his wife upon arrival.
"Happy birthday," several of the others said. Bob was blushing bright pink and Nat was doubled over in laughter. And then Bradley wanted nothing more than to vanish into thin air as Admiral Simpson and his wife strolled out of the kitchen holding hands.
"Happy birthday, Lieutenant Bradshaw," Cyclone said, smirking at Bradley.
"Admiral Simpson, Sir," Bradley replied quietly, forcing himself to make eye contact with his superior officer. "Mrs. Simpson." Oh, she did not look amused at all.
Bradley watched as seemingly everyone he had ever met flooded out into his living room and looked at him in shock or amusement.
You awkwardly clapped your hands together and loudly said, "Drinks and snacks are on the back patio! Let's all head outside!" But when Bradley made a beeline toward you, he almost yelped as you grabbed him by his flight suit and hauled him toward your bedroom.
"What the fuck, Bradley?" you hissed, closing the door behind you and looking at him with wide eyes. "Why did you say all that stuff?"
"Are you kidding?" He just stared at you in annoyance and gave you an exaggerated shrug. "I always say that shit to you on days when you're leaving for work! I live for the hot quickies until we have a day off together! You know this!"
"I'm not working today! I took the day off for your birthday!" you whispered loudly, yanking his zipper down again. "To surprise you with a party!"
"How was I supposed to know that?!" he asked, watching your hands as you pushed his flight suit off his shoulders.
You just stared at him for a beat. "That was so embarrassing!" you moaned softly as you closed the distance between both of you and kissed his neck. "I am completely mortified and yet so fucking turned on right now."
"Me too," he confirmed, pulling you close with his hands on your waist. "Now everyone knows we fuck like wild animals when I get home from work."
When you moaned, the sound had Bradley reaching for the button of your jeans while you wrapped your arms around his neck.
"Not yet. You can unwrap your birthday present later," you whispered next to his ear as you rubbed yourself against him through his flight suit.
"Please tell me you're my birthday present," he grunted, getting so hard for you as you reached inside his suit and wrapped your hand around his dick.
"Of course I am," you informed him with a sassy smile before sinking to your knees in front of him. "And here's your birthday blowjob."
He was surprised you were initiating this right now, but he was not disappointed. Bradley ran his fingers along your cheek as you pulled his cock free of his clothing and kissed his tip. When you licked his precum from your lips, he reached around the back of your head to guide your mouth back to his cock.
"You sure are eager," you managed to say before you had a mouthful of his cock.
Bradley nodded and stroked your soft cheek again. "Been thinking about this all day." He smiled down at you as you bobbed along his length and sucked. "Oh, fuck. Slow down, Baby."
You hollowed your cheeks and pulled him free with a little pop that left him panting. "Gotta be quick, Birthday Boy. Don't want to keep our guests waiting."
He brought his hand around to the back of your head once more, and you smiled before he pushed himself so deep, he was hitting the back of your throat. You moaned around him, and he had to bite his lip and silently count to ten. He could hear everyone outside talking and laughing through the open window. He was a little afraid that if he wasn't careful, they might be able to hear him.
"I'm going to take my sweet time with you later," he groaned softly, dizzy as you worked him over so well. You looked up at him with those wide eyes, mouth full of his cock as he promised you, "I'll get everything I want out of my little birthday present. Coat you up with my cum."
You took him deep and kept him there while your eyes watered. He could feel your lip brushing his short, coarse hairs as you gagged on him. He was in heaven. His wife was a depraved angel.
"Fuck!" he growled, and then you pulled him free and started pumping your hand along his cock with one hand and dragging your fingernails along his balls with the other. "I'll cum, Baby. You know that's gonna make me cum," he warned, tilting your chin up so you met his eyes.
"I don't want to wait. I want it on my face now," you told him, jerking him off expertly.
"God damn it, we have company over," he moaned, and almost instantly he was cumming. Ribbons of his thick semen landed on your cheek, nose and lips and you smiled and giggled.
"I want more," you said with a grin, parting your lips as he spurted into your mouth. You swallowed him down and started licking the tip of his cock clean while Bradley dragged his fingers along your messy cheek.
"You're so pretty," he crooned as you planted your hands on his hips and licked his fingers clean. He collected more cum from your silky skin with his rough index finger, and you moaned softly as he fed it to you. "Just gorgeous. My sexy birthday present."
You giggled and licked him from your lips before you rose to your feet. "I need to get cleaned up," you whispered, rubbing his abs through his shirt. Bradley leaned down and kissed the tip of your nose, tasting himself there and on your cheek before he pressed his lips to yours.
"Yeah, you do, Baby," he whispered with a smirk. "You're a fucking mess."
You swiped your tongue into his mouth and kissed him before turning toward the bathroom. Bradley watched the sway of your hips as he wiped himself from his mustache and licked his fingers clean. "God damn," he groaned, yanking off his boots and flight suit and changing into jeans.
When you returned from the bathroom, your eye makeup was a little smudged and you were wearing a permanent smirk as you took him by the hand and led him outside to his birthday party.
"This was at least half your fault. And now you're really going to make me go socialize with everyone?" he whined.
"You just came all over my face," you said, so matter of fact that he laughed. "I'm feeling a little silly about having everyone over now, too. But let's just deal with it."
"You can't surprise me like that again. Next time I might say something even worse thinking it's just you and me."
"Oh, don't worry about that," you muttered. "Absolutely never doing this again. No more surprise parties."
Bob couldn't even meet Bradley's eye as Nat said, "I didn't know it took fifteen minutes to change into jeans."
"It does at my house," Bradley confirmed with a nod, and you had to hide your face against his bicep. He kissed the top of your head just as Hondo strolled out through the sliding glass door onto the back patio.
"Rooster, sorry about all those pushups! But we needed to give your lovely wife time to get everyone in place. Were you surprised?"
Bradley snorted and said, "Yeah, I'd say I was sufficiently surprised." He leaned down close to your ear and kissed you. "And so was everybody else," he whispered softly.
You pinched his arm and muttered, "Never again," before you led Hondo toward the snacks and winked at Bradley over your shoulder.
If your man won't cum all over your face at his own surprise party, then why are you even with him? Happy birthday, Rooster! Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls.
#star's fic recs#top gun fanfic#top gun fanfiction#top gun maverick fanfic#top gun maverick fanfiction#roosterforme#sufficiently surprised#bradley rooster bradshaw x reader#rooster x reader#bradley bradshaw x reader#the bradshaws are kinky#i died laughing#poor Mrs. Simpson#she heard way more about her husband's subordinate's love life than she probably ever wanted to
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Dear Muse,
What the fuck?!?!
You have already have 3 WIP to work on!
We do NOT need to add a heist fanfic called “Maverick’s 13” a play on the George Clooney Ocean’s trilogy.
Where Maverick gets out of jail he plans a heist to win back his ex husband Tom Kazansky from Casino Owner Beau Simpson.
Maverick = Ocean
Jake = Rusty
Bradley = Linus
Coyote = Saul
I SAID NO MUSE…*faintly in the background Viva Las Vegas can be heard*
#top gun maverick#fanfiction#muse why are you this way?#pete maverick mitchell#tom iceman kazansky#bradley rooster bradshaw#jake hangman seresin#icemav
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Born To Die - Epilogue

Chapter Summary: The mission is over and now everyone recovers
A/N: I'm really proud of this story because it's my first fanfic that I've finished. I hope you all have enjoyed it, but this isn't the last you've seen of Allison and Erin
Erin had never been happier to be on dry land in her entire career in the navy. Returning to base with the detachment meant debriefings and meetings. Admiral Simpson had let them all know that after all of the debriefings they would be allowed two months of leave, but anyone who directly played a role in the mission was required to see the base psychologist and get cleared before they could fly again.
Her first night back was spent at Pete’s with Bradley. Erin needed to know they were both there, assurance they were really alive. Pete and Bradley hadn’t really talked, but a temporary truce was in place while they all recovered. Erin didn’t know how she was gonna move on from it all, but it helped having her family back.
“Hey, what’s going through that brain of yours?” Bradley asked her one night while they shared a drink on Pete’s back porch.
“I almost lost you,” Erin looked at him, “And I don’t ever want to feel that again.”
“You won’t,” Bradley promised her, taking her hand in his own, “If I have anything to say about it, you won’t.”
“But you don’t,” Erin responded, “You don’t have anything to say about it. We have no control over any of it. Over where we get put, which missions we get put on. I could lose you as easily as you could lose me. And I just barely got you back, Bradley.”
“That’s what we signed up for, Erin,” Bradley pulled her closer to him on the bench they were sitting on, “But we have us to fight for. Someone to come home to. I promise you I will spend every flight, every mission, every deployment fighting to come home to you.”
“Okay,” Erin nodded, placated for the time being, “And I promise the same, even though that’s more up to Allison than me.”
“I’m sure Allison wants you to come home just as much as I do,” Bradley chuckled softly.
“Hmm,” Erin hummed in agreement, laying her head on his shoulder, “Well, that’s cause she wants to be home with Seresin.”
“How did that happen?” Bradley asked Erin, changing the subject, “Those two are the most explosive pairing I’ve ever seen, I swear.”
“It actually happened during my first run at Top Gun,” Erin told him, “You know how the three of us were in the class before you and Natasha? Well, the two of them could not stay away from each other, ever. I just remember Javy and I placing bets on when they would figure their shit out and just get together.”
“How was Hangman at Top Gun?” Bradley questioned.
“Oh, worse than he is now,” Erin joked, laughing slightly, “God, he was insufferable. But me, Allie, him, and Javy, we were unstoppable together. A little quartet during Top Gun, we fell apart afterwards. I know Allie and Javy stayed in touch though.”
“Yeah, that’s how Tasha and I were during Top Gun,” Bradley told her, “She was this spitfire of a pilot and had decided that she and I were going to be friends and there was no arguing with her. She reminded me of you and it was back when we weren’t talking.”
“I’m happy you had somebody when I couldn’t be there for you,” Erin told him truthfully, “But I hope it never reaches that point again.”
“I won’t let it,” Bradley assured her, “I’m different now, so are you.”
“Yet we still found our way back to each other,” Erin commented, smiling at Bradley. She couldn’t imagine being with anyone who wasn’t Bradley Bradshaw.
Allison was startled out of getting ready by a doorbell ringing through the little base house that her and Erin were sharing. She opened the door to reveal Jake staying there. He was in a nice button down, jeans, and unsurprisingly, cowboy boots. In his hands he held a bouquet of assorted flowers. When he saw her his eyes widened slightly. Her hair was loose and down, she was in a very simple dress that complimented her figure, and she had on makeup that wasn’t too crazy yet still complimented her facial features.
“Cat got your tongue, cowboy?” Allison teased, taking the flowers from his outstretched hand.
“Can’t help it when I’m looking at a pretty lady, such as yourself,” Jake responded, following Allison inside as she went to find a vase for the flowers.
“Who said I was a lady?” Allison smirked at him, “So, you finally going to tell me what we’re doing tonight? You have not been very forthcoming with details.”
“I figured I could cook for you?” Jake asked, raising a bag of groceries that Allison had been too distracted to see.
“Don’t ruin my kitchen,” Allison told him, which he took as permission to start working. Allison gathered two wine glasses for them, grabbing a bottle her and Erin had stashed away. Jake had gotten some water boiling for pasta and was beginning to make pasta sauce.
“Where’s your other half?” Jake asked her as he began cutting some vegetables, “I figured I’d see her lurking somewhere around here.”
“She’s with Maverick and Rooster,” Allison responded, “She only comes home if she needs clothes or other essentials. Other than that, she’s been staying with them.”
“I wonder how pops feels about having two lovebirds under his roof,” Jake chuckled softly.
“I think he’s just happy to have them home,” Allison took a sip of her wine, “If what Erin has told me is anything to go by, it’s been awhile since the three of them have seen each other.”
“Hmmm.” Jake seemed to be lost in thought as he continued to cut up the vegetables.
“Penny for your thoughts?” Allison asked, setting her wine glass down on the counter.
“Erin told me something… after that first fight we got into before the mission,” Jake admitted, “I can’t help but think about it.”
“What did she say?” Allison questioned with a tilt of her head.
“She said that one of these days you’re going to stop giving me chances,” Jake responded, moving to put the vegetables in a pan on the stove with some tomato paste.
“Oh…” Allison nodded, watching Jake cook. He couldn’t quite meet her eye, but Allison could see something written across his features. She chose to call it regret.
“I just don’t, I don’t want to mess this up again,” Jake finally looked up, “This is going to sound bad, but all I could think when I heard Maverick, and then Rooster, go down is thank god it wasn’t you.”
“I get it,” Allison admitted to him, “That’s the exact thought going throuh my head when Maverick chose Rooster instead of you.”
“Why?” Jake asked her, his surprise at her words evident in the way his eyes widened, “I was horrible to you before the mission. I have done nothing to earn your worry.”
Allison stepped closer to him and cupped his face with one hand, “You didn’t have to earn, you just had it. You are deserving of kindness and good things. I don’t know why you acted the way you did while we were training, I’m not going to push you to talk about it, but nothing you do could make me hate you.”
“What did I do to deserve you?” Jake looked at her, that one question almost breaking her, “I thought I was going to lose you on that damn mission and I just thought that I would never get the chance to tell you…”
“Tell me what?” Allison asked, her eyes searching his as if he held all the answers to the universe.
“That I love you,” Jake confessed, glancing away afraid. Afraid she was going to reject him even after all this time.
“I love you too,” Allison confessed in turn, drawing his eyes back to her. They stood their for a beat, just looking at each other, before Jake leaned down and captured her lips with his own. She kissed back, her hands moving to rest on his shoulders.
“The foods going to burn if you keep distracting me like that,” Jake quipped once they had pulled away. Allison giggled softly, shaking her head in amusement.
“You better get back to work than,” Allison pushed him gently, “Cause I’ve been promised dinner.”
“Yes ma’am,” Jake turned back to the food, stirring the vegetables in the sauce as the pasta boiled in a different pot. The rest of the night was easy. A little wine, a little food, maybe something a little more. It was the peace Allison had been searching for…
Somebody had the bright idea to make a ‘Daggers’ group chat. Erin and Allison both had their bets on Fanboy. From that group chat came the idea of having a barbeque before everyone was sent back to their separate squadrons. Allison had to do some extra convincing with Jake and Erin was the one who convinced Pete to let the group use his backyard, but soon enough the backyard barbeque had made its way out of the group chat.
“Erin! Allie!” Neil yelled out, catching both girls' attention as they walked into the back yard, plastic bags full of paper plates and plastic utensils in tow, “Come play cornhole with us.”
“Against you and Callie? No way,” Allison refused, “When have Erin and I ever stood a chance?”
“Oh come one,” Neil pouted slightly, “We promise to take it easy.”
“Come on, Allie,” Erin dragged her over to their friends. Allison went along, shaking her head the entire way. After about twenty minutes of playing, Bradley and Jake both walked over to the group. Allison and Erin were genuinely shocked to see the two of them joking with each other.
“What did you say to Jake?” Erin muttered to Allison.
“Nothing, honestly,” Allison muttered back, “I thought it was something you said to Bradley.”
“What are our favorite girls up to?” Jake asked, slinging an arm around Allison’s shoulder. The girls could hear Neil and Callie complaining about the two distracting them from the game.
“Just getting our asses kicked at cornhole,” Allison replied, “What about you two conspirators?”
“Yeah, when did the two of you become best friends?” Erin crossed her arms, looking at the two boys.
“Rooster over here was just groveling at my feet for being his savior,” Jake smirked at Bradley, teasing him.
“If you say so, Hangman,” Bradley rolled his eyes, placing an arm around Erin’s waist. Allison and Erin made eye contact and started giggling.
“Hey, lovebirds!” Natasha yelled out to the quartet, “Mav has an announcement for us all, stop flirting and get over here.”
The four all moved to gather around Pete, who had just rejoined the group after getting pulled away for a call. Pete was full of barely contained excitement as he looked at the pilots and WSOs.
“So I just got off the phone with Admiral Bates,” Pete explained, “And it has been decided that the Daggers will be staying here as a new fighter squadron. I was supposed to wait until all of your leave was up, but since I have you all here I might as well. Your main mission will be flying missions that no one else can, but you will also be pulled in to help teach Top Gun classes.”
“All of us, sir?” Allison asked, looking around at everyone.
“All of you, even the ones who didn’t fly the mission,” Pete confirmed. Cheers erupted amongst the group, everyone turning and hugging each other as excited chattering fell over the crowd. They were getting to stay together, all of them.
“I knew they couldn’t split us up,” Erin declared, “We’re just too good to be split.”
“Everything will be completely explained once your leave is over,” Pete told them, “But for now just enjoy your time off. You all earned it.”
Taglist: @djs8891
#my oc#ocappreciation#top gun maverick oc#fd: top gun maverick#top gun oc#fd: top gun#top gun fanfiction#top gun maverick fic#bradley bradshaw fic#jake seresin fic#oc: erin bell#oc: allison delaney#li: bradley rooster bradshaw#li: jake hangman seresin#bradley bradshaw x oc#jake seresin x oc#rooster x oc#hangman x oc
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